The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-07-23, Page 20THE LUGKNOW SENTINELy: LUCKNOW, ONTARIO'. WEDNESDAY. JULY :23rd, 1149 • •4•40••••••••••••*••••••lN••••••••!••••*******f • PHONE 528.3214 TUnveiIP;lalque • L.ucKNOW' KWARDS THROUE,H....TIIE SENTINEL FILE WITH,. •MARGARET THOMPSOPI .•t* *l*i•+►••••!•••••••••••••••••••i••••i•••••- Results of the entrance class of YE• ARAGt Lucknow, Public School were as JULY 1349. . , follows. (.with the complete class of 21 students successful) Roy John.J.amzeso.Lbzsaghrthe-Boy,_ -- _,._ Mae -Mc ahon, Dorothy 0 property situated a block :south from the arena. John A . Thompson, manager of the Lucknow Branch of the Bank of. Montreal -was transferred .-to-Tweed._ ;He was succeeded by Charles Smith from the Athens Branch.. Alex. Purvis' blacksmith Shop at 'St. Helens: was destroyed by fire.. ' Mr. and. Mrs. Jack MacMillan, Boundary East purchased the vill- age residence of Mr. and . Mrs.' • I H.J.- Lindsay situated next to the 'Town Hall. A horned owl, which had: been gorging on Ernie Crawfords- chick- ens, was trapped by a couple of young`la.ds of the Village; --George Webster and Dale Haldenby. The owi ,hada wing spread of .four feet,,' two inches and a vicious looking beak About one hundred chickens. had been lost. ' Thomas J. Salkeid;'was elected: District Deputy Grand Master for North' Huron • The 'sale, of shares .in a new 1949 Ford Coach; Was ' launched'. by nem'. bers. of the Lucknow ,Legion. A play nursery, to lie known as "The Lucknow Play Nursery' was announced and, applications were being received for a .limited num- ber of pre-school children':, .. ."A'move ,was;on to have a game''': reserve ,area established.; in: the Greenock: swamp district. Nixon;: Clark Finlayson, fbpbert. Thompson, Jim •Henderson, Harold Greer, Myrtle `Hamilton. Ethel ,Brown,..George Webster,,Helen.• lv_lacLeod,'Ernie Baker,' Wilson Armstrong, Kenneth Cameron, Phyllis Cousins, Donalda Douglas, Leonard Irwin', Clare Johnstone, Winnifred Johnstone, Roszella Mullen,' Fred Steward.' Teacher, Miss Kate MacDonald. rip TO 'Owen Soon On Thursday July 17 , about forty members of the Lucknow Horticult- ural Society and a few non -mem-. ., bers enjoyed the_annual outing,. which this year was,, held in.Hardson Park, Owen Sound ;After a•pleasant dr've to Owen: Sound: alonge Highway 21; ia bus, tour of the, city..,preceded lunch -in =the park. In the afternoon with Allah Reed as genial bus driver and 'guide, there was a tour along the 'shore of Iscenic••Georgian Bay to a •bird sanc tuary.and beautiful privatepark. The summer homes, artificial ponds colorful with water lilies, : • the gorgeous'flower beds: and the ,,well -kept groundsdelighted every- • (one on the tour, p4 , 40 YEARS .AG JULY l9! Wotkhad''cornmencedin connect- ion with'the,erec.tion of a hew • schoolhouse at`Fordyce.% John. Web: ster had the honour of 'turning; the first sod in starting the .excavation work. • ,Advertisements were being carried in "The Sentinel" to se11; Delco Light, •"The 'dependable farm 'electric; plant that saves: time and ° ;labour" ...Clean electric light' for ted a�ns ottcal resume:--of.the occasion.:.'; . t This A lienford 'Pow ,Wow resulted• Alien ora in the acceptance of the Indian n..event o •grea in • -:r inter•.retation of that Part of The 1854 Saugeen, Treaty then: involved Grey ,B t e Which wsll ,always' retain historical value,•.is the,m Unveiling of the. Plaque com= emorating'the Indian Peace Meeting, ..known as"The `Flood • Wood Crossing Pow Wow of 18:55' • at Allenford;: This is ;on Highway` 21 midway between Owen Sound and'Southampron. r-•uce coup i s, and the-PeacefittSettlerrent-- rather than War, was assured in•the' two j'counties For once •therindians;won. visit to, this historic plaque and' the reading of,,the.Inscription .thereon is certainly well -worth. while to properly appreciate our historic. past . This. occasion; held Sunday; July_ 20th at 3 p.m. 