The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-09-03, Page 15WEDNESDAY,:SEPTENiBER 3rd. 1969 it New ..-T, ;4;g^%irblryf 71.'PRI; ;T THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,ONTARIO ' PAGE. FIFTEEN reds Will Teach hi.. Guelph. THQM.PSON• '- • ' Pine .River United' Church was the setting' for the wedding of Joyce Marie Thorburn and' David Brian., '. Thompson on 'August. 16: 1969 at' 3 p.m... Flowerbaskets of. shasta • daisies and white and. yellow .. gladioli decorated the church •17ev ; J. C; of Pine River • Uit ted-Churcfl offrcrated-ax-the double ring ceremony. ' • The .bride is the daupter.of Mr. And Mrs.' Duncan•S. Thorburn of .Arimberley and, the groom ie the son of Mr. and Mrs.. H.D. "Bud's. • •Thompson of Luc know . The bride;'.;given in marriage by her :father, wore a. white` floor '' length gown'of c, rystalette over - peau; de sole featuring; a gathered mandarin collar, wrist. -length,, bouffant sleeves and gathered • ' waist with, floating.t ain.. Her headpiece was,of beaded:lace with jewel; insets. The bride 'carried a .cascade bouquet of white 'Shasta '••. daisies, yellow roses:, stephanotis •and :ivy, - a -rd lii•stle-of St4.•tfetcl was.'matron. offhonour: Miss Lorna Woods. of London, Miss Janet Thompson of Lucknow , sister of the, groom, and Miss Judy Thorburn o. •Am•er ey; sister o t e .rife, 'were•,bridesmaids. Dresseddentic- ,•al1y, ;they wore ,sleeveless: pique blue nadrine'Owns with stand up collars and draped panels: trimmed with white cotton lace They wore white picture hats and carried 'baskets': of.s'nasta daisies, stephan Otis and ivy. ' . . Richard''Thistle of Stratford was best than. Douglas MacKinnon of ra r oo Fri'-tbs'on f Kitchener and Wayne: Nixon of Ripley were ushers: ' Organ•selections were playea Dy Mrs . Gordon, ivlontgornety of Following the • wedding a recept-:. ion' was held in the Kincardine • . Curling Club, The bride's mother received•,rt a guests in a turquoise crimpknitr dress with Matching hat, black shoes and handbag and a ;corsage of cymbidium orchids. ., The groom's mother were a coat • • dress ensemble ofshrimp crimp- Knit with 'matching hat and shoes and a corsage ctf cymbidium Orchids, • ' A recept"ion for wedding guests and other friends and relatives was lieicLthe sa bl ninrriaids Corners hall.. For travelling the bride chose an, "Town Crier" THORBURN' A-line long sleeved knit dress of powder blue and a corsage of cymbidium orchids:. . • Mr and Mrs. David Thompson, wail'. reside at 125 Raymond' St. ; Guelph. .Both are employed by •: the Wellington County Board of Education and..will teach in Public -Snhools�irrGuelph Mildsnay,Photo • A.ccident Victims Showing -Pr -ogres DUNGANNON NEWS. David Bere• returned', hojiie. frorn; Godericli hospital Wednesday. Jerry Bere is slowly regaining; consciousness :in London's Victoria hospital,,, John Stanbury is expected to be in traction' for at least two months',,. Ross Rutledge is making as favourable prngres_as can he expected... Mrs.. Don: Nicholson,, Mrs, -John Park, Mrs,. Mary Bere, Ruth Bere and Mrs • W.ilrner Rutledge of Nile have made frequent visits to the b•oys, who are,all /n London; Mrs, Vere Cunningham and. 'Lorne Auburn visited on Sunday with Mrs'. Lillian; MacDonald and Frank Moulton. BeV Shepherd of Goderich and. her sister Janet MacDougall of Toronto visited over the .weekend' with Mr. and' Mrs. Jim Rivett. and fa rnily ,: Mrs. D. S, Fines ,'Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Wilbur and Bradley returned to Toronto Monday after'spending the summer holiday .in their home... Mr ;and Mrs.. Delmar Maize and two children of Scarborough have been' holidaying in.their surnmer home there :Mr.• and Mrs, Bob. Foulds and baby David of St.. George visited Sunday -at the home: of Mr. and ' Mrs. Cecil Blake. Others• who visited' included• Roy Maize and • 1vir and :Mrs . Clifford .Crozier .of • Goderich. • .HIGHWAY 86, -- MILES EAST' OF •LUCKNOW CANADA VINEGAR ,,,... >.,.. •NABISCO ,RICE FLAKES . ,.,...., 10: OZ•. 160; OZ:-- 71e: e: TOMATOES AND.POTATOES „- GOOD ,QUALITY'. attended the Stoltz-Tsukado wedd- ing in Japanese Culture, Centre ,"T Toronto• on Saturday • Mr. and Mrs. Edwin;Yule and family of Chesley visited, with Mr.. and—Mrs. Earl Yule and family on . Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Harvey 1 innigan • Detroit called on. Mrs.. Minnie. Jones and Melvin and Mr. arid Mrs Alv.•in Sherwood on Sunday. , • Word' has,' been received .here' of. the. passing of Gerald Curry: in Toronto on Saturday -,;August. 30th. H_e has_'been in ill health for a number of years; . Services were held from Jerret Funeral'Horne, ;Toronto • ' and Mrs. Ken Park, Brian, Grant and Norman'of Oraagevilie spent the weekend ..with .Mr and Mrs:—Ben--Park and family., Mr.. and 'Mrs.:. K., K. Dawson • • • us To astern Fair, London TompAY, SEPTEMBER i AND SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER" • Will Leave Lucltnow at8:30am.: Z.$0. per' :person .'•ANYONE.INTER;ESTED CONTACT, ''MONTGOMERY MOTORS 528-3007 :ar-395-5341 AFT -ER -6=044.7 -BY. SEPTEMBER 9th 4,41 •• VARIETY Children's ; Turtleneck 'Pullovers ` COTTON RIB INTERLOCK ASST., COLOURS, 3-6x:. LUCKNOW AGENT WINGHAM' CLEANERS COMES .THREE 'TIMES A :WE'EK MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY LATEST EQUIPMENT NOW IN OPERATION anti•- '2 WAY STRETCH .NYLONS — 1st QUALITY :• IOr1 Sachet Balls :. .r• FOR CLOSET, BOUDOIR, BATH, ETC:, — REG..59c SMART CHECKS AND STRIPES ' SHIRT PRESHRUNK ' • • 'ASST.: COLOURS': 34x '• • n's ALL NYLON` REG. Sao. Plastic Lunch Kits ASST. COLOURS REG.' 22.10 4. ABOVE.�SALE ,PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMB . ER 5 6'8 9 10 en's Crew :Neck T Shirts. 10096 -COTTON -ti= -RE. en's Forest -Greet WC:rkT: !ant$ Repeat This Special Again We VALUE $3.98 $33.33.33 ...... »i• -; .•i•+II4+»t+++».».4:4 ; Conslructiofl Pap soo 69c Peanut • ... Brittle . � NOW 35c•� OL DE.:1YME CANADIAN —' REG. 39c SLAB 25 COLORS -1— 5O -SHEETS EG