The Goderich Star, 1904-01-29, Page 1t0 0 THO 009F.R.1C" STAR' 1hu A to AR 14 P4 W*49"t P�r to tIM COU"ty of, "000i, 404 In Wo ifxttglx ot 04 County �!%t jP The 0 o 0outur Qr a Tot) P., dv" fR11DAY4 JANU tj TvT. '000=01io ONT. ARY 29, WC; Wdo t On, ,,I 1!11 Jill I R, VICE A A The wwoo Dask"'DI"". P 11RI110111 W"� M O"T. have 4104sippol"ted the isligar uukifilv. oil. In A 11151hily Railelormed 11ACW[Will. the PAlot yg*rby t%QtjftOW1Q06 of -Alvo I lutiviladvr ireliticis 040 A Witill Killown AA tito", is�­$Olik* Notow abo, 45k. this ftk 'The, Toronto News, during the Paro pit, 1 7��:Pg suppri I r 6 two ky ougf, Wets to %oop gle, factpry plus. -,-0,40 ---- -S -in a � 11101111t, --otito—W] a arreau, r W Idiomlisslout las� summer on ItIng-siltaprollL. Thelprool it t of 7,0W AO Otto "11.4 W- fteso orsmgv�n­ $1 otbo ek'"Itot th0, T. P. deal strongly sitilpoviteil 044, y rplan ne"s Can lie harldkd at the Wallace - III - r' 66 '', ' ­ y Peter MaRsita", ollat k -th*Qqveruwent`* position, and urged a thin of In r everola; --Morr Wgro scarce thisit Row R. X X. �prkbvlss, of xele buirg plauits, which le 4000 of the Illoat rs Wope, Ing Upe X the of the beat nown, men the vas* flux cut .0; :III tall welsk, w4lio passed suddenly though p"x-efully offlekkits but A Adjut r jlA tl?A 00�tjqv* 01 n 1,014 1,014 ,, w AA9 hahollor camodwallir Of Usein tt 10490 JJ -basis" proposed. Noce the failure to at , loss. Some of thefituntora oft , ris"! Vortibir shipment at �hailtl, WM te. returu ItO,to4p 0 after a, long Illness at litlis roill- school toomm, T o weting Willi ho AX tbe W 0 of Ill Many Inswtha put up the required five millions de�, too large an ackeilge. avid could not got ."P got, -itu ther Ustrilt 0 Cambria Road, vl, posit. and the revelation of Inherent tile necessary help to 11 � It, t e 0 Mrs), sits 100 78 koefiliso t'bo rol'isvid. Jm. Ince lie was In a serious edl a..... �.lt Q. re vh w Alm "I'Mal Al —0 _XiJ tol" 1 010, Z11111410 40nibic Ism ris. Rev.) diffirIoiltles which the delay bus Then, the past two ears have ciloon' W lVer Celli Is I All Are we and im. vrow.4 ;Ali Ition at hm,,% u-1- AT beerful dis;r brought out, the News seems to have, characterized by excessive drought or i por owLt i. 3 there silver Celli Val" but a well lived life and 0 ......... a 128 M eyoulaij pA wasievidene ehem 444 Nev., asevidetiol Polay doer. 8 itito these COO- Ir �4 position carried him- through the 20 W b 1411 . Tbogo4 1,W attack, and for weeks lip was around thotiobt over the whole matter from excessIvo ratin, The handling of a 'of, rest, ro Owingtothe uncertainty of par t4 , mporAlkeemeettrigg each 46h- Sunday it tempers are growlinf in In* s,1111 rt.celvilig tile congratillivitiong *mors in ............ Is, wig goo fog 'Wassirtl qC0 I dependent standpoint, and, large beet Crop do r, Dr. s0 histrit-nds. 'rho winter. however, now that the question will be reope�. by ftrwors to 111tortere withothel, slitaftis. 41 terett, sit. SlutilAy dop to the to Ing 0 itiobi front Toronto Issast Satar. late In the fall Is found ........... nee. ....... 0 Us Q 60, : The CQU of Sands; 0 Interfered on, MOVOttl tboiserretAVY bitter viold and driving storui there revived th" i'"'ll "kioll he ed In the House, which Is Called to work. These moons aec gild, btatol-room 0 to to 045 0 of the Uppor Cansda. Bible Soolet:r. -attauslanceto hear Rev. Ill., cirposed 010 river YO orsibly witb Onto attendance, the seseary nd'i g- nuolcwi�vat, ........ 0.42 did not attempt the trip, And his visit Pp. Daniel. Whot'spoUe on the plight rip, congr ;k mourned Ity I'll ilo kuvw Miss, Mr. Ineet -�On March 10th, the N"'W" lays for the short all ly; lid for the deter- its, 43 I25 harp Im Well P00tP01104- Who annual and towth of the temperance move. McEwsu, like the lateS%inivel, Platt, down a rallway program its followts: loation of the reflner�to� wind up the to e.low it, avorage, At 0 p. that report Of the 800141Y Just issued 6119WO werif on this Continent. All', J* H, wile a man of energy and never iest- '�J) The Queboo-Monctou extension ... ......... 22 day �IIQ� t4gretollootterwaa tbred, belovis, tht the total reveituo-for INS was Lewitt Was obalronsin, and In the no. fut when there was *4 cort-prin It a sufftcloub supply to not to sak6 a., > Air tell to J It. 1. Wrta And acpoll 7 vro on the Sugro, and It a #aid It $UON,,an Increase of $348W over that avoldiAblelosence of the Belcher quar, 0 0 Wine 2 sdrosippd to:8 holl, 11SPOrtrilkItY Of be abandoned i DOM ":: J;?w during 4 'night. stitrUngworkthatwoul giveemploy- forthcomingthis year. The fartners for a tr Q. MUM" Boo Of I.WJ;- $0,600 %VIkd special donated tatte, Mauter Wilfrid Lewitt gave a 3) 11711" construction of the Whini, for s o r 0 III -000 it) very �Aptpoprltktsa 117001tAti011- NOict deceased gautlelusin peg�quobeo line lie delayed until pro. At A cuttlit0wind Inrldip the Cold mqrk, in IT urent to those willing to work. 'I%o ( re itrongly appoilledto to put their . .............. 30 36,10 ponvenlorsit foe. outdoor exercitle, and closty. Darin per surveys aw made she Pop NCO, Iva walgh 0 ............ 610, a aq itialy ears were treated durfi�g the the quebert 8.6 tithe Year SundayLt e speaker will be Mr. James full and be but* reversers with a Ilder to the wheel and grow beets C0100940, & 11964, drisw.4 ...... the,to.tal 4,4oues of implos of t e Scrip- Mito .......... 25 JPpinontl Altuaittill, , bript% 'InOlgaut, Vinik - Ill". " ............. ... 0 14 to 010 dity�- bell, And the Belcher male quRr- couritge worthy of - emulation, and (a) That It he not, In any case, enough tokeepthefactory in operation. totte,will he present with some flue who met him pilly *at 010iii 013 -Y G O., Apiilytoxmo 10TH PT41t WFF Bacon. ron ........ 012 turois. from the Toronto Ve after after the fire leassid to the 0. T. P. for fifty years 1 The deep allow (na .................... 