The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-07-23, Page 23WEDNESDAY, JULY 23rd, 1969 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL; LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE TWENTY•THREE isitors From Asch Homes es rn!AiAIVG►Fi6% UItluJ� KINGSBRIPGE NEWS •'Last week was a busy one for the Van Osch, families at Malton Airport, ' Last°Monday, July 14, Rev. Fr.. .John Van Ras. of Holland arrived to nd three wee41vsitin and uncle Mr, and Mrs Jack V:an (*h Q'n.Wedn esday, July 16, Mr.;and. Mrs, Martin Theunisan Of Holland arrived to spend four?'weeks, visiting Mrs,' Theunissan's cousin, Mrs. .Jack Van Osch•.and Mr. 'Van O'sch.. On Thursday, July 17 , •Mr', and Mrs. Bill Van Osch and family motmot- bred to Malton to meet Ann's sister Sister Henrika ,' who has been teach- ing in Aruba, South America , for - the past six years. She will spend two weeks with her sister...ard •fam- ily before leaving 'for a'visit with relatives in Holland; • An 'Interesting Association -Wit TheName � Lucknow; In correspondencewith Rev , Glenn Noble, new minister of the ',Lucknow ,, South Kinloss and Dungannon Presbyterian Churches, who is still livingin • Kitimat Brit _ish Columbia before,taking up his • duties here .in September, we •are advised of,the, following interesting. item concerning the name Lucknow. ;We' quote Rev..Nobler "In keeping with, the histrory, of` the name Lucknow you might be 'interested in, knowing that•there is a .man, Mr. • Steve Stevenson whom 1 worked withr on the Museumboard in Kitt- mat whose .relatives served Britain in the East India Trading. Co, and• • also 'in the war or rebelii;o; • which Lucl<now is named..`One of hisarelatives, Sir Thomas Munro was the first Governor 'of Madras Two of his relatives •Sir. Henry.. • Morrison' and his great greatgrand- lather, Robert Stevenson fought r.n . • ..that.particular. uprising LUCKNOW AGENT WINGHAM, CLEANERS ,..COMES, THREE TIMES A WEEK MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY ' LATEST EQUIPMENT NOW IN OPERATION HOLIDAYS 'JULY 26 AUGUST 5 Ieflhs1OrtreIuSpodjflaflS• _ Q r-�•-``Brief REG. $1.39 • en's "Tiger" oys'. Brand REG. .2s Penmafls" :T Skirts 88c 8 16' SOLID COLOR REG. 98c Sisters eet After -25 Years LOCHALSH NEWS Visiting Mrs. Wellington: Webster • is her sister Mrs. Michael:Krow- chuck of Saskatoon, ' Saskatchewan. The, sisters are having a good time, to -tether since, this 'is the first. timein 25 years that theyhave' • seeneach' other Mrs Fred'Tushingham of Los • •An eg,ie, sCalifornia•` C1i'fornia is. . wit her mother•vrs. : 'George Scott and :v'isite'd with Mrs. • • Oliver •McCharles 'during 'the past • 'week.. .• `Miss a e 'ef and the Robb n Moncrx J. sisters are erri'ployed at•Sauble •, -,Beach forthe' summer . ..Miss Jean Webster is :employed at‘a surniner, resort,north'of Hunts- vi.11e ;Holida in - with"Mr.:,and. Mrs'::; Y g Gordon Finlayson are Mr.• ; and' M'rs.. 11 Rogers-ou aiid=faT?n1y-and M and Mrs', Paul Ember1in. fi::all • of Toronto and; R'od Finlayson•of Sarnia,.' Y. • Mr',a d n Mrs'.: MacLean Bell and -family. of Western :Canada ' areholi da in�� with Mr., and. M:rs.. Y g George .Moncrief The ,Ash.field. Township .Federation iculture:'Directors met on. • •ay evening at 'the hQrneof, . Mr; and Mrs. Oliver IMLcCharles: Beverage Set, Gass.: LARGE PITCHER WITH 6 GLASSES REG.. $2.98' r r:. RoA, Garden Hose ,` Paper Plate gaper: Plate . (411 PACK)' (100.PACK) of i gr Thursd Jh-m-S impsonsh-as-r--et u rried=h o -m e— . from 'Wingham and 'District 'Hospit- i • The•.MacK'enzie reunion was held on•:Saturday', at Reids Corners Hall. r.