The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-05-03, Page 11yyEDNESDAY, MARCH: 5* 190 THE 'L,UCKNOV9 ;SENTINEL; LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Huron: county A ssessmentBudget Is Up$5OOOOirornOitginal :Estimate BY'SHIRLEY J. KELLER • for the assessment department.. The • • K • report submitted by A.D. Smith, • A budget of $197,425 was adopted reeve of Turnberry, noted the cost' by Huron County Council FridaY - was "•considerabl hi her than: the " Y' g department of municipal affairs led us to believe' eakf-ng on befta1f of the-budggt assessment core mtssioner E. F. Hall saidhthere-was front 4OE $50 , 000 •which the department of municipal affairs "somehow forgot about" He said council was. "not c elibe.r- W;hen:J�hnny has.:a.fever, you . ., the doctor. h`:,• e hairdresser for art: appointrnen ill the, plane be on time? and:f ind out:,:. tio )U can always ..:..:...the drugstore for a refill �n your prescnption. FrIer:;°1 11 senagers u e. . •• • • t. were fQ±: the, general government. :(executive) expenses , .$6,1,100; the general government (administrat:- log) expenses ,, $67,100; 'and con struction safety„ $7.,, 400 ;• :Huronview'• budget was approved at $746,466 with.the'countyshare being $78 , 900. Tn his report ; . ' • • R• eeveRobert Lyons, chairman of the'Huronvi.ew committee,' noted that salaries and employment ben- efits; now ,.account for $5.41;0.00 or over 70 percent of the total budget, Compulsory"arbitration;is thought' tubeupcoming in the -matter of .a' .wage settlement with union • employ ees atw-the_home who. wouid....tiot... . agree to. an. offer made by the committee A new roof for the 1954 addition estimated to: cost $11,000 has been • included --in the- budget ately misled" by the ,department but that the department obviously -hail "no,idehat-.this-would_ cost'.because. the department had • n4 i)lsuna-l--e rgeriertce" assessment matters.. Reeve Anson McKinley asked, if next year's budget wouldbe some - What lower, , ''t'rnl• shocked to learn this will 'cost over $7 ,000 for every munic- ipality in the county , " stated Mc; Kinley, "If this win. be the case from noW on, we were a damn sight better off the way -we were before "The job has not been done in the past, sir,"•retorted'Hall who'estim- ated that about, $31,000 would deleted from next:year'rs budget:if • salariesremain static. "The Act states that every home will be visited annually-and..this has not • been done.. •The records: are• wholly knadequate' "It depends on the individual who is building a set of cupboards whether he hires a carpenter 'or a nail Puller,.' observed Hall. Reeve Roy Pattison, Wawanosh', asked•Ha1T if there was much' "hidden assessment" in the county as council: hadbeen led to believe ;. Hall .said that after Working 'in Huron County for .only .about two. months, he was convinced that there has been: a great•.deal of'btis-. , iness assessment which,has•been. overlooked He, told Reeve *James .Armstrong., Clinton, •that a businessman pays • "strictly on the property ,he: occupies" and not the volumn of business he .conducts. Hall told council his department would assess properties according to the Act;: assure you , - you 1,4.41_ hear .:about it ' advised Hall.. ' Newly appointed directors of the Children's Aid 'Board are 6J ick 'Alexander, reeve';of W ingham and Lloyd�•Hendrick; .d°eputy-reeve of Hay.. Reeve A. D..;Smith and M' ' • Allan are former members . ` other. budgets adopted by council some pictures at home and bring- ing theto school We hang them : ;on the blackboard.