5410 ow on some of the side- reached 3%979, an Increase a A little mplectlens. The managers of these Shag wlks bilve bro which destroyed the SaItford block, (0 That the listercollontal be lix- The election trends In Toronto grow 'f AD NO p skins ........ .......... 0 0 to 060 0§111l pedestrians near mom than OOW Over lssuvx of l9ft meetings partictilarly Invite theyoung learned how a cheerful mass could bear v%4�4 to Georglan Elsay by the im- Ts WANTED—= Cards Tall 't siderod 00 'A tto. O)j, tile Istalvolleaof t e town trees and In The issues from Tronto' in foreign to trinst daily, as additional particulars 006#0 CvRr I b ........ men of the town t6attend, and ther a great misfortune. Mr. MeEwan wits edlate purchas ) of tile Booth rail- oundf -awwo" Qhopi:7f "But, VUOO In t I . ............. %. 0 to larijilpages were as follows: ArAble 2, aim to snake the services ouch as wi I a loveable re developed, rutil now the rascality ,tOr 'at, It, Via or soft A,106 11-6 Inches W III 'Q 12 a few- insta 49 slear that hats have I Owp to, Ity diameter Ala, r eyepprib ...� ........... .... 0 41 to 013 been hins thi arkno" -Wv%e4L Inches i". N'tt" 4 Inches 1609. �Aor . Armeamn 0. Ofilnete 60, Creeg, Danish interest 4vid C be. (I man, never kit w ?�e 6bolts must not be o9K - jaest-call OCR Chlokents. per b- ................. 0 OW Oil Thire ate i1faily walk" where -the snow a Dutch 8. Fintsibb, " FI( trouble others. and a1w ys reativ to (5) That the. G. T. P. lye bmught a's 4asupeor, proportiona that are ps;Tt: car, foro. quagre .................. 6 W to 5 74 whilt 3. Tllo� success of the annual mettin wa . paid, delivered' -4 NVAN. those In dl- rench UI. German 761, Greek 213, Oc. ....... looka as though it -was borq on upert District. R. T. of T., at Sea- treas. The 9ceased haq abetter record point oil Lake Stiperior, thus provid- not astray, this Is the, culmination of 676 Is two ftoo'ddop, and as the beautiful ji, g of lend a. heiging hand tt down toort Arthur or some struilar positively alarming. If Indications am PM ANP YWEMA1111M. Ong Hebrew 181% Hungarl"'OK- Icelandic forth. last Friday, was seriously inter- than the accumulation of great wealth, Ing , wAwr route for grain, A series of election swindles and would be a -kindness, If the .7 Italian 10, Japanese 400, Norwegian scene, per doisoc ................. o 2o to o sit resk.11ts near low branches would A P611ah 0D. Roi fered with by the, snow blockade, the that of furnishin work by thoL listiti- �e, per doixiiii .............. ­ 6 20 to OW Via) unumian 31, Russian - as In Goderich and (6) Ths the 0. T. P. be extonded frauds that have been cart -led oil for secretary Win unable to got down tatters of Indust% t 0 2D to 080 Ipp, them Off .1 es , rd A 0 Q to 0 from Blyth wit, the books, and many F YOU WANT,XO RIM, 137T OR$ 871, Ruthenian 2,084, Spanish 8. no farther at present than 136slivess Mon are complaining of Swedl-jh 41, Syriao 3,' alsoolif with the Tewlskarialugue YeAr"' ANTOING, an advortleamout lmder Is rogr bushel ..... ........ 0 50 to 0 British I SaItford. to conneet lit the city and surpstunding dis 10 Tt -in is sure tb, help 7( it - Vury, tottAdetlirough the snow block- languages, Gaelic 27 and Welsh 1. delegates who would have faced ordin- The lato Mr. MoUwan wall borts near rallmi and so with Its own system tricts, and 8o thorough I . I been tile i ary difficulties being absent-, reverthe. Glasgow, Scotland, fit 1810, and came VIIIP,TISEMENTS., ' of railandother roads, and the The repo;,tio submitted at the annual less, the attendance was fair under the to Canada lit May, ., 1852 and at Nor Is Day. organization for their co nued oper- -The �bol NEW AD troubleig accentuated by the PrOba- meeting of the Huron Presbyterial 'and there was 'd, done Lbat great I y Is being ex- OR SAJfl )k -C conditions, lap to Goderich to 1873. where he hild (7) That the Government plan for 1% -h the Society, hold in Clinton recently abow he seve Lien of the road from Win ni- 1"Writot, otter press and other office turni- PAR* bility of Its continuance throng Lura bolo C to the I;mtato of the litterN, ("Ara Patina Xotice�X W. Thomson ........... 0 eat and even enthuslasm.in previouidy engaged In ral well construe pokenced'in getti g I 'the toiLders and winter, for at present there ape no the total membership of auxillarles for eat be followed. via Campaign operations and conditions ilrilling enterprises. Seine few years Peg W 4, Ayl%p IV" At the rool4enct) of MRS, 1G. CA.M flarliwimpo StL%ps-:M;Kenrto & Howoll� - - 8 allms, of a1artutil thaw. Along -the IM2 was 431, for IM, 457, an Increase of rincipals. Tire Toronto Telegram, to �#' PPN�jgo 'son bL Fragment ftle-W. A. McKim ............ 8 It. R. track there are long stretches were discussid, and the peports seem- after his %rr.1 val he was elected 'to the Commeting dh title Change of P ;-� �-- 26 subtaberso. The membership of Mis- Its great credit, has commenced legal nvjLDzRS.-Juaroaulvods*srIc d70f Reliable Footwoar-Dowrobsir & Uvloar. t where there Is -just room enrivigh to ow a lively state In must of the TQwn Council, stud In 18W he was 6 hotart, the Montreal star points oub hingles, for odlo). At,* slou Hands, for LOW was 431, In 1093 represented.' The following inamber of the Council of the town- prtmeedings to expose the operators. r Britt..h Columbia S Reduction Sale -J. H. Colborno ...... ..... A the ears to Past; through, and in these = maIJ a loss of 104 members. so ' e to cote 0 ON if Mr, R. L. Borden had patented pily to F� MEETILTowri. offic rh w re I d f r I - Dist ship of Colborne. He married in 1871, that but every device that can be suggested FebroargoSacrifice Sale - W. Acheson -two inches with & Contributed by Auxiliaries in I9'j2 ()Oun F, G. Noelins, Seaforth; D. V: Miss Chriatents MacKay, of the town. his plan, introduced last session as a ? IT R, SALICI n .................... .............. 5 slight wind causes a block, that re- SIM.48, 31[�V'liioLi) �FUMNFIU- Win 8; placea a, fill of In IN3.