The Goderich Star, 1904-09-23, Page 2J 'W U
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Mkist SIxT.
wh�* V*
at the Lease"
wAtm=Avox 0o#;*W7A0 q
kril' 4 tUa 91,10 wcikyod,
'0* the
ION -diatta, to. 00 Wt " , 0 lividod (L
tww aivo Quarterly Iteview'
1C0 2" "o, d, " . '1" "7`)
V*UA* of Or
%Mow tuo oqu#44 for the 0,044ce, X gcI
'-,The kill oal
rQvo iq d 'Idea TOXt, Provo t
ffillQVilroo 'X`C4Z%' k 41'0' to be .10 -old
N1 t t1to -Xiiija x1l, 1!�00) ruci- r p"
rmbo . A U lrt.�ht.. mn CoXk4 U159011
is a 'human 1401AS '1140 d!,01h before 40"t
T, .
AX*r ty OaM a At 9f a.
wAtil Prpnqul mood 0Aij%#I9Pi to, Al CBS
it, h
'st 41" 1W,1140til�"IMI
-,b*QCqACA' Alf be age'; *AV
'0444004, on MA 0
0 roct
Wmiloo,", . , t otb9p Ay XVJ
Iti to M I . hty spirit DelPIV
W In Q* Govol'AMOUT I . -
-:1 - lau� 1-4 to
UZ fa
Ilk wow ItY9 Sin 401411, *0 "tit i appo refkA44 11941 1)"A compoll(a to contend
vitut-Ary 0"
o1bi.0 0.100la ;:, tho
I, 111trilt. wpor49", 49"wover b �t, ' L' War, the rd "surely tb0Vr4tb
Int3y thp jftlaa also Theo, the rV*
of the WO 4170. Ox vq'q- the shall shalt Thou re,
ound a. bu. g&
itid, Because of
ot man
of w r
FT to
ah 'A 4alpat'; W. Ia. said He Would
�4,t I 11u: At otralu" (PO- 1
ilst 0 -ito" Ito %oloinon's so'Wan 040"1 mot Want either
ran 0, It nhto. small Portion of
Wh droi "A# It
da* I o tu Igdoin front him, iAW a �Wow take the k1l
.4QTO-fo n however. a
10*30to lolls
10 floor, him,
lethemilt 01*40 ilid: Rome' troaauro
)*D despwu& ainLos 4109610- InAl. ;v for Dvid's reeksollS, ell
r ke both
b Aknt ppe*, fee of We to light about,
Is W Xkrlieg, To , tQ 4061c - to re.4. how that was br,
ogaw xjoo"Aytril�11444, Cq upon, m0ini; Is olfo� hill owl) I)$ Otto, bow. "o# the r eq: or the 09'"QU0.04 aa hear to' no boom uctlag
0A*lAuli1V pot tQ *0 the d4u* tvogtmon an,000 A)or tile war cor- Vverruling for His Par'
1 ;Val thom, come. In, Avolil ure, but 00 0
okr TO gort botgro SOMIttilig tw 14
aenItor Abo Aq nnelito, holyaior, tile Japan Poses.
10flia .1 tile -IT ok". �oil at w1vit'OF 14 ver serious on II.- roboam's idolat
y*r night?" youtig peroulo. di A g�
vo YOU an active Rent Golden Tex
k 611R, Lear
, 4 Kings xii, 25-33). reelves
.4 d, tU 0 xig, lecig of candor
you do 110 Allinn Xt by, tb ,
t loom to go t, 4 in ftjQ old not obt6la a PAD, L� ep you from
OA. 1094 I goiltl fir lArgo Sup.'a "Ptaw In At
John v.
Ill elstino ,,he land in which the Anolept Franz"detertlatheld tr0' P194 bavil i�ovo�� llidikiiAtion and 21 Ke in know that God
e 'You Jeroboa
-JVolo , rd
WAY, a they May OVA
A0 long trgippk, mit,*hon 0 ingdom, but he
44jj!W Sql(ka- the WOI,4* of ni� likei he
to, Vskrtt ran )YrOtti, f6r Al11111101,400111 of lot over to 'I�Madotil, 'It or Oalovnilght have had good ido
prophet thefe tied given him th
*A; p r tet. Thera 4r ctil'th" road he cbarld�d to ;Q accordbogL 'Will and firiondiSHIP. could not treat God to keep t
.9 lcided.
, *�, ;,I, r9w
, t
a who ji�74 I ji ithi friend tfogi, He had gi,-en him, SO
PICA b �t- halve bocillk:.orrora on both sides.
ilvotck Ily tile-
r NYC To darkI -Calling bba- to thp Pain, nurses were more eas which n of his Own
finow, Mom al; -o ellktor;` agby 0 It out a little pla
whill. pth.eo$ 010013,. 1* PtVeo XRs, The
-ty Q.T111. bs� vril be ottid. IL IV Xrolia, -EM4. the� otheir moat for. CAU".9 ccu;ld posell of. -Thq'it4va been buried UTI- rrougl alight not got
rotoctol� propa 9ao'1#1VUr4 6"Vii tall �sn4 tule. The IAPta was to- -00 th n# ple4pure, of M all On 14 0(jPttAeAtAl as
oth you Ag short of, a *W, 1, did. ccoul 1.11milalf to Cgrit VrAXIZ 111211- only be beesent to the away from e of and, alsobtudionce,
r;flonco foiling the Plik go rop th At $" ovpM der eon-AIPAirilents'4id attentions and that 0 lit,,, and this plan
gifts, And
lo�hlkuvca And ceirkspiratOrIll WbO pl�p plip oad Of paxp� tetilt About PlLaqe In 0 ,Thera WAG one in open tie atic
Oitrgo- us. :tfn 9ACtk Q, cr*,coin Out of that 00 part, whore they fire,
1%; acqupl. Illoutiti in the durkixeso. ly� oiller end'Of JA
forms A I o, large -
Am I the sort, sink tyehln4 tQ In the #0 t place I vil pit buly4ing, 1611Z hIMOcIti, kand, WAS , case of sypposed ite,; be nursing sick soldiers to God.
