The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-07-09, Page 2014 hir'.. , THE LUCKNOW' SENTINEL, L.UCKNOW, ONTARIO ON. ortrel'/Wool #Qror -' LWoo-I = U/!IM;ERWEIGHT SLACKS: WEDNESDAY, JULY' 9*, 1969 ORIGINALLY $1:7.95 i,.#1995. ;2:00 OFF ORIGINAL PRICE.. . When Buying. • One 'Pair a . $5.Q0 OFF When buying two Tailored in a `cool, lightweight blend of 55% 'Fortrel' and 45% wool that keeps its shape and fights Wrinkles on the hottest, most humid , Summer days. ` Belt -loop , waist. Tones of Light Grey, Medium Grey, Beige, Dark Brown, Dark Blue, 'Light . Olive . or Bronze:- Sizes 30 to 44 • lilts F'ntc� Count, r :. Soft, absorbent terry kilt is m . easy': wrap-around style with adjustable sizing. Gold, Green, Blue or Tangerine. •..11't;. 4 ....s.. s oesoo••. ever gess 'Sled AIR FAMOUS. NAME BRAND SLACKS:, OF.'FORTREL' AND COTTON : WITH NEVER : IRON FINISH. Wash, 'drip dry ; and wear , for summer 'long. easy care.; Choice. of (A) full cut (mature fitting). sizes, 34' to 44; (B) The Young, Executive (for the • slimmer build) sizes 32 to 38 - Belt loops Q. • and plain' front styling. Brown, Olive or :Whiskey. color. • Ladies' and Men's •We. r AGENT FOR " KINCARDINE CLEANERS Free Fick -up . and Delivery Tuesday and Friday S.entrnel THAT Mrs:.Allan Maclntyre. of K-inioss=has-been-engaged-.-by,: the H.uron•Count Board�of y Education. to teach kindergarten at North.. .Ashfield' Public School on a part • time basis She will teach Mon - day, Wednesday and Friday one week and. Tuesday and Thursday the following week. • THAT Jack Irwin of Belfast has. • moved to Goderich where the family will reside.• Jack has been employed ,by George Wraith of that town. for sometime. Jack recently sold his farm to his • 'neighbour Jack Alton and Mr. Alton has ;in turn sold the house • '•ons the property to Warren Zinn. and family: of Ashfield. Zinns ..recently sold' their:.farm, to Living= ston" Brothers of Bra rgpton : THAT Gordon Harris of Kincardine,. has' sold the Harris Photo Studio to Ian Malcomson of Guelph and . 'formerly of Kincardine. 'Mr. Harr- is , ; who is also an associate 'in the operation• of the Boiler Beach Drive, In'Theatre, is married .to the former Beverly MacKenzie of 'Kin:- • tail: He purchased the:photo ' busnessom'Frank •Lee in 1.96i THAT Marilyn,Irwin, daughter of .' Mr. and Mrs. Elwood. Irwin of W • nghamand formerly of Lucknow, received a medal...and cheque for $25 for'. having; the highest: grade 8 standing in Wingham Public School. THAT Lucknow Teen Club` recently held a• prize draw in which Mike` Sanderson ofLuckrio-w-won a MIR LIQUID 24 OZ. PLUS OZ. BOTTLE FREE:' •• transistor radio: Second prize of Detergent Deut 2,.Itottlei ''only 79c $15, cash went to Vicki Needham •M of .Goderich. 1111i111111111111111111111161111111111110111111111111111.111111 THAT George Smith of Ashfield,': VALUES EFFECTIVE PHONE • representing Huron`. County.• is •one' • :' JULY 10, 11;" 12 --r-,-- f;a cornimittee of six YOUR •"LOWEST PRICES FOODLAND ••••••• Order Your Pails Of Chitled Cherries Get Your fresh Strawberries NOW! ••••••••••••••••••• .WHITE SWAN` BatToom,,TiSSue • HEINZ 14 OZ. Cooked Spahetti, SAVE TO 1'2c RUs 53c SAVE TO 164 Tins .4.9c BLUE..STAR. READY TO SERVE ,.SUPPLY LIMITED .. ...__ '99c Canned Chicken. LIBBY'S ,DEEP BROWN 14 OZ.' Beans W th . Rork' HIGHLAND PRIDE Fresh Coffee _SAVE tO 17c Ifls 8:9c EXCLUSIVA •. 