The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-04-09, Page 1WV"' Allir!1..Y1111747'4.7r4 fi M • $5.00 A Year In Advanc $2.00• Extra To U.S A.;, •f New Owner Cen � � ac e�izie Kemptville Queen Miss Wendy MacKenzie of Luck now was•recentlyPchosen by the ,students and staff of Kemptville College of Agricultural Technology as the 1969 Queen of the 40th , Annual Kemptville College Royal. ;• • She was chosen as the,girlwho con- . tributed.'most to the Royal'arid Campus: activities. Wendy has com- pleted her second year in.Home `. Economics at Kemptville. She is :• the daughter of Mr, and Mrs,. Bob • . . MacKenzie of Lucknow, R.. Miss' Carol Reid of'Paisle , also:in Bruce Cou -t �, was chosen as one.of • PY . the four princesses: ttfelenteMentifilfettlittlifftlf IN GODERICH . TOURNAMENT Father and. Son Do Net Minding 20 Years Apart The Goderich Young Canada Pee Wee hockey tournament this year. celebrated its ,20th year in operat- ion with the event growing .tremen- dously over the ,years An i•nteresting local` view• on the • tournament is that 20. _years ago, in 1949, the Lucknow Pee..Wee team, playing four games in one day, were champions of the tournament defeating..all" comers, withno class • .es according population. • Al . g 'Baker of • Lucknow was,goaltender for the championshipteam . i. Twenty years later,' in 1969, with increased opposition; .but with ... teams divided -according to,',popul- ation, Lucknow put up a fine show.-- ing , winning three games before'. .being eliminated Lucknow classed in the population 1000" to PP.. 2999; with the village 'being just overthe-1000 figure'. Goaltender in the1969 series. was Steve Baker, ton of Al Baker who filled the nets in the series 20^years before LUCKNOW, •ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9th, 1969. $ingla Copy l5c;. 20 ,Pages: e OweMay Tlsf William Muidieand Son Hard- ware in Lucknow has been sold, to a. Toronto couple and the change in o inership will end a 64 year assoc- iation of the Murdie family with this hardware business. • • Reg°and Carol Jones of'Toronto :will take over the Murdie business, effective the first of May. They are presently redecorating the apartment over the 'store, formerly occupied .byMr. and ;Mrs. Wayne Atkinson, and will move here the last of this month. They.have two boys, .Ivlichael, age 8 1/2 and.. Gareth, age 3 1/2, ,Mr. Jones is a native of Wales and resided st in London. England , from 1937 until; coming to; Canada• in•95 e' 1 4. H is'resent agent p ly anagn for Cuna Mutual• Insurance Comp- any. in Toronto., a division of the C�inm.unity .choJr Present: Cantata n Good Friday: •A Good Friday Cantata', "No .' Greater Love"`,'. Was presented in. the Lucknowed. Church on Fri- . day •evening of ,last week,with the' • church well filledfor;the occasion A con munity choir.., representing• various churches in'Lueknow and ..surrounding 'rural area , presented 'the:Cantata which was directed by Mrs:. Gordon Montgomery of Luck now: Bob Hall of Lucknow; acted as organist • •An organ prelude was by L.E. Willits of Listow- el, Soloists during. 'the Cantatawere Mrs ..Lorne: Sparkes ori-�f-the-nd-af-Kun soprano; ,Mrs.: Harvey Houston .of .. P• ;Holyrood,; alto; Glen. Lodge of Goderch, tenor; Crawford Doug, ' s .of Wingharn, bass Other solo: There's' an item of interest for the Goderich records. -and an inter- esting•item for' Lucknow's' minor. hockey scrapbook NoeI Mason Namei !iC:PriflcipaI7A rantford School Credit Union.; He spent several years in'•machine shop .work in Lon- don and in Toronto. ' Mrs.:' Jones.. is a Toronto, native.. Prior to her marriage, she was a fashion model and since her marr- .. •iage she• hasbeen teaching a •self improvement course in Toronto High Schools. and:, with I. B.M. After„ moving to Lucknow', Mrs.. Jones plans to return to Toronto once a 'month where a show, in this • line be presented at the Inn on. The Park. lt;is her intention to operate a gift store in the west :portionof the present hardware and Mr Jones will continue the'. hardware line in theother area of the building,. Wi-• am• kindle 1 1 to i , came to Lucknow from Seaforth in 1905: His son. became • b a,me associated; with parts were taken .by Clarence Greer' of Lucknow and Raynard Ackert,'' of Hoiyrood'. Rev. Laird •Stirling of Lucknow was narrator > . About $95 was realized •in•:a free=- will offering with 66.40', after ex penses, being • sent to the ` H P. a for, Leper Fund.".. indi- cate ...Statistics i`n cate that $25 will' cure one -leper. Choir leader, Mrs.