#1537AW. Contributed Colm:: Nliag Burnett, CUlutou; Chap., ship of Tuckeramith, who surviv an titute for to defeitt the ends of justice' has been As I am lis p he treotillgi a ter ftl W as blis h PidhQ,mMt�?at Profits C. 4 quires greAt labor to break. Most of by, Mission Hands In 1902, $290.89; In Noble Cluff geaforth; Sec., Mrs. D. him, and leaves three son&-Poter Jr., scheme, the News would have been '0011 *It othly dwo Il carries at bargil 1; put Into motl6n. 'No matter upon of din tuir room furniture, I trot Arrivals for the walsooads through the townabi Spr; Hodgens Bros.. A 19A $299,00. Total contributions for D. Crittenason, Blyth; Tress., J.' VV. Rugh J. A. and William G., three whose head the guilt may fall (and the .room, sets X warArobe. carpo sittile!, though many j%r" bad y IW2 01819.87 ; for 1003, *18=28, All I u- Johnston, Vorits, Herald. G. M. Hill- r4stento F. and unable to attempt to palm this off oa wood' cook stave with -ti. 'XIativiss To N. Lewis ................ I are paw. daughtero-Balle L., Ch ition. Apply to 810- Railway Notico4. H. Macdonald ........ I pitobboled. but -the side rvads arepear, crease of about $I& These reports ott, Goderich; Marshall, J. E. Wall- -Margaret Towere; two brothers -John the country as or*inAl. It 113 tile higher up the leaders t e more is ex- sKingthn ly ali'level. with the fence's and many of were all adopted. It was decided un- Lure - Presi Reporter, F. 0. Neellins; 8 -w important posaire to bo deeirell), le us hope the ATtIon Salst-Thes. Gundry .. ; .. .......... them impassable for heavy too&. On Itnimously to chpluge the time and Delejato to Qr%nd Council. Investigation will be (till and the stroll" 1.2.11-41119 " .I � - I 14 . - . MuEwan, of Minneapolis, and Goo. Borden plAil-with a fe ::�� Wedneiday there was a break In thc have the antsual'weeting the second tal Thus. Naf- MoEwan, It. P., and Mime Isabella Me- olulaslons. S WANTED. Tiir Calendar. Hwan, of Hennall. to mourn his death. punishment its - y as truth and -TEN ER Mectin storm, ataw woretrialne came through Tuesday in November, the next meet- 14NDICRti FO WOOiD.-Tistufart; will be Ernoilmnt meeting ot Huron Chapter. No. 3D. and quite 4 number of farmers came ing to be held In Reneall. The dele- Afterlealving the home tgrm.in Hill,. These are: justice can desire. These crimes are T mccivajI by M R. A;, id.. next Tuesday evening. tO tO`wfi, thus liveakin ' many roads - to ' ral meeting of General o uladermlirnbil for tho-4ollv- I.g atiou atint (Contributed by Press Depart, of W. C. T. U.) Wrt, dereamed came to Goolorich and (1) Mr, Borden proposed that the for too lightly regarded In Canada to- cry, of 76eord;i araell wend, 4 toot lolf, Beech Meatinsk at Ituroka Council, R. T. of T., next and making.olvighling a dangerous. g drilled the Tecumseh Bait Well. read from Edmonton to tile Pacific day and It's tlns� for a change. AaVcpI% At least ono-lialf Maple. reo from Monday evening, Foll. Ist. oefety to be lessened to two from the PROHIBITION PROORNlas Afterwards he wax ongaged in the Coast be s, Government lints, over I tj for the Pubno'Schoolli, meeting fthe C. 0. F. next Tuesday eerting. The 0. T.R.has beenhardbittbe Presbyterial, one from each Auxiliar Bill a and back 10 itiodericia, to be Irv'Oked W A And other bughtess. According to the Chicago Journal, grain business in Seatorth. where he whicit, all transcontinental railways be ,1111N,Pvt past two weeks; but until Monday of and opi front each Mission Band. The TonderA to be for not less than 11904, The low- Annual meeting of South Hama County this wee L wag ableto send out and re- officers for IWA are as follows: Ron Vg hich hits published a complete list of also put down several Halt wells fop iven running rights. This would na- Another Liber.at newspaper, tile delivered on or before ,Srll Teu� Ing Telegraph, of St, John, N. B., does lore Oran Lodge at Exeter, Feb. 2nd, 199, for fionlize one of the few romal asttander not noeoqsmr accept Itr -9. Colin Fletche the counties, cities, and towns of the the late Dr. Coleman, for The. Mer n or me or more trains each day. On orary Pre?ldslnt� Mi r o rum aloe on of officers end varietal bualnesi A CeIvOc Gray, will be received OTIQ. 1901. United States which'have adopted pro- chants' Salt Co. and for the passes through the Rockies. and pro- MIL M j fa pears Lit -to to the not couce a a LL, 3 r!lr, to F' Co. )3oard, God, lodoop LA requested, . either in or out.but; the one from the $haw, Eginnudville, Ist Vice, re . It bit on it p t at 30,000,000 peo- Youn and Sparling Oo. From Sort. vent It monopoly of ou: 1abile Sob Mr. large dolessattors from each of the pet ry that dxy.ho%;e�v0r, there were no trains Thames Rbad; President. Mrs. Not, %I its disgust with Rotisistri, The reralar pieet pie are living in that country under forth %a went to Dublin, Mitchell and Coast. Speaking of tho Nituation In this prov- Ing of the Godetich branch -tly before Hamilton, Goderich; 2nd Vice, Mr. east rea�ehed this town shot of the West Huron Women's Institute will be 0a.m. on Tuesday, and the train that Sewers, Brucefteld, 8rd Vice, Mrs. J. (2) Mr. Borden proposed to titkoe Wool, It 8aYI:- PUBLIC NOTICE. bold at the home of Mrs. Cornell, Keay. SL, on prohibition, afforded by state law or Brussels, where other sWt wells were Thursday, Fob. tth. tit I o'citick it. in. should have left at 7 15 a.m. on 310ti- Larkin. Srafortli ; Secretary. Mrs.