The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-01-15, Page 23• t 969 ;WEDNESDAY', JANUARY JANUARY .22nd, 1969 an n is '1!--,7•T•743 harr4160. WAWA.lEearr wiiguir'atk,"�4'7iIlt'vrLi'l `. ,. THE LUCKNOW :SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 1469.Modek SEVERAL TO CHOOSE FROM 1968 PONTIAC; 4: ,door :hardtop,, full power • 1967 PONTIAC, 4 door,- VS, automatic 1967 FORD Custom, Vs. automatic , 1967 GALAXIE 506, 2 door hardtop,. V8, fully powered . '1966 CHRYSLER, 4. door hardtop 1966 METEOR Rideau 500, 4 door, automatic, transmission 1966 PONTIAC, ' 2 door, V$. automatic, radio, power steering 1965 OLDSMOBILE, 4 door, full power 1965.. FORD Custom 500, 4 door, VS automatic. • 1965. FORD, '4,: door, standard 1.964; CHEVY I1 1964 DODGE, 2 door hardtop 1964 FU,RY,'2 door. hardtop 1964 MERCURY MARAUDER,` 2 door hardtop SEVERAL OLDER MODELS • SEE THESE AND OTHERS ES L' a0 arch, of Dimes :ornmences Drive The March of Dunes ,has opened its annual•Jaivary campaign for ZION FRACTURES HIP: Friends' of Mrs : 'John Gardner were 'sorry'to learn, oflher: mishap' when: she .slipped on the ,veranda fundswith a new:symbol and a 'floor 'which resulting in her her suffer- changing role in the rehabilitiation' ring 'a''broken hip on Saturday p m: f disabled adults. • .I She. was taken by ambulance to Mrs: Jimf:McNaughton of Lucknowl.Winghani, hospital on Sunday a,m. eneral. chairman ; hopes that last. '!•for'x-rays and; from .there she was ear's total of $440.55 will be sur- { admitted to St. Joseph's, London, assed•. The local'campaign is sponl ' • Mr. andMrs. Robert Helm visit ored �.by the.'.Ladies..Auxiliary_,cGan=l,- ...� . _ •ed on Saturday with Mr: and Mrs. dean Legion, • '' Floyd. Campbell` of R. 4 .Brussels Funds go to disabled adults in this!They also,viSited Mrs.• Stewart reaas well as 'throughout the,prov- Cloakey, , formerly Ivy' Campbell •; ce. Through its parent.•organizat- of Brussels PAGE SEVEN ' oats KINLOUGH NEWS The Canvas for the Canadian ` Bible Society in this district amoun' ted to $120.7„ Thi .is.thelargest amount that hasever been collect- ed in this area, Cards' have been' forwarded to be placed in the local funeral.homes: with th'e hope that 'donations maybe'made for this worthy work Mrs „ Tom .Macbonald , Mrs Frank Maulden; Mrs.. Dori Rohert- son and Mrs:) John Barr attended the `Presbyterial meeting at Wingharn on Tuesday. Mr. •and Mrs. Bill Burt visited: on • Tuesday with °Mr., and. Mrs'. Morley Bushell and family,., . Mr.. and Mrs. Morley Bushell of. WingharnIvisited on Wednesday with Mrs': John Barr.and. Mr. and' 'Mrs. Jack Barr and family and also visited with Mrs. John Bushell who is a patient 'in the 'Pinecrest Manor , Luc know Donnie McFarlan'son of Mr:. and • Mrs .: Allan' McFarlan •underwent surgery. at the War Memorial, !y Children's Hospital London -. We are •pleased to report:that,he•_is • RIPLEY ABATTOIR: 'Custom Butchering -- Curing and Smoking . 0 Cutting and. Wrapping — Sausage Making Fast Freezing; HOGS AND CATTLE, ON MONDAYS, ° CATTLE ONLY ON WEDNESDAYS With Two Big 'Coolers, We Are Able To Hang Your Beef From 1 To •3. Weeks -•, Whatever Your Requirements Are For Home Freezers We 'Sell • Choice Horne Killed Beef, Pork ' and Lamb In Any Quantity At Lowest Marketing Prices , ALL MEATS ' ARE• GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR YOUR PROTECTION CHAS. HOOISMA; `PROP, ABATTOIR', 395-2905 STORE 395-2961 making a good recovery. HOLIDAY IN FLORIDA • Mr, and Mrs: Malcolm Lane,, Hugh and John and Mrs.