The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-05-03, Page 14• PAGE FOURTEEN ,.. . THE LUCKNOWSENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO , • WEDNESD� Galloping Gourmets: LANGSIDE NEWS. rcY The . fifth meeting of the Kairshea .4-HC1ub, Was held on Satutday,, March 1 at '9:30 at•the 'home:of Mrs Jim' Burp with„ 8 members present Nancy Burt presided and the 4-H 'pledge, was repeated. Janice .Wall read the minutes; : 1V! eeting 6. and 7 will beheld on. - ,March 15 at Janice :Wall's : home, Ruth Graham demonstrated sandwi- ch making. Janice' Wall demonstrated making chocolate sauce for ice cream. pungannon. Horne: Makers ,The third meeting.of the .D.ungann:_ on. Home Makers was held ai the; • home of the .leader •Mrs. 'Ivan Riv- ett When • eyeryone ,go t there, , they started getting the -meal ready, first by pounding some dry ingredients into the piece of round steak; ready :for frying•and addinga tornato• sauce in order. 'to make a tasty •dish.. of ” Swiss Steak." • Next the sausage was .put the'pan read:,Y for the oven -,All went' into the dining room where the meeting was .held ,' opening with the 4-H Pledge... Roll call was:' answered with the '.report on score sheets, Where were 9 girls present. Wanda. Wilson thenread" • the'min`utes Of meeting•two : • Lexie l4cWhinney read the ..treasurer s,'. report:.The business. followed the :; : covers for the Books were handed' Ston ,was ``Swiss' • Steak'."and• "Sausages" awl- . group .work wase."'Scone Sheets for the Week." The meeting. ended with Cathy Culbert reading. .the4-H 'Creed.. ' The ne?it Meeting. will. be. held on March lst ar 9;30. Super • Supp r Setters Reid's Corners No.. 2 4-H'Group held the fourth meeting,at the ' home of Mrs..tt Murray alden on -February 26 at"7:00. The meeting opened with the 4-H.,pledge 'follow- ed by the roll. call; anwered. by 3 members The, minutes were then read by Marsha. . .• Brenda and Wendy demonstrated ' how to make tuna casserole. Mrs', Walden then discussed Casserole' Cookery and Desserts. Gertrude Lee 'and Marsha then showed 'how to make Egg Scramble. For the next meeting , each girl is'to'bring a,kind of relish .and sand. wic'h` spread Wendy and Kathy pre- pared •fruit'cocktail With gingerale... We closed the meeting by tasting the food that had been prepared. Le�arnrng Lasses The 56 meeting of the Colwan- ash Learning Lassies was opened. .with the 4-H' Pledge. Eight memb- ers were present and Lynn•,Austin called the rollcall which was an"-; sw.ered by "One' Way our family serves, Pork". , • • The sixth • meeting will be March March 19th at 1=30' atthe h ome 'ofMrs.:C• Rie;gUng Discussion Pork cuts"'and location on the carcass; of pork " chart'.. Pork, and pork cookery ' • D'emons'tration Pork Hocks and _ cabbage. • `,. Group Work: Fill in'Cuts 'on, out- • line of side of pork in members' parnphlet. Draw up a table similar•,to' table .2 .in Leaders Manual: The meeting ;was closed :with ,the Singing .of the Queen: To keep. your 'ca'r running well, bring• , if gin.' We'II look it over and under..:.: maks an Y needed repairs : prepare'itt for carefree: • sumvner driving. Reasonable rates too.. Stan te s upe es PHONE 528.3430 Fed Ups lClub TECFI17RCH-NEWa irteo� . ieh Fe : Up c -held �,�� their meeting Saturday at10 a.m.. at the home of Kathy Purdon., The. president, Linda Schultz opened the meeting with the'4-H' pledge repeated in:.unison. The members answered the :roll, call by naming their Favourite Pic- nic Food,, Debbie Reynolds read. the minutes; The next meeting_ will be.. March 15 at .Walter Elliotts The discussion centred.an Sunday suppers, patio parties; barbecue, picnic and buffet supper,. Joyce Tiffin demonstrated toss',; salad , Cheryl. Hill Apple' Salad; Mrs...., -Waiter Elliott garlic bread and mustard bread. • A.11 girls sampled. the foods dem- onstrated and agreed they were delicious. As a group they. planned that th A supper' March: 20th in. Whitechurch Community Memorial Halh be held at 6 p.m. and that they invite, ' the mothers.of the: girls, in tie club the, Executive members of .the W .' Whitechurch Women's Institute'and Bruce County Home Economist,.' Miss Cathy' Cowbrough.. ' The menu for the supper 'was planned and each, memberwas in- formed what she was to •b'ring ' The decorating, committee are' Linda Schultz, • Joyce Tiffin and Janet Sleightholm, Home Assign- ments were make sand serve salad, for the : third meal at• home Bring• the record- book and recipe files up to date'.' Look for 'a, picture of air attractively set table for a • buffet, .barbecue orspecial occas- ion and take to next meeting The meeting closed with the 4H• Creel Cun C'goks ':The fourth 4 -ti meeting ^of'the Purple Grov.e•Cunning Cooks Was '• 'held on' Friday,' *February. 