The Goderich Star, 1904-04-08, Page 3sT7PPLMMENT TO *Mir THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE COUNTY OF HURON. NOL. 45 -NO. 2303. GODERICH, ONT., APRIL 8) 1904. AmPAINIMIA MITCHELL & TODD, Owners. AMONGST THE CHURCHES. INTERESTING HAPPENINGS FROM SEVERAL DENOMINATIONS. VICTORIA BT. RALLY DAY. The following notice, which has been sent to all the members of the church named, explains itself, and the service will no doubt be very interest- ing: Thd Victoria street Methodist 'Church cor- dially invites you to be present at its Reunion and Roll Call on Sunday, April 17th, at 11 eau. All our members aro specially expected to be present with thole fatuities. If providentially prevented, send a vorso of Scripture to be read in response to your name. N. 13. --The annual Card of Membership will bo renewed at this service to all the members. W. 13. GRAHAM. Pastor. A very successful entertainment, under the auspices of the Junior League, was held in the lecture roots of Victoria St. Church on Easter Mon- day evening. April 4th. The room was filled to the door. The chair was occupied by Rev. W. H. Graham, pas. tor of the church. The programme was an excellont one, consisting of recitations, songs, mouth organ Inutile, dialogues, boys drill 'Fair Canada', and girl's floral drill. The evening closed with singing 'God Have the King'. The people then dispersed, many con- gratulating Miss Hattie Harris, Supt. of Jr. League, on the grand success of her evening's entertainment. FOR CHURCH UNION. - An informal meeting of the pastors and some of the members of the Presbyterian and Methodist churches of Halifax, held last Friday, discussed the question of union. Rev. Dr. Lathers spoke of the resolutions of the Methodist general conference and Presbyterian general assembly in favor of union, and of the recent in - forme' meeting in Toronto which had awakened so nnuch enthusiasm. Rev. Dr. Pollock, Rev. Dr: Murray,' Rev John McMillan, Rev. Dr. Forrest. Rev. Dr. Falconer, and Rev. Dr. McLean stem spoke strongly in favor of union. Resolutions in favor of the movement were passed unanimously. The great • est unanimity and coediftlity pre•vniled at the meeting. After passing the rtaoluttons, a oonlmitlee s ll' 11 ed to bring these expressio s of ion to oopin- ir el(ittee and of notice <the ('hon11 e h1 N. the 11on It he NamP clay a meeting of pi 11 0 114 Presbyterian. Methnlli'o and mgr's gat ional Itbtist.er8 and Tay (01 we4 held at Wesley College, \Wil ;peg, for the discussion of 'mien of a ,winos holies. 1)t•, Patrick u•ti, • tens pre- pared to take orf his .11 and work for union. The feels „ in favor there- of wets prneti,•.&Ily 11 memoirs. and en- dorsive speeches we ' made by Messrs. William Whyte, .1. Ax, Aikens and (Itherm. \ WITII TIIE Hi-NnaY HCHOOIL WORKERS. The i•:xorntive of the Provincial S. S. A,so•intion met in frento last week, and ,tuongst oth r important r.,it tors (reie0to m norialize the various Orr 1 church t h courts vitht(a view of n,rer11tining their nal *<1 m4( petitioning the Minister of Educe ion to authorize the daily readings r• 4 t slut in i nnpcti m with Y R the International nternationnl NN(1 � r �.p 4(N n the Scripture to bg.rrefil In the Puhlie and High Scho %s,This idea w(kN('ndorsed by