The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-07-23, Page 3S9 1N�DNESDAY, JULY 23rd, 1N111 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO - PAGE THREE \\\A\k ■ ■: .■. ■ ■. N ■ ■ " ■ . ■ ■ . - ■ KlE;�— p DIFFEIiENf' VAmcm -"�'""'FOR'�ICNICS 011 SNA'C. SCHNEIDERS -- CHEON. MEATSs te, he • ■ , ■ N▪ . BEST BUY!; HEINZ STRAINED. 11 ., 111 ■ . 11 ■ • j •SAV,E:.9 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ •MAN FRIDAY DISH CLOTHS ,.eBCK 80, WIiN 5.00 ORDER ED HOTWIENERS d -d-- � ib. pkg. 'Reg. 29c! - WESTON CRULLERS 10: to pkg.25c • BESTiUY! —• Reg. $1.11 Value - 25c Off Pack . . Giant Package • BEST BUY.! MIX OR MATCH! — BROWN SUGAR or OVEN CROCK MOLASSES (with pork) : 14 -oz. tins 4%/4•Oz. , Jars 0 rR ■ ▪ . ■ .BEST BUY! -- Save 6c! SUNSPUN CANADIAN SAICO MANDARIN .10=0z:: Tins BISCUIT FEATURE.I • - SUPREME :, 5 VARIETIES Cello Pkgs. • • FEATURE!'- MRS. LUKE'S •24-0z. Jar (with pectin) STRAWBERRY: or • RASPBERRY. Slues • • ■ .1 • ■ ■ lice ss.00 o DEI • ■:•. ■ r • •. • ■ • • • • • ■, . : ■ • ■• • ■ :• '■•.. ■ ■•• U'• SUNY ritokJzir mm ORANGE JUICE 12 OZ. 35C COFFEE RICH ...16. o. 19C 1T FANCY WHOLE KERNEL BEST BUY! — Save,17:c' '. SOFT DRINK POWDERS • -ai •! W■.• . IN: ,/„.... 0. ... ■ .. R. STORE .OPEN..FRIDAY .. EVENINrUNT,IL..10 .P.M ■ iZ oz.' , ■ *fir##**fit �k-*�t>k.W## .. . • . .. ■ ■••I'II*LL!.Ii.H.IURJ...\:t: : w ' ■ ,. 1 • ■NNAI•■■I•.■I•■■I■IE■■RI• Nltll•RI•■I•NI•II1■NI■EI•■EI• III•�I•I••••i•gliER■•■■■■■■■■EEU■RI•I III• '■•ARM■■•Rpl•i••NE■•■.EN•■i■NFnNmmwgipj.iEu. iR■RNI■. • li::zind:\lrs. Char1`es Dceearder ofd ones and a,.coi'cesslon.service. •washrooms Delorainc \tanrtoha• returned to ' Award •.. ontra.c to a vcr :busy picnic area: The :tlteir•.lieine last'week after, Visiting . • building has a cedar shake iiian for two weeps ^With their I The.•Ivlai:tland'.Va11ey Conservation1sard roof. and repeats;the stone • oranddati`hter.;•.\lrs'.' Walter.'Ar.n: ''Authorit ;:'announces theaward o � # -' -. ' ' • old', i ,1r Arnold and .fa•Mily Of... •corit:ract of,;$3.•9,4b .00 to the firmbuilding erected. in 196'8 in a cannp- R,R.. •2, Ludknow. `;. of \iontieth-MLCGrath for•the con'lag area: The constructionof this..• struction af•:a,service concession service:buildin wail emi t°a. i buildan. at the..Falls •Reserve .Cor ser r ss Adda Treleaven. of Toronto Mrs Nei1.J. MacKenzie of Luck- Joanne. Agnew returned to her greater use of the' area tate fi=laetro-Lt last Saturday, aft at-icn Area. , • 9 of this: week._ T-uesdajL-naw Ij • z>e; of. Ashfield, Mr,. and Mrs Rae •►a two'week'hol day with her. rand This very • . o ular rec.reatipn area • r anet andarents, 'Mr•, and 1-1rs. Howard . . M e~.s,,J: Cordon of Ottawa.LP ' Yis' in `Colborne •.Township near th'e • Dr. :Dale.McClure.of London. ; ' ' �, ' ; :. -' . t, ' �A*new.. - � �•' ..� .project involving This is a• joint fir, and Mrs„ George.Mact�regor g !Village of 13enmi11er. It is the Maitland .Valle ..Conservation spent` a day recently with• his aunt, • ad :bo s :of Co etown spent tie pas_ ., , essentially a.camping s', .•. • :; ., • Y ... �•, .. p F ,: _.; >. lly antptn� and�picnic' ' �'Authorit.',•:and.:thePravnce of ' "` Mrs.