The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-01-29, Page 6U -6 -a ith Anniversary SS',kIELENS.NEWS:, Mr. -arid Mrs, Wayne Grigg of Kingsville and •Mr'.. and Mr's.. Gordon Hunt of Kitchener spent the week -end with theft.. parents , Mr. • ind-Mrs. Allan Cranston, On$S.atur } day evening , friends and: neighbours • gathered for a surprise party on the' occasion of Mx ." and Mrs., Cranston's 25th Wedding ' anniversary. • Mrs. Gordon McPherson, Mrs. ' Ernest -Gaunt Mrs. Jim Aitchison and Mrs. ' Ross Errington attended the,4-H 'raining School in Wing barn on• Tuesday and Wednesday. This course is '"Meat In The /view". • THE •LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCICNOW, ONTARIO Miss Marjorie. Sykes, a nurse -with.; the hiredi_Collnttyilealth Unit will be guest speaker at ,the :regular , meeting of the W.I. on February 6th at 2 o'clock in the hall. Roll Call - A new product on the mark- et. Motto - Mrs. Fred McQuillin. Lunch and Program -''Mrs.Allan Cranston, Mrs. Tom Todd, and Miss Isobel Miller. 'FRACTURES ANKLE Mrs. Wm ,Rutherford had the mis: fortune to fracture her ankle in an accident at her home on Friday. •,On Wednesdray,. Mr. and Mrs,, Lorne Woods and Jack Gardner vis- ited with Mrs:Ja'ck Gardner at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where Mrs. Gardner is a patient following.• her accident last week, ' Two words to italicizein your recipe for good •speeches:.Add shortening. , Illy STANDOUT IAVINGI EVERY ROOM IN THE HOUSE CAN BENEFIT BEAUTIFULLY ardiog :Carpets 100% Acrilans• . "501" n lons .. continuous. ..filament' nylons.. fabulous new wools every- - . ' thing. in : glorious' new • colors..Velvets . twists twee,,Is . . textures again ... everything • _ BRING YOUR MEASUREMENTS Frrrio. • 795 Up.- ;, Sq. rd. ALL ''SHADES r Niton C�rpeti �rom $5.95 ups • , ›.4‘,0<t WE WILL INSTALL YOUR CARPETING` AT A MODERATE PRICE, :.f :. y' . � .rte .� 41.111. �.. A FULL RANGE OF SAMPLES FROM, WHICH TO CHOOSE. • • PoIe ..lamps erred Tree lamps •41111.06 41111.-46•11.441111w •fir► ► FURNITURE LUCKNOW • PHONE 1213432 • Whitec WEDNESDAY; JANUARY 29th,. 1969 TO .-Protet New Estate Tax.' •WHITECHURCk . :NEWS Whitechurch Women's Institute held their January meeting on. Thur- sday at the home.of Mrs; Ed Walk- •er_with an attendance of 25. • The president, Mrs. Victor Enter:. son son welcomed• all members and vise itory and opened the meeting with' the Ode and repeating of the Creed in unison. The; Secretary Mrs., Russel McGuire read the'minutes and. correspondence . 4-H leaders:•for, the Club, The•ThirdMeal, are'Mrs. Walter -Elliott and Mrs. Elmer; Sleightholm,. It was decided to:'don- ate,$10 toward the MacDonald: Hall -fund at' Guelph . The, branch decid- ed ecid-ed as a group to write 'their Mem- ber 'of` Parliame,nt to protest the new Estate Tax `which betaine effective October' 2`2 , but aY:yethas notbeen approved •by Parliament' and signed their names•to a sheet .of paper. Also they are to•;write individually; The Roll Call Was answered by n aming a cause ,Of air And water pollution Mrs. Garnet Farrier •was pianist for community singing • • A report Of the Bruce County • Rally field at Tara October 1 was - given by MO. VictOr'Emerson. rs Wallace Conn gave a reading A Happy New Year. • Mts. 