The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-05-07, Page 45WEDNESDAY, MAY.14th, 1969 THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCkNOW, ONTARIO • ..PAGE TWENTY`•ONE S.t Helens • B'asebalr Team1888- Watc ext Wep4.Pap. -r Imes --y PACHE CAMPER TRAlIfRS RENTALS AND SALES r'` Four Models. now on ..display, Each APACHE CAMPER , TRAILER carries. ..one' full, year . warra.nty. Rentals. by. . .,day Or ;week: SEE..THEM TODAY! •. MAY SPECIAL ,•. R.EES:PA.R, T Int E WIT H=E C4I= :.:APA'C.HE CAMPER • Offer' expires May..31, 1969 ETAL C.AT.FABRI-��.�� .1111G JOSEPHINE,' STREET,'.WINGHAM. PHONE. 357-2272 ;Y> MONUMENTS For sound- counsel and ; a fair price on' a monument correctly designed. from . quality material, rely on ,-•:° SKELTOtIMEMORIM$ Pat O'Hagan; 'Prop. Established ' Over Sixty Years PHONE 8$1=0234 rye Faml ..y BY PAT: MARTIN;. KINGSB:RIDG.E Application ForHuronl obs Huron County .Board of Education Y411 ".go' long" with parking at the Neil Bell service station property recently purchasedby the Boas d,•" until the building js, torn down. ' The Board decided. Monday night to put up with parking until that, time and they► either•erect a� fence or post signs :warning people •to keep:off, John Cochrane, director'. of edit- cation, told the Board he, had, placed= two advertisements in .news_ papers, one to advise people to • remove cars from the lot• by last . , Saturday, and the other' to. call for tenders for the removal of the' • "building , One tender has been .receive, d so far, he said. :Business administrator'R.B Dun- lop told the, Board he had; received` 12 applications. for the• • position. of chief accountant and office manager, 19 applications • for theposition of manager of pur- chasing and Services and 71 applic axions for.plant• superintendent: A11 'positions -'were advertised. recently. The Board agreed' -.to let Mr, Dunlop'screen the applications. . and bring the.names.of three for each position before the: Board,.'. The. Board will make thefinal decision on hiring; but ,will listen to reconimendations of Mr.. Dun-. lop ;Mr Cochrane informed the •Board,the contractor for wo'rk' at • Blyth Public School claimed; no '.liability•toward necessary work•to cure "a sewage' problem at the school However Mr Cochrane. said he had' met with representat • Ives' of the architects and contract" •r ors and felt .they w 6uld meet some ; of the'costs "for good' public :'rel- • I ations: '; .' Walter Safety says, • "Think,'don't sink! Be water wise! Learn and practise water. 'safety every .Ki. rid e • . r..:.2 ....whe .. mgsb. i g On. Ap it 9, :When:. n Gilbert Frayne is indeed distant , F'ra ne. .famil tree His replywas. ,•I. , , y y rune Ca.11wood noted writer and since Trent s a.nd Gilbert`s ancest � . as follows T y.: ersonality from. Toronto' . e'� :c om �.an • a ut 10 6' • . I. o .p ,y ors part d o p y b�... B , 1 spoke at. a ladies luncheon in cod- • after :theBattle of , Hast'ings-. Dear Mrs. Ma rtin erich,. she mentioned to :a, few.: , Trent's people'went to Ireland, Your letter to'J'une about the ladle-s=that had s t 4.3.x14 -v s Ih hi1e—;- yi1e s att roy e f -a l t-r0=h=a-s-•l f1 r -t -ie • 1 inr Kin sbrid e . ' little dubious :that; I can contribute $ .g ' . .:A . • settled .iii .England :., . .. ' , , This was a leasant sur rise.,to Dr; .Gilbert;Frayne''researched,;' ianything,. LJntiil a: year a•go,I knew Ip p. the'people of Kingsbridge, -' and 'edited and.published a, book of the ; little•'or nothing about the fore rafter checking with: Dr and Mrs. Frayne.family•history a few. years bearers,' but then my father's cou7. 1, '. Gilbert 1-rayne, a retired veterin-: : ago : s.in, one Harmon 'rrayn •(he has no '1:arian a�nd;,his wife' who' live: there, • - Trent .Fra ne, who,.. like his wife• "e") dug around in•Ireland and Y T :•the •said that the •relationshi dies came up`with a lot of stuff that • 1 • Y • P is.. a writer, was Contacted, by letter .. P i with Miss. Callwood.' husband; : and asked if he could contribute . 'possibly coincides with that of the 1 Trent. Fra ne., sortie o:f his own: thou hts . Dr : Gilbert. Frayne you mention , pre. rably humorbirS, about the ,. y. ' . g , Y Of brief 'and possibly humorous note (as, you request) .I canonly; te1l`, you that any, of• the'F,raynes I know have an, incredible .propensity. for °' unusual. irst ;' or ,given , names: My father ;is Milford Homer Frayne•,' his.. father was Lorenzo, and I have: a !local acquaintance (who'may or may not be related) named ' Antcliffe 'Aylsworth Frayno,, My .1 own name is Trent Gardiner f Frayne, but that. Was an accident.. '.My parents were convinced I'd ,be a girl, had selected Dorothy as :the. ,.name, and wete dumbfounded .0 when a:rnale Dorothy arrived. So they threw. in my mother's' maiden: name (Trent) and my father's I mother's maiden name (Gardiner), . and said there you .go•,.Dorothy, • try that: And :what's hap(iencd is that my w'fe' and close friends call. w ^^ BTl l . Clark, is seven months old, :developing very well. You can ' tell from his expression that he is a happy, alert, responsive, baby. He smiles and babbles and laughs aloud" whenever he is spoken to. tie seems to notice everything • and everybody. Though he is :a bit too young to crawl, „Clark has discovered ,he can get around' by, rolling and he covers quite. a bit. of territory this way. While he waits to be adopted Clark is livingwith a foster faintly where there 'are. other children. He loves to watch their. activities so'he would probably y be ' ha to have brothers and sisters: in his „ PPS in'rn'1B ,n :home.'Of Engl hoes titt,; Grath ,s a sturdily built and in good health. Ile has 'blue. eyes, . scanty blond hair. and fair -Skin. He needs parents' who will Welcome him on his own merits without worry over mental:. illness in his background. Toa inquire , about adopting Clark please --write--to-r-Today's' • Child-,—Depart-Ment—of Social nd--F-aTil .° .Services,.,Parliament, Buildings; Toronto 10. For general information about .adbP tion: ask your 1opaiChildren's Aid gOelety. • 404 This doesn't appear very interest- ing nteresting and certainly doesn't reflect on the llth Century' you mention.but I. really don't know anything. about • the anteeendarits; ' Sincerel`y (sighed) Trent Vray,tie , 0,040-3707.4*40