• Gordon Mont- gomery, ;was presented. with a: doz- g a: gift from the choir members. A' social timeofollowed for members'. of the.choir.` I TORONTO FAMILY his father in the hardware business • in the 1920's Mr. Murdie. senior died 16 years ago and Kenneth continued in the business until his death a year ago.. Since :that time, Ken's wife (the former Pearl Nixon. of Lucknow has carried on the, hard- ware. For the past 63 years.. just a few months after William Murdie. entered the business until the present time, Miss Elizabeth Murd -, ie has been employed in the Mur"die Hardware.. Miss Murdie, known to • her many friends 'as "Lib", .has been. a "right arm" to the men through • out the years and to Mrs. _Ken Mur- die since her husband's death a year ago. She has., acted as bookkeeper and'• clerk' in• the ,store •and`. w ill shortly end a• long period of service. which is seldom equalled Miss Mur: die is a .sister of the•late .William Murdie. M . . Blakes Church Favour Proposd Of One Congregatioh<. A meeting Monday,evening of•the •blakes Church.. congregation of • the• Ashfiel United Church circuit a rov d a• r p h the three pp ,.. , .p oposal t at �. con r k .en red roses followin •the Cantata �,1-cans-'o'€-B-1�1�es-H�-e�kettis- and Zion unite : to form: one church congregation`.: • Hacketts and Zion had earlier ''. • approved the proposal; but'Blakes initially turned it down.'It:was felt that there was:, some misunderstan- ding by,sompe of the Blake a •people about the proposal and the second meeting was heldat which time the plan'was approved Theofficial board will now Pres,- ent the proposal. to the Presb termmtrealtr- for their• approval. Following 'appro. val.by Presbytery,the three con- gregations ations would meet, as. a group gr.g. g P and• elect a new slate of officers. Sentinel Adopts N/0./ Post Qffice-: Mail ReguIations Effective A=pril,-lsf; post office. regulations require.t4iat all Sentinel's subscriptions be noa:further than three months in' arrears to qualify forpost office mailing privileges. In the•past, The Sentinel has carried some subscribers past the three month limit but this will no longer, be possible. Thisgroup of subscribers represen= is only a very, few of The Sentinel's circulation of '2550 papers weekly :and if payment' is not received at. once, it will be'necessar ;to'r • °': ove thesesubscribers from the mail ing list If your paper fell due at the end of 1968•, or any months :earlier, this will be the last copy of the, paper.You will receive unless. a Y ment is received: at,onc'e, Tn. the" future the. '`'three monthover" pol- icy will be followed ,and we trust; our subscribers will assist us in this matter. • • VISIT ;IN QUEBEC Mr. and Mrs. W'. Wharr• 'mof• Town spent Easter Week -end in • • Beaconsfield , Quebec :with their son Bill and Mrs. Wharry in : Y• Peterborough with ,his brother, Mr, and Mrs .James Wharry..They Mr and Mrs. Harvey Webster who • continued on to•Quebec City to spend the holiday, with -friends .:. there • . • 'Pressing Needs At' .. u ckno w,. , Walkerton" Noel Iviason', principal at Arthur. District High School for the past. two •Years, has accepted aposition , • as vice principal of North Park Coll- egiate and Vocational Institute in Brantford, where they have an enrol- ment of about 1300 students. • Noel, was. rind al: at Lucknow'. District High School for one' year just prior to• the closing of the- school he•school here. He succeeded Mel Goyette in thatosition in Dick- P . now, Enrolment of the Arthur District High School is 330. • In his new position in Brantford, Mr. Mason will be working in a iteh is: using -an -u g acted- - CHESL'EY Bruce•county;board of education was accused=last'week by some of its members of devoti}•ig too much effort to immediately erecting a headquarters building. and -neglecting ' construction; needs • at schools' because of this . Chesley was selected four