The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-04-16, Page 41-4.1.11f9WW7APV:t 491111111.11111.11k THE. •LUCKNOI4!SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ,ONTARIO LASSi FIE n1.1 t 17 (,.,! raltlas 41141, MU t 'wwv 11r YM w 6 7 701 II0C,1!' I tl �yel .+ICMI I=SI: �F-1`y"-10.1,1. "4ZENC,' RMt►1:ISCb him d14 tec II W. AtUlm •Iw+crl �p1 „• Kt.' 1 . "0'il7 4.111. AK 1' WEDNESDAY, APRIL, 16th, 1969 Si FOR SALE EAVESTROUGHING ,nn "'house or' barn. Metal flashings. Roof re- pairs. CHIMNEYS built. Free es- timates. 'Morrison 'Bros., 528-2906. • BRIAN . R•INTOUL • LICENSED' AUCTIONEER • WHITECHURCH PHONE 357-2349. FOR 'SALE quantity of Gary seed oats, cleaned and treated, ready to sow, grown ' fromfirst generation registered seed. Phone N. Stapleton, 7664. • FOR SALE wringer, 'washing ' machine in, good condition. Pollock. Electric, Ripley, ' phone 395-2982. BERG STABLE',EQUIPMFNT' Contact Lloyd Johnston, R.R. 3 Holyrood, phone 395-539F VACUUM • CF EANERS Sales and Service for all makes, R. K. Peck, • Varna, Phone 262- 5350' z JUMBO PLAYING CARDS available from the Lucknow Sent- inel at $1:19 per deck. If poor eyesight prevents you from enjoy- ing a card. game, these cards with Large number$ and • illustrations may be just what you need. FOR SALE washing ' machine, in good condition, priced reason- ably. easonably. •. ,Jack Fisher, Lucknow 528- 3508. ,----CUSTOM-SLAUGHTERING'- Every: Tuesday and Thursday Pigs and Cattle, Tuesday Cattle only, Thursday in by 1 p.m. BILL'S MEAT MARKET TRUCK 'FOR .` SALE 1961 Ford;. Pollock-Electric;-7-11.iple phone 395-2982. TO BUY SELL,SWAP RENT DR HIRE IR SALE FOR; SALE = used washing mach- ines. Reconditioned. Greer T.V. and Electric, phone528-3112, COMET WELDERS (180 and 300 amp.) compressions, grinders, fer- tilizer augers, power bin, 'cleaners, rods and accessories. George. Mes- senger, area representative, R.R. 1 Ripley, Phone 395.2815: Smith Roles Ltd., London, Saskatoon. Try Comet before you buy. PEN SPECIALS'- buy a Bic 49c I pen and, get two 1'9c Bic pens FREE; buy, a Paper Mate. $1.95 pen and get a' Tempo nylon tip marking pen, value 59c, FREE; The Lucknow ' Sentinel, Phone 528- 3134., FOR SALE - Massey Massey. Harris seed drill with power lift; 1000 bales hay..: Bill McWhinney, Dungannon 529-7174. FOR SALE - boxstove, burns wood. Hiram Collins, Lucknow; phone 528-3047. FOR SALE Climax timothy . seed and a quantity of Herta ' barley; suitable' for seed: Wilfred, R. Hac- kett, phone 529.7546. STOP HAIR OUTFALL . Stops Dandruff -. Promotes Hair Growth Stops. Itchy.. Scalp With PAUL'S REMEDY Available " At Your I.D.A. DRUG .STORE ......Lucknow, •Ontario • FOR, SALE -1,000 bales of mixed; hay, also could pasture 15 more yearlings; phone 395-2704::' A REAL DEALT .. BIC PENS are fast capturing the Canadian market after: being y� intro-du'ced-in anada-a-short-tune- ago. The Sentinel , hasa good • offer for any, businessman . or. .anyone who uses a number of . pens. Buy 1 dozen Bic 49c pens at . theregular price and get two . dozen Bic .,19c pens .' FREE. A $10.44 .value for $5.88. The' Lucknow Sentinel, phone 528-3134. • DEAD. STOCK Fresh' dead ' cows over 1,000 'pounds, . $12.00 each; dead horses, $20.00 each; over 500 . 