The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-04-30, Page 5WEDNESDAY; APRIL 3014v, 106,0 KEPIZIE memo NOW IN RIPLEY EVERY WEDNESDAY Office Hours 10:00 a,m. to 5:30 p.m. Phone, Roy MacKenzie Ripley 395-5154 for._appointment, THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,; ONTARIO bel R. Ham. . ilt�n OPTOMETRIST' NEXT .TO: LYCEUM THEATRE; WINGHAM PHONE7357431 '" JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME Modern and Convenient Lucknow',. Phone' 528-3013; Day or Night Serving All Faiths According to Their Wishes', Moderate Prices Established ;1804 FOR COMPLETE TIRE • SALES i 'SERVICES Phone 529-7600. • `KINTAIL GENERAL STORE QUALITY,TIRES AT LOWEST. 'PRICES' • Farm, Truck A Pass. Tires. INSURANCE. FIRE, .WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE and LIFE' TO Protect Your. '_ Jack, Insure With Jack .Today: J. A. Mc NAGI-I' Lucknow, P.ho 528-3423. R W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor... LISTOWEL ONTARIO • IN . LUCKNOW Every Wednesday and Saturday `Afternoon• OffoO•in the Joynt: Block Telephone:. LucknoW, 528-3116 .. caviller &`Company CHARTERED A CCO,UNTANTS • Resident, Partner • J. E. Kennedy, C.A. Phone 881-3471 Walkerton 're $ 11* Wheel • Beranek*and Battery Service ROY A. HAVENS; 'PLUMBING HEATING WIRING Esso. Heating ' Equipment• ; and Home •Heat Service Dealt Lucknow Phone 528-3012 CRAWFORD: SHEPHERD ' and MILL J. 'H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. N. A SHEPHERD, • M.A.,. LLB. -=ALAN-R:-MILL, B.A,_L:L.R, ' 1NIPER IA&.OIL- PRODUCTS for -prompt servi , and . quality products, Contact: ',GRANT. CHISHOLM ,Phone Collect Dungannon 529.7524 `Always : L-ook°-To1mperial • For The Rear,!-; • R. W BELL The Square: , CHARTERED' ACCOUNTANT,'" Telephone 524-7562 WINGHAM IN : LUCKNOW EVERY WEDNESDAY Located in Breckles Block'' •, IN RIPLEY EVERY• FRIDAY In Ross '.Martyn 'Building • Phone . 'Wingham Office 357-3630 - ' Res: 3574330 AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE of real estate, 30 dairy cows and heifers, 37 head young cattle, dairy equipment,, farm implements, hay. '.and grain lox .Leonard. Qhishohn;_ E.H. ,.Lot 15;- Con. 4, West Wawanosh Township; 1 mile east of .Dungannon .on: Sat- urday, aturday,May 17 at .1 • p.m. sharp. The real estate includes' the 100 acre, farm with' good buildings, and 95 acres workable also ,the •50 acre grass farm, E.H. 'of S.H., lot 18, Con. 5, West Wawanosh. This pro- perty sells subject to reserve bid,' spring.. crop will . be planted and immediate possession can.be given Terms-�10% cash- Or -marked -cheque day •of sale, • balance in ' 60 ;days: Inspection of property prior to day of sale. ' TERMS. CASH ALLAN • MacINTYRE, .Auctioneer • AUCTION .SALE 'AUCTION SALE of 75 headof beef cattle, a new 1969 Ford % ton truck, electric oat , roller, will be held for the estate of the late Elmer' Foran, E.H. Lot 17, Con: 9, .West Wawanosh, Township, 5 miles. south . and 2 mileseast of Lucknow on Saturday, May, 3 at 2 p.m,•.Of- fering includes: •'6 Hereford cows with calves; 3 Holstein cows, 'fresh; 15 beef' • type cows, springing,, 3 Hereford ° heifers, springing, 11 Hereford , steers 'around 1050 lbs., 12 Hereford steers, 2 yr. old, . 2 heifers, 2 yr. . old,. 15 yearling steers,. 