The Goderich Star, 1903-05-08, Page 91, � i . . !( ,� . � I 04;1:1,1:1:11:� , 11, , 11 1:0:11:1: - .1... 1 14011pl� "lli'"ll"I'll""A"i - h " I I I . , , , � � � I . ­ 11 � . I I I . . - �, �� " , 1 ,i; I I i ,ii; i , , �i " I �; 'i � ; , � r � -� i,.;; �; i i� . � I I , I I � 1. I 1. , ,. - I ,�;­­­ I—— ­­­­ 11 I I I ;'i � ­ . I, 01 941 04 Win of 44TY01on, *14 0 0 in . P, . . � � I I .111 J y DALAI. AT, $31000 A DAY - 11. 11 1-1-11.. . 0 1�1�::: :11,1:1;:1:111 ::"; -, I � �,. I - ,� Wx , 11100- ,VAPV r mjo 1 . I . � I .. .... � 1-1 pow""WA, , 1U, . . " I .� I %. - . I . . � I � . I I . I i : a, . . I I W1.14 811009 L 11.01 � , . 'I BILL ,00"4-..,-.Im -44 - . 1.11, I- I I I :�� .:: :;. -1­11.1-MI-09- . M.- � - � - 1. � I I I I LL I �-�.�-Ai.Af..&A� % I I 4,4444oiio - I I 11 1. 11 111101"1111""PW , ­ . .. ,".", -11 I ­­ . I . 11 - ­ ... . I I �.=M ,,v,*A0"*#lv `99"v-, � I ' ", I I. I -Y '8� TOL "I' HOW IT 114 Al I : . . 1 , 11 I I .. 1111PPIL ,. � L * Vwt",to- Xt'"otiji' :7jjijoj� 'of , . . , , , EL �ST ' ' ' L' ". I I . :pQ VAIA ,Onimotl gr9m, 64terv, of ' to , lj)9,10104 - ItVAft And' r WOOP 11 . "-�' '" L "". j. I 4 Xtug of cotintloollo. U&S So To, , , , 1 . I M""" .1 . , � , . L,, � ,J ; . . , � , , � , , a 11, .. ,, . "" I , %4! flim"no'n I kP - W X= PDX IQV I, . � ... opttlito Iq sk. mititit -oisl an, 1A.Ruft.teAt - QOV*XV=,XT 00szAACTOus th* rroblom. COXXON rucivwx Of. ,OXWA I I I I I . � . , I �R _ , . 11� I . I , 't P" 011 N1 H 0 [ , , , Tbo VAII14".4,0t; the I$bOih I 04 ilorow - 3)4"AfX4T 110* joinorlsit oil 19ovid. 1% ho AdInAttool $or the ##lie of or. **lit -ba, Uled It - TrA VAVX TO VAT UVAIMM. - . ThoXisag of 0410badhol'haill solved I$ V*XXXX zxxol, - 4"Illl'lli, I I I . I , . " . , � I I .. : , L , ,,, , , . � , . . , I . , . i [��' . ... I I . I 1, I , II, - 111.44)44tt tjorq.tOo ;O� ,, 4,�O,, itis 0,1AV #V,1.Q, - 09r' H*rsIs iiii'tiho fobtflo" vfiisAth cit ' ' - ffqseriq OVIffir 1Atvo;=o*, 0*,s' , ;;9t - p0lonov, sad In "The Light TUt spit'lod F 11, Use, hasis olvWx4letit hill t"I" _ L , But for 41*47. tug Spoiniabi-Amori- the prgl)lvm of he* to ts happy , thouo married. A w to be always I Obildir # - . . . .,074 $till At. ft X . , jot,*, Ot qL2, � ItoAr I '. �,[ I .:L �. I . , ­ "I �111 . � . . I . .* ;, . .* 11 . . .* , JJ I . I rl , . the 040irst, si4riosunriQ& dool -, ­ b , y !T #Ad, 4 I$Vt. , JAjK Vonav)4L' ft�,srt, bils o,:t 4% 9Qr 's Z I xbout ' t 0104,t - logs, .11, Imp, ' in otin War Night lUvo Vadqd tilre prosseaco of one's, wife or her image Or 4,2,60 for Ayssi;*. : . Tatar olf Tboir 14�*,l' ' �l I I 1 L I i ,� .. 11�11. I � . ­�'�', , I . ­­ s I wh'at.soacco't"vocts -to $0e 1.0 It h 0". ­ I , I , , I I . ­ " �Oosk. "The, 4trugglo ',for V4014 "I , - - ��t4 �1 L "Crib". t4o"iltom 10, r .0j#r0A 0, ' . L � U L 0k. Who 0,ovo aotg0kv been on , the POW ot otst,%vtottitipo whisitligr in to 14 R.Loy.11 writes, Mfl� . ji�giv "tor & join Of cathqUat tastes 14 not livolt, al ,, titft to exist ter . we'llroutly. A certain %9 gllipbujlldlug� , cottioll it �jsuld Ifit snore Or less awkward , for the Xing of Cambodia to tria , , . I There Is ttQtb tug jisurm despa - h0sis IA 014 , � XOPS " the of - %h?t , . , I I .1 OX - 0 . . . � N� t LC "tolry,', , I . , of !UV41 k a _,7 '044 Pollillf'Lor, %'Us itlikono hi, 4, spilt ot wooden W4 - th lihIs streets L 9 of A big, Ottys fs�' 24 hours Q4 Y 811141109111� Nor is cossipts, the , ny wall recently sued by , always in the prescricie of Ill a wife, to= too . feet t t filming 010ript of . � . " 1, I .:: I -'-----,- , , I I � . I , ,.. ,, I I p I I L' . . ITTTV T9. 4141#00"�IqP40­ *"*#""W#"" "r" . . . � jakne,190 by"Allo, th 4eilw9ruL VQv4 - A ,W ere 4 'Wlth. 4iam, Jungle* of 89mth America, 14 a ,a beat at sea. or 04 thQ orso.4y =to it oloorIn to & the e3clierismut, a , 0 in all the Ion . , r or Marltilse for I% Ministe .09t,01114*875,000, slayst London An- ea there are 8,000, of her. A man who had 8.000 WiVest alwaysi tagglog . southwest China WAM so rof *Itux . their wives and Qb0drop 1p pW_ fatit .rT-9 , -PT . ,, , I I .11 I ., ,,ZV`or�d"0. 0qIfAXrIy WVQt0."T4iQOlr' 00-Y '44fibiliPtlool 413041tiou WIth , ends, emeralds, rn, - b100, Oct VapplAPOR, lionstip $in inch . of Auptrallil, give Avergent d.. # �1,-, L 1-i LONELIRK88 OF J:iiQNDON- awere. The firm In question .con- . . +-I i r .- 1, ,,A around him would be handicapped. INIhion, he went travelling he would thents from starving to Oath uw . urchasers, au, .11. .1+1k fi�d I . � � At L 3rdiuw0ji'di"' .It hajo boo�.X porrala, 4ligoluto mot,hematlip.41 corr"toojisf, 1pslo; thq whole vVililp, of the throne A-911111, Ill r AVVID19 -4 Aftele VIQK Paid ININCIA NNIU1194 A WOOK - 0 Rome 11 X - . .61Q, . 10 r 4-V Of Ow L . , , to charter fifteen or twenty . . ­4� I - ,L 1. I- atorig.v go tip- prove that dif!torqut, for his lodging. which left Witt truth- for the Spanish Government four hay and the lives of to seilers , � - 111014� to: *,`culate as to matorlat bet- arid it the same time duplicate Any 44UPt be Ave jrglIlq4 do JtL Jo . � . llara, I special tralus, and nobody I I , would , also p;,*. , , - A1.0y, thla I'sequire'd portion An the, form of lix- ruX*q Itsitoin feel starvation An different or lost, than is, ohillIng day for torpedg-boat destroyers and dellivo& fe dinner. own flesh and blood ares, � to �f the (titure. L . red that )iq*9, of the. precious vor think of inviting hisin to , q.;ngpto ' , Some suffer iaterraeI$�:'othora food sited drink. 