The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-07-23, Page 11„969 17, • $5.00 A Year :In Advance -4. $2.00 Extra' 'To U,S;,; 10 old rtin nhe: )nae Fiat a1.:: f the LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JULY 23rd,, 1969 e Beginners-At'•VacationBible School Single Copy 15c 24 Peg's IIIIIIIopiIIIILIIIIII1IUlIIaiI uil11uil.11111i1I111111 Part of the beginners class for pre. school :age children, •and..some of ., their leaders, are pictured at the special evening for parents arrang- ed by-:the-Lucknow Vacation:Bible School •Pi9tured;.left to right,' are Nettie •Zekveld;:Red Murray, Barry Jefferson., Doreen Jefferson, ucknow Business'M•en's Associat- , ion have big plans fora two day - selling. event in Lucknow this Fri- . day and Saturday. ;'duly 25' and ''26 . It is 'being billed as. Sepoy Days .' , Sidewalk, Sale and will offer shopp- ers extra values at.,most Lucknow business places who are participating in the event:'.' 'Lucknow'$' main street,, Campbell Will be blocked off to traffic' with the.permission received from' the Ontario Department• of Highways.. Sta99er Uni�ss"School' rants-Inctease� It will be•blbcked at the post office corner .to the • Johnstone Firm - iture'corner With traffic re:4(11.0d through the vi.11age., David Pritchard,; : Barbara Hackett, • Jeffrey Alton Glenda Park, Debra Arnold,' Brenda MacLeod., Debbie Ani Kerr,. Mark-'Jaarda, Barry Smith `and Martin Brink. Instructors pictured left toyr'ght:,,-are Margaret Doelman, Mrs. Barry Hackett and: Rosalea Hackett, Buys HomeFarm Mr • and Mrs. George Gibson have .purchased the f :arm of his fathers, F• Sam Gibson, situated, a few mires, south of Amberley on Highway 21, George is .a teacher,'at the, F.E. Madill Secondary School, ; • Wingham : Mr and Mrs .' Sam' Gibson have tented t -he -apartment -o€ -Mips -Gar Most store-'keepers•wi.11 have sp- ecials on the• sidewalk' as well as in their place.:of business. A midway; with four:rides and other concessions will,be set a .:on the, tr'eet. "`withe fenced main s thn.ce-ff n.,,d o area. Luc nowLions plan to 0 Per- ate bingo and a carnival game. Hamburgers, cold•drinks . ice • cream and other surprises will be,. on the street and a carnival atmos- phere will prevail ' There will befun and: bar'ains g..: in Lucknow on Friday and, Saturday :I'• nless special: educationa.lP grants are paid .to. the Bruce:County. Board of'Education`or unless•the ceiling. I on grants is removed for Bruce • County during' the period of construction at Douglas Point, the impact on the 'local taxpayer.' could I be staggering" • These were the comments of J. Lr •`'Bowers, Director of Education for Bruce County ,as .he addressed .the • I Bruce County School Board.on a• detailed_bLeakdoe. o w.n...of:thuglas Point ..construction as' it relates,to schooling in the county.. - • There are presently about 3.00,, employees at the new Douglas Point project•'with• a peak.of 3500' •expected in 1974 A more detailed' 'story on -Mr. Bowers report appears elsewhere in this issue. • irls Guides At Silent Yalley Eighteen local Girl Guides•with Mrs': Tim Boyle as.leader and Lynda Walden as junior leader attended a week long camp. at Silent Valley near Ayton returning.last weekend'; • The 'girls were Nancy Chisholm, Sandra Finlay, 'Barbara Hawthorne;, Cathy. Treleaven', Mary'Ellen Havens; Mary•Emberlin, Barbara,' Stanley; Nancy Ritchie , Catherine: • Dunsmuir,'Jeanne Reid., Stacey , Purney, Marion Johnstone; four, of the girls, Coree Pass•niore , ••Gail • Pritchard , Elizabeth:Ritchie and Laurie Chisholm worked on their pioneer badge; tLorraine Boyle and Margaret. Montgomery were instruc - ted for their Camper• badge:' 5 ' •♦N•N♦N♦N N•N usic Success Thepfbllown$ PPu ils.of:Mrs ' Ambrose: Gamble were successful• . in•Ro al•of Music. Y Conservatory examinations: • Piano , . Grail e 8 , • ,Susan Bradley., Beverley Smith; 'Grade. (i, Debbie Tranter;Grade 4, .Carol MacKay; Grade 3, Kathie Farrell, Marilyn. Murray, Grade 2 , . Honours , Robbie . Sutton Lois Needham, Kerry I3oyle., Laurie Colling. • Theory, Grade 2; First:Class Bono • Karen Elliott and. Kathie.Joynt ; both of Lucknow BuysAshfield,: Township Farm Mr. and Mrs., kerb Wilkins, have sold .their 100 acre farm'' on the. 1:Oth of Ashfield to Bill .Andrew Jr:' of the same area;. The Wilkins ,family "are on the former Williams. Lane farm and: have been there for 22 years since 1947 Herb has. been Custodian at Brook: Side ' Public School for the past yeat. and is assisted by his wife and family .