The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-07-23, Page 8THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ••••= • CRAWFORD MOTORS CRYSLER - DODGE - PLYMOUTH WINGHAM ONTARIO PLYMOUTH4door-hardtop " 8 automatic and radio • 66 BELVEDERE 4 door, 6 automatic 65, FORD, 4 door, 6 automatic and radio • - 65 FORD, 2 door hardtop, console • and bucket seats 5 CHRYSLER, 4. door hardtop, power steering, brakes and radio 2 — 65 DODGE, 4 door sedans, a standard with radio and a 6. automatic 63,CHEV stationwagon • 63 .CHRYoor bard oitir power steering, bralces and radio 63 FORD, 4 door sedan, 6 automatic 62 'PONTIAC, 6 automatic • • - TRUCKS , 69 W100 FARGO, 4 wheel drive, Sno-fiter , • 65 PODGE, durinio truck 65 G.M.C.1/2 ton pick-up long wide box, Al shape 64 DODGE D500, chassis .and. cab • • • ' • . • • ' •, • Injans on the warpath • "Bar the 'doer; Matilda, and. ,elose •thein shutters! r•HenrY; •lOok' to your flintlock' -The IP' juns:pre on the War -path!" Let's hope it doesn't come to • that, but the Indians of Can- •sida, a quarter -Million of the natives Of this .vast continent, have blood in their .eye, wheth•- er it's .a product of politics' or • bean 'wine :And they don't—Sieed-iuma- •.haWks,.-boWs, andarrow's, and'. • rusty muskets this time. They have two weaPohs. ihich bring them right •intO .the nuclear age. 'One , the white., .inan's guilt coinple; With Which they • belabor- him at. every Opportu- nity,- The other . is • the mass media, „Which they are .using .with 'a..skill that would Make a public relationi man '• turn • • green. • ; There are some facts:, that confrontation. First of all tii0 Indians were -vrctims of one of • • the greatest con jobsin history when the various 'treaties' were -A- 5 • .. ety. The romantic refers back . to the "noble .red man". The pragnigist calls him "a shift - •less bum." Neither is anYwhere near the truth. Hellis a human being. He's neitheered nor any more noble' than the rest of Fornier. Ashfield / Resident Passes DUNGANNON NEWS ,.. • • Beggiey died on Prida July 18th in Leamington District • Haspital.•SheWas the former' Eliz- abeth Reid:, daughter of the late 'James Reid of Ashfield townshiP.. The fhneral "Was held Monday at ,2 p:.m. from Reids Funeiailiorne. with biirialiin the Leamington. errietery.• Beggley. was 82 or, the 12th, of' Joy: Mr: and Mrs.. Beggley.liad been martied 61 years. , • last March.. . • • • • •• WEONESI)AY, AMY 23rd, 1969 eW.rreSlael LANGSIDE' NEWS • Over &O. relatives attended the reunion of descendants'of the late John Wall and Fanny Scott, It was held at the home of Mr. and" Mrs, Bill Wall, Kincardine, Those attending were from Lucknow', HarriSton, Guelph, Ripley, water, Suatfuralea„ 1-1 •rood Dungannon, tiqowel, 'rivertOn, Toronto, London, Wing ham, Brantford and Kincardine. Everyone enjoyed a picnic dinner on the spacious shaded lalfstri. The .,. president Art Haldenby conducted . the bustheis. He welcomed all present: and gave a specialwelcorne to•several new members. The min- utes of the last reunion were read , by Gordon Wail: The treasurer's , • , report was given. • '011.7.1 Federation Discuss vurousmatters The -Ashfield TOwnship Federation of Agric'ulture.met Thursday even:- , ing at the bort-lel:of Mr. and Mrs:. Oliver MoCharles at which 'time all expenses for the. new steps at Ash- field park were reviewed and the picnic discussed. The sign that had:• been erected at the steps was, aged 'by Vandalsin the first week, giVen at Kingsbridge SehoP1and • Brookside School by "the Federation- a'nd the Farmers'"Union was a • worthwhile project and that A'sh-.1.''; field would be responSible•-tor the.- -- payme,nt of this as Wawanosh. Federation hadn't as yet comein on the project. A •fund will be set up'• to perpetuate the.award b.ein' giv- en each year to the pupils with the highest standing in Grade It was decided to place a wreath. on the graves,of John Wall and • Fanny Scott in TeesWater cemet- ery for DecgratiPn Service on Aug- '•ust 3 This will•Oe from all their• . descend,ants. The reunion next yearWill be • • heid.the 3rd Siiriclay, in July at Tees. • vI 1 111•016. Science. It wai decided to hold ,an open meeting for all residents of the Township early this Fall where all • could' express idea"s•as tip how. the Federation.should proceed t' to bes/ serve he members and all people of die Township,• . ' water. Trailer' Park with Mr. and -MisTB:61-707-16.ffat as hosts. •. • • • Th d election;of Officers took lacd and president will be Bill", Wail', Kincardine; secret ry-t reas u ter, Mrs ..Bert Moffat, TeeiWater. Y'..Lunch committee Will be Mrs.lahn • Bon'nett, Mrs. Bert Shew felt? Mrs. Jirri. Wall, Mrs. Elmer Wall; Sports• corridatte'e, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Well • and Mr. :•and'Mri: Art ).banally. • A vote Of thankg was, given ,t• O' Gordon Wall, who has: been '.secret-. • ary,treasurer since 1966: Mr and Mrs. Bill Wall were ' thanked,Tor their hospitality. • • ' • I . Third, - the paradox exists ••. ' that the Indian has . special . .' . .; 'privileges .