The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-01-08, Page 19it�Ai�m ...... ',.rY•. .,, .;r,,.na;.�.r«:..mrrdvk+w.ae-:: n TM ..«...a � " WEDNESDAY,' JANUARY ;8th; _1.969 THE :LUCKNOW:SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE NINETEEN Visit By Phone Recipe For A Christmas Day Accident Near Mildmay ikOFHtroirthe.r & Young Son a , OrtrEt. 'NEWS !it is almost •as: good as being . thereJ" Mr,, and Mrs.. Ja'ek McGuire antifamily had a visit with'Mrs.. McGuire's three brothers • and sister -and their families in New ,Zealand via tlephone, Reception. .was . -perfect and they talked for , about. a quarter of an hour y°I Mr; and Mrs-. ‘.lexb'Clayton and Lynn, .Mr. and' Mrs. Frank Scott 'and Michael spent Christmas day, - with, Mr. and Mrs. Bill 'Mills •-of Goderich. ' . Mrs, , Jean. Hamilton and Michael spent the Christmas holidays in Hamilton'with Mr. . and. Mrs. Ian McDonald. ' Mr.,and Mrs °scar'White and •family' and Ted White spent Christ- . hrist-. mas,with Mr. and Mrs Jim ' McNairn and Karen of Seaforth. 'Sharon Coiling of .Western Univer- sity' spent, the holidays at her home here. • Mr. and Mrs. -Ray. Hamilton and' family , Mrs'. W.R. Hamilton and Bert; Eaton spent Christmas with Mrs. Jeahllamilton and Michael. Mr-. and Mrs. Donald Coiling' and, boys were New Year's day guests of Mrs;. Melvin Coiling; Ernie''and. Sharon Mr.' and Mrs. Gary Bleekwell and family motored from British • • Columbia t :spend hxistmas holidays: with; Mr.., and Mrs.Stanley sBlackwell• "W"Wouldn't want to. miss a single. copysays-M-i M-y-rtle�Phillips, of London in renewing her -Sentinel subscription. . op Take 12 fine,, full-grown months;, - see that these are thoroughly free from .old .memories of bitter- ness, rancor•, hate and.iealousy,; . Cleanse'them completely, free , from; every clinging spite; pick off. all 'specks of pettiness. -- in short," s'ee that,these months are fresh and clean as. when, they first came .from the. storehouse .of time '.Cut•these months into 30 or' 31' equal parts: Thi's bateh-keep iust . -. for one year. Do not attempt tor. '•` -make up a: whole.batch'at one' - time , for many people spoil the'! entire lot this way,. Prepare one day at a time:, as follows:. Into each day put twelve parts- of faith, eleven of patience, ten ' of .courage', . nine •of work (some . people`omit this, important,ingreg ient and spoil the flavor of`the . rest),' eight parts of hope , seven of fidelity; six of liberality ,,' five , of kindness, four of rest (leaving this out is like leaving the oil out. of the salad, -- don't do it), three parts of prayer; ,.two of meditation; Nig well -selected resolution.. •. ThenA put in a tablespoonful of good spirits, a dash'of fun ,',a pinch of folly, a healthy jigger. of laugher, -a sprinklingof play -and a heaping; cup full of good humor'. Cook' throughly .in -a fervent heat garnish with smiles and a sprig' of joy ,'then' serve with nd young son were in- .ty, moving his •act an ,net stantly killed in a head-on • ' Mr., Fullerton, who is collision between a. car and a employed'by Ktngsw. ay Transport tractor trailer cab, on Highway Ltd, , though owning his truek, was Nin e , a •short distance south of . onhis Way from To` ronto to have .a Mildmay, Christmas., morning, Christmas dinneri at his home, in• Dead, are Thomas Aabert. Farrell., ' Paisley.' • ' 34,a Huron: Township farmer. , of The accident in %fi ich damage of °' near Kincardine , driver of one of . over $5 ,.000 was incurred ;.was in- the vehicles involved and: his 2.1/2 vestigated by•'Ke$nethaPointe of year old son, Rodney. Donald"Farr- the Walkerton ...P P, detachment:: ell, a left rear seat passenger iin his The late : r cell was a so' of • -n. . father's car, on the impact side.:.'f The crash occurred at' �' and' k 0..Edward Farrell of Kin; sardine. He farmed_ on lot 31, con approximately.:11:15 a.m. ; Wednes• cession 12, Huron