The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-01-15, Page 19.BEST BUY! -r Save 6c! INSTANT MONEY IN PEA' OR .VEGETABLE' HABITANT Soil S 28=oe. tins; BEST BUYf=savo we LIQUID BEST BUY!. Reg. $1.29! JOHNSON'S LIQUID Fla SAVE 140! ash Your 10e Coupon ., BEST BUY'! + Soye 84! 24 -Oz.. - • Twin Pack PHONE 528-3001 FREE DELIVERY. 10- Off Pack— 27 -Oz. TiiA; CT ••4s4s••,N4+4s4••••••,••••••� GRAPEFRUIT TERGE • Giant Package 60 to Carton Full Size Pack Rise 'N' Shine Orange' Crystals plus 7e Coupon :wean is i .l* I. FRESH Save..4c1: BRAVO PLAIN. SAUCE,, 15 -oz. tin. '244., LANCIA SPAGHETTI.: -:2716-1!"-:- raw 2 I6_bag. I HOSTESS POTATOCHIPS, SPECIAL 69C Regular 89 E .RIBS ,LB.69 « Canada Packers. * : Mild Seasoned • Maple Leaf; Mild Seasoned 1'- Ib.,�SKIHLESS - •WIEN:ERS • pkg 55 .000, • . PK! ***********************************:********' . .. OPER" THURSDAYS TILL 12:30 .. ..., BY" THE PIECE Kitchener Packers`': 1969 : WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22nd,. i96, otify i. the ,tate ber bal .ord r: Fn. { • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,' LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WHI. ��HURCH. �'EC The. United Church held -their _, Sunday `School officers and teach ers meeting at the home of Mr„ '„ 'nd--Mrs;-Ga .s-�Farrer-on "1=rie day. present• for:the meeting were'. Mr. 'and Mrs. Michael Ross, Mr . and .Mrs. Clifford Laidlaw , Mts. George Thompson, Diane Coultes, John Gibb,. Mrs ...Farrier_ and .Elmer Sleightholm.• Mr, and' Mr'.. Clayton Scholtz;. Karen, Leasa and. Kenton of God- Crich were St nda Visitors ,w ith Mrs Ezra Scholtz y Mr. and Mrs I3en McCleti'aghah returned home oh Sunday .with Mr. and Mrs',' Har y' Moss of Plattsville after a three 'w visit with them.; The U..0 W;, Executive held a meeting on Wednesday, at the home of'Mrs.M `Garnet Farrier., president to plan the meetings for' the coming year. E]OLIDA` IN FLORIDA Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw and Janet left on Thursday 'for a trip to. •• Mrs Fred Yausie and Canna n:• and Ferry Pastoriusof London were. Sunday visitors with,Nfr: and Mrs. Cordon McBur"ney.antfa.tlrily, Mrs.. Elroy Laidlaw. and, Joann were in Londonion Friday ,and re,-,", • " turned home, on. Satirda.v with Mr.. `acrdMa's. Ca"rriecon Sirllrnons. .• • .Mr. and Mrs. Carnet farrier • • attended the funeral of the 1ate lair' Nelson 1lig phis on••Suiiday,,at Wa11< er l"linera1A1lonre, Wingham, •This cocirnittnity extends their synpatlry to Mr;;•'acid ''Mrs: Car't;iian Farrier», ' d •farm of Toronto as Mrs: 'I arrW ler was a: dau Yh•ofthe . ter:late Mr, g , �liggitts, . Fed Davis•canre home from Nia` „gara Falls and Mrs, Davis accomp-• anted hini'to Lucan, where; they, •' 1 spent the week end with his ;par- etits, Mr. Arid Mrs, J%ni Davis and . e Mrs'., Davis .w.ill.visit with them' this :week, While Fred, attends 'the course at Niagara Falls. On Thursday afternoon Vic Erri- - . . 1 :I3rowri , who• . was released .from Hosi,tal on 11on day and, is ai the home of his d;ayglitec , Ivtrs. •;L iiarle's '1 iffin. Mrs. Douglas Conley of Winghani. spent Thursd.ay and Friday with ' her parents, 1\1r. -grind 1`1rs. Wallace Conti While 'Douglas was at. Owen Sound. . , The comriiunity extends' their, con gra'tulations'. to Ed .Walker who' went on his S minute Shopping Spree at, the ltcd.Front,Grocery on. Thursday} c venin'g and managed •to stow away 029,60 worth of t;rocrries in the 'Rev. il'orace 'ilraden, of London was a dinner guest on'Sunday .witlI ‘Nit. and 1�1rs;.'Wesley • Mr, acid Mrs; "Fred .Tiffin were: ' S.unday•evenitg visitors wth.Mrs: ' Charles Tiffin and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown..: �?3 PAGE THREE LOCAL and GENERAL NEWS • • Mr,"'and hairs, Cordon Neabel,and Worden fjowald-is a patient irr: family of Caledori; \1r and Mrs Bob Nickol;'Gary and Paul Nicl<ol of Listowel;'Mr, and Mrs.. Howard; Neabel and Howard Jr. spent Sup - day with theit•paretits, Mr. and Mrs," Wm. Neabel and enjoyed 'Some winter fun as Bob and P4111 Nichol broiiht their Skidoo with : them Murray, and •Bobbie •-Neabcl spent last week •with• their gtandpar• ents and this»:week they are with Mrs:.Swass.. Murray.Neabel spent S,aturday, with, his parents. Winghan -. was admitted op -Friday of last week with a suspected heart condit- ' ion and is undergoing further tests;, 1 Linda Cainerort: of Belfast and Mrs :Cordon Elliott of Arnberley are stu- j dent teachers from Stratford Teach- er's' College at Wingham Public School 'this week.. r Wm.: `Br.crwn of Lucknow, who has been, a patient in Winghanr• and:: Ds trier Hospital since Deceiitber 21l• !was 'able to leave hospital on ,� TtaeSda.y •and; go to the• home �of his Wingham Favours ,,daughter, Mrs, Charlie Tiffin of * Winghaani 'where XIrs.