the B,(ron Co, Convention hold in lilytJn Lust June, 1(5 being more profit at//t than the more or less fI ItgI'en selections now read. A Kingston rTespateh, eonunenting on the plant Proposed, says : ThIe is(1oNsihl' now. I lie JUngston Board of Trit,tees near- ly ten yeaxs ago, with the concurrence of 111l whA are engaged in ethical totwhing, undertook the task which the Sunday Sellnol Association 15 now discussing. in thel-junior classes the golden texts are metho • zed,����a'__nd���rrie the senior ARSFIeN the less�s tat ,tsaa,.aarrld and im pressed upon ttkte scholars. The late Principal Grant was a keen oh,erver of plowing even tI, however, and he romtnended the action of the Kingston trustees and (((Named 11(e Hrhool Hoards of other places to bni- tate it. The following members of the Ex- ecutive of the Huron County 8.5. and C. E. Association stet at Clinton last Friday to arrange a programme for , the convention of 1I04, 1). B. Munro. president ; Dr. 'fowler, Corr. Hery. : J O. Stoneman, Rer. Secy.: Revs. Jas. Hamilton, Goderirh, John Rolnick, Blyth ; Buchanan, Hensall ; Miss Anderson, Clinton, and Meagre. Coop- er and Scott of Clinton, and James Mitchell, of Goderich. Dr. fowler reported that in answer to a circular sent out last August, asking for a collection towards assisting the Prov- incial Association and to meet the ex- penses of the county convention of 1004, only $38.00 had been received ; of this $24 had been sent the Provinbihl body, antj expenses of printing Raid postage left the balance on hand $0.08. It was decided to make a further appeal to the various schools and societies in the county, and the President and Mr, Mitchell were appointed to draw it up, and when mnileli, certain persons are to be asked to act a; district superin- tendents in helping to g t a general response. 1'he dates of the 1004 con- vention ate June 14 and 16, the O. E. to have the first day and bhe Sunday Schools the second. The indications are that the people of Wingham will make extensive preparations fol• the reception of delegates and the success of the gatherings. $ASTEE AT ST. GEORGE'S. There were large congregations at St. George's morning and evening on Easter Day, and the 8a. m. relebrat ion of Holy Communion was also largely attended, the aggregate attendance being in excess of that of the past few Easters. The chancel, pulpit, desks and font were prettily deeorated with plants, ferns and •flowers, the effect being exceedingly Easter like. The rector's discourses wet• en Eastersub- jects, and the muldeal programme war4 in keeping with the occasion. the singing of the choir being pe t.i•ul:u•ly good. The organists playing was 4(p to Mr. Ouff's usual high standard, and the evening offertory with Harrold, 131acketone, Hate, and Harry ('utf, elarionet, assisting the ergttn, was a1 much appreciated piece of sacred rnusir. The annual vestry meeting of St. George's t'omgr•gution wax held in the school roonrorrM'mi(hly, with the ter - ter presiding. There arms not a large attemlalltN,• the tot0+on probably bre ing, es given by ono of the wardens. that the Orutneiftl statement wits 84( satisfactory, that tt would be better to Leave the management with the wardens. Judge Holt WAS again re- elected as the people's warden, and Georg• Portera pj)uintr I as the 1.e.