weeks ago' as site for ;the headquarters. At a committee meeting March 14 a committee of Maitland Warder Lion's Head; Mrs. Donald Milne;, Kincardine;, Ross Fowler , Southam- . pton and . George Loucks, -Chesley, was named to, engage an architect , moving rapidly on the adminittration, building but • other things 'a-re-net-beeng-leoked-•=- at. ' 4 7 Mr: McCurdyentioned•- hat he Y . termed pressing needs at Lucknow and at Walkerton public schools.. ti HAVE. TO WAIT 'rector. L. Bowers said. it is . Di J., . unlikely that work will be done at schools, until an all -county survey of :needs is 'completed. An efficient headquarters building is necessary • to 'efficiently, administer the county's education, the director, said .. • - Lloyd Liesemer of Mildmay said'. the board should hold back on plans forthe administration building and h get on with the••needs of the pupils. Bruce county council• in its sess= ion two weeks ng urged o ur ed the board' to, reconsider it decision to build until it is found whether leasing a system from - grades 11 to 13.• The ungraded systerris will eventually cover all students and will be wide" .ly used in Ontario. Noel•, his, wife Carolyn and, daugh• tees Brenda, Wendy and Dianne, will be moving to Brantford` the end• of rune where they have purch- ased' a house at 66 Driftwo6d Drive, have soil testi taken, and sketch plans prepared for the board's • approval;' A plot of about 12 acres just north of Chesley has been optioned and cost if purchased will be $500 an acre. The property is serviced. Harvey McCurdy of Amabel Town ship said Tuesday, "We seem to be building would be more ,economi- cal. Council 'also-askedrthe_boarcLto notify council of the board's "activities , , accomplishments and. aims;' :at the .June council. session. When the board, suggested Tuesday that a committee be set up to reply toa council ,• board chair man George Loucks said if the committee brings,in recommend- ations;he will resign aschairnian. ''NO JURISDICTION'.,. "County council has no jurisdict- ion over education • None whatever dI have refused ter explain the conduct of this board before council, "I, will not as chairman go. to council and make any accounting., If it is felt necessary that the chair man do this, ,I•`.lI not act ,as chair - CONTINUED ON, PAGE lg Farm In family dor i'II.LYeu rs Peter Campbell recently sold: his ,West Wawanosh Township farm to • Ronald McCrostie of Saskatoon, a native and 'frequent visitor to this. The100 acre Campbell farm i' ..p, s located on the sideroadbetween the"12th. and: 10th concessions of West .Wawanosh; a mile, east of the Lucknow -Dungannon road': ",The farm‘was :originally taken. 'up by Peter's grandfather, Peter Cam-. pbe11'and later farmed b :his'fath- er Neil Campbell: Peter s grandfather took the farm "out of the bush" 116 years ago in 1853 and.. the property.has•;'remained in the ... •famil'y:since that time. Mr, .and Mrs ` Campbell will con,-` tinue to live in 'the house for, the'.' • time being. :11(v*Kindergarfen' Kindergarten classes will be avail' able in all parts of. Bruce. county this September, it was decided by the County ,Board of Education;at • their' meeting on Ap'ri'l 1: -In :recomrnen• ing .t is action , Cir ector J.L. Bowers noted• that very few municipalities in •Bruce County have, lacked kindergarten `classes. • and observed that. this .was .a credit.,. to the progressive think ing of .form:: er, school ,boards it_ was found that • where these classes; were.. rnissin •g. there wa§' a. lack of accomm•odat ion: The Board's approval on a motion by Lloyd: Leisemer• and Maitland • Warder, also authorized the direct- or to arrange for Enrolment at 'Kincardine -Tiverton; • T.S.A. warrants' use of a kinder- garten for a full day. At Ripley Huron, Lion's Head and St, Edmun- ds schools, single classes will meet the need on a half-day basis. Temporary acc'ommodation may in n be arraned church school rooms or, other public buildings Staff-room,atKincardine-Tiverton.. artd ala room at St. Edmunds' poss.' P y. ibly to be used, .While a portable classroom might be used for the full-da'y'kindergarten, Mr, Bowers sugge's'ted such accommodation Would not be practical for half-day use ut- A 4,