The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-01-15, Page 1$4.06, A ar. In •Advance ;1.00 ;Extra. To USA -LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15th, 1969 Singh Cap)! '10c • fi Pages • RETIRES F Dr:: James E.: Little•,a dentist:in Lucknow for 'close°to 34' years ceased practice, here during the past, week:' His office in the John- stone :block, 'where: he was located all the years' he practiced , has,.. been closed ;and his equipment sold .Plans. were to a•emove the: equip= inent -last weekend but:poor•' ' weather conditions•prevented this James Little is the son of ;he late, Mr.•. and Mrs,. Edward Little, •nati.v- :esof the 4th Of•Kinloss, Mr. and became widely known and respect ed'.by patients, from .a wide area ' The comfort of P his atients. was.al- ways of uppermost . importance to . ,. him and Dr,. Little was alw'ays wi in to "he1} soeone in need. of. den: servicem , day or' 'night. During i Veterinarian Take �itrlll�t Mrs ..Little resided, for`a time in Calumet ,• Michigan where Jim attended elementary school arid graduated from :Calumet •• )w School -in June'; 1920. The'Little family returned to Kinloss Or Feb- ruary ruar of 1921: • Jin attended Stratford Normal ''',Schoolnd-graduated there in 1924 'He taught school at. the .6th of. Kin _ -4? loss for ive years:and spent one year teaching at the Boys':• Training School at Bowmanville.. . He then entered the Dental Coll- ege,, University of Toronto .where;'' Dr: Little graduated in May 1935 One month later he. set yup pract- ice in•Lucknow• where he hascon- tinued to serve for 33 1/2 years. During his practice, Dr. Little' dental service wasrovided b P Y ... district.school boards, Dr.. Little saw thousands of'children pass through ,:his'care`Many . of these Children,. as.'adu , is returned from 1 all ;over the province •to continue, CONTINUED ON PAGE .2:' alkerton Doctors Dr: David Biesenthal• who has been• associated 'with Dr. „Brock Cle- land in his local' veterinary practice will leave the latter' art•of this P week to become associated with Drs.' Mullin; and,Berberick: in the Walkerton and. Hanover :Clinic.. Dave came to.Lucknow'1ast April • after graduating from college ,and • he and Mrs. Biesenthal have been ple Celebrate nth Anniversary 112 Ince This area has, seen snow ,.. snow and more snow in recent-w,eeks•,•,Traffic• Was 'at .a, standst'ih the later part: of hast' week as, high. winds: whipped. 'in drifts just about as fast•as snow; removal crews, .could clean; them: out. t - School was cancelled on, Friday last ascountry roads were dogged . • and: visibility was reduced to nil on any roads which were open::'. • Besides schools being closed, the winter'sworst extended until Sun- day when a number of rural 'churcheswere closed .for :Sunday .service.. Harold Greer , : who regoras, local 2. weather records for the Meteorolog- ical Division of the Ontario Depart- ment of •Transport , .recorded. 112" of,snow -locally. from' December,..; 22nd to. January,l2th Only one day during that time ,° December •,30,:was free•of snow and on three+. days•ten inches of snow fell:during the day; The total snowfall duringNoveni= now ay ber was 10 1/2" arid in December, up to the'time mentioned above, 20"'; •This' makes a. total. snowfall locally of 142 1/2" The number of inches of snow which fell from December 22nd to. Sunday, of this: week, on a:41ay to day basis., is listed Decenn,ler 2"; December 23; 3";: December '24, 6";'•December 2tP., IV; Dec- • ember. 26`, I Decerliber 27; ,‘5";1 December 28 , 5"'; December 29 15;"; Dece'mb'er 30„ 0 'December: 31,.2"; January 1,. 10"; January 2,'. '5"; January 3',: 4",; January 4,'3" January 5,, 2''; January 6,;6 Jan': °uary.7• ii"; January;8, 4"; January b", January 10, 6"; January 1(?"; January 12,•9".: • .The coldest days this winter•, and they really ha�en't_been_that cold:', was on December 9th -1 degree; . Decernber IOth -8 degrees; Dec ember 31st,: l degree; Jarivary 1 -2' degrees. , Other temperatures' have been fairly moderate and average:: New Council Take Garage Rood Caves: Oath Of Office In From Snow the inaugural meetifng ofLuck - . now: Village Council was lie1d on Monday; morning. at 11 a . rrl.' The 1968: council met and clear- ed 1968 business and accounts.:.: Reeve Omar Brooks thanked° the• Clerk E. H. Agnew for .his .assistance and co-o•eratio durin the.• ear.'as did councillors Eldon Mann .and Harvey Webster„ The other two • 1968 councilllors, Bob Finlay, and • Eldon Wraith ,, were absent.