The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-05-28, Page 16SIXTEEN: • ASONO OF JOHN ANDAELEN,.. • ' On Saturday, May 17th many guests carne to the.home of Cecil • Humphrey in Huron TOwnship to ' enjOy a social tirne and to congrat ulate' Mr. and Mrs. John McMiirchy of Huron utheir golden 'wedding anniversary". • , In. the evening in Ripley nigh. School , which was .beautifully dee -A orated , a large.crowd of friends and relatives gathered to enjoy: dancing to Boy.dts'oreheitra after • which a .short ptograrn was; enjoyed. The, neighbarS:Served a delicioni, • . THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO lunch and everyone agreed it was a Pleasant. Way to Celebrate .such an occasion, • Murray .Culbert, Elaine Pollock.. Hilda. and Raynard "A'pert , accoM- ponied by Corinne MacDonald supplied musical numbers. • . . • • 'Reg. Moore of Ripley Wasexc•-• diem. mister of cerernOnieS , - ing.:mtickto the enjoyment of the' evening. The following poem was read 4by him. : • ' • • • • • • SONG OFJOHN AND HELEN (with apologies to Longfellow) The hog producers needed a shot in 'the arm . . ..., So John came along, -with his spec- • ial charm, With a comment here andat'sugg e t ion there' ' • Now dish it all - Before too long, he was in the. • Chait- Little in stature,'but nett in Might If Johnnie' Was there he'd.spark•a fight. • : Off to Europe in.a Jet., Leaving, ihe ladiesliere to fret, Oh to visit ,gay "Pared" - Perhaps he change. his company: Would he venture -.woUld he win :•• Breakfast in, Belgium. and. • • • • lunch in Berlin.' • Back across the Ocean blue • To Helen Dear, he would .be true, But when he breathed the air of Helen Dear. had decided to roarh'. Take me to Expo, there and back pr else Dear John YOU. get the sack. 'But John was tired and a little cross And jnst who did she think was the 'Offtcr-Expo-theyidicl•go, and-Helerr- , took In the' flOWer Show., ..• It rained anciponred wherever they . went, ' • • Arid:think of all the 'Money they . • spent. • ' Some splendid buildings 'the did ••se • But. home, sighed John, looks good nie; •' • • Should you ask me .whence this rOrn- anCe, • Whence this wedding; long since happened, • : • I should answer I shOnld •tell you, . Of the‘song ofJohnny Sarn; ' •• ' Once tipon.a winter evening Came. there to this Scottish Hogan, Their first child ,. with husky lung. , . power - •• . • And they naMed, their offspring .There they -lived. on the sixtitofHuron • • By the shores Of the River Pine • Lived.they there the MacMurchy •''. ' . . • Liaised their children, very,fine o' •• ,, On the• fencepoit of•the baMyard • Perched, the little Johnny Sam• • . • Longed he then to be'a scholar 'Bringing honor to his clan.. , Out of childhood, into manhood • Then had, 'grown this fine young He could hit'a puck with vengeanc And a ball with equal span; Welcome, said they John we want • On our team to tie the score-- . • . • Long have N403Peerry/aititig for you • to bring.victory. evermore. •- • Thensbegan the winter romance • With the lovely Helen fair. . • . • Horse; and cutter - • ells a tingling, . • .. What a romance! What a pair' . . 'Listless longing .ipinU fearing • '. • Dreaming only of his bride ' • Then one day , in bleak mid -Winter 11 • ,Slie stood sweetly•by his side. • As the years relied sWiftly onward,' Of their children they were proud Even said so in a whisper, but it • . echoed clear. and loud. ,Secin the, daughters found their help mates, anddeParted 'from the . Leaving 'them' a little. lonesome, . -but---JOhn-aCctuired-riew-fohnd • •zest ..„ • ; ' • ' - ••• Quite the man in the public eye• Pogged, determined and ready to try• - .