The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-04-02, Page 4THE .LUCKNOW, SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ON7ARIO n WEDNESDAY;. APRIL. lid, 1149; YO BUYSELL,SWAP RENT OR NIKE • • • q!f • tau FOR SALE EAVESTROUGHING on house or barns Metal. flashings. Roof re- pairs.. CHIMNEYS built. Free.' es- timates. Morrison Bros., 528-2906. .BRIAN. RINTOUL LICENSED AUCTIONEER WHITECHURCH PHONE; 357-2349 FOR SALE - Lacombeoars from high scoring stock, service- able age.. Norman McClinchey, R.H. 2 Auburn phone 526-7789. • COMET WELDERS (180 and. 300 amp.) compressions, grtinders,:.fere tilizer augers, power bin, c:eaners, rods and accessories: George Mes- senger area representative,. R.R. 1. Ripley, • Phone 395-2815.; : Smith Roles Ltd., London, Saskatoon,' Try Comet ;before you .buy. , FOR SALE -= mixture of 'Kelsey oats and Herta barley, grown from registered: ~seed last year. Chester. Hackett„ phone 529.7316.' 'BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT 0. Contact Lloyd 'Johnston,, R.R. 3 Holyrood, phone:' 395-5390, VACUUMEANERS Sales! and Service for all makes, R. K. • Peck, Varna, ' Ph 'one 262 - FOR SALE 12 ton of Herta bar- ley, also a Freeman loader to fit Massey Harris ' ' tractor Or .:Allis Chalmers D14 or D15. Contact Alex, Hackett, R.R: 7 ;.Lucknow,' phone 529-7267 FOR SALE .- used ranges. Several. to , choose . from; reconditioned. Greer' T.V. and Electric, phone 528-3112. JUMBO PLAYING CARDS - available • from the Lucknow 'Sent- inel ' at $1.19 ;per deck ,If ,poor : eyesight prevents, you from enjoy- ing a card game, •these cards 'with large . numbers and ,: illustrations May. be' just what you need.. R SALE FOR. SALE' - Viking cream separ- ator, stainless steel. Wm. G. Hunter,R.R.3. Lucknow, phone 529.7186, CORN' FOR ' SALE -. cob and kiln .dried corn from the Ridge= town - Chatham arcs in 5 -ton and truckload lots. Jim MacEwan, Kinloss, phone 395-2410 Ripley. FOR SALE used washing mach LInes, Reconditioned.1 Greer T.V. and Electric, phone 528-3112. 1 PENSPECI S - buy a Bic 49c SPECIALS y pen and ' get two. 19c Bic pens. FREE; buy a Paper' Mate $1.95, pen and get a 'Tempo nylon tip marking pen, value 59c, .FREE; The Lucknow Sentinel, 'Phone: 528- 3134. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING \ Every ;Tuesday and 'Thursday Pigs and Cattle, Tuesday Cattle only, Thursday in by 1 p.m.. BILL'S MEAT MARKET'. DEAD STOCK. Fresh -dead• cows: ov pounds, $12.00 each; 'dead horses $20.00 each; over 500 pounds ac- cording to size: • LORENZ REMOVAL DURHAM Call Collect* 369-2410 FOR . SAkE _ Surge: _milk water cooler, . willsell reasonable.. Law- rence MacLeod, , R.R.' -5 • Lucknow 528-6091. FOR SALE 'girl's: navy blue spring coat, size 14, in very good condition. Mrs. Graydon Ritchie, Lucknow 528-2549: •. ;STOP':HAIR OUTFALL Stops Dandruff..- Promotes Hair Growth - Stops . Itchy Scalp With PAUL'S REMEDY Available: At Your I.D.A. DRUG 'STORE • Lucknow, Ontario A 'REAL DEAL 1,. BIC PENS •- are fast capturing the .Canadian market' after being introduced in Canada"' a short . time agog' The Sentinel has a good offer for ` any businessman or anyone who .uses• a number of pens. Buy 1 dozen Bic 49c pens ' at the regular price ' and •' get •'two dozen Bic 19c pens FREE. A $10.44 value: fo $5.88. The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 528-3134. FOR SALE• 1 John Deere '.AR tractor with remote control, 1 International 3 furrow hydraulic plough with ace bottoms. Call 357-' 1947. FOR SALE 1 used Surge unit and 1 •used ' Universal. milker .;unit in Al condition.; Lucknow District Co-op. F a R SALE -- girl's : green coat th=velvet c lla r, . greyislr b coat; wineslacks, pink dress, all: size -12,, freshly dry-cleaned. Mrs. Gerald Wagner, Lucknow 528-3505. SINGER SERVICE' -• Repairs to all makes and models; . Sales and Service on . new products; Singer. Co. of Canada, phone 357-3730 after. 