The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-07-02, Page 6• 'PAGiii :SIX' THE LUCKNOW :SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO: • i • Yl 1 s; Ontario'sfarm community has said "no" to a -proposal that•it back a province -wide general farm organi- zation financed by compulsory ded- uctions ed-uctionsfrom sales of farm produce. A General Farm Organization pleb iscite in Bruce: and H Iron.counties • failed to bring out the necessary 60 jeer :cent. majority to implement est- W ablislment of. ar G FOS • • Vote in°Bruce•County came close to the, required, majority with 57.6 per .cent • in favor:. of a GFO'. Total yes vote's:: were -2,690 'against 1,984 .. ti The vote in the 37 polls across Huron. on the question -- "Are you in favour of a general farm organization with com- pulsory check off?" resulted as follows Yes: No, 61 93; 33 51. Ashfield. Agricultural 'Hall -Dungannon.` - Kingsbridge,School ▪ Wm: Farrish Residence,;. Lot 6, Gin. 13, W. D. Ashfield _ Colborne -:, Colborne. Township Hal 1; Carlow' Goderich Holmesville Hall(Old School '. ' A total of 4,744 of the estimated 6,500 .eligible voters in Bruce ' turned out for'the plebiscite, return- mg: officer, G. R• Gear. of Walker tong said. In the advance 'poll there: were 10. votes, for a GFO with five against Following are ballot results for, the county. Albermarle - '76 yes; 17 no Amabel 258: yes; 72' no Arran - 2.21 yes; •129 no.'; Brant - 217 yes; 259 no; Bruce-• 209 yes; 124 no, Carrick 181 yes; 421: no; Culross . - 235. yes, 102 ;'no, • Eastnor - 48 yes; 97 no Elderslie -'234. yes; 114 no;. Greenock•-' 218 yes; 141 no. Huron - 263 yes;' 95 no; Kincardine - 199 yes; 67 poi Kinloss •- 160 yes; 67 no; Lindsay and• St. Edmunds 9 yes . 35 no; Saugeen -152 yes; 99 no; There.. were'10 spoiled ballots. Huron County voted '517o in favour of aG.FO, far.'. below ;the required. 6950. 65 ballots were- spoiled in Huron according to returning offic- er Don Pullen of Clinton Across•Ontarto, onlyabout• 437 b.• of the voters favoured' a General Farm Organization .• Locally,' Kinlossa Culross,, Huron ,.and West: Wawatiosh Townships • 'heavily favoured`"'a 'GFO with Ash- ; -.field ` turning. it down, by ; a large : • majority. 'e ids Corners , W. I. 1. :ERLEY NEWS s held theirJune meeting on' 'Wednes-! day, June '25 with an attendance of twenty one. After tte-opening ex, ercises,' Mrs. Eldon Bradley presid;- ed.,and'the secretary treasurer Mrs. . C-eci I phrey-r-ead-the. co • Reids Carner'•Women's Institute '••ondence. The roll call was ':answer- ed ,with a proverb. After:'the business'Period a discu Wed on "Thhe$lm - tome or not to be" . Insecticides are. be- ing u3ed as an experiment in treat- ing a ;number of trees. ., __ Moncrieff Community Hall; - • Ethel Community 'Hall - John.Johnsron's Schoolhouse, ' Lot 19, Con. 1, Grey ' Twp, . Hay - Legion Hail, Hensall • : 29. Hay Township Hall, Zurich 83 Howick - Lakelet Hall 87'. Fordwich Hall 95 -` Wroxeter Hall 53 Hullett• - Auburn Community Hall . 65 • - Walton Community Hall, .57 - Foresters Hall, Constance. - Londesboro Hall: McKillop McKillop Township Hall:: Winthrop • Tom Murray. Residence, Lot 10; • • Con. 4,' Mc K it l op Morris Township :'Hall . ,Bayfield .Town Hall 89 WEDNESDAY, JULY 2nd, 1969 1:42 169 ,126•.''. 57... 28 3.5. 4.0 78 97 42. 