28 at,Mrs Don IvlacKay's home. Before the. meeting Mrs ..:i-Iarvie Thompson provideda'tasty 'Snack for the:members While Sheila :Nicholson read the recf e for "Ttina Casserole'';,. Bonn- ie P. ie Boyle followed the directions -as read . The casserole turned' out:. nie. ely as all the members agreed The next :meeting will .held on Thursday`, March 6 .at the homepf lvlr's Don `MacKay:. .ountry ::Cooks': OLIVET NEWS The Clover -Valley 4-H.Club "T.he Country Cooks" had their ••4th'tneet- ing at ;the Borrie• of Mary Anne,Ivlac'• lavish on February' 27. opening, with the .441' pledge. The tall .was answered by ''a supper dish featuring Cheese .or eggs" :.,,Mrs •., Hamilton discussed Casserole. Cookery 'and ;'Quick and easy top -stove main courses., • Mrs. MacTavishk1ed 'in•a;discuss ion. on Desserts and accompani ments for the Third Meal. The group 'work was planniclib` demonstration; and eighth 'meeting: 7vMary Ann MacTavish dernonstrat- ed::egg scrambler • • • The, meeting, wasclosed"With the 411 Creed. A:sma11'boy was asked to write' what he,had;.:been taught about the human body. This was the result: "Our bod' is; divided into three . parts'; the hrahlum ., "the borax•~,ar d the'aborninable cavity.". "The branium contains the brain; if any. •T'he •borax Contains the. • lungs, liver, lights and heart. The abominabler-cavity contains th,e, bowe'ls,,. 'of which there are,five, 'a•, e, i;'o Old 11" Y, MARCH Sth, 1969 • PAYE $'l: ON GRANULATED 'FREE. FLO WING'S AMERICAN FERTILIZER SPECIAL~ PRICES -r On Load Western:Iontario ' PAYABLE IN CANADIAN. CURRENCY , TRUCKS ARRIVIN.0 DAILY Contact Cliff�rd Pyke, Garvie Phone Wroxeter 3264 Dainty Diners KINLOUGH NEWS The'. fourth meeting of the Dainty Diners was held on Monday .•' evening at 5 o'clock at the home'. of the leader;' Mrs. Frank Ivtaulden. Nine members answered the roll • call with ":A supper dish" featuring cheese or eggs. 'A demonstration • was given on making'a tuna Casser- ole b ' Betty'Schneller'and Marjorie' Y, .Y. Burt., which the girls 'sarrypled •later The, home assignment for this meet ing is ;for each :girl to 'make' and servea casserole or .scallop dish ;from •the rnernberspamplilet and record the results • The colour for the Record book covers will be black,. The'girls are to. keep their .record books and:. recipe files'' up to date. �e'Y Class: Cooks . y 'Ori February; 27 ,..the Ltieknow'#2 .. 4-H. Club held ;their. �fifth'.meeting Elizabeth Ric,thie took.'charg'e and opened themeeting with the,4-H Pledge:;' The tall call' ."One Way of preparing a raw 'vegetable for, a carried lunch'.` was answered by six girls Mrs: 'Boyle 'led the Discussion • The :Carried 'Lunch" and "Restaur-, ant Meals • With the leaders'n assis- :ance 4-Da-y.lvMeaj Plans•were'' completed by alh, Mrs Boyle led, a short discussion on the answers the. girls gave to. the roil call. ' • • Linda`Boyledernanstrated' tate, making of sandwiches , using sever- al "uhesual"• fillings,: and the girls Sean found •that 'their tastes differed, The meeting closed with the 4-H Creed ...., ._ ancy Fixers We:. opened our 4th meeting on February. . 26 by repeating the 4-H pledge': Donna. Mullin'read the .minutes of the last meeting. The treasurer's report and roll call followed' - "We discussed next week's menu and decided that each person would bring three sandwiches each. ' Through the week we are to look for any pictures which could, ' be used, on the covers:.. The mothers are gei REPORT FROM QIEEN'S PARK BY MURRAY GAUNT.' M.P.P. HURON -BRUCE' Prernier John Robarts this week re- •: • jecied the:federal medicare plan and indicated it will have to be Province changed ged before he 'fundamentally rovince into if.. The Premier rejected the . contention, that , by a slight ,adjustment, in.present health insur- ance ance:programs,, Ontario•.would• qualify , for. $175 million annual,' in • federal medicare funds:, In his opinion accepting the feder. al program would>. mean; scrapping''. Private insurance -Programs in Ont-'-, ario , expanding ' the Government operated Ontario. Medical Services Irisurance Plan and increasing.:' :health.'inturance. costs:'for everyone, in the•:province ' At the'rno'ment 97ti 3 ,% of the. • people, in Ontario have sorne.;form' Of Health Insurance. Mr Robarts•'aiso repeated his iliararguments that the national economy cannot absorb the'addit' ional'costs:of Med'icare'aAd medic- • al schools are' not provitl'i, g sufficient .trained personno1 to •meei .' t - . • o.. , • . ••e' a • I 0 , • lth: Y• services• that medicare would bring :I had the ,pleasure of participat - ing in.,the Throne Debate this weep''" at which time I urged the federal' Tovernn ern7to rais fie basic • personal income tax exernptiois to give needy.Canadians a tax'' break 1 suggested increasing:the ;basic exemption from $1,000` to $1, 200 ' as a' first step to free from incm oe, . taxation those •citizens'between' ' .05 and 70 who are drawing Old .' Age Security and income supple- ment:: At.the upplement'.`At-the moment, these pe ie- p op rrrust�y-m-orrt $320..80 at theend of the year. if both 'a husbandand wife are getting . . the maximutn11II9T20'. ' '1 also urged the government to: re consider its pdsition on regional government., The one very import;- ant ingredient lacking in the entire plan so far is local: acceptance and withoutthis; democracy will have suffered vited ,to our 4=H party The meet, ing was closed with the 441 Creed,•. The members then tasted the egg scramble which:Margaret Montg-' ornery Made a'nd the tuna casserole Which Lynda Hathilton made. They were both yv,ery delicious. • . y Irl �.�,� 411.1:*:4t � ��! . � noir:. 'gip` hia 4,411.11i +.. • •` •mak k'�'�'�y'•� :s'.t".L•4+va.rw'H-can✓,•wa....0-_.•