*• We have .been having lovely sunny: weather this week This week we made Eskimo, girls: and' boys To -day, Friday; we received a 'letter from Mrs. : Frayne and we read' it 'together-. • . . Mrs - ..Wilson's Grade ;5 and 6. -made. a booklet of riddles and.:a er, notice that practically�. every a e .•paper s ays' For info r r at i:on, • en the" kids are • • • . • •. „• • i '. g:ett the.n-eighbou em home. PAGE ELEVEN Ann•Dalton Competes ,fit ClinioR. By Bridget Dalton and 'Pat Boyle` This week we had studentteachers from Stratford Teachers College• Marlene Michaels, Kitchener' and.. Ross Stager; Waterloos were with Mr,.Steffler's:Grad,e.7 and d,8;• Pam; Kapron. Waterloo:and,Christine Habsch, Kitchener 'were -with Mrs, Wilson's Grades 5; and G.: ' The playoffs in Captain Ball . are to be held next week between the first four top teams, HenryVan Rooy's.Team. 8 is leading, Team 5 ... under.'Delores Neves, is second and Colin Chisholm's Team 6 is in,„ third place. • • . 'On Tuesday; 1 Grades to• 5 saw films'on "The Policeman" and . . ; "Elephant Baby".' ' Miss*De Bruyn's Grades 4 and 5. are 'making a `book on "Elephant. • Baby" •for Grades 2 and 3 to"read The Grades'4 and 5 have made telephones' ant.. of. tans with: connect., ing wires for,their,social studies ' Oft Monday , Ann Dalton from • Grade .E spoke in the public speak ing ;contest. athi;; Clinton . : ts. m Frayne came hoiiie from hospital this week but has not come back ,to school yet.. In Science, Grades'2•and 3 are almost finished with planets Grade 1 pupils are starting .to " m• .print frothe board . . ,On Wednesday. the teachers — celebratedMrs Riegling's • birthday by having a special dinner :. KINDERGARTEN NEWS On Friday •there were, eight people away in out. classroom.. And: when: your husban:d's ,Late in +coming• home, of course''he. . • • •V : •. • • an you imagine your 'day wit out the Cosiad07:-. 'Bulk:Managed and'owned by Canadians •+• ••.••• •• •y: �•.• • OLIVET Mrs. Robert Osborne and Mrs Oscar White attended the United Church Women's Presbyterial rneeting in Port Elgin on • 'Wednesday. ' The United Church Messengers'' ,conducted the .opening exercises of 'the Sunday School this week . The president , Nancy •McGuire.•opened with'a verse;: 'What Is Over which was answered `by Joyce. Black and.Ronnie McGuire; Choral reading of the. Scripture was giver' by Joyce, Osborne, Brian,.. "Co cling' and Wendy 'Hamilton, Wendy Hamilton read a 'letter she received, from their sponsored child in Korea. A :story was read -by • • Joyce Black; After classes, Sunday school closed with a hymn and the Mispah benediction.: • Laurie' MacCharies, we under stand, is suffering ;with rheumatic fever. Severa1.people have been doing. booklet containing their diaries for the week. KJNLOSS Mr.and Mrs..•Fraser• MacKinnon attended the. Dairy Herd, Improve • meet, Banquet and meeting held at Belgrav' riday. 'Mr:.. and s: Frank MacKenzie and Mrs. race Hamilton• were in • Londonon. Thursday. While there, Muriel and Margaret purchased new flowers for 'South, Kinloss Church. Mr: Telford Penfold had lunch on Sunday Mr. anti' Mrs. Ira Dickie.. Visitors -.during -the w.Pek-Pnd with Mr. and: Mrs. Gilbert. Hamilton were Susan` Barr of Kin- lough. in lough,Mr.. and Mrs; John Harrill - ton of Mr. Mrs „ Wm . Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Smith and. twin daughters of.Pres'- ton..., Mr. and, Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall visited on the week-endwith friends and relatives :in Kitchener On Saturday Ann saw the Ice Cap' ades with'h • and other 'senior citizens front Luckhem • Mr, 'and Mrs. Edgar Caswell and • Donna of Swift Current, Saskatc .ewan were week -end visitors w iter Mr • and Mit., Harvey Houston. 0