• an ors. favi• o.. av: -returned home from their honey- .. moon and .Nave taken up residence ;in the -former Jack:Bradley house Several of,the MacDonald family.: • gathered at the Dan MacDonald .home for' the week -end, Ruth Thompson Is° Guest Sped To keep your .car running well, bring it W • e II look it over and .under '.:, make any needed repairs , prepare it for carefree summer driving. Reasonable rates, too: BIBLE SCHOOL. CONTINUED FROM:P I.GE 2 Klippe. The .Primary B leaders'' were : Miss Carol Culbert, Miss Marsha Hodges and Miss Ann Erringto'n . The'Junior De artments A' and P B also: combined. to present their part of the, programme. Along with sin •in•. some of •the •roup read . scripture passages and shoW:'. 'ed how they aPPlied to theirlives atiome •at Play, 'and at+church.,:. h ,; Leaders of the Junior A class were: Mrs. Harve•Mole,' Mrs, Clare y Johnstone, 'Brenda .Jardine, and.'Eliz- abethJohnston.Mrs. Cliff Ronlston Jackie Cooper, •and Karen Gaunt taught the Junior B: Class. - There . There was no teen class this year/, ,but some of the'teens gave leader- ' ... . i. --. Ro'salea Hackett; spoke on behalf of: the teens. explaining how they en- joyed ,their njoyed,their work and how they look- ed forward to another year when: .: u1d-help-a-ga in-art'--a-acat-rron school The. many parents• and interested: adults who came for this final:even- mg were pleased with the present- ations and were impressed with the. many handicrafts on display..:~ •Much credit for the success of .the. school must go.to the very capable director.,' Mrs. Ben •Malda . music' director, Mrs •,Tom Pritchard; • pianist, Miss' :Nancy Walden, :. ,• , •recreation staff,' Shelley Alton, 0_Cq .eSSV1L. AMBRRLEY NEWS Reids Corners Women''s Institute • held their regular meeting on ••Wed nesday evening•,• July 16.. After the opening exercises the roll call was: answered with "A •blessing of Health During the business period,. the treasurers' report was given, which showed a .good balance he tip Lt) the Log. Cabin at Southampton was enjoyed by the' Comers five ladies who attended from Reids Mrs.. Perrin Lowry introdueed'' "the "H-o-me--E•eotiblifi-es -nd H-ea-lth" She stated that one must avoid worry and over, indulgence which is detrimental to health.. She also said that we must begin while young to• prepare .'for old, age by creating interests. Mrs. Eldon Bradley thanked Miss Thompson and presented her with a .gift.` Kaye Dustow „Debbie Debbie Olson and Karen .Rivett the kitchen staff .who• provided. •refreshements each day; who and all the parentsand others_a saw' that the children arrived at the .school every day. ' ' s. I• • The number: of children' from each church reresented•is'as follows: P Dungannon United Church 23; Nile United'. Church 20; `Port Albert .Unit= • .3;_ t e ens United Church 4; Hacketts ` inited'.Church 8; Slakes United Church 7; • • Donnybrook. United:•Church 8; .�I:uck now. United Church' 26; Lucknow }• Presbyterian Church 13;' Dungannon • Presbyterian Church 3;' Lucknow Christian Reforrned Church 60; Lucknow Anglican Church .8. k to THROUGH LIFE INSURANCE Mrs.: ;Perrin Lowry gave the Motto on the different. vitamins--sa-essent- ial to health. • 'After the closing ode and grace, lunch was served by the hostesses • Mrs Cecil• Humphrey and Mrs. guest Speaker 'M'iss Ruth-Tfhorri'psoir-teon-ard Reid and' a social -time• who gave an interesting address :on followed , • ONTA'CT J:inahaan R.R. 2 LuctmsW • Plums Winghim 357-1910: SUN LIFE ASSURANCE, C OM -PAN Y- O FICA -NDA •4y