The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-04-30, Page 16'THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ,r PHONE 52000.I Free Film Plan Health; MacLean' TOOTH PASTE, Reg. 75c , 57c BANSuper :Dry: DEOD � ,Reg ,{$179- _ _ X1:13 CONFIDE NTS, 55c' • � 47c LISTERINE, Reg. ; $1.69' ,_ . $1.17 POLIGRIP, Reg.7.7c Curity::ABSORBENT BALLS, •`Reg. 99c:61 c , DIPPITY • DO,. Reg. $1.25 88c Desert Flower. Creatni.Q and Roti On s PRICE grant: director Of.Education EnVisions 17 Member School Administrative Staff In Hurofl, Six Now Hired ,John Cochrane , ' Huron. County's of Clinton ,•• Lorne •`Kleinstiber of director of education , envi eons a. :Dashwood (representing Exeter chs - 17 -member administrative staff for tact) and Richard Wehmeyer of:. • the schdol system'and the board of Wingham Also on, the committee education -meeting in'Clinton on • Monday of last week approved.an organizational chart based onthat number of head office staffers,. will be four.board members:; Mrs. Marilyn Kunder, Seaforth; John' Broadfoot , R.R. -1, Bruce'field, Gordon Moir .of Gorge •and::Garnet • •d" Hicks,.122..3;•E already and applications: are being ;sought for three more•openings The rernaining'positions will, be fill filled 'When the need develops', • Mr Cochrane said...,'• Already' appointed' oron,the pa` roll : besides M r Cochrane' are a: business administrator, school.sup- erintendent, two assistant superin- tendents and a'sec"retary. The board' has advertised forapp 7•. lic ants for ' the positions 9' superintendent:, chief accountant • and•office manager (one job) and manager of purchasing and services. 'The chart calls for eventualcrea- -! • "lobs: a ecretary— :Tie arbitrators', basic iore-will b receptionist, •two'accounting clerks, :to apportion the school budget a payroll supervisor' and four clerk ' among:the towns and townships •in .typists.:: ` Y ' ' the count taking'into account • The hoard:also named a1 nine the assets and liabilities of each -=.-' •member.vocatonal-advisory comm runit_.when .,,County ittee and two'of the five : • •, . school system members of the.newl named' •a •Atownshipwhich came into the •arbitratidn'comrnittee. • , county' stool -s system with a' Y • 'Board chairman John Lavis will ;heavy debenture debt may have to.' head the vocational panel which pay a higher mill rate than a town- . will include Gordon W. !ship with no. debt , for exam le' ,Ml it ofGoderic G'ODERICH Frorn'12:01: a.m. ,,April 20, 1969 to April, 26 ,;1969. : 'On Sunday, April 20 on High way east of Goderich, Emil Carl ... Boldt,. 188 Newgate. Street;, Goder- ich and David Johnson, 123 Mary Street Clinton 'were involved in a two car accident resulting in an approximate total damage of $1,200.00 to the vehicles. On Sunday, April 20• on #4 Highway at Junction. Air Base • Road , Dennis ,Roy Harris, R. R. 2,' Bayfield and Eugene. Anthony Regier, R.R. 3, Zurich were re invol- ved in: a two car 'accident resulting in an approximate total damage. of $85., 0;0 to the vehicles On Sunday, April 20 on #8- Highway ,east' of Goderich,' Grant Tremain, 55 Belleviiew Avenue, Kitchener struck •a parked vehicle owned' by' Emil Carl Boldt , 188 Newgate Street', Goderich, resulting in an approximate total damage of $600.00 to the Vehicles. On'Tuesday, April 22 on #8 High way, west of Clinton, an unknown vehicle struck and damaged two% mail` boxes, On Friday, 'April 25 on #8 Highway, west of 'I-lolmesville , Jane Uyl,•R.;R. 2,;Clinton'was involved: in a single car accident resulting in $200,00;damage to the vehicle she was driving, . On Saturday,April ril 26 on High. ._.P , g. way,' south- of#25 25 Count �• Road George Tervit , : Minnie Street , .• Wingham was involved in a•sin le car accident resulting in, $50.00. damage to •his vehicle ..• 'Attention kfotorryclelaperators Now that spring is here', you'll be getting your bike •ready for:, use in the good' weather; ahead..; Make'sure`. your motorcycle is in:,good repair, Remember, control•, performance and reliability'are' affected by •' •. • good maintenance. Make sure you ,:' always wear your safety helmet don'tforget it's required by law Also, make sure you know 'the rules of the road,, They're in the Driver's Thevocational advisory. comrni-: ttee's duties are to commence • September 1, the 'board decided Both Barry. Wenger of Wingham and Ronald lvlenzies of Goderich resigned` from the arbitration panel-- Mr. Menzies for personal reasons >- and Mr. Wenger because of his ' ' appointment' as chairman of Wing