The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-04-16, Page 14PAGEFOURTE THE LUCKNOW`•'SENTINEL, ,LUCKNOW ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16th, 1969 7 } -e-can-offer-•you torp quality Aero Fertilizers experienced personnel - modern spreading equipment; and help you make' your crop program • more'profitable., ;Come in a.nd'put us to. the+test. We know how good'ourservice' is—andrnre'dllkeyou'to :find .. out, too. After all,'We're, business' to assist you in yours. We hopewe'll see you soon. C'C 7rA IVA•Mlb _ ,.• • Serving' the man whose business is; agriculture. ®Reg'd Trademark Harriston Clinton Walkerton 338-200 5 482=9133 881-230.8 Your, local .AERO 'FERTILIZER CU•STOM':BLENDER John Jamieson Is President 4 Water. Association` EVS. The spring meeting of White- church Water Association was held • April 8th at•8:30 in, Whitechurch` Community' Memorial Hall with an' attendance of 12. The president.: Russel Chapman ' presided, called the,meeting : • .p S to Order and welcomed all.. ngsbridge .Cubs, BY• EDDIE SINNETT 43cubs were. present on April 10 in Kingsbridge:.Hall. Sixer Bernie' Van•Osch led in the' Grand Howl. -Ren-de-ristrated hoW tomake a• kite and then everyone made one. Most of: the, kites flew and everyone had fun. Next meeting all cubs are to bring wood to •make window, props The Tigers had campfire, and the Chiprrunks are in•charge next .week Paul Doherty led, in theGrand• Howl'. Akela: then closed with pray' The minutes. of the fall. meeting er and O ada .Can... , were read by, Mrs - Victor :Emerson, secretary. Elwood Groskorth • • reported ,on the. interview with. chief Dave•Crothers o.f.Wingham:: Fire ,;Department ' The truck` carries /500 gallon: of water, .800 ft..of • 2 2 inch hese_, 00 f 1 1 2 Water' meeting notice, 10 days. 1/,i cis f the taps and flush the line., it w -as ' agreed that water bill for, maintenance .be sent separate to: . • • Huron Township Native Is Buried At.Pine4River MRS. ROBERT STEELE • Mrs. Robert Steele the former° Grace. Campbell', passed away in Wayne •County Hospital in Detroit. on Monday, March 31, in her 78th • year. She was a native of Huron Town- ship', he daughter of 'the lateMr. r.. and Mrs: • Peter Campbell of the, second concession and spent her early years in this community, .. In 1912 'she married! Robert Steele and after spending•their first Marr- ied years at A mberley ,, they mov=v ed 'to Detroit, in' 1926. ; girls Enn..Iied s: brownies 1ST LLJCKNQW PACK B� Y SEABEE ., • We started brownies out with some games., Then we had Fairy Ring. . . Then we -had enrolment., The girls that were enrolled are Joan Hamilton,' 'Gail Hackett , Janet" Humphrey„ ' • Then we marked. our 'books , Then some giro" served the Mothers tea and toast while. we played games.. We closed, Brownies with the.- squeeze he.-squeeze and chirnes, 'The late'Mrs,. •Steele and her ' ti • husband -spent much of their tirne the 'last. few years'at Point Clarke and she will be greatly missed in the A mberley District . • •. Besides her. husband, Mrs. Steele is survived by two sons, Harvey.: and Keith,-' both •of Detroit .and their families; one., sister Miss Agnes Campbell, Detroit and one , brother; Albert Campbell, Luck now She Was predeceased •by. two sisters 'Mary'aaid Mrs..$dward (Margaret) Rink: and'six brothers', Iohn , Peter ; ..Robert Samuel ; James and Edward. 'Funeral services'were conducted by. Rev . 'John' Hill at the McLennan funeral home in' Kincardine with • • burial ' in Pine River Presbyterian Cemetery Pallbearers.'were William Gatti),, bell',, Robert Campbell, •Grant ,Campbell, Robert Courtney Randy Doyle and Art Wagner. , Flower ,bearers were .Elmer Brad ley,. jack C.ampbell,:.John C,,,Cam .Dennis Courtney,_ Graig avid' and Michael Wag_. Mrand. Mrs'. Ross.Smith. and Bradley of Toronto spent the. week- end with Mr. ,arid ,Mrs ' Russel• Chap- man.. hap-ma'n.. Mrs Chapman • who'' isited last• week with them accompanied them here. Callers:Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr,' and Mrs.. Andrew'. Gaunt were Mr. and Mrs'. John De Boer, Mr..:and Mrs. George' Erring=: ,ton' and family of .West' Wawanosli, .. Mrs. Robert' Ross , 'Mrs . , Frank 'CouI, ter ;..Mrs: Albert McQuillan and ; ; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson •. . Mr. and Mrs :• Eric Evans, and `Mel- vin of Hyde. Park were Sundayvisit ors with his parents, Mr: and Mrs.. Bill Evans • Mr.' and 'Mrs . Ronald. Perron and family of Goderich were:Sunday visitors with her sister, •Mrs. Walter �.8 to. / prior to,April ;1st . and: Ot.tober-lst---E Ten' days a'fter. April 1st the 'are'asur er notifies 'the. secretary of: any 'who have not' paid the maintenance and another bill' be sent - I.f no pay is . - 'still iecei yed-therr7theDirector r are notified .to 'Collect the bill.. '• The grass. will be cut by free' ' labour~,. John--Jainieson ;is donating paint and. Wesley Tiffin is to put it on. Tom. Morrison, 'chairman of Chal- inch hose and services all•dwellings South of Highway 86..' Chief George Whitby•oftheL uck'= • : now• Fire Department reported their ---truck-c-arr-ies:-66.0-gallon-Water , ,1200 ft of 2' 1 2 'inch hoand 1 000. 