- local option. drilled oyer, tire C. P. R. link north of Lake toThe crisis at Present A�Pearis In the IGHEST PRIC" PAID for Elm, Ash The Kintee Daughters will meet on Wodnos- day Jeft aboutS.31[la.m. on Tuesday.. Richard Irwin. Clinton; Treasurer, - ThPn coming to Goderich he put ir -tary well and estahlished The Graud Trunk and the Int,ercolonlal an It .ad. Basswood Lumber At tIM -d. at 3 o'clock In the LOCAL OPTION VieJORIES down the porlor, and thus atonce FOVe the rin of a Government, w ose major- bT day next, Feb. 31 The reation assigned for the absence of Mrs. Ellen Scott, Seaforth ; Seem In In imininent ()singer of being FURNI'KURE FACTORY Geller- The anti-salonnists in Kentucky are International, Salt Co., and frons that toilers, from It by the courts of Justice in the usual place. All the members or � trains, on Monday, was the running Off of Supplies. Miss, 1[4te ItIcTaggal-L, ti all -rail route Intl) the West. ch. qurted to attend, " there Is special business iing great victories, says The Dial time cii he wa,8 ongaged opera ng Eric to a transacted. the palls, near itchell, of the snow Clinton ; Secretary of I.i torattl ro. M rs. gain rolly-given thil,t'afplication MM J. CARRIE. Secretary. (it Progress. Local optl6n is thirir Intern4tional, an the Harbor sult (3) Mi., Borden did not propose to and the by-olootione, temporarily at the next so4s on of the -ess 8P re tv a dollar on building A julli, ot averting botit dangers by a 'hurry' FOL11131JO L4 lie P e will W r1io: T train that left at 83.0 a -u). Martn, R xeter; Pi U tAj Y. NJ I There in no abuse of parties Works, and for the Inat twenty years, hattle, ei - the Legislature. that Is, the Mon o ,i da by the Guelph Juliet sally b Ilway, even it , t, f t,` ad I), varied experience; its R. Irwin. a" far na the Temim- all for Rmillvay aont,4 Ty for an Act aniondl. Me Born. first stop -was at the HtiroA Road or churches, but the best element in Tire Goderich Salt works in 14odtford. Legislature Is helug' summoned In all Company's Av, ,e incorporation and �ou%.N?,- Missing, where notwithstanding its KNOX CHURCH IN IWI them is called out to unite 'jand help In 1888 Arid 1880 he had the contract knsingue line. alorty that sub -al -01 Ing the Comp ,),v to dispose of I" IIIIIIAXilY, Oil Pitrom-In Goderluh. on Monday C 118 fop jotitv to the Quebec Bridge. unusual famblon III order to save any part "A by Italia or otherwise. to in* at the of Mr. and Mrs. J. ld�%slrgttthn: two big Moguls it needed help to get a The annual meeting of the conKre- put do," the saloons, and the result for, and drilled six artesian we upporters of it tottering Government "a of the water works system of the town It will be seen that t front trial." its, .'� &I i,took nd booding powers. to to Mr. ad SL George Price, of Hamilton. fresh start, it had many narrow es- gation was held In the facture room In Kentucky Is sixty counties Out lie Borden t:j,i 1,ulldivg at branob,,line er W414 1 an . d for a son. capeo, but did not get read last until last WednesdaF evening, with a 8MIL11 onehundrkdandnineteen are under otGoderlob, andinthesairso yearbe Additions are very Important, for drderot tho-� Married. other pur&�E, IL MAVOWULD. near Dublin, whore It was snow bound ­attendanice� Ille, various reports for absolute-prollibition4 t down an artesian well at the ?H P49,69 Of PaESIDENT ROOSUVELT'S CPINION. secretary DRINXWATZa�Lovg.-At the residence of for so long it time, that all the trains the past year, coveritif �iui rslo Asylum. While running the those amongst other reasons. muggest- ln the Manitoba Legislature on Gualoli V. O. the brido's mother Williar Saltiord salt well, the deceased was ed by our Montreal contemporary : Tuesday last Attsirtley-Gencral Camp- n the branph war* cancelled for the printed matter, were d stribut Pjmi�sident Roosevelt Is quoted byThe tingaged in the I sayv mill and cooper- We should not let avilither Rocky bell oiallned his 'proposed changes in assojp� Jan. 19, 1901. ftistreat, on Jan. 27th AD by Re%r. W. D. Mc?ioe. - Art ur E. Drin.kwater, a Alice It. oldost do lighter of Mrs, day. and sh-iw plow and gangs of men how a very successful year. The only Kansas Issas as saying: "The Mende age stock bus ness, and for many mountain Pass leave our -Possession. the liquor law (if Matiftoba. Thernaln FOR SALE, OR TO LET; sent to relieve it. obange In the OMCIII,18 Wag placing the of the saloon keepers denounce their yettra he WAR N, vessel owner. 2 T.-ftolounrift-the Bedford Block, Groat indigation is expressed by a name of It. G. Cameron as it inastager, opponents for not treating the saloon plankto of the Government platform 13 HEN number of j�ommerdhdtravellera who vice that of A. McD. Allan. The funeral will take place to Mait- We should at �vsra regain control of lately ocooplod by Dr. Whitely, 532 larAce, st a T XOWU xop#s business like any other. Thelle land cemetery on Monday fter- the "bridge" along thenorthollOre Of nor room and two smaller ends. odern were among pabsenters oil a train thal- The Session reports IM w1ded to anwer to this is that the business Is oon. The death of Peter Mc� Uke Superior, wliet-e ()no title Of rall. N. LwAqs, Solicitor a G. T. R. between the membership In 19M-120 by pro- not like other businesses, and tbat the Ewe 1. A good license low properiv on- Zon-vonlonce& pply-W. E., � - � :. was ono n will be sorrowful news to HuV- way -possibly double -tracked o.t. settle fored. 2. Tbtatithotitton of all salon for Estate. ham GzNEIL&Tiows. - A notable London and 'Stratford, at the treat, fesslon of faith and 37 by certificate. Itetiolps of the saloon keepers them- onitsom everywhere. all of whoul will SALE OR TO RANT. -That dosirable group sat for a photograph in Sillowe mentWitiloll theyaasert, they received But the year was exceptional in the selves conclusively prove this to lie the , thno-will carry all tire rall traffic of lice"Nos. 8. AWItion of wholesale nipathlze wirb the widow and main- proptirty, comer at Waterloo St. And at the Windsor and Grand Central great number of removals, 50 cortift- ease. It tends to produce criminality 1,11ra of the fanilly In theft gross, -y for And we licensee fit pupal municipalities. 4. I nAvoQue'ritnin simentronist. Contain. Studio two weeks ago, in which there Hotels at St. Mary's. Their train was cato.s Wn granted to parties remov- In the population at large and law. - t be- the counti Stringent legislation, deaing with In- Orson a story frame house. also were five goneratious-McCamn, of snowed up from 3 p. in. on Thursday Ing from t a bounds, 0 deaths, and 16 breaking Among the Wo reavement. In the home circle he will should riot waste any illoneY on that tordlets. 