ham's hospital board James Kincaid of Goderich was selected committee' and the name of the other, a Wingham man,' was with- held until he is contacted and •his availability assured. by -the arbitrators. In .other• business Ivionday., the • board: e AUTHORIZED Mr. Cochrane' to punter an• t ese• questions will be settled attend the first annual conference • of the .Association of Directors of 1 Education in Orillia May• 26=28. AGREED to advertise . for: • ,• enders on demolition of the form- : er Neil ell Shell service station: on Highway 8 in Seaforth,and :re- moval, of e-moval•of junked cars from -the' board -owned land. • APPROVED a policy under which -a teacher . y..be. grant rLa-.t-wo. year ' leave.of absence with the uarant=. WEDNESDAY, APRIL '30th; 169 HENSALL SALES ARENA '. Satu.r.ayjMay .3rd • At 1:30 p.m 80,0 HEAD ' Consisting of 'Calves, Heifers and Steers FOR CONSIGNMENTS CONTACT. THE MANAGEMENT, Victor Hargraves, 482-7511 . Jack Morrlasey, 2344200 Auctioneers -Hector. -McNeil:and 'Yardiner • • Handbook, available from the • Ontario Departmentof'Transport: G.R.` FERRIS Provincial. Constable, . KINCARDINE From 12 01 a.m. , April 21, 1969, to 12:00 midnight, April 27, 1969. Provincial • Constable Andy Burgess investigated .a chain reaction''accid- ent . on Saturday, April 26, on #5: Bruce County Road , just north. of HOlyrood . Thechain of events' started when Cliffo d' t2obb of R.R. 1,,.Holyrood , ,lost, control of his car and struck. a hydro 'pole , causing • the wires to fall, across the roadway, .A •.second •vehicle; driven by Don-.. ald Barr' of Waterloo, struck the: downed wires:. A third vehicle driv- en by Bariy Haldenby of R.R. 1; .Holyrood , struck a parked car own- ed by•Ernest Ackert of Holyrood;. who was assisting atthe scene Four' occupants of the'HaldenbY P vehicle:: received undetermined injuries, and were taken to the Wingham and District.. Hospital, On Sunday, April 27, Provincial • • Constable Ken Culver investigated a two caraccident in Ripley, Ron ald Farrell of R. R. # 2, Ripley, - struck a parked car :owned by . Norman Barnard of .Ripley. No one was injured' in the mishap. GENERAL WARNING; a number of reports have been made to the Ont- arios O ario Provincial'• Police, that•persons have been dumping' garbage and even dead• cattlebeasts;• along ' Township, Roadways.. The Highway Traffic' Act prohibits the.'.dutinping•.of garbage along'a highway. The fine for this is $50.00. 'Under the Dead Animal Disposal Act., it states that -within forty-eight hours after the death of an animal, the owner must dispose of the carcass by (1) burying it with a covering of,at least, twofeet of , earth or (2) The services of a person licensed under the Act and theegut tions ' Dead, Wagon). , rg a . ( g ). Corporal Highton' advises that persons violating er ons thes•provisions ,ep will•be prosecuted., J.E. POLAND • Provincial Constable. Public'Information Officer. r • g ee of an. equivalent job on his°or FERTILIZE N :her -return. Contact 'Us For .ERIE EST1MATES". ANVINHERE IN HURON COUNTY •.FERTILIZING •• SODDING.. ,LANDSCAPING• • SHRUB: SEEDING �' T�E-E ART'S LANDSCAPING 06 BENNETT ST E. - 43 BRUCE ST. W.GODERICH PHONE 524.9124 AFTERS P.MI • HELD for study by the new 'plant., superintendent a proposal that ;watchmen be hired. to protect' Goderich District Collegiate Instit- ute on a 24-hour, basis from ,May. until October TABLED a proposal that 1vldKillop• Township school buses be equipped r with two-way radios to summon .help and •improve scheduling. . 'DECIDED that on May`1 the schools will no loner- • rovide free 1 mi to students in, Usbor.ne own' ship and -other areas, but will•con= tinue to sell milk in school.. •AGREE6 to meet at 8::30 p.rn. Monday and again. at 7:30 Thursday to workcon the budget; The next regular meeting is on May 6. .CHOICE HOME KILLED BEEF AND PORK/ GOVERNMENTINSPECTED•. ABATTOIR FRESH CAPONS __49C L BLADE ROAST 63c LB BOLOGNA 38c LB. LEAN SIDE BACON ___ 67c':LB� 8...1.49 _ --- 53c LB.` LB. TIN HEAD CHEESE_ CHOICE HOME KILLED BEEF LUCKNOW hr�,,, •'PHONE 528-3009. ::h:l:iHr- will in this ye' the Althou ten's a item, X20,0,: main. Ment d $197,4 the" ad'r $1b0,0' It she genera mills. increa mains l 'county. Clerl predic ore" 'f :costs provn ";.there to ma,� build'i 1970 " the pr Flease mens • i. ;As w .,tore o red uc $70:,0� •It w • ter a' McKi defic Said goin a, • 'then get ii ed ifi coni sprea er .e .Berry :anatied:' r :In bot our s much Ch� corm drew. 'surpl these a stir Mit. It1. in ff AIe� tro .Der 1 Borc