Join theM in theAr A -MCII UNGI-IT61i PAT'11�NTI nd, hro isa,s good reign
Lesson Text.
ignited Olo4 lat 44110vo bno of,�thir i Ito, so far as
Most 010-1461111cined, rd�bri 11ft tc a I ()olden
so 4 prlqon4prr ..Ilelll us, 0 IQrd,
LoO Angeles AW4 I Carl :Virnnz WaP wh had tried all rQedgiaJzdi2`c(lathods
0 tali
lig4to of iho perA One, 'of tho mo�t mJQV� akdon", fp L hron. x
"a' t%I they are cointentod
this _Ibld:L Thee.
at- by title the diVerent from boned 4A AS of Makirki; friencla! e have heard, 11 C It
aIto. mulAy y I#duffe, Cults t ItArp. the lqll3r no d of be ourcto d
illices of pernicious �p of dealing with; in Ora comfous rest ()a
of 001r u*l d6ath oliir 01 t�
de- iq#1 64clity s the 464te-IM And in and surrioundect bw ObrobbOr es;� such as
iOA WhItOyi
tit. onal be is Ifl!
ea�kifor we
CVM WAI'at this but ng to turn from
L o101� tile any- py tuti Annoyance a to one w
14*0 me Thao difterent Ughts. up tookidat 1, treco. In Jun 'r" 0 nufactors, ho
soopticat as' to the -oboal]
straying names, ANTOft 0 �eftolkld sti nWhy for, A b0l�tO�.X Ulm oqt Only Ing Tit Itchoboara and Jet a
W, o bocater, the 4�v 'Are 7 I;ht. When the they do really have h d ralth In
do as.conoto t
W. b n -his family wore ?ta,"Y but not Nvoll enough 0 W however to
th*01mg worpCil ;4 tha t lb juNted I y sAil anxietY Iiich the Japanese imperfectIV
�a pl� no on )later and the houllie lied been, Wt., IA chArgd toll 11111141 one. al
titte 4oU C, Able .f his life
young men ar.4 A: bed M440 themseb; Of a A Ion jorlarney unless firl buffered. On their. account. God. The manner
of caret
to their fascinating baullts ad , for a ritual or Under the sido
fran ot t pfroband that � her. t I,, the eyes Of the
TA I h well satlath
th=eurtrills lifl,cid bely. I t6vafig6l r Otto" power, Who is� not An woman (Ift3HIVa ;YUPAA VTauz -Was busy writing t. , do gooct and I
kAVAN-�WAS GIIATkTUL. e Lie qkok !is had prar. was At lqaXt tAlIc sontimint has expressed it- Lord and that i everything. Note
group of aCtr Morning the Relgato PorlICe.ware SUM
inOf the, dance ittbr h el g tikt, golden tert%
"fl' mooed 1. holotaL to; IllVQ$tIJr a a pen I In a lit, era also douj$trul as to self in many foloms both concerning the words
�Jft gir '16TAIMIAG8 Chorus girlb ou,I. 99 was scen in 13 - to t big , . the rosolts being act joilowin
uapd,gut. �,!Thq a the cirqualoStekTices orrctuodii* ii -ed from his bundle. I w "In.Thy name it 0 go. t,s reform
be replied. own %lootiorn v
oilt. ital"icif Sainarill, On t or., exceition, boo "I keep's di%ry,. the nureas and the correspondents. It
Wealthy cup ith u ilva thst affOrclect Jsti Jl�,,�Jehoshfli) a
Lesson Golden Text,
ni#lrt when an ithes-cloplOter of spir- pot dow-324a it WhAt's chanced during whether the evidence 1 -11).
a diWoputiable dancin Cal hall"fat lady's death. a�cf that art of. thd bommunitY
Sell6me by nalod.'40 11 0 She had beca,murcieredl 4? It it u 'every day fied taking Such a Course. for (It Xhron. x1N,
Itual life, consequently they ore, AAd to WHICH line bat been rosponAlble -TeAlbrourageous
rcontibus svests 0 aring it"' manifested I bar fat itt Her body wais dionovirat 'tilt day� o9ax the 11 dbron. e with
*Ill be, out And out,''through lying i3ay.- Accordingly. tile Patient offercid the
salthe It stod, pav
er, Herod, a, t fl her clot xPen 'might linvo been
�ed Since I left ray h0M all, tile C so$, of day, other their- trell b
nd by ailiclue Tough, cineralies olf4hia destroy- s Intere ass might Ito re aird gratitude on ly, and the 1,ord a
greateekt ipleasu Verve (I
of limb -anti sogii".11ve look sin so L�t. this itfuldlous too of Spiritual life. only in bar xklgb,�00 no4ml hil. inquired about -the other Poor Sufferer whose C good." t -,Thus NbAll ye
r*=Q1 011INDAY. , , brutst vith him. n000ved by his. medical main be- account of their proseucc� -n tex
--k but he Pic" of vaq-.1;Ad WIoioh FrF tddw I Nevertheless, the medical depart- better goldL f the Lord, faith-
AS I spoke Ili reference tq, regulsir her mouth, i0nd her '44.4�. 44d I_ Pa A�t ic�dntiflcatlokn ifig very si?�Ilar to lils'pwilt, and to re- do in the fear
01miral Anctionsibra promis it tier r%VYthiug at Oil? thittfie k6eis,`T now ill"refqeace to feet plcey s hich was
Tperfect heart
stout fully and with a
him, even to the half lhad been t4ghtlY bound '*1144 answered gIV6 hint At baitilla 61
Godkiriclik, the ragolat clanct hall devotee. Tdu - I and my -Proceed, SpOagIbI& for.their picAsura and com Led UP in the
might ask of string. on condition' iliat he would A requkred to take care hodaphat's Laart. was lifl and he
of his kingdoin. oliver saW Ili all ywir life a person "She has be�f\ dead hours," roe Morithh, co Va if the Lord (xvit, 6).
..4 ;If, , they're no Use t0i YOU you At once On a th SO Ways (
am *(*ts tist 10,10 joill life oil ,V j worijerful N-ictory
$"#%dj-*, TTWh,ft**ftd J Ohn the Bap, -who, wasA. piplquous for he lova, for much ups haa a great an,
"tho I-Polive - -me it r. thern wgp very
doidlared the 09t9c' Who Auggorted- of. 01gnOw but
account of that drtnce.( BU( Many 41, "%61 miglit"Tpot. ao. tbtnr,. kildl Of the* party qS over His - enemies (chapter 20).