• The Reeve and: councillors wished clerk 'A new'' leasant etirement g P : years:. /Reeve Brooks referred to many•ior•of man 'homes.. ,pleasant years sitting with"councill y • or Harvey Wbster. Both carne on ' Snow loads on.many district build- ings -'have reached: tie danger point - and; area residents; were busy' $ra' :recent days removing the,snow from houses and b.usiness•places.:° ,Elmer Umbaah s'garage roof caved in -On Monday ;from the we ' garage: is located at•the ;rear of the.; Main street. business of Mr. Umbach, , '.Many, residents have been having trouble with water backing up .In their homes and the situation,• has. caused :water darn. e'to the inter_- g the -council in 1960 ''Mr. Brooks'.., also.spoke of.the contribution'made CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 and 9, '1 On'' Wednesday , January 5th , .M'r . and Mrs. John IvlacMuichy•of .R. R 4 , Ripley , celebrated their 50th • Weddin Anniversar in compan .g Y Y;. i r--thgi-r4a-mfl-y-�of-three a. er and their husbands Mr: and Mrs. Wrn':° ;(Margaret). Ferguson of Amb-: erle , Mr, and Mrs. Cecil' `•' Y ;. (Norma) Hurnphrey and: lvlr. and Mrs. Lester (Audrey)' Ferguson, ,•, • both -df R.1T. 4 , 'Ripley aKma Fractures T' R f Port FL .n an • p Mrs., Charles Mason: o know:. suf ered •a. fractured hip ina t a on f p fll,. Sunday afternoon..,.. She was' moved by amb•Ulance that evening: to Victoria •Hospital, •on - don. .. . i m S O car Q LOLL• ery of Lucknow has received a transfer to Nakina , Ontario:: ' Jim is station agent withthe Can- adian National Railways. He has been in . ortg g in .as agent or t e. past six years. "w ei i ott ttf I 1 ltlt tnl n mr ntt"Im rntt,melom mottfotilemonlefffefftellft ltr,tfnlm tt/ M Y 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Others present'Were•Mr. and'Mrs: James Farrell Mrs, Elizabeth.Mac-• ,i Dona-ld:-ind-Mr-s John .Reid in-laws of the bride and groom and ..I Mr's, Reid •s'friend'; Mrs: Gohop : 'All enjoyed a dinner at• the Log Cabin Restaurant , Lucknow •and ,then to''the; home, 6f Mr.. and Mrs .:Lester Ferguson fora social get-together , Mr. and Mrs, MacMurchy .also have fourteen grandchildren. • residing in the Henry, MacKenzies house on Havelock Street South,. known to, many as the former 'Sandy - . Sandy Purdon home" . Mr. and. Mrs, •Biesenthal will tof movemoveto Walkerton the fi ir's Feb•. ruary It is the hometown of Mrs: Biesenthal, the ,forier Carolyn'.; Weiler .' . A proposalmade by E.H. Agnew for• his retirment as village clrkwas discussed at the inaugural xneting'of Lucknow Village Councilon 'Monday morning: of this • weekMr Agnew became' eligibletor retirement allowance Novmber 1st and officially retired then. However, an a reement was adewith Lucknow Council at that time ve3tionSafety O 5h��f:Ruiti.ps • • Councillor Harold Greer raised the question at the inaugural meeting of L oknow Village Council on Mon a`lrof'the hazard which exists ,ar ' rid 'the fire ruins of thy' public s• • . building in in' Lucknow : ; Mr.. Greer questioned if any liab- ility insurance was carried by the town on the property since acquiring it from the,'school board some weeksY Labilit _."insurance is. g carried .He felt that No Trespassing. g. signs should be erected around the proFertY and danger area on'the • 'school grounds 'should be snow-;fenc.- ed off, ;' Mr. 'Greer said that close neigh- bours around thebuilding had in- formed h-irn' of children pia ' in .in Y g the structure and referred to this as a very dan''erous practice, -He said dangerous lie had.beelt•told that water had recently been turned on iii,the cell- ar of the building and about four feet of water .was there at one tirn•e Any child falling; through the ONT•INU1rn: ON! PAGE '2' RETI 'new stated•that.he had. become eligible for retirement some tithe. ago and had `felt that_ it was iniper_ `ve.t t t.: •ati ha, he take i Ike, .: 'said that the tesponsibilities. of the clerk's office bad -greatly increased' and that he wolild•like.to retire March 1st after an audit had been completed' and: other business clear ' ed up. • Asked' by councilif he would stay • that'he. would`con tmue` 911 as acting patM:arc h lst if difficult ywase clerk on a month to month basis.'" per,ienced in replacing. him,'Mr -,; As acting clerk, Mr, Agnew tookAgnew stated that he did not,feel a lesser salary from the village so'' that a replacernent would cause L that his pension and-salary,as clerk them any difficulties, He suggested combined equalled his 'former that the deputy clerk insight:' be salary as clerk:. willing to accept, more responsib- - A t Monday's meetings Mr. Ag- flit ies . M rMt1 Mett11i1f Oftetentoittelft 1nr ltftlintottt tihhnryltltilm ftttyttyftlf