The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-01-15, Page 9969 WEDNESDAY, • JANUARY '15th,. T!i! wawa.[ Eartit.w.AAWZAEOPIt: THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. MINUTES OF BRUCE CO. SCHOOL BOARD • is .ng o e rucel ounty Board ,of•Educatidn was held in the Chesley ,Council Chambers at two o'clock on the above date. The following members were presents Geo. C. Loucks. Alan Whfcher,, Leonard. Courtney, Arthur Davey,, Ross D. Fow�,e hn A. Kieffer, Lloyd LieS mer Jo N. MacLean, Ross S. MacRae ,,Harvey, McCurdy, • ...,Mrs . Doris E' • Milne, Mrs Mary • Pletsch , Ernest. Pringle ,' Maitland • Warder and 0.A. Kalbfieiisch Secretary _Treasurer ,pro tem. It :was moved -.by W.A. `Davey and seconded by. Leonard Courtney that the minutes::of the meeting . of the. ' Bruce County Board .of*Education of . December 19 be adopted as'circul'= ated.. ' . . . • It was moved by'Alan Whi cher arid seconded by Leonard Courtney . that Arthur. Davey and., Harvey Mcg Curdy be appointed to ,atterd'the .'Seminar at the. Skyline Hotel in. Torontopn January 17 and 18. . with. all expenses to be paid by the board... It was moved by Alan Whicher and seconded by Harvey McCurdy.; that the letters' from municipalities • in.regard to.locating of central • • headquarters be filed. andheld in `abeyance for referral.to co unittee • • when a .committee is set hp to ex-_ amine this matter. ItAlai ;Moved by Mrs".. Maly.. Pletsch and seconded by John N.• MacLean that the Secretary-Treas- urer inquire_frouthe=Ontario. Hydro requesting anformatign as to • the immediate population expected in this area; regarding the Douglas Pointconstruction and the perman- ent population on completion'of construction. a It was moved'. by Mrs: Doris) Milne- and ilne-and .seconded by Maitland Warder that a committee be named -to look, into, the anticipated larger school populationin the Port Elgin, Kincardine and Tiverton' area , and make recommendations to the. County board:' Mr. Loucks • ' Appointed. 'Arthur Davey ,- Mrs . M. Pletsch, Itirs. D; Milne and John .MacLean. Itwas moved by Lloyd Liesemer and seconded by Ross 'MacRae that the secretary„ -treasurer: be given an. imprest petty. cash fund of $100.00:, Itwas.moved•by Ross MacRae and seconded by John N.. MacLean that: the secretary -treasurers and char men of• the- various 'transitional committees of the school boards' .. existing,prior'to January 1, 1969, in the •County .of Bruce, be'author ized: to issue cheques .in payment of accounts on :behalf of the schools for which they respectively. have .been::appointed until•June 30 1969, or until further order of this board. It was moved by Lloyd. Liesemer, and seconded by John. N. MacLean PAGE NINE gat. MMONE ni 1431 SHOW TIMES. .Friday and Saturdays" ' at 7;15 and 9:15 All other days, one show- at 41:0S,.,„ except; where noted on ,the program. Thur., Fri., Sat.,, Tues., Wed.,. Jan.. 16.to'2'2' (i DAYS) Adult Entertainment 'The. Gr+aduate' ifemaScope-Colour Starring: Dustin ,Hoffman, Ann Bancroft This, is the ADULT story of a.. young man who breaks out of the materialistic world of his: elders. ' . .. ,Saturday Mat. Jan. 18 Distaflt Trion ., ll of. area aou hors• irster• tend nave: N fill h Gently' '< Satur, Ars :THURSDAY &FRIDAY`'` anssolry , Thursday at: 8:00 p;m..Onjy, Priddyat700&9!3Qpm Showing,, at 7:30 and 9.15 p:n ' ;Each Ev.ning • .7atu a �AatiAee than 1.13: at....R.egt lar ime that Mrs. Helen Stanborough be engaged for secretarial help at a salary,of $65:00 per week. It was moved by W.A. Davey and seconded by Harvey. McCurdy. that• the former secretary -treasurer, and • , chairman of the existing'. Retarded. • Children's Schools••be contacted to- serve as .a. transitional committee • , , to deal with day to day operation, of these schools 'untilJune 30th, 1968, during •the "organizational 'period Of. the :Board's committee L;. Jackson, manager of the: Can adian Imperial Bank of Commerce. addressed the board and explained ` ho w the banking would. be arranged , All.the'borrowing will be:done at " the local bank and imprest accounts Will -be set up 'in the various munic ipalities for the use of 'the,'transit ional 'secretary-treasurers,:'It was ;. moved by 'Alan Whicher .and• secon ded by W.A. Davey. that the chair• - oupl'e: Will live 1n.Wiiids�r SCHUTZ O'DONNELL. . The•marriage of Mary'Linda O'Donnell and William Arthur Schutz took place on Saturday November 30th at -Sacred Heart :Roman Catholic Church;, '4Vingham. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and,Mrs. James H..O'Donnell of •. Lucknow. . The groom fs the ton:of Mr:—and lrs 0rvrlle--J . gchutz�of Mitchell Father John: Mooney, officiated at; the double ring ceremony: The bride,:. given in marriage by her father,:chose an.4-line gown Of white lace' over satin, -long e. sleeves and scallopedneckline with a`four tiered.back`. falling into a -Her Her: headdress of white ;nylon,tulle was' gathered to. A'Pearl • and' rose .crown . She carried a white lace covered.. Bible ;from which fell a. cascade Of red set , rt roses and rosebud adorned 'streamers: Sharon O'Donnell' of St.Cathar- ines, sister.of the bride was maid.. "of. honour . Her gown of capri blue moire taffeta ;was `A: -line with , elbow length sleeves and ..scoop:.' neckline: ,Her headdress was silver man" and secretary -treasurer" be au- thorized to borrow up`to two mill ion, dollars ; with' a six million "doll: ar aggregate. amount for 1969: The borrowing for 1969 to, bedone at the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce inChesley It was moved by Harvey McCurdy and seconded by Ernest Pringle that his' -board -ask the -chair --oto nominate a committee of four members plus. the chairrnan'to re- view the applications .for Director of the Bruce County Board of Educ- ation. .The members, appointed • Were Alan Whicher',, Mrs, Doris • .. Milne, Harvey, McCurdy and Leon- and Courtney` It-was_moved by_Alan_Wh cher and seconded by Leonard .Courtney,... that the following committees be appointed by the board: Transport- ation - Maitland Warder,4oss MacRae, Leonard Courtney; ''Fin- ance - Alan Whicher, Arthur Davey , John Kieffer, Ross Fowler ; and Geo. Loucks; Teacher Board !, Relations 'and Non -Teaching ployees Mrs. D. Milne Mrs. M. Pletsch and John McLean; Building • Harvey McCurdy, Ernest Pringle an oy ' i s Mrs,- Doris Milne gave her report on dental service to elementary school children. Some discussion followed and the following, motion was put Moved by Ernest Pringle and seconded by Maitland. Warder ' that the transitional comniittees• Gor- ir . snd r1s,p. ly, i john, Lnd ew. "A STUNNING .MOVIE!... A 'ivy special movie beautifully photOgraphed and edited. Like the life it records, it simply exists, beyond criticism!" -THE N.Y TIMES `RAW -REAL YORBUtOTI IOTIONA :DYNAMITE!...You are' not merely told about -the-life-of children in -various -stages -of -emotional you are'tharc! One e of, the finest of modern documentaries! -CUE Magstise Stuart c. )van" and .• "AN -'UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENC[!" 1r1itk Cri=t, •A;'FILM BY ALLAN KING , " AniantaNet SHOW TIMES: 7.30 and9:!5, Each EvaIdno R( S T R I C T I 0 • Beginning Thurs , Jan..2.3 for TEN Di YS"' "• �NE...WIT� THE WND" GO ONE SHOW • EACH • EVENING AT 7.30 P.M. • and blue pointed bogs and she carried a. iiouquetof white mums with redrose.' accents. • Bridesmaid was Charlotte ' Forbes; ' • . of: London: She was dressed the same as the maid of honour, Ringbearer was. Austin O'Donnell 1. jof'•Lucknow,, brother, of the bride Groomsman was -William --Warren 1,of Stratford. 'Ushers were Terry O'Donnell`of Brantford and John 'Schutz of (Mitchell) London Ellen. O'Donnell of Lucknow, ' sister of .the bride was 'soloist beinformed that as of January 1st' . . no dental bilis, will be paidby the Bruce County, Board' of Education. This policy. is 'in review by the: Department of Health. The recon' - mendation of the ruce County • CONTINUED ON PAGE 14 •A reception followed in the 'Wing- !hath' Legion Hall. 'Master of.cere tmonies:.was Mr:. Wm: Fitzpatrick of Hamilton: The.tables were dec- orated with pink 'mums and lighted tapers ;in silver candelabra The bride's mother .chose..a •dress o-carribeab-blue-c lene th :. . Imatching jacket and a. red and "white rose corsage,: The'groom's mother• wore a two-piece suit of misty blue crimpknit and corsage' of white and red .roses. Foctravellingthe bride' chose a turquoise knit coatdress,' red ,coat;, whitefox fur, :black accessories'. and red rose corsage. The couple will reside at 227 McEwan Ave. , Windsor, where the groom is toyed vv,ith Ben;- . eficial Finance System and the brideis employed with ' A. C: - International•.Finance.. • • F ANNOUNCE: THEIR NNUAL DRY LEAN • FROM JANUARY 10.-'FEBROIkRY-'1 iwwwwwwwwwww, AGENT •