The Goderich Star, 1904-07-29, Page 5.
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B1aclkWO$'It Lrw 1(
1 dfisnutesal at Lord j)undonald, America once makes up her mind to
landing the Canadian militia, I invade, at wilt bo too late for ()anoxia)
to ask aid and protection from us,
The United Statet* eotgwanding the.
lakhave e* Will
amy into (aadi,nd whnon
that :may le eetelili>ahea en the front-
fere, nothing a ave reckless gullautte,
and 1}till latore reckless expenditure,
will dislodge it; '
It le true that Canada is mistress in
bee own house. ae elle is never tired of
telling us. But her house is so near
to our awn that we cannot ignore the
danger that threatens it. "Tune tun
res agitur. paries cum proximus ar-
det,'t and we ourselves shall be in-
volved in the general conitagratiou.
Nevertheless, we are powerless to
move. We cannot insist on a reform
of the Canadian militia, though we
cannot forget that a misfortune which
falls upon Canada fulls upon ue. In-
deed we can do no more than point
out the risk which the Dominion is
now running. Though her long fron-
tier is unguarded, she will pay no more
than half a crown a bead for the pur-
pose of military defence; and while
she depends upon England to protect
her in time of Aline, she will not treat
England's soldiers with forbearance or
respect. Our warehipacould and Would
defend her coasta, but we demand of
her that she should do her share on
land, and apparently we demand in
What, then, does Canada need for
her own protection ? Annan perman-
ent force, which should be ready to
strike anywhere and at short notice.
If an invasion was repelled for a
month, we should yet have time to
transport an army across the sea. But
it the Americans were permitted to
enter Canada unmolested, it might
take us years to drive them out. And
though the problem is slinple enough,
Canada declines to solve it. As we
have eald, she is a prey to the inordin-
ate, if amiable, vanity which over-
takes young peoples. She believes
herself unvanquished and invincible.
In her foolish security she deems the
details of guns and men dull and sor-
did. Who are the Americans that
they should dare to assallethe greatest
of the -British colonieee- If thereisto
be an annexation, surely the Cana-
dians will annex the United States.
Did they not beat them before, and
are theynot all the more ready to
beat tem again ? A vain boast.
What shall six millions do against
seventy p
his poet la a misfortune, the
ty. of which .it is idle to under-
We will net insult the soldier
sl 'with our pity or condolence.
knave better than he bow to
leee•hie dignity and to serve his
try. And if Canada wantonly
aside Lord Dundonald's know*
and experience, the blame ie all
own. But we, too, remit take
hare in Canada's discomfiture,
from whateyer point of view we
v41 the episode, it is a blow foolish -
ruck at the unity and stability of
e immediate cause of tbo quarrel
Dubtless misleading and lmma-
1. But it may be briefly recalled:
t Dundonald resented, with per -
reason, the interference of a Can-
n minister with a certain appoint -
1, and, being outspoken, as his il-
rious ancestor,he protested against
minister's action, on the ground
he was confusingLincs and
tary administration.
;rnntent, on the other band, bit-
resented Lord Dundonald's pro-
, and having pointed out that, be -
merely its paid servant, he was
privileged to express an opinion,
(warily dismissed him. Sir Wil -
Laurier enhanced the amenity of
situation by declaring that the
eral officer commanding the militia
Canada was a "foreigner," ; and
d Dundonald has no option but to
Ltrn home.
