The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-07-09, Page 11WEDNESDAY, • JULY llh . l*::
Lucknow Uflj'
The 1968-0 year end promotion •
at the Lucknow •United Cliurch Sun
day .school, was conducted with the
superintendent , Melvin Morrison, '
reading- the names; and the pupils
going through the gates of progress
to a new class , :' with the exception.
o:f'age ten Class •which will be corn-
•,bined next terro:
The -four-year olds=who-are-attend
,ding and will be in Mrs. Wm. Bolt's
nursery class next year are: Judy .
, Mae •Hunter,, Scott McKim, Russel
• Treleaven, Lana Sanderson, Kith-.
leen Stirling -and Robert .;
.Those promoted from nursery to ,
Mrs. Gordon Morrison's ,kindergar-
ten class are: hent Alton, Kenneth
Atkinson, Jody Dennis, Allan Eadie
Sandra Irwin, Kevin Lindsay,
.Danny 'Pritchard , Bobbie Sanderson,
and. Lance Sanderson,
Promoted from kindergarten to
' Mrs . Leonard Ritchie in primary 1.
are: Kevin Bolt , •Paul' Finlay , Greg-
ory Gardner, John McIntosh, Kay
•-• Morrison , Karl: Morrison, • Lori
McKim•, .Mary; Anne Ritchie , Anne.
Alton, Laura Stirling and Sally ,
Those'promoted from prirnary„'l
to Linda Boyle in Pririiary•2 are:.
Karen lLindsay, Deborah Bolt,: Blair
Alton, Nancy Thompson,. Blaine
Morningstar , Brent .Maize L. Pamela
McIntosh,' Michael Dennis,. Steph-
en' Atkinson and' Suzanne 'Corrin:
Those promoted •: from primary
to Linda Walden in primary 3 are:;
Lorna Boyle, .Grace Alton, Roddy
Havens, . Edith Greer, Doug Treh
eaven,_ Susan Thompson, Kathy
•Brooks; Donald Ritchie,; Kathryn;
m„, pavid:.Atkinson- Pauli
:Irwin,`:Joan, H.arnilton,,Sandra
Henderson, :Sandra Gardner and
Margaret Whitcroft.,
• Those promoted fromprimary :3,'
taught last year 'by Rick. Pritchard.,
to Mrs..Raynard Ackert's "combined,
unior:land_2_class are:
Ruth Anne Alton, PattFLou Irwin
HoIyr.00d:W 1
The Holyrood Women's Institute
• met on Thursday evening` at the
home of Mrs.'Ellwood Elliott: The',
• President , `Mrs . P.A. Murray 'open-.
d the meeting; with the; Odie and"
the Mary Stewart Collect;
A tea was announced to be held
in Ripley On•July 1011. The mem--
bers were also asked jo cater to a
wedding on,August 30 with two -of
the committees, in charge of the
arrangements_ The. treasurers report',
• was then given The: roll:'call was
"Name a Canadian City and••its
Ind ustry;
Mrs , M. McPherson ,gave an inter:,
esting report On' the Tweedsmuir.
workshop which.she"attended at •
Mrs ..Raynard . Ackert was ;convener
for theprogra;n : The-T-opic--on '
Douglas Point; prepared by Mrs
Sam Farmer was given by Mrs...fohn
-Frook Mrs;:-.Morgah-Johnston led in
a sing 'song. Mrs. Raynard Ackert
gave the topic•,from a book by Ethel
Chapman . Musicai numbers were
given by Mary Eadie and Marilyn
Murray, Nancy Ackert,. Anne
Ackert and Nancy Walden. Julie
Johnston and Debbe'E1liott sang an
action song and Jackie Johnston
favoured with a solo.
Mrs.• DanMelnne's,.Mrs. Lorne
Eadie and Mrs,. Frank Madden each
gave a reading. Mrs. Baynard,
r was in c arge o a, ruit and
vegetable bingo, and a game.'
Gbd Save the•,Queen and Grace
were sung; Mrs. Raynard Ackert
gave the courtesy remarks and a
-delicious Itiffah. was served by the."
Douglas Hamilton, Stephen
on, Arlene Arlene Corrin and Michael.
Jones and junior' II are: Nancy
Alton, Craig Treleaven, ,Joanne
Ritchie, Teddy Pritchard.,,
Lynda Campbell Audrey Ritchie,
Mary Eadie, Susan Hall., Elaine ». .
