The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-05-03, Page 15WE 5th; 1969 fh n ` THE LUCKNOW. SENTINEL,' LUCKNOW, ONTARIO: ;PAG WEDNESDAY, MARCH EFIFTEEN 1969•..Models SEVERAL TO CHOOSE FROM • 1967 GALAXIE ' S00, 2 door hardtop, V8, fully powered 1967 PLYMOUTHFURY, 2 door hardtop 1967 .POLARO 500 2 door hardtop, V8 automatic .and • power steering, 11967 FORD Custom 500;4 door; V8 autoniati'c 1967 GALAXI E ~500, 2. door hardtop, V8, 'power brakes • and power steering •1966 CHEV Bel Air, 4 door automatic 1966 CHEV Bel Air, 4redoor, 6 'cylinder 1966 ' FAI RLAN E' 500 2 door hardtop, :V8 automatic •;1966 PONTIAC, 2,. door, V8 automatic, radio, 'power steering; '1965 OLDSMOBILE, 4 door, full power '1965 .FORD.; Custom, 500, : 4 'door,' .V8, autonnatr 1965 FORD, 4 door, standard;., 1964 MERCURY MARAUDER, '2 door hardtop SEVERAL OLDER MODELS IE THESE AND OTHE BLYTH PI ?3.-4342 Native Of St� Helens Passes. MISS JENNIE R. SHERRIFF Miss Jennie R. Sherriff, , a ,highl,y respected retired school teacher, passed away. at Wirigharn and Dist- rict Hospital' on February 25: after a lengthy illness' • She was "born at St. Helens, a daughter'of'the late William Sherr- ill and Rebecca' Farrier and,, was the last surviving. member of a family of eight, Miss Sherr'iff received her early education at.St . Helens' and later. at Wingham High:School and London Normal ;School,• •She taught school for.. over 40• years, retiring s.onie 'years ago when she took 'up, residence at the•faKnily home at Wingham..She was a . member of St. A;ndrews'•.Pr;esbyter. ian Church. A .number of nieces . and nephews survive. The funeral was. 4e1d.94: Friday, '. February 28th at.•R.A' Currie and Son' Funeral Horne'conducted by Rev. Gordon' L. Fish. with'burial in Wingham Cemetery, :The,'pallbearers were Joseph Tiff- in, Russell Johnston , Peter.. • Sherriff, Wallace Wilson , Geor e Marr and Orland Leiden 'Floral tributes were carried by G: W: Tiffin :and William Johnston. KINLOUGH us...om=.utchering — Curing and Smoking Cutting and Wrapping =- Sausage Making -- Fast .Freezing' HOGS AND CATTLE ON MONDAYS CATTLE ONLY ON WEDNESDAYS 'With'' Two ,Big Coolers, We, Are Able To Hang Your Beef From 1 To,3 Weeks'--- Whatevw-'Your' Requirements, Are: For Home Freezers',•We Sell . Choice Home Killed. Beef, ' Pork; .and Lamb In'Any Quantity. At Lowest Marketing Prices . ALL: MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED 'FOR,` YOUR. PROTECTION , CHAS. HOOISMA, PROP. ABATTOIR 395-2905 ; r STORE 395-2961. .Paul of Woodstock visited at the ' home. of her parents, Mr.,, and Mrs..: Berg Nicholson. • • Paul ,and Brian Murray spent a fe days with.their grandparents, Mr • and: hirs. P. A'.. Murray. Wayne. and Donald Murray visited' with their grandparents „Mr.,and Mrs.; Lyman Sutton:, ".; Grant.Murray 'und.e 'went a tonsilectom.yat theWin barn .: g and District .Hospital .during th.e • week.. -Stev'en,Eckensw ller•spent the week -end with John Sutton : `rhe H W 1 will meet on Th:urs= d'ay',at the home of Mrs :Jim 'Smith'. The • Women's 'World. Day. of prayer will. be head on; Friday after•_ noon in ,the.•i?resbyterian Church at 2;30•p.:m. •Mrs. Frank .M.aolden•is Rey ,wonan. . Mrs Marretta Hodgins of Detroit, Mr: and •Mrs•, Kenneth Hodgins Of Niagara spent'last•''week-:end at' their home here.. Larry 'Stanley., Mr, and. Mrs . Leonard Stanley ,,'Connie arid 'Cathy visited with Mr. and Mrs .''Ezra: Stagy nley. Friends of Mrs Bert''Ni.cholson will be pleased to.know that she was able to return from :the. Wing . ham,andDistrict Hospital on Tues LANGSIDE Six tables Of euchre; were played at the.hangside:Community'Hall •." ` on Friday :night when' Mrs: Nei • • ' 'Young and•Mrs:' George:Young `• were in .charge', High prizes' were won,`by.lvlis. 