5. Improvemont of Condit- ,A And poliard contalitinr choicest Colborne, In her 8Sth year; her be es ecialiv missed, for as a husband tr lid two ad b hitil Cots facing till 5 p.m. Friday last week. At 8 dropped without certificate, a total thernaelves. When thel, u men are mad route, unknown. tinsurvoyed, And Ion of bonst-fide fiotel. I). Ellinination I is t%tt I n e scout be , 0 property daughter, Mrs. Thos. Han t1ton, of the - or and Father he was all that these terms 0I undesivablesl its license holders. e r Z sties in town. same township; granddaughter, Mrs. o'clock on Friday morning a party, in lose of 75, the net gain 01, and the allowed to do as they w I theT)T,, Imply, nd beloved to a. dogive that tininhabited, through tire north coun It. Sprung, of town. And her two cludirs one lady, set out to get fod membership is now 680. sure to debauch not ont th ifte ranges froul Winn,_ Tl,ero,,vlll be no chango in hours. daughters, Mrs. Wallace, of Petrolla, from t. Mar's, seven miles away. tr,,, .1 ' ., y makes the Inevitable sotaration as try, over grat NAVII&IMISON, Saftforth. A The financial statement Is as fol- social, blit the body poll 80. AnBrVoll SALE -Belbx dorriwrlgott Of stron Fisher, at Colborne Thety, allege that on reaching St lows: keen as human hearts can ear. peg to Quebec. Whon we come to Air. Henry BlIber, the M. P. P. for Acres, known irmle, farm. in .42d and Airs. A fhs�y were refused food and .: Ild colonization)ines Into that Colin- Goderighou the Huron with their babled. Grandma M�'- Mary, TOTAL IZZCZ[rM. bit lointug the town of comouslatiou by both hotels mentioned. PUBLIC LIBRARY. I South 11upon hits 5iven notice In the ;%(L tx acres of hardw bush. Cann." the patriarchal head of this The Wood Question. try, they should run north and south, ul dairy or fruit form. Good brIck looking group, was born in They are brit Ing the m' tter to the Arriounix controlled by Staltialvere- tapping it at frequent intervals and Legloslattire of the following motion oil good To the Witor (it Tux STAR. brim. Rod good water. PO -0-11 ttentiou of No Commer"c'fal Travell- palaces from I=- Genoral Fund ...... S 87 115 &a been list once lyto Taos. TILT count Rw Rents and Offerinsid ..... 2R25 40 British tK Pown, Ireland, In 1810; she The following list of books It relative to slide county obartze, 412 rlclh ren. nine late Collections ................ ..... am 00 anded to the Library during the Inat The fuel question Is the most Ini- leading directly to I he tolde and In (it the Hotis(� for A, return IPl?-tf was e mothror of 12 child We Association, who will lay the com- Canada. I- or whorn are still living; she had 60 plaint before the License Commission- Ladies'Aid Donation. .................. 1350 few weeks. The special attention of Portaut one of the day to those who dustrial centros (if old ALUABLE RESIDECE FOR SALI of the travellora have, in Y. P. 23. C. Z Groot .................... 21 ou our son, faring citizens Is Invited to the work for their dally sustenance, for It of copl(-s of all correspondence be- grand childress� 48 great grand child- Tv" Briacial Collections for Decorations.... 111100 tween the (lovernment or any main- "KaS.'rorrty ta'on-8;uth street and can- ravid olvild- addition. irlsLpucted their�sollcltors to Deficit carried to 1904 ................ ... al 70 last four on the list, as containing rise front $3 to $7.50 for a cord of EDITORIAL COMMrNT. or officIal thereof, or portions on a I t, I, Ora on. avid 2 great great g tua The buildings cO1111111 tell, all of whoirs are stiff living. 'This take action. It Is understood that matter which tuav be of Interest to wood (and that within a period of I wo Its holialf, and tiny other person ot, V.-011ing house with, kitchen, is a rare record certainly, and one to the only explanation given fly the ho- $nil at them a) is serious Indeed to those who The Dutch has captured Holland In elinneetion with tile ap- w I Cold alked and barn. hot be proud of. tel proprietors Is that the hour, 10.3D Amounts not controlled by Mansitzerit Balance from 19ft-Itellof Fund.. IS W A lCulght of the White Crom and tire ptit off from that labor agaill, thAt, Its the Grit Candidate has 0"intclOnt, "C %V111- na Regis - The house to heated with a complete in the morning, was Inconvenient. Its W2 Cendamnell #is a Nihilist when the cold"sn-Abscorno. trar of the County of Huron." water systm, and s a modern, up tO.datO special Cnileetiono ..................... Vallev of Doolsion %S Ite of All carried North Oxford. but by a inn- succzssrut, DANCE. - The Bar- Sehowes of tho Church .................. 671 Or N tp " year, dwelling. I W. F. Misionary Society 85 The Rxintriates , loullor in Natal when the coal strIke was . u"Iri. For I IM;ZlaVP17- to the undersigned. mony'adance In Oddfellows' Rall on Brief Town Topics. Under Wellington',; Cournland pallties tiought coal and so d It at cost JorltY Which, while It retaill" a Bull- Dominion Parliament him been Dated clituh June, 11,101 . . McGillivray Mistiton Hand 3"121 78 American OIII Ault Countess Dowager price, and many think that, Council pot -ter for the Cloverninelit by a solid PROUIDPOOT & HATS. Tuesday evening wits one of the Pleas- Sabbath School .... ........ . t� The Stronuonq Life inIght by legislation and Inspection, nine hundred. IN No far- liclow tilt- norin- CRIlt-d W 11100t Oil MArCh 1001, and the solicitors toryondatil' t-scautdr- antest of the season. The attendance Don't forget t1seoultry show neXt Y. P. 13. C. 11C ...................... ..... 73 47 Short History of collit, nild Currency or day and three following days. Bible CIA44 ............... .. ....... .... 