The Goderich Star, 1904-02-12, Page 6sA�4 "4 41041-40,14 POW W", Iwo I 4~ Xv"3^r VA# 440 00WO ' , , I , I I - I . I IT . I . I Pa t �A ov MOM forwswd Into, tb� 1)94* _M owho shto. tit* 414''Ot Jo. V11111 to, (741004J, and X(Op% riottrod I AIC rip i, b . V . iroom to pk V4 4 0 #.M4 0",, a VOW. �t X ""100 Out 4sx, 4 -*Al UvV s; In;?, -on 'hip door.. $*p 44000, sw�t, gr -44 1:0,0119 trii�ea ,400l? oxln,� and again, and it W140p, op.", to fai"Ir ft, 0 V� to rio tiijo,#Ao ho bad 150. oss. and � T, c sRtbol Palms now t1i wqtb.. Is or Amapa to to We, bV01,40mg, or rOV014- 04Y.0 4kto)nq I" Acs utra x 4p0crq4, eta drealrooll and too xwt, 1#119no 'tile, 0 vineygr 9 and or" P9494 my� Mort# yqt� ];911ts- IA., and grow 00 X on 1w 04 ba4 tho ght, It "You � Mo I's A sroy6l Ot to t Wt 'About the aalm, . 0 aW# t cool wovld bq, ;iow thax, '140 Orange not P Btaligut ],�14115 lt'lu" �5fo "n o 0m. ov I'll , 1bi-cU);0 illAbo purple wild 0 a t10 t1u, $0, , . Ban a 740 ilikeo, vir Altrip, Of shorao anil ever Ot4 .0 41, 04041tile# 0 . door. A _ nlV �Joj�s� 9 The, me woro bloodless; I I)r4JJ0A,,racOJJeo fl, I XjttIQ ftftlofto. You do not love 4001�1 OU PAY 'it JA ,;not pg bit , jam, suffered. trom and gre0p. of theta pjc��od ilid' 406111, Ill �: �, �, '., 9 , The 11ldtiK. 0 4, it Adwero, N'ra. I left all To 11octOr t little op"'P14 Iq0CS Anun- You. love vie TofoArkq. 17,pb, 13 aoil JVJJ away weNitt blue of th� Atlantic, TliamWo Ir '�Qd of the WOA� Would woo all tlono 'O 11a'O'Ltrooped .04 'JA a Too _011i 0QIHgg1v the, "L*tos where day, 1011, t Lap,'d, - � Sbw hind eVpq breath of It. VagOrneSs, d r , u , r. r, PAOC Vl ;hp4 Only cheat or strong blossomll" In A44=11,q4' V*. aU t YO.W �'W_40r I .CA Iof )I p, aeOy I L i00, talcon10 flia mesel, they cOu'd crusbad ill Ooftness frOnA 11 lnsc,44 unils. X idttdred a� 01-cAt lftlil, lowing by Dodd'e 'Xider .000ows night 1014 arou$0 -)4c" U0 0 oral Meetin to'do me fuly and like strong :tile- cho�tk:-boays lbardeimd� tile Ohio Ville lie . d1r great taterest a od _,_ r'. . i,
11"M N diactiWon of it has broii�Xht aU4 i V d Uilffllt' Ptlhiatft hPA never elm good. I wAs thou Advitott to trY IOWAO .tered and ;AoA6 isharponed, the OU0, Lit 10S. at it was not all fosidjug of the 4N �3110'140 and Ile fact �that Mrs. r*t at re' Pat - - oil il, line. rIlUt With all, O' before A 490 ' " 1 4 r -t Sao AdauurP the, ton days hands, and drowse in thb 40,40- Ott this AdventPro, nd tile no) rig D I felt 64 h r sio Was somc(kw--JV UP' Out the Bank was Alike f to his tion, till one,. that ature, all - shoor- *ape"O 11; not -Peep ,of- the DO"ll"n" auch bit, aline,, wAt),_ _-ROLU better 110OPT6 OVM 11her-adi"P POW! ost dL Toront Miguel, whose Seventy yeam wor# vsoco# noy� d, ON it 'a er chaago in Iftli. Using tl'o Toronto 0, 011�AVednell Somehow -it N�ko In thoeyes-a hAnt Ing (r01*tho in good Oxxtrafto lip a liaglqng Jftao 00'01 he I]rlititution, ress and Xatal, 4"Uo"z 27th1 �90,1;. %Vm. Spry. 79. pills for some *'coke tty'd an' now In not till eaten of tile locust,, go ey Diseases, havo foulid you Wit,; " ' i r re, n9tired; Messrs. WilliaLm Every do- w in Ito ied the lukowarm estimat I kvix loed 90 of surrondor, of melting, 4dIr As 0320 hIA 100 W-40 Wil V901033' May ace An a fjbl,f�jidand hills Cie Xav ti.a very best of health ti -o And permanent cure a Wo X him fit Bravo's womorms'dum. Spine b6liev p mptorn ban P", ad %way I Inles, too XJ1W gtr Of half A -thrill for D it, reNent (j. Ca§sCIS, a 1) tcamo�tbo Orange aa Kidney Pilla. C4',Ojid' t"o, il�_,JV44'�'. tfttg� to B o I Mp ',W, JL); Matjlioi#�. Tboo. almaley, W. Inolds, a er, A, ha1galued fourteen pounds in ).a Woo th P. Leadlily, G. N, U01 -rIngloo to Yerv, firvath of MLO. MOO- Itirtio. ',,don MAC- volght. I I think thore is no madi- out at up Palm City, , I; 4ews. trills. M%Ad4lons 0 9�ddelegp. I She O'Dmt d YOU love Mo The all- One of the most kri4ing cases that It y? J# 4rrv- S Go ish, E. Upon the a", great #Qrosr as � -Of 4, b'O ir V444., Silo V0141 j. j. Pay; X.C., Joba- T. Small, Anson One Cline Cain equal Dr. Williamok' P11111; , w CoAting., 8ver wa's I took WAS Swift and dp ra, , I al ,nigwouity has been brought to light is Oat An 'hl '' 4 I ' Stand "it I Strongly reecommenil f aziunitlon. boxes f 0h.raP1101 its i Xtit. V- red, Philip. new residing PP J, Ooralih'ioltas, IV. Crocker, J. . Xavanagh, Yet,. -4A4- �fqte�MRS SOQm to ost Something PLf ILiailt..Col, I ,, N�*, C. Leo. _,Ql)Att, Win. L rfl's fierm ��ct it Ic Al !tl �'i , , tj - L' � J . G. Ruiner and altbW girls." -face �row again point and force in that It wax wo roadwk'y IWO-"'� P WQUJd Jetir, Hendrie. 'etinan, J. A. and cue, and inedicloo chests and glington On9 Ot W" '4