'was sponsored by the Bruce County Historical Society;. The speakers' represented the ' v P__ f a 1']e_nfnrd Grey County Provinc o ntario, t D m n on; BY RICHMOND A'T. EY Welcome Pharis Mathers Presid.- • officials of the Ontario Depart- • ent of Bruce County Historical Soc iety; Greetings Wm. E. Macke, • ment•of Education offer "no possib gilia of a roval for rant" oses Warden of the County of Bruce; y pp pur p of an additional classroom at Blyth' -,Eric Winkler.,M, P. P., Murrl ; public School.. ay Gaunt.M..PP. ,„Ross Whicher , D. W,.• Scott, Regional' irec.torof M.P. , Eddie Sargent 1v1.1).1". , Education, Western Ontario Region, • Mr: Leslie Grey of Historic SiteS informed Huron County Board of Ed- 'Board .Theme Speaker - Dr. Frank ucation Monday evening that enrol - Morton 'of nrolMorton'of Southampton;, Unveiling . ment in the school did not warrant • Plaque - Representatives of the Ob . an'addition; nor a portable Indians; class;- Jl wayDedication - v.EIrn. room: nro ent { htia • • atA I y Classroom working,' sewing ,•'reading '-: :. jA keen checker 'match took place in Lucknow. with' Owph°Sound play. ers as visitors. The Lucknow'. play-.• exs..weaeho nac MacDonald, jT#homas Watson, Garfield, MacDon, Wald , Joseph .Agnew Ross McMillan. .1 The :contest "•lasted about three hours after which' all enjoyed. lunch, 'at•the .home'ofMr.' Agnew,. The score•'stood 110. points for te visit- ors'and 90 for.Lucknow , with :a' return game planned. `ROUND 'STEAK,' Full Slice.. _ LB... 99c PRIME RIB STEAK LB. 99c ;IDEAL FOR .THE: BARBECUE GROUND BEEF . 99,c HOME=MADE SAUSAGE • 2 'LB.: 99c ., PORK OR -BEEF EF LIVER 3 LB. :99c PIECE. OR SLICED PORK. HOCKS ____L____,_-�- —________L_____„... ___` 3 LB. 99c LOIN OR RIB PORK CHOPS LB. 89c. 10 LB.. LOT OR MORE ___________L___. LB. 79c PORK:' BUTT • CHOPS LB. 69c PORK •FRESH HAM ROAST B. 69c ' .education for: the• County, reported. th'at.lnssf.'• a.s the size of. the.play- • RK STEAK LB 5 '11111.1. 4111110..4111111. .61110. 4110111b ill.. 411111. 41111111.: c ground• is concerned, the matter of an, awdliary playground has been d-isc_ussed ,with-the--Super'-ntendent.y, of .Schools and' the Principal 'of the' school '. : .• •.b A. W. Bowden of Allenford; Thanks ' averages 33.3 pupils to a classroom, to all Parties assisting, Chair-: es from.24 to 26, Whereas • '' '• but varies Man; Benediction - Re0 . D. W. : • 35 pupils is the standard 'in this Archibald of Tara,,, Ontario.. school. Removal of the classroom The' piaque Was unveiled by Mr..' from the stage of t ''aud toriui--7-4-a-nd and Mrs. Joseph Ackiwenzie of would seem to be a matter of Cape Croker. ,• p internal organization, he said . Dr, Morton and Jose h Ackiwenzi 1).J. Cochrane, director of 'He said that it was their consider.ed and unanimous opinion' that the difficulties involved in the supervision of two playgrounds,_ the supervision of' pupils travelling to and from. the second playground and the., loss of 'titre involved', far• outweigh any advantage'that might be gained. The present 'site. of biapkis five- acres -4n -- extent . • : . The director of education stated he was scheduled to meet with the architect, Donald Snider. Mr-. Empey ,' Huron-€-ounty' - -Health Unit, Tuesday, regarding the 'septic system at Blyth public School. ' Fronts_of Beef W. 55'c Side of Beef 16. 65c' k'�de A Pork off PHONE' 395-2961 OPEN= SATURDAY -NIGHT- ILL' 10 P.M LOSED THURSDAY .AFTERNOONS