•'13rown'has' liquor Questions ; also heeri'stavino Official results released Thursd:a.y confirmed ,that voters approved both cocktail and dining lounges for Wingh'ani'in plebiscites held Wednesday. Clerk Williarri Renwick: said , 1,136.of 1,'750 eligible voters. cast ballots.. The results' were: cocktail 1.ounges,,.G 4 yes ,•442 no; dining loiir`rges 'i'4t yes , 3� 6 A 60; -per -'cent. majority. was re- quired to pass each; ..measure. Lucknow.::W • Mrs.. 'Omar brooks, president., welc,onied the Women's Institute aatl>esfor. their January streeting W The: Opening.Ode:,was sung and, the Mary Stewart :collect ,repeated;in unison. The roll`call`•was 'answered by "Name a Prime Minister of Canada Plans were. made .for a.dessert euchre and,bridge to tie held'Feb • ruary lith the proceeds to be don- ated to the `Retarded Ghi dren ; .It was decided :to' send groceries.to a »needy•family in alie vicinity: Mrs ,rank• Mi11er and Mrs.." Charles Steward gave their:reports on. Pine crest: and the Cheeriocornniittee • respectively.. Mrs. Alegi MacNay• spoke on summary day which was. held . in Walkerton on •' January 16th: 1 • 'Mrs . John .Erne•rson presided for ' the program whic1i conic fenced I. with a sing song with Mrs; Wes,: ;Ritchie ; tt`the, piano A''paper,.on J"Citi.zenship and Education"• was. :read ;by Mrs. John Eriierson. Mrc:. Howard' Robinson 'save •a: fiery, irt= eresting paper ,On the ••niotta•"A . p.er'son who isralways.beefing is apt'` 1 to cget;:1iini elf •in`a. stet'' . 1\1rs Ritchie played a piano instrumental • "Star` of the East" . A 'r su nanl aL}_on :''° ri Woriien's•Activities' •was..very ably • gi'ven by Mrs J. L, i�lac;t1i11an :: ' ' • The 'meeting cloSed withrthe,'sin :t.: ing•of the Queen arid Grace and• lunch •was served hv the con�ntiree� inn charge , hlr. and 1\-1'rs, Rayiflond Ad: lilts; Trevor' a.nd..Stephany•o,f Kitchener ; • visited on Sunday With Mr. 'arid 11�1rS; Oliver Glenn and Janine • and..Mrs, Roy ,Wilson,of tla�lifax ate spending a .couple of wecks'in'Lue know with' their d;au. leu er and, family, Rev. and Laird `Stirhin; Laura , : Kathleen and Robert. 1`1rs. A1ex'1vleNay, hits 'l hos.' Salkeld', Mrs. W. F; A1acKeiiric and; Mrs 'Pli•illip.Stew:art attene d summary day for "Bakin. with )'east"„ which was held iii W'all;c r "ion "on Januar) 2Y1' 1,'ides were present and caeh r,ccc i�;e;J •a 7 Ib. bag of. flour from.: i echtel' flour,, LOCHAISH - =Attending. the• Achievementshay for .those w:ho'took the co.ur c•," C>al:• ing :with•Yeast" held in Walkerton on Wednesday a.ft•ernoot •Were Mrs.. Herb Clayton, Mrs. Uoug ;\i'artyn and .hlrs .• Oliver McCharles . . Mrs; Ewari MacLean,Mrs, Henry Macl<erizie 1\'1r5. Bill Ross aid \1iss: SadieJolins_mi attended Presbyterial meeting held .,in:Wingham as repre +•• sent•atives froth Ashfield.Presbvter ian 'Church, . Many frons this cortltrttrnitt attended the 'Farrircrs 1.'nion dance '• held in Lticknow on Saturday even ink. n-ual •in,z of Ashfield'Presl vterian C htireh Rector which was to havedleen field on. Mr, :and'Mrs :Frai'il<.S.cott and Michael have returned totheir home 'at', Mossbank , Saska'tchew an. .after spending tlie•past two.' nionths'` yisiting',at the. homes of t\1r;. 'and Mrs. -HerhClayton 'and Mr :•Robert: :Scott:and; other' relatives in. -the area. • LUCKNOW UNITED CHURL ev. R. L. Stirling, B.A.; : B Minister JANUARY 26th 1.0:00 "amt. Sunday School' Adult Bible Class ` 11,:00.. a m •Morning: •Service u • The Church Annual Meeting: January 23rd, :at 81p,m. • :I.:uuu�,i Presbyterian Church . JAN,UARY'. 26th Laymens ;Sundays .. 0: 00 a.m. '' Sundaychooh 11:00 , a.m.. Morning Service Annual Meeting, '. • Thursday, Januaryt23rd r; at . 8 pan„ • r. 2 >: .I - ♦I.►V.e 044•4ii il,�%,I:IJ'IJVJJ.IJ 44,0IJIIJ: ' STPETE•R'S • ANGLICAN • CHURCH .• ; l�1bnd'ay last,. was changed to JANUARY 12491,' • Tuesday, th.c''zth ,of January'. 10;15 `Church School. .• '':inters once•again hay'c been in ••,,,.,w,,µ w .„ wading 'the area and -on o•rcasiori have' beert ,the Gatrse bf• concern: 11;15 Morning .,Prayyer