6 pTm• ADDING MACHINES In stock are two Models;,. hand operated Victor with add and sub • tract and other features, $100; el ectrically operated Commodore with 'all features, $135... See them bottr- -af7The--i-trcknow •Seiitinel, STABLE. CLEANING - with craw ler loader. R,. Symes, 528. - 5203. . FOR' SALE =. In Ri ley one. & one-half storey, instil. brick, 7 room house, corner lot, 2 'bedrooms upstairs,. small kitchen, dining room, living room, . bedroom, 3 piece ' bath . andsunporch down- stairs. In good repair, painted, in- sulated and new chimneys in 1968... Contact. Walter :Black 395-5321 or Mrs. Harold Vogan. 395-5127., FOR SALE -= ' used refrigerator. Suitable for home or cottage. Greer T.V. and Electric, phone 528-3112. / FOR SALE 19117 International truck 3/4 ton, crew cab, 4 speed transmission, stock racks, loading chute. Will trade on. car. Financing available. Glen Hodgins 395-2337. T.V. ANTENNA SERVICE Repairs and Installation, . Free Estimates, Year Round Service, Doug Harker, Phone 364=3313 Col- lect, . Box 467, Hanover, Ontario. FOR SALE - ,certified No. 1 Em- pire trefoil, sealed and 'tagged, . 88c a pound. Jim Needham, Ripley 395-2711. FOR RENT FOR RENT . 2 bedroom. :apart- ment on Main St., available May 1st: Contact Al. Hamilton, Mayfair Restaurant, ' Box 77, Lucknow 528-: 3$32, FARM FOR ,RENT - at Kintail, over 100 acres, suitable for crop. Dave MacKenzie, 225' Epworth Ave., e., London, phone 433-2172 , or office.=Will--be=-=at- Kintail this ..weekend: IN 'MEMORIAM WEST - treasured memories:` of a dear husband, .'father and grand- father, Jack. West who passed away April: 6, 1965. ' • We cannot halt the handof. time •. Or live. again the past' But in our hearts are memories That will forever last.. Lovingly , emembert Mary, Lorne, Betty 'and `family Joan, Philip and: family. r. BARN EQUIPMENT T . -Acorn semi=automatic Cable Cleaners,: unbeaten , for': hog - barns; chain cleaner, bunk feeders; silo unload- ers,' hog equipment, Payer equip- ment, fans, . bulk tanks; ' Hawkeye cast iron hog feeder and_._heat cattle waterers; Westeel=Bosco Steel Granaries. Lynn,' Lowry," Am- berley, phone • Ripley 395-5286. FOR SALE .6white-faced heif- ers, due. soon Tim Reurink, R.R. 7 Lucknow. oats for 'OR-IAI.E quanta may sale, suitable for seed. George Smith, R. , 3 Lucknow, FOR SALE ; - .mixed grain for e, ark Hooey, Ripley R.1, 395- 2881. SEPTIC TANKS. CLEANED Vacuum .cleaning and/ pumping of Septic tanks, Ronald . Forster, Lucknow, phone 528-2346, manu- facturer of ' cement septic ''tanks` and well tile. SILO AND ROOF EXTENSIONS Anyone wishing to have exten- sions on their . silos or roofs,please call or write: This can.be done now: George . Wraith, Box 95,. Goderich. ones-Residence-524-7002-or--Sho 521-6511. PLAYING CARDS Plastic coated single decks from $1,19, up as: well as . double decks; and euchre deck§ ,(euchre, cards only). Drop in at The .Lucknow Sentinel. CURRA;N in (loving memory of a • dear husband, daughter and son,;. Herbert --C. Curran; who passed away April 2nd, 1961; Alma,. Febru- ary 181.11, ..1956 and Bertram G.; March 13th,' 1966. . When 'family,, ties are „broken, And loved ones have to part, It leaves=a=wound=that never -heals, And also broken hearts. But looking back with memories Upon .the things; we've done, We bless the years 'we had , with them, And leave the, rest to God. Ever remembered ' by wife .and family.'. . MING EVENTS NEW CASH BINGO Legion Hall, :Lucknow,.; Thum day, 8:45. p.m. ,15 regular games, $10.00 each. 4 -Share. The Wealth. games with. ,jackpot included hi each game. Jackpot this week' $85 on 57 calls. : DEDICATION SERVICE The Lucknaw .United Churchser- vice of /dedication . for • the new building and manse wilLbe'held on Sunday, April 20th rat 2:30 p.m. The. dedication will beconducted by chairman of Hamilton Conference. This service will be followed by lunch and a 'tour. , Everyone wel- come. BAKE SALE The St. Helens, Women's Institute are holding a Bake Sale en Satur- day, April 5th in Luckgovi , at the. former Johnston's Restaurant. Doors open' at ,230. SHOOT PARTY A Shoot Party will be held on Thursday, ' April 3rd, in the St, Helen's Hall, sponsored , by, the Women's 'Institute.. Lunch will be •served. SONG:.AND' ADVENTURE An evening' of "Song and Adven- ture" will. be :'held at Hackett's Church on'. Thursday, :April 3rd at 8:30 p.m. Mi . Charles Procter will show pictures of his recent trip to Russia, Sweden,, Hollandand other European countries: Music supplied; by the choir. Everyone welcome. EUCHRE PARTY A Euchre'` Party will -be held in Zion Orange/ Hall on Monday, April 7th, at 8:30 p.m. sponsored by the L.O.L. Admission 50c. Ladies with -dune(• free. TIGER DUNLOP OPENS Tiger Dunlop Inn opens for din- ners on Easter Sunday from 4 - 7 . p.m. Serving for 'Easter. Sunday, turkey; roast beef and Virginia ham. During the . week by 'reser- vation reser vation only. Contact Mrs. Gordon Kaitting phone 524.