'Jim Young and Doug. Wall .and low ;prizes' by Mrs Dave 'Moffat and 'Robt.'Bregman.,•:Anoth-. er card party, isplanned for. March 14 with Mrs:' Gordon. Wall and Mrs: Bob •Bregman in charge .. William Young lis helping.. out with chores at Bob Orr',s _ Bob fell •' last Sunday and had some ribs bro ekT ":, W ewis him` a. speedy re- , covery, , Congratulations to Mr" and Mrs. . Don' Nickel- (nee'Barbara, McQuill in) who were married in Lucknow On Saturday . ; ,Bob •Young and Barbara Haeter of • London spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Young. Friends attended 'the funeral of the late Wesley ,Goble in Teeswat- ay. y_.. y. extended dthe.relatives.' e Mr. and Mrs Keith Arthur and • Philip of t ' n rifle were Sunday visitors with•Mr. and Mrs. Gordon ,Wall and 'family Mrs, Philip Steer and. ,Mrs: Don Bell spent the week -end in London, with their relatives.and on Sunday, Philip Steer, Don Bell' Wayne and Beverley also spent the day in ,Lon- don. • z Whitechuf"ch; Claude Dore,:and boys; Eugene and Robert MacM. ilha n Andy Waddell; Mi.' and.Mrs, Ken Purdori and. family of Thorndale • day• Week -end visitors with•:1`1r. and, Mrs .Art'Haldenby were:Mt; and, Mrs Howard: Bennett, -Mr.. and Mrs• How.ard Whiteside:, Howard and. . 'Bria.n'of Toronto Ladies, from ,hese• attended a .trou sseau•tea •for Miss'Bernce •Thomp- ' son at her .home. in `Dungann.ori on ,Saturday. Arnong;.those assisting iras Brenda..Eckenswiller of London daughter'of Mr and Mrs"; Grant ECkenswiller:. ` A p-leas-after.noon has-spe.At-:�'-f on Friday at the borne of M`r . and M•rs. Ezra Stanley -.were;; dinnerguests with'•Edna and May' ' Boyle on• Tuesday and. Mrs Cliff Langford', .. progran:i was en)oyed Ladies ' from here were. aong those; Pres 'ent . • • Donald Barr.of Waterloo, spent:the w.eek end with Iv1rs.1John•Barr,.' Other'•visitors at the same.'honie were Mr. and Mrs; .Ceor,ge• Percy' • of Listowel.; ' Sandra Percy and;.Barbara Ray= 'mond of Toronto spent the,wee,k: end with Mr and M. Alex,Perc}. and Wayne' and also with M'r, 'and.. tvlrs . Douglas Dahmer :and' family at M%llarton • Mr.. and Mrs• Harold Haldenby. and Geordie of Sarnia spent:the`, ..• week -end'with•IMMr. and I'drs. 'Georg e: Haldenby and other friends here • s • Msse Nellie and; 'sMargaret ,Malcolm at Lucknow; •A. lovely. buffet,' supper. was• served and'a:short„ Mr. and Mrs• I-Iu;gh:•Jansen. and. family', Concession,.6 visited an Sundawith her Parents, Mr: and' Mrs.. Alex` Percy. Mr.' a.nd''Mr ; Ciare Snarling and boys and Mrs Sparling Sr. of Wal- kerton`Visited on,Sunda,y:with 141r.' and M;rs.. George,F1alde'nby:and 11r and Mrs: Harold a--laldenbv (Note Change): fBeginning•next Sunday', March. 9th, the Anglican service will change frorn'2, o'clock to l,o'clock :until; further notice.; The Rev. C, F. Johnston of Wingha'm..''is the.:• supply,minister in the a:bsence'of the Rev: H'h', • ennin Ts who. is ill ,at ,resent Giyests of Mr, and Mrs. Allan R. Miller on Sunday fpr a ski-doo ' party were: -•Mr= e Morrison and family, Mr. and Mrs Everette Whytock and family of Teeswater; Mr. and Mrs. Ted ' McClerraghan and fancily and' Mr $. Wm.: Scott of tucknow; Sharon Courtney of Kitchener;' Mr. and Mrs, itussell .Purdon and family, of 'C :EAZT Y. OTH E A �EtSHUR-GAIN-24 o DRY&:FRESHNING 5 ;SHUR'GAIN 24%•'D.+.& F.:Supplement fed •with your .gra.ins w`.ill :give ex ° cellent results=: A,'e'ow ;fed' through ,'out the dry period. "o'n• •. SHUR:-GAIN .�: D;.•.& F. will , hav,e all the vit.am•i'ns, rninerals,,protei'n and ca bohydra,tes a'vaiilable-to. her in the proper';prop-. *o•r•tions As yo'u know, this essential, s„o she'can supply the 'un horn. calf with' the proper nutrient's f q r i s t3:-1— d eea p .r1 e A t w -i t h opu draining her` own• reserves, So, : forr a healthy •mo imum,` right at fresh ready to.grow rap dl D & F . ' Supplement. , . •t` od an'd to your 'sprin' feed sernrico :EH the•r ready to produce at her max ening' and a heavy ''ca•lf:.in good' shape yy arid efficiently, feed' SHUR-GAIN!' your cows. throughout the dry peri r's'two months' prior to calving. . LUCKNO\ erso ucts Limited PI-IONE. 528-2026