'ound- i nl 5c- 111iIII,I rlu uiIIIiIl IIII1thiInlf h 111111lhIt1lIII11111111l inspect Repair Work Td Walls 1county of ,$12,060,,10 after the prov i ince chips in 49 percent of the .' expenditure S•It will take, about seven weeks. to. • complete the •whp have been appointed by the GFO. campaign; Committee 'and. the Feder.ation•of•A,griculture execut- ive toact as a striking committee to--eeemfnmd-a•-ne:w-group-w-hi Ch-. will.consider proposals for'the •• future of farm organizations. The group will be completely,indep- endent of present farm organrza'•- tions . THAT Judy Ferguson:,, daughter of ' Mr, and: Mrs. Donald Ferguson ,.•. Rexdale received the Kiwanis Club Proficiency Award at closing exercises of The Elms Public • School:' The :award was presented by Leonard Braithwaite,' MPP for Etobicoke , and is given for the highest standing in. Grade •8 .. Judy's average for the year was 95 , 4°7o,. ,Judy is the granddaughter of Mrs. Elizabeth.Ferguson of .Lucknow .. job. THAT with, the. Sentinel`writer away last'weekend , our friends Goldie Buckingham and Ted Row- ! Word has,been received that the cllffe of the Kincardine News BY;SHIRhEYJ.: KELLER. Cr ywillingly : ouncrl of the County of Huron ;Huron County Board of Edtiatton is very filled in for uswith Friday'shad • moving out of the court'house, . a story and pictures of, the Ab.. . an opportunity during. g �"" ;w l�-ree:*; n az.i rrijerl,r;w t_Ripley,This gilds-IVi-ght.�a LUCKNOW S2$-3420 :uLROsS CORNERS Shower HeId To --fie-aye--happy to r'epor-t-that-.N.E.._ Haldenby has returned tohishome' after spending four weeks in hospit- al. We wish him, a: speedy recovery, We, would like to take this; oppor- tunity to'welconne Mr. and'Mrs.. Ezra Stanley and family into the. community Mr. and Mrs. Torn' Stewart spent Sunday afternoon with Mr and' Mrs, , Ron Stanley and family. of Kinloss . • • • • Honor -Nora -Gibbons A 'miscellaneous `shower was. held. • d Y on:Satur a..., June 28: at, the home of . Mrs: Ed, Thompson,." R.R. S', Holy - rood , oly-rood, in honour ,of Nora Gibbons,; of Wiarton, a July:bride, The shower was put on by sisters of the 'groom,, Mrs. Ed. Thompson, Mrs. Reg Broome'and Mrs.. Ken • Scott. . The bride -elect was escorted to Mr. and: Mrs. Harold Stewart of B.ervie• spent Sunday evening with., Mr. ai'td; ivlrs-=T-o-m Ste -war Sunday visitors with Mr: and Mrs N.E. Haldenby, were Mie and: Mrs Fred Friendorf of Kitchener and .Mr. and Mrs, Doug Haldenby and; family of Lucknow. r' • herpiace---of honotl by:.Mrs...--1• Scheerer, Goderich and Marjorie • • Thompson, 'Holyrood to. the weddingi'narch, played oy:Bet Scott. • A short program was chaired by Mrs . Lloyd Whytock �. The gifts were carried in by Karen, Patsy and Audrey Scott while Sherry Gibbons '• and Ila 'Scott put the gifts 'on di:sp- .; lay . Debbie' Gibbons and Beth Smaa hat m tribbons' and bows. fro ' The bridede=elect expressehed he thahks and the hostess and her r, era-aeryed,a•eake_an ice 'cream„ THAT The Sentinel holiday period will be from Thursday night , August '7th until Monday morning; August- 25th. There will be no papers published on •August 13 and 20 and h i eTWii1_b for that two week period ently ' being done on the cououse in rt hpace. will be utilized. type of co-operation between The. office s Walls, ! ' The Department of Municipal News and The Sentinel, as well idayll " � � and equipment assessment _... :. 3 tnttab r, of pkaces*arl ece�t're �tmetit building Under rl.ate of the entire bu%Idit g r mortar is becoming loose, allowing water to seep 1n . • • 'total cost 'of the project 'is SN..,thk1,10 with the :cost to the; • lire 16, :official approval has been The fuel oil tender of, H.O. Jerry received by the ;county from the for 14.90 cents pet gallon for the Depart nthe o iunicipal Affairs 're- next two heating seasons was accep • g f g al agreement for ted ^T'#:xamri •