(•- Glr'N. Messrs. \4. L. Eliot and A. Bisset Thom were elected delognl•s to the annual synod, the wardens lr big elected alternates. '1'h• salary of the enretaker teas raised $25, all others retaining no last vertu'. \1e551s. \\'. L. Eliot and E. 1.. 1)1 'kitwnn were elected atulitors, and the following were appointed Rtd•NI11.'11 : 11ev51's, W. D. Tye. I. 1e. 'awl et r, D. Naftt•l. \\'. L. Eliot, E. N. L•tvi.. le. Jordan, 1;. Woodeoek, .ino. S. Nall, .fns, 1). Tigert, H. L. Diek,ineen, and 1V. A. McKim. Thr people's wit ellen, in ad- dressing the vestry, •,lit( 1 he fbmneial statement arts the most satisfarinry pt•eNPIIi(•(1 fill' ,1(111e V'a1'5, as, in 180)8 the mertgege was �1001 withe t note 1 ,' t in the loll 11 $(N , when as to -tory the mortgage had been redness' to $2501. and the pal 1,11 was wit hoot any otherfinancial b, end during the present year the entered and .1,211 of principal on the mortgage had ),''u paid, 1111,1 (1 hank balance from L,st year of $'1111 had been pa§I off. I'he speaker highly (tnmplinlcnted 1he Senior and Junior (milds for rhiir good work. ,tn.) thanked tl,o vestry for the honer 4(t' hi- appointment. The reetill''s ltnr111( 1 'ttttti•1111•1(1 slloti('(1 that Ile attendance at clnu•ch and the number of communicants hall increas- ed, Oral the Lenten ret vices wet largely 11ttendel, Indult Indantling the Mt4lrnty period. He rtnnpliln•nted Thr 1 Guilds and the A11xil{nries for their. good tt•nlk, And mentioned that Easter. Day ,eller•tient were over $2'221. t hat of the Bible cisme, $12,80, and the Snow day School $10. 1)n (lotion of the wardens acordial vote of thanks was tendered the ('hntrhw•ntnnn's ntld , Young Peoples Guilds. A vele of thanks proposed by Messrs. Porter' and Jordtln was earTied, thanking 1l is da,io.s Holt and Porter, Du. 11(41(05 w h4( manage 1 he envelope to11 rt lona. andtbe' choir members were heartily thanked for their services ell motel, of ittessra. Jordan and Eliet. At the fortnightly meeting of the Young 1'eoplP s Guild in Ht. Gem-TP.4 school room next Tuesday evening, Mrs HI isken's suhjeet%tell be '•111111 le throngh West f`nrnwall," giving poi I(t M of interest, life among the mime -R.1 their work and native dialect., with i recitations, humorous and sentiment• noted residents, in the person of Coad- jutor Bishop Carmichael. This 1911110 gentleman was one of Olinton's earliest ambassadors of the word of Gott, hav- ing had charge of St. Paul's aongI'ega- tion, throughall itstrying scenes from 1850 to 1808, Rev. Jas, Carmichael, «s he was then called, was a wttlr•((Ille visitor to all homes and denominations. nations. It was under his inhere that old 14L Paul's (that was burnt down iti 1805, was erected in 1811, of which w•0 wilt say more litter, olid the present edifice that the Anglican, and their friends are worshipping in delay ((14(11 built underhis gutdauce, ''lutt he has been divinely guided from his Best humble palish in (Sinton to one of the highest In the Chore ti's gift is est 1bli.htd. The church will he thrown upt•n loan, he to 1111111'0VN his healers at beth moral ng and evening serviette. EASTER EXAMINATIONS. List of Successful Pupils in Code - rich Public Schools. The names are in order of merit. The asterisk theatre, the absence of pupil for pact of the examination: I)t\'isu e I. Steelier t''ot.:tern. -- \lacy Mel.