10 .yearling heifers. TERMS CASH ALLAN. MacINTYRE, Auctioneer CLEARING 'AUCTION .SALE • . —: of • Livestock, ..Machinery, Grain and Household 'Effects • Will Be Held For CHARLES CZERNIAWSKI L'ot° 36, 'Concession 14, •East Waw-. anosh, 2 corners west of Wingham, tizmile south' Zetland Bridge` Ori SATURDAY, MAY 10 At`•1:.30 p.m. Ingnam _ . Memorials GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY *LETTERING. REASONABLE' PRICES Buy Direct and Save: Bus. Ph. 357=1910 Res. Ph. 357-1015 MacKenzie: Memorial Y. ,ha . eI FON ERAL..SERVI'CE' `•• • to your Wishes at your Horne, . • oriel Chapel at no additional Lucknow, Phone 528-3432, Day :or Night ' TED COLLYER Registered Master ,Electrician ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR . Specializing In Electric Heating, Electric Wiring and Repairs All Efectrkal Appliances •LiicknoW — Phone 528-5182 Livestock: • ,Holstein cow, stein • cow, due cow,' due June bred , March 3; open,. 2 'calves. Machinery M.F.:'50 diesel tractor (3, yrs.),, Ferguson with . Freeman, : loader, New • Idea . 201 P.T.O. manure spreader, M.F. No.. 10 baler (like new), M.F. 7 ft. mower; M:H.'4,bar side. rake, KR 10' hyd. cultivator, J:D.`.hyd : disc, Diamond. harrows,: 3 furrow hyd. plow, Mas. ' 20' run seed drill, Fert. spreader,, Elevator 36 ft. with motor; Hammer,,. mill with, belt, Disc plow,: land packer,, Corn scalier, snow : blower, Ce= went --mixer, circular .._s '.due May 11, Hol - June •:2.3, Holstein. •10, • Holstein cow,; 5 : Holstein`'- cows, WORK W e concrete walls, pit silos, all Idn ds of con- crete work, • also: • r 1.,•nter work, new. work ,and . repair •, ; Free es- timates Roy C. ` Schne r, lough, phoney Ripley:395- WORK WANTED —, :'Bull , = zing, Skidding Logs, Hawthorne and Willows and Blade ' Work. Archie Nicholson, Lucknow, phone 528- 3611, . WANTED. .mortgage on a new home to • be built 'in Lucknow Ap- ply Box D,: cto The Lucknow Sent- inel, s". t WANTED - a good used badmin- ton racket, . Contact . Mrs. Bertha Whitcroft, 528-3407 -evenings. HELP WANTED married man and wife,year around job, house with conveniences supplied, , man must handle all farm, machinery. and understand feeding 'beef cattle. Wife . can help' in store if needed. Apply Roy Cramm and. Son, Pink- erton, Ont. (12 miles • north of Walkerton), phone Day — Cargill 366-2394, Night — 2378. WORK WANTED sixteen ' year old male high school student re- quires ' steady "--summer employ- ment. Contact 'Greg Blake, ' phone; 52.9-7126. x; WANTED :— old, furniture, glass. top kitchen, cupboards, ' 'dishes, glass, hanging lamps,, oil ' lamps, books,: toilet sets; ' crocks, horse buggies ; and : democrats; phone Lucknow ' 528-5304 or 'write ' Valley. Springs Acres,. R.Ii„ 5.' Lucknow. REAL ESTATE ' WANTED • Pasture farm in: Huron . or Bruce, .. 50 - 100 acres,- some .bush or cedar' swamp , for shelter, buildings • op- tional. Must /have •Water supply• that needs : no attention, spring creek . or flowing well. Would con-' sider renting back Cheaply 'for trine. being, ` as ' pasture notneeded for several years: Ken Peers,. R.R.. '4 Woodstock: ,• BRUCE .COUNTY ' ./' BOARD OF EDUCATION PAGE, FIVR' isoussIBNB messsoNNREiBBN; Y A—F-i RM.; ILL YOU -SEE -1 •One' hundred' acres,, situated• ■ three ' miles from Lake Huron, !one mile off 21 Highway in 'Ash -m ;field •Twp;, On this farm are 98E ■ wor-kable•acres-; with -never fail ■i Mg spring,creek, well ditched,: ■and new woven. fences. Barn —u n 40 x 60, 30 x60 _ in good .repair. i' ■ Loose pens ' with 14 tie-up star -or' E chions. House — 5 bedroom: !house, large 'living room ,ander. Relining room, 'kitchen, built-in:, . !cupboards, . sun porch,3 , piece. ■bath., Full basement with: oil:; "'furnace. Priced: right to sell 'form Ethis..first tune listing...: • . i . HOUSE E. We Have Found A ■ ' Home For•You ■ :An attractive one -storey. bunga- !low with, garage attached sin■ :`Lucknow. 