33 17 Tollitay, file Life mud Work by buying and selling to those will) wli,l; J.11se enough to make thingil; Tiles Volit Fund ................... .... I ...... 710 20 PrIncest, of Thule Boym of Spartan School at Liberal majority In the riding Its to emsion promies to he quite integ-est- pleasant without crowding, and those Robert Clark was cutting ice just, off -j72-4;Tj Tn.t in t�o Slave Land CAlInOt afford to f1ght I he Monopolists, expected the east end of thenorth pier. The help to redtice the evil InthisconnPe. 4311.1'ry COndoinnation of the(l,,vern- I"g, ""twithst"I'lli'19 all present had a delightful evening. The Ono oft oTonth Waves and Itipplas I-jEORGE Lgli!IMAIDGE OrgAntot and music, furnished by the Blackstone out was a thick one and the Ice of very rjApt, Nat's Treasure Lion. A pound in 16 ounces, it cord 129 ulent In niany of tlie diget d table dearth of rho Choir Maxtl*. Ox C h. - wits all -that could be de- good quality. . Tire Will of an Eccentric feet, A grocer or hatcher IN forced . to ted No (j, Ir. I,. Iiin will give to many )NO up in follo Ing sub- Red Rook In Forest Lands events which have attrat re I o and pictures of Many Wars Il and the Italtans vivo 10-outiess for, every p(nind nold Ice I Piano. Ple n Vol Mine host J. J. Wright has added I& ion for monle years. *1) ..... lit -Ft. and It Inity lit- the session lted, . d the rograwme included Amounts controlled by Managero- a t for U v tv Ex- all the fashions, I�le devices. gaticin Ministar'o Salary and Suppiy .......... I 140000 St^n Lynn Athletics then why should not, the wood ttent 1 -twit wt -11 into June. A Ing ions.. r.o 1111ft cammenced shortly livilore ten, &III telephone to the equipment of the Musical Department ........ ....... luo 9 Life of Madame Guyon rakin�of the 11matille t c sire the Intost fIgni-es to Park House. which. like the firmt roh- Collector and Cnrotaker'm salary ...... BW 00 Across India Orent lborkanitallway b - I reed to give 128 feet (if wood for following some two hours I-ster an ap ell,lng In. has a touch of coming sPrIng in Its Au"Illbly, Syuod and Presbywry Hit. mitiontion and.11to Lar each cord he solls P This view Is held hand supper w" ser 11 Composition ved. The h. I WAS 107 27 Word Coinage by our people. and to them It soonio WIT" THE LODOES. charmingly decorated, "The Daugh- ,go "08 3 ....... .... ............. strange that men who always vlahn III Total vote (I plao to advent. bIX'h siollitiol Oranta. ... ............ 153 19 A njorican at Oxford A number of anglers were out on Ittlecoliancous Expenses .............. iii lig Beentlectionso(A Plazer frokill ...... ........... 44t�4 fers 9f t a Empire" having left their a trying their pulpit Supply ................. I .. ...... m w Momorlop of Vallimn, ounces for everyXilund they buy #%rp Total volp ay 20th, IIA12 NOTICE Violet Day embellishments for the the Ice the past few dav -- Training or Wild Animals ollowed to Roll an deliver I I I other- fCoonvill of the Canadian "it it Alo0m Gall and Oil Knzines %v'(( (!of. Alonro,14 voto ........ VNI As we are re-arg"lzing Harmoiny . h6p, The man, d luck at perch and herving, but were Self Holip w1mo than try the cord it. 14:. Butler's vote. ........ 1772 of Priend" will hold Its - stewards are to be not over successful on account of the Amounts not controlled by Managers- - Mechanical Drawliur Many loado said to be it cord sold or) I annnaI ineoting at Toronto in the Wood Carving Taylor.on Colt oat Cmpany, all acc6unts Ow dingly thiak tee. Motive Fund ... ... .... ................ Ill f3 ti W Col. Mutant'" majority March. Iri,4. Executive the success of Tivesday's dance, and excel) An Hanting this market have ineamured an low am ownth of Ing tlie firm of losed down this lionavollent t'l. .............. 8000 Allaritlor"i Compamp, etc. vow 718 The Big Mill was c 0 Church... GH 86 Nautical cyclopeffill Navigation Klutpl the club on its ablfity to attract such a Schemes of thT"c ............. Ifie,l 90 feet, iand very few rearb 115. III Increase In connnitteo lwpo to Iw able to piesont week through the blocking of the ..... .... ... ... 1. 'as M tisilln.,DIrectIl for Sea-farinit man on the surne esums load% fly length and Ill"glit The Conmervallve candidate P, a report of the progress niep crowd of young people. W. F. M. Society - - Alod G at Lake& are apparently it curd. lot triost of tf ond sptively Tnu Pout -TRY Sirow wareboume owing to the want of �cara. Ifol,1111irrAy Mi,tion Band ............. must be tettled by, .-The annual affd thus "abotlit fifty men are thrown Sabbath fthoul ........... ............ 3.2 short Wood vold ii cut 51 Inches in ovel, T)O more voJ than In IiXr2, And lian society. Y. P. 80cloty C. It ...................... 73 1117 ont exhibition of poultry and pet stock, out of pi-esent employment. Bible Clagil .................. .......... 3317 WITH THE HOCKEYISTS. length, hence it so-called cord Is only Woodstock city, whit'), 11) IIXP2 w The foll.twin offleom tif Huron Fril ulider thei auspices of the Huron Mr. 11. Caverhill arrived here Satur� Dout Fund .......... .. ...... ..... ... 706 129 Balance carrioJ to 190i Better Fn ad 61, 38 flve-olisthit ot a cord, and tire byer 278 Liberal turned td) over 3) majority o. :9). t. A. M.. wore Install- Poultry and Pet Stock Association, �Iay from Morrickville, Where be was )oaosa dollar's worth on evory lom 'if for the ConAervaltivii candidate. Mr. od I Tu"Willy ovelling, Jan. 10, by opens neirtluesday, Feb. 2nd, In the in charge of 4 dental practice, to take Zus Ali The senior seven loft for Londpn on this kind he buys. The Government WhIttli.y is EIIIOWII gtm p%lirpmning hilo- fit. Rx. A. Number. assisted Thj$ notice Is peremptory I Itrown Hall If will be continued the the position of 4-talstant, to Dr. Bay- rpiday to play the scheduled gAllne pit is nppie barrels sliall be it cort4lin Z. E. L. piz� he 5hrop fl�ja dayo-Weduesil"' don Mr, Cavorhill's borne Is In St. an, t ink it IN a fair IlY �l and no exCgptions will be Made. win with the Abordeens of that city, and troy can greatly assist the Reif thus, and we th T.' W. D. If costs are The prospects Ditkh;st ; I S.' illmm-tt, : i 5 =11111st, poor If they sizing up of the vordlot Too ,0cribo Is, Jov As Bock . Scrilho dded aftef that [iti. my. at -rived at their destination about illake It un - n the -Oddfollowo' Hall never 4 after a nine hours' journey lit it short cordwood loss than W. A. e, you.alorw are to blame. Mu=ythA.", show will excel former Catharines. VIOLUTDAY.