The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-05-07, Page 6WAGE; SIX THE'LUCKNOW :SENT,I,NEL LUCKNOW, ONTAR.IO WEDNESDAY, MAY 7*, 1969 4 • ,rk HALF-PRICE FILM;+PROCESSING: BLACK AND .WHITE `- 8. Ex-, posure 58c, 12 820 KODA- COLOR, 8. Exposure: $1.90, I2 $2.49. By-pass "middleman : store- keeper," send Direct to pro- cessing plant and save 50%! Send film, cash, cheque or money .order along withthis. • ad to: } CLINTON PHOTO. SERVICE CLINTON, ONTARIO Bill mlley has changed! Great. 'changes are 'taking place these days in education.. Let's have a look • at some of themfrom a straight -forward, honest, prejudiced point of view, and : then 'you decide whether` they are good or bad.' Corporal punishment is. prac FERTILIZE No Contact: Us For ':FREE ESTIMATE$ ANYWHERE IN HURON COUNTY •_FERTILIZIN'G .•'S.ODDING LANQ.SC.A,PLNG �: SH'RUBS. SEEDI'NG • TREES Ilb.'BEN:NETT'S.T.. E 43 BRUCE ST.: W,-.GODERICH •PHONE .524.9126.• AF -ER ':5 $2 PER HOUR .. All Year Round. TO APPLY_ WRITE AVON MANAGER. 904 6th, Ave., W., Owen 'Sound PR CALL 376=8368 WEl tically a thing •..of 'the, past. Good: or- ,bad?' I think it's; good - for the students and perhaps bad for some .of the. teachers.' . It,_ never did have any deter - rent effect on the ,students as`I know : from personal' ,experi- ence as a student: It merely made the brutish student more. brutish. But .it; was' • a great safety valve for •the hot -tem pered teacher. Now,1 know 'there. shouldn't be such things as hot-tempered • teachers: But there are. They: are human beings. And some ' of the;hottest-tempered are the best teachers. Often, they care more. No more for them the glo-' ' ious' release of hurling chalk • 'or blackboard ' brush at -.that sniggering. lout in the back `seat.. No more' for them the sedative of the clout' on the ear, the ruler' crack on ' the knuckles, the five -of -the -lest on each, hand; Wbat's. going to' happen :to, 1them? You can turn the : other cheek only so often: I ;prophesy' a large tax-` increase for the• purpose of building' more =men= ' tal institutions: .for teachers who. track under the strain of`:.. choking back: "their honest rage.;. So mu 1r for tharLet's look -k,, at .Counselling, .'or Guidance:. This is .one of the fastest -grow: •'. ing aspects. of :education. Only , a few ,years ago, any 'guidance • . was done by regular teachers,' usually chosenfor, their:Vom mon sense... They. chatted with. immiumummonnuumniumminuraim Y, 50 ACRE.'RETREAT---- �.oeated' only r mile:;fast of the lege �: .Lttcknio>� is this ::50. ':. ;e -retreat. with 40 acres Workable, balance in bush. The land, 'avhicxi hit? *gild ' tie ideal, for ski-dooimg" in. the :winier,and hunting in the Mme`: There is 'a :good: spring creek. Taxes are. only $50.00 per year: This ,property "pis really ;secluded, the, ideal spot °bo .ld a ccttpge for weekend : 'elaxaton. ISO ACRES•. them in, the right direction: ' • •Now . _ the Guidance. Depart that they reveal the. :floe classroortr nnient is ' .one o ' ;the • ° btzsiest . •charm:lro for. the nor'amus y g 'spots in , the 'schoot.'17,4;* •,don't. • fie 'ls ., teach :Guidance.: You're Sal! 4'. litre *bole, I'm'$s favor of ' • Guidance..... -.Right, up:. to your•. 'retaining, exams,:in souse farm,: witB • our. , competitive society •bas'ehanged::csoasPietely. Other, • wise; you 'have a repetition of • to ,Biaeistreus Cbildrea's• On- Sa d. of the ' 1Middhe Ages. You DAIRY EQUIPMENT 'MILKING PARLOURS STANCHION PIPELINES BUCKET MILKERS VACUUM PUMPS STEP SAVERS • BULK TANKS . WATER CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT agger Silo Unloaders, Silage Conveyers '-ceders- AIMN now KINCARDItilf NEW POWER,. NEW SPEED • ears. The reason for. : this Is, that xhe'. duties of guidance ,people, have snowballed. Why?. For. two reasons. Many, -parents have :abdicated as ton sellors •+sf their.'own • are . sereibtg ' It�ic� • mite' � 4>�tthe r;tlgth n apt ..a Need more gcreage. Here is 3�1' • 100. acxete lea#dren. anti with ; �n . • z