-8601... ' RUMMAGE'•SALE, SAKE SALE, BAZAAR, TEA Friday', ad Saturday, April 11, 11 be-held-,-in-the-former-Chris- tian tian Reformed Church, Lucknow; opposite the arena. Rummage Sale on Friday from : 2 to 5 p.m.: and. 7 to 9 '.p.m. and on •Saturday start- ing at 10:30 a.m. Bazaar. Tea_and eSafe, ,Saturday at 2:30 p.m.,' Sponsored ' by the ' Olivet United Church 'Messengers: Proceeds to. help sponsor. a Korean . child. Don- ations for Rummage sale most wel- come. Phone;Mrs:-Jack-McGuire- 395-2827:. `• ANNOUNCEMENT SKI•NITE A SKI-NITE will be held in the Lucknow . Town Hall . on Friday, April lith,' at 8:00• p.m. Ski films �wall�be' .shown: --Fr --admission. I-wialrto express sincere thanks Everyone welcome. for cards and to all those who vis- ited. is-ited• me while a patient in Wing- -ham-and Dstrict-Hospital; also to neighbours who helped in various ways.' Thanks to Dr. Corrin . and Dr. McKim and all the, nursing staff on the 2nd floor. Lloyd Robb LOST, a' drop -pearl ear -ring at the Legion Hall dance March 29th. Finder please phone. Mrs. Antone Van Osch,. phone 529,7441. CARD OF THANKS We wish, to , express our sincere thanks; to all our relatives, neigh- bours and friends for the beauti- ful gifts, cards, and. 'flowers,on the occasion of our 50th Wedding. Anniversary. It will always be a happy' memory. William and Clara Courtney We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to all -who sentcards and other expressions of sympathy at the time, _ of oursudden bereave- ment. Their, kindness was greatly appreciated. . Mr. and Mrs..John ',Holcak Sr. and 'family Mrs. Mark Johnston wishes to sincerely thank her many friends who remembered her ,with cards, letters, gifts and visits,' while in Wingham and .District' Hospital. Thanks also to. Drs. Corrin and McKim and the nursing staff. We wishto express . our sincere thanks' „to; friends, relatives and neighbours for the beautiful floral tributes and messages of sympathy during; ' our recent bereavement Special thanks to Rev. Roberts and. the Stiles Funeral Home. -RobertXhamney'-and Family I ' would' like to thank everyone who ' so' ., kindly , remembered me .� with cards, gifts and' visits while I. - was a patient in Wingham and District Hospital and since -corning home. „ . y Annie MacLeod I wish . to express my sincere' thanks _to all my many friends, who remembered me . with gifts, cards, letters and visits, . while I was in Victoria Hospital;. also the U.C.W. of Hacketts Church; Rev. and Mrs. Kaiser for their . pleasant visits; to those who helped me at the time of the accident; . Dr. McKim; nur- ses and Drs. on .3rd. floor, east: Mrs. M Donaldson We wish to express our thanks for . the' ' Reception :in our honour held in Whitechurch Hall on Sat- urday evening. We appreciate the - thoughtfulness and extend thanks. to all who. assisted in making the evening a memorable one. clt ,Yana and Bryan ' Gammie • I would like to express my' sin eere thanks to the-. many friends, neighbours and relatives : who . at- tended and presented me With gifts at-a--shower-{prior-tomy marriage. Also a special thanks to Mrs. ' Gor don Wall, the Kairshea Women's Institute and the ladies of St. Peters. It; was greatly appreciated. Mrs. 'Don Nickel (Barbara ( ;McQuillan) HALLMAN SILOS Slab type, or .poured :concrete , SEE VAN DALE . For The Best In SILO UNLOADERS VERSANDTILE TILE SWUNK AB E TxERs AND GRAIN AUGERS TRACTOR CABS, JOHNSTOI'.. -BENNETT, BLADES *. *. -YOUR M -F AND M -i3 DEALER', CODER ICH Phone 524.6511 or 524.7002 S SEED: MILL. Lucmow . Phone 528=35Q0 SEED GRAIN CLOVERS and GRASSES THE LUCKNOW . SENTINEL offers a conipkte 'Refection of wedding announcewments stykd for the discrim- r SEED CORM BARLEY CONTRACTS CLEANING and • TREATING' TRUCKING •n