Township.,R.R. day , about one and One- fifth .miles ' south•of Mildh ay`s southern gate-- 1, Kincardine. Residing three miles south of Kincardine , he was a way entrance, and, a few, hundred member of the Church of•the feet of the point , where in Decem - : ' • bei of 1960 ; a Harristoticouple and Messiah, Anglican,,. Kincardine ., A double funeral for father and two Durham youth's were billed in son was held Saturday afternoon a head-on collision,' exactly eight following Christmas at 2 o'clock years ago, • at the Kincardine Church', with' the The Farrell car, ,which -was totally Rev: SidneyLupton. den�'olished , w'as: proceeding south , i officiating.' •. Burial,w•as n the Kincardine Cern-. and. also contained in the front •seat etery, , ' Mrs r Thomas Farrell', 31;, wife "of Also survivingMr':Farnell beside the deceased , holding their his wife; the former; 13essie,,Moffat 6,-ptlonths: old son ," Gregory Allen .of Culross:, two young'sons aird' his • Farrell, 'and- the couple's one year , parents.; are two' brothers;,, Glen F: '. four months old, son', Warren Farr- Farrell',,R. R.'`1',; Kincardlfae and, ell, seated in thea ht. rear. . $., Rev ,Ray K. Farrell ; 'Windsor •,'. and Mrs, Farrell and 'son , Warrentwo sisers', (lrene) Mrs. Franc•is • w:ere'taken`to County.of Bruce .:Genn: Boyle of Huron Township and eral Hospital, lisin fair' eondit' (Anne) Mrs. Ronald Alexander . ion , sufferingfrom• concussion and r'of Pinkerton other injuries... The•McLennan Funeral Home quietness;,.. unselfishnes al',::London where he•was in,'poor condition, having'sustained''a fractured skull- and•internal •injuries, He has si:nce•improved•. .• The fatality car ; a '66'Plymouth The six' -month old infant,•Gre� I ,K,incardine was in charge of'the; s' and cheer.-•. ory was rushed to Victoria Hospit ouble funeral. fulness and a .HAPPY NEW YEAR IS A:CERTAINTY !, • :Author. Unknown art • was -lad -en -with- C -h ris trim • • Mrs.".Farrell,,. the forr e f3:essie•. Moffatt,is the •da.0 7hter,: of. Mr-. and Mrs.• Grati'arn•Ivloffat of ,Cul rots Township. presents; 't a Farrell family'having been on the ay 'to Guel h to..:' Ashfield Road, Sup, . , have Christmas inner with relativ- �' ' es ; Dies 'Suddenly • Driver.of the tractor. -trailer. truck. which was :`minus the trailer at RICHARD R. WEST time of the crash; was Glen- Fullerton , 41, • of ,Queen Street , Paisley...Ile was proceeding north • on the highway,', and ,apparently 'Was atterripting to 'pass';a vehicle ahead also travelling north, namely a ca driven by Harold' Macke, 57 of R. R. 8, Mildmay, in front of whom `was a provincial snowplow • operated by Clifford:Hurref.. of Hanover. • The head-onheollision occurred when -the irent r'--ti er-ca=b was: abreast of 'tire •Ma.cke; car. Nisi ' flinty -at the•tiijie.was described as Poor , the road being snow -blown . 1\lr : Hurre'f, , the plow .operator, 1. said h.e did not, know thatan acc dent. had` occurred behind 'him, , ' Ii mediately after the ililpact , -, which was•of such force as tb rend er the-car-'a-'complete•'wree-k-and'. • damage,tfie truck tra.etor'to the. extent' of $2,000., the latter Vehic with its tilt cab pivoted forward. and ,to a vertical position 'shied I into the left side of the 'Macke car causing about $250 darn -age, The f Richard 'Roy • West ;of•Ashfield Tbwnship passed ,away suddenly at his home on Saturday Decernbe 21st following a:heart:attack. He was •in .his 65th year. r Hewas born in Ashfield Town•-: ship on January 9th, 1904, a son of James E. West and Mary Mae. Iver.' Orr'November .6th ; 1937:he married Jean MacDonald of •. :Ashfield, 'PHONE' 528.3004 .• PHISOHEX keeps on killing germs even- after you wash it off., PHISOHEX for 'dan- druff, acne, body odours, eczema, skin blemishes. Former= Resident' DiedAt Brucelea MRS. SA\1�LII L DLIRNIN :Mrs %Sam,uel`Durnin forriierly of • Lucknow and Si. Helens,:,passe • •'away: at Brucelea -i laves:' Walkerto,n ;'oii`Thursday .January' 2nd . Slie. was her :90th year. ,•. Mrs'. Durnin was the fornier'.Rath- erine:tane Gaunt:, :dau hter•of•Jolin Gaunt and. Ann Rutherford She:Was . •born in,West Wawanosh Township .