The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-07-23, Page 4• 'THE U.1CKNOW SE TINEL, LUCK1'19 ONTARIO • WEQNESDAY, JULY ,23rd, 190 • EAVESTROUGHING on house or Metal ashings. Roo. CHIMNEYS built. --Free, es- timates. BERG EQUIPMENT'. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R.R. 3 Holyrood, Phone 395-5390.. VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service for all. makes,, , K. Fede; . Varna, Phone 262- 5350: barn. flf 're- pairs: . Morrison Bros., 52$-2546. BE $Con THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL- is for sale at Mel'Stanley's, Supertest` in Latcknow. Pidt up an extra copy; from Mel. • FOR SALE -,12 acres of standing hay,' Timothy, , Vernal.. Alfalfa and Vie.: Will cut. 'Wilfred Hackett, • B.R. 7 Lucknow, 529-7546. FOR SALE 11 cu.. ft. automate Frigidaire refrigerator. Across the top 'freezer. In good ' condition: Greer T.V. and ''Electric, .'phone. 528-3112. JUMBO PLAYING :'.CARDS - available from the Lucknow Sent- inel , at $1.19 per deck.: If poor eyesightprevents you from enjoy= ing'a, card game, these cards with. large numbers and illustrations may be just what you need. FOR SALE 1 - 22" standard Mc - Clary range.. Greer T: V. and Elec= tric, --phone- 528-3112. • _ = FOR SALE maple buffet, table and six chairs, suitable for dining room; . 1965 Dodgesedan, 8. auto- matic with radio. Contact Jean Whitby, phone. 528-3813. " COMET WELDERS (180 and 300 amp.) compressions, grinder..s, fer- tilizer augers, power bin, cleaners, rods and accessories. George Mes- senger, area representative, R.R. 1 Ripley,: Phone 395-2815. Smith Roles Ltd., London, . Saskatoon. Try Comet before you buy. 'MOBILE HOMES THINKING-OFA--MOBILE-HOME_ QR. RECREATIONAL VEHICLE? Many makes and models to choose from.; For a better deal, drop us a • line , or 'telephone RUSTON 'MOBILE HOMES LTD:: 547 •: ••-PLAINS. RD., :• EAST .,.. BURLINGTON Tel. (Code 416) 632.8400 FOR. SALE - 47 can zero bulk tank, self' contained unit, excel- FANS FOR SALE - Good ventil ` ondition -- Ken :.Marfm; :King -ation rmits- high -density --housing of livestock and poultry more. profits'.because oft better feed. con- version . increases; animal and poultry health introduces fresh air : proper ventilation will in- crease profits. .Lucknow District Co-op. 1. . ardine, ;phone 3962408. CUSTOM/ SLAUGHTERING Every Tuesday and Thursday Pigs and , Cattle, Tuesday Cattle only, Thursday '' in by 1 p.m B;1 L. L'S"MEAT.. MARKET 'DEAD•STOCK. ; n• Fresh dead • :cows. over 1,000 pounds, $12.00: each; dead horses, $20:00 each; over 500 pounds ac- cording. to 'size. :LORENZ' REMOVAL '. DURHAM Call Collect 369-2410. FOR SALE Hoover upright vac- • uum' 'cleaner -with cleaning tools.:. Greer T.V. :and' Electric; phone 528-3112. ' SINGER. SERVICE' - Repairs to' all: ".makes and models;. Sales and. Service :.;o, n 'new products, •`:Singer Co. of Canada, phone 357-3730 after I'OR SALE aluminum aw'fling,: 10 feet long. and 4 foot drop:. Con-' • ''• -tact. Gordon Darby,, phone 528-2910'. ...'FOR' SALE - 30 acre.4 of standing •Fallj'Wheat, near Holyrood: Phone• rP•'. ADDING •MACHINES' In stock ,are two models, hand operated Victor with add and sub- tract and other • features, • $100 el- ectrically operated, : Commodore -it-h-a•11-f eater-ems1 r- e t 3 See_them °CUSTOM. BULLDOZING' -- Con- tact" Chester Nicholson, . phone 528-6745./'' :FOR SALE Farm. Wagons • Bale.Stookers' And Grain Boxes :135 ,Bu: and160 Bu. • KINTAIL GENERAL STORE Phone 5294600 PHONE SYMES BROS •,for. Brush- ed : gravel; -cement gravel pit rWr .gravel, top soil. and fill...528-5203' A REAL DEAL 1 BIC. .PENS' -7- are 'fast capturing the :Canadian market after being introduced In Cana s a a s or ime ago: The`Sentinel has a good offer: for any businessman or' anyone who uses 'a. number of pens': Buy 1 dozen Bic` 49c pens at the regular price and 'get' two dozen Bic 19c pens FREE. , A $10.44 value for $5.88. The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 528-3134. • BARN EQUIPMENT Acorn semi-automatic Cable ' Cleaners, unbeaten . for' .hog • barns; chain cleaner.,'" bunk feeders, silo .,.unload- both .at. The. Lucknow Sentinel; ers , hog equipment; • fans; . bulk phone 528-3134. tanks; Hawkeye..cast iron • hog feeder andheated cattle. 