• • • When in the councilihe •illed the . . .With a .road and a ..park at 'the ,foot • of the hill:. ., ; .. . .:, Spearheading tiredririe ih the.. , ' • ' "cemetery', -, • , • 1 , • • : Co-op insurance is a must •''' , Yotir policy with John you trust • , Whether itti. Life Or car or truck without gear, • He'll fix it you needn't fear. ••• On Sunday morning you will find John leading off - with Helen be - Up the aisle to the -very front pew• elminister-too-respeets_hisNiew— Elder, counc'illor, agent r write farrner too' is he But without his sweet wife Helen lust another John Would'be. • NOW-hand-hrhand-they1.1-0 • • together, • • Sharing ail lifes joys. and tears God's' great blessing on you "Dear And health and-happinesi---'-jor . • .. • . • • • : Isthe chapel.erected for to.see: manY more Years- ' • Chances are , it Wouldn't be there . , But John with his foresight, really Composed by their daughter, •; did care M±s. Lester (Audrey) Ferguson. • AshfieldFederation • Plan Picnic At , Month • Patk_SOme hme Next month A, Meeting of the Directors of the:Class. After some discussiOn the , • Ashfield township Federation of (directors decided that if West Wawa- • • Agriculture.was held on Thursday inoshFederation.of,Agriculture and: evening in Dungannon Agricultural l Ashfield Farmers Union would care • hall. Ross Eedy haired the to contribute,'• that •perhaps' some meeting and. brought to the award could be given to both ,flrookside and Kingsbridge School. .t Aced' about were projects that „ Could be undertaken by the Feder-. attention of the Directors that per- haps a picnic for all A hf el , Township people could be held in June at the twshpark, t asonip Iw lefit the SecLetary 1 ationat'the-Ashfield •`'.'m 'President to decide ori a date when seeding would be coMpleted • • Angus MacLennan sent a suggest- ion that the Federation rnight . -consider an,award for Brookside • school, grades and 8 Science, ,group' felt.sperhaps that step § could be built to the lake and that the Council could be approachedeon this idea. • ' • • WEDNESDAY, MAY 28th, 1969 time Farm For x1ysUghtYearS PETER' ALBERT COOK Peter Albert Cook of R, R. 3, Lucknow passed away in Owen • Sound General and,,Matine Hospit- al on Wednesday. May 14th. He was in his 83rd year and had been, in failing health for, the past year. Born at liolmesville,, October 31, 1886 he was a: son of Henry 'C Cook and. Barbara Eliza McGee. Mr.• Coqk was a farmer and lived 'on the:same farm on • , Highway 86 just alew miles west of Lucknow for 68.,yea'rs.4-ie . married Della Jane; Wilsonof 'Port Albert who Predeceased him on May 9, 1959. He was also predeceased by three sisters and two brothers. , 1 • • Mr.• Cook. is 'survived. by four. dau ghters, Edna Cook and Eliza, AlicC.- cook of Owen Sound , Mrs. .Henry • (Rhoda)Mac Kenzie of Ashfield.. Viola Cook ef•Detroit; four grand•r children and two greai • ' • grandchildren.. ,•• Funeral service was. conducted,* MacKenzie Memorial Chapel, Lucknow ori Friday:, May. 16th Rev. ..Laird Stirling, waS'in charge Of the .serviee,, ' •. Palibearersmere Albert Campbell Or'land Richaidi; 'Murray Henderson ltobert Peter.Cook and Ross' ,M40/1D4an, • •, • :•, Flowerbearers were William Reed', Finlay: Cook Jr.:, Allan,' Jarties and Nell MacKenzie.. : • • • Intefirnerit wasatGreenhill' Cern- etery. • : • ; .• Wingham Resident Died In 61st Year HARRY' G. WEST parry G.:, WeSt.O.f Wingliain died sudden y. on Thursday May 22nd at Wingharri and. District -Hospital inhis .61st year. . Hemas. a sea Of JaineS West and . Mary MacIyor Ind .was born• on *. • Jurie. 1908,in Ash.iield, Town-, Mr.ship West received his •elerrient,.• ar.y seh,oOling irtAilifielci and • attended Goderich High School and 'Stratford 'Teachers'. College and .. taught.seliO9.1 for 0:time... He .was an office manager in •Teeiwater from 1947•to 1956 assistant treaStirei at; Berry Door from. i956 to 1965;• a teacher on.the staff of the Wingham Public School from 1965 to 1968 and was office ma n ondary School frOni 1968 until the tithe of his death. .••• • . Mr.', West was a inember Tees!' Water Masonic Lodge. He took 'an' active part ,w thewitk-and_,_ . Teeswater Fair Boards', the Wing - ham Recreation Council, the Wing. ham Credit Union and was FinanceCfrairinan•for 'the Swimming Pool., • In ,1936: at- SOrdwich he married . Marjorie Ashton who passed away in 1950. 'Besides his ,Wile„ -Mr. • West was predeceased by his par, erits,*„ three brotherS and Orie,srand, . . Heis survved.by tWO Sons Eric of Kitchener:, Roger of Wingharn orie.'sister Mrs., George (Hazel) • Elliott of Lucknow and five grand•thildren ..