- - tn., to el , , (i. ,I dAt I Leers a meet a P ..The vote In All ovillonve or tile (,,,n �nes as entp, to are coming in freely, West strost rink this Friday evening looked prattler or hold more patriotic without is, meal, and very much fag- 48 Inches. loollis tilerountry. Thovainpalign McKim ; P ., �oi !,a Porter t H. N., "vid of the very beat stock Friday afternoon and ged out, a condition not favorable to Can you. file. help us In this nilLtwr 4 for & battle r all at hockey, and our citizens than an 'I Y IL few d%,w, and when we 0. I.- Parsons 1 J. H. Tisivert, M. L#WSflV In Western Ontario have prolnisad to bo,78, who the beat Of Play. Th hardbon" y suggesting sense method by wh a brizoar fob Melivor, A. Egotier, Dr. Gal- virliffight the beat western evening of VialatDay, at the b 11111 enter thbir birds. The members of though not as tall as the boderlob buyers (it tiordwood can lie placed (in reallAod that the I outinion govorn- of V.. 1), the Association are working onorgotle- team shotild be heartily supporteill 4V Otters Wj Florence Nightintsile team. tire pickv t of forty thousand an equal friotin for, as you knot , I raw all Itil welght On thl' tilde 111w, It. Radeiii10 I Standat-d Bearer, 'U V Mont th loVe a good siante. hap gat, er- if Mr. Munro Goiltrich, ]JIM. 1904- any tort make the allow a success, and all 6 tor, ..wlthavlewof and leading feature, the rich man Ls only measured and lion James Stithrr. A. field i M. of C., W. Young; siolossif jildged hr thelp'managematif of for- it is said that (tn equal number of log funds fOr the ebildron's ward of PeePle, t nor, especially tile land had personal supervi"lon of tlm Sword F, C. Shepherd I Stew- k1ex6norn, fjospitall, and fltiv according to be Free Press, to thoir wood. while the It It tbat the The%. Nairn. met exhilli oa the Co..Colins. favored the nomination of the fs fast rkstin, which onAblestile"I too widowed, are forced to buy on the rampalgirs, the wondor I The showielater than Councillors Bowman and Connolly, oalebratitig the day. The Olvilipter majority lot not, larger than it is. There The annual rupeil of Oriderich CI&Ired. goal bombard their opponents' goal most market where tbore Its no town offitI&I Little clitinge of feel- L. 0. A.. w ich was post - usual bur, as the beat stock In Ontario, and that the flip of a copper decided the a strong one, and the members allow- of the time tile Play to on. Half a to ties that one gets fair play. has boon it remarki AUCTION SALE! and itio bift judge, were wanted, the tie Iti favor of Air. Bowman, who was ad their strength and their taste by minute before halt time, the scope Yours respectfully, fnWolnce fit(- general election of av thlilt4l that the nioutherm trilght attend dates had to be set to obtaffli these duty elected Warden. beautifying the hall and toatemlly was 1-1, but a lucky shot g%vo the the furseral of t,.e ]Alto Richars:1 Tlch� neamaii d r ,ing the tables. at which fancy 'ne. who wall a P. 1). M., wol.ii, TURF, BRED S14ORT wow sancessful poultry ei- Postmaster Galt -calls attention W ec a' Aberdeens agoill, and at tile Call of NRA It Faurlso. houl 11 hibition. the pastal law that IL11 box rents must good$ and Cabily were Hold And tea alf time, thA score wan 2 -1 In favar (jullitky Look an active held 11) the lodge 1-0011) of L. 0. L IND. The decorations extended h HORNS oflondon. g -n'll 1 -tin., 04H101.1vil TIL. Oil the IMoPnEic.-The funeral of the late he paidin solvance, and tbe80 days' ""Vld THE SICK. 1pvf allowed expires with this from the,ceiling to tire tables and part last week It) tile Ilve cle it"' III Oth in -t. It wnm not ns wt -11 attended other parts of the ronin, and as tile of the faggingjourney to the Fort -8t City 40, ktTRrLL & �ALKRLD Mrs. McPhee took place from her old after Which the boxes are waq clearly Reen 11) thp lay of oill. Nilrthortford. In the (if one 1. I Ill, J,l N4 ng vory eold And ,hort home, l6th con., Colborne, on the 20th Closed to the dAinquent holder. nq oil with In fl.n p(to lwodayx that lie will prol and mt"tiltv aw th.- li-oalls Almost Im- q. treamers were violet and white all en boys, and the game ( �Ir. A. Vt T,,d I I,&@ mae *,tell I'll, Lm of h[A Rpepelles therr ho to the tq 11"ll" 13ROS. will hoj4 Apublic suit Of tering were reminded of the (1,Ly which I)Ilt)L fall-ly good repre%eti- A' inst. In presence of a largo number of seoro Of 0 to 2 in favor of the Aher- .hl ts) iroont next week. allivy k IOUT relatives a cula, The Marine Band playnd ^ nice we- oil generation; to collie will be linn- fart tilitt week,; nfler the TP amily pot, ol- tli, firladl, ne I V ICetirin"at tJ2P WV9i­4Lpe9t U'Pk OR orzd in�e�rr- pilirt of KinFr 10dward'ill deen" t Avorp, tire Free Press Ray NI r W. H tj nisilita to n4A look Itilir tlip prommu verb placed In the Tuesday -even ng td an Appreciative DoinillioiNs, 'fly tire Rtught( -'re. lwe% -ro-tolt .rliore I lie woulli Ilko. but )w Investigation wam over tire varlotis lodgeq 20th, of qe6broary. bortle cemetery, Rev. J. L. Swall, Pea- -rs of the fvorable to London, lint for "th" !care Unto . t,f Chief 17--tronbriir(l marrit-d tht-y wern all In flotirishing condition. -old spell arid (fit many Empire, Although there WaA a gnodly I (suellce atropt, IA lot. only a 0 as�ativelY thr of Carlow' Presbyterian church, audience. The c splendid work (if tho Onderiell gold the millionairp Ron n(Ril Win. Mnlock. W) (Ioderiett'i'li. the ARA as 4hev lisve it wri -very bad walk, f fancy ArticleN, all Hold. Lisp him ven, who was down lotige. No action %rwq taLen as to jr? )tht eebe following were Witt, oq1loold not, 1 .6f the to any Mrig the officimtIng nifirsister, and the In , , I t , large attendain w1leve tt�ev %votil'i the vie- ontillisIurill,4irto sell. WOUT ovitt were aga, ns a CO. almo the violets. vandy and other Chlof justice lValconbri-lige, stritive to dispose' Of to PILIJ litrorg the ?one elders of the Viv nantil, frlondm of ('aptAin aA. Baxter will M litninti. Around 1,110 room there were tio mn"y to tearn i hAt lie 1* millbritla front bl"I Mr, Oniney said, I'll -14"' Oil"' "Ile tory jlf I(Ing Williall) I It, )it the flit- breedere I I ikeverth6les,; a goodly number teams: 11111- ,Lnd trialsei the offer- ollpirot Messrs. Aid% Yolm% Gordon Wate prosont. The fee was good, rind many cosy tables, at which from early by on InJitretl h"it. th�uir GODR!"