,ace relieved of his command, the
:inguiehed officer had the right to
lain and justify his conduct. and
hes taken an informal farewell of
soldiers in a document which the
oa¢tfan ministers will read without
adore. Disagreement was. plainly
vitable from the first ; and even if
. Fisher, who holds the portfolio of
ricuiture, had not cancelled an
pointrnent made by Lord Dundon-
i, another cause of dispute would
uhtless have been found. In his elo-
ent apology Lord Dundonald de-
ires that he has retained the com-
tnd 80 long merely to benefit the
lids of Canada, but that all the
'orfs which he made to that end
ne rendered useless by the resolute
position of ministers. His reports
)re either garbled or suppressed • his
ggestions were heard without heed -
g ; and while the goyernment vin -
sated its own supremacy and inde-
edence, it allowed its militia to fall
to a state of miserable inefficiency.
sr his own part, ho asserts that be
is sedulously avoided the politics of
re Dominion; he has loyally attempt -
1 to rarry out the wishes of the gov-
vment ; and he merely demanded,
hat should be the right of every
rmmander—a free hand in the tech-
ical administration of his force.
ioreover, it is in ne spirit of selflsh-
ess that he makes bis protest,
Iters a final warning, r
'111 do well to accept in all serious-
essof heart. "It may be a matter
f indifference to some," says he,
'whether the militia lacks guns, rifles,
=munition, equipment and all that is
lecessary to make a fighting force
lilcient. It tray he a matter of in-
iifference to some whether the great
iorthwest, with its splendid fighting
naterial, he left in a defenceless state
vithotit guns, with patriotic otters to
organize urgently needed corps ignor-
el. , But. . . . I desire here em-
shatirally to warn the people of Can -
uta. that, though they 'nay he indeht-
.d for the integrity of their territory,
and, indeed, for their national existen-
ce, to the forbearance of others, they
are, as regards their preparation for
war and their state of readiness to re-
sist aggression, living in a fool's par-
adise. Lord Dundonald, at any rate,
has trade an effective protest ; it re-
mains to be seen whether the Can-
adians will profit by it.
We fear it is unlikely, for at the out-
set they asserted themselves with an
undue severity. The order in council,
which relieved Lord Dundonald Of his
command, regi *t t Fd that that officer
failed "iso appreciate the principles of
British constitutional government."
in other words, the Canadian minister-
reserve to themselves a right, which
would never be exercised in England,
of interfering with a soldier in the
simple exercisee of his duty. "Lord
Dundonald's recommendation," says
the order in council, "of any gentle-
man for appointment as an officer of
the militia would in itself have no
force or effect." There is a singular
ndyantirge in this plain speaking, be-
cause it will reveal to English soldiers
what amount. of sympathy they may
expect, in Canada. That Lord Dun -
done id was guilty of a breach of dis-
ciple*. we are willing to allow. He
was technically wrong when he utter-
ed his compialnt• But complaint was
necessary ; and no more can be said
than that he would have. been more
wisely guided had he resigned first and
complained afterwards. On the other
hand it Is .I iffirult to find any excuse
for the ('anarlien ministers, whose
high-handed action made compromise
impossible. We may readily grant
that the situation was delicate.
Statesmen art' as jealous of their power
as soldiers are of their independence.
Nevertheless n compromise was not
601i,ossible until the order in council
teens the essences of poli[ csise .e, or
old he,
o day there is no
mise Lord
Itemov4 of unwholesome wholesomne Patti 11t
pysj; is 'Imolai to lei tlti4 i*
No matter what you eat or slime,, if the fix#. of tom.
body fail, blood poison ensues. 0000, th* UNPIN$
well or you will b• 10. The stand fir y tot
kidney irregularities is
This is the latest achievement of medical science In
its effort to aid (latus in the process of elimination.
It is made for the kidneys alone. Bu*Ju if faithfully
taken will cleanse the system, tone the nerves and
muscles, and make a new man orwoman of thasuiierer.
All druggists sell Su.Jul
box of SO pillet SO Gents
Do not waste money
en eubstltutee
Naw roma. ie. r All.
wsrrosoa. ONtX.
Minsk TwalaVe Leek.
