The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-05-03, Page 9WEIINESDAY, MARCH.5th, 1969, -THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE NINE GtontiMatDon010110Xiilling Trio Take Imperial Esso Curling Trophy 'The fourth annualcurling bonsP iel for the Imperial Esso, trophy was held Saturday ;in the ';Goderich Golf and: Country Club. The bonspiel was arranged by -the i,ucknow Curling'Club and sponsor- ' ed by Jack' MacDonald , Roy Havens ° and.,Grant Chisholm.. Winner of the Trophy was Grant • MacDonald 'of Ripley with 3 wins ' plus 13. On Grant's •team. were Ev Calling,, John Colling and Judy Colling•" Grant was thewinner of the 11 a , m'., draw Runner-up was Clare Hannan Of Goderich with three wins plus 10: On Clare's team were Lorries Ginn, Bob Stoll and Marlene Connelly; • ,Clare was, the winner of the 9 a Other 9 a.rn. draw winners were:, • Second - Tom:. Moore of :Goderich with -Betty Moore, Verdun Vanstone Lois V anstone 3W, + 1 Third 7. John Graham; of Goderich with Gerry Carney; Elgin Cox , Phylis' :• Cox ,=.`2 W +•9; Fourth - Donald '.. McTavish of Ripley:with Barbara,. 'McTavish Charles Little, Jean McTavish - 2W +6; Consolation Wallace Ballagii.of Teeswater with Grace McDonald; Stewart McDon- ald , ,,Ruth .Ba•hagh '=.:1W..+ 6,..., ' ..9a Other teams entered re i.n, m . with Barbara ;Hawkins, Dennis' Connelly, Connie Connelly - 2W'+ .+ 2; Consolation Hugh: Mason of ; Ripley with Gladys Hamilton',• Alvin Hamilton, Pat Mason -.1W +8, • Other Learns entered were Joe Dauphin, Ashfield -.2W + 0 Frank Alton, Ashfield -'1W + 8, Ralph. Foster, Goderich - 1W + 4, Red McDonald,' Wingham a 1W t+ 1, Jack. Treleaven, Lucknow - 3 Losses. , Highlight Of the.Bonspiel was, the. door 'prizes, approximately 25 of which, were given out, These; prizes wc't • donated by Grant Chis- holm, hisholm, Jack McDonald' and Roy, 'Havens;, Some local winners were Mr :: and Mrs. Orville Elliott, M r , and Mrs-. Jack Treleaven, Mr, and Mrs, .Joe Dauphin, Mr: ,and Mrs. ' Robert. Simpson Mrs. Allan Mein::: tyre, Mary.;,Anna .Mclntyre, Alex Hackett,, Alvin :Alton,,: Ivlr. and: �. Mrs.; Ross Eedy; John MacKinnon , Mrs. Gordon. Brooks, Mrs George Moncrief•... A ,number of the, games •were very close''as was proven by the scores. •` There were:'6 games 'ending.; in ties. and 4•other games: with just one' :.: point ;difference • :,draw were Jim.'Coultes of Goderich •.1W + 8 ,Alex Hackett, .Lucknow ;2W '+• 5 George ,Moncrief,, Ash '. field :•IW + 5, Morgan Johnston, ,Ripley., a. 3:` Losses, Orville. Elliott., • Luc know• ; 3' Losses . ":• • Other winners in the 11, a,.,rn- . draw. were: ••Second r Ted'Johnston ::Qf Goderich•wit/ :.$'ylv. a'Johnston,. Ivan Rivett, K.aren Rivett ;2W +11$. •• Third 3i11 -Ne n- o-f-Lucl'ulaw THE : LUCKNOW SENTINEL ns On•, Jerre a complete seleetron of Trudy,.Nelsoii Chisholm ,Marie Huff ,2W + 8 Fourth Jin 1lawlitns of Goderich wedding announcenants styled for the,discri inating. ask for Men's 9. p.m. The first week of the Play-offs, and Jack Caesar rolled the High Single of 324 flat; and the High Triple of 869 flat: Nice Bowlin•g g Other high• triples'of the night were Mike Sanderson • 711 triple flat • and, Clarence Greer '710 triple flat, Bill Hunter's• Mustangs 5 points, Fred •Young's Fords 2, points; Donald. MacKinnon's, Dodges 4• points;, Bill Button's• Buicks 3 •points; John Ruth •• erford's 'Oldsmobiles 5 points Spor Johnston's Pontiacs 2 points. Games of 225 and over: Jack Caesar .324 , 305' and 240, Buster • Whitby 286', Fred Young 227 ,, •Clara ence Greer 294, Bill Nelson. 275, HaroldErrington 231, Donald. Mac Intyre 229,, Carn MacDonald 252,; • Bill Hunter 228 and 233, Terry • Rathwell 226 , Orville .Elliott 228, Gordon Brooks 312, Keith Black 265, Donald Maclntyre 238, Walter Arnold 246, Howard. Agnew, • 223 Mike' Sanderson 299, Keith Cranston 227, Ernest ''Button .247 , John' Rutherford 262. Team Standings, .Mustangs 5, Old srnobiles 5 , • Dodges 4 , Buicks. 