4 bedrooms with cloth-: es closets, living, room with pie-■ ■tura window, kitchen with built-: in cupboards, 4'piece .bath, fur-■ ■mace: 4,:'yrs. ' old.. Situated. 3: i• blocksoffmain 'street, ' .quieter ■ part of 'town. ;INCOME • PROPERTY! E 2 storey apartment' building on. E main ' street in Lucknow, : Up -w ■ stairs apartment, kitchen with. :cupboards, large living room, 4■ ▪ piece • bath and 3 bedrooms. E ' ■▪ Downstairs' Apartment; kitchen: !with built-in ' cupboards, newly. ;renovated •. living -room,, ' 4 piece:? ■ bath and ' :2 bedrooms, also., :Beauty Salon 'with or° without:' E equipment.. • There. is ' a large ■ :back yard in ' .connection' ,with: stills property.: Priced right for. quick sale. Owner leaving town. • 1 11 • lite . chain saw, (2 -yrs.), Scales, snow fence, electric fencer, Scrap iron, .chains, sprayer, shovels, 2 unit milker, pump; pipe line, cream separator.. • .. Grain - 5 ton mixed gram Household Effects Piano chrome 'table and, chairs,. Beds, . stove,. cabinet, . Numerois: articles TERMS CASH' -. FARM SOLD We will not be responsible for any accidents day of sale:. CHARLES: �'CZERNIASKI, . Prop. BRIAN.: RINTOUL, Auctioneer ATTENDANCE COUNSELLOR Duties to commence 'September 1, 1969:'.Salary.to be negotiated: Advance studies in psychology and sociology or' a' strong; `back ground' in youth 'work would be an asset. . A good: '' understanding of people and .• an ability to '. conmuni nate` are essential for •this position. Applications marked "Attend ance , Counsellor" will .be received' k4 • 1,, 1 J L. .BOWERS Director of Education Bruce 'County ,Board of Education Chesley, ' Ontario Realize the highest returns for you*. wool by patronizing your own. OrganizatiOri, SHIP' COLLECT TO Otir Registered Warehoute No. 1; , WESTON, ONTARIO • Obtain sacks and twine without charge from. Norman McDowell SHEA ' AUBURN or by writing to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 40 St. Clair Avenue East Toronto 7 Ontario HIGHEST PREVAILING PRICES PAID. • FOR FRESH DEAD OR DISABLED COWS AND ,HORSES. Small - Animals .Removed. Free Qf Charge WALKERTON 881-43459' SAF STOCK'., MARLATT BROTHERS .P.EAD STOCK. disabled cows and horses accord- ing to size. Small animals. re- moved free of charge. PHONE BRUSSELS, 131 'COLLECT ▪ BUSINESS FOR SALE, !Here is ; a low-priced business w .for a man' who .wants to ,start:- !on start:■on his own. Garage 2' bays, Finals' •gas' pump.., Small'.. store; Living • quarters ' consist of large 'kit-■ ■ chen; large living 'room, , 3. bed=. :rooms and 3 piece bath. Taxes.' 7 00 If -yo - tato-b ' ■0 3: u -.wan :.._:� "'your ' own boss; call us'. • today. u ■ Full asking- price $11,000. Terms. ▪ can be arranged. ■''. APARTMENT HOUSE: FOR SALE t'. , .:: ■'Ii Laclrnow ■ Eg rar ' e 2 'store• frame building. y :with separate entrances. Full; ■ basement with, 4 yr. old oil fur-: ■ nace. _ _ • � :room, kitchen with built-in "cup=s ■ boards, ''verandah, 2 .large; -bed-. • :rooms and 3 piece ;bath upstairs. , ■ • 2. Large :living room and. din-■ ' amg-room =-kitchen-.•vuith_builtdn. :cupboards' on first floor, 3 bed.: . ■ rooms and 3 piece bath upstairs ' :This is a.,good investment. for: ■ a. handyman.. ■ . : Don Hoist Real Estate Ltd. For belf results Photo list • ■ your property.-aith Don Hoist MeMbers of Grey Bruce • IN Ask for our Multiple Listing • 'LucknOw S28-3423 a Dan Marsdin Manager' I: ■ Teeswater 392-6952 Jake Jutzi Rep, Wingham 357-3840 ■ Vilingham 357-3840 is Cecil Mahood — Rep. ■