11AIt as, day,"s issives- 'them by a certain diiite. Tile con- served by the money tgmy irwelVis. Lou. VQXCO or AV boo , . I . .. � , , coo."t?"InIrliont, The ece, strinfew h4vo L. n xvlfkqye4 Ali* glass , . Ititil; tto *QinnW# Lfgatigr, I . 1 way" At all, Some feel acute PbY- stigatign and comparison brought treat stipulated for v. payment by A little a roll On. 1% lacionlight flight slMest Mr. Nichols traveled through L don, rovieritl'y ptiblighliA %ble, tollowj�g, Itornip. chomps. which will have re- oubotit,4toi3O, but Mr. Stuart .found bzlrdl� him to or the King of Cambodia. tile famine strioloart Frovimor '91 L . , , ,4 �Vfs]l from *rnproved bUp,_ L. go of %he Conciliator% that stauslas � a w ll­k�owja Ecte ­ ljtllWd. AL All thq st9inest that he had tims to I . Ilea ' %roru, ,_A, tile', pain. while itthe actlerfin the contractors of $2,500 a week watid be I , . #-qi pea of , , . I c I " eXAMIne goAujilese, 004 beoullful. . ooes, twopence a for every week of delay in thi it his wives were with him, like Shensi he he" 1140 Writer; I I japp, Aothodo 411 trom facility of . othelro appear to be purely Imerista , , tie- ' much of thii pro* - L I no itioUbt t L A 154111or whose sichoo I %eat leading a St. PatrIck's day privarle. tice. no wrote that however owt, Tife.,� 644 be ',let by this transport, will be Ievion, greater than ft Ole, actor 91 the throne is A car,. nelp was plate. were the beat food. livery of these vessels. The g, L t*OL q4tUr,7 �h . L P wrecked on a voyage trom. the Cay- "Now, sausages once or twice a engineering strike took place just arid simply saylIag : "Deur wile. clidurso parents might lqvo their lltr AOXt C u doVelcipmoratil the Imecittanleal pAvanco of - com- pot 60 thick wltlx a rls that the 1, _ , . OfAlle, 019phosto anol'the, Phonograph rawcie., They Alto too gloat to be toxtw . a or �bp xiotb is ainvisible, man Islands to - J ammica. a 'few week for breakfast axe not unpleas- at the critical urvorsavat, and the re- misty. I buy you a new hall ?" would tie ones, they could be induced to L , wflf 'havil. made aq great 4 diffrerpj�a described �,porhapv too complex to On th AM3 A A y 0% ari, , 'Ach. even with mashed suit was a delay of 185 weeks in awaken a tuinult of excited Rhouting sell them when all were starving, , 0 W, I p age. and who spent nearly two out. As Ill , rcsteen-Llbe,e. Undoubtedly all client MA ,M ting b , = 1111 an open,boat without food, ' that would be heard from Pohang to This practice marks the worsist and to hilly1nops 'As. tolicg;l�pfhy has elT#ct- be to . Later its trained next thei ad, lWas asked how he felt during that potatoes, they become monotonous. the completion of the vessels. ist, - lorst Phase Of f4XUlUe horrors. There , . vd Pines Ithiq tirsto beliA. Century. rt�qomont ' As dinner they Are impartineat. At Red the destroyers been available. Mallsohil v. '60 i110 kfing Of Can' jourtio, of .Middle . � card of a, Birrainglivalin time. the end of three days Dick loAt,hed At tire promised date, it is more bodia has contented hiusself with Is always a market for children In � IIt l is practically certain that tele- ed, Manufacturers will supply con- dealer ..Ilk 11sh-h9oks. .A vase set .4I hardly felt a All. after the fir hailing all of his 8,000 ,olives photo- C.Irinu. and the denjajj�d is usually, I . noes 6liviligot stamsers directly, .The small Shop- with Utoltloiijo- and I?earlp ahoulderef -- -- L ... t at -saungles. and, going forth, pawned tilian possible that the Spanish- phQAW:-:exdhA Will" bLw MO r, "I seemed to Its watch to revel on sheep's head. � , hao ,already had his milrellilIg I% cheo twa� days," he said. American war might have had a graphed and the pictures buing on far greater than the supply; for pi6r;. �1, , lcj�* botOtor, 11D.50. W.11-ploost pele- , koiepe,r , ,P mlig Such as Is sold at a L ie� Needless to ellto wilt not sell their abilldrent, arit 14 phorly'. with adJsas;thbW1'�utjb)9,'# 0111old, lf� Tz the year 2000 we Isbell country fair. �ClQcks in the shope outgrow the loing1jug for food, and I' which is not no cheap As it looks. differvent conclusion, and that Cuba tile wiLlIs of his pal" . � iLlifunst have forgotten that he ns. ­Mr Of pagodas, that every It do not remember suffering any Par- ,owing to the bones and the gravy, might still be a SpatulsIx possosivion buy- the palace walls have quite die- rule, until they have suffered long will sonable every merghant to "call ,our pour t1cular pain, I drifted along in a "Their lie returnsid to sausages Dad Lord Kyllachy, before whom � appearvill from sight. Whichever way through hunger. . up" eve y� Other, ineetiharit. �Jzst9a,f1 �*exuitafi- Timsts will during theneXt 140irth � strearrit ot pearls from foulri, th folf looking up his frioncl",6, jnV -de`cAdQ$ 00 iltomill next to A clock by. a of We hear comparatively little ,, rnber on L16NV have worked their own taln , olTeamy sort of way, not curing mashed potatoes, Then he confined case control gave, it as 111.9 Opinion tile King turns lie sees plotuiva of - 1. . Aeitilnetion. .In, the next century London Ifia,ker that tells the time of What happened. Even when I saw himself entirely to, pashed potatoes that. had tire, Spantall flo4rniniternt hil' Wives. . slavery in Clidup. The fact Is. -how- 'L . - N 'L -nt -Faytiry -0 -p - th'"',"L "Id '' - � - - thes, ship -which pic*ed me up I "Wives to the right of him, wives ever, that It to a tinfe-honsured in- 'Re.