89 48 '8 45 .34 69 loo• 90 Morris Stanley ' t 58. : 69 .: 92 1115 25 23. REPORT FRS QUEEN'S BY`'-MURRAY. ', GAUNT HURON -BRUCE... Ontario., , 'on:October l , will become, the seventh province to join the federal government's shared cost program of medical ": care insurance, a year and three rnonths..after the scheme went into effec TheOntario'sch will :private'.insuranc'etompanies to act as agents:; selling a basic gover-, ,nrnent;sei-up of`:health insurance • benefits,: Premier John Robarts pledged that under the government program health insurance premiums.will be no:. higher than;.the' present Ontario Medical 'Services' Insurance costs The voluntary,. � OMSIP plan •has nearly:.half of Ontario's .popu;lation on its rolls and pays 90 per cent of .doctors' fees as set. by .the:Ontario Medical Association, health insurance benefits available•; to every person in the'province , •• regardless of age; physical (*.fin- ancial r.fin-ancial condition The plan will be available either through OMSIP or through private, insurance 'companies • which will be licensed as government'agents to sell the.plan on anon -profit basis. The government scheme, • to be, sold on a premium basis, the same as the.OMSIP plan, will be. the : only basic health care plan avail- able, vail=able, although private. insurers' may offer additional health insurance • ,benefits if they wish ,• If Ontario had 'oined'one: year ago', the P rovince'would have had . the advantages of $1.75 million' in federal funds Now, the:federal• • contribution Will'be approximately $80 million 'for the fiscalyear. Agriculture Minister, William Stewart, this.week:introduced replacement for the. controversial • Bill. 73, which will not Monthly OMSIP premiums are $5 90 for a single person, $11 80•: for a couple and $14.'75 for: a family if one is not eligible for premium_assisrance •The new 'plan, is not compul sory, but: is:mandatory for employ ee groups of more than 15, 'Mr. Robarts' said he. expects about '90 • z ' 'Mrs Jack Elliott sang a.patriotic # . song, accompanied by her daughter Pei. cent of• residents of Ontario will,. Susan Elliott be enrolled by October 1•, since I:e I entry' as agents by .the ;comm rcial Mrs . Cecil Holland . commented , i and non-profit carriers will .on a display of over ware sent:out automatically enroll their subscrib= • by the'Department of Agriculture ers. and Food at Guelph., • A dainty lunch was- served-by�--Mrs: William' Murdock and Mrs. Leonid Reid. and a social time ; followed In general,. this is the way it will -work in the- roVince P require.pounds''to turn over stray. dogs and cats to medical' research • The. new.,legislation requires,', poun'T eepers to attempt -o fi the owners of, stray, animals and permits ermits them` to retain animals as • long as they like ; .It also, extends, ; V' ,� Visitors with Mr.and:Mr's. Don Dore last, w eek were . Calvin Robert son and Morley .Scott . Mr, .and Mrs.- Frank Maulden'and. Mr. and Mrs "Gerald Schuler visit- ed recently with Mr: and Mrs.. Stuart Lane and Janet. IG.C. Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs'. Walter Forster were 'Mr .; • and Mrs. ESTABLISHED 1A09 GordonPatterson, David `and Ray Mend.MacQui�llan, M'r. and�'Mrs: ` AGNEW Don McCosh and Mr. and Mrs. ARG :,AGNEVY Donald Johnston and` Mark of Oak AUTOMOBILE FIRE ti ville, LIABILITY Mrs.. Norval. Stanley , P.R.O. ; Mrs..Don McCosh, Secretary Trea- surer, and Mrs. Don: Reid, were in'..' Bervie, attending, the •Bruce South .Workshop on Monday for :the W.I. Due' to sewage problems the pupils of Ripley Central School had . an extra. holiday on