Janiq holl '*ho*Wah at the same to ile
wre had drought Wit ore so Muth 4troh as
but i�hortoo�&ouo%lh Jo,-IlTbir devotl6h to ffic gar coolly re� as is rebuked for help -
man, slot. like John, in Prison, wookly,to his
Beside the body wis a raushbeeeh the etran Arranged. a Co more could be d&- t;k this lesson he
the ftf%96 ofI Jag 4111ce that no One would Suspect the The jaattc�r WAP locitrupd, nothing
crchWLra chair, bat; lost bitit heakd,i us. The two lovesicudgel-a bra6clf Which BOO Clearly I . 'VNftn t I doubt, whatlier better ex- iri and Ahab
But reAriz, Selected, ab(f 'he Ia at that, Sired, tng the U godl)
nd sorltitAllY. us )opera were not womanhood
th� '40 not QMst 'a, %40 4=0 heart - TKey been only recently tor.13 Irtila the tree, PI -to treatment ariliplea of AwArican
of On Immoral 81low qu the Altd�,tbor Incongruous, You litio.string With W*W thOl W9TAoU'8 PUsed to Part present tizatl jiuttlng tj Selected. Every Kings xvi, 2&4131, Golden I's
result ad A� feW Map I Iptiter, waking aft'e'r to the. test.,grid,roportilog.; could have been itigilteousness ex -
theatre boards. There U14Y 1140 90 peiver In your life Saw 4cep spiritual a citizen of the United States was Prov. xiv, It, V, 04 VWPIO con*arrItrion for,- CHridt and love for limbs were tied was' a piliculitir )).a feW in IlitAlike, eof, ymro Alime,
UarkakinatA 0 1 know tfiat 8011ack . 1 �Qpent 'al
14W ad fka. pen cord-knoWn SO mWe�_a4qadcoul fA pretty proud tit its representatives in their altoth a nation, bill sin sreproach
ID � . g torkethor In the of specialL * inkanpfa0ure, and Ord Frani' found h1b gentleitAsn W)oo and to In contrast vith
t 1% Torcilim I theatres. cotton Cape and ' gowns the People-''
0 not 431% ck ljorso owners whom I re%peCt attend the ttleatro. thoodghto 'hall exist oitly �6rloqr 'of sL 11 1 ' have In
latinsonhoress - bdrag, heart. iki�d his 131111111"Is. -well known in - Tclallon sOCARItY. and, White ssons 'I's
But I there tire al8c)-vild tht� shvike The modern *%Abt CoMpantons go-, Cop L living their tolig aprons, whicti. by the Way tile two previous le.
tar n ry candickliul" these daA6q in a too to all apfi4tual devel- nold at ory tow shops.. Thood� irig time b it?sson two men who did more
liltidAbUt thby oseread precious clotlacis his diary, his pliporg #,he, H d, for.& 14
6 0-NOWS'lits atres, I also know sionto Of forta valuable a rt of life. hsVpdn t he -remarkably becoming this
opmept, and a barrier to% progress in lagrigniticant tore the 'Itibst dtildd- of Tor. -was gone, too. very licialth,brea6king so
died roularly be party. And that evil than, all that were before thank
Vile theatres are atteii Isu- Franz told. of inala, to every one of the
by sbjne so-called good peopil. Alld ,the Christian life. P�, e at elt Ill With a, complication, tod, these Women should crosgr q.000 miles Omri was very wicked, but Ahab was
vile' shows �'Sut standing In the watch tower tile Aba 10tic, and his ligAit"? dies. And his. dOctr.1' When consul
that these Lyipq an. the 1100 UiROOV dead 1144 Adc a -0dr dlicatic and on- of land and 6,000 miles' of Met to worse.
0 SORIAA- I also know
no phy- kb-alght I see more than the gleam� zvoixian a bed 'the a tit, bali6il cOl3hPaeOntrTdOi*0 '"Its CA4 prescribed ck 3 aparkese, t king care
apiritual a wounded and at Lesson VI--G0AJ a ;GoIden
onocirll Art- are the haunts Of 'Three of Franz than ever, now be 'Llnafle the bear Whole jah (I. Kings V`-il 1`1 fl
teal death. ing,111ghtff of the evil reScittar luring tie packet of SIX oj�$oro. AS drospTl a f trilutIftelit, which nurso t of the . Ile ). care
t, Go arleh, �Carl -tit 4rilrant's Suit ot,clothes he had otgr involved lon agtontiop from al- Soldiers , v 7 ill for
a Allen 1 Wrote thin Sermon I IWtO toy the Victims to that' fasfriatint-c. but tbege ralated to alrkd'Jci�anrl and:Text, I Pot.
'h=P90100, tistia, R0ctpkry,, inff,,tWb1C nation swell With grateful pride
11141M. lo. a C$, bkp - Teti -travelled to: Hingswood H in the Pa .di..:l d.pi-It- We migh� not think that
st?A, Razors sh pact you
powerful Odl- fatal,ba1TLV$A see dark shado�Va in Freliz.-a bIrth-06ttl POOP affection' 'act kind flosh brought by
upon my study desk a, But the r ravens
the streets where, no lights' are. 1 a- sod cofnmitted thalo irimak ? .10 tietIt'S oilitfOlo, lbiAO life wcky�tb 11V
Sit action a1w ccrtlflc�te, an# jillsly to ffiat -doclarp- in 111L intent of the army was Compelled � to ore %yas kery
19 8-75 torial upon scre:thpa& dark shadows following the 'T a lf&tft6d jacredIc doclared-Itl4t. however -ion from a and water the broo
This tion of the accel one. tie was, he VV60LICI IM6 !to the of- one ituat good fare; neither might wo be in
the last, a AGII AVOillisi sod man, NO od
bltrglar and the F4191d up" man and areatect to of %*ICNV.
