The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-04-16, Page 5WEDNESDAY APRIL 16th °190" *".4 7° a" 1,1364"1474",""Fr al! Wif ifrAPWW,F41474...'"W`i;*1.11A1*M.L. THE IAICKNOW SENTINEI,e, LUCHNOW, ONTARIO • v • • J. acKEtiZIE. 0 D II Optometrist * NOW Ht. RIPLEY TOE EVERY WEDNESDAY Office Hours 10;00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Phone Roy MacKenzie Ripley 395-5154 for apPointrnent RE'S BIG G , W. R Hamilton • • OPTOMETRIST' 14 NEXT TO LYCEUM THEATRE, •• . , . • . .. WINGHAM ' • PHONE 3574361 JOHNSTONE'S - FUNERAL MOdorn and Conyoniont leucknow; Phone 5284013 • Day or Night • .: .Sorving All. Faiths. ' • According to :Their Wishes „ . Moderato !sacs* • Established; 494 1 INSURANCE:,. . FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILEand LIFE To Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack Today. 1. J. A. McDONAGH , Lueitnow,' Phone 528-3423 R. W ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor L.ISTOWEL, ONTARIO TN-LUCKNOW Every Viodnesday and Saturday Afternoon Office m the Joynt Block Telephone: Luclmow 528-3116 • Gaviller & Compapy. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Resident Partner J. E Kennedy, C.A. Phone 881-3471 — Walkerton ••••04,•&e.•.•••04' IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS - for prompt service and qualitrwoduets, AUCTIO FOR COMPLETE TIRE SALES & SERVICES .• Phone 529-7600 GENERAL STORE QUALITY. TIRES AT LOWEST PRICES Farm,, Truck & Pass. Tires,. • rOStOiie Wheel Balancing and Battery Service ROY A. HAVENS: PLumooNG......HEATING • .• • *•:,WIRING• ) sie Heating Equipment •.; , Home Heat Service Dealer l'auelcntiog 7—Phone 528-3012 . , • CRAWFORD SHEPHERD. and MILL J. H. CRAWFORD, CI.C. N. A. SHEPHERD, M.A., L.L.B. / ALAN R. MILL, B.A., L.L.B.• • • cl,EARING AUCTION s•Awg. „ of * Antiques and Household. .Effects ' For. • ° Mk., BERT MAIZE ' • Dungannon, . • on • THURSDAY On. 24 •at 1:30 p•.m.. • • • 'China cabinet; washstands, dres- ser; beds, small tables, buffets, ch'airs; rocking chairs, sewing machine, trunk,, mirrors, crocks, oil Minim; table lamps, frames, feather tick, pillows, quilts, ironing board, dishes, .limoge china, part toilet set, lawn mowers, step' lad- der, tools, etc., etc TERMS, CASH HOUSE, SOLD MIKE CUMMINGS, Auctioneer Goderich 524-9064 , ..•• . ' CLEARING.AUCTION SALE Property, Household Effects and • • • Antiques . • . • • Will be held. for MRS..SAM REID • • At Victoria Street, Lucknow On SATURDAY, APRIL 26 • Commenting. at 1:30,. p.m, • • :Dining room suite (60 years old), studiocouch, tables, and lamps, piano, television, radio, 'rocking chairs, 2 -oil stoves, refrigerator, kitchen cupboard, kitchen tables and " chairs, sewing •.machine,, day bed, 3 bedroort •suites, wash stand set, dishes, coloured glass, items, kitchen utensils, appliances, pic- tures,,, antiques, numerous articles, Property . * • • .' • If not sold prior to sale day, will be offered., subject to reserve bid, at:3 /P.m. This lot has a. freshly painted. frazzle, 8, room house, with new roof - • . • TERMS OF• SALE ' '• Proper/ y10: DDaeyt..n,.Balance Cash -- on. household effects and . • , antiques •.• • • • .BRIAN RINTOI)L, Auctioneer • ' c urch 357-2349 CLEARING* AUCTION SALE , • Farm 'Machinery, Grain' And Household Effects . • • Will Be Held For • , '• ALEX. COULTER • • • NM. Lot 34, Con 14, East•INawan-• osh; 31/2 Miles. West. Of Wingham SATURDAY, APRIL*19 At .1:30 • •••• ,Machinery - • . 