• Bill Andrew .obtainS,pbssess'ion on the 15th of September, Wilkins will 'remain in the house. •. N -: •�•��N��1: : ; �N�M�N�N�N�NW�N*N�N�N�•M�M:�•iM�N�M•��N�N�•�� .N:N. • • • • • •.... field. MacDonald on Campbell Street ,..Lucknow , Which has been tenanted by the. Don Dennis. family. `and' who have bought the;. Hall,• ,Home,on Sauffer;Str:eet. The changes. will take place around...the. first of August.:. 13ruce 'county higbways•depart- meat has authorized purchases of. thepntario Departpient.of H ghways.garage..at...Lucknow .Occupancy will be 'made in. two weeks bringing the number of high_ way depots in the county to. five; The•Lucknow patrol will supplement those now working out . of Ilolyrrbod and will.look after ". county roads: in the. south-west of Bruce. The Ontario department of high-, ways, has vacated the Lucknow • building to consolidate its respon- sibilities at Wi'ngharn •• • ihmiii1u111uiiI i i.iiIuIIIuiumil III111IIIi1Ili • HOLIDAY, TIME Holiday time is• fast approaching at The Sentinel. The'Sentinel staff will work •on civic holiday, taking' the:' statutory: holiday later, that week on Friday:. • The''Sentinel office will be "closed from T'hursday-•night, August 7th to Monday morning August 25:' There willbe no paper -published, on August 13 or .20, , If you are in need,. of commercial.. printing., or if you have something to advertise, over the holiday period, there .willstill betwo.• issues'.pu'bhed bre holiday time Better lisgive uefos a ring New PresDyterlan.• Munister W 1L Take Up -4 IIFork-Here-Earl: Part -Of- -Septembe Rev ::Glenn Noble who recently accepted a ca1.1' as :minister' of Lucknow , South: Kinloss'and Dud ga.nnon Presbyterian; Churches , , will ta.*ke:up'his new work herein early: Septmber and plans •to'arrive in :Lucknow prior to Sunday,., Septern,;• bee '14th 'Rev.' Noble was, 'born in the Uxbri dge area: and. his wife.: near Wick, • '' :.', erai do.'.. School.,. •graduating'in 1959. f 0 T ge ;He, attended .University .o Westerr,: Ontario' (summer session), Ui�versity•ofTorbnto 1959-60 and Waterloo College 1960-62a,and rect. eived.; his.,BA' from Waterlo College. 1962-65 he attend ed Knox College on the LI of' .. carn- pus, andreceived the colle dip= lona in' 1965 And 'his BD :deg ree in .During the surn''r e"worked or the,farm:.and also drove, a truck�be • tween Uxbridge, and. Toronto. He Served three, summers for the: - • rch, 1962 in Prince -Geo e, farm.: Mr,.` .Noble attended Victoria` Corners Public School in Reach Township and later Uxbridge High B.C. ,..1962 and .63 in Pieto Island . Nova Scotia . During th.eummer ` of 1963 he also fished Lobster in th Northumberland Straits during May and June: In, 1965 he was ordained in Ux- bridge Presbyterian Church` in: May, • married August 14th in Wick Pres- byterianChurch and arrived in Kitimat in September and Baas in: -.ducted as Minister .of ,Kitimat Pres:-. yterian, urc is was an Ordained Missionary, appointment and he' has served' in� Kitimat for 4 years • While in Kitimat he' has been a , Member of the •Kiwanis Club' and served as Chairman: of the Board of Variance for the Municipality•and as Secretary' -Treasurer of the Kiti- mat Centennial,Museum Associat- ion Board, ,_ '..0.4.:-.44+44444-1-1,444-14+++.+' ♦ •9 REV. GLENN, NOBLE . SIDEWALK .. _ • •, ..♦`....•i' • ♦ . • ♦ '' ���•' ♦N♦N•N•�N• M• ♦N•N♦M• •N H♦Ni. �N♦�♦M� •N•M♦NDN•NDN+r♦N•Nil•�••w•N•N♦M��.•N+±:-:N�N•1' '... �M,' , M:~{N: .•,• ^i''Y"Y"i':••• • •"•"•�'•^Y^.�" r,,..•►`•�s.J•.•f••.i •. �♦•�._.•�♦•Nf�i M% .a`♦s"'•. i"•. 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