Into them to cill weak ioc,Oids t!B tho�ft cal lint.- Aaunta'btlra wn s4urbS of �tho Oity. her, F, J� Phillips, Mobard Brown, G- 13 - Sw, Ta*SOa,S exqrIence Ikk b.1p v1slon. Aounta, thrw�avtcd expactQrA, What% Attack is countpd�tho nortbc I� ube*oko tuo !)io bt it. W. 'C' prowt NI. Robinson should MISS her share in the conaultationa. unit suffering (Voln, 006A n8on,,T. G, Brough, brfng,�sopa to all tile Weak- adght be Amuta an, enemy, tM4 with on, a shapes (ovojii chualdis IThat Mrs'. ph . 4�1'd Go' Hodging. H, Job ailing belyed much; for she had at flpgers' I and wail In &�Inqotr her almost anlo an"O power -r) A,good half liandred plxsng� ' of Bright's Dlpe-�, it Aca;" but and others. th0 Wh(Lt thoso little As not the. ch�ower that. ded I this man could do and Of lifLt6 a, 11 . It Was 4inoved by Mr. Wxa. 'Ince, secon by Mr. Anson i one
lorls ii:nd wonlen end what *0 A`=1011 Were defence; and then the blow axpae State, there have done for her they will do ifor could not, what that m(traq- h4 ),as dangerous Wo it Li�voTT dose adds tons 1104 IW- both-Qp alone could tell the end. in a Ia6blon that calls fbr'nOnb of shadow of a, doub, She was In t, o the. lcbair�aud that Mr. 1-�, B. Oster do tak ant It was sho.vAo 1124110 the Yen, ,be mus could. the , oenol� t "19avO out lot the Storm aft ospit I , Grew and ,T� bowea bls� Secretary the tlocid and nerves, brings suggestion about landing tile vop- your Arlo Scher!100- I, a a 40Od_;_AinfOStL � R. bosw6li aind-W, Cassels were fLppoiiiLod Scrutineers. ath to =11ow cheeks. pj)rtll would leave it that night. break 'On a sudden, instinct. not at, and left both places without a oPAWAA-'�� ft S)ow of he traband at FSPOloto, On the S the Saviour, and tboo in- hopej Adfiling ou'lu at tllo� ircto the Shareholders, T sparkle to the eyes and & ruby a Aias &L na, A strangely familiar cry CIONO the reasoni or the future, . 49 l$Oq9tegy NQ40 which to
rL ttati �he,Annual Stesteme t of the Nb other tilde at the island, wher I affairs of the Bank, po4nCV'# to pallid lips. se tarlit dark. Hector voluntarily uttered word, the IN THE HOSPIT room, wlth, nover d , `61, Anj4hral n t r.4 voluntarily clenched bond, press Hospital the doctors other lbok., tural harbor use($ only by NO stopped and listened He boa the =( , . bu she W60 $49 to'llt"Ing dozen fall - In Grace - ith that wag KOO. has dO4O 80 much - Ilsharnion, and- roost fortilzatf) I 6 11 of jtl�nfb# foot, came �te on her * but- ug e4:joud 4 -laughter. of all-wilero only a weekly visit wag to opofo vault of .,11tR i:iid' health to 9 poh do - fidt without honor 11, alas I 4ad wQxpen. if you are ailing give customs tile cry -it Was his Atame, ar�4 with without So wait it bore. objectej, and lewvIng t�e hospital not it t h or Tbp Dlroqtq.�S bei,to �rosent the following Statement of the r I Hispairsiolall 0 too)'COntinuerid.) paid by the H --])a ou love me Detbr. Tic 'told the bUfIllqqq qI'tho Bati; for the EIGHT MONTHS'euding Alst December,
the pillte a fail, trial and new licalth True. Espoloto weA full . five no softness of Palmetto aPeQcb called in Another d, officer. 0.1 I "That, ter not her at once that she had Br Ts" Do not' -om Caldera, tjj� ran back and fell filtothe 4tma c Iglitt's , I , 190 and at1Tngtb will be Yrod and twenty miles ft %, . . I 6 the L - #j-, $.358,355 48 accept tiny pink cola substitute; r . allying -point aamd general head- Alasidair. The words earne, at t1tamis so, and Disease arid had her removed -t ofj�. axuA..IaosjL, A ...... 1(3.135 QO I olifallea, of-rx, qcqR.nt, 80th April, 1908 .10 I man, Hackie, I tbacht, $ig wed ,no Sooner werp tir.y uttered than lis (444tgne pills fisiways have th what are five and General Hospital. The doctor 11 pur graruium, received a now Capital Stock ......... ......... ........ full lVillialrea Pinl� quarters : but -a 1, Ishr nk from We own brutaHty. itwenty miles when tile countryside, ever hear me. Ho demurred Aiiss QL.jred foll" I hb EIGHT XONTHS eudin)g $lat I)eccmber, 1903. to an operation oxi 60. lfjlrty�flva Profit' for t she GW'$ Qlatalont ro)iovtlI r etc., and making I met a man back thondor. on 04 0 r tor p �hi People" printed On the with its asses and its mules, to Otto "Alosdair. by all that's holy I drea back it pace or two. and count of the danger. inte,_Dv. 4 after deducting'. dint ges'.of management, 32J,073 86 wrappp,r around very box, Sold by On being discharged a second, time roll otter, Silt Rbsuio,i provision for bad and doubtful debts ... ......... ......... for libcVty and Maddalona ? Why, a moved over the threshold. 