(Wif tnod;jj Ljj mtj�hujdr.4 from 6 %bvtng,Th6.q.Burngan4X -young, the gentlemen savil, that the gentler afternoon until eve tute lAd4y Oon) stancep, )mve inkon pnit Ill t1w trial. tie of tho Iloyne, :film Year. The Ale il largo ning tea an( 124 Polpt 1), Nel vor ro plealled P D. jllIsltlitice� I t Ing. tA rerlort' He also said he won girld her, old neighborss;- Aler Glenn slex skated to every tune. were served, and it required qtd Smith we a will be and - MAjor roving, The d ta- Ple-witirden W, Ff. Xere bits shown o 6-n W,,t C.vor point J. Cautipboll standing In ,Intel- Adarn illien iho fol- tgublished w" born In Pantyl. army Of waitresses to serve tho litany T. ll,*Wier Fvrwmrl14 D. 1o0onald I I,,-. T v lCycry iq atill scrioualy III Boyd or any other- inan lowing offleerm were cho�n -. Uhmq. In A corner of J. Lawlor 11 'N Omw front thim. Itis ittbreary ali, 140kitidly Mae your Tun STAR the tWO medals he Is to pre- he Patronized thein. A Nyl -it ritle. tile veteran "tine lAnther who tied Mulls ohngton 0. Nt. . 0oo. Cantelors. D. vaillsw V. .,t to the year, 1821, -and Dominic : c vOr wXIr, Aloz 9;r:: U eatrits at otlee 01th mail In I the late Sohn McPhee, aent to the pupils who olistained the wt,,,,,, ,,, could delve into the future. Montgomery Mcosw he has hoon ty"riddell for so ninny inent, to. not clear taTitu 4TAItj%INt whateon- 1). .: 31ohn 4tut hap. i J. B. Mug GUNDIty first end slecond highest number of an depositihisc it piece of silver, tile Vice -Prep. N. 1). Rougvle, Manager Iowo obecry in dilfritAt, notwittinjandin - that halSoworhy. Fin. Tit, Auctl lot They werto matkii at the Hnitrottice exanis. in tble , anmured a fr;an4 the other i my "Ff I had nuction tile weddl ng referred to tuir n Now York state, and took the privilege of chow F. 0, Sliephard, extra man Rotiort my ryment giving , It. It. Elliott, Trolls. I E. J. county latit. y%ltr. The first, a haird. its sits with theeommloslon I theyoung 1 ,golonce inore, I wouldn't rnin� takinjim 4pe. their honeymoon tri to (%nads. ng either caidot, palmistry or rup (jamijilell, and 1). Thompson and 1). tur lip all v It stirain., PC" ' Elliott. 1). 0. , Goo. (loopor, Lect. A obottfr AftotwArds set.&F fit the old edwe gold mosiAl. Riot to oat -man rojilding for the test. Music Wall & McNevin were among those who me- had onubtlemnarrangtol thatIwfoio-%Ir- roaolution was pwsmed approvinK and 111AIWA1116 t t 11jilli 96n of the late RAY. Mr. Hall. leading festurp of the day, choice the hocksly Want to PEOPLE WE KNOW, prbie, bnt With h r Ir nor 11 I T. (Ow"ish *b6 att6rsd#4 at Clinton, strid tile orelections an the piano being I -11 it, cox. for the vpy-.v offlelent and crodit- iWilijbip to" the Ma tiand. Th#j 4 Wd d,td 4#06" *m the thather of 10 child- don. MrO quite Y00, Evori-ft )(kill "OL, ad* I friso, f6ur none atid Otto sticetill, a allver ruedall, to M1118 M41 frequently ; Mlaset Tilt, Price. lose- Mr. and Mrg. Walker. of Ingersoll, FlundAyeti him seconti charge WO bli, trononor to) wIlleb ho had filled the In Goerich. quarrie, of Grey* township, who fol- brook and Brown gave vocal solon, and memrs. j. r Itil 'bair tho last ypnrlt. The lareth- Jacob MOrler. being Blinded With Headache. accord. lie has every High It to a I �wod Mt. Hall on tire list. Thib Win- miss McLaten twoon theviolits. Not- on, [Ilan y, T wowl r. a nd do I t most severul y, Nit h t lip learned 0 t Io'Fall, 1 S rin 9%11 OD t Sores Oo, 28 ro T NO YOU it Xeshig tF the State 1) VII'll be proud of their withstanding file rough weather title People ofton get blinding head,whe johmmton, a (I Ittan, %vere in town on and tire PAlt Of )lost Itvj�y well Monay. right royaly hy provi4big a %nipper for 9.00' igan I 6u6il ltv, Miss Icaltlislitiffeit atherltig W0 It 41143CPSA In every war. that suffer front eon4tipation. Rlmp- Justices. whose wllqe of thopv Ittolltherjon. of sonforth, lhindayed In eb 0 A I, all those wiln lit the ineotl Ini And obbotillo wo he .,, I. v It *klt $Jttill ti�if, mo it" liviog ou t lot relfloblo Oyster Ella to.11, 11111011red boing patilicillatY lost I'VinedY IN Dr. Hwullton'a Pills tit u in taking charge of t 1) () f, Ii tOld h Chill the 00 to the 6. 4 04ttitiob 1(ott with s pt6owd6b, V, Jorogerimme of music Maltdre,kc and fluttnritut. They are 'Mo -oro. IT,. and J. lAsham. of"4arth Dalstot4. so fine a I owesto*# .4 , U&IS 103tilsursurst West sit for Waistline, the I tiptisition wit nothin it( pit alliple juglive wMA to tile goOd "06 �.tow* on this g6rhsi 6T it over $70,,4 ujild, Certain and Pahl. For headaphe lots, ymten my for their harass after a vock'. I W. Va tottiji ; GeO # Is the Post- frish t'ste!, Stews. " And Pil 110Y gmd- and the out retill I'll, �itilolr relatives In Oode their high sounAl 119 titit'll tbinT idwr which tile Tobmro deserving slid hilljotisVeao uso or)ly Dr. Ilamill- 4t IrAvAt, andlafti.66 Is it COO rolts, cooritletill a hatidsome addition to as I lomen - wat"I.r .4 home. warrant Us to expect - meni tops spent n enjoyable ovening. mow Loss's P1 Is. vice 230. ;21 &rWorlits to, Lt. I Amstiaito..* ,mil ,