1/2'inch . feet of 1.1/2 inch hose and s'ervices . dwellings north; of Hi hwa •86,: g Y The Fire. Department suggested • that Whitechurch buy 2'planks 12' feet, long,and '2 inch thick ler Ilion.,Mr.. "Eliiott'and Tamil 60TH. ANNIVERSARY On: Saturday Mr, and Mrs. Gordon MacKay. and Bob Mowbray of " • Wingh_am Mrs. 'A . E ..Burdon and s: Ce-ciLEalconer were atm Guelph. to celebrate with Mr:. and Mrs :Dan MacKay at theirhome, their G Ot` wedding h i 6 h ._At�_ the wedding dinner Charlie' MacKay -of Dunnville gave, a toast to 'the . celebrants and Dan replied. After the the dinner many slides ofthe fam- Tracy ne•r.• PURPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs._•Frances Boyle'and, family visited at Burlington •for'the weekend while 'Corrine and Kevin •Boyle stayed with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Fowler,, • Mr.' and Mrs. . Wilex• King were Sunday guests Of ' Mr. 'and 'Mrs:, Cecil Sutton and family .. On Friday evening .Mr..and Mrs..: Everett Lane of Flesherton ' visited 'with .;Mr .;and Mrs. Stuart Lane..• -=-Mrs ; Burton• -Collins ,- Sandra -and 'Margie visited 'with Mr; :and Mrs. Merrald., Kuehl and family in Wdt erloo on Saturday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Leonard McDonald and Ronnie visited Sunday w1th Mr: and Mrs Den:. Robertson.. Saturdayvisitors' with'.Mr and Mrs. Ezra Stanley of .Kinlough were', Mr . and Mrs Earl .Elliott and ily. • 'Mr. and Mrs Raga Stanley and. •family of .Kinloss on Sunday visited -wish Mr. aid Mrs. EEatl,Elliot-t--and • Y. 1968 FOR GALAXIE 500, 4 door,hardto , full • eq ;3 — 1968 • CHEV IMPALA, .4 door hardtops. 3, 1968 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN.. sedans' V8, automatic with„ power steering 2 1968 CHEV BEL. A `sedans cylinder < automatic with l;R , 8 Y.. power steering:•• pp 4 1967• PONTIAC . PARISIENNES, .' 3 4`' door hardtops: and and a sedan, V8, fully .'equiipped. • 1967 FORD GALAXIE, 2' door hardtop, fully equipper 1967 BEAUMONT, 4 door. sedan, 8 , automatic .1967 PONTIAC STRATO CHIEF,.6 cylinder, 4'. door sedan,; power steering and brakes 1967 DODGE POLARO 500,, V8, fully equipped 19aZE..ORD sto sedan . zm n 1967: PON,TIAC, 2 door hardtop 1966 CHEV BEL AIR 'stationwaon; V8 automatic, power steering 40 used cars' from '63 to '66 in various models, 'sedans, hardtops and 4. door, ` mostly fully equipped across t e . mets Board of Managers of Chat ig way to protect t e. hose.mers Presbyterian Church, asked if It was, decided that on April 12 at :the sefiners "would be. afire 1:30 p,. m that any who would like, able to let either. churches ,of the' to know what to do at the pump , village, have the water free.. .. house in case of fire come .and ' -lvlrs. Emrson. will call on -the ; ••- learn to operate the switches. signerson'Highway 86 'and Russel ' The treasurer Elwood Groskorth Chaprnan will call on thoseon'the gave the .financial statement show North street• with ballot box and' ing a balance of $1343, 70 • ballots prior to.April 21st, y lvlrs. Emerson read a'reportfrom • . The election of officers with,Joh'n Ontario Water. Resources reporting larriieson chairman are: President, on their inspectionmade by, Mr. John Jamieson; Secretary , ' Mrs R.W. (-•,.x on January 11. His ree_ ;•Victor Emerson; Treasurer, Elwood ommer.•ia`tions were (1) A` progra i Groskerth Directors, Fred Tiffin', . should :,e carried but; (2) the Water .Mainter►ance:men, Elwood Grosko- As's'ociation should• ensure that the ? rth Russel Chaprian•arid Albert required .number of bacteriological Couites, '• samples are being collected' . li Elwood Grosko►th thanked ' Rus$e1 was 'decided that those at the end • Chapman, retiring president and • of the systems if rust appears . open his helpers for a;: job. well One; .- drlir.t""�aIY410* 'yi ily • gatherings., . hepid when: Rev . Angus.MacKay was home on fur-, lough 'on recent •occasions from',• India were shown. '• Charlie Falconer and Mary of • Glamis were Sunday visitors -with, Jim Falconer of Wingham . , . Mr and Mrs. George" Currie of East Wawanosh were. Sunday visitors with Mr: and Mrs., Wesley Tiffin. Mr..and Mrs.. Douglas. Conley were, Sunday visitors with her grand- parents, Mr; and Mrs. Earl Caslick Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woods and • • 4 • S. mother, Mrs. Woods were Sunday visitors with her.. parents, Mr. and.' Mrs. Gershom Johnston of Wingham bouglas Fir is the tallest Cana- dian tree. ' ♦ A+ - 1967 FORD % ton; automatic transmission 1967 CHEV /a ton'pickup 1967 G.M,C. '% ton pickup; V8 standard, 1966 FORDE conohne .Super van 1964 CHEV '1 ton with duals; 1964 CHEV 3 ton, stake . ¢ A number of Econoline Vans from 63 to 65 • BP „Servlet Station Vilionolowaninimr Phone 173'' Brussels