Monday, . Misses Beth, Wood and Cathy Dore • The government,* through OMSIP will. make a' standard.' contract of Custom Butcher'mng `Curing and Smoking`' Cutting; and Wrapping —.Sausage _ _.... PPS 9 —• 9e Making -;Fast' Freezing :. ...HOGS AND CATTLE ON MONDAYS' CATTLE ONLY ON IWEDNESDAYS' • With Two Big Coolers, We Are Able To' Hang Your ;Beef ` From 1 To 3 Weeks - WhateVer. Your;, 2equicements Are • For..:Ho.Jreezers-We Sell -Choice- Home Killed -Beet, ,Por ELEVENTH and Lamb In Any Quantity Al Irow est Marketing Prices ALL' :MEATS. ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR YOUR PROTECTION` . CHAS. •HOOISMA, PROP, FESTA HOWARD •M• Stephen Blake School - Varna Hall. • Dashwood, Community Centre - Stephen Township Office, Creditozi.. • Shipka School: House. „. Tuckersmith-Tuckersmith Township Bldgs.. Egmondville Ken Geminell's Res jdence, Lat Q, con, 8-, Tuckersmith.+ - •Bluevale Community Hall. Jackson' Duncan's. Residence, •: Con:, 10, ,Turnberry(Glenannan Osborne Usborne Central -School- -___ ..... - Usborne Twp. Hall,, Elmville. 'East'Wawanosh=Blyth,Memorial Hall • • - Belgrave Arena 102 61, - • Residence of George. McGee,; • Lot 30, . Con- cession•10,'• East.Wawanosh 65 25. West Wawanosh - St. Helens. Hall; • 120' 48 Agricultural Office Board Room,. - Clinton. 67 54 , 13 • 9' .2698' 2511 Turnberry 688 20: ;. 87• 118 41. 69 57:. 63 41 59 ' 85.. • 85' ' 102 93' 34'. Advance ' • .TOTALS • $aoderso.n's- LADIES' & MEN'S WEAR•' SPECIALS ON WEDDING. 'FQRMAL. :.` NIS,; -;BRIDESMAIDS ,;•GOWNS. the pound redemption; period from -48-hours to -three -days . A fte-r-that•- :time, the pound may give the animal away as a pet or turn it. over to research. At the same time', Mr. Stewart, introduced -a 'companion bill q re q uirithe t: n registration re ul•' ation of pregnant mare farms in. Ontario. Farms will be•subject.to regular inspection Gawley. ' Mr, and Mrs: Victor Gawley,and Delmar Smith visited with M r : and Mrs, Don Chadbourne and Tracy of Kincardine ' • Mr. Leslie',Gawley of .Powell. River, B. C.. has returned: home ;after visiting Purple'Grove / Mr, and Mrs. Don McCosh, acc ompanied'by Mr, and .Mrs, Frank Collwell, 'visited with 'Mr, and Mrs., Gilders of Clinton on Thursday. Miss, Janet Porter and.' Miss June Maxwell were weekend visitors • with Miss Janet 'Forster. • • OR S� $CARDINE DISTRICT, miles south of Kincardine, High- way. 21, location: 284 ' acre dairy arm: 487000'_ KINLOSS TOWNSHIP 25 acres: 2 creeks, - 2cellent''trout :fishing, PORPCE-GROGE (TOO LATE FOR LAST WEEK] e: Holidaying with•mt. and Mrs Vic Gaw_ley-is-M De -1 a of 'California. INVESTMENTS dUARANTEED TRUST COURT CLERK are spending this week in•Oshawa rt HAVELOCK STREET ti • A cleaning bee was hejr1 on Friday atv the purple:Grove Comm. unity•Centre. Doing the cleaning ; Mrs, Wayne Nixon, Mrs. 5: ACRES, 9. mile river, house, barn.: Lovely view, located ' on paved road,'1 mile from town, 500, 100 ACRES . No. 9 Highway, house, barn, 16 acres, Workable, balance bush; swamp. ' Springs could be developed: $9,000. 12Vi ACRES Ashfield Twp. pav- ed road. Cedars and hard.Map-. •map- le.. Never 'failing stream, $5 �., 100, ACRES Kinloss Twp. fertile soil, good barn' and brick hone, $16,000. • . For Thea* Properties Please -Contact._ ROSALIND HODGINS '39$4337.o • NOW EATURING. NEW PHOTO - LISTING S,EIWICE ilfred cIntee Co.,/ timited Member of the Grey And. Bruce Multiple Listings Service List M.L.S. — Over 60,Salestfien Working For You