'waterers, COMING NEW CASH BINGO Legion. ` Hal}; :. Lucknow, : Thurs day, 8:45 p.m. 15 regular`. games, $10.00 each: 4 Share:. The Wealth games with jackpot. included in each game. Jackpot this week •$80 on 56 calls. • HAMILTON REUNION The Hamilton Reunion will .be held at the Ashfield park Friday,. July.. 25. RECEPTION A reception will be held for Mr. and Mrs Doug MacKinnon: at the Lucknow Legion 'Hall on Friday;; July 25th, •Boyd's Orchestra. Lunch'' will be served. Everyone welcome. • PUPPET SHOW:.. • Mrs. Shilson of Detroit will put on--a-Puppet. Show for all-' interest ed children on Tuesday, • July' 29th at . 7 p.m. in. Kingsbridge :School Gym. Admission 25c.' • WHITECHUR. CH• RECEPTION A Reception , will be held. for •Mr. and Mrs. Bevin' • Tiffin (nee Ann Marie . Leddy) in the Whitechurch Comthunity' Hall on Friday, July •25th. Music by Tiffin's Orchestra. Everybody welcome. Lunch will be provided. ASHTON, REUNION 'Any descendents'' of -the: Ashton family': and `their. -families -will-' be welcome at, the 1st `'Reunion` to be. held at .the Seaforth Park on Sun' day," July 27th at 2. p.m. MaeD• ONALD REUNION The Annual MacDonald' Clanjte-. union :will be held at Finlay and D ia}Mac-Donald's Cedar Grove, Ashfield mi. Saturday, August .2nd. •Picnic supper -at 5:pp. 1, 'ANDREW -'LANE PICNIC The 45th annual :picnic' of the. Andrew - Lane Clan will .be held on ° Sunday afternoon, August, 10th ,at Ashfield Park.•' (Note change of day.) -Keep this date •free. Further announcement later. TEN'DERSPAINTIN.�'WANGTED Until 5 pm: Thursday, July 31, 1969 -Tenders-are' invited for interior painting at the Ripley District High School, ' .Specifications may be obtained. at, the BRUCE COUNTY' BOARD OF • ' ' EDUCATION Chesley, Ontario FROM MEL WEDOW, Supervisor of Buildings and Maintenance WANTED WORK WANTED . - Bulldozing, Skidding Logs,, Hawthorns and Willows and Blade .Work, Archie Nicholson, Lucknow, phone 528- 3611. -WANTED TO ,BUY rabbits, all sizes,' . Special prices for 4 -to 6 ib. fryers. Phone Hughes 523-9424 WANTED - man to ' work as an oiler on, .a shovel. 'Robert Nicholson Construction, R,R. 1 Ripley, phone 395-2701:' OFFICE WORK, WANTED -' 'a young lady with ' Grade,:. 12. 'Com-' in.ercial. Diploma, wishes perman- ent, position: Contact Ruth White,: phone, 395-$394.' WANTED - to buy small chrome kitchen table with four matching chairs: " Ralph -Cameron; RM. 7, Lucknow, phone 529-7227. HIGHEST PREVAILING PRICES PAID RIVETT In loving memory of a dear Grampa :Thomas H. Rivett, who 'passed away one year ago July 28, 1968, w To -day brings back sadmemories To :a heart so young, yet so old For the kindness and love that you gave pus, We :are sure that your heart was of 'gold. As we travel on downlife's highway. Not many like you we meet. And. I'm sure . if God could 'have. spared you, Then . our lives would be complete So we will keep, the old flag aflying As our Saviour permits us to do Till he finds favour to call us • To go up to heaven with - you. • Always loved,, and : remembered by Norris • and Hilda. RIVE --- In loving memory.:to one' thatTT was dear to me, , Thom Sincemy great sorrow fell;as H. Rivett, who passed away one year ago ',July 28, 1968.• One sad. and lonely year has. passed : ': . The shock that ; I received that day No one can ever tell, God; gave me strength:: to meet it And courage: 'to bear the blow; But what it meant to • foie. you, No one will ever know. It is lonely here. without you, I. ,miss you more each day; For life is not the sameto me Since you were called. away. You bid no one a last farewell, Nor' even said goodbye; ' You weregone before 'I realized And only' God knows why:. Always. remembered , and . sadly missed by . Mary APARTMENT FOR RENT., - on Ross Street, Lucknow,available now. A s ply Albert Gammie, Luck- ow-52 uckow 52 NOTICES CLOSED. NOTICE Beatty's Beauty Shop will' close Monday, August 4 for four days reopening again on Friday, 'August 8; -in her new location on the cor- ner ,of . 