--ke w4l., )o9k-#P--41s­ , .0 adtil - i,e�7 ii v wolft l6dopottda - "a was for a day, and' was unhappy because bje� in a position to establish early ­ " I 'P��"Ig his oWn transmitter 6ioN _ftel I �- !toxic," Act$uvt G, n, 9 wor -w stitution 1-louselmalds and women /�'L . I ly 6f each other, but in amoclemol ce in the w.alls'mark the notl . 11olly excited, I WAS too Nint of pain in his inside. Then he pawn- in 1897, a thoroughly effactivin block- to the left of him." I * , . , , �: to it. aTiol.ring. * 9. - Lands, railways, .%vater place thleves',have done their to worry. ed his waistcoat &lid his tie. and ade round part of the Cuban Count. The King ordered the papering of In domestic service in the interictir I � TELEPUON LTtD$ =,, e,e.toIq$�,-.nd whatever re- wqrk; evidgiritty WityL no-oppoaltiors. "The only craving I remember dis- thought . regretfully of swirroy the cubull insurrection might have hIs Plaines walls with the photo- towns usually receive no wages. Un. 4l. - ­ ­ 1. I ­ .E. L SAFT5 '... � , .. surip .,y . - I . onmon 'Unctly was for a glass of rum arid thr,o%%,n Away in times past. lic,en crashed, and American interven- graphs of his wives, thinking to do tit they are married they are the I As u great proportion of all the sources of Nature furnish the In- whatever. for it is. 119 tree a smisake of tobacco, and that was "There are few things more edify- tioll avoided. lie gave tlle ,4p,n- soulething that would please them I property of their inflators, wbo pur� , business transacded wiir be done by ehanical supply of the future, will, of thing to find in the public bazaars very strange, because I am - t4 thorn " hot' they are little tolephitste, �hfo articles from the palace o d for rid judgment for $387,500, _� greatly. .But tire incident but; cauHed;ch`lsr` , . frequent occurrence of course;, have, been everywhere nati- � ffere Pre" Ing unto Art than the actual belly- in s . , it, -indeed, nations still at all sale. tically a teetotaler and do riot pinch of hunger, and IlWc, in his few getliker with Interest and expenses, a terrible pow throughout Calu- gilqs' disputes as to what has or has not pli'sed, ' In end room . the visitor saw a ,it oking. walks abroad - he did not care fur A lat,tive number of our own war- bodles, In tire first Place, the photo- TH1N EXTItEhES'll POVERTY, % Iffecin said In g given conversation exist extept so a kind of enlarged _ greatly care for am -, . . will have rendered safeguards neces- nv.lr.i Jpalitie-, subjes t to one sov- ter of packing cases halt emptied of AN ORCHITD HUNTER, exercise; it revised desires that could ships fire constantly undei- construe- gi,aphers had to ivako numberless, tire inability to provide their family story. Consequently, every telephone seroilgirif-the Hiturnan Race consolidat- the gimcracks and ornaments the who nearly perished in a Venezuela.srs not be satisfifed - fourrid himself ill- dull by private firwa. and in the proofs before cacti one of the 8,000 I with food. is the note cause of the viding inankind into two classes - ,,, Aduldrulty make Oucells was satisfied that hot, picture selling by fathers of childrein into � will be Attached to an insitrument, ed in one Government of . the World, Shah had bought in Europe, mono- jungle two years age and lv those who looked as if they lilight W,ith such firms there is always it Was more boautifUl Won that or Lilly I . developed from title phanog I raph. the way he had been bondage. Itich familes often own which 'Will record whatever is Raid -----+. fleeced by tradesmen of more civil- of his man by starvation would �rlvo him something to out. find Penalty set down for delay Ili dr- of the others. 'Men w4ion ,this Was I these girls by the dozen und most night after night when he went to those who looked otherwise. great dtfliculty ' families in easy circunfatances have k tit both , Instruments. Piecautions OCULISTS FOR SCHOOLS. ized nations. auted, dream . ", 'I never know What I had to livoring such ships. A few months muttled there was 1� will have to be devised against - - One of the most Interesting rooms, of the markets een in 'humun face,' lie age the Admiralty Issued to all over bringing the pictures. U I at least one slave among their ser - was that filled with the portrait I learn about the * ac I � Thu slave state is fur the eavesdropping. After communica- Experts to Be Appointed by the 5 of thebw private shipbuilders it notice ifiluefon wanted her picture to hang fit varits. I various parts of the wor , tion Is esitablisibed, " probably both London School Board. all the monarchs of Europe. In the w d. He thought; and, as a roward of his r ro a oWd behold -LeadenhQll Market in that Ili future the penalty clause tile Centre of the gilded throneroot I , woftlen only temporary, thei a - parties io a conversation will iseturre At a recent- meeting of the Lon_ next room was hiq majesty's writing; Loandon, piled high with th hurriAlity, Providence caused a crib- would be strictly enforced. par- of the Palace, The queens who found tot's being obliged to provide them . their instrittinents to a frofiLlo Pitch, of School Board, over wlildh Lord apparatus. Here stood a globe such of carcasses and tons of rileat; arid driver at a sausage shot) where Dick ticularly with regard to the tit ird- thoir pictures uut fit tire royal bit- with It lklisband when they are of which, in cases requiring special se-,- on presided, a report wits pre- as llxay be seen in a schoolroom, ex- jillst as he put out his hand to grasp fed that night to leave lialf filaten a