•otl, Agile, 11-ooilton, Chester El- liott, Augusta( Jit Loull, Ileal rite Hain- iletn. Melville .11idt+rnun, Olive Smith, Roddie Johnston. (leeks Mutineers, Vern Elliott, Rose M<•Ntt'{e, Vette] \•nlstone, John McAuley. (lt'u•e Ellis, Archie Tom, Janes \Viggins, Botta ('Itu•k, Clare Swltrts, Pearl Knox, Chrissie Cantelen, Merit Ilevi(15on, Harold Johnston, May Thont•on, lleg- • inald Platt, (;mit• Nit•in-, Wady. Platt, \\'inner 11.•11• espial 1, Jelin Salsbury, •(fay 'I'h,n•I.rw-, Effie Sotle- e•Iand, Jaunt's M.•\'11.111', .burl i'rood- -foot, Lizzie ('l.ok, Nina Sharma(, I\N'illit) Cali;,., It win I. labile Howl lo, Mason )loll. 111110111, More(((( tiallews, Angie; Mrlkt)1411 I(nhert farcy, (:1.111 14.1101 Heaton. 1)1vlslov I1., Jrvtmt Portrrn. 11:aud 11.•110100, h,lurltr Weikel. Toni Elliott, 1'e Irl i[rOil{icray. John Me - Nevin. Roderick l.e•on:u\I, Gt t 1'' \'•ir ion, \\'ilfrid Lewitt, (armee \'.11,.tone, Margnrot 1.,i wsoll,Ett.at I hivol .nn, irelc Nieh1:1Z11•ur,lI 1,Neil .NI,Aeley, 'Ern est Ilendor' 11 '(iirdnn Ih nikw:uet. Cameron, Ellet lirlinleotuhee, Kathleen Sutherland, Sara Bencoul, Mabel Del', t)aisy Fisher, Lizzie Muir, Ruby StotYl• ere DMule Johnston, Elsie Duel:ad, out Tul4ord, here alert awls, Angus Mr Navin, Luau' Mel hal. !LW, Annie Melee 1, label \\'uuteul, Bella Mel)ouald, Eva :Maze], Roy Slum. tuan. HISNIe1R I)1\'IHttN, `T, ANDREW'S \\"AttD. SIntlr ('htsv. ('ll.ulea Ink- ster, Maitland Symonds, Marlyn \Wvntt, Elmira Salton,. (!elan son, Iamb( Iamb( ('fury, 11 :y \'oueg, tit set. MacLelin, Lizzie \\'the, lt•g{nalt 1' n•• inn. Marie' C'urrell, Etta Mlu 1),(unid, 11Rrjr(ry 1100(1•, Jean Nairn. 11iddle Ague, Mae Donald, May 4ynt mule, Merge rel Leonard, Ed gay Sw,u•ts, :11/try '1'ont,(ittrnt•t. '('lrth•t('e\, 1t z'l 14acl)unald, Iba11'l.1ones, lltu r)' Ifrinti mints, Tena Murtety, ltny Mnr(iuir•. Jnniur Class. - 17nlrultn !MaeDeuuld, Ha%el 11.4..1 vol., Doris Niel/an.. Nur 111.11) 1\1 0...1.40)(1, Alfred iiaxtol„John \turtvty. Ethel Carey, t'athrtinr Nine. I),u,tt,1, Lily Postlethw.11re, Beryl Er.ille, 11ort,ul 'road. Stcslant 1)1\-IH1nx, S'r. 1).tvnes \Veto>. Senior t',.(s,. dilly Morrow, Sadie Balers, 1'borte 'I'ho11tR., Ibtrold 1{oggarlh, Stella ('lurk, 1'llemei'' Thomp5uu, 1'9uteurh \\•ontuu, Nettie Robinson, Irene' Ibt'Iidn)•, Mena,• 'Thomas, !lentl•irr. \\'elle, 111o'tt u,•t /tiller. 1liddl• ('1a5., Mate, sil- ken. Iiiltltr.l \{,•('ollg.l :a')ih 'u \I., err, i Earl Allele, Leslie Ste\val1, (leo. Bell. Marge' 01 It >11'. 1,1,1..1 111:e1, It'.1Ly' Kni;lit. Isrne.t Kemp. Junior Clore. - (Lipoid Milson. Nellie Bell, I:rne,t Steven,. (lalccy (,'tulruu,•It, 11 'lay Hirnie. Junior Cit i.iete, Senior ('lass. \•inlet Ilt:o I., Varlet Kroll,..\I:njerie \(otruti, 111("• (limn nu'tt, eel leelend Lngau, Kerurtl Hog girth, '110 .1,1 11aten, 1.'111 Phillip-. •1.tura 11or,ott.0.1(1(.11 ll,uli5uu. Ilit-Isios. MI'. I's•I'HIu'K'N v'(11, e'l:r.. .1. !bar)' 'folioed. 