The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-01-08, Page 2• PAGE TV) - THE LUCKNOW, SENTINEL . LucK Nbw', ONTARIO ` WEDNESDAY, JANUARYith, 1969 •r , The LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW ONTARIO "The Sepoy Town" On the Huron -Bruce Boundary Authorized..as second class matter by .the 'Post Office Department,. Qttawa and for payment of postage in cash, ,Egablished 1873 Published Each Wednesday Afternoon, Member .of ,the C.W.N.A. and O.W.N.A, Subscription Rate, $4.00 a year in advance . torth_ U,S,,A„ WOO Donald C. Thompson, Publisher WEDNESDAY, JANUARY eth, 1969 , LETTER TO THE E61TOR� ���• States Inspector F. Coombs:. Made' _. Remarks ConcerningArena SafetyVhk Were Iot Acknowledged At Meeting Lucknow Sentinel •' Dear Sir: During the' course, of 'the, meeting • ` at the town hall January X3/69 con cerningthe Lucknow Arena: BrockCleland asked Mr.,' .Alexander of J.T. Donald and Co:, Ltd . if he had made a staternent. to. the effect that he would challenge any engineer to,refute any state -state- !Tient ;he had made, concerning the safety, of the arena. Mr: Alexander • said no'. The statement' which Mr.:.Cleland was referring to Was one which Mr.. C.00rnbs. m e' tom' Members r fthe io i i ctz ns'con �- ittee; to the effect that :he would: challenge 'anyoie,to dispute any. stateilient ,he 'would make concern: •ing .ihe .condition of the present Arena' (Lucknow Sentinel', Page 6, November '27/10: What'Mr Coombs Meant ,was statements re 'larding building materials and' was backed up at, the inee ging by Mr., Spriet and Mr,2 Runcinnan who said they_would,acc;e.pt...his...report Mr. -Cleland tl:ien asked Mr'. Alexanderif his opinion concerning the Arena. sulerced_ed thatof an engineer: Mr. ,Alexander answered • sa id no'. . Mr. Coombs ,told members'of the citizens' committee and other personsat the.arena at the time, of 'the inspection that if the two main discrepancies •as described in, hispreliminary report •were re. paired , the .arena in'his opinion could be opened any time'. He, quoted. 200 'lineal ft of ,2" 'lurnber , sdrne steel" cables and a quantity of .spikes as the materials needed. If due to some business. ' code , •Mr .' Coombs does not want his opinions: aired publicly :,'then. ie Should aadvise the• eo leto whonl he:Makes theca. as such , Signed M urvirl'Solomon . To Give Paper At India Conference'. fIoliday visitors with the'Treleav- en family..of Lucknow were Mr. and Mrs. 13111 Treleaven, -Donald, • Anne'; Jim and Torry of Beaver, Pennsylvania and 'Dr ,/and Mrs'. • Gary.Suter of Ottawa.. Mrs.,Harold Treleaven; returned no to Ottawa with Dr. and Mrs. Suter 1- ," Neve Mr `C referring.to a statement I had made at' nomination ;n1eeting4to7the. effect that the citizens' 'committee lad. been advised- by British 'Canad'- ian Structural Engineers ; Toronto . that an: engineer's report concerning the structural material of a, b i1ding would have to be con: firined�'b a Inspectors and'Testers .Y n report. They advisedus to.go, i .directly t'o •the Inspectors and. Test.,.. 'ens: and hypass_ their-costs�(1 uc'k extiairtiozimonth_. She expects to go on, to Edmonton,' where she will •visit. with Mr. and, °Mrs,.Frank. MacKenzie:. .In January Dr. Gary Suter ,will attend a conference in Coimbatore, India', where' he; will present a • paper at an International Cort ference on shear problems,in re- inforced concrete now 'Sentinel , -Page e 6 , Novem er 27/68) Thisadvice• was given by phone -a�, Ai r��lela nd,-then-asked'; IW r Coombs if he had made a state= ... ,'meat to the effect that repair to • the three westerly •trusses' as descri- bed, in his preliminary.report which nn para. 2 of1 ilii knhw SPnr ARENA. INSPECTION CONTINUED "FROM PAGE sent condition of the structural compon,ents:of the building.and out. lines what deterioration .or of er defects .exist We have not,.analysed the ade quacy of the design of the struct- ure' and this is at-leastequally im ortant,inan.overail appraisal ppxaisal of the 'structure., '° ' :. • In'order to be assured of the safei Y of the.'structure•.,Y ou should seek the adviee of a professional consulting struuturarengineer who Will -be able to assesiabe ade as of the structure tin; consideration 'of • inel (November 27/G8) would `entail 150 lineal ft' of lumber and 2 steel• cables would make :the' - arena safe =to operate, Mr. Coon-►bs f asscausei.ts ErYOURINSUMNCE-NEEDS . CIAG has increased its sales/ staf f inihe Lucknow area. MRS. JEAN .