'His heart terpe or by sunset to sunrise wIll ace the work shaltle, that could speak English. It was full of pity, �yot he dare show opIn 0,110 day, and ca rolo'didne dealers avorywl boxos WfASS Pleasant to hear ailtor the ter- none; that would only be added ag- without benefit,Mrs. Philip ped Scald 1Zc;;anAs, Barbei's Itcb, Thappi, $690,564 84 mail at 50 cents a box or'nix donq. ctalk." Ithe doctors and started to 040 -ible lingo those salages t Ing praised bar nint, gravatioil;, f3lotbatandallarup9buinfilis skin for S2.fso by wriling The, lr. Wit- The Ormingo K. A Dodd'i 'Xidney pills. The rcsu�t IS, I)ilvjddnd 2i par paid :Let Aug- Brockville Out -That was Mr.. Smith. the '61%1190 Not. possible $0criblaganditigletin$and acts like ;hAgf9 liams Medicine Co . bleness of wit, Yet at the back of swelling, la�-th@L core. of all litity'liuctiora,, 15c�Ott 74,710 50 ng Is not possible. senorita. ithat to -day all tIA6 terribl not 2:903 ......... .......... ......... ............ 6 ;� . �, A.:_,
------- that cool bruin of his, amid details a r ); . is gone, she is able to do all� bar Dividend 2*, Per cant, paid 2nd. No. CONDENSED EGGS I Man, man, �vass than him? 1-10 lande a can flourish from the-cradl, of ordnance, and steam pressures. that baWr e O Goes 'I re any d"ge 1vomber. :L903 ' ..... ...... ............... 74,8153 05 I a a olientleman." which b6gins with a low owA work, as well as look aft f It t-' a the , icy tuako condensed , and special Solis for oranges, and I . walked all the straight bright little fouryeat-old child-. in this hotel?" Boy (With his teeM X)fyido OOL Pays, 0 in Ill Germany it: V�Eo yo way louting and ends with a AO -A ZrA per c lot � d Exchange prices. Ito 6tOWOd from Palm city?" gaze Into your eyes. Alasdair rals- In an interview Mrs. Philip rd3P9)Ee% chatteritig,��"N-not 1904 (2 months) .� ... ..... 49,968 16 eggs I The superfluous water is r&- S took _$190,5n(l 71. radvqd and sWar is added. The away a cat little bundle of dislike her terrible trouble an(( 90,vc� for it.,, up for the labelled Arujita. Ile walked thrpugh 4o I it's oaj� , ittock. an" wage ad his head. Atlanta clutched Hec� freely of
dsndo�13401 09P iora put 11 ad from unstinted praise to Dodd's XidneY Transferred to Reserve Fund ............ . ...... . .......... 16,135 00 hernotiCall). Sealed boxes, the world inct ! to look at a there nQ yolk list tile and a' It 7 But tor's arm involuntaril -3215.661 72: liarkibt In t 4�4ranl- Its fush- her checks went at Or every IJHMIP, S box coAalning about man oi- a woman and all STORY (1, Oge paAmd ffeglo. This won't tonl&s. rubbidigo flipygivo yol4. here." droll of blood. $474,902 68 rids a do," or "You Balance of Profit end Loss carried forward orticlo A a. my brother Alas- was sick for six,montlis,"', she Rood market All outh, Africa, but Onctigh for him. Mo did not Iiiince -11 believe tbey have some N.6rhiskey, Pona Asunt 11 dair-" "be r fore taking Dodd's isidno$1 ,If A MA L WO�id 'uso� the expeelondo RESERVE FUND. ht matters with Hector when he 1WRO As, said, during the egg fUmInd Wt ...... ...... I $2,983,865 00 to tills country ur th chance. At He stopped; for lie felt now her He turned in a Pills- Daring that time I w#d'�61X of othrs;lAs w6,Wd never acq,4ird Balance at credit of account 30th April, 1903 ... tie Jmportqd I Was seeing Ilinistra Scotto ,FrIggUet%, wheret I am. Stopple gr 10,135 00 Hector 9- 1P On his arm. pitat and 'two of bli own. Translarred from Profit 4hd Loss Account ......... .............. ry . =! in Grace HoB more or less Profit. I solicitude, th miJa on the road. tile Poll '-What 19 it ? . -What Is tj -tongue pl&f ot rayr, 'an $3,000,000 00 br ?_ A" in -.the- General
TIM BLO;i OF HEALTH. Orange King stepping stuVdfly, brid, -,ig vtoe t1081d In both that nothl"6 '86ttorL ;W
hough Ithouit 4L StamaLck to over his arm. Iroond their names an h.. 11 I 1. 1. . 'r, �TW%Y, alt yPU Ill making,mure could be done far Btanches of the Bank have been opened during the past eight months' G`iiWIIC at times. "No -no , than with Ono that' got 1, ton 118b she Is OA the Son." mullblurs, it's 6QXpe like the he whispered, dney pills An 'I trt" yo need careful But tell Me. Heeklo'L 'What neV( Play the Sign a Cross. "It's nothing. started taking Dodd's KI in Fort William "it St. Thomas, Ont. &I 1, A year. Little children 41wa, Hector, sending his burning gate d am still using them. T ey AII Branches of the parkk.have been Inspected during the pa attcxxtjoll�_but they tie fiat, nqo,i tile L horizon, no it he saW thera. As ro �ajftftlt diust be a I have been feeling faint all day. I April an to yoVe have done me a world of godq Tile dli�j"t r 0 Ono T r�bptq, .27tk Jandary, 1904. E,_ B. OSLER, President. AW �' 'Will see , the am very silly. It's all over now . , . - ) - .0 - drup. ivilen any osilxn�it tile oh.1p tli%t bore the Qub0p, as if hIF tbpg. f the Shareholders were ten
