The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-07-23, Page 21WEDNESDAY, JULY 23rd, 1%! 'THE. 'LUCKNOW SENTiNEC; LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 'With.'the amalgamation of the , 'after and many others, Altons., three point charge of Hacl<etts, ;Stothers, Gibson; Ivlclvlillan,'Srnej Blakes and Zion, into the Ashfie;ld "; tier, Irwins, .i\1u11ns., Barkley,. , United. Church, the following • ; McDonagh Sherwood, Andrew, article will be of particular interest Webster, etc. , to build their` cab-. at this time . •• • ins and :clear a few acres for susten- It; was: believed to have 'been ance., One of the earliest projects' written about',1940 and: possibly: aFP." was to build..a. school house where eared in. the I{ondon• Free Press. •'.f. Hacitett's Church now sta.nd's ;4 1'4 ;,lvl.rs. Archie (Verna Stroud) Poll- Iir. ackson as teacher . Wer a o .on, on ana a native n s - notkwho field recentl °foud the artic.1ena Were but in 485.8 • and 11r5e5 s 4r preac Rev urse• of.her' mo`ther's while p • ;Thoinas Ad kin, a;New •I,\iethot1;t housecleanm g.'•,She sent•it to;Mrs, 'Minister from Goderich t.•came to'• Robert Helm of.Ashfield• who•.gawe• the settlernent and- organized a. into The Sentinel with -tire. thou ht- class with a 1\.1r Hackett as class - that it was timely with the changes. leader. From that time to theP.re that: had been .made in the three• • • sent, services, have been held in'• • Ashfield con ons. re ati g $• - this place . .: The article, •which was written by Named 1lackett`s A . Af?.oint ient;.it • . a W:TI,'Johnston, , :read as: follows: formed. the nucleus. of religious a load of hay and from the time •he bean this, good work he never- ' had a 'shortage of hay for the needs of his stock.. • Conspicuous. among the ministers �.of the early 7Q's• were Revs. Jaynes. Walker:,, John Dochstander•and :. • • Thomas Jackson, men who ..prayer ineeti gs 'to- the' south on the eighth concession and thus . hers ' la;id the foul dation for- the open -77. ing .bf-:an a•ppoin•trn.ent at Blake's. In 1t 7S, the Ashfield' Circuit consisted of font appointments.,, . :Blake's on theeighth concession, Hackett'son; the -10th, Zron i the 12th, and Hope on the 13th, about two miles apart in each case and. ' • yet these.•ch.ur.ches were well-fill- ed and their,aminister well -.proud- ed for: It was an absolutely rural circuit with the Parsonage inthe village of Lucknow. •With two preaching services at' Blake's and one at each of the other three ,,every•Sabbath five • services had to be: provided for and: thus a number, of "local preachers"' were• pressed .into the word<.. Some , of these later became full- fledged ministers as: Rev'. N. Miller, of thel3ritith_Colum.bia Conference, and Revs.. D'r. R. �Barnbya;nd J,;A Agnew.; of London;, besides John Elliott, Goderich a leading lay' man of the•United Cluirch, and Rev. I W.. Kilpatrick., of Strath- " ro•y. A niong the other local prea - chersth;e following„may`be'ntent- Toned: Day.id� A new' ohn• Ta for • g. , J y R.E. Brown'• R: Murddoc'k William. Gardnert Jarnes.iunter Wil , . 1 iam Johnston°•;. James •Hunter,: Sam: uel'Sherwood, Allan Bowles,' Ernest Sherwood, John. F ..,Andrew Jr., , and D. A=_Andrew How, frequently:we hear the wish expressed that the fathers and'tnnoth ers of 80. to •90: years* ago could see thetransforrhation that has taken place in this new land of Canada: We think •of them in their struggles, •to:clear the land, grow enough to' .