The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-04-23, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, •LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23r.d, 190. en ,Hold *Annuai Bowling Banquet 6 :30 Ladies' League The Men's 7 O'clock Bowling , League held its annual banquet on Tuesday,the15that theLogCabinHold'•Annual D'unner Restaurant. Everyone• enjoyed•a • } ' • , .delicious turkey supper after which Anti Presen l a L ions - Art. Purney thanked Mrs.. Cowan and: Th Lades 6' 3a l3ow mg1' Le -,h; e .: - ague . held their'Annual. Dinner and Soc- 'ial Evening at the Anglican Parish. Hail at 7'p,.•rn,. Thursday„ April` 17. • turkey dinner was enjoyed by all the ladies present: Several 'lucky draws were made throughout the:dinner.. Kay Collyer ,,,on.behalf of •the; league expressed thanks, to the . ladies for "the• delicious. meal and;. Mrs. Rouiston replied. Following the dinner the present- ation of gifts and trophies was held and a'. short businessmeeting' w as --conducted bythe president', Mild- red'`' Cameron." Kathleen MacDonald, gave the • •Treasurer's. report: • Presentation of`the "Bud Hamilton' Trophy ;:was made. byaMrs . Fred Horton of •the; Lucknow Bowling • Lanes to the:Captain of.. the Chick •adees,*Edith Webster.', winners of • the Regular Season's• Bowling , to which Edith • made a fitting' reply . Winners of the'Re g �ular Season's . , Bowlingwere ,Hi h;T'eam,. Chicka . - dees ;RunnerUF Larks;, High Single Jean Phillips; High .h Triple ,, Marion MacKinnon;. High :Avera e; Marion g g the •league ;Mildred Cameron has MacKinnon;• 2nd•High Average;; • 1 those responsible for catering r; • The itophies'were given out"and. a short meeting followed.. Play-off winners of the season were the Cardinals., Members on , the team' were Jim O'Donnell, Bill. Wh. arry , George Stanley , Bob Rit- chie Howard• Barger and Ab Morton. • Runners up. were the Hawks with the merribers being: Ron Stanley, • Ken 'Roulston, Don Dennis,; Art Pur- ney, Alex Andrew and Mel Morris- on: Other trophies received were High Average, Jack MacDonald;: High Single, Jack MacDonald;; High ;.: Triple• }Ron Stanley; Most 'Improv= ed• Bowler ,b Bill Wharry. Congratulations "to .w THE :RED CROSS 1S 'PEOP.E LIKE YOU HELPING : PEOPLE LIKEeYOU .� during` the season to a spare., Helen Stothers. ' `Marion MacKinnon 'presented a• gift to the President on •behalf.'of Ferns MacDonald;3rd Hig Held' this• position for a two year, Average Jean •Phillips' Low 'Team Jays. ' period 'and: her time•:and effort have been.'. much appreciated.' Winners .of., the' Play-offs .were: • High Team ,.Swallows:.. Runner Up , -.Larks; High Single Mildred Cam. • eron, High Triple •, Marion Mackin non; Most Improved:Bowier,.Jean' Phillips,: . Additional presentations made this` year were .to :the Oldest Bowler }• Mabel ,Steward and High.Average • 'Election of :Officers , or t season: PresidentJean Philii' . , ps• Vice. President; Norma McDona " g �h; . Secretary, Anne 'Purney; •Treasurer; Kathleen MacDonald. The evening. concluded with the Pla Yying of.Court Whist with Helen Stothers winning high prize and. Anne Purney low prize .:• • Based at Morgan Johnston's air dquetSaturda A verysuccessful banquet was, held Saturday evening, April 19th. in the Lucknow Legion Hall: A..delicious supper was capably served, to 119 people by the Zion United Church Women, • Russell Whitby, master of cere- monies,• kept everyone •in stitches;, and aided by