•Aiice McK.enzie,� Mr, ,and Mrs. Robert Martin of y wee); hdhda .m�* at the .Para Sound area,. The:•new building will:provide Ontario ' Y �� ••Crirt Crancis.visited recently w.•ith :r. areal 'Mrs. Alice McKenZie of Lttcicnow • ' spent a' day',with•her brother ;W;esley; . \1r a:;}d \1rs i Peter Cook and ncar ne t was. is Sam, 1Reidof Zion wtsttccti Stun�l•ay birthday.. with I�1r..aiid Mrs :• Writ : Ilutrrpl,? Hedley, Ki d• I h' 92nd ,bir rcy ,: •.. • and Sandia .o'f'St ' l Helens, , --�a11ze1z1 of Lucl•now :are on; 'a Western trip attended the. Calgary. Stamp•e They-rnd•e-tl're"r'rrip out b -y- p1a and are returning by train. .• and•.• •,Mr. and Mrs,, Hairvey.l,lall, 1464.. de,_ and Jill' of Detroit are holidayingW ne . in Luc'l<tiow at the. home of his inotler ''sirs Jolttt liajl Nir. and •\1rs...Walter Alton, 'Mr:'and• llrs George )rave .returned. to their home in ;Winnipeg after spending twoweeks vacation w_i h -h a.retits. 1r: a_nid sir's. -Theodore I ednion� ofAuburni' 'and his father Harry Ila'ckett and . w4li Ni,:.' TH cind FtF D,. ,.1•Iae-lfett of Zion aril•A1Cri i Ilachett.'of lie) �/e al FO'R THE „bISCRIMINATING fast, Mr,. and Mrs; Jim,'Arnold acid Mr, and \irs Wallace •1•wa>nlcj datighters Anne and Stisan motord \1r ` and N1rs•, Delbert Dixon and of.London called i '7 awn last C�.7iid.y of Str tfor.d, ;v1r, and Nirs. tubas afodr Allaertta s holidaAnne y to Mani'.weel< while spend ti; a few da}'s Ott. , Ralpli Nixon and fancily of Wing - • •the cottage of. b.1r, and 1rs • \, (;. _,• remainingin,Cal gar lvIr .and' ham spent the wee };end at \tr, and T g Y � VJhitn7ore :at Kincardine , Tl�e� .. • ;Mrs; Arnold arid Susan will rturn. • home byplane. were• retttrtrl'rl; from a• varcatioii in • p the Muskoka 'r) strict Mr,. and.Mrs, Aarotr Boal, Larry°. Dresdctr y , Lt.ic1 cw. w ith 1:1 rs C1ii rued iii ' 1rs. R..I•l Tlionipson and ,1\1iss Mr': and Mrs', n,,>r. toll' er,of 111cn''Thompsoti visited in Windsor :Sx'atlta-i..iraesLa:tid..t�1r,�ncL airs a Sl asci t• icy a �.�,..,�.,�- 'F e E ':lrohi j�sbn' - r � . .'.ito"';� Yrs-"12�^t`e I��rri,: rr•{'tr,-- err .� `' �..W. and family. Theywclrc `orne°d' b 1 }'oln Collyer of;Ofant;evtlle ce- fronr holidays at. their. cottage in Miss' Lorna Campbell of Lt i Mrs. Isaac N'ixon's home, Belfast; turned last week from a holiday to Northern .C)titario, is snow Prince Edward Island. While they • • •alnd \1rs, WM: I•lewat of. Elmira and were away,their two boy, Chris ' '. : • Mrs, 13l tlxe Alton of Belfast t•ettir- thl foursome spe•nt'• a few days iti d 'n Lucks ow tned'home. a week ago after `tett`, lt.da.yc � , 1-r0t-iga-n, rtttrrt,ii g )torr' I . ,ITI.- And Scott grandparents,•Mr, and: , days in. St,'Josephs i'fos pita duly. �' t\1rs, Stuart Collyer, don. . i Y'ou may Select your wedding i vi ationsy announcements and •accessories, wick cam= • ..piete confidence as to quality' arid cortectness oC fornt,. Weddutannouncemcnls of. •' ANNO UNCEM.E:NTS: �. INFORMALS • ACCESSOR I,ES • ENTI • C1 SSIC DISTINCTION • • SOCIAL CORRECTNESS. 'Personalized wedding napkins, thatches and l , Lon , colrhozes Asa ayatlable ' NATIONAL