1; n11en Hoskin, Itru. Slta\r, Ilnreld Melba(tfu1, ,Timer Hawkins, ('Mastics l:17i. i;i ic'i1,a1.itis, Mamie \\'4(1 rimer, 11e11(0 Ila.., Fred 1lrlhertson, .11(1111 \' 1ut.1„4(t•, Lem14. bless, Ellg.ti 141(10 11 liyl en Shirley. Hold,• \I t'tlt•I ('lass • It. Erle 1(o(J, Alma Sil otla, Muted Dookwnrt11,' IIeggie Iblll., Blanch'. Ellis, Ilei i 11un Fisher. I•:rnr'l l'ridlutul, li,•ry \1'tu•on, l(uyel 84(4(,•1, Maggie Ro.1, .lo.,•pl1 114'u k. h'•tuk \\'01ket. Defeo I', Olt on, \lek- Not•ninn lvavl.. I?Inn 1 \,Jl I!s, e, 1,t,. seam -en, 1Lu'ohl,. \\'.u'trner. Edith • Viola .Inhn-'nil, \(.ua \\'11.,,4(, .1[041 Mail, John Felker, Leine \iehl.(tt,fl, 31rllonuI 1, 'llury ungrnur, I) ,( (1tty aeril Nelson. Junior 1)ixi5uu1, M,•ninr Tan -wt. '.11 ,• l'. ,..er, 't:,nes! 11 it 19.(•5. 1',\lea Hamilton, ilg'n011 Curious Bits of I' ws. If mold (tae de 1, 'VII la 1'4.111 nth 1" , 'I it•Aer (",,a7.1,, 11.u1th,n, iA•xsee \\ alkel , '.1 (stare ('•1., e•), 'liladys lioeg.0 {t, •Edit) Co -ford, 31(5l4'in� 1I1.,Sr:'lo)t'l'nntn ❑1 a'1,• • 111. Murray ',l -I)nnttll, E. 1'nr'lnl., .1 : Swart-, Lade Symetels, i've, y li,lite.•\. ('Lly (on Pe,u•e.ek, Prat l \Ci..et(, ,111 , Saundets, Hai old Aitken, Edda• inn tart, Isnh,•I 11111hesnn, Harold11Hobo. sen, Otee 11 'Todd, Belot ier Phren•(' ('oll', 4(,c. Fred Lave, 1•.,111(, litr.leaul. (irnd,• I\'. 1111111 1111'• h4l,1, Edit If. \I'nt.,,rl. (1111 (' \\'14( nock. ( i,4(,• 11 dbtw, I'rvrtl 1?t.4(,.• llitrL.(t'•1 M,• to• ,•I, e••.1 1 '..Ihn'te ti I r.IL•t :111 . )•; Ir toe, M,Eiride, Pan{ buff, Reggie i) uilol,, I': u l I•:Iliot 1, Sydney 1 ,I,\( , 11e.(11 310, ,tin 811117,4.1.\1ar Mott rat 11 n a N o� \'. See o " r ' p. it t t I 14(LI,u sal • I11, -Hattie Itelchei, Bow (iel'ou,hy, Mary Sethrrlalul. Ntitrgar•t (Litt. Ira •nest Young, \\'. Bohinsnu, (i,•,,. Ti Iow, 1101•lle Mrl,1a(. 'I:dtilr ,lbirll•m 1 Old, Nnrt'nn llt' Kai', Elmo (•1.11 k. Maly Melo. in. 'He -;lir Stan, (wile., Itoberl III• IA•.*l, 'Belt Murphy. '1'..,1 Kennedy. (trade 1 V. -11 ane loan, lirtr}rr I'ridlusa . ,)rssic 1x IteKKie I'ridlianl, Edwin (Tarek, Neil, -• Henderson. 4.',,tBlair. Ernest Bell. Intek Elliott, Cos Jost M( -N,' Niehol'cn, Nina EON', L"(tII. 11• ('rrnth, Lewin Robinson, Donald 11,- I Ien1ld. Al, BISHOP CARMICHAEt. AT CLINTON. The Clinton New Era sari: On Sun- day, April the 10th, this town is t(1 have a vinit from one of Montt pal's Room 3',, (lRnotc 11.. 131. 111. Elizabeth Stngrlill, Lary Young', Alt's. Maunders. Annie McLeod, Sadie Wil sun, NN.' ills NivtnN, 1 h,ul ito ('ot1. ('emend Carry, Inhn liner. FSO..' Tilhhtrne, (*trimmer. An(i(,tg... N.•I lie Black, :Mabel i'l:u1, ((Indy.1 ('orates, Oat win PiItIng. )(amid Thnrnpson, Frei rriek Bennett, An nae Knight, Erten hitch'. (Frady 1. Clarence I•ieekett, iris 4%.t-11ork, Mar Stogllill, Lanett Elliott, \\'alter hurt nnan, Lillie Ramsey, Harry 1'(lhot'nr Nellie Wineries, Golding Snlith, Ell 1 Therm Ann, Leslie ('emelt, NIinnieTait reit., Ernest Mwart.m, Wilfrid Bell, Roy Mau!lnnnld, .1. 1'. hell, Nina ilnthc• son, Willie De hong, Lizzie Ross. Room \'T., (tenon 1., .11'N111R 111. Hector McKay, Oral Stoddart, Mttry (lark, Ida Currie, Evelyn Mennelyy, Adeline ('lark, ,lack 13tew•trt, Itla Smith, John Hegira rth, (i rare Seeger, Edith Morrow. (trace Deft, Nellie Trethewav„Lames leemart', L. Mellon. ald,[3eat.rice Hoggarth. (h'ade 11.- Lila V 1111 '11• \ Ube Stoszel. .l uulol ( 1a45. 