Hark Twain at one time in his early
career T�tis a characteristically impe-
cunious reporter. Ono 'day be had a
note to meet, but labored under a total
lack of fundi. Half distracted. he was
rushing around San Francisco in a
feverish hunt for enough cash to tido
him over the trying time. Be rushed
a little too quickly, however, for as he
was turning a corner he collided with a
little man and overthrew him. The vic-
tim regained his feet and yelled. 'You
do that again and I'll knock you into
the middle of next week." "My dear
air, said the apologetic humorist. "do
it by all means. If I can get through
till thea without breaking I'm safe."
She originality of this reply struck the
stranger, who, after some talk, hand-
ed Mark a check for the necessary
Meanwhile, though, in Lord Dun-
donald's words, Canada is living in a
fool's paradise, she will do little or
nothing to help herself. She declines
to pay taxes for her own defence, and
she is satisfied that the nucleus of her
army should be a training school.
And, worse than all, she has allowed
politics to play their part in a matter
which should be above and beyond
politics. Now, when the administra-
tion of an army is perplexed by polit-
ical considerations, there is an end of
discipline and efficiency. There is
only one motive which should influ-
ence the government of an army, and
that is merit. Where policy is per-
mitted to intervene, there you get in-
trigue and incapacity. During the
last few years we have witnessed a
crisis in France, which was brought
about merely because Paris confused
the conduct of the French army with
the inveterate bitterness of party poli-
tics ; and we throw our opportunity
nu`aV if we take no warning by • the
experience of our neighbors. How-
ever, we have done our best and failed;
henceforth the Canadian militia must
he commanded by a Canadian: it will
be our fate to prepare for the defence
of a colony over whose military or-
ganization we have no control; and
even the loyal Northwest is powerless
to support us. The patriotism which
expresses itself in toasts and anthems
is well enough; we are grateful for the
aid which the faithful Canadians gave
ue in South Africa; but we should be
better pleased if we thought that our
fellow -citizens across the sea recogniz-
ed the dagger of their situation, and
were resolved to face the responsibili-
ties which that situation implies. And
if the public protest of Lord Dundon-
ald reminde the Canadians of the om-
inous risk they run, it will not have
been made in vain.
Neaeltat to clay.
Love has been the mainspring of a
good many actions, and it seems that
It may claim to be the tirst cause of
artistic modeling from life. The daugh-
ter of Dibutades the Corinthian, being
on the eve og separation from her lov-
er, who was going on a distant jour-
ney, traced bis profile by his shadow
on the wall. Her father filled up the
outline with clay, which be afterward
baked, and thus produced a figure of
the young man. This was about 1,)85
B. Cl., and before then the art of mod-
eling was unknown.
SIal�N ls1. Me. !Ree 4
£.s>Tq l.Saee1-Tkese 4114,0
k 1ta ears
Ts -
.rfM ca. lftia-Taq 11
tyLt llirs. 0.1L keel, cobllomb
_ s4 with pipit*** e1 t11thast-,-Drer sla pars go s
1,S 1 MA lesll Si app�etite. I obis tie
sorrow I eenld tot sloe at L 1
took111113TI W$ MART AID MITA
Pjyj . of son. ane, awl I bare
talus fsa
or The s. perloci,
aMl1bura OoOS 8 tat,Litaftsd,
$s_,, oat.
An Orange demonstration up north
was so big and so crowded, that an ex-
change remarks: -- "A printer who
watched the Orange procession oon the
s thin
Twelfth, remarked that
spaced with no leads iin its the column."
rear lines slightly pied
Au Irishman who wrote lovletters
in Gaelic has bad to pay $1.000
breach pf promise. He ought not to
have written in Gaelic. Rev. Dr. Me -
Donald, once of Kincardine, is auth-
ority for the statement that "You can
say a thing in English and hack out of
it, but if you say it in Gaelic it com-
mits you.
It is just sixteen years since B. T.
Holmes engaged in the undertaking
business in Seaforth, and during that
time he has the record of not taking a
:single holiday. John Brophey, under-
taker of Goderich, can double Mr,
Holmes' record, its he has not taken
a holiday for ober thirty years. But
there is no good reason why be should
The Sharpest Inatrament..