class cruisers for which orders have hard hall of- downstairs tit tilt- royul marriageable age, Lind its invirried ref -v, could be privately agreed upon Reny opt that the continents were made great chunk of broad. Dick took It i P, I It thoy CeaS" to be 8Ia%t'NL rooted, in which the General Pur- c a leg of beef or a sirloin steak, the recently been placed. Tire Penalty bawling alley tivivile a terribilis u, -car- wO lie . . ith gems of different color and all v -would have fought all the world i -It The absolute rIgh, o Ili rallo r to binforciliand. I -cited to late dellwry .1 ,such .... it threatened to ,,,,,, for divorce, ' poses Committee reconlarended the w Ision would fade, and In its place for its , , o 0 The records of the phonograph will, the names and rivers Were marked . possession -and it cheered vvas�ls will be $200 pot- day, Fur- Of c0ut-SV, if they had done this It sell his oftupripir Into bondage to ful- be automatically translated into appointment of six oculists at . a in diamonds. would be the gayly colored market him. t1wr than this, Ule stipulated speed- would have kept tile courts of Cans- 13, recognized by the law, but the . hits: cost of Z875 per year. Accopding to of Panama, with bananas, pineap- "The inont.h dragged through at descendants of slaves cannot always typewriting, or whatQver device tl�.e wedleal officer, the plarcientage of ples and oranges, glistening bright- Itrials must Lie completed within ton biadifir tied up for yearli to come find superseded typewriting as the me-' # last, and, nearly prancing with till- w ee , It Lie held )if bondago. Male slaves ; Echool chilitien Wid normal viAon I ly in the tropical sunlight. Those, patience, he went to draw his . its, otherwise art additional p,21- tile King lind bustily to order t have it rigIlL before their thirtieth' "I dipm Of record. Just exactly whnt, I el, i -; ine"reasod with every year or age and too, would vanish when he tried Ity of $100 a day will be exticted. royal billposters to make a till of will be Ule inechanism of this trans, s I 1 856,000 FEMALE VOTERS , to money." These new cruisers cost only sl,000, arrsangement of the pictures �enr to require their ownerH to fi,niti lation it is at present imposl4ble to andard of advance dur rig school snatch them; and he. woul,a awake i w vest for them, LLjifJ as heads of fa- ­ � )Fo, reaching So per cent., witill. - hkrngier and more miserable than 77---*- " SUNNY, 000 apiece, so the penalties cortuin- t - Allillies they trallsillit tile slave state I foresee. But we can be quite cer- I Standard VIT. Ten per (ent. all WILL D3VCIDE PUBLIC QUES-lever. CALL MARLBOROUGH ly Bill heavy. I only down to tilt) fourth generation. lain that so durnsy ot.devf c an the vision� .' I could have librue the real he - Yet, when it Is considered what SCW-,NCt-' A�D INVENTION. production of documents, word by � and thin remained about a constant ors of the days a a Some Undignified Nicknames I Lit all respects, except that they , ithrough lichoof life had bad TICKS IN AUSTRALIA. Ir thousand timer for Immense extra cost is entailed upon oil many rallways content ties are art, lit bonduge they are treated, as - word, and letter by lettor, with onelvroportion. The percentages of de- This I;, a Total liatimated Voting 'better," he said, "if It had not been British Peers, tilt, nation by such de,lay,fiit I (and sometimes more) I eparcAd , e ary more with the ,for the tantalizing iniseries of the sonable onougTi that tie rux's I - displacing wuodou tiva. if folv.,like tilt, other, Ber%ants, ru- I I,. movements let -j social anq nutritive conditions of Strength of Only I nights." Social subjects are happily elastic. e u - IT'lly The average age at devith has In- c(,I%-Jlig instruction In tAle school.g. tel,, as at pre'ent, , cannot survive I- 1,826,000. i This same explorer, during the and the articles on "Nicknames" of waste of tfaic should have to Puy crecisistl front 18 years lit tilt) six- coullieting Lit tire public examilla- Itre children, and with racial pecu mths ago by tip. There is tile case, f .the (entury. Business lit tile year 1 iarity than with any rc,hool condi- 'nkonth, of seral-starvation which lie th ,1,,,t_c,.,,,r instance, teenth century to 35i years in the tions, find sonfeillrnet4 obtaining oill,- As t%e arrangentsents for the en- oans exhausted the liSts or fit point, of the H battleship present one. , 2,000 will be tranaacted in a hurryllions, for &chool effects from fine forcerntrit of the provisions of the experienced, suflered 'constantly from no lit '' (,till appointments In this valge the compared with which the operational k and poor Illumination worL'.A,UStj-ajIan Federal Franchise and violent headaches, dull gnawing these p9eudonyms, says London "Ill. "Venevable. goiierally nickintalled I's -of. Brifun. of the ITni"rulty of owner is bound to permit tlivin I�o of to -day are lethargic in the ex- I wor A. P." The Duke of Westminster has ''The Arch-d-eacun.'' 