1ln41l 111, 1,9-..11,, (1 uss, 11 Neilson, Ilea u.l Illy•, ('.e1•4111 !,Irnhhut, .be.Neits•,11, 310110,• 11 I)n.11), ElilI itnl,itl.to, Exploiting the First -Hand. \ well-known puh..'I .. I wh.5e 4(4117 1.111 br II1.p1 dnk1, 11.15thought 111 . .I nrlvertisrment 01 u 111,1.'1 by ell known authoress (Io -1 31,511 II ('urelli bythe w(1) 1 to ra11 �o *newly 15 rye o a u• In London wet 1y,f ty n ku t ls. - - Is One 1,f the must 4„ •ght n u of 14110(11. she urn thee. eine a;h lite urn ue c n no mt,reat 3,1111 n I un 111111.• x'4111 11." •o end 1111 ('5.1041.11' is pretty aura to 1. J,.tt el. and a m(1r Munn et pert to w ,1.l;(i•rrp;l5 farmed on the name intrust, As fel lost., roe. Miss .1lnnrr11i5 Int ho»hndp ie nhout 1 NI' 1',e ('111111 n 11)11111W Of 0711111 ate, w'1(1) tel• 11.11111•r i1 1.41111 an the 111' . 111 1111.111 ti11- .\M it is no)Ot(Iua eh '11• nal tenets is the 114"81 pr. posed to d, ',ltarlte of the ('nron.Ilion year, sh. eat it wrIIl'M w'Itll rel, 111r1,•11,I1 111 t•xpl•, :ve 11n1t rnut hardly be rsroII 11 Or rat' ';vnllr(1. i "hack+harp" is t1 (• title of a fat 1' .ming %you 11 by 1(11 :la)nymr)I1N alit t,.. \'1 tn111,),tand that us hr I,15 ',MO of Lee most gen)10(1(Anly a11t,uI, , ,•i l vrnp<• u li.('1y nn<1 piquant hook nu., on6,lrnaly era looked fol Lolrl Lt0t•e,jt x%44(11'* book on "Map. 111nve Mot.' as In the presto and will 11. - ready nlv,..,eo immediately. As L,ml j Let tem 1lnvil.t hold's the reeord for free .ions of boroughs presented for ter vice lr South Afrirn, it is eleiIr that Rome enter taining experiences can hanily fail to b recounted. Mr. hippo Petunias has just completee the work on animals on which for arrme years past he has been engaged. As Mr Potatmis Is himself an nwhit beast, he writes with first-hand knowledge orf hi. subject. Caution. Let's go have a drink, Ithers.• I've sworn off Wrfs week lir a teat." "Why, What areou testln i As long as I find lean stop I but as soon as I find 1 can't atop."-•.,1&:tt. Professor Curio of Paris, who, aided by his wite, discovered anO extracted from pitch -blonde the strange subettuloe sailed radium, recently rebooked that ho would not venture into a room cone tabling one • kilogram of radium be• cause 11 ttuuld probably destroy hia eye- sight, burn oil his akin, sad even kill him. Radium gives off more abundantly then en) other known substance the tnyaterwus emanations named Becquerel rays, which are supposed to consist of almost uubtitely mututo particles. They are driven oil' with a velocity 4(a high ns 100,000 miles per second, and cause serious iutbunninttons upon the hands of pentons working with the substance. They also give rine to luminous effects. 10 consequence of the construction of the great Aswluan dant on the Nile, 000 utiles above Cairo, the famous temples on the Island ut Philno aro partially sub- merged when rho reservoir Is full of water. But tits chinned world would not willingly see three magnificent relic& of antiquity destroyed, and accordingly an elaborate system of underpinning tie buildings was adopted. Some of the oulonundee and temples wero found to be resting on fractured atone beams, broken by suasidee,e of the soil. Heavy steel girders, 01101eard with rubble masonry and mortar, wit''h protect (leen from corrosion, were placed under the broken foundations. and-themasonry was t•nrried down to bed rock beneath. The