"That is the sharpest instrument in
the world, 0 Ibrahim, is it not?" said a
friend who watched that renowned
armorer polish a Damascus blade.
'"There is one sharper," was the re-
'•What Is It? ,, said the
"It is a woman's tongue,
steel smith, "and could its acuteness
be imparted to any metal the infidels
would have been driven from the earth
long ere thin."
"It is true, Allab be praised!" plonsly
responded the friend.
Not Certain.
"I suppose that picture is one of
your choicest works of art?"
"I don't know for sure," answered
Mr. Cumrox. "You see, mother and
the girls have idea's of their own and
they won't let me keep the price tags
on 'em."
Pipes That Are PIPES.
Greatest variety in town.
From Com -Cob to Meerschaum, to suit
all tastes and pocket books.
Tobaccos and Cigars from the most not-
ed manufacturers.
"Always Up -to -Date."
The Brunswick Cigar Store
You Want
a Horse?
James Sproat. an aged and highly
respected resident of 'l.`uckerswith,
passed to bis reward on Wednesday.
Phe deceased was one of the oldest and
most eeteeuted residents of that sec -
thin, and has been ill for a long time.
He was the father of Mrs. Robert
Bell, Seaforth. The funeral took place
on Saturday last to the Rogerville
To a merchant who professed to be
making money without advertising, a
periodical devoted to the interests of
merchants says : "If you are really
making money without advertising
you must have a pretty good sort of
business, the putting of which before
the public in a proper manner, through
the newspaper, world surely make
money faster for you." Nu business
can be permanently increased without
legitimate advertising. One Wright as
well keep their store in darkness as
not to keep their goods before the
Nares.—Now for the railroad frotn
Guelph to Goderich, which is appar-
ently a sure thing. -A largeamount of
hay has been saved in fleet class con-
dit ion.—Mr. Samuel Rockwell, of
Detroit, is visiting at the home of his
parents here. --Duncan McCallum, of
Seaforth, was on the rounds in con-
nection with the sale of his cream
separators last week. Mr. McCallum
has sold about 70 this season.—Mr. M c -
Donald, of Boston, is visiting relatives
In McKillop at present.—John Mc-
Pherson is getting his barn re -shing-
led; his brother Duncan and Noble
Forbes are doing the work. --Scores of
berry pickers are helping themselves
in the berry patch on one of J. J.
Irvine's farm Although the pre-
mises are inclosed, the women and
girls, with a knowledge of Mr. Irvine's
good nature, go there without asking
any questions.
more talk of com-
Dundonald ie relieved
his cd,ntnntnd ; the Canadians aro
left in their fool's paradise ; an
bably none is satisfied save the Radi-
cal politician. who would always do
his utmost to rut our colonies loose
from t he niet her country. But it is
especially nnfortnnate that the differ-
ence should have arisen at the very
rnainent when a gallant attempt is
being made to tighten the links which
unite us with our dominions across the
--a. Brothers seldom live together in
amity ; they resemble
ahtheyoe too
closely for easy A not
oppose not, n flat surface but a similar
angularity, to each other's corners;
and nothing save the kindest forbear-
ance will ensure a constant friendship.
Canada has not shown this forbear-
ance, and the consequence is that not
merely is our attempt at a closerunion
disconraged, but that never again will
she have the advantage of England's
connsel in her military organization.
For after Canada's treatment of
Lord Dundonald, no British officer will
be found to take- his o g
muste. Yet it
not ne forgotten thatin punish-
ing Canada we punish also ourselves.
Itis in no Timed of recrimination that
we emphasize the unhappiness of the
position, If Canada is living in a fool's
paradise, we cannot but share the sad
bliss of her ignorance. There is but
one end to keep in view and that is
, the d fence of the Canadian frontier.