'S',ho wait latroctl- Strab-aburg, has undertak,en to livat ivilvent thenkselves and their fe-n- more likely to show themselves in' Electoral Acts proceed, writes the pains in,,the stomach, and bad at- . Oil, been known from bablyhood Lis '' Bond I old so long ago Lis 1899- of Let' bill"ll' a room Ili Munich by it Ilossih light in this . trome. nerve strain and unhealthy 'Melbourne correspondent of the tacke of malarial fever. And account of his grandfath- built very rapidly fit Chathain Gov- Nuremburg, 100 miles dlutant. I A toil- despatch sa�B that i4uS- I WRITUNG LETTERS. reuroti,, nutxitional conditl n. than London Chronicle, the I onse the time he could think of nothing 'Or," oil M"I'leat Dockyand. But she has only The trolley civi- is riot drawn of- hands art, selling their ,%I,i-q as r lin "ry de'e tive visual cioi�ty d.r_ weight which the new fetrialuun but food, w,hich increased his mis- far's, truinster's. l' In certain cases con-venience will , e vote ery tenfold. famous racer that won the Derby lately been coinatisrsioned. This (to- tied by tile ,j,ctt,jc corrent Lit ,fit. %%vil its their children. it is perillit- still require that something fit tire, Ing school tire- � wi.1 exercise in future elections be- in 1879, that being the year for ter lay of three years was caused by the Iflulst, is lirted again and again by tile ted under tilt, low for marilod W0- ' natuie of letters shall be materially! The medical officer further stated cornes increasingly Apparent. l3ev- ,A gractuafo of Oxford University failure of the firm who contracted attraction or joitgoets jut, tile urma- inen to lie sold. hill never aN slave,4. that the selection of I 9 all his prospects in life some his birth. The Duke of Marlborough , transtinItted front one firiti to anotb_ ,hittlich "' hose I eral sporadic estimates have been eve up 1, '' to make her engines and builers. ture coilti of the incitur. phi­l�vr are purchased oniv its whes er. Consider )low, inevitably, thist"Mriency In mhool is damaged by I main as to the coli,poEition and dis- years ago to become a social work- has always been called "Sunn: , Tire result is not only the long de. A young Greek girl of Ultylene IjaS by thow, who buy them, ' er among the poor of the 13 I End doubtless from Sunderland, oiw of -ed visual ar I of Loinclon. In order to get a cond titles of the Marl- lay in tbe c " issioning of a most discovered a mothod by which the A1,111ni tile faillilli, was lit its worst will work out from pre ent inethods. I ditt. parasites, chronic diseafes of I tribution amongst the States of the Ea n idea the many &L' usefill %N rv,Rh 3ut till inc-rea.Re fit litmetured Bilk worus. cocovinq The most advanced system of ,)list "I ! full strength of an*electoral roll, , rp In .Nlit'llsi. own Ili rarti,. w -cording ­ ears, or impaii ,uity i ,just beginning. The treatment of all which will inClUlde the names of of -what it felt like to be re- borough dukedom. . - her cost of iearly $650,0uo. -'�Ilo made Into binlutiful iki-tiliciaL flowers to NLr Ni,holh, appeared In 1114, (-fly no -9 IeVer writing now in use is a ff, TZ .1 his: Tire merchant speaks his letter these matters Is tedious, has" to be .very aaljlt persqn, trials or fernale, Ily poor, he lived for six days on Diplomacy is generally too dign.i I ' t of the I who has resided in Australia and twelve cents, cating nothing more flad for nicknames; but the Marquis has. indeed, "hPst. the country Illucl-' of natural colors und forins. of ."4II14-ft), The.% were -peciiintors into a phonograph, The correspond-,: thorough, but it is a routine frio -esting 1 in a six than one tiny two -cent loaf each the Soveral, the popular Portuguese than filly other battleship o%er A lot of typewritten InutLer Was l\110de,hosiness was the Im\hig Of I ence clerk receives the wax cylinder i ninle given constituency for . know of built. The bill arnounts to S5,(J1,8,- storied fit it slightly damp vault fur. vhII r n it z,n %vhich the fir-zord of it has been i Ce cription. The burden at present months but untjl.rccently nothing day As or, result, he nearly starved minister, to .Ii to his hosts 780 1 made, sll;,d It int,o another phone- falls on the hosPita)s, and they' Official ' has been advanced in any- and was ill for a week afterward. friends as "The Blue Millikey.­ Lord six inolluis. olI iroilloval tile Paper T H r FA AU N F. lit A It K VT. grapb, fixes the audition -tubes of the � have not yet adapted their isalves to I'thifig but a tentative manner. Now, "IV would not have been very try- Cowley is called ''Toby," Lord Hens- Every steaniship corriparly that arid 'gall fish staltintures were It, best Starting fit Itiani as the headquur- latter to h13 cars, and jeproduce:3 i it. I however, tile Federal Geyer Ing," he said, "if I held - not seen ilton of D&Izell (pronounced "D.L.") carries mails for tire British 00v- of conditiuri, bill. all traft of type- less for tile trade they nmdo excur- siment Ilickname of "The ernment is bound Ili heavy Penalties writing had dittapti,eared. �ionH into the Burrounding country. . Wbether even with 1i:me they eve' announces that its officers expect to food all Around me - In the bakers' bears the martial for failing to carry out iis cOnt act. It is proposed Ili France to eNtab- They bought hurictrods of children, . . the letter on a typewriter, stopping I fliciently di.sicharge this publir, enroll 1,826,000 - persons, divided shops, In the restaurants, in the Warrior." Lord Ormonde has all his r I and re.tarting the dictating in9tru- I earl e tile Pacific Steam lj!.Aj subterranean observatories liv pa�ving ordinatily about 2,000 cash , . butchers' and in tilie green -grocers.' life been called "O" (he was Lord Ta.ke, for instance, ment by a foot lever as required, duty is at leasit doubtful. The vise . amongst the States t.hus: - Navigation Company, For a suni of v, I tit (Ili- a little boy. while it, littlo girl � ion* examinations show 10 per nt . ,�l wovuld walk about the streets for Ossory before he succeeded to the drilling miles into the clorth This plan is open to many objec- c. tin $162,300 - this coinpany cat-- oil well inivehinery, e could,be Purchased foe half that n Maleo,,$ otill'Wes.'" hours, watching the people go.into Pee as tries mails to South Amer I I d Ili,, ii, tions, which will have been civer-' f the 600,000 fr,1104 'I children State. I ­ - . _yage), and Lord Londonderry h a year lit th"r tit - 7 .Ili. I., .tt_ � 03,P(10,000 the restaurtints for lunch and won- been known as "C"*froLn his child- struta -tvinperatum,, and gaqws fit Burn :London so bad, that det d e New South Wales 840, a4 c" Lill come before it is supterneded by the I Victoria ... ... ... 