work wan done in the face of eon• lidertt1le danger, but without accident. The project of climbing the loftiest mountain on the earth, Meant Evere(lt, in the Himalayas, whose tremendous head rises, according to trigonometrical meas- urements, 211,002 feet above sea -level, has now reached n stage immediately ante- cedent to the set(nl nitempt. A party, led by Mr. l';ckenstem, an experienced climber, has art out for the foo of the greats peak. Several Frtet`nr'11:fe'd moan. totti-cllti(bers have expr(•rmed the opinion thut the feat in fen.lhle, but only by the method of gradual ascent, wheteby the adventurers may broom' Moira to the etfrrta of a nasi tiII m''11l Months, and even yonr4. Duly he open in ascending to higher and higher level.. a long pause being mule after every considerable advance. The highest ascent nmr On maned to that of Aeon engnn, in the .1 ales, the elevation ei which in 23!940 feet, 5,922 feet, or more than n mile, lens than the height o'i I(erent pros. despatches announce the rli.euvery by n professor in Prague of lamp ligated M• 111eaa's of beeteria. O this report "The i.nneet" (London) re marl's, "We 4(71(34151' duet the discover\ amounts to nn improve(( method of feed ing photogenic bacteria, (tun tXistcner n' which luta been known for some yeah: . Tho experiment In quite gimp! and enslly Rlir'er441e. All that in nue'n 'tory in to pinee the flesh of fresh hna' docks or herring in n two or three fr. .ant -.Mallon of ...Toulon milt, I(eepn • I net r mixture r t n 4(b h n ter 4(t a tempera seen Orr f 1 i degrees C. nhuvn (airing point Afle- e few Oaten it will he found that not merely the flesh of the fish bat 5140 the whole ofthe (amid whieh I s Im 1 tt 1 aid in i i I mer11(1 ;Own off a pale greenish 1ig11' . which 11Penales mere mnre brilliant if . little sugar 1s added. . Donhltesa by paying attention to the steeds •.f thews specific. bacterin -by emptlyiett. for example. highly stimulating food more Intern. light than wits hithertn1 O11410 hna been obtained ft in even s(1 gents) That the hnelerla light rnlu',' nRord a safety lump for the miner." Probnbly few persona who go up ,.r elnwn Broadway or rev other Imports e• thoroughfare of New York arty h., ever stopped to risk why ibe hands '• r the been of nearly n11 the big wooden 'leeks that swing ns 11ign4 over new. I••1' storos indleate thnt it is eight. ,.•, minutes peat right e'as'el These ('100)1 hand Indic -ate, nerording to the New York "Tribune" the exnrt ti a in the evening when iAneele, nee. punted by his wife, left the With.1 se on April 14, 15(15, to go to Ford'. Theater. Wcah• ingten, where .Tnhn Wilkes Booth, the rioter, shot him. 'The man who first Irlginated this wooden clock sign idea had a workshop in n downtown street in 1506, and alewife Her 1hr nsanrtsination he erinreived the idea of painting the hands on all his 41gns to point out this 'merle! time 11111 anreenors in the bnalna/a continued the praetiere, its aid other met'. There IR prohnbJ7 not n great street in New York cit total that has notpone or more of these re. "Myself. ; n saw Johnaor, going harem with my 'net atop' ' new hook under his ram" top I will "yea Joni built him a houseand his 1 wife wanted Rome bile n•h1$e in red R*i4 gold to scatter around.. 1