'Inglis' and. Rose Streets. CLOSING NG NOTICE;;: FOR FRESH ` DEAD OR',DISABI ED. COWS AND HORSES Small Animals Removed Free Of Charge • PHONE COLLECT: WALK E RTON!: 881-3459 GRAF STOCK REMOVAL ,. WALKERTON HENDERSONIn loving -memory of a dear friend, Garnet Hender- son; who passed away July 22, 1968. The gates 'of memory 'never • close And how much we miss hint ao.. one, know's.: .. Ever remembered py Rose and, 'Arthur Pink, • and Rosemary and • James 'Walton, of St. Cathermes, Ontario: : ' IRfATI BROTHER 'DEAD STOCK .: RENIOYAL, We pay up to $15 for fresh, dead, disabled cows and horses accord- ing to 'size; 'Small animals re- moved free of charger * PHONE 'BRUSSELS O RUSSEL ` 133 'T;V. ANTEN'N 1TSERVic-E- -. , es e - osca teel Granaries;• Al Repairs and Installation, • Free so handle" complete line of clay Estimates, Year Round Service, Pushbutton Farm• Equipment. Lynne Notice.. To Creditors . Datig Harker, Phone ' 364-3313 Col- Lowry, r l Amberley; ..,phone Ripley ' lect, Box 467, Hanover, Ontario. 395-5286. Beryl's Beauty Salon:wilfbe dos- ed August los-ed`'August 4th to 9th inclusive. • SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Vacuum cleaning and pumping , of "`Septic ---tanks;. Ronald ---Forster,. Lucknow, phone 528-2346, manu- facturer ofcement septic tanks and well tile. SILO AND, ROOF EXTENSIONS Anyone wishing to have exten- sions -on- their...silo5 of . roofs _please - call or write. This can be done•nuw. George Wraith, • Box 95, Goderich. Phones Residence, 524-7002 or Shop ' 524-6511. ' NG Fitts -tie co t lated ssin'CARDS R l e d '-from------.3l.G.N.,WRLT.F.J3 SERcE . . $1.19.1up'` as well 'as double decks Truck Lettering, Windows, or and euchre decks (euchre cards any of your sign writing needs, only). ,Drop in at The Lucknow; contact:'.George MacDonald, Loch sentinel:' dish; .Phone 395-5129. STANDING HAY • FOR SALE l0c per. bale. Burton Collins, phone 395-2841. • MIXED GRAIN FOR SALE Cameron Cook, .Lucknow. CHIMNEYS and repair, small. brick and block walls, roofing and iding:.Harris;W Bros., -_phone Brus- sels 351W4.. BRIAN RINTOUL LICENSED AUCTIONEER WHITECHURCH PHONE 357-2349 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The Estate Of , ELLIOTT. SANDY ALL PERSONS ' having ',claims against the estate` "of the above mentioned' late . of the Village' of Lucknow, County of Bruce, ' Retir- ed. farmer, who died on. June 9th, 1969, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 9th day of August, 1969. �r a1:s•r• �.. • 'i i ► 1 proceed to distribute the ' estate having., regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. - Dated' at Wiangham this 21st, day of July, 1969. . CRAWFORD,.SHEPHERD' i MILL. 0/Ingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Exocuttix• L L(JCKNOW NTINEL. • CAMERON = In everlasting Mem- ory of a : dear mother . and grand mother Mrs. Josephine,. Cameron, who -passed y_lu_ly_2 , 1957. .My Mother's 'home was a wonder- ful place Seasoned and warmed like her lovely sweet face, Blessed b ' her laughter. and :mel• - ; QW ' wi ears, Rich :with,.. the memories of long ago years, ' When troubles' beset meand life: laid, me low `: Mother's:, home was 'the :place I: would go. It wasn't a 'house full of treasures • and.such, Just simple old pieces, • not worth very much, Yet' if it .had • held 'but •a table: and 'chair It =would-st`Il�e-°-•tea-ven-.with' Mother there, Ready to listen; and glad to impart s f-the_visdon a -' ove in her. heart I d n't.'climb the ,steps to her home 'sty more, For she is not there'to answer my knock at:the door, And•'yet, I feel certain that God • knew her" worth, • Andihat's-why He= -took -her',away__ from this earth, He ;needed somebody with ,wisdom .and love To counsel : his angels in Heaven above. ' Always lovingly remembered :by. aughter: , Gracia--( 1fl -= and •' .'', George Limey and grandchildren. PEN SPECIALS bpy a Bic 49c pen and get two 19c Bic pens FREE; bu ' a Paper' Mate $1.95 pen ani g .a Tempo nylon tip: marking pen, value 59c, FREE The Lucknow: Sentinel, Phone' 528- 31M.