Jack Caesar and a,' few other •members , '.presented :the trophies. Those receiving awards were the Zebras who topped the season; the. Tigers, who won "A" group playoffs; the Polecats, who won . "B" group playoffs; Russell Whitby, years men's high single; • BillStew- art ,, year's men's high triple; ,Mar ion MacKinnon year's ,ladies "high single; Marie,Stewart , year's ies high triple,.:Bill. Stewart men's' high average.; Marion MacKinnon, ladies' high, average; Grant Chis-: holm, •men's high single• for the "A". group playoffs; Bill Stewart, 'men's high triple:for the: "A" group playoffs; 'Marie Stewart.;, ladies high single for the "A'' group play- offs;' •Kay Crawford ,, ladies high triple for •the "A"_group playoffs;` • Jim Mathers, ,men's high•singlefora the "B" group playoffs; Russell . Whit by, men's high ,triple for the "B"•, group playoffs; Mary. Fisher, Who. ' won. the "B"group playoff high triple' and high •single :forthe ladies Additional:awards were.given :'. Wilma Cfiisholm and Jack McDon` agh , who were the mostimproved lady and.rnan bowler for this year. Dancingfollowed the banquet.' with. Carruthers orchestraourin P , g out the music . This' pretty well;'sums up,. Our. year_. Congratulations to the winners and we hope a good)time was enjoyed' by all. TREASURER'S '.REPORT • Banquet (208 25 , Orchesta 17$45 ; ( Trophies $125:.00. Total $433..25.. ..Collected through the".year $544, 50,' Plus draw and extra suppers $18.50:,'Balance on hand $21 92,,E I ' Total $584:92 Expenses $150.55 plus $433.25 Total $583.:80 1 :Credits .$584.92 . Debits • • $583.80, • Cinlass Bowlers •present Trophies- fi Annual Banquet ree Us . for All ri'ont End Fix -Ups No monkey.'business! For front . end repairs or any car; service, you: can. count on, us. Reasonable rates.`' too.. ` O resent Trophies �# Bowling, Bongue LADIES• 9:00 LEAGUE • ; Forty-eightrnem hers' of the Ladies 9 o clock •Bawli-ng League. turned out for the wind -up Banquet. •on:MondaY • evening ,'April 21st at*. g the, Anglican Parish Hall A delic7. ous turkey dinner= was served by the:. Anglicanladies •and enjoyed by all. Marie Ste'v a -the-P1eside-nt . was'in charge and:assisted by sever7. al lea.g ue members., who made many 'lucky draws during the. evert- ing. ',Trophies ' were presented. to the followin winners: Lois :Walden presented individual trophies;to.,the• Seasons.' Winners the "Lollipops"..., Mary , .Cleland, captain, of the' team, .replied fittingly. .High average was. presented. to Barb Sanderson •with a, score of 189• Sand. schedule by Marie Stewart. High single of • regular schedule went to Kay, Craw - ford 'w4 h--3-2-7 presented' by Barb' Sanderson.' High triple of regular to : Kay,,.Craw ford with '712 was presented by Ruth Jardine:. Kinloss Bow _ acts he, t sir inn-`�'uar banquet at the.Log Cabin Restaurant on Monday, evening. Following; a good turkey dinner, trophies and'. prizes' were presented. Members of the champion teaxi the <'Beans" were Fraser and-iDFis-MacIintaon •OFFERS "ANY' KIND Oh WEED, CONTROL, •. 1 • FERTIL[ZEt_.�APLICAI`IONS AND INSECTICIDES 'NONE LUCKNOW 528 '.a+J.��:i"► i ;i i'+ia.J.:i i'"JC`"'f"''rl'•:"."�,'t1•:'�i^"'f'dr",t AREA REPRESENTATIVES SAM LAMMEH r . ,f :JERRY LO SEE ,AND CLAYTON, PILGRIM • .