ft me and I di Tkq- w4y g4d Wt, an leavie no The Report, was adopted and the thItaks a cities ti�qy 9hould a6t bedrugged In- eyou are wel- Dropsy has all k L ings Af QNeU ?' - - L �' - Then to AlAsdair. - ligectsi-qarry them with you In 1your -Prel$ldent and Directors for their services and lasdair. ydu aball sloo tile comes Sir, to Prigancta." doing all my own work just the OPM1,0 bad dered to the President. Vice
to insensibility with tile sq called On the deop sky's verge A. AluctUadt "Yen'. A Ck 1. Vast, per. a at I'm" medicines nor should I Queen. She will be hero in a low I am proud to, meet Xour leddy- as I was before I Wa I;o4et-60 In box. 33 ccr;lgs�_js to ilie General Manager and other officers of the Bank for the efficient t light they lie given strong nmuseous, grip- Gleamed, grow, shone strengthened dao -s now, But 1-11 tell yold all ship, said Aladdair SimP11J. The talk these cases has causoa as formence of their r6spectivo dutle Ifig purgatives. The very best modi- had "Senor Grant. has Ow gener�l the Krdeker-llft' the Nowleds don't The following gentlemen were,elected Directors for the ensuing year: int, perfect sight, about it kq-4ight. when Yqu'VO d uppkan much of Also qerved to show h cjno In tho - you are Attlee WelcolbAD, aft."' Ibie of Dbdd's Xidney Pills hast bie,- pa" to you any longer?" Decker- Messrs. A. W. -Austin, W. R. Brock, M,P., T. Eaton, J. J. Pay. X. 0-, world for such troubles An bowed and dipped and rose again some RUPPOe. Have you, Jett your you colic. *our Stomach. Wdigestt6n, the sall's clear whIte. luggage at Palm City ?" llb�e foolish fellow has walked all come and how numerous are the -cures -,No,, I'm the man who -introduced Wra litco.' Wilmot, D� . Matthews and E. B. Oster, M.P. Is a good chokel Me way from Palin City," laughed ffected of Pain In the Back, Rhbuma-, Xt a'uubseque'nt meeting of the, Directors, Mr. E. B. Oaler, M.P., was constipation. dinarhoca. worins, The Orange King had arranged it , ,I,uggage I That I.E. body rides here. tism, Dropsy, an -president, for the ensuing 5' "a I here, colds, timpla levers and teething all. Tile Palmettos wanted the Luggago I Man. I-Rckle. when I got Hector� ' very d all the othor re elected President and Mr. W. 1). Matthews, Vice trubles Is Baby's Own Tablets. If Spark. Surely their Queen woulli fire �!� our letter I list came aw -even the beggar has suits of diseased Kidneys, In fact Kidney Pills be GENERAL STATEMENT. vout little ones Suffer from any of them. Be sent two cables, and iiasis. I_Jlst,stopped to put on my Ills age. cures by Dodd's Mloard s Liniment for sale eye phete er.ud as dre these troubles give them the Tablets Maddalena was coming. hainin' kilt. The people here sale The round Don found by the hon lf I -vair W I Liabilities.
a4d sea how quickly they will bring "Four days now-that'b all. Mar- never seen a kilt pefore, Vill be Miguel from his study into the PfttIO whi they haval4alled to cur has The Pool' "I know that I'm not Notes in Circulation ............ 2,721,874 00 of health, Give the f presenta- chant has full particulars about thinkin'. There wets ti, crood that and again the coremon a back the bloom The yet to be reported. worth of you, darling." The Fairy- Deposits not bearing interest ..... ...... . . ... S 8,088,422 68 little ones an occasional dose of the Espoleto. and if he makes the island followed me two or three mile oat tion had to be gone through. . W Rom bar that. 14arold, and my Deposits bearing interest (including Inter- Tabletsi and you will keep them VVII- by daylight he has orders to stand a, the toon.11 old man hold Out his hand to Alas- please you. senor." ,14A 25 rled life is sure to be happy." est accrued to date) ...... .... ............... 23,298,718 57 26,877
Urs. )RObt. Hanna, Elgin, Ont., has out again until nightfall." Hector could not. help smiling at dair, and rec6ivecl such a grip all ....Frgiv, mb," sail] 11cctcr'wilh a mar . . . I J�
proved the tmth "of the" statefatntu **!)a you come with US to IM130t the th6ught. 4' Alasidair was ortains made him half.ropent, of his ready ..,all �thsit :good Lever?x Y7,(Wtse ead),Dlsinfect- to the Public .................. $29,099,015 25 and says ;�- 'I find Baby's wn TtLb- her ly a, sight for, the gods. Tall, one- courtesy. Then father and daughter caxaes�in �. Total. Libilities . . . I ,