• :on July 15th 1 79. On' Noveu ber •116th, 18.9 she''married Samuel • Durnrri, at .Wingham•. 'i'heyrestded • at :St :Fje'lens fora nunlber'of years• • r'!where'Mr'• Durninoperated 1threshing .machine: and was also a' carpenter by .trade:. They later. • nioved to Lucknow` where hlr: •Dur- '.sin passed away .on September 9 119;57'. . Mrs. Durnin :had been c'onfirrned ;in the Anglican Church , •St "Helens .at the age•of:12. •When'they..nioved • •to•Luc:lnow• 11r.....".and Mrs. Durnin r. ^.est was a . armer an arm- •,loine• Vie uc<now -'res yterian-. . edall his life. in Ashfield. In:1960" Church and. Mrs. Durnin was.'later`:. he assumed the position•of Road: •• ' Superintendent of.Ashfie-ld Town • j ship ;.n ade'a` life Member ofkhe .Worn - ?.en's 1v1issionar' Societ\ ;'+ , 'Mrs,_ Durbin 'has been a resident i Besides' his wife,: Nir.:.West'is { survived by one• soh •Jahres West '! of Ashfield :Township; two; daught j':ers Mrs. Elmer (Marianne) Sn elt r, o zeT`Huron Township•and' Mrs... 'Allan (Sharon.) MacDougall of - - 'Kinloss Township; .five : • and Perry Durnin of Thatlles.ford; ,of I3rucelea Haven , Walkerton for ,:the past .five. years. She is survived by. three dau4rhte and one son , \1rg. Henry. (Le'na).... Garter: of • Luckoow . �1rs : Joe (Edythe) Leslie of Granton,'i'irs. •w Robert (Betty)Mole: of Dunzannon • grandchildren;, one'sister. Mrs. =• .six grandchildren and two. great Hazel Elliott' of Lucknow and one grandchildren, ' .' }, ''.;brother Harry. West of.Winghairi,: Besides her husband,;:' --she was pre-, He Was -s--- redeceased b two bf-otli = = p }—w••-oi•re-kirotL er J a t n e: "'. " .. . ? fatality car and truck unit' landed in' the west ditch, or beside the - sout-hbodnd_lane_r yihile_tike,,,,M aek e car•:was thrust into the opposite ditch, •all vehicles ever remaining. upright I.. • ' The body of Mr.. Farrell had to be pried from the wreckage. of his, car , !'after the vehicle was towed to.1;]ild . may „due to tile• crushed •stale mf• the driver's side of the'vehicle and ' which caused fatal head injuries"to, I his young- son, whoa' rt'is surrnised' • • was standing behind the driver., s feat ens Jack •West in 1965, and Elrner. , Gaunt and three sisters , Mrs. John., .. West in 1936 •Jamieson Mrs. San'. Phillips. and nAsh • Funeral' service was held i j \�'s John,Patters on field Presbyterian Church on Mon-• Funeral service was conducted at' Johnstone's Funeral Home • day ,,;December• 23d Rev , .Kenn, eth Rooney was minister.. and Mrs, ! •Duncan Simpson .was'organist. Johnstone Funeral Home, • Lucknow was' in charge of arrange- ' Merits; L. Pallbearers were Gordon Boyd , Donald Simpson Donald Macken- ; zie ,.Eugene. Frayno . Girvin Reid , .'. John Nicholson: .�..-�.s--=.i44411a11 , Mr..Fulleum-I was a patient in the '.Walkerton Hospital; suffering from • 'chest and other•injur.ies, His Condit ion was listed ,as.satisfactory.. Mr. Macke, whom ft was first thetight had' escaped injury., later entered 'the hospital when, he fou,nd', difficul Greetings Don and Staff- Enclosed, is cheque, to cover„ Sent- ; ; incl for another' year , Municipal, affairs must keep you, busy, if noth, L`ticlx :.. • now on Saturday. January 4th ..Rev : Kenneth. Rooney; was rililiister. Pailbe'arers .were Nlurrav c alar ; Janes AitchisonLeonard Phillips ..• Lorne Jamieson ,' Harold`Ga:unt Russel aunt . • T,eh porary entombment was at , - South Kinloss ;llausoletii'iwith ff a] resting, place; tireenlirl.l Ceflletery • lilt; else 1 don't mind the so'uabb- link so' much but•it does Alai e nie feel 'sad when 1 reAd of tr'r'zedv and of tome:•fine People who ha%e lits- ed .on :, •. .Ruby (1rwin)•Itiacb., 6,' Woodstock?. • '. .... j k