� Spraying By. Aircraft Pdy �tdoesn`t Cost • Gerald and Merle Rhody, , Jim • Lavis and David or Murray Mac- Kinnon. . Pla- • f s=aver yof •-�eh�piQn Individual; trophies were presented: to the "Gumdrops or, winning the playoffs by; Irene ,Nelson: Kay Forster expressed thanks;on behalf of the team., The Silverwood `• Trophy was presented to t•he.Play off champs with team Captain • Forster-r-eceia irrg-th-e-trophY from Mrs'. HortOrf, .arid her team 66 and was' r s • Joy Dennis: with 3 p , e ented by •RuthJardine,' High Triple for playoffs' Went •.to Barb Sanderson with 718 and ,vas presented by Kay Crawford.• Most.iinproved bowler went .to Barb• Whitby', and was, 'presented;by last year's: winner;, • Kay Forster.. Barb''s,average-had improved•.' 33 points'. •The •Treasurer's report was given by Shirley Cooke. 'The•election of officers .followed, with. Lois Walden being elected new President,,, Marry Cleland as Vice President, Kathy Gibson Secretary. and Mary .Nelson . as T.reastirer,. It was decided to 'change the • • teams next year` again. The. sched- ule for next season will start te,lst • Monday after Labour•Dayin Sept :ember: which will makeit;the.6th of September. There•will be two weeks off 'at' Christmas ; , ending Decernber,l5th and starting the nth; ,of'Januar . Team• h•andicaps were discussed• go.back.to the Individual Handicap• . •for• -next 'season: Eunice 'Cunnirlg- iam stated she would, donate 'a.: .trophy for the Season's: Winners next.year..'Rules in the book will remain the same, •It was recommended that any playm.ers wanting•to• bow.1 after a ' certain length of: time would..have • to go through the executive. after teams. have .been drawn up It was also sta.ted.that'if we start • , the ist of September; no one could start after the end of Septernber, unless someone . moves or one 'rrtern••: ' berf-tearri-is "ill; thea it-wot�td • gave a ."yip, •yip, harali": reply., c H' offs -went' -to=— rgh�sirrgeµfor`piay the "Onions" Harry and Mary Lavis, Wayne Rhody, Tom Dykstra ,,Agnes Farrier and'Bob ilchrist , High. average.winners were: Merle and ~Payne Rhody; Gerda de Jong and' ;inn Latii,- High Triple,:Jac- 1 ere. Duir,er. arid1/4f3ob Gilchrist.' • L',ic'v ehair..prizes went to Jim viy and'Joan Martin, The 'person Hca', ing a birthdayearest banquet .. date`w.a • ,,:arlaii Harris. Plate .prize winners were Getd'd de long and Bob Gilchrist " Thanks was expressed` to Pred• Horton for trophies donated and for having the names etigravedon the large trophy,. . 'Officers elected' for flet year ,►til -tali ;it *a, wu..,-may • Roll up: your sleeve to save` a life BEA BLOOD DONOR President Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall; 'Vice• -President , Mrs. F,,` MacKinn on; Secretary -Treasurer; Mrs,, J. • de Jong, .Prizes for "Shoot" were awarded. to Ann MacDougall and Agnes Farr- ier,'John MacKinnon and Orville Elliott, This; brought to a close: another enjoyable bowling season. ` have to go through the executive ;for them to be~replaced 7C1-341een Eetly-thankeethc A ng -1i - can ladies for catering and'Mrs. Roulston replied Shirley Cooke expressed thanks to'the 1-lortons for, their co -Operation at the 13ow1:- ing. Alley and presented Mrs. Hor- ton with a gift, Shirley 'Cooke prese,nted.Mar ie Stewart,. President pp a -reciat•• with a gift as a'token o •f •:ion; . Ten tables of shoot were played with 6 table decorations goinout as,gifts. Winners in the cards which: fo11." owed were: High score, Tillie' Wilson and Freda Button; Second high Eunice Cunningham and l`1atg Finlay; Low score Dorothy Errirr, ton and Isabelle Mullin.. It's'all over for another sensori .ladies, see you, all next fall. ' a