<<..WH ITBY r new representative is- our • CIAG is owned- and controlled by • more than: 900,000 members of the Ontario credit .Union 'League, :Ontario Federation of Agriculture and United, .Co-operatives of Ontario. The Association his -1717 offices -across the prov- ince , .' a reputation for fair claims service : , and overa quarter -million policies hi force. For dependable insurance protection and service, please ' call: MRS. JEAN WHITBY LUCKNOW • ;PHONE 528-3813. . CIAG INSURANCE CO OPERATORS 1NSl'RANCE ASSOCIATIONS OF' (.l F:Lr'1i LOCAL and GENERAL NEWS Mr .and Mrs. Forbes McLellan and Sara ' Sarnia and r' . and' Mrs aofM .. Murray Hunter of Arthur• spent Christmas w ith:Nlr . and Mrs . Vernon, Huntet ,. •Lucknow . . 'Visitors:on New Years Sunday with Mr. and Mrs .• •Isaac Nixon,' Belfast were Iv1'r. . and Mrs.. John: Nixon, 'and .family. of `Belgrave., and Mrs'. Delbert 'Nixon and family of Stratford, Mr ..and, Mrs. Orville Mr . -Land -Mrs 61:a-rencejltitchre -, Welsh=a-nd-fa-ini-1 r-ef ingh. Barbara , Brenda , Stephen', Donald. and Mary of Kinloss were host to a family gathering.'on,Saturday., 'December 28th. " Those present were Mrs :.'Gordon .Ritchie , Leonard. Ritchie and Elizabeth', Nancy and Joanne :.of :,Lucknow 'Mr:,and Mrs': Lorne Ritchie and Annabelle of Huron Township; Mr. .and Mrs.' Harold . Ritchie ,.Lyle and .Murray:of London; Miss.'Olanda Strong •of St; Thomas. Mr. and ,Mrs . Mervin' • Ritchie-a-nd-farni-ly--of.-Blyth unable:. to attend as Mrs. Ritchie . broke her 1g in a fall about five weeks ago ' Mt...and Mrs. Wayner s Brook,' ,. Craig and Shelley of:Preston visit ed- over the Christmas' Holidays, with their .Parents: Mr. and Mrs . Omar Brooks and M. •and'.Mrs: 'Charles Webster , Mr: and Mrs. Frank Backwellof West Hill' spent a few da ys'w'ith. ..P Y Mrs. •Evelyn Barkwell during the holiday season.. • Ctristnr'as visitors with Isar: and Mrs , Steve Stothers included Ruth and Jim. Scholtz and,their two child rens. Andrew' and Douglas,from• . • Clarkson Decenber 24 to 26; Mr: and Mrs. Steve Stothers of Winni- peg with, Scott ,. JoAnne,. Steve the • third and Susan -December 26 arid' • 27, The Stothers left for Boston, "Massachusetts, U.S. A. where Steve is,going to do a.sabbatic year' Massachusetts _institute of Tech- P nology'. • All the family telephoned on Christmas Day Agnes,Bradbury of Hutton Rudby , England - -Elizabeth • Passmore of Ottawa Whale of 'Saskatoon and Steye of Winnipeg 7 T',he; Schultzes were ; here in Lucknow ruu Mr -:',Land Mrs7-Les1te-Ha-1 ' family of. Amherst View were °re - dent visitors with Mr.. and' hire. 'Charles Hallaand family, Mrs. Ron Rothwell of.Norwogd visited Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Coll- yer and ,Tim in Lucknow for a few days at New Years • Mrs . Wm'. T. Corbett „'aunt of Pimbrose:Gamble of Ripley is at.:' P y , present.'in .St. Michaels Hospital:,; Toront', having undergone major surgery ;there'recentl g Y Y • Mrs Peter Carter , Hol rood :retu- rned .to her home last Thursday, ev w ening January 2ndafter spending P. g twelve ;days in the General Hospit- al -at :Kincardin e.; Ralph Pagan of Lucknow returned Koine the Sunday between Christ Inas and New 'Yeats' after. spending many weeks, in Wingham Hospital. • Ralph underwent:the amputation' `. of •his leg in hospital and has .prog- ,r -ss quite well-snth-tmajor' surgery.• •.Mr,:. 'andMrs.. Al Irwin,'.Warren. and Darryl cif Timmins spen't,Christ Inas week with her 'parents , Mr..: and Mrs 'Bert Alton of Ashfield another relatives in the area.. y..,nd._.lvlxs:;�.eor-ge-H.a�k��t.-.o# ane P talthe resent condition of the mater- ials-as__;, elha ye -outlined them -to • y Por your' information,we ,we' enclose the directory. of the Canadian Test- ing Association 'of which we are mem .ers". 