time. When her Majesty Undies I 8.000,000 00 lots the beat remed for indigestion .,No, I shall remain at Palm city, eod, red of hair and board. brick- conferred. and e�nnoupced that Alaso shall aAk you to be there t I co .' 6 t qnt Soap Powder dusted in the Capital Stock Pald up ......... I; to � m " bath. softens the water and Mole- Reservo'Fupd .... ; .... ......... . .................. 8,000,000 00 and teething troubles." The Tablets at that I'm afraid, but I rod of skin, arrayed in full majesty dolr Might havo the room next her: she will be glad of your � prep- (sets. Balance of Profits carried forward ... . ....... 474902 68 cost 25 Conte a box. and may be believe tile authorities are be- at kilts ,)laid and bonnet. a gq,at Hector's, looking out; upon the vine- ence, your sympathy, your si�rly Dividend Nos 85, pay4blo 2nd Jan.(2 mthe). 49,968 16 bad from ditiggists or by mail front nning to Wonder what . takes 1110 dirk at.his hip, Alaudair might well Yards and, t1b �Ao a. Ith a snalle help. Nay -I was keeping this'.)fo a Little Elmer -"PAPA, what Is lln- Former Dividends unclaimed .. . .. .............. 28 75
Tilt Dr. Willicans Medletile Co.s out here so oftnin." havo attracted a crowd of tho aim- Buts" Sai, actors w surprise, but you have forced. m "I fear - Y litersess?" ProleAbor Broa4ead- Res�rved for Exchange, etc . ...... ......... * ..... . 21,664 61 Brockville. Ont. "Hang tile authorities I's pie wonder-loing Palmott'". that'lifil his real Purpose, hand -it is her MoJelity's pleaAdire Politeness, my son,.Is the art 99,628 9�, 8,64).183 10 __+ - "WIth all my henit. Only loaf "And how did van like the sea ?" that AInsidair will not be able to to,nalne, you liar chief maid -of -honor, Of not Rebate on Bills Discounted ...... in Japan archer , a test their arrows lots Stanipti, citaffed 3�6, . Said -.0 I man, it wase good, but I Partake a$ your hospitality, how- i.tting other.poople know what you nIg Nor -can I . and 1. as her Majesty's repre f enta, ire ky think Of �JAQIN" $85,745,198 85 by balancing m he didn't think mucb�. of 'Asuntas Wag always longin' to be at the ever willing he Way b6. tive, now formally diselaro you. in- .01 Assets, the second andt third fingers of tile Smith, as a arne" chourney'e end for the sake of seeln' any longer, Don Miguel." ducted and installed into your, high -How that 2" - ried, the old - man, office, from now until- borL- MWesty ......... ............... ......................... $ 1,059.462 14
left hand and rapily airllng them it, beast." bv the feallocred end with the fingers I I Mftflft� LIMment Cures liumt, etc, t) ipis c, i'lian Government Demand Notes ........ 1,806,248 00
"Or of 'Asunta Grant,' bitlier.." Ilivell, now 'that you ao see me. and Aarunta pilled. releases YOU." of the right. If the arrow makes a "Whist I" what have You to fifty "Mr. Smith and I have lia:d a long The honor was not altogether un- Deposit with Dominion Government for Se- talk, and 'he wants me --you know a it , gave Mugging -la that an upright pta� -curity of Note Circulation .................. 140,000 00 -well, you kiriow, people will talk. xpected, but the pleasur
no Sometimes they mana Alitudair turned his one . eye on pound it is crook6d and after till, he's tfic'li`641 Vommanae;�' Nat a CIA her Banks 1,209,662 80 ralgAtic go to get wut- must be I Is T-Tactortvith -as TAUCIT imPlArttillitY Asunts, - was keen. For tho mbmdn*t no ext door?" Buggins,"Give it e of and aquas Ott at tie truth Into What tile play, And v 0 r- Balances due from other Banks In Canada 548,570 29 $190 Re-ard. $1oo. ho looked sideways at he could : to litais file foster -brother she forgot everything In it -b up. 'All I know to that it's a down- 182,887 54 4,00ter' With Was a very prince. of men, Ili whom WELL -POSTED. thing save to stoop and kiss 1`100� right nuisance." 13alanco due by London Agents ........... EL quizzical sort oi air. ali'lf invitill# eo.b_iljg rjdl'� es. due -from other Bankis.alsoliaro The readers of this paper will be as m, n Can. and'the linifed Kingdcorn. 678,909 02 confidence, q flaw . but stAve " he would C.14 ornia zoator, W -it" Malanc -W61tov.1l to--tem--ttrat there is at lemut lli-CiAird-fta Iwo bia7dr Iiii-. -eye Years Experience. colons in the action -it wal; out- or Over 31xty voters than I one dreated illsorkso that sciOnco has "ThaVa the worst shot you ever (which seemed to bold all thh: loceni wardly a Mere dxpi;esslon ol'thanks. uss. wrores.dw's sopimiso ST.3L,,j.r -trl,.b Provincial Government Securities ............ 94,296 87 I t 1. !%Ib that m clswrin. Uall's Catarrh Cure -I hope go, But I'll tell you one n to its Own) 0, -In -my 40 3r6axs' experience 0 a slip hat- that the hand an Rector's, or Foreign or'Cottonlal Public Securities In, the jOly p"Itivo cure now known to Ono in a4ditAo been t1ble to cure, Ill 611 Its zt[1968, arid znndo fit your life. Mr. Smith." ness and expressiveness 0 Yet behind that, she did not let' it ill Canadian Municipal Securities end British