800,, - ,297,POO derling what they were going to eat. If a .d Falkland Islands. The contract waa gaVon and.pos.ibly troIat-ent are � � ood, n this because his first 9 various deriths won1d be stit,divil '['fro (rudo was carried oil by whole - system which will be in vogue a, Queensland ... ... . lay ' 101,900 "By the end of the thind day I igned _early In 1000, and it wall - There w-u-sa. a nocirly ov-4,11 -nullilbor kxf sale and tito CIA44dren wel'o-firiatte, d . " lIgriciredygArs hence. -By 'that time -1 necessary. An equal number with name is Gbarles, And he was Lord - re " agroled that ir this service did all o%or ('little to be sold to the - -' 'Would also benefit by South Australia . 98,000 897000 was Ili a half comatotse state. 11rac- Castlereagh before he was Loj­d "'It electrical find gasoline motors III tilt- _ _ we shall be able to use someilling � 9"ghteir-dereell ' Western Australia 64,000 30,000 tically, I had lost my identity and National Ournian Aulowohile vxpf-i. 114-11 liecluH mu�lvt that tire price of It is found at hospital or Londonderry. Lord Cholmondeley- cotrivinclace oil Juno, 14t,h of that year . less fragile than the wax of which thi%- w of this Its.&L. Tasmania ... ... ... 41,000 40,000 my mernory. I was always thiuk- the lord great ch the company should pay a title of I ,oil just clo" Ili Berlin. Witt, children ilt �jsuftlly at the rate of 82 "m-orcht" are now made - some- "Isewhe,-le that a fe amb4lain-has al- . I on further examination come - - Ing about food, but in quite a tie- ways been called "R6ick," which is $600 for every forty -Light ho,as ge.al-cely all ,x(,eption 111, %chicleN tit $2 50 for evory year of their age. thing which can be tmirianvitted, not, ! c Ron 970,OOQ 856,000 tached sort of way, as it it were probably deriverd . frqnrl the first which should elapse. The coutract- carriod tile iz;otor in front, high of course, by post as we ujidersrtanfd�Out normal as regards acuity, and ' A "hile ago flialicip Favier pub- - 1119 comr-ny also btrid themselves to ,b,),, the axle A new feature was h8hod u hook or) Pekin in which lie that expression to -day, but by tube. may le"I"il-o'no treatment. No am- Amusingly enough the very day WITH ME. syllable of his godond title, Itock- . o,,nt of teasonable care can elimin- that these figures were made public I thought of it as an untra%,,I,d Ravage, Lord Buchan has. one may troy a fine of S5,01.)O for each fic- rubb,,r tires with steel 4olvs spoke of gauttillng as the national For the intolerable cumbrousness caBion on which their contract is riot The mixly horse power t racl ion �Ite Of the Vhinese. Itio told how . of a systaim, which requires, let�ere ate these In rchool. the Melbourne and Sydney daily man might think of India. My rea- ;Pay, two nicknames ; he is known and parcels to be carried to an office,' Regarding vi,ion only, the con- press published a series of remark- son told me that in three days I as ''The Pocket Adonis," find this performed with regard to the Fullt- onglifi(4 u,,od'ori wt-sti-ro runchos %%Ill In-girarm in ragm would bot their last dropped into a slit, wtamped, sort- (Itislon is that from 10,000 to 20, -,able and picturesquely written ill- could eat as much as I liked, but was recently Shortened to "P. A.'' land Islands. If one of theil, ,nail pull Riniultaneously Bv%,voteen follr- scrap of clothing; and Ilukv Home I Steams falls to Call at any Specified frerizi,ad Rainblvrs would stake t.heir ed, dellve: ad, anti very possibly mis- I 000 children annually In London I terviews with M. Krukoff, Russian my mind could not take hold of Sir Michael Herbert, brother of teforl ill,h plows Plowirig twenty reet doliv,tired, Is self-condernmed. � E,very , ought, to have detailed niedical ex- I Commissioner of Agriculture, who that fact. It seemed as it I should Lord Pombrol,tc, find British ambas- port, the cost of cou%eying the let- wide 'Ilw outfit will lllu%v fl.oll, wives and children tit Life gambling merchant will "poEt" his letters in- 1 amin tion, and, If required, treat- is touring here on a mission saidor at Wrishington, Is uni%,ersally tere is to be paid by the coloplilly, forty to sixty acrl-s lier dn%. I t "Ib lucallonal re -1 f`p'c' always be eating one tiny loaf a day - 11" menk it the be -t er the Tsar's Government, in which and watching other people go intc, known as "Mungo" ; Francis Lan I a ,:r w!lI le lord ,If Otte vo.aing Inan who . to the ttibe-opening which stands in I It _ I thin rate of $1.30 the pound plo%%, drill. and harrow, till 1h, his own office. These letters will be Salta are to be obtained, and thoirltrank criticism of the policy of restaurants. ton, Lord Durham's youngest broth- Weight I I i me. with property urrong-1 :.::S. "takod his "tie