�sdciirrws. It lately bppearecrin OTTO 91 tho tile murderer with his pietl and odurecatfi Contained 's tie th declared, icould belieick such a -.,of doctoring on very dMerent Obilt
n be,tfeetr4of this Sort lovo with Constunt rations of Ineat
Of thO 1gii1c. , I "ll the dark and tightly not C.1and-bull Story. -FnW TriINGS.
greatest sectilar newSpaPers d ro..�z a peIrso It vi,ps to, i, 30clool.other person, before lie under- LAOX" A light not 111-0 lonely
No. 82, MOM Cl6lied ouses frointwhich ho ray of scription of Carl ojo,� a og Iddui corroborated in -strange fashion. . Clot QXI;hIS own so- The AjtTlarlean nurscs cannot SPeakland oil, We 11 the
day, This.edit()HAI wils not . liggrance, jortthc p W any tent life by the brook no" Avon
the let trul r present Lit loy'a, lay- 11 Those houdesi, look F1±Anz Was, lying In Prison 'dcu ble home. but to such ad
written. by a minister, III #Kt kO, golping While W&1kIagL Count. o-stq:0d the Japanese or
other lanjuage but -CrIglilh. Hence
f 0 mall who perhaps naval rs Te not' derger1l. Oc three othor, PRP08 bore he re- awaiting trial. some tra=p;, widow's humlh. the Baptist or Dan-
ticul K TRJAT, THAT ArLmy -georis or Elijah or Jo of food was
.01 "1 Iptonshire lane, turni cry few of the army sox itein
lit J)04� Isely go
to. )out Can church, It 011id, -Jt dp They are outposts of perdificiii, sit- c, , to rrabz�-af- � je�at. not by, along a Northall jot, even, the
caa Comoro shed, to rest. There' Za, a with them.
T oil. 11 0 10 71111 MACK ent blxt, haunted with One was a litter, 249110 ad Aside into a 4 It Bar; )oap act. , t lit prec x converse minor matter.
possible' that" the 1AL41 Idiers Cal
ton, longer tolarqfo the aboMitatiOnO 'OUTCASTS AND GAMMEXtS beKging )nonoy was 4u boall Of straw in the place" Similar cs,$o camp. Under tbe atten,. 'They cannot communtcate with Lesson VII. -Obadiah and Elijah
I-Addiphe Krolu, w
I fiteted-, Iloilo. ffiii:TRI ;Lud -ad- and-, Proceeding to make themselves tion �Qj the medical xnart"abOut the their patients or with their doctors; iii., 1-16). Golden
that are c6astal abc]. conspirators who arerliagrantly I from Rome lady. of them sudderiffy of (I. Kings XV
as a caVortable, one but the patient ws poor, they cannot learn the SYmPtO— I leings xviti.. 10., upon it from behind loftilkling 'the laws of the land. I soe'dress was not S the urken#bect A 11l;ljo manuscript book galin 5 am TeXt, - from my
of the theati" w dives of a great city eeeking not hn Work for cm, nor -under t d the InstrifetiOD9 fear the Lord
of tile re"136 day. tit, 10 0 froo). Made_ and could not
date illed. *r1h q it-wrftl Af -this -trcatihiiii� If one of the patients servan
lgaritles and I e0cil I am 4150 where colebrotecl gingqr. . It bbr -ck' A IQ0g,.PQr10d-- of the other. for youth." Elijah in his lonely places
CO2M., LrTipsltl of s previous to tMr 'oomq discussion
on, organist Surely the 'k'u Vermin. 5 thei'mien Irlils beiffg mention- under their Charge should aaAT
kwrrl 44;4r, Ktiox arch., do of actors and actresszt Ot'D tlip colunterfeltm are silently doing three ds3n I t�; - *o-ld Involl-el nd Obadiah in the house of ungodly
Vik.P )IRIAS I their_ Work. n the. stillneeksk 01 - -tifeii-linct Was-, em ad"Mr tti'lm- a Ral to 0,61r- lied ed to the other, he toolt, him into something not one of tile. American Ahab both feared and served the
r* up In follf Cal- present 'day who, subff4tUtO J*4 aRA' IT, The book go Addle found Wits the,
ca allies. TITO, not curd- his own hOkIRO, paid Allm, a salary Lord according to ability and op,
8 d for vile risiniulatiops for Wit 611d'tiloloOr night. Night Is a symbol of social - made to her for purses would know whether lie want
all. tu 1 "at St. are iot go Ito -hat, they can no - amity, in and death. So we find document was a list , of rilikirkes of missing diary of Carl Franz, roe a w hielI was'double what he )led been eck dribk of, water or the latest I'p'ortuuitY, as for as we know- The
easeof profiditient people, with . tbdir ad' Ing ev)pry troy's travel from the tire aratiteed him satialfactorY edition of the Japanese a cY OPedt
of his.-jeaving hornif to the close of :getting- 911 Christian who truly desire$ to serve
alloWed to go on forever withOut re" t jit, most of tbe InWiest outcasis and settled,If a patient should be suddenly tak- the Lord may kully trustj 'Him to
uke. � Tile- Dusty slid eirldnailvd 103ces tordoty try to contest their. evil aft dreams. ha on which Carl went to omployin tit' ofteritirards, should have [I welan ge all the details of his life.
immkoral ation and thO4031801110 tAOA5 In the darkness of the night. The packet of 134t,�Avs MaA In so �dlsagreeable all all the doctoki's fees for ttia treat- en worse or If he ' balk
orer's podket sleep to ova utterly
IF -4sthe. -time. -Elijah on Mount
thi e prl9nRr1s stato, merit prqPicribod. I%cn Ile tied tile pasta they would be Lesson
all too frecipently forced upon 00 Sin hold their, high carnival. Tewr� -and -iw order to enable them To -met IT. Kings.
it is' d Cn I T
able to tim, And fallen under'the bed with- thent that the paperfi fault I been by � daY, and studying - 'I hem. In rm any ditty whatever t" doc-
V14011, the death dealers are watruti"O TOnba hac! Golden"JIVICt, 1. Kings xviii., 21, "If
ear and soon In the 4troots 'and 00 rdilst blows out his suspecting Ali$ toss, 10 -the Murde0ed nod three week be, wAs scitiAlled �as. to Mt 0 to ferni$h esch� the Lord be God.