•• ••• !' • 'Funeral servicewas. held at the' ' Walker Funeral Horne, Winghath •on Saturday', may '24th. Rev, Barr'y P,assmore was rniniSter. •A masonic serVice was held Friday evening! Interment was at T,eetwater • cetneter • „ • N,ii ee,INew 1411101er? . -See . . We're exPerts... \We'll check your ex- haust system If your muffler needs changing, we'll replace it with a brdnd new one.' And help preserve the life' 2 ' of your car. LUCKNOW PHONE 528-3430. RfPORT • QUEEN'S ARK CULROSS CORNERS Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. • • James Haldenby and girls were Mr. .BY MURRAY'. GAUNT, and Mrs. Art Campbell and family. HUROWBRUCE •' of Kincardine and Mr .,. and Mrs. Premier John 'Robarts premised a Glen Bolte and family also of Kin delegation of Indians this week • • cardine; and Mr: and Mrs. Bill that he will consider the proPosal Haldenby and family Kinloss to establish a Crown corporation to Township.. administer Indian Affairs in Ontar- • . • Mr.. and ,Mrs. Harold Stewart of .; . The Premier said he Wo'uld meet . , . • Ber -• - the -Indians again.soon to inform thern about the decisions the • Govern/tient' has •made. in reipect to many ofthe. pressing Indian Pro.- 'The. protest of theIrieljans. has• ' centred around Social and Family. Serviaes Minister, Min Yareinkci, , under Whose jurisdiCtiOn the:10.'7, Ian:Develop/tient Branehlalls. The cliniax carne when seven of the 'ten rneinbers of the • • Devetopment Branch resigned. ' • The president ofthe ;Union of Indians has said that Mr. Yareinksa's attitiide is totally neg•- ave chte:atiOn ;lister • • if;••ta-in nay' - is, has 'defended universities :that • refuse to admit persons.aged 30 or • • • over to their medical: schools:* . Liberal Education critiO , Tint ROU (Sea 'boron gh East), suggest ed this was discrimination but Mr. Davis saicLit takes a minimum Of • seven years for a student to become . a general. practitioner and about 11, years to become a specialist . ;This means that if 'a student is 30 or mere when starting he will be close to 40 befOre he is ready to practice. Onethousand-dollari -that w-aslent to the Campaign Committee for a • general farrn organitation in Ontar:, io by the Ontario Bean Producers, Marketing Board, has• been tied up' • for the duration.of the campaign. .two farinert frorn the St. Thomas • a erald St' ' t f Kincard- me and Ellwood Thompson of Fin- • land.„Falls-visited-Sunday afternoon with 114r: and Mrs. Tom Stewart., Mr. and Mrs. JackLoCkhart of Fort Elgin visited.on Friday -evening with Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Haldenby '.• and family. • • :Sunday visitors with Mr. and. Mrs., N.E.'Haldenby were Mr, and' Mrs. Ron Irwin and fa.mily of Lucki1OW • Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hedley and family of Kinlotigh, Mr. andlArs...;‘ Rae Haldenby of Teeswater. 4nd, Mr .• • and Fred-Friendorof Kitchen. ' • •. ' • ••• area filed a 'Writ last month at Osgoode Hall to prevent theBean . Board from. helping .the Cotmnittce. The•writ calledlor the Committee to return:the One- Thousand Dollars; a bank loan guaranteed by the • • • '.. Board ..ActUally; about hall ofthe Cornmittee'S funds haiie come from . . • • The 'Campaign Committee 1S bc)1)•' bImuiannrekk:1(toiannbgouaarrdisn.te.ed by various • , ..: . ing-for. a ;iote:in_tlie_niiddi:e of , The case has been adjourned Un • til 1 9 h . Approximately 10,;009 sigriatureg' .116e:been colleCsted on the . . petition• asking for a vote. WiRoo. .. Will be needed according to the bill currently before.the LegislatUre„, Pallbearers Were 'Bryee Elliott Jim West, Edward Watson, Paul Fleury, Bill Lockridge , Clayton Thompson. Flowerbearrswere Herb Fu ler The rheetiog .adjourned to meet • Stewart Beattie,' Carmen Thotnp- , again June lOthe •, Bill Dauphin • . • • • • , 1 P74:42.110,4,441 :4,1., • . . .111.111.1111:: InvJtntfsns \ • rf) „ 4tr 4.11a4. w. " witio A.'41tirt KEEPSA.1Kir COPY 1/4 Ii1XORIC1111 Otao F4012 i MPLgTZ • $'ELECTION "SE'E411* : . A t The. LucknOir Sentinel . 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