the m g friend. T stako�my tyl;terrilty. Catarrh, being thing, my youb gIc&= of affeo%lou holf sorrowful. teacher and practitioner along iryo He felt her lips burn, and lie with other than Cai3adian ......... ............... 671,028 79 a O:00,41%11 1U.Ires 0 reputation for acuteness o1ft R: DOXIA ifsn trtattliont. liall's Catarrh balf Playful. glento lines. says a Los Angeles drevr,� it a triffe faster than was Railway and other Bonds, Debentures and t_,Uro Ill talr4a 16tiota(Lilto, acting direct- Aounta wouldn't need to be aske I "It's too dark to sea ou. proper, filtysician, "I hsVO never found a chivalrous. Stocks - . .. .......... ......... . ...... 3,882,217 51 ly Upon tba blool 61141 mucous surfac- twice, if you wore the Man that Put iiq for "And noW." he went on laughin y Woman," remarked thdL Plain L I
t I but op'ra no Flo stOOt as 3fou' VVIISS. food to compare with Grap-Nu .91 Loand on Call red by a and be -
to n tile loyotelfi. t%ateby dostrO tile iho quention." of to keep the Situation to coraddy, ,Jinj An' your face to morO pleculanter oncra son, 11suppo to pain more heroically 4,121.069 18 an g ving I health bentures ......... .... .... ......... .. . ............. t 0,tatl t strongt by ton Iding up the of talk tondatir, Of th% (Ilsesso, nod. That kort I under bar Unjosty's Orders then man. -J'Ara you a doctor?" $18,848,o796 G4 L I-Tect, r stiffe thab I hery seen It pefore. Ali'. I'm all classes of people, 1, have recom- "you are conto Itutton and assl5ting nature in do- was to him. Ile know Aguas; thinkin'." he added. With e, little manded Grepe-Nuto for. a. number of -of those of her ropreaentativb." "No; I am a man- asked a lietener. Bills Discounted it Advances CurrexA, .. $21,400,271 20 ins Its work. The proprietors have La was a lovely Woman: lie was rills own acuteness.' tsenor." all
its cur1stivo powers at satisfaction at ybarg to patients with the greatest Overdue IDebts (estimated loss ProvIdcd for) 9,091$ 26
$a inuch tolth in thrown much tit h;r society; wily, ShO that you'll be in love I" aticcess and every aar'a experlenoo "Do you still desire tc; come to that they offer ()no ilundred Dollarn tolf, Send (or wail a ,*working itatricst," and he Beal Estate, other than Bank Premises ... 48,100 55 ars 0111 that It (allst to cure. A,lasdair W irnakes me more enthusiastic regard- Callforn. I's Mortgatres on Real Estate sold by Pank 6,000 00 jot1rAoN0IjAllr . treatod her frankly as a co If& of, de I you Panic Promises ......... ............ ....... ............ . U "N r mradb. 110 I but I'm t,011111' YOU- DV inen Ing its use. '10 I but yes. but yes P. 'y 6 Uo" awl; he ininginad Fill "Must 1 ceder, then ? And I -lector 425,000 00
Toledo. 0. J11"t . think I oQuIdna, sea that ? 'A ways recom- cludod under foregoing Vrugillatot, 75t:.Or coast,. Int ; but 0 1 tills was lo ridlof �you was looklia Just , "I make it a rule to ,at smiled with a Side look to Don Other Assets not In
Aevcr looks 00 and ....... ...... ........ 8,028 70 21,901,401 71 y Pills f 5 I lie 1144 no, eye' now'. oxcert Wire must have Inherited my
1.1un 3 for a 1 61 mftd Otailo-iltits and Postum F "pa what echer mean hands �n,his ort in ful Migu*l.
illation. howsoover brilliant, 1146 Who Wail sglsi,la� tb8 i� 1COiTee In place of coffee wbeln giving Adunta's tam -fall. �Sha saw the by saying the oniVL. mad with tile moco: Wberc'tbc Queen . 6111 "Ots from my patients Instructions as to diet trap now. She shrugged )ter dliould- bad temper?" Inquired little Johnny. $85,745,198 85 SLIGHTLY PARADOXICAL. was. who looked at the slave? NO.' VOU )rbt, A Mir— you're right. for I know bath Grape-sNuts hnd ors almost contemptuously, s.wept 418he means, my Son, that YOU ard T. 6. BROVOR, and be won sure that Asunta hati 'but 1,I)b bat &&Ald to wlilsl5br,it to posturn can anyone. WJIl'XoU pleaso incort 'this obitu- Ind be digested by him an over-tiaborato court6sy, and your mother's Own boy'.0 Toronto, 81st December, 1008. General Manager,
ary nGtice?" writes OL corre�apondent Ito wthought, for.1jim beyond thip- "As for rayAolf, when Ob9aged in left the pat4o an the top of a ninth ------ he as the, herald of liberty, the intalk had carried them up the much mental work my diet twice wave of dignity and resentment. Mho Omeaent & GIAVO to ti tho 6diter of a leading, daily pa- - be Tl,,,Ir I a mIdent of "I liackicti bold to,ask It. because avunt-courler of MaddeLlOnn, to that led to the house, and day consists of GrapemNutis lind rich Hector lookdd quoryingly tit her rrh6- T. $aMple. Ilton, LOWSK BETTER t9r. yOV USE honored (to such. Nothh)lf 'more. lfpw they stood at tile door opening rearn. I find it just the thing to father, and for reply the old man Slim la'ElustAlmOtItcompad � "bin I no -,V tbo deoqmM bad inany friends il F. hill, navolv-to Ule,your phrase t6,tb' tholpatI6# %there s, tInV foun sy matter and keep the blow a thin spiral that was old. Pa., writes Pot years Iwii sifillctod with who'd be glad to hear of his d6tith." build Up grV QUALITY -'put the Ildlostloti., working order. quence sublimed. Chronic CAt$Xrb. Reme4loo *dd tirdattlikht it. All the tain pirsafiM amid green branihiss and brain in good falists only 0avo me tenig)