'pounds "ac- cording to size` LORENZ REMOVAL DURHAM Call Collect 36972410' SINGER SERVICE- . Eepairs to all makes and: •models; :Sales and Service on 'new products;: " Singer Co:. of Canada; phone 37-3730 after '6' p.m. ADDING •MACHINES In stock are two models;; hand. • operated Victor: with 'add and sub- tract . and :.other 'features, $100; el- ectrically operated .Commodore with all ' features, $135. See them both at The Lucknow Sentinel, phone. 528-3134. . . • FOR . SALE --. Vfding trefoil seed, hay.:- pasture type, .a good supply at reasonable prices:, . also climax timothy. Harvey ' Culbert, Dun- ganinon 529-7492., FOR I SALE • two -row, three point hitch Massey -Ferguson corn plant-. • er; a o one 1 p a e o,' o eere: tractor disc, both in" good condition;; John W. Scott, phone 395-2796. COB CORN FOR 'SALE - contact 1, John Gnay, R.R. 1 • Belgrave,. phone. 357=3559: : 'VSEPTIC TANKS CLEANED acuum* cleaning and pumping of • Septic ' 'tanks; Ronald ' Forster, Lucknow; phone • 528-2346, , Manu- facturer. anu-facturer• of cement ..septic • tanks and well tile. SILbVAND ROOF EXTENSIONS. Anyone •wishing to have exten- sions on their silos or roofs, please call or write. This can be done now. aith; ?Bmr--95, ' Goderrch. Phones . Residence . 524-7002 or . Shop 524-61511. .,. ' PLAYING CARDS Plastic coated', single decks from $1.19 tip as well as double decks and euchre decks (euchre cards only), Drop in at The LuQknow' Sentinel. F T.V. ANTENNA SERVICE Repairs and Installation, Free. Estimates, Year Round Service, Doug Harker,' Phone 364-3313 Col- lect, Box 467, Hanover, Ontario. FOR SALE Philips '21" T.V. Good working condition.. Greer T.V. and Electric, phone 528-3112. FOR, SALE 1965' Harley• Davis- on Sprint, 250 .'c.c., low :mileage, best offer. Phone ' 528-2718 after 7 p.m. or on week=end. FOR SALE '10 bushel Alfalfa seed; 6 bushel Red. Clover seed; 7 Bushel Timothy; ' ATex -Hackett- R:R; `7 Lucknow . phone 529-7267. BARN EQUIPMENT - , Acorn semi-automatic Cable Cleaners, unbeaten for hog barns; chain cleaner,, bunk feeders, silo unload- ers, hog equipment, layer equip ks- Hawkey° cast 'irony hog feeder and heated cattle waterers; Westeel=Rosco -Steel-ranaries yin-.owry3-Am: berley, phone • Ripley 395-5286. I • I HALLMAN SILOS • . Slab type or poured concrete SEE VAN . DALE • . For The Best In SILO UNLOADERS • AND'. BUNK FEEDERS VERSATILE SWATHERS•. AND GRAIN AUGERS .. JOHNSTON TRACTOR CABS; ' $225 •BENNETT BLADES GEORGE WRAITH YOUR M -F AND M -H DEALER OODERICH Phone or 524.700211 e�y wtiwt Art R SALE FOR SALE. - a quantity of maple syrup; $7 a gallon in your, own con- tainer. Morley Johnston, . R.R. 2 Auburn 529-7129. FOR, SALE - 2 .young; heavy pro- ducing Holstein :cows, due in May, bred Holstein. Gordon Barger, R.R. 3 Lucknow,. phone Ripley'395 5117., FOR SALE - large G.E. ' refriger ator for chilling cream; a number of hanging hen feeders and. auto- matic ' watering ' troughs. Leonard Chisholm, Dungannon 529-7205; FOR .SALE mixed seed grain, Stormount oats and Herta barley, grown' last year from registered seed:. Harold Maize Dungannon 529-7507. FOR SALE an eight room frame house in Lucknow on Stauf- fer 'street two .'blocks. from main, street. Attached to. this house is ' a. five, room apartment Both houses have separatebaths, separated en- trances and full • basements' with .oil furnace heating.' Anyone 'inter- ested contact Mrs. George ' Hunter, 1132 Oxford • St. 'east, London or Wm. G. Hunter Lucknow RR. 3 phone 529-7186. FOR '$ALE..