'Gershon' Johnston gave a, very vivid;description of their_ recent trip to Bermuda and " displayed' many articles.bought there,- sand' and rockand:'•rriany • snaps and pictures Mrs. Elgin Jo nston 'gave an int, er t` report th - es ing po t r, of a Grey Bruce: 'Area Convention held .at Chesley;••• Mrs. ,Russel Ross gave the 'topic "Air -pollution and: the Remedy" An exarnple•,of pollution, was revealed in the case of fluorine poisoning from a fertilizer plant at. Dunnville Cattle were dying , 'crops damaged -and two farmers ill from fumes . Others• had headaches , nausea..and swollen: joints: One: farmer's orchard .had no marketable. fruit in 6 years and farm land once' worth $1500•an acre is.now useless. Causes of air pollution are indust rial'plants food and" beverages slaughterhouses ; rendering. plants,' .'meat packing, beverages product :ion,' diesel -engines , motor •vehiC , les, chemical plants-, refining of oils production of asphalt and fere • ilizers ' • . Wood -products -and furn-itur-e rr-ia _ ufacturing contributes dust Found • cries' and Smelters, vacant 'land is a source .of; pollen and dust Motor vehicles are responsible fn--. 5110 of air poltutian-aricLrtild be remedied:by absorbing mufflers • at a cost of $65 00. on• a new car, but'•at a cost of $95 , 0'0 to: 120, 00 on a car already on the road :` A,bsor. `•bing rrufflers.would' have to.be fie quentiy.replaced'and on a new car I:would cost $4tfyearly an or older, cars.' If this were done it . would.•cut Ont. present air .pollution . by 4 0.. : ..The heating o,f offices and hornes apartments and houses :ci:uld be cut to zero if -heated by gas and elect-. ricity, instead of oil or coal.. •' Cost of air pollution in cities works out to. $60'per person, Cost • of setting up control equipment, would cost,$100 per person, The of air -and water pollution ,in our`, natural source, of oxygen is' from own homes and community. trees grass and we are losing: trees, ' Courtesy remarks were given by rapidly from dutch elm disease ; - lvirs Robert:.Ross • 0 A well established REAL • ESTATE COMPAN Requires . A SA'LESMAi To �y work tth�.�L�:w_: n now and District Area ..uck AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN PREFERRED, HOWEVER, TRAINING WILL BE GIVEN., WE PROVIDE HUNDREDS OF LISTINGS, PAY ALL ADVERTISING AND GIVE PERSONAL ASSISTANCE. LFRED NkINTEE & CO. LIMITED .F'HONE 8817jE70 BOX 549, 'WALKERTON GOD'ERICH From:12:01 a: m, ,'January.,12, 1969 :to January 18,,1969..- 'on 8,•1969.:- On Tuesday, January 14 .on 6th :Concession,. West Wawanosh Town - ,ship , •east of #27 county •road,` George Allan Humphrey,, R.R. 2,`. Lucknow .was involved• in plough- ar-;accident when he• struck a park- ed vehicle owned by Morley John store;` R. 2 ;' Auburn , resulting. in $150. QO damage to .the Johnston; vehicle... On Wednesday, January 15. on #25: County Road east•of#21 Highway, Gordon Toward Sproul, R. Auburn and. Patricia Clifford, R.R. 6 , Goderich .were involved in a two :car accident resulting in an approximate'total damage of $20:00 to the Clifford 'vehicle.: • On Friday ,•• January l7 on:l3th• concession sideroad, •: Ashfield Town. ship east of #,21 Highway; Thomas John Hogan; R.R. 3', 'Lucknow struck'a cow on the roadway result- ing' in: $250;00 to his vehicle G.S. FERRIS PROVINCIAL CONSTABLE. GODER1c ...From 12:01. a. m•' January - 19, •1969; to, January 25 , 1969 >~ On Wednesday , 'January 22 on #4. Highway south 9f