The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-01-15, Page 29'WEDNESDAY,. JANUARYi 32nd, 1969' Friends Honour Dean.n. aFarrish ASHFIELD NEWS A nunnber of the' friends of Dearin• a'Farrish; gathered at the borne :of Shirley Ezraylast Thursday and presented her with a gift. Deanna iso:going-. to Windsor The.•annual meeting of Ashfield Presbyterian Church will be held on Tuesday.', .January 28• at 2 p. m. Mrs George .Oollinson who Was'a' patient' in Goderich' Hospital is. • tl.ome again Betty Sirlpson of Stratford an4. Barbara MacKenzie:of Goderich were home for; the week end. The W.M.S. will meet on Thurs- day at the "home of Mrs. Ewan, MacLean Douglas MacKenzie of.Tordnto was •home for the week end. 3 THE LU;CKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Ashfield Nafive u�le i mom MRS. MAR JANE TREAT' Se•rvices'for, Mrs. Mary Jane Treat 94, ,of:1308. Maple , Western Springs, Illinois were held'. recently ,in Mer -her Funeral- home , -Western Springs. Mrs. Treat died in Hins- dale Sanitarium and Hospital. She is survived by`a sOn, Charles+. J. ,three da'ughters•,'Mrs', Grace Evans,: Mrs. Betty V let ,. and<lvirs. Winifiedj,arrabee; six grandchild- ren.and six great=grandchildren..' One' son Dr•. Jack C, Treat pre- deceased her. • Mrs. Treat was the .daughter of the late James. Johnstone and Grace'. Campbell Johnstone of Ashfield jimily STANDOUT SAVINGS EVERY M IN THE HOUSE CAN BENEFIT BEAUTIFULLY • 100% Acrilans ",01" nylons 'contiliuous • filament nylons fabulous new wools . ..every- thing in glorious new colors: Velvets ..I .. twisty ..:' ' tweeds'.. . textures. ., again'."".. everything! ALL SHADES' ". �� rom., or t ?:..4' !'fid !° R� d,," ,«►aiycl�► ••. ,,,.�1,; •. �s> ,1. "r Is'2� °F�'° ,: — �, ?,,.-.A .iw ;.'x^q.�., ,poJ�•• .. .4.S, . :: , �,:• •• . >; a ?DV 11i $, 14 BRING YOUR MEASUREMENTS From 5 Sq. Yd. II�r ,.,Nyop' Carpets ••;;;..4•70.1400.!, 'W 40% SHUR-GAIN BEEF. SrICASUPPLEMENfi NI1.1 •.Increase daily gains from °core silage'. Feed.74O% eel • Cattle Siiasupplement No. 1 •'This; new •beef cattle. supplement:; is designed to ;01.i supply • the protein required when feeding corn silage whi h, .is high m .grain and energy content. • Beef feeders' using `8i1Sge. as'. the •main.. ration owe. it•.to themeelvee� to learn• :a11 the. details about SHUR GAIN 40%.Beef Cattle Siiasupplecnent No. 1 silasu LUCKNOW PHONE 528-2026• ement ROVE Armsrrong and •Chuck•Hiliattend I Sutton to Achievement day " BaI ing ' l,k •• ed the Owen Sound Winter Carnl' ;With Yeast" in Waertonoh Wed. :vai Ice Sc,ulpturing contest on Sat I nesday i3rda J ;Can. _rarulat-fan :-to-•th-e-E Mrs Howard ••- h . T txrt �, lison-; ...Mrs , ... ley .teatn,on coming second wltll f,V cxor G;awley and•.Russell. Hewitt. their'entr of a'beaver ' motored to London with••the 'f3Urt' y Mrs'. •William Arnold , Miss'Mary :Nicholso.ns' last, week- where, they Robertson Mrs, Don R bertson 1\1r visited Mrs. Ru+sell Hewrtt in hos o p. Mrs,. .Herb:`Farrell and !Mrs. 'Don • ital there . They .reported Mable .is•, McCosh accompanied Mrs. Cecil .,;,progressing,fav:oura:bly;, Visiting with Mr::' and Mrs.. Earl Elliott -and family were -1 1 --arid' - Mrs `'Ezra', Stanley of Kinlough and 1`laricy ,Elliott of Niagara Falls.. • Marilyn Rbody.. spent :Saturday with Heather and Corrine Boyle. ;Mrs. mDon Robertson attended the ual anneeting; of Maitland ,Presby, • ria a ndres Church' at YtI Wingham On Tuesday. .. .Sunday visitors with 'Mr•.• and .Mrs I.. !_'George .Errierson.a.nd Bob,.we tie Mr; .• land •lrs Chester Campbell, Lloyd .1 ;and bavid'•from London. Mr, and; Mrs Wilbert•�lodgins faith- nc;hani spent Saturday -.with 11r. and .Mrs. C.eci1 Sutton a,nd' fan" ' Visitors with Mr :: .and Mrs, Stuart -Lane .andfamily were ME. and Everett Lane of •Flesher VER»F4RM"SERVICE DEPT. Ase WE WILL INSTALL YOUR CARPETING AT :A MODER1ATE 'PRICE"'. A FULL RANGE OF SA • WHICH TO CHOOSE. �r �� l,.� ter% �� • . w •' +=sr !e lamps and beaches. Mr. and Mts . Dot': cCOsh and 1\lr, and 1\1rs., Atdill Nlason spent Sunday.in Kincardine with Mr. • and Rigs 13. F., Colwell,. , 'LUCKNOW _- PHONE 52$-343 rSw 1;3urton Collins •and her class, !Sandra Collins', Gail Courtney , , I'Susan Elliott, Stephen .Elliott , Dale