RS lie ),(Less of the town ItHout bellng deliver their ha with the I,nd VaTd, tl;aAkOrB- it itolon from him Avas robderedato a were compelled fifollow Ilim." In
lotist chance of detection. , But with, slang of ScOtI4 the Its efficcw. 101 the American nurses with an In Elijah r,,v a man I led with It desire
wholi, vwo pay
flanted in 41W latel seemed that t1fel perpoi.trAtor of probable. kable In- terproter. that
430.4 the' night Is not only the am ,left his be no doubt that A Milt Ono at tho to rer r that God may be glorified and
good,midady.for a seat in the thet There could - - Adolj?*Ag qt�*cea Tin rec -1, kind Of But that Is not all. people may know Him an the living
ME If the stfigo lias becomago tire- it is kalso the bar- crime had calling himsel f The American
stre. of, CAOR overcome by some suddon akG� of man e food or
o e , for as Isiah tra- thing was tbat. c5orded in' the, case nurses cannot eat Japones same
it joust rC9ort to dbecome Krabrill existed, and that he hiod kw Hence it and true (;ad. David had the
ON!, companion A all,,fair�haired man. 0 when be went
th, f *. Itougs, the New York million- live in the Japanese stYlc- desire
d blind and dcat to ev t his sight eptirely, has been nerassary, for the modicaX
poverished Oat discovery, ffie murderer, t forth against
t saigtestive WOO to iel forth Into the darkness ad 0, g: 4roliald
dirtiness A4 di' a prophet he "saw the gleam of St. ang,thought, earing it peculiar likeness to sire, vloo, had log
laosiotaill Itsetf it were bettor tp
- ---i I I him, and filled 'bL Goliath, and Daniel and his friends
aboflah it entirely as an Hgotitittion." the AtTiorlso cicilming, over the eastern , - of prisoner Franz. 'by too Much, Study . of, astronomy liepartment to spend a Idt of money hy he ful-Aace and
A.. that Of esc�aptnp: from. the Scott)
hill ." Yes, 'he so* the time When call But there remained the �o;IQ4 at night. go and take a lot of trouble to remodel
this editorial goes more into templated ri�kbbe-Y, cluc Of t�b. through a taieFf a at the Hiroshima the lion's den.
rigircteougness woull claim its dig- his crime. The the ,a- was 56 overwhelmed by
detail to d4nouncin- the trend Of. the As well as the time when the was forgotten in t1ri4f rush of fear. ,rnbla" cord which bound his terrible, One of the house d eWRIOY Lesson IX.-Flijah discouraged (L
11101"til, V1114 CIO es thing, was 23450109 frOVII the tfln's limbs and the cord airlar to offillotion that -he offered A,, Toward Of' Hospital In Madera StYle an to relake Kings xix., 1-8). Gotnen Text, Pa.
modern tjinat,ci nhich -dulamles of God should be burt-lod Net 'joo iWarnark's -it with which Franz's shirt WAS eo.. $1.000,000 to tiny modical man who European cooks in order exx., 1, "In my distress I cried tin -
with her inoney In it,. 'Was cured, Would discovor
lives of Ito. audioncook by what thouse. Ji:ven the Marl have vi
fte Ike well us hoax. Does Any in X- -ly way of pence and ctory
DID they taway to their eternal incarceration. a means of restoring -them con-dortable. Thus they to the Lord, and Ile licaid
Powerful Philip- lsftalt of the night, Isalah? What purso, ched in tha,pOcket of bar I -picked up the piece of stri4g, to him the use of his eyes. The boon a burden but tin - The on
I'a face, at all of the rilgh0",eirles the offloer of the found untou A, t Only is A mind stayed upon Jehovah, see -
pie declare that side �fie terapting one. �ncl the surgeons in charge ow -
thousands and too dress hanging behind tho door. Iving on the pavement, out priva Was a va
the prophetic watch- tile honed and iobacCOAist's shop in the street . poor imirth; wad"'I'Scovered' ho was by r Ing no one but Jesus only. H
An examination of have to A in a position to sYmP4-
JWV ands of tocil And woMen OW- we the morning comoth declared Franz. suffering from precisely the same diW: thlz the gontloolian in t1ho
of thous Ord,
grounds disclosed the fact, that there MY lodgingi with ever strong we may be in the L
MtyVffl, 'Arb lut Morall', Also the That means -been two- Mon.- c:ckAcAMoA.Ah- the It Wag roved that the rPLAftufaA- OASO of the Optic, nervh as Mr. ROUS& story when the Enliperor honored we are utterly went, and helpless in
ated by the FIthV stTVAIns of dori;vq�' i'11-see'the righteous tr4jilaph through I�ikpr engaged. him, and ro- him with tile gift of a W Ourselves, and the moment iwo al-
Sation Which playwrights and,,a4O0 God. I sea also the encallies of 0*4 crime, They ITATI anteratt by it *11%� tofT of the IrfM MOLM the be Special and Ld.somely for submit- . blephant. hito low ourselves to dwell upon people
dow, the 10tch Of wid0h they had dard, and silippAying It to t stiop
041t 40tore Arxl Adreison roll over them 1 *4 What ' frOUt in Reigato.from which the marrilekers *Arcled him, )tali
; StAIttered in complete dof6at." " . forced, and had flod 1),V the -Talliday, purchased It - ting to 44�yore method of troatartent pE.RFECT 1;,-QUJpM0NT. or circumstances we Sink like Peter
thoStIT0 in tile long Winter nig of the night? What al the night?" to. but of MrS, I was 41sts f It they. Would,
But to -a, Watchman I most 40t,aln you poll to me. I answen � "Ito t1lo. I ciel
not fastoned behind thim, only two minutos�Avg b It encouinged 111.
I loijap � w t which they
ray from J�Irafte, Which Nor were the nurses nocided, No when he took hiscleyes off the Lord.
