The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-01-15, Page 31%t • 1 get tt ern.• 1 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY' 1Sth, 1 air— -.4 ..�' i:. +1., x•ffl1 a /:1r,4.44k y,. t1.'!Ii. 11*1:.,F.,^• 1969 • THE LUCKNOWSENTINEL, 141CKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE; THREE r BEST'.BUYI Save. 33e1 BESTlUYI ,.Say.4c1 , CANADIAN or PJ ENTO •BEST. BUY! Save 10cI. OPEN: THURSDAYS TILL 12:30 BEST BUY! SANE 10c WHITE -SWAN •FACI:AL TISSUES. Pkgs. 360's BEST BUY!. .SAVE. 21C " • LSEY :TISSUE SAVE te, CHM TIE'.8.. SAVE ,.12c!' rhicb'. obs ia.t.. ..�. all re• <ed ening •COLEMAN'SSWEET-PICKLED--�— _ _ COTTAGE ROLLS I.:13 694 * : IN THE PIECE•41, • crackers Liquid Detergent •. • EPICURE -MILD CURED', Rundless. BACON pk . Maple ,Leaf,, M ild Seasoned- WIENERS easoned 125 to 135 lb. 1 1 .,,Giant'Size' ' pr 8.v FILLER •SPECIAL 1 • Red -Brand BEEF HINDS ,the OM LC . COLEMAN'S . BOLOGNA BY THE. PIECE 1 • • Cut and: Wrapped'; AND PHONE 528=300. FREE DELIVERY } .WITH A GIFT' KEEPSAKt:. coir: ie teatimes _doom ,. � ,.. F()R ..� C.c,4hf PL ;-, ETI✓ FII H.0.TION �� .SEH o r 1r3 sAt* t At 'The Lucknow Sentinel EADERS WRIT; Ca•y uga ; O1n December 31, 19.6,8„ Dear'.Don Phone 524-9521 Public Accoontant 4 Britannia Rd.. E. • .4., •Godeeic, Ontario • Renewal time again! How the . years' do fly! But we just can't do Without the Sentinel! I read it, from if stem to stern including a;11the advertisements,. • I sw`ir y name there aong the first form students 50 years ago, Check' again Don.. You must have 'made a mistake!' Trust the Arena question will be, settled and the boys :and:girls can ,enjoy' another winter of skating, WE iitdepe„d ui, in -ea uga. The Kinsmen are looking after it this year and I believe ict:. is: about ready now . • Happy New Year , Don to you and yours a a.11 our friends .at Luc k - now, Sincerely, john D. Ross., Takrear.'Ari_ Oon4r-.uron:.. HURON COUNCIL MINUTES Huron Township Council held the January meeting in the Legion Hall in Ripley with all ;members present. Minutes,of last'regtilar and special meetings were read and' confirmed:, Tax Collector, Glenn ,Farrellre- ported 1968 .taites still uncollected $15,397,05 and the Treasurer re- ported prior years still due of The total :arrears are $12,818;16 less than reported one,. year•ago. The annual By-laws were given three readings and passed with the• Salaries By-law getting the 'most discussion and ended with the. Ernployees •getting .„a 5% in?rease Township accounts .of $1398,39 and. Road accountsof$10,,•250..46 were ordered paid., Council adjourned to meetin the. Legion Hall on February 3rd. • ARL:TOUT : . •Clerk. AppIy1J.or Rchool Director: Bruce Board of Education has received 'thirty-five applications: for theposition of birecotr of Educ• ation, top job incthe County'"•new administration of education, .A ' s -f,=4'1 anTWtsicli; er,.°Harvey McCurdy, •Leonard:; Courtney ;Mrs: Ivlilne.and .George Loucks was.. named' to. open'the applications ,: review them , • obtain recommend: ations from the. Department' of Ed ligation'ligation'and arrange interviews Dr. and and ''son of. Wiarton have returpect :from a trip to Saskatoon where they spent Christmas with Mrs. MacNay's patents• Mr. and Mrs,' T. Johnstone', They also attended the ,wedding ofher brother, 'Vaugh- an Johnstone, a• member of the R. C. M. P,` stationed ,at Flitr Flon , Manitoba:. Mrs,. Jim:. McNaughton, local chairman of the March of Dimes. cfmpaign, reports. that the canvass in Luc know will get .under1 way next week with. more details• to 'appea•in� next week's paper. Graydon Ritchie of Town has,.been confined to, his home since Christ- mas with a heart condition. •. Miss Mary. McIntyre.ahas. recently. returned to Lucknow as one of the • nurses at.the officesof Doctortor M. H. Corrin and Doctor'J.•C. McKim. She is residing in one of the Ashton Apartments .on Campbell Street . • Mrs.. Roy,'Parker�'is moving the first of February to the Baker,Apart. mt enon Campbell.Street.�.She has been,residing in the Cro:wston Apartment,on Willoughby Street' T.A Cameion returned to his home ,at Lucknow on Decem er 30' from Victotia Hospital, London'• � where he was a patient for three weeks ••following surgery: with 'the Board for the most suitable; !applicants.. John ,Keiffer asked When would we get results?' If they've ,applied somewhere else and are hired be'-. ' 1 The regular meetfn of the` Lucknow; Women's Institute will.be held on Friday 'January that p:431.,.. in the• Assembly Room ' bfahe' Tdwn°Ha11. ` :ing the bag" . It was agreed that the coinmittee•wduld start work: after the board rneeti,tigadio'urned 'arid that a special. meeting •would be -called as' soon as possible to intervie applicants Allan Which'utioned 'that it could easily.take 3, or 4 special meetings before the appointnient is, made;_ Advertising for the position`of Administrator was discussed ::but since the Director would . be expected to advise. on'this ; appointment.; action was deferred until the special, meeting, . Federation Pass ARDI:Res�Ijtjon. unry Federation .of Agri -. culture, at their: January meeting,' passed:tfie .following resolution: WHEREAS; it .has been: brought, too our att :: ntion• that the' government s discontinuing its; one-third. share • of the" cost of mu n cipal drai•1' • under the ARDA grant.'prograrnni . •. .as of January 1, 1969 and whereas an_y_xciwnsf Tips-.ha_v-e_d ra-i-ns-alrea surveyed' and engineered and'pasted Y g by council.but the contract not let, therefore be it resolved., that the government pay the ARDA grant of, one-third the cost of construct- ion .of,those. drains already enginee- red To get support on this resolution it was sent to the three members of parliament in the riding, Hon- ora,ble W.A., Stewart; the director Of ARDA; Ontario Federation of • y., '1M1T ADS GET RESULTS LUCKNOW UNITED:::. ' CHURCH Rev° R. L. Stirling, B:,A., B. Minister JANUARY 19th 10:00 a.m. Sundays :School' .: Adult Bible Class• 11:00 am..Mornirig Service Nursery The `• Church "Annual Meeting January 23><•d at • Lucknow bite �dan .hui JANUARY 19th HuronCounty.. • Jim°Boynton, secretary' -manager of the Ontario Hog Producers Mark - ping Board was the guest speaker and gave',information on the news grading system and. also ,the reasons the board. aje urging all hog pi'oduc'ers to register imtm•ediately. 10 a.m : Sunday Schaal: 11 00:00 a m. Morning Service Gue'kt. Speaker • ST PETER'S ANGLICAN HURCH ". ' Re r..H4 L,. Jennings Rector - JANUARY .19th 10:15 Church School 11:15, Morning Prayer