- Red Clover seed. Contact Alex `• Farrish, R.R. ' 7 Lucknow, ,phone ; 529-7305. FOR. SALE - 39" .Sealy mattress, 1 practically new high .chair;' Bis= sel carpet ' sweeper. Mrs. Howard •Agnew, Lucknow; 528-2942, PHONE .SYMES . BROS. for crush- -ed -gravel, --cement gravel, pit. run- gravel, top soil and .fill. 528=5203. FOR SALE ' - cedar, posts, :Barry Johnston,` Holyrood. phone.:395-5231 FOR SALE = mixed .grain;tre- foil::seed and red clover seed. J. S. Robb, R.R. 1 Ripley, '. phone 395- 287$ TENDERS TENDERS THE' GEORGIAN` COLLEGE 'OF APPLIED ARTS '& TECHNOL bG-Y 1 R -E -IN VI TING TE :M R -S- FOR. THE ADDITION TO 'THE GEORGIAN COLLEGE CONTINU ING EDUCATION CENTRE; WEST. STREET,, ' NORTH ORIL LIA, ONTARIO, AND WILL '' -RECEIVE-TENDERS-TILL 4 P.M., E'D.S.T;' .MONDAY, MAY Sth, 1969. Addition to .consist of Small Mot- ors Shop and Stock . Rooms, Weld- ing Shop, Acetylene: and Oxygen Rooms; Oil Burner : Shop,* 'Draft- ' ng -`Roo r,--icience==L-abora Classroom, Teacher's Room, Study, Washrooms, Mechanical ' Equip- ment Rooms, -Boiler Room Exten- sion, and Renovations to the .exist- ing building to include 'a New • Lib- rary. - Plans and 'Specifications may be obtained by General Contractors' only. from Stuart N. Keyes & As- sociates Limited, 34 Nottawasaga' Street, .Orillia, Ontario, • on deposit of $100.00 for each set of Drawings • refundable on return of Plans ' & Specifications in .good condition within two weeks -of .closing date. Plans and Specifications on dis Jay_at Q.rillia•. aailder2&Exchan Barrie Builders Exchange and the Toronto Construction Association. Lowest or any tender not'• neces- sarily accepted. Signed, R. P. CRAWFORD, President Georgian College of Applied' Arts and, Technology' COMING EVENTS NEW CASH BINGO Legion ' Hall, Lucknow, • Thurs- day, :81:45 p.m. 15 regular ' games, $10.00 each. 4 Share The Wealth games • with jackpot 'included in Jackpot i' each game, rac t this week $95 on 59. calls, . BAND CONCERT A Band 'Concert will be held: in the Lucknow School Gym on Fri- day, April 18, 1969 at 8 o'clock. Adults 75c, Children 35c. HORTICULTURAL MEETING The •Lucknow Horticultural Soc- iety will meet in. the Legion''Hall, Monday, April • 21 at 8 p.m. Good programme. Members please bring miscellaneous: articles for auction sale at meeting. Members wishing to attend District Annual .. Meeting at, Brussels on. Saturday afternoon, April ' 19, notify 'secretary immed iately. A..THREE-ACT PLAY. Ripley , Agricultural ' Society , is sponsoring a .Three Act. ,Play "The: Ready made Family" presented by Glamis' Presbyterian Church in Ripley High School auditorium, , on Wednesday, April 23rd at 8:15 p.m.: SHOOT PARTY. The final ' Shoot Party will be held on Thursday; April '17th in the St Helen's : Hall. Pie counter and coffee 'served'. Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS . In the Estate Of• IDA' EMMELINE .HACKETT Deceased X11 persons -having claims -again-- st the estate of Ida Emmeline ' Hac- kett, late of the , Village of . Luck - now, in the .County of .'Bruce, Wid- ow, id ow, deceased,' who died' on or about the 19th day: of /February. 1969, are hereby notified to send' full l'part'ic- ulars' of their .claims'.. to the under- signed ndersigned ' Solicitor for the estate, on or before'; the 30th day of April, 1969,. after which date the Estate will: be distributed amongst those entitled • thereto having regard only to the claims of which • the ; Execu- ors .shall-then_nave_notice. Dated at ' Listowel, Ontario, this 4th day of April, 1969. R. W. ANDREW, Listow¢t Ontario Solicitorfor the Executors FOR RENT FOR RENT '100, acres of mixed' grass,- suitable • for 50 yearling .,, good corral and chute.. Phone Lloyd Ackert, Ripley 395-2826, GRASS FOR RENT -,for-14-year.