The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-05-07, Page 27• EDN:ESDAY, MAY '1.4.th; 1.969 • - THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • PAGE THREE; • r. ''k • BEST BUY! - Save.l7c!: BEST •BUY! — Save• 15c!•, Assorted S F • 'BIRTHDAY- WITH; ORDERS OF $15.00 OR OVER 49c Value! RED-& WHITE 'S F BEST BUY! SAVE 10c HOSTS 48-Qz., Tins 12 -Os. Jars; FEATURE.!.— EVAPORATED (ARNATION REG.149 • AP SLE P1! 6for$1 16-o:. TallTi I'; .a & White 24 -Oz..• Size•• ASSORTED Health & Beauty Features ! REG "5129! 12.OZ. BATTLE SCOPE Motiu w:a 99 REG. 98C: • CURAG PLASTIC BANDAGES Econ: pkg. BEST Rip! — SAVE 30c! *.INSECT REPELLENT 5.01. Spray JOHNSON'S. OFF•'99 41ANT 12 GALLON SIZE. , 8101. C wl'th' METAL LOCKING HANDLES Assorted Colours:' BEST BUY!..- RED. S1.791 — 35c OFF PACK MOTHER PARKER'S INSTANT COFFEE 10.1 $1.29• SAVE 8c! HOUSEHOLD" TWIN PACK WHITE SWAN Towels• 49(. ' SAVE ecl' ' _ � 1.00•FT: POLL WAXED•PAPER'. .Sare• All arh rnr RNIB l IRPMprprrgNp001041nqn 01,01 h0Orp119PIr rrpalpr►rymrpnr00,01h01001 STORE PEN fRIDAY _OUR O 1 EVENING UNTIL 10.P SAVE.30c! MIDGET CANNED H • 11/2 -Lb. Tin Maple Leaf FEATURE! GENUINE S -Lb. Bag H-ARDWOOD CHARCOAL' . FEATURE'. — Save 10c = Deluxe Layer ;Style 'HI E White 173 Aqua Yellovv Pink Nt1NdINN►4.nue' 1 fake :Mixes- L SPECIALLY SELECTED''- RED OR:: BLUE. BRAND — TENDER;- JUICY Full Cut ou r. make the meal better TENDER—•THICK CUT MAPLE `LEAF: WIENERS 2 Ib pkg..,_ Ib. MAPLE' LEAF, .. ' . A:CON. lb. MAPLE LEAF. —= CRYOVAC 4/2's • TT'AGE �R�olis :• Fully Cooked EUVERY. Phone 528.30Q1 ., Ie1r- . and p gt.Sunday with Mr and Mrs': WaY ne> Fear of Brussels • 11 • Recent visitors wit's their mother, .Ms Wesley Tiffin of Whitech;`.-I Mr. and Mrs. Robert.Moffat re:. Mrs-._Chas,_Ste waLdWes LML.and_ ...urch.:.,was-t<he-jaG-kpor°;w-in=ner--at•--th-e—l-turned a=fter-spending-tw•o-w-e-e-ks-at'"' 1. .Mrs... Chas Henderson and.' son Brian: ; Lucknow;Legion:bing,o last,Thurs-• Ithe'home of their daughter and son - •of Toronto; Mr and Mrs . Fred • I day, winning •$108. on 53 calls .. "irt-law ,• Mr, . and, Mrs. George' For- ', :Steward', Mr and Mrs. 'Hugh. ',ler; :Barrie.' They will return now' 'Cu.ming,• Gloria: and 13i11, Mr.. and ; Mr; and Mrs. Vernon Hunter, • Ito, their sunsmer home ,a't• Point Mrs; G'ordon Steward and son • ' Mr. •and Mrs . Ewart Taylor, sMr. Clark, , Bruce all of London. .; and Mrs. ,Wilfred Drennan a'nd Jack and rs. animre o Mrs.. • • I L'ucl�now , 'Mr•, and s. Ross M..ac•- Lennp of Kincardine and Dong ert- •d. amp•e , a 1 of Lucknow and'MMr.: Mr. and I\ Its. Bill Blue of 1 Jim .Arnold of Lucknow is. a pat- and Mrs. Jack Curran of Ashfield` Detroit are•vsitin` with 'friends ient at. Westminster Hospital, Lon- were• guests at the wedding of Lois Lucknow and Rile this week; ,will leave', •don_. He was admitted—on• Friday 'Anne Tremaine and John Plato at, ,of last week., ' Springvaleion Saturday, .May 10th. • '.. Jack ,Campbell spent the week end. Cine of the things to be th'anl:ful P • Ivir: and .Mrs. Malcolm Arnistro= • with his sister in, Guelph. The for is that we.don.'t uet as rasuch ng (Bessie'Ivlurdie) left ;Tuesday, • others spent the. week-end'with h1r• government as;we pa'y' for., = Char - May ti by plane. fora month in the land Mrs. Larry•Trenlaine.'h1rs. les F, Kettering:, • :British Isles, While there they will I T•rernaine; the; bride's Mother is also, visit With h1r: and,Mrs. Larry '1'the former Beatrice• Treleaven of Lawrence in Glasgow , Scotland, I Ashfield Mr • and Mrs. Murray Mrs. Lawrence is the former Car- : Hunter of Arthur attended the weld• oline Webb of R.R.• .1, Lucknow . ing reception held orl Saturday ev • ening at Springvale'. Mr, and Mrs.: Lloyd lltnter., Marilyn and NIrs. Koff Visiting, with Mr and; Mrs. 1lat•- Carnpbell were dinner guests' with vey' Webster - last, week -end were 'Mr. and `Mrs .' Terry Pym of Water- • loo' and Mr•; atid..Mrs,. Roy llut dwrch. The • Susan' Cleland and Donna: • •. • Corrin of this community are 'R workin for'the er g surrim, months i Montreal; Mrs, Virden Mowbray, who was a patient in London hospital for some time, returned to herr'Luck- now home on Tuesday, of .last weep, Don Thoril s is reprPsei ted The Lucknow Sentinel ata meeting of Brace Publishers Association at the Johnston of Tiverton• 'froth•Malton Airport today (Wednesday); for New Westminster.;. '13.C; where they will attend. the • wedding df JoAnn Allen and Garry Johnston ori Thursday. •Mks. Ted Avis (Joan Crawford) of London is'a' patient in Winghani and•]istrict Hospital with pneuni- o:nia Ivan: and Mrs: Alex Hackett Jr,',', Ashfield visited Sunday in Kitchen er• with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne»tack Satgeen Golf Cluj at Southartp- ett and'Mr, `and Mrs. Allan 'Gamble of Ripley on Sunday; ton L,• [>apers represented slrchtded Lucknow', rtlf town is:a .atien iq c _ , . • a Ilf Port 11gin Southarrspton , Wiarton I in Victoria Hospital, London, , Tara,. Chesley Mildmay and Pais- where :he underwent suri:ery on. • ley,, . .. • May •5t Mr and Mrs, Httn^ti$r Gordon of London arer now at their Analberley cottage for 'the su .iirner, • • w, :visited, by ,p'hone• with their son George, Mrs'. ' Webster and•three boys of Ilalifax, THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL offers a complete seleciion, of weddingannouncemnnt3' styled for thLdi4cr mating, - tisk for';;