A a crooked and arbitrary line is
ale ion, energetic and alert. Should
we ever have a difference with Am-
erica„ her fleet exploit will be to invade
Canada, and Canada is not and will
net be able to defend herself, Nor, in
the face of recent events, can we be-
lieve that she feels a pride in her own
defence. A vague vanity partially* re-
**OIres her, es it rewsenred the Ruse-
ifins before Japan declared war; and
With the inert olltititie'm whish too
often weaken our tolonits the believes
that in the leek resort the mother
country will stand I)y` her. But those
colonies which will not helpthenl es
i'to mother country Oat% help;
Same Then as Now.
Mrs. Bacon -1 see that pias have been
found among the Egyptian mum .1tes
and in the prehistoric caves of Switzer-
land. Mr. Bacon—Oh, yes;
the fellows in other ages had as much
trouble getting buttoaa aowed on as we
Safety is the first consideration.
Reliability is very important.
The solid combination can be had at
Robinson's Livery,
opposite the Colborne Hotel, Goderich.
Prices are right and satisfaction
When yon want a rig call at the
office, or ring up 'Phone 65.
The most prosperous town is the one
where there is the greatest evidence of
loyal pride,. It doesn't regeire man -
skins and great lawns and the trap-
pings of wealth to make a prosperous
town or city, but order, cleanliness
and the evidence of civic pride are ab-
solute esentials. The neat., clean, well -
kept home, with the evidence of per-
sonal interest, clean streets and back
alleys free from rubbish, the things
that may be possessed by all save the
really unfortunate, are the things
which make a town inviting and upon
which, in a large measure, its prosper-
ity depends.
Assistant. ,
"Which of these books or perlodlcals
would you recommend?" asked the we
man, with a pleasant smile.
"Well, lady," answered the boy who
was attending to the depot news stand,
"it depends. If you want genuine first
class information I'd sell you dis copy
of de Sportln' News, but 1f you jls'
wants somethln' to t'row at de Pull-
man porter I'd i lcommend die substan-
tial bound book by Herbert Spencer.'
Poisons In Food.
A contemporary quotes from official
examinations and reports to warn the
Canadian public againet the Blow pro
ceases by which they are poisoned.
Different saIn pea of black pepper were
found to be mixed with:
1. Wheat flour and charcoal or
roasted shells.
2. Wheat and rice starch, cayenne
pepper, many stone cells, probably
cocoanut shell.
3. Some buckwheat and whent
4. Little pepper, but much fibrous
tissue, hairs, dirt, etc., also rice, starch,
mustard, husk and turmeric.
Mlscroecopic examination of adul-
terated white pepper showed:
1. Oorn starch and much foreign
tissue—fermenting matter.
2. Wheat, flour and buckwheat.
8. Some wheat starch, and turmeric.
4. Wheat starch and a little char•-
Alex. Robinson.
You Can
Save Money
Save Worry
Save Wear
By getting your
His Grievance.
"Uncle Ephraim, you are looking
much better. You found something
that cured your rheumatism, did you?"
"Yes, suh. But it cured me too quick,
enh. I didn't get no ane out on dem
two dotlab an' a batt crutches I bought
week befo' last."
At the age of 72 years and elevth
months, the life of Wm. Dodds, a well
known citizep?f Clinton, was brought
W a close 'r' ,r a short illness. He
seethed W go down hill very rapidly
and at last lost control of his limbs,
passing peacefully into death. He
came to this country when quite
young, and followed the trade of a
sawyer up to within a few years ago.
He was on the pay roll of the late Jas.
Fair as far hack as 1864, but some
}ears after went into partnership with
his brother at Blyth, but returned be-
fore long to his old place. His wile,
who predeceased hint many years ago,
was a Miss Walkingshaw, brother of
Jaynes Walkingshaw, Clinton, and
two children were horn to them, Mrs.
