The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-07-16, Page 15%WEDNESDAY',, 41 .1:,Y 110h,A969. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, .O,NTARIO Bridal Shove mafror-{rene-Radar . A miscellaneous shower was; held, St. Augustine Hall in honour of Irene Padir,, whose marriage to, Jim Finleon will take place on.. July 19th. It was sponsored bythe ladies. of the; C,,W.L.. • The 1adies of Donnybrook, the` neighbours from the 9th Concessign and theSt Augustine ladies show =ered her wi'tlimany- ovely g is -- Debbie St. Marie entertained • with several numbers on her aceor- ' dian' Mrs'. Neil Stapleton,; presented three games andto con_. 'elude the program, Marie Boyle For, sound; counsel and a fair' .rice on a monument correctly designed from quality material, rely • ons SI(ELTON MEMORIALS • PAGE FIFTEEN: Married United Church Pat O'Hagan, Prop. Established Over Sixty Years WALKERTON PHONE 881-0234 , ONTARIO: played selections on the piano'. Irene was `brought to the -stage and a corsage of roses was present- ed lto her. A presentation speech' ' written by Mrs,. Gordon Foran' was read: by our .pre"sident Mrs. Joe Hickey. A bus load of gifts was brought forward and Irene, assisted/ by:. Mi Eldon•Aitstin, Marlene Fxrr=�;- leonand'the girls: of .the ,parish.. opened "them •,Th'e bride-to=bethanked the Iadies'for the many gifts. A, lovely lunch was served and 'a social hour followed. • PRICES SLASHED , Copyright -' Wth. E.. Loeber 1963 PRICES SLASHED RATHWEL1 SHOES LUCKNOW Photo 13 1vraxwell '• TAYLOR. '. SHIELLS Lueknow T. nited .Church, ,decorate ed''with:white Mums., :rose- and rose an:d lighted, candelabra was the setting 'On Saturday, June.. 21st: at 4, p, m .`. for. the riiarriage of Mary • Ellen..Shiells' and 'Thomas Taylor both of Port Credit ;11re brrde 1s the daughter 9f i�1r and :Mrs. Ross`S,hiells:•of ,Lucknow:. The ,groom is the sari :of '1r, and Mr.s. ��Iixrcay T,a.ylor of h.apuskasing, ' [Zeit. Laird Stirling Of' Luc.k'riow: l' Itirtccl eh-tsrch perforn.ied' the Fere - inony. • 'Organist Was Mrs. Hiintly :Gordon'. . of London and soloist was Miss • I ,'vfary Andrew of R. R. • r•, Lucknow., 'Civen iii inarr..iaRe by' her ,father';' the: bride. chose a white satin; floor lengtll •gown, slightly A -line with ! fitted bodice and sk,irt.applidued with: 1 rench lace:and `full train Iler. shoulder -length veil Was held in place with a pearl, studded. white . 'orchid and she Carrie.white.shasta daisies, \latron of honour' Was. hlrs. Ralph Strirat of Uxbridge . "She. worela , floor-leirith.gown 'o,f rase orchid chiffon over silk,. slightly;, ; and, full hack.' Fier matching ` sl der Veil -Was, Field'hi p:Iace with roses.: '• Bridesmaid was Donna Woodman •'`.of Toronto,, She; was, dressed the• same ac the matron of honour They carried h:ouquett;of rose .1 orchid gladioli::. Laurie England of Ottawa:.was flower girl. Her dress,was the Barrie as the other. att'eridants,and:: she carried. a .basket of..ros.e orc`hr.d. gladioli:'" `. ' Brian Donnelly.'of Sudbury, was groomsman Ushers were David Taylor, brother Of the •groorri; • Timothy Roberts and .Ted Brfown,, all of Toronto A :reception followed 1n: the church •parlour , .which was 'decorat- eq' with .pink and white.candlesand, mums ' The bri.de's mother chose — stied,1e chid'corded sill -eii-s In -b -le with corsage of white mums../ The 'groom's mother, wore 'a dress Of :blue 'lace with pink alum' corsage : , The bride's travelling ' costume .. was a rose plaid jacket.ensemble , 'w:hite..accessories.and 'white'rose, corsage Follow in.g• a two• month tour. o'f Europe,' 1\1r and \Irs.. Taylor will,, reside in.,Port Credit, where ,they, are boil'. members o:f the:.teactiiti4 staff. _ J TECH uRc{. \irs 'Ezra 114 Scholtz. accompanied: Mr, 'and, s1is•:. Ca'ti; eron`Si inions to•London on, Saturday and spent.the week end with thein They will all return on ; . Tuesday • Mrs ,Jack Tierney, and Karen of 4, Port Elgin spent ',the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs' Torn Magoffinc, Garry 1 1agoffin cif l.ot ; don was also a visitor, last Week at the same home o.na' acK�nn: • LUCKNOW PLUMBING, . ELECTRICI WIRING HEATING