anti lost her. The placed in carriers, according to des, future efficiency as riti7ens is to belgranting an indiscriminate franchise "On the fifth day I was utterly er, goes by the name of "Pickles," aTwo thousand five littrldred dollarg J front tbirty-five to fifty iscros livi I ...... full %%as only 2u unKi the guirib- tination. Difteli ent. distil�t will 1 promiciled. After digellEmdon the re- to women was indulged in. The vowed. If a loan spoke to me I and Lord Granville Gordon -as a day Is the fine which the lioYni day. Ing debt involved was only I;n 60. - � com'sovendation of the committee was "Age" interview reproduces all t1he trembled and could not answer. but recent cause colobno informed us- thisnugelves to have difTereirt shaped carrieTB allot Mail Stealn Pocket Company h1lid Air unusual -noinher of lieriouB Ill Ilishop Favior paid the debt and re - red to thern. Thus, when the letters! adopted by 23 votes to 5. qual�pvtncss of the Russian's Eng- slunk away. Every bit of moral has all his life replied to the natne Pay If I'lley fail to nesses and operations, o,Il4,(,IaIIv for turried tilt- youtig woman to her mro- -----+- every ounce of physical or "Granny." In toheir mail schedule at tilt. ap- reloined her husband and, "in &It are j,tarted on their way they will lish. ''It is well," the Radical -Pro- fibre and provide a ship at any of the ports appelvdicitis, IlftVing 0VCLIr'rl4I lit 0wr A few nwriths afterward she be automatically Suite - - - I tectionist organ makes M. Krukoff pluck was gone. Sir Frvilerick Forestier -Walker is latheti of the Prench nobilitv, it pro- jil'obutfilitv.- added tho Bishop. "be a Porinteld day find hour Aiel for fvKgor of the faculty of ni.d.frino Wj%� ham played slit] lost her again." en route, e th LITTLE THOUGHTS. say, "to give a vote to women who i After this experience, the graduate cal'Ied ''Shookey," Ilochefort Ill I'- every twenty-four flours' delay they ' ,wings of high ly.co inpressed janr to have an interest In ttle country - In the school of starvation took1guIre, men, haR asked the cause Ue maid . It III till It Is extroine poverty abics that Is I A laugh is worth a hundred groans houses, land, and such like, but to keen Interest Irk discovering the sell- aro nialcled of anotlivr $5,(X) "b"Y due to the pres.-ni. rash nuhh- Cor ( various points - to the Getieral , been christened ''Puddy,'' arid Cyril c 11 con . 11 I I , I ,eerlm-noilliv fur a large proportion Post IlYffice for country and foreign in any market. give a vote to the Young unmarried nations of other men who had gone Martineau owns the curious nick- IL ifort Lhernselvea by List' (")"- 1, ill, presquire of .11, r 11 I "P ' " of the finornsivius Infanticide that is , A wire way - the al)dumen and Imped s I 9"""lloll " known to exist In China. This Oman, sideration that the maxinilli [41' mails, and for local letters to difer- I hu,irgry. 1413 met many of them in name of "Venus." In the smart get a Is I$1 till" o 11 ,ional garribler; Dan't play. who THE GIRL IN TH`]�: ourse of his plillantbropic Work these quaint pseudonyms are 14011 Ity which earl lie exacted Ioo, ent branch offices, within the city of * It is natural that the man SHOP' i the c ' 000 This IN just orK- quarter o,f tile ------+--- ,rime is much more cominon In the London Itself, each about tuenty- - the factory - bull! Here all men and he discovered that ift,no two plcntlful� but, owing to the niodern yearly subsidy which is paid to tilt. 14111, 1IR0111,111ILY k4outh five miles from the center- o(VLan- give., Hn,self away .should feel oheap. an of women have a vote! ,Surely cases were their emotions at ke. custom of calling everybody by his culn . than tn tbo north. but it ex- ' 0, Wihat a good world this would be party for coMeving this, Illulls to I. -9 v�vrywhlsro anti Is especially ft nl,., (Ila : ,lov,11, don, For it will have been ' ound if a,l nen did what they boast of. that is had' There is no -what do ' "Starvation," he was fond of say- Christi In a n tinct'iNe No- the West Indies, t , lt Is oin- thing to have it chair ;, lent when the people who, in neccs�sary to lindt the growth of A postponed task more toil be- you call It?-Kivaliflcation. The man Ing, "is a mental rather than a p',hY- briquet is gradually becoming less toil, arid otber ,,,I, London by Lho time the ac�tual city , Central A"triericull porth I another It) know flow it) 141t (III their most prosperous days are no who has nothing votes. That is sical pain. Its principal terrors are general. The Jacks, Ilobbys, Billys I. - measures fifty miles frorn end to gets, and borrowed money pays bad. He should have, as yo say, connected with the mind and the *rOnl lirladisi. ]if Italy, to Shang- It The ideLtl of a graceful Hitting drInling the dregm of poverty, find end. i debts. u arid Dickys of tvisentleth century We has, In China, the time pernotteld for I`stur` ties %ariod lit the diffefent theinsekil- unable to procure en - I some people get credit for broken a stake in the country. You ask imagination. The educated and re- have somewhat howled out the wigh f .... d to kef-p their chilldren But it Is only par(els and dor-u- lost me what I think of Australia; I Re fined man, he who has seen better Pas"age Is 7,36 hours But it ... I jig 11 KgW u f ill(- iNorld The Egyptian -i "aft,f wien they have Firnply y - - Bri,gges, " ` M61 I ion " end ''Spur- "at bolt upiighl, the kiove,i and feel ft ... o ,,itarving ' I ments of epecial importance and see.