ex Ifi • ..and-irrell-tlrabto- ,imd m - ` t ,Y' e►s_�nf s ee it tie1ds#,rips r to P� school excellent state a .cultivation. Tbttre •is a.la rtmeant's* 1C.12 :With i' other parents. however desper- • .end "protects". • • o earn, w New NOMELITf SUPER XL -AM CHAIN SAW For: any cutting job, for proles sional or5:mateur, here is the .. chain saw with super power Homelite Super.XL-: AM,Weighs only 13lbs.,12 oz,,. less .bar and chain, but fells trees up to 4 feet in .diameter.' Cuts 18" softwood in 17 sec- onds, 18"..hardWood eaonds,18"hardwood inZ4sec- onds... Have a free, demonstra= • tion today.., RON STANLEY • FARM SUPPLY —13 -ERV. -7314-2434 'wF .Co vis :Eve :est thQ •.A::h ani fax • Ha '-1Na drive a car, and then *you have to prove it. in an examination. The same'. applies to building.i bridges or removing tonsils. In fact we: need more exami '' for—prospective- fa. ther's: in diaper-puning, pros- pective• .husbands • in coping . With"tears. And so on, i'll beta :you think of a aha: � a�frsmoae: Little.:,Fteddle. was' watc:king 1'V in the yaimom; when.be vas. told to go d10 + Hairs sad:entertain his sister.'.s ; f ri�end while she was getting dressedThe yi»mgater faced the suitor ,', and 'sal#., °�•.y do'you •come to ' see my: ter ,all tfie LiAne, Don. t i$ ,OgO. y Utey try p#y can't You' have to 1 'IJrn to You. ha'Ve one. of your own?'' Loaratocope with'• their. c'h�drri� and' ' • �C�.•� ��� ��: expert the school to help. , price a .; v, fhc gpr ° teacher 'has: become involved •• ''Here is a $. year Old :cottage located' south of Amberley, right •.on with emotional disturbances; ,a!t,>u Lake Huron..This cottage..000siss ,(it a insiders •kitchea,, a large liviing amrly backgro nds, physical moos,. 00.3:. french•doors and • a picture w ow that 'eaabies you ; to•handicaps and all ,the• tither.: ;;;The oonutry•.side, a bedroom which will sleep 4 This cot- -child's '#Slings that influence a chi# . ,may- - hehavior He has, becomeLa sort -- • ., ."of padre without dog{oll'ar. ,,' PROPERTY SOI D e the student / " In' addition, he .is: expeeted to; . guidinto 'the'. ' tgnitncer.geh0tirrhyus;tiemustMrW +ieeb�:id . Yittid; baalaid � fan to '; A. nen a f'iaiyreali tfutaria.,.' wfiof is to be oct and Who i is Mr. T. _Hackett et Loaimow, hws said ,his.'illo�us and .5 acres'to '. Grade• 10 science ' dismally, ; • 1 �: :;r, • b . might- i '• has fie e • se �• et tom: P. IHodgsrns et Hoiyrood, has sold his retreat property to y'sl.1ETlE >L ,. of er'field. Even• worse, he , `Mr. G. •Gotro of Mon, Ontario', . ' her;. - - . , to . convince .• Johan.fax who. s -a doctor --and' ' .S -WA • or -I 2 or. an ffolst Real Estate REALTORS, WINGHAM R*ral Ontarioi` ,istsr. "1F0R'1ST RESULTS PHOTO -LIST "YOUR i'RPEiTT litTNY CON 140t -ST" well going to have. another one i : PARTITIONING. CATI`LIE Glad I'm not, a guidance FEEDING SYSTEM'S teacher. . How do you feel about exam-. inations? They, ,too, are chang'.': ing in status. The emphasis on exams is diminishing, and in , some schools they have • van- jibed. Good or bad? may, feelings about them are mixed. One day, I feel that they .,should be abolished,'so that we could get down to the business --hat-t-hey-a-re-air• unnecessary ordeal, that they cater' to mediocrity. The next day.;I've reversed My- stand and AM' convinced that: they ' are the only goad for the lazy student: that- the pressure -relief are 'good thera- p : that the student who is a Wallflower in class has Chance to blossom on paper: in the family. . nag ep.4 uG •.Res..39$-5326, .: des. 357-1 g '•• 014 7�3'840y .n Marsdin — Mans er Win 'ham 35 .rake Jutzi Rep., W b 357.1570 • •IRUIIIIE•111MI IMMIIIIIrIlIIIlI■ 1441, ZERO CONCORD MILKERS' WESTEEL-ROSCO STEEL U ANARIES w['tRS AND We erect bins if dal .1 • Ru; Ca KCi1 • an .sal Me ,Ga 'Mr ltoa the .anc •'mr chi sec i Scl : Pot �� ,•Go ate • !the • •sue /pat Co • ' 1 aft ' rel 1 ,30 an pLo uCi fur reit An dal W•. 1n' bre and 'ani Ivl�t he P,' • i •'c R.R. 1 -KINCARDINE ri At Amberley 'Phone315-52$6.