",eaters y- ho to tr A Lesson X11lij
61 4114 kimkiv* Alai , Ingma. low 11ky *yrs to follow only drip el" a declared' that 11 so complete and 9-18). Golden Text.
porrifirig corboth for the disciples �Wlth that minute, arthelal deXCOW lodging. , A.detectl or many reasons of ex� Kings xix..
its lArOU'r Opts, of people. ftfle the theatrq aAdI4 J . 0*414 artut. I sea also the eternal, tion of Carl Franz which thei,P0110 upon paying a vAsit to the st,reet lie were Afraili Tither nation has
flight comitag fol Ing pcp1monting on tho. rich blind man. perfort a. hospital organization as Jan. x1i.. Ili, "Fear thou not, for I
liath, Latli, slilln K.4c. ences $To moving tbrougg tha� btrM4 r those who will act bad fiound'in the delith-room, !it did found many pieces of the same litt The pit of it was that It, fail0d, apan, Like everything also con -
wiling" theso dletorted o0d afteA to ClirtAt4s. love.", I Carl Franz's Story am Willi, thee." It Twist not have
not seem possible ib�it be �bcijdd lying around. n both.)iad toromiltin in darkn* hopeless to F.Iijah
a ass; jetted Avith the army, It Is Absolute- I
to sibi plays, through the Opel0l, In to orpp on ed quite as
fat thoad! words of y xt can ouk
Aurniblied oil app imPOO Sine saloolis I can see �jh - When he learned from God Himself
Plowskad "tlnlw#� ! long elude them. The detpetivos might be perfectly true
6 tvulv be Witzged into thti lightness i t�djid that two Gormans' After long deliberation the jury but the, millionaire, grateful anyhow. ly perfict. The hospital c
doors of quickly disco ' ter -his felloit-sufferer. settled, upon the SIgt of March consisted of the
MCA are being OnRct0i of ah 6tornal "d Peaceful day - pr nou that there wer3 7..300 yet in Israel
stageA on W1 wooll--tin. Abort and dark, cld big COW laced Carl Franz "Not guilty.
atoros and hundreds and Okwaslod'p 1�4t%iror Me" Impressed upon me &lid ftir-hairk-11" rN�hoaik was the band that so foully him a sullstalitlel pension fat ths� tAl6fting: ral, tirro who had not bowed the knee to Baal
oho than! Vanilla toll a 174111day rest Of* his life' Fourteen surgeons gone and that he w -is wit the Only 4&W*qn. at tragedies in real life. r-40� of Wotdtl y"TS ggo when I was going sto-ed. at'"an Ind ill- ItOlgate`-' 7* toou the life of Marth
'As I found the be Unown.-London rely.
i6ca ctiftli, WAS hitiodrod and nlrkety�orm surgeons. ness on whom the Lrd' could
athatk, In" ta lied ifith the des- was pover to for con- forty-five apothecaries and pbrnae- Lesson XI.-Mlijah taken up into
these tragedies is as p �49 thof ai,ound the World.
n Othello. a X�A�Attt 6poilking deliorlptlon. of this text not tall, Iftit Mowers. When the Each treatment
of a m1flot. a! hills. but Among tile Cription of Fritriz. mimption first ame out and rhado a Clete, nineteen hundred And twenty heaven (II. Mngs it., 1-11). Golden
ach ci� _01 A . Ill
of Venice. E 4 few Vdarg ago, there women nurses, gaven Irundred and for
K eonv 0 TOW, ilk the London on
larl could "r be . "OWAess a Text, Gen. v., 24, "He Was not
9 within RAJ D BY CANAR312S. wor$ thdoslado of- poor people, who XItrihrect lour.sco, four hundred took
In thii UJISry Oind *04) Of' i cletmot ifo Otters t an Aft one shV in, ljollizat" Ing to go to *Borillo and and -fleven cooker laundresses,hrave to covet death, even tI
so 1,will Vlad my closing 11. 1 fil led him. " It IS not WiH.�.n,-,r
fjdA 'I There Wail drily u i,.�
In Jcr t UpOn the d be Litt% Country Girl's Itidinass hilat, on thii, , other servants; two hospital to
islid 101AW VwAt I I t which"the , lblay- Wd coolif tirzi� it I thed, and other death be a gain. It is better
ATALE (IIIA TWO OMe$," l CiLusts Hotel Trouble. a the ships, four -133110
it"Ok L I bought. The it th lord word Hundred and sixty and in
r d I, ead W.6.11 *6 had been op assistant 694faill h leave all to God and be strong
the ti'l.t Paths at the kid uillbb)md Noma sipcirefallets, thirto hundred'
'a 90ton Thoullgion's "A#tobto- ed the piece the police, Ii .. . --tt- littl country girl staying =, .1`1 field stretchers, We may never did (I. Coe. . . . . . .
gr*plhv . f a GrWzly IkAt, Qh t1jil, oft dOeA." ho ocean from the deld; w6lameit IJMITS� pretty littl Hotel. London recent- not at 41 L 51 52; 1. Thegs. IV., 16-18).
a I'V00*7 Y. ifisur*4 up to or a bad 11 l4d.tisfied About It.' ord rilliety_eIght cases of rucidictnes and xv
salockill at the Surrey I eyes' a ourprisbig ferre to stay Clot un6 we leave this mortal body
of the Lsil very kind to US. It- I sold 80616 of that cord to two At home for the time surgical instrumf a, fifty-two thou an,
herethfore boon said, - .1140kno Was Am we 0e, elbpl
*O1FbhM3n on God's,wateg-towor Who Was truly pacific tp Vvery Way that being, alt'lloul- rl- sadd fouX bundrod and thirty-Aght r get a glorified one we shall never
-xh they Were Very oil
like other tll"; suit$ t1int yveid being
mAdd. But theno Abort anti dark, and *0 Dumb' creatur6a are her special oup 40 to the re beds and cots. have more to bear than Ile will give
dii T. no 06f retrain a PA.
Itsk $1. 0., irlibey *oft forel" Or to be achieved. Th4s it hap- ize. the ser -
with ilicin and h6bding tclaft '011, a r d fribilde, it Changed.1tall And fair. patio At home fibe foods' tho birds as Raid tie grace for.