-Whitby" and Ricky Howald
Those promoted-;-from-union-2,
-taught- Yj BIUce MacKenzie. last
term, to Mr. and or Mrs. Reg. Jones
junior. 3 are: Heather Stevenson,: ,
Susie Garniss, Cathie. Treleaven, •
Catherine Dunsmuir . Randy Alton . •
Roger -Morrison, Ralph Morrison,
Beverly Maize, Sandra Finlay,,'
Janet Marriott and Betty Anne
Those promoted:_.from."junior 3,-- --
taught last year by Mrs. Vernon
Hunter to Bruce MacKenzie in,
intermediate l are: Marvin Morris'-
on, Connie. Stevenson, Ellen Hav-
ens, John Hamilton, Steven:
Ritchie, Stewart Mann, _Steven
Mann, and, Alvin Morningstar.
Those promoted from intermed
date 1,,. taught last year by Murray
vlo of -arid-DonnaJ tchxe-to,_
intermediate" 2, as yet without a
teacher are: Allan•Duinsmuir,,Ian
Montgomery, David Newbold , . -
,Donald. Brooks Gail Pritchard,
ne Glenn, Marion Johnstone; June'
Alton,' Donna Wagner, Linda Pur -
ur=don,Beth Ha..Uarn;, Betty Maize and,
Barbara Hamilton.
Those promoted, from intermed-
iate 2, taught last year'by,•Elwi'n • . •
Hall, -to Ron Alton in. intermediate.
3 are: Kathy Joynt, Donna Greer,
Joanne Thompson', Lynda Hamilton,
;Thelma Purdon, Brenda Ritchie,
Barry Morrison, Bruce Johnstone;,.
Margaret Montgomery, Sharon.
Campbell, Bill. Hap , . Zena Garniss,,
Lorraine Boyle and Doug Corrin.
--Immediate-4 enior±tau ht •••
last year by Gordon'Montgomery
promoted to • Raynard Ackert senior
1 and 2 are.: Dale Hunter. Ruth. , • , •
Brooks% Brenda Maize , "Eliz beth, .
Ritchie,.Lois-Struthers; Lloyd -•
Morrison, •Milton Purdon and senior
2, Brenda Morrison, Joanne Greer,
John Johnstone, Elizabeth Newbold;
Barbara: Ritchie and Jim, Hallam.
Bob Hall was presen ed with an'
imitation leather bound certificate
in appreciationfor his years of faith-
ful serviceand efficient work as
Pianist of the Sunday. School%
Honourable mention is extended to
Elwin Hall as music director and as •
'a teacher on his heaving for Owen
'Sound.. After several years,. teaching
;Gordon Montgomery wishes to,
retirees :well=as=Murray4 Iorrison ---
and Donna Ritchie who will be
away and, Mrs.'. Vernon Hunter who ••
will be leader" of :the
•Nancy Walden will .bethe new"'pia
nest and Rick-Pritchard-rnusic-:direc
for and assistant teacher.
On October 1st,' Ontario introduces.
the -new Ontario Health services In-
surance Plan OHSIP.
OHSIP is a basic plan'of health in-
surance benefits available to 'every
person in Ontario -regardless of age,
physical health or financial means -
through the -Government -or a°•desig`
hated' agent.
OHSIP will're'place OMSIR the
' existing Ontario plan. If you're pees -
ently enrolled in OMSIP, your cover-
age will contintre without interru ption.
Ifyou're nowenrolled'in a plan from
one of the 200 other insurers in
Ontario -such as Physicians'Services
Inco{ porated, Windsor Medical Sery
ices, Associated Medical:Services, an. •
•insura.ncecompany;ot otheragency,
you're alsocovered until:further.
notice:: • •
If you now have no health insurance,
you'll have ample opportunity to en-
_- roll-before-fictober-Ist:--Yov'll.
advised of the enrollment period by •
press, radio and television •
So don't wonder, don worry, a bou
your health insurance. Just relax and
,enjoy a healthy summer while you'.
awaitthenew OHSIP•Pian, the health
care, you: can count on, from the
Ontario Department of Health:
,,Hon',: Matthew Q. Dymond, M.D., C.M'.. Nilnist r