A. J. Holloway and Mise Jessie.
Hugh Dunlop
We guarantee
The oldest established
in the County. Next door to Bank
of Montreal,
"Sir," she cried when he kissed her,
"you forget yourself!"
"Oh, no," he said; "1 got half of it
myself. The other half was your
Cossack (Kosak) le a word of Asiatic
origin meaning a highwayman on
Ours is such a splendid apple coun-
try that the finest fruite are left to
wastefully rot on the ground. Yet
the Dominion analytst found over n
third of the a ecimens of Canadian
cider examined by him to be hurtfully
adulterated with salicylic acid—a com-
bination which constitutes poison.
Either the makers or sellers of these
villainous compounds ought to be pro -
Ye Olde Curiosity Shop
y . .y
Unprecedented in Huron Journalism
• END OF 1904.
THE 0ODERICH STAR has started the campaign
for 1904-o5 with the greatest cut ever known in
Huron journalism :
25c. to End of ►904
Five Months for a quar-
ter seems ridiculous, but
that's the price to NEW
subscribers. You ask how
we do it ? It is simple—
we make no money—sub-
scribers get the profit,
and more, too. The cam-
paign will largely increase
THE STAR'S already
mammoth circulation,
and that's what we are
paying for. The white
paper, without any print-
ing, is worth more money.
THE STAR will contin-
ue to guarantee QUALITY,
QUANTITY, and CIRCULATION. It is by far the
Largest Newspaper in the County of Huron, and
no such value has ever before been offered.
Remember, THE STAR stands on its own merits as
a NEWSPAPER. We do not club with any paper,
but guarantee the biggest
Call on or address
"My Favorite Local Paper."
"I've been reading Till STAR. It's so big and
contains so much nows that I must leave the
rest for another time."
Phone 71. Publishers, West St., QODERICH
for the student and the writer,
as an authoritative reference book
for schools, teachers, families,
busines' and professional men,
therm is one book which offers
superior advantages in the solid
value of its information, and the
ease with which it is obtained.
One's admiration for Webster's
International Dictionary increases
daily as it comes to be better
known. It never refuses the infor-
mation sought and it never over-
whelms one with a mass of mis-
information illogically arranged.
The St. James Gazette of London,
England, says: For the teacher, the pu-
pil, the student and the litterateur, there
1s nothing better ; it covers everything.
During the Next Few Weeks
Many Steel Engravings as Far Back
as 1815, and Some Older
A few Interesting Pictures, mostly Steel (.n
gravings, such as
The Fathers of Confederation.
The Firet Ontario Parliament.
The Meeting of Wellington and Blu-
cher after the Battle of Waterloo.
Lord Stafford Going to E.xecutlon.
Lady Jane Gray Declining the Crown.
Charles the First in the Guardroom.
Stephen. Alfred, Hampden.
Tower of London. Henry the First.
Charles the First. William Pitt.
Cromwell. Mary,ueen of Scots.
'suing Edward the VII as a Boy.
Prince of Wales and Family. et.
We al.o have a number of 01d English ( olorel
Pictures, which aro on sale, Other Curios too
io s your chance.
ifleeome and have flee
TitE STAR regrets to learn that the
residence of David Archer, on the
boundary east, near l.ncknow, was
totally destroyed by fire recently, to-
gether with nearly all the contents.
The flre was caused by a defective
chimney and the blaze spread so rapid-
ly that it was impossible to save the
con tents.
See pays for Tnn eSeAn to the end
of 1104 --for hew subetribers only.
Hamilton Street, Goderich.
The New and Enlarged Edition recently Is-
sued has 25,010 111,0 words and phrases, a com-
pletely revised Biographical DietlonarY and
Gazetteer of the World, 8160 pages and 5000
Our name is on the title -pages of all the
anthontie dletionarles of rho Webster series.
'A Test in Pronunciation" which affnrda a
pleasant and instructive evening's entertain
went. Illustrated pamphlet also free.