'I talked so Well as all'the Stroky CAto Fit ln�..cfu$to a larAv lounrlber vices of the lovely Arnorican nurses Lesson XII.-IsTacl reproved (Amos
Ocatgry&""ur- di*post siolTow for t4lenil? 1101i. Rot' t kindness %&Wao ]know. for the# and dog$ plibeil t1i,
"I h0b It sciblifted o. hftva ingitives were sent were not needed. But, as a,sQCiftI v 4-16). Golden Text, Amos V.,
�To Comiolly. ovigholo Sohli CVnleat ma at within her obect*Ation. of ciises poor Canso)
QV. to Woman Neu, "Seek the Lord, and yo shall
0 to be 16,010S. but fair inkn4lid?v 'Which, Conte
r the druakaN. If 4 idat I a V01P "What *401`0 When drivint With her nxlrrqo,. 110Y to torlin. With, all OxPlonlses Palo t, and as a Manifestat'11011*01 the
G, 1144, O;kn. no, NYMP* Can 001 ' - 61110.0rd; find )asAad throu h Farringdo'A street. by.ritch onos, merely that the trilght 0 rally sontimelot Of
M1160k, P. 0a, g4an . tw stop dirl Asked tho ympathy. atid ki live." Jehovah had done eXerything
sV ftei
described Will. the ch0d's quick ey(l; esPied a patlril, home to roport to the latter women for allan for Israel. edeemor
t1* .."ft DESInn To DZISTROY. wylore the American He was their YL
cart full of tanarrios upon the bmat, It any, that they
Ikft#� isrualLwer tio ot bt( 000 With "That's Col Viran2l" was the 'of' c9Aor with a their. Vjoit�bak$ b0ctl tin onkinatit from. the bondago of Egypt, their
1)4y in, ka day out we ts6ttrlod
hot, w a he, tempent -
lot to Ah, T fleer-0 commofit. ges. To had received. Cosa. LaWgIVor, their Judge, their Xing.
they do "Thek, W61'st stififilli tat6r, 61% ibe night of the Crime, ecialied UP It" little wicker CA to
lvkr know," Said tile Captair. "MaityJ er sensitive Mind them tiny C8909 This 1ftd,of thinghae I humor- He only asked of them A Willing
b tb6 fla"tOr ill MV, Cyncal 61(oid, YOU &rO the two mOn L ed -traps. olkli Side (Lit air AS the othtir. Thera
to *Idch bbdih-;tr00,1 Q'8 so. overflowing with pity, blid b - gro W *—Out- I likitit, no SYMP40Y for tbttt Pgot's- kood. 'ehitio have b6on, tburkdefi4 ig a Milliliter had two seeli no bettor than deatrN
thi Trmy TftL STOltrEs. obedience that He might bleed them
1 atoll yoling roan.who star�lilng beneath' eck hOi1gdNi6n to rookst
'D 011166011100 tie and OU4110 10wo, atQr0is this..,! , The r- and make a blessing, but thdy turn -
a L' - *111jug to gubtult to any quitti A now occupation for women
Z illbt 0, to be Bilifift IckIfs about It At of t1jo (risksl% r JOWor liftladiell bad, '11� ftod the JbIrd-seller to thil curriage. : *he of6
wa; 90 it it e4 away front nna worshipped idols.
Moon V Tko of M044 ljiddltAl , or lAuftl0l trftfs has Just been itaried by YO 119 In any, Way turned from
0 .1 bit', anct t1ho, oo& end Of 1116 the ro.solt of tko Intervid V ever�t of
Ito smich, vot. aild, Idc�llberililft CUItIVAtef;, It tal.fto Wind. ghriekilig thf6U$h t Ft '6' If wo are
-Oiltrl b6814a th dft sv,. nW'Kht
for -drink. at kcdOgel 1 OL colo itiod btril. torty ,hot "itt absoluta lady, vdib gbeh to,61illdrork'a parties
it there are thOU14131411L, oo� r*glng, Wag like chOT48 ttt6d, the giiiii,jift tdridled by Win, ITO Is earnestly calling, Come
6�tsctly f 01fefred from thd tort to the, tair
t0A V0 411111161119- of I loot "Cials $011inlif, out In rage.. theit tt � gap'. unto me and I will give you rest.
211all for h the and keeps- them amused by relating
Who do AOL WAIIIIII, 0 Hat 4 other
do Uot 0, And tba Journey to tire hotel kd&#tV1bII I JjIt*# pdrgolKs Is of,�tcio fajrT.,taics, timoant Idg(Tricla, an
mowIii tit Ithok t4di liwot- orhel Atiob"' hoW t6 *to# L Atter ifiros days of AtOrM I wililot bit *1 - - I w . ,
0 tqk,,�c 0 r .. I I go et Ouch'stpries, qathe young folkli love.
Jet licitird (b lby berth and tried to , 41660. to thd'o 11
er In 'ap"', atcol
wood the two 115W10 Thoft ugih at anxious titin for a ry-tolling Is ah old
*V�' 1101it it our ere Wt' t*t%lr b , Itt HOW TO SAVE MONEY.
$I * h d VIA "tit a
ot'"t "J%ttif W of tfib ii(enCe of (;Qd Wblihi WiII5 f TIS dISAPPICOLT0. t
titern ionVp lei hilli, twoo a r b0fthil, UnUbld to Ia nillij of peole, ftow the litanager itull 'ImPillar ctifillog. The prolds.
wall sional �Atory-tellilry hWV6 their part[ -
41 *ould
go further l'bali t'hak' dakhrot I Ar,606, to drosh 'dilid Owed tnem' dowlit to tho mers$m or boy. by46 time te Coriolis dittili"dif V Do not tie yourself or your Money
bol weeks at kfto Sit*. to Irifft4nout Ll§kl)l. cligidSso J ftg!
fl V AMY1. CuW has, whore at the presetit Me- 1p� Do not risk all
lattok **s hUrrIadW,'d9Pht&0a your savings
No seciner,idid T 060 traft b0lbIt 4WOV604L aed In. Ito Ufthtpo iWit0lb fhod for 111101 biild, t#d �to, J% 1IMdIJQf fil$f1tuttoill, utioredo, congrfgato td listan, in any scheme. no matter how much
wbo Would be 03m. 0,11itla, girl &IS C
Idut'Cairl, jprtiirkt� Men t bogluft '00 6 411081ted' tt� cage *11ch MAeg t6 the'war' fitWe True, the oLpan- it may promis . Do not invest your
at "tb
*011fit.1 tkoL t"O it hie od ft uw italwoollm hat, tin aPittl Of tilt P176tA01 wbfth WOU174 old Ali, thef b thd "64' af tllei it Attact the hard-earned Money in atlythIng with.