Clinton , Arthur: ' Edward Mountford,R.R. 5; Clinton and Carl 'Frederick Hicks, MoIgans, Trailer Court, Clinton were ;involy- ed in a'tw•o'car.accident resulting in :an approximate tota :damage o $900.O0':to the vehicles: of S aturd•a y ; -nut a ry-zs-o' Highway, north of t#3 County,.Road Cyril Joseph Boyle ,R.R. 2, Auburn and June Loreen Fischer ', R. R .1, Bluevale were involved in a two car 'accident resulting in' an .approx 'unite total' damage. of $225.00 to • the ;vehicl•es OnSaturday, January 25 on'#27 County: Road. south: of Lucknow , '� Eldon Eugene Austin., Dungannon and Harvey; Kilpatrick,: R. R. 2, Lucknow • were.involved in a .two truck 'accide t resulting in an app- roximate tot 1 damage; of 3700.00. to the vehicles. • • On :Saturday , January 25 James ' Bridle, 93 We11es1ey'Street,• God. ericl :struck(a gas pump owned by Shell Oil Co . Ltd . , Toronto on the: propertyowned by William Van • . intail HerrLs a reminder for: all drivers! if you are driving on one of the • Provincial.1ghways after a snow storm, watch, for: the Department of'Highways snow removal es'.: Such vehicles 'carry •a blue fia shing••light ' :.:. so watch':for it , it is a. warning. „Always, use. extra care and caution when approaching,•or passing a snow clearance vehicle Reinember, snow plows and sanders a. • '• vm i i'1 cit w or -k ' G. S:. FERRIS • Provincial •Constable•. • On Monday , January• 20 , Consta file Andy` Burgess' investigated' a two car accident On the 2rid'concession :? Br-tiee—Tbwn&hi-p --Os a4d Puny of ' Kitchener and .J:ohn MacLean of R. R; 2, .Tiverton were.•the d"rivers•'involy- ed- No one:, wasinjurred in_the:'mis' haap which caused'an`estimated $300.00 damage'.. C•nsralile.l•, Whitelaw investigat- ed a single ttuc•k• accident on #5' ~'•' `' Bruce C9unty`R9ad :, one mile north • Of Luc ow •, en-T-uesday in 21. The driver, Mervin.,Hodgins of.' R.R. • 2 , Kincardine , escaped injury in the accident which caused' an estimated $400.00 damage to the truck,``' On Wednesday January 22; Cons- table L. Whitelaw investigated a two car accident in Lucknow . • 'he drivers.Of the vehicles involved • were Donna Mullin of Lucenow' and Christine Gardner ;of Lucknow, Damage was.estimated at $250,,00... Everyone has a choice. He Can either change his ways or endure • th'e results. • 1 r+not ter 6`xygeu u.ti • open .water The burin:�f garbage The Nationalthem and lnstit can be eliminatedb burin:i€ ' ute sun and the itinch' committee, Mrs, Albert McQuill- Those affected most by pollution areasthmatics, folks with heart an , Mrs. Albert Coultes assisted ailments and'lung problems.• by Mrs. Ed 1Nalker„ nerved. lunch The problern of air pollution is eThe February meeting will be here so let us resolve to,do what : held at the home Of Mrs. Albert we can to cut down•on the danders Coultes, WEDNE • Can vians, duri•n winte More Ins them ter .c feel week alive even I'v years Do 0c'to •• the Pan in: . go or . and natin the s 'WI that' whol wee) •.Ev dian val gove • wou. val• Feb ' It •sure • • play . ter 1 • • cdldl and. was of6 'P •si.s ' dan 'be rno,. •.'fre(1 val bac 'I gid .• '•be Safety Tip; The Ontario. Safety :League says that as you. grow old, inevitably you become bald and lose youi grip ; , , if -you're a: tire. Check your tires often', and• replace them when they are worn,. ',I.E..POLAND . PROVINCIAL CONSTAi3L.E.