S. & C. MERRIAM CO., Pubs., Springfield, Mess.
We all like to puzzle our brains over
thlnKe which give certain strange re-
sult which we cannot explain,
Herb's Xpuzzle that pneales everrybody
Tekeeere, the
thhe of
ountour ,iyadd g broth-
three, tnultiply the result by live, add
to it the number of living sisters, mul-
tiply the result by ten add to it the
number of deaths of brother's and
alsters, enbetract 1S0 from the result.
Ths tight hand eide figure will be the
number of deethe, the middle figure
lbs number of living staters, and the
left hand figure, e number of living
Season, 1904
Ho Tire
N JLLY there arc THIRTY-ONE DAYS. On each one of these days we want you to think that OE_O. W. THOMSON
& SON can sell you just what you want at prices that will please your purse. Tina is the rime of
s, the
ssities as well as luxuries. For years we have been right on the firing progressive sad onthen lit
d if
tfor uses
there's any Goods, virtue in First -Class oaie, Prompt Service and Fair Prices, we are grail for many years more.
US have your order. The Goods are as good al a Chartered Bank to those who want them.
h- rade with latest improvements, and at prices that should induce shrewd buyers to conic our way. te'Large Stock of
Sundries and Repairs, and thoroughly competent Repair Man alwaysduty.
Largest and finest ethlbits of Canadian manufactures, agricultural produote, live stook, etc.,
oto, ever show ,. New buildings, improved facilities and greater variety of *Unction' than
Thb land
(the famous
pton}by permston is GraciousMesy t Kingand of the tteglmnl*wi
play three concerto dally throughout its entire
comae. ,
The grandest pyro-mttitary display ever seen in Canada will be presented before the Grand
Stand each evening with hundreds of pe rmet's. bttnlant ooetumes, gorgeous pyroteohnio
setting, and a,elated by the pipers of the' Black Watch.
"DAA1t-O111ViL isour YMU' in his leap from a bicycle tf1R fsettfate t nk Alf N'�
'f}�1A BIOKR'I'T Fumy, World-famene estipa,rt obits' �rLflleb+ t e moot to
WOriDLIWUL IsAletteD BitAAe; ADJIN'S TII01.1'11'
markable trout) of trained animals in the world, and many other nets ei Particulars.
Special hallway nates. Ask your tastiest Agent t
etwasetker tae sues, At1011111T tIUI TO filth.
p5geiorwr. SoOstirAMr moo MANAMA.
The question
of tiros Is the
all important
Item iel bicycledom. Tires that WV
reliable er can be quickly repaired,
if necessary. making wheeling plea.
Wool and comfortable, are the
This is the favorite month for weddings, and no present will Last longer, ouldor c
l Wt e more ap reDOMIN ON ciated, than aB BERLIN, and
modern Piano,
Organ, or Sewing Maclaine. in Pianos we handle the famous and reliable
BELL. In alrgans the noted GODERICH, DOMINION and HELL. Also Piano and Organ Stools.
They eau w removed er replacer
with the two has a twelve menthe
raaraetee with each pale.
The Solllep Tire Ce'y
Perhaps you are interested in Violins, Guitars, Mandoline, Flutes, Clarlonets, Mouth Organs, Gramophones,
Phonographs, Music Books, etc. We carry them all, and guarantee to make you happy.
What's nicer than a WHTE, RAYMOND, or QUEEN SEWING MACHINE ? They are all perfect in every detail, a
handsome piece of furniture, and an acknowledged ornament to the home and an absolute necessity
In every well -regulated household.
Typewriters, Fountain Pens.FINE STATIONERY.Post Cards, Postage Stamps,
Our business it to please in QUALITY ANi) PRICE, and we count our patrons an army of pleased people, and many of them
are the particular kind, too.
West Side of Square.
Ooderich, - - Ontario.
Our Motto t LpW�V1 Cp►TTIVi EFN SS