I glad to hear erful of- "I have offended boria Aounta." by ny, relief rr flantillig blossaw'. i -In actliltion to its wand a Use "I 8*18 aine, tako a little I 1W *oqg6t cure a couV. Wh6it front me, I like you, Grant, or I CIII40W ft*der. It I
Igave &IMIT.8tint Od- corners. making soft and shadowy Grilpe,1111to - always keeps the Aigea- same -cone moment a fire to warm you ik.cough hol In all- Joliet 50. C.Ut�.-49 10
rriendly adillee InIft lights,-thone froni' unobtrusive facts lie brain and nerve food "Tot, tot I Her mother Wan the was InducoI t' wouldn't worry to talk to YOU- It I,ha cool hP&co. ' And noW. 696,1114t, tive organs in perfect. Maltby tone. you. "U the next to consunto YOU. ou'ro vvisco, u'll, leave 1- Ax4nota ackg . round[ of green and dusky I carry It With me when I travel, to leave you white bprieg, But it ".You're a nfea little bay, Tonmy," at onc, (1, UP ato the Mctfit&�- tile b 'ad I red. the 11hadWst tObk Allatit- mdV - otherwise I am almost certain to passes quickly." It flnil statio 01ftsito-YOU 1100 to in& Ldlant in Palest 7161� Is no place fliting at Chl- 641d' Mr. N6*ma'h. That's what its. To have trouble with rdy staxpladJA.,, 0AW Ok 14AD 104 and New Q all Amy vixen they fIr6t meet #Is- 4ecp's arri%kt -low, dante,Ao,%pet them with outt- XtAla 4gvetL by p -a Pt � C-, --TAg--"y IF hinGeaway, an 6,Tn Pan% &O inpition abba. Silo! CrAelt, With, ,Oat( hands and we I a ton of you, nsow r.. eft VIO to meet Ilaptar, for like the above 'It Widdie most unwise A6y Plossit-401a" Of4cior QAn Ouppf*r You. I.can see It, Anybody with hall ad. �d in the darknells. will have T" Lot*$ that tha#4 14vo tier )lead Alagdair lingers igo King," she beffsti. train phyAle111mil, all over the country forgotten. Let us talk at other INIST ON doror-p4a oors. Tonic at Your Omr 1) Slia.-I was for' Shall bate. hint soon. Every tivae hAVO Ata.miteds Grape -Nuts the most things. Your friend must eo.t." car "Veil yea;fs ctilre. It it till; orical. Cldttr oleat'lie food to the world. sufferer from Bronchial trouble, U is''gotatitaid to kvig4nota's nettIcif ir lift comes, you vitalk &wi% witli biM. "That Would not be I desirds * -_ I ina And would be, so boarso at times that sdotoWt* *0 tghnd latit MoneY. 101ger Say- but IO he added, Wftha � little out I 8LjAA,4A0,word witt'ro you lnd�-casch time you stay patka"Ller the ten%- reoN" 'of fits lighter glitriti, .,,to I -could scarcely Speak above a his- stZIA Co. SU let yo gh 6, ursolt Good-ni I LADY',q- V90G VATM to rriganota longer, "Tho, Road to Well- of from nothitni Ilector Walked betel. it via#'not ova drink In IrOWntivef," trigot no'Voll Uvatiopol t siltAmIs but this time ad HONA4, Not �f IR blif mind. Dti A selmv�ots wag called. end to -hiM your MINARD'S Abe least duirloub of bu I a in altogtoor gave I 0 110t,416 111011 '(�r Asubta, Ito Ile. Aky broth 1*0 'hattlee rellaIL Which women 00 engaged Is that eft' Large aidd Vasa Stearriships,. Surertar. it wet 'Your 4rdthffiv Vo Z women' had A vOtO the "Offrmad was Alaida,lis -entrUsted. Ere lie AX. I th- OL a 6 As es hogul tix:4 bottles made & cOfAPI0to t6rad upon by Miss 'Mona Sheldon of I r all cl a a at Maddatenn on tile v 6 0 Would b0 left at went, however, bo,,wbIspeWd into Ih.ldtrs 46tolumod tio 0 rk ad -1 bachat' cattlIdest oorll,, anA S"teroom. re Alsulita's b I tnqiktx,.ob,-, 11octitirse mr tu;*,. t wogjd'heartily recommend It PriOnd6hip. �NoItW O36MY, Who i b&s ad Post. , 0.1 gullotift from throitt or started a trek term upon M ii, I Tanhu lasl X0 ItErLy. !'Thoola no her 211 ;to rolyoffe 460,ld Saloon "d Thi",J' is. bws *t damonat an.
lied Ut. waallt loto Usetor SlAo6ki his he�a,.anil 'Alan- Uni troUblo. acre Vatch of jilve.inp. Mar frogli a" Tor tatas of to It 000. romer la-Chitt, ho P"641*1§ ad ll gIrtieu are, apply to [ I , 0 aL7L to -night. It to, n& dair tdl)owed Vie novilint with J. P. VANBUSNIRX. of ,course, at the 01ble, variety, *AORO any ligOnt of the ampasayl, or to ,)as. fteitv�til's best gift to m1kn but, ofter. U
ricton. hind logs are beloved of the goutwo 6 eayo4toIA h X all, tu , 6141 whetfief, i It, ; tiviom a 4imied ;OOMILA, Itsa �ot thot, 411"h., littl6, tOk Or an1*14 ty OR, ailr j1dot -17. Montreal.