• feed their •,families and their animals,'. build homes and barhs and pay the awful mortgage that encumbered almost every farm.,„ In no, way has. their work been .'more fruitful than. n their. efforts to provide schools and',chiurches for.. the people..' As an' illustration Aof'. • • , what' we''mean allow me to call attention to the Ashfield Circuit of , 'tite,form.er Methodist Church, now, the United'Church ” It was not 'until :about 1848 that .a large influx of settlers carne -pouring into the northeaster. ly portion of Ashfield Township;_ C-ottnty of i Itivnrctti�d-Be1€a, and Lucknow. •One of the first'sett-. lers.was a Joseph *Hackett;;' Other Members, of his family came soon.' services for an .extended.area, After 'him carne Rev:, (Hill am Birks, filled with zeal for•:the spread`. of the Gospel,' It was during his pastorate,in January, .1857, •that a cause:'' was begun at Zion on 'the 12th concession, nearlytwo miles; farther north:, Hackett's , being situated on the 10th concess, • ion • ••. • • • In 1867 ,the -Ashfield Circuit was: established, consisting of the two appointments,' .Hackett's and, Zion. Though the,rnembershiP was • fairly large yet the people had .litt- le cash but they kept, a minister and paid him 'or .rather tried to • payhim a salar in the 'e hbor Y r} .g. hood of $350, a year; though there were .deficits. in many of tbe:'lean•: years.However, We should • mention that these pastors' of the early days were often presented ' • with a: bag of oats for their horse•by some of heir+.,supporters;:'One of these. good' men, Robert•Cranston . by name, told mei``that• for several yearshe always tookthe minister, • PAGE; TWENTY-ONE:' What a' school for the training: of preachers, was: this' Ashfield, Circuit. Not ohly for; preaching bdt for gen ..c 1OOI upening 13Y RICHMOND AT. KEY • Preliminary arrangement's for the formal opening of Robertson Mem- orial'Public School, Goderich,, were made by Huron:County Board , of,Education at its meeting in 'entral Huron Secondary School Board om_, C 1tnto;n Members of the special commi- ttee were named as follows: chair - 'man and vice-chairman of the board; a'dministrative• officers -of -the -Board yin i ah of . �,P P the school; and Mrs, J. W:,/ Wallace Goderich, a Board member. No date has yet been set'.' . Mrs. Wallace broughtup the. matter of erecting fences, to sep- arate the school's playgrounds from a row of residencies, D.J. Cochrane director of edaication, was•instruct- e d to look into the matter and bring in a recommendation`.: • 'The Board. received a 'letter from eral .public service. • Almost• a•11 of 'these youngmen could do creditab- le• work in •public speaking anywhere :but , best of all their: • work resulted in fine spiritual .rowth• for themselves and the congre Tg.ations'of the circuit, 'Another.distinctive feature,of the Ashfield. Circuit's work was the holding of an annual. Sunday School' convention for the whole :circuit'but. but changed,yearly,until the four appointments" were gone over. Today, after almost 90:'years ;of continuous. reli ious services this •rur-al, circuit ,` whose..membershi� P with .one or two exceptions , *is of.farsners and their 'fam- ihes, is a..much alive org anizat ion and appears to begood for poss ibly another,.century. R ESTABLISHED -•.1909, HOWA1 Q-L1iGREW ---.- MARG AGNEW AUTOMOBILE .• ' FIRE* LI'ABILITY INYESTIVIENTS GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES COURT CLERK - ELEVENTH DIVISION' COURT ,COUNTY OF BRUCE:: Lucknow, Ontario r.' HAVELOCK STREET OFFICE .L.'PHONE 528.2942 Donald -Edward•; secreta-ry, Goder ich Raceway, requesting the free evening use ;of the playground at Victor Lauriston Public School, Goderich, as an overflow parking • lot °for•harness•racing patrons at the Fair Grounds: Permission was' granted on motion _ef D J. Murphy,: Goderich, and James' Taylor, Hensall, on condit Ian' thatany damage, owever caus,' ed, would..be:'the :responsibility of the Raceway. .Mr . Edward conrnented in :his 'letter. -We. will return it to.you in • Ieveti better condition than at pre- • sent...:: Further enlightenment was g ven. 'ries Effective SATURDAY, July .25 ant S U NWORTHY WALLPAPER :IAL SELECTION ALL TOP OF THE LINE QUALIT • e nt 4iMP. 4111.10 411111111.; 4•1110 .111111W • 0