(medical . care, fret , . • education, no takes .on the re serNer-ete.-)„-and-yet-he-is_un, derprivileged (inferior housing• . and education, plus .plain old discrimination; Social and .eco- N 110Mie.) . . * • •• •• • . . '• . . And, now, the .Federal gov- • • .- _,;•:, ernMent, with a cold logic that .1 ' seems to seep down from Mr. . Trudeau, says, ,"Put up 'or' shut - ' . • up. If you aren't happy about -, •, ..th.e way we run' things, do it*. r, , yourself:7'11'111s, 'after .years of • • ,. •. treating . reserves with all the . . largesse - and ,benevolence usually associ ted. 'with an; or- ,----fAanage. : T. ,,, • The . Federal government _proposes_to_dump_the...LIndian: prOblemon the provincial gov-• •. Have you ever , -read one? They sound great, full of poet ic stuff like," As long as the • -rivers, run to the sea, and 'the • ' grass grows to the' sky arid the mountains•do not fall down . etc., etc."' Then 'comes the crunch, in the small print': As long as the Indian stays ,on• reserve, and out -of the white ernments and'. the ' Indians . themselvesrall---m-the-tourse-of ' five years, then- fold its tent • • and steal, off into the night. -11••The provincial-, governments' , • • .want 'the Indian problem like' • they want the Black Plague. So • do the Indians. • a • •• • For 'the latter, the Canadfan government's new policy is .a smoke -screen •to cover •failure. man's hair especially the ( For the young Indians, dissolu ' • •reserves tion of the is like • scalp), he and his children and his children's children shall re- burning yOur•13bats behind you.. ceive-annual---boulitYL-frOm- •'For the inideb-aged and elder- ' the: Great White Queen across *. lYi' it is terrifirmg• • the Big Water. , Indian leader Wilmer Nadji For a whole Indian band,' ' won -of ' Cape Croker put it 't iti nigh • e ,000 poun s ster- ' uecintlY;-if he said the new legislation. ling. Not cash annually, but ,1 . only the interest thereon. Fig- - 1 , would allow an Indian to sell 1 •-• :lire out sometime what the in- ' his property for two bottles of . ' terest is on 1,000 pounds' ster. 1 wine. That doesn't solve a I. . ling in • 1969. ' Yes • inflation I/ problem. It creates • • has caught up with 'the, Indian, •i ' Treaty, Day, according to, similation. They want help .to redress for 200 years of being• ' fair at the reserves, Each In- • • considered second-class Cana- dian family received its share .• • • of the loot. and avaricious mer: ; • Some reserves are worthless chants gathered, from miles mere slum, areas; Some are ex- aroUnd-to -separate-the Indian - and his tteaty..money as quick- ly as possible, Today, he might resort areas. How does even' •body get a fair share if these be able to buy a few bottles of • lands are handed back to the • ' • '),Idians themselves, for clispos- Second, 'the Indian culture • dissimilar to that M. the White -t. • roure not --g-onTe-to Settle too., . , • The Indians don't want is - get on their feet• and some old-timers, used to be a real • .it,,is_quite' al: as they see fit? • •• man's. It is based on commu- that one in five year, Pierr( rathet t4an .cut,throt soci. Elliott. • • , • Miller conducted race's arid candy scrambles'. The following•were the • winners: unapt. 5 7 Kevin Danahy; n Girls 5 and under? Daw•Wa,11;• • Boys 5 and tinder.; Tommy Wall, Boys 5 - 7, Joey Wall; Girls 8 - CarPlytin Bonnett; Boys 8 , 10, Kevin Wall; Girls over. 10, Lois. Wall; Boys over 10, Kenny 'Wall; Ladies, Betty Wall; Men., Doig •Wall; Sack.race:tinder. 10, Joey, Wall; over 10, Kenny .Wall; Kick • the slipper ,.ladies, Mrs, Morley- Wall; men, :Georg. Wall; Oldest lady, Mrs.. Joe Wall, teesurater; Mrs. Dave Wall and Mrs. Don Oldest man, Joe Wall., Licknovi. .• • „ ' • MOM NM . •.*!pepal minerals i• • co • cattle r'2:::::',.'..7i. , . • I -:4-•-.. --,:,_,,,!...±_..._:_„, ,.. essential Mineral's- I ' .Ili iii,4,2, toe cattle. . i -i- merefois • • • • • sue suoinisse.• tlielbe AEON . • ' SHUR-GAIN has three .mineral products •designed to custom-fit.all cattle ,feeding programs- , • •• . • , • , 1 . SHUR-GAIN DAIRY CATTLE: . MINERAL - feed fre_e choice,to cattle on high legume forage ratiOris, +JUR-GAIN ESSENTIAL CATTLE MINERALS' - , feed free choice to cattle on hi h ain or ain lus iilage rations; • 'SHUR-GAIN PECIAL CATTLE MINERALS feed free choice to cattle on high grain or grain Plus silage rations where high salt content in water is present- • Place your order to -day fortheSHUR GAIN mineral that fits into your cattle feedingprogram. • SHUR•GA1N feed service L roducts• rIC.NOW 026 ' • ' • • v vavvarovvv.vvvv, vtv,vv, - v -volv.,s;vkav ova 1-4 Ivry. vivvv. avIvevovv.Tv V- a vv.c..Vivs.v. ..ix. Vvvolv,. tiv41v vv¢i, • • e'"" . . _ . 'to • k . .