no lv� - - ov 0406. MISS- 'Sheldon, nCtJ igooki, - E11100 M1 ht"'s Any *Itot; I've knd There ai* $ot lour -days," Wild tNe*`VV'-t=- rda
0, h U , 7-', 'a& a-
ttlkfiV w6men In My time. and I IMOU01. 1OW)AY, go toomnight'l questioning about Pa" Mau sold to in a a I I Ildva you -S r. , I the absence ill the Out Of her reptilian stock-in-traa d(Ifts'i tbilli I'd be willing to -'ell6nite "But see. bor for for any 0ollian I iti6t,- 41111101 before t get liki-6 066 tftht to Is 0 d'o. nA*I*, I -M . r ig Willio take 0±6 Of sev�*"w lod", "Jit lid 64 *A940also **0
thbtd. ittilfs th&s uchybW4 bgWd ITtirthaM x A010j" I tOf now. or heard ar. I'm Nwil"tAN: td t4e baby we are 041" Mli`�-; At JdWrablo *d64,'61 tU Ii7 loya so P 4%6*0064" ovalkia Co. v Vft, t t.ahtit iti. ixiotrowi and, I shall U torthei 4ind-h6lo you) tw6t heiads, 06 (rd, yaji elpedf'ran 10 t6 644 P"Oplat"t' J,wquld at won think of leavla# thq ? ou45- (:K4 that ally ift9onabib fttoilift, 44Trulyy but fb*vb toY sA honore4_+bW tmpt�-I* Wilit to oboe" -O. -Not that toy *116 rV Ps, Is, itot aw *ixori4blo " tiny otmr Dr. C husl6l, ID 6� 1010od-l-, Oordom Vold Vie, of" IcIlisr 11, 0,112;oc to- Say that YOU 10*4 *4*00 ut$, "a twobut. ft' two tiznbffit-ll ) . 161111119 ASUhtis. I o 7t" ED rAsrfl,,v4 ftidian. fAlod you, tot 06 'Otto, 0 knows better Thak.46 ton love in". e �yg"Aiad hit "it :Elk
there 06 times v1phovi the y many WOI�04,dat� Wott 0111tilli"ed dAir 4*- then 1 *Jj(tt is J"t h6horit- 3ft toon'doubit'the littlet AtOtO-y f ch4o$0 Ilt, ViAitiAti itild t'A+(tL other 4004ft, lonttt-y6ti ell'thO r80t6knWIv6 Of O'llut Xpu. do ols. khow ot tlxk Oro odred histuhn I t4 -m anoWas 0000 but told yo,' tholit *ft- titto tit "t. Y6UL ft&T6 not' Y the Qu wo, *wt- to VA ttrJ6M*1, tKAt nanig. TOU order 'lot toy boot: but I *01 �40W Ait. When 116, stutattar to Adt
to MI. Women, lovo yoo, how arime1011"ea Nervo Wk% VtOAtifili $or IlkStante, the other - 4sy It Is A trying Vint tilifty, grew or other In An ttuoj. BAt *bost would thiil, ' JessrA h6* X fttl 441hit *0140#4 Iot 101k $cilto, roll n1wi" Ax"W* "UrAft th6h6Ji*, like, inlan has a rlght�to 111 prove 'of despittrM, 91, ever holost cure4. be, srithout, W t*_ Oft blir 6wh o0d, inat. , De" U 1106WA JOS IL .1 MV lkotices sAal, hira on th* WAa of Sta, il im Ar AU KINDS 0J of rich, oomabi d, lho; Ali 00" 'It 064%. Vbotl 66*6 ooIra 10M - 000wimft do. I pot bly Otor I 'hoid toAff. Although X'si IKO P` vatanobs, 10010- ill- go oat= *14M T:h" no to Pot, 'It, JIf' St l! Well Une#O, hospital r6o6f U volkiss, 404A AW) %P 1:11411"Oke 1XI lift all, It h# kr*At t *kth 1310hoo, 'L *** **A Ito Old ultlt WIM 00 Mint0r, fob "OU" 1161 a Women td rs�ob la no0#1 �6 10011th*6 0 � to VO0aink kly*. AU is, lovib (ft"IsilptIL, now, 11. Kits, 4#*W*1I," "Id I to lxi�%Ahollfgh $4 6 odA of trial Ill' tWis thofiftt box that I auclit Ahri* it, so, trach do." at. livel. It 01. itt IT r - 'Jethipd- to. fWga" ti %4 0 �a
0 Atid 1?,Rhn 7%tys built Me, tight U A- nof Wail c lilt I 6 ktjko*� *04, eok er Uawl AIWP---- I' _ L , J#-" 14,40 I,* oileIb#t 1'�Lrtbll at Wth I hoid *,:Jv1ft isittht, to- at MO X h6M this "I we *U1 08- but 14 Iftft f,40ub(t. Ott., witte. 01taos-ay Is' to Wt. o, , bt of, Ittlo 0, e lid J*yA. oft to tell llooM so wki., Iof 31�. 4)(1,17 *06 Or X*�#o I! .W* 0060th l6bout 06 06k; Of 0jW!Jj Norte * " ft'o'ft th� blit 0*1� "Wo tS"It", to,xtow thil, you 100' �ttkft ft A' Op for 04 -at - A% �it, box, 6, Ito*" tois 2.50, At oil, Ilt no fft4f&�, tM** tot t to. k, Co., %NwA, 'to bot on * irottiai*011 uftis Of firw"Atibf 09, ot, X1 ito tiot *t Aft I tot %6, *hat h* AsId', 'AI64, ijat*r 4tlj,g tjOI4 11tWvoUt Iffit" fivad. wp totott fi4t � �Koth T 114, tre *hkt Ott , ftrtlA And #"'tron# �tl!a 4s� to moulder *0 hot fillew, Vot. 'A. AX P101" , thol, fmbu f4e4to pht, roi� qf Nt liotlifffi*, *A4 thii0t could, lia I044"'L wy *"-' "Ok otilitkoroL odf*L.OA will, tt" $hM%r Of %be, *0*011 to I 01y, d.s