35.Massey Ferguson tractor With Case with L.P,T.0;,. Front end snovvblov.rer, .3 Furrow M.F. plow, 3 point hitch ,cultivator, Internation- al 28 plate disc, 10 section diamond• harrows with .stretcher, • M.H. 15 run,' power lift sed drill,; 2 good wagons with 16 ft. racks, King wise ,34 ft. elevator,' M.H. 8 ft. binder On rubber, 2 wheel' ,trailer, New Holland 66 baler (like new), Case_manoreispreader, John Deere spreader (95 ,bu.), McCulla' chain , • . • IN LUC'KNOW • .. EVERY WEDNESDAY' Located in.Breckles Block , . • ItiVRII-LET. • • EVERY. FRIDAY • In floss Ntartyn Building, PhOno Wingham • Office 357..3530. — Res. 357-2330. •Contact: • GRANT CHISkOLM , • Phone Collect Dungannon 529-7524 "Always Look To Imperial F'Or The uest" R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST --6-GODEBICH • • The, Sq4are • (Phene: JAckson 4-7661) • A. M. HARPER Meniorials. GuAR*.ot-ED7GrmorEs: CEMETERY' LETTERING. • REASONAHLt PRICES.. ' Buy D.rect and Save .BsPh351191O H..' • , • Res. .Ph: -.-357-1015-- MacKenzie emorial—Chapd FUNERAL SERVICE • Services—conducted_accordi to your wishes at your Home, your Church, or at our Mein - 'oriel Chapel at no additional • charge . • • • LuCknow, 'Phone 528-3432. Day or Night • TED COLLYER Registered Master Electrician ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR CHARTERED -ACCOUNTANT • 55• 57 South Street, Goderich • Telephone 5241562. • <•.4.*WrtitAvfai.••••!•Vaittrpii**4)Mit.;:... vi•AltIVVViclii*V•4 AUCTION 1. At .Clifford, ,/2 mile west of CM' : ford, on -Highway 9, next sale Saturday, April 19 at 1 p.m. Of- fering are: 2 new tractors con- signed frorn England; 18 late mod- el tractors; 20 'John Deere and International 4 row corn planters, 8 7- 40 48 plate International and Kewanee hydraulic double discsZ 'cultivators; harrows; harvesters; •blowers' etc. VAN EYL BROS. • AUCTION SALE, Farm Implements And• Grain Will .Be Held For GEORGE WALKER Lot 34, Concession 13, East Waif-. anosh,' 3 Miles .West .Of No. 4' • ,Highway On MONDAY, APRIL 21 • • At 1:30 p.m. Machinery . . Minneapolis V tractor ; Oliver 66, with. loader, Dion Thresher, 28 x 48,, Cockshutt one way disc, '10 ft. Int., cultivator, 3 furrow ace bottom . plow, 2 furrow ace bottom plow, Oliver mower, 7 ft. cut, Oliver 'side rake, ‘4 bar, • POtato• plow, 2' wheel trailer, Post hole digger, Black:. smith drill, Drag harrows, Steel roller, Circular saw, Grain ,auger, Hotnelite 1/2. 'in. electric drill, 114 in. electric drill, Set'of 1/2 in. , sockets, set .tapes and dies. Table .saw with 'motor, Anvil and - vise, Forge, Renfrew scales,. air compressor, Electric:hammer mill 3 hp. motor, Corn,cart, slush scrap- •er, Brooder stove, Woven wire stretcher, 1 horse power motor; 110, 1/2' horse power motor; 2 elec- tric fencers, .power Emery, 2. barn jacks, hydraulic -5 tons. 2 rubber. I tired wagons, New Holland baler, 'King wise bale, elevator, Lincoln welder, .1 'sausage machine, 1 pow- er clippers; Quantity of Furnituretoots .' . . . , , • .• Dining roerrrtable,*-6ith- chairs to ;Match; China cabinet, Chester- field with 2 chairs, 2 oak .thairs; rockers, 1 'Bench,' some ' *odd chairs, Moffat electric stove, , 2 Beds and Dresers, 1' fold away couch, Hall :rack and mirror, 1' oil heater, 1 Flower stand, l- Other art- iclestoo numerous to, mention. • Eledric Heating, Electric Wiring •. and Repairs , ' and All Electrical Appliances LUcknovv ••-- Phone 528-5182 • NO RESERVE•AS FARM IS SOLD. , • We will not be 'responsible for, any injuries day of sale. • •TERMS CASH; DAY'OF SALE JACK ALEXANDER, Auctioneer • REMEMBER HELPVOURREDCROSS • TO HELP • HIGHEST: •PREVAILING PRICES PAID • isomissomimilumommeaumemit WONT 'BUY A • at .One hundred acres, situated', • iithree