3 t ., Pontiacs 2, Fords: 2 ' u . w ck o� 17 Dungo nnO. r>r Dorothy Errington 226, and Marie Stewart 225.... • • Showing off for the men were 13111 Searle with a 304 Single anal. Bill Stewart rolled, 4,288 and a 281.with his other game:, These •gave him a. triple of 784 Bob McIntosh had a 268 garde , Barry''McDonagh rolled 266;; • Clarence Greer, A'1. Johnstone. and card. Brooks all rolled ,254games. and Donald MacKinnon a 250, ,Our standings are .as follows- Zebras 109, Beavers 104, Tigers :88; Gophers 88,' Cubs 79', Squirrels 72,,;,' Wolverines 72,, Chipmunks: 63, Coons 63, Polecats 58 , Lions 53 and and Kangaroos 33., Just one•;chance left , so' let's bowl! - Ladies 6:3`0 ..m.. Ferne MacDonald rolled the high single game of '312 'on Monday evening and Marion MacKinnon the high triple of 646 • Team points'.Edith Webster's Chickad,ees 5', Jean Phillips' Jays :. 2; Norma;'McDoi agh's Bobolinks .4 , • Ena Henderson's Phoebes. 3 Violet ' Arnold's Swallows 4, Belle,Mole's, 'Larks 3. ' Games`of 200 and, over; Ferree' MacDonald 312; Bernice Henry 204 and 202, Marion: MacKinnon 266 and 219, Edith Webster 219 Grace Elliott .241, Norma McDon- agh 209, Mildred' Cameron: '• 218 , Trudy •Foran 291 Team',Standings: Chickadees .114,• Phoebes:b3,'Larks. 82; Bobolinks. 78, Swallows 70 ,: Jays • With vane week left ,to go,;'we find the Lucknow-Dungannon teams 'rete well' established' 'Jo -Anne Searle stepped into; th'e.. spotlight this week with a.297 • .single.and, Marion MacKinnon i y p,.%11:. shared the -spot with 'a 1399 .triple:' Gwen Caesar starts the ladies list ;with Joy:Dennis taking the: •ligh Ladies' With'. a 2h.2 - Pea•r1'Jarrifieson "27h and '.i'e 2s' .and Triple of i,84 :;: Cm-rites-Otteti-Lis W-akdcn s PHONE 357,,i030 * * * * * * * * * * * ' SHOW TIMES �Fritday and Saturdays at 7:.i5, and . 9:15. All other: days,' one show at 8:00, ...except where noted on the program. • .-FRI., SAT., ar.. 6, ,7, ..8'. „V�lo�rld �a�ar�" Colour Make sure you and your whole family see this true -life adventure film ` in beautiful colour. • *•***.******•1r** SAT. MATINEE Mar. 8 "World Safari" Junior Stars • Zena .Garnis.s was; ch a mpion for; • r . , the girls again this;' week•.with a 223 single and a:391 double: Wayne;'. :Cranston rolled ,a high single of 219 and Charles••Thompson- a double': 'of 359'..• Worthy of mention are Lynda' Maclntyr,e 327doutle , David'Humphrey 335; double and • • Wayne Cranston 330,doubTe • • Team standings are; Beth llallams Bright Stars 49„, Zena Garniss'•Mor' ning Stars 3&; Rtck.''Passmore s pini Stars 33, Iv lurray.iiutton's Falling :, 1Stars 30: Let's.'all get•down.to business now as time:is running short'. •. 260; Ann.e.Anderson 247,; Deanna' Reavfe 241, JoAnne Searle,241, Mary -Fisher. 233', `Ele.en Lavis 227 ; rnn'ers of 'ucknow �Co-o Curlin Bonspiel Jelly 8eans..4, ,Mary 1\1cMurray,'s. •' Flurribugs'3; ''Barb Sanderson's Choc_ o]ates 5 Mary 'Cleland's' Lollipops. 2, Ire'rie Nelson's Pepper- mints 3:� Kay Forster's Gumdrop's 4 •'Team Staridings: Lollipops'112, Hunlbugs.88 , Gumdrops 84., k'epperrnints'80 Chocolates. 74, JellyBeans 68. r••. G.ames 200 and over Barb•Snd ey qa. son'226,.-Anne Wisser 22.2; Jf.Anne • Barger' 203, Carol •Chettleburrli• • • 225 and 227 Wilma Chisholw . Rose •Hall 258: and 201, Joy ,Dennis... • 257 and 240, .Trudy Nel'so'ri'223 :and. 20;9, Lois Walden 202 and 21.E;,:; Kay ,Crawford:232;'Kathy; Gibson' 230 30'THE SQUARE PHONE 524=7811, ..AIR.CON_D TLON,ED� NG UAW NHOTINM AROUND THE WORLD WITH i STHUNTERS'l Showing Evenings, at' 7:30 and 9.20, M ilerieut Cofer TUES.,: Sat': Matinee art :2:30 March "9.10.11 titer Ust iov Maggie Smith ',kindred Karl Malden. • Freed Alberg Production gbtarring SHOWING SUNDAY at' 8.00 P.M. ONLY WEEKDAYS at 7.30 and 9.20, P.M. Winner of the:Lucknow District Co•operative Curling Bonspiel held at the.Ripley Curling; rink recently was a fink: skipped by J.S. Robb of •,i-luron Township Shown, left to right ,'are members of the success- ful rink,.'Gary Courtney, Elmer' Smelter LS. Robb, all of Huron Township•, Lucknow CO -op' manager Stuart Jamieson who made the pros-' entatton of the• trophy and Jim West , tie :fourth, member' of the group who resides in Ashfield Township. WED., THUDS:, •FRH SAT.=- .March 12-15 I "[hs kst Suspsnss IMestsrn Since IVO Nota wi ` GREGORY • EVA MARIE ill PE K • SAINT in a enhui•ii dlari ?fellation of 1H' STALKING MOON • COLow olano SHOWING EVERY EVENING 7.30 and 9.15 Saturday Matinee at 2.30