-... lings. °Philip. MacMillan, R.R. :1 Lucknow phone 528-5350. FOR " RENT -100 acre: grass farm. Contact Ernest: Ackert, Lucknow, phone 528-3720: • GRASS FOR RENT,--- for 'a ,num- ber num-ber of cattle. 'Contact Bill Kina- han,, R.R..2 Lucknow, phone 357- 1987. `. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Wand Mrs. • Garnet Eskritt of Ashfield. ' wish to •thank , their, neighbours, and,: friends •• who rem- embered them with ' the gift' of a chair and coffee table prior'. 'to their moving to R.R. 1 Fordwich. This kindness was very much, ap- preciated. APPRECIATION I 'wish. to ..take this opportunity. of saying a sincere "thankyou to my relatives;: friends , and' neigh- bours.'for the many cards, letters, gifts .:and visits •. which I received while I ' was .a • patient ; in •St:.. Jos- ephs o - ephs Hospital, London . and 'since; my '.return . home. Each one . was much appreciated. Gladys -Clayton - The family of the' late Mrs. Rob- ert Steele. wish to. thank all, those • who 'so kindly •expressed -their sym- pathy with , flowers and words of condolence at the . time ; of their recent bereavement; to Rev: John "Hill for conducting the service; to the ladies of Pine Riverwho serv- ed 'a 'cup 'of tea; to Ross ' McLen- nan . and .all. others who helped in any' way. ,These kindnesses will al- ways be, remembered.., • APPRECIATION I would like to '. express my •: sin- cere appreciation' to all who sent cards and flowers, also. for those who visited, while I was• a patient .. recently in Kincardine General Hospital- • Special : thanks to Drs. Gurbin and. Milne Anti' nursing,staff' and ,Rev. -John Hill; ' Mrs. W. J. Courtney George Taylor' would' liketo ex- press his many thanks for the lov ely-cards rid -gifts- received- en 90th birthday, 'April 10th. A spec- ial thank you to the Legion Aux- iliary ladies who called with a lov- 1 ely decorated , birthday' cake, to make • his • day complete. YOUR. RED CROSS SIS SERVING TODAY READY FOR TOMORROW • WANTED CUSTOM PLOUGHING and cul • tivating . wanted. Contact Bob Gor- don, R.R. 5 Wingham phone 357- -1375. • WORK WANTED , (Bulldozing, 1 Skidding Logs Hawthornes and Willows and Blade Work. , Archie Nicholson, . Lucknow, phone 528- �tuorr�s SEED MILL LwucKr� Phony 528-3500 • SEED GRAIN' ge CL -AV -Et S - ander SsES--- • SEED CORN. BARLEY CONTRACTS CLEANING and ATREATING TRUCKING wrkY,_•^aY.+rt dslab4iq`+f51YSP'rtvY•_•+'1.4-eAY.hW4`NMee_;a;k;.ti�vNkd.iNiuW.^.v:.-,<r::.Y_-aw.iWletNil:ke!df 0,1-deriiid/.. kdati.a Meac�tbtak .,: _riiMi•1k5N%'t..Mtiawk44c..ti.3Y86J4r�e.:z±,Y:�.. .4!iitirixiF'+a4kk.S'i_: _- •�+ ter. wr.i '�i� _. .. �. WANTED -- used ,dresser„ suitable for child's • room, also a high stool' or bar stool. Plr. ase contact Misr R Damsma; Lucknow, phone 528- 2171. ' ATTENTION r. HELP WANTED _ MALE If . I can find an honest. man with a car I'll set him up in his, own high -income -sales- and -sere cclus- inesS. Thisbusiness repeats year after. year. No money required • to start. 'Apply to Charlie. Lee, Wang- ham, phone 357-1383. HAVE HEAVY LAWN ROMER Anyone wishing their ..lawn rolled bontact• Henry .Donais, Lucknow 528-2239,.' preferably •after 6 p.m,• • •