ctbai4ithoght I acraef ING
het6ve "a ifetir tiorks, he rookilit 114V'e Zr10d
f�_ hp�ir (IL hi
onts. but th hotel (lid' ffbt, Contilh 6Utgfol. Otourde, wblqh- the I 1 *96 Id tie at �Jrily edueattd Pao- Out first intilcing d thorough and
One 611qUA
the toUritty lik" Ito, 0111wat. "aftee 016;'Utit '8d POP 114 he W ths Searching Investigation. D6 Mit -bit
V lid
'A tMely to
1, and 86L,ona of the
ky! a nLt *8' at, I'lliM ftfa AgIothig &IT& i0 aw a, tell 3h iMprob"d Into, - ftt� vait Tleoisaiy liefOliahtAd. -*hor edii Will
t sh,00t mo I[* At* Ititittlati. Otto, d ttill. fail I' bd to ttt� rattled by those who tell you that it
pyl* to ind, Toollod its
lit t4eir fill atqko t tiad the the'lit 110 lit "now or never," and that
*160. tot tolastrot a Vid, You
ltV Vikabot N(60, &bfy Xtid Out; lit 011 t ompbra: I ty At ting wait ybb ere -616 to lose the best
eX ;-- Wtld "br III v 4 61 idal. OU10 the Ci
M*.W 10 tile 4,ilcr aii6i I t� . L
t -h M matio cli V Olt libr arrival 409 , 8
to t6iolkigh PAtSIAlAh bit 0 n t I The, mothor. PTO NTILOIVA ft of bf Who tile to Ili 6. fit- thing that evi& Cattle to,you. Majc#
Will N66 ttoy hAlib* but, htdr4L or olty" lxc ftfift jo,�cbr jJ,,*co thmosilds 1,41 06 ftftt dAlfg Uf) Your d thi
46.oft ATKV� fallol ITO 4**6 its itift Wrtiloastd witilf htr it If you low your
SO it", isud filuagoisted. - th4t
*Oft 0d "06tvioix 9 404 �,Olf Ilds: P.0 y6ftliff IdAYP fiVitticir pol"d aIbUJMVC$ JJgJJV*fi their fifeedorM., ha tame fdr*hrd wIth ergli Ift , t& Tility 141*06$6 of the Money yet! will not logo yoUt- h d,
2 i66- as
Tito ptf thir jfmo,hrcT'sktd6n8t +bd Most and that you will not iftVA62116 -in so.
tit "flott littifog"Viti4fi You -, th g
'Kif� toWtil the 1091110' r %,afk *JAI ftiloirk bo. ly, �rddoct# -W IY
WA plAy tbeh" lIffAtO 1`6404t,464- s6rid all about It.
tC4 thkinit t T. sto'ba ilio'ea holding on, V6 ulka
Not ;1NMn 60 ad "&o Verbal' War bll6tint sad vocal Thera 0o Plenty of good thing#
'it Of Old 0
oW 1*11iting and ftaitinit I k- the waiting".. It you =184 OU4, therb are
l� In, t14 Antrit *aitfil Tooth - ili.� !91# Atif6ftatiold Upoll
'Atilt MV4 '64, h , a I , L
.1 1 Rb
44 .1 1. - too* Tooling betWOC11i butidiredef of afhariik,.' P$6010 will. toll
06 i -11414
f6talY a , I YOU will go
ittlid -t etitioldt,
tr Neto?", iAilth aPI bat tl* tilt "Nocittiod: 4%litt oil 0 ve the ASS",
their thttorl"Pa lb thri �'ftftd (0 j4JJ*fi aloa roght th6 bAIddio- Alteallp As tkylo,M Tor �110 to. by
'to t
d -0 01111111 ftithm kind aier to'taftko motitly it a not
Wort 106 4ba 0604fttl )to *J(h film htord 10014 log *here they 110i'd tort . V I
1, d tttatuok %t taki Vol* time,
ho, , litipo Attv gao, jitakti
0 MmIng 1had toym 'for ho A light 4ruA othdt P. I a, ca$i4folt
k th#.
6 Of COA ma, 61. Orow 184st lotIlt wilks the, mus Atobdij atka, tka t Athotig, :11110 n"03 Ou"Otir of wax ruld, 1h6*0 tiiffiv�Ikt In Any entellipfASS
t" ald, X oil lsft carl, rva"k
-d and a
Ana owtoo6quIN tiarrstIV6. o the voty
*-0, AM 4# tt*t fb� ftbItto Of t*16filltV, *ftov, tm little, folitt bottobi bf It. Mid- If At Is not stlo.
Alas, MAV, ln�v Vat, WN16 M111 00i 'tt hold beft')O& tW vilriou's Talso m0fid that 16VAT-betiftil Men will put
hslrV Th.
to Or tin
oAlt" tooftftwl 4,06 WOOLUM *61W# Aild Ati#009" liffsh fiotw -oistAbliabild b of stII!*tIftg b6f6TO YoU #In.
U ow We", 60; A44, "sib
00 90VAt', 4Jt#nJQ* the 0410,or tho 6( *4 tit. 00� 11; ji# fi*af 0
l4.ii t In. Silift Will be, a
k1wt1i t ft"Atif wittlAwl. It olidasp lit Ix
llid Ill
so $01ghttow t At 11 ftwwboo�*+ aild oli. kotl t IK**e to, $4060fts Itt, tf� the dat %6YAWItt 006ber, thl*
it* 1"111 *#A loot Camp *hkt
WSIA, likubt told!, A U Ift. Wbuld w Iratich to� X'"44 41fo OV& A%, %�A& iTlI *T kt tio tho ZIio Wilideki0it t I
tm 116404' th Irk 0* dalilill seltoot *Atoms.
o46 they VV%
I kilt talky. iblilb 'Iftloated prowtlft so fr6ht th* toti ittlifill.
aJ&&dyt4tt Iijok 10 Ilso 01ka i tit W"',
itN, Its Itiat Ito �40 tot' JJ;0 To* d#JJtttk t teek� T, 161 ttvtilllry, *bq
jijv*t# lit t1w, V**v,, bol"rel 0y moo An #*t attlelo bf diet 611 P 9,
tr#4C40t, Itta 11 te"fillo0o'. 'K V M. - RAI 1pitloWd As bk Tatojlg� A 4JA 0
re Wes
to ng,
tow *Ith dt 0011W, *Moo tj�$ t*64"k - - - - - - - - -