- Gertrude Walsh left on Friday for Florida where they will spend the next three weeks, On Sunday:next following the reg- ular service in the Anglican Church the:Annual Vestry meeting will be, held , Weekend •visitors with Mr. and Ms >.wSt:anley were 'Sharon Stanley and' Nan Kneght of Toronto Richard,Gtiest,ofHathilton, Mri. and; Mrs. Leonard Stanley,.Connie and Cathy. of Port Ctedit Mr. and Mrs. Rae Stanleyand, family.of.,' Kinloss. 'Connie and•Cathy remain- ed and will spend this week with . • their grandparents. ,, , Misses Nellie and:Margaret Malcolm of Lueknow were visitors on Monday -With Misses. Edna and' • May Boyle: Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Stanley and Arthur visited recently with their aunt',. Mrs Abbie Russel'1 •of Kingarf.•. .n , the Rehabilitation Foundation or the Disabled the l'./larch of imes assesses the abilities:,of the iysically handicapped,, operates. orkshops in which new skills are ".aught , andhelps the disabled to hysically and ,psychologically • eady for it; „ • rs. McNaughtgn.eplained that ifferent departments of govern ent had taken over the casework..,; ervices of the Foundation,- ' but 'it. as still responsible for physically. isabled--adnits;whoTwere unable T oleave• their homes to: work. a '' We supply these people with arious appliances, such. as heelchairs, crutches and special., fts," she said , 'and 'when we feel , t will help their rehabilitation , we' Mr„ and Mrs. Lloyd Whittock and • family:of Wingham visited on,Sun- day with Ivir. and. Mrs•: Robert Helm Mr. and,Mrs.: Charles Wilkins [visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mr -s How-ard--C--arlaw-of Paisley • Springtime puts .t.he squeeze, on everything Your time, your money'ondYour patience..,, You remember wha:t•it',s like;: The Waiting lineups, the slower deliveries', the delays../ Everything Mr. and Mrs . Wilkins accompanied Mr . and Mrs,. .: Wm . Irwin of Kinloss, td London on Thursday where they ,yisitedi Mt. and Mrs,. Wes Alton .'. Mts 'Alton• has her Wrist in a cast due to a fall on the slippery ground Kingsbridge Guides KINGSBRIDGE NEWS eating up your time, at a time when you .should have been onthe field, .: [his-`pear;--take-`e-c ffi `squeeze out of Spring. 'Plan,your crop 'prog.ra-m and order your production needs now. Be assured of ,getting what you want, where you want it, when you want it. And be we'Ik. be charging you the prevail- ing prices:. revail- ingprices: at' the time of ;delivery so you, can't lose. There really: isn't •a single .reason why you Shouldn't place, your. order,. now instead, of. at, of the season. You'save in long run:y the peak orae." , A few months ago the Mitch of Imes• changed its symbol from the ed maple leaf, which it has beers 'int since the organization was ounded in Ontario in 1951, and. dopted a green fi tree with .a ranch missing. Company met'irrthe School tin January 166., The Guides took a writ., ten, test on their laws and will :geti• the result`s at the next Meeting . Three girls passed' lia'rfd' and, Whistle signals •from previous meeting 'the.1Huebird• patrol `I1eId'.canipfite and was 'enjoyed by a11.. ' A ruction programs' w �►srRicr C Phone 52&2T25