'Should you wish'to en` quire of the Association as to our coinpetence to perform the services ave' provided to you, we are onf dent that you will receive a v cable reply Should' '.ou decide toengage a' y ,, professional engineer, .we shall be. 111 ndings `with h.irl of he requires aninformation in addition tot that in the.report we have sent to you, ,• Yours very truly ' f. 8 Donald 86C'o : Li.rnited;' E. • Alexander -(signed)' , .P. trig. Ed •, � g . {x Winnipegspent a few days during the Christmas. season` at the home of his `father:, H-ar-ry*H-aekett--of Luc know Ariibrcise Redmond of R. R; 2, A urn attended the Ontario' conference for 4-H and junior farmers held last week -end at the King Edwards and Sheraton Hotel";' Toronto • b• 'Mr. and Mrs. Murdock McLeod 'Walkerton, Peter'Car'ter , Geor "e', Pee g. Peter R an Aile en of Holyrood visited Christmas afternoon with Mrs, Peter Carter,at Kincardine General Hospital. They gathered' later at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Murdock. McLeod and KeVin , Along with Mrs. Norman McLeod and Mr And -Mrs. 'Gerald .Bailey, 'Walkerton. for Christmas dinner. New Years visitors with Mr.and Mrs. Don,Thompson-; Susan, Nan7: cy.and ;Donalda of Lucknow were Mir . and' Mrs .:Barry' MacLeod of Kitchener who became storm stay - .ed in •Luckno.w overni' ht when en. route' frorri'Kitchener td'Kincardine to 'spen New Years' w ith `her. par ,ent s M'r.'nd'. • a Mrs', Mel Bennett. • Chris mas visitors with Mr:, and -Mrs. Wm:.Neabel were: -Mr. and Mrs. Murray Neabel, Bobbie, . •`' Murray Jr," of Lambeth; Mr.. and Mrs�.•Gor don•:Neab el. Brian, Shan on; •. Danny of Caledon;,Mr. and Mrs'. Gene Tunney, Ricky., Churl ann •of •Inglewood;, Mr,. and Mrs'. Bob Nickol ,''Garry of Listowel; :• rahar-n-Neabel-of-yAtwood, f•1oward. Neabel of Kincardine Mr and Mrs. 'Julus Fisher of Listowel spent. last Tuesda :with their parents'. Y .P Christmas'visitors .with Mr., and Mrs. Alex Andrew were.Mr. and-. •Mrs. -Robert` An and. Paul of London;, Mr: and Mr's Thos,. Andrew•of Waterloo; Donald Andrew of duelph, where he is attending university and Mrs: •Tom MacDonald of Lochalsh;:. , µ Mr, and Mrs. J.C.'Dr.ennan•and ". family of Ashfield and Miss Wanda.: Wilson of Calga"ry' were Christmas week visitors with Mr.. and Mrs Wilfred Drennan; ; Mrs . Ed Thorn, Mrs.. Thompson and. Joanne treturned ., .home, last Saturday by air,,after. . a two and one-half week visit'at Long Beach, California with Mr. and Mrs: AI Mart_ion (JeanThom 'andtheir son Ned Mrs. Thoirip son and Joanne attended the Rose •Bowl 'parade in Pasadena.on New 'Years. day Mr,. and Mrs., Aylmer: Aitchison (Islay' Campbell) of Kingston and t-he*r-d-a-ughte r`. a nd-her-hnsba rid=Ni t :and Mrs Martial Gauthier of Perri" - broke spent four -days during Christ- Inas week with Mrs Allanson s father, Jac -k Campbell of,Lucknow and in, Wingham with Mrs.'Herace Aitchison : 4 ; Rev. Rod and Mrs. MacI:eod'. of ;Chatham were yisitorsa in Luck-. 'now one day last -week. 'Mt and Mrs. 'Jim McNaughton of Luc know and Jim McNaughton of. Kingston visited with Mr; and Mrs , Rudie. Henning , Elaine and Norman in' London; over the Christ,- mas holidays, Over the Revs/ :Fears Holiday, visitors' with Mr.,: and Mrs J'im M:cNaughton'were. Ern. f`I<'ing- stop and Maur'eerr.Calvert of Toron to. Also visiting were Mr. and Mrs i Rudie Henning, Elaine and Norman of London ' Mrs. Charles •Steward: returned taller home -in Lucknow' last Saturday after twoweeks �in. London among members of her ,family: Mr. and lcrs ,Cljas ; •• en erson o Toronto and son Brian' spent Christ- Inas in Londorrwith.'her-mother. and ,brothers: and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. 'Wilfred Drennan spent -Christ ma-s-iaLd-u— •ph -4. tkr. their daughter and son-in-la.w , Mr. and Mrs:. Mel Stewart and family. . ewart-of-C=-oo-ksvill was also a visitor at the Stewart home. . am .always interested' in,Tie Sentinel an itsood coverage" g . g /6. says 'P. W. Hoag of Strathroy renewing his -paper for another • Mr. and Mrs . Angus Cline and Angela .of :Waterdown,,, Mr , and Mit. Blair Redmond and Michael. of London and Mr. and Mrs, Geor .e Hackett•df Winnipeg were :Christmas week visitors.with their parents., Mr,. •and Mrs. Theodore itedmiond•of R. R, 2, Auburn,. Miss Mae Redmond of Windsorwas also a visitor at -the same home':