miles from. Lake Huron • :one, mile Off 21 Highway in Ash -s afield Twp. On this .farm are 98: °workable acres with never fail-. sing spring creek,well ditched: and new woven fences Barn mi • 40x 6O;30 x 60 in good repair. :Loose pens 'with 14 tie-up stan-s • . • • • chion.s. : House ' 5, bedroom :house, large living item" ands adining /von), kitchen, built-in: :cupboards, .sun porch, 3 piece !bath: Full basement with oil itfuirsfirst 13ttime ledirsitginfigt,to gel! for h : . • • • - HOUSE - : We HaVe Found A II:. Home -For Yoy !• An attractive one -storey bunga- low with garage attached ins LILucknow. 4 bedrooms with cloth-: Ties closets, living room with pic-o ! ture window, kitchen with built- in cupboards. 4 piece bath, fur -E, E nace; 4 yrs. old. Situated 3 • . o blocks off main street, quiets • • Impart of town. : • on NINCOME PROPERTY: . 2 storey ,apartment building ons lomOin street in Lucknow. Up-: lostairs apartment; kitchen within sciipboards, large living room, . piece bath and 3' bedrooms,N ownstairs Apartment, kitchen: • with built-in cupboards, newly • renovated living -room 4 piece: =bath and 2 bedrooms, also :Beauty. Salon with; or ,without: . equipment..' There, is a large: • : back yard in connection with. • sr this property. Priced right fort-, :quick sale. Owner leaving' town. . • ' 1:1S M ° GRAS FAR s FuR• wALE so • "1100 acresmOre or less .with •good w drilled ',well, concession 9Kin- ▪ loss barn 32 x '72 priced rea-se . •, , Nsonably. . si WANTED .1•1 100 acre Grass Farm in Ashfields • Don Holst LI', Real. Estate,. Ltd... ' REALTORS • , • : • -,, • ▪ ' • WINGHAM • -• Ontario Specialists — E• We have the Only Exilusive, • Photo Lusting Service In • Thi •. • ■ • 1Wenthers of Grey Bruce • • ▪ . • Iteal Estate Board Tv; • sr • • saw M.11. 4 bar side rake, Ferg- • FOR • • uson 7 ft, hydraulic mower, Land roller, slush scraper, Grader blade, one way 'disc, . Cattle oiler. (new; with oil), Cattle' clippers, steel fencele posts, Cattle crate, catt FRESH. DEAD' OR DISABLED, • •,. -.COWS. AND HORSES , • „, $1•411.:Aninials Removed , ' .. 'Free Of Charge bote-,-2-Steel--Avater-troughs-6ft .WALKERTON 881-3459 • 8 ft.. Sugar kettle, • sap :pan :and pails, 3. 'power saws . and 'drill, 1 or-se--electric_niotor, 1/2 if, electric motor, Electric fencer with wire,' 150 gal. gas drum, lyice; Cedar posts, .50 ft.: electric cord, Set of light sleighs, Cutter, Double horse harness, . Number 22 ft. sleepers and planks, Pinechop box, Forks, shovels. • ' Grain . . . • 10 ton mixed grain.. Some household effects. " 'Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for :any accident in • connection with this sale TERMS CASH -- FARM SOLD R-144TOULv-.--.Auctioneer•-•-• ('RAFST"" *REMOV .AL VI/ALKERTON • •. . - disabled cows and horses accord-puiI. MARIATT... • :BROTHERS • DEAD STOCK • REMOVAL , • • We 'Joy up to .$15 foe fresh, dead, • ing • to' size. Small animals re- ' moved free of charge: • ' * *- * PHONE BRUSSELS 133 COLLECT' • , vs••41•••••#4,44•ig ,•*9,,,g.b•jyttlit11,•••*##Vt4;,,, Vittl.t•rtv•auviv. -•.•-v,,.tt••;—..4•1•1•44•4`.41.4•Vitv.,,tvVV.IdeVW:P4*Iftki•,•!Orli;i7AVtitarttodlta•Vilvir.•ArA'..,..Y. ...Mvefft.vititiVIErh-dsilit***10.b*SO• Asrfor our Multipie-Listift' ■ ' • • Service.• .. • . it BARRY McDONAGH sr. • LucknoW 528-3423... ■ • Da Marsdin —Manager Wingharn 357-3840 ■ • • • Res. 357,1014 ■ ••N • ■ ' • is • • a • , • ' ▪ '•• .; Cecil MahoOd —' Rep. • • TeeSwater-_392-6952 • • . • fig.- • • '.1ake:Juizi . . i303840 • ..• • • • Res. 3571576 .• • or•• r • • , • . Additit)nal C1ASSIFIED 0 •