-, ,that the cradition of Government is days, is the man who sufters t geons" of the sew-vaties Lind eigi-Ities tile pirvralence uf ill(, northeast Inon- . their ner%e. W mos --heavy gales which blow at `I.Rolv pressed together It Was tit,- irry that will be mate tally trans- . two its worst feature," hen he goes short of flood. The 90011 s a mind e- 4 a certaln henson--thig period 1.9 ex. VetVID'OnLill attitudlL The I I ILf.v.k, - - ----+- mitted at all. The general run of to make a bargain, three to Qke a This belated philippic has, of sufferings of a starving man are r DEEP-SEA FORESTS. tended by forty-el-ght ht,urm For and Itoinans, wh,eit their hoatq hall [ 1� coriespondenco will, of course. be novarringe. course, been rea,d with, good huxacired ally a matter of temperament. If he - . . \ conducted by automatic printing- Never adve tPe your troubles. If interest as a reminder of the extent has not a h1gilly strung temper every twenty-four hours' delay Ce- no backs and tht-.v work, tit liLl-rtv Ill � TIIV BRAZILIAN COW -TREE. � a- Great Mysteries at the Bottom of Y(Yml this li'mit on th�ir forgvt their dignity 4111 ,I .... 1, it . % telegraphy. That Is to say, the you have bow-legs, don't %,car 9tXIp- to which the new Commonwealth is merit. he does not Buffer much. The 1(,ngx,r %,(IV- I Ili I Nli Pitill Fountain. a recent trav- I, )met cha the Ocean. age4 the company inust Play till $,',0-o Witt) olle ol, both I-lbu%V4 slippor ed ,Vt will diet.ate into of phono- ed I rouse 9. orld. Nowhere more animal a man is, the more , iorter, - I,v the arnis ,,f (I.,. (halr4 Th.� vlor lit Solith Ainertia, dIpscribes a 'h will produce a iyVe. 'enint litible t ree 'AhIL11 lie found % -JIfftVi , whl--h The hotol which advertiseii home in the two leading States of New comfortably he can starve Some It has been utrtil recently the I,lv-- On fj j(,urflp.yF,- hurl, as b, P" r acript of some sort, capable of e:ti.c - ' comforts does not always speciPy the South Willes find Victoria is the ex- Irkborera who nearly died of expog- valent impression that at g l'OU I tw(,i,ri Bro'll.sl end Ijon1liav till. Olooem, id,virl %%fim Willi III,. knee4tind gf()%%il,g In fio- %allev of the Ama- �'directly Influencing a (Wheles:9) tele� kind of home. periment. of -mail and woman voting fire and lack of food have told in" deptilis In the ocean Ito orgrant, life penalty is S.,00 for twelve flutirs- ("-'I willo f1part '111tv halt, 04toltrol /"n, and whl,h fill thinh% inny be 'graphic transmitter, and, throughi Many a true wof d Is spoken in feared. The women themselves - that they hardly suffered at 'ill, could exist, for no light penf-trateo delay tntoed tfivit nitit"de ,,, ,l,tl'jF1 ,,, found fit Coutivil America as well. It, a iec(tver, which will reproduce Jon-, and many a fal!e statement Is or rather the leading women outside They q0011 drifted Into a sistrini-cori- as far, and the pressure of the wit. � - If no inailsh,p be ,,,,u%,Idod at Ill(, 4,000 vours Tbe .`;axon� ,,wl oarlv As lit ill,, cit- of the rubber tree, It the original at any divtoince: or else I a the society and squatter cliques - sciot's state, which dulled their phy- -I, proper day oi hour lit 11j.,11lih, '�utnivtn klnji� arti roPilb-11-1 M "Ill i, tho mail) of 0- trot- that makes it of being photographl4s;ally copied byi i n de In deadly earrient. ter is very great As it inattk shut - inamilli-ript and on froiril, if% Ow mame The man who rights to preserve are organizing rapidly, one of the sical pain, and they had not suf- fact the preBsure is so great at 1101rilhav, of Adelaido (Atiptralinj Intel -tow It,i Bill, Ili it inlik. aing- means of an entfictly new invention, ti -P reae may be Inconst,tent, but most irseront leagues being composed fictent intelligence to Rijbs,t,ltiite the ordirfary articles of wood ari- cum- the forfe,il Ili 92,500, log(-ther with Imsi I ion Down to it ,In,,- .onspura- ulailv Hke III,, tim-t cow's milk. It which will be called the teleauto-, of ladies w1h 0 favor a protection pangs of the Imagination ti,,k recent, Idng4 will ,ilieetim ]-te Is sometimes effective. p,rc%,s,L,d to half their urigioal hire all additional hundred hvv%eleig,ris for I" iq high1v n,hi,tio%j,,. find %%ill Illix fco�e. I ifecasts to not generally credited Policy- On the free trade side, wo- A direct negative to tht theory is if lowered to a depth of 3,00( f,t each day find night (If delay coi%olvi sittirig 4tifliv t- 111--ir thil'I'lls ,111, w,,, -r. ?lot ,it cold, arid never . A j " I - heing USING LIGHT WkVES. I with too much windom, but he can men have long been an active force given bY a professor of tin Auntra- A diver at the depth of IU,ofij ) bq-t But u'pon fit) other roisipany ar*� ATIV roarked rharlip- of po,lur. (orillo-4 lit eutWe, (ocoa of- tea. It This Instrument will convert Itglit-Imake a tremendous noise with his Apart front 0 the wonien who rank lian University who narr vily efwap- would have weight upo7i film equal the conditions exerted inoro gtr 9 thougrlit 14, &-ioirate ftoni life NoVid keeps tro-1 for it week. evon In thim vibrations Into some other kinv:$ of I ni,o If th. Av till the trades unions in Vletorla, ed dying of starvation ouring an on t thrift 11poll the Cily of Dlr;�,�in 111fill"y 111tv 111"" """1%" "tt"'(1`9 thooll`- "nd has nlu(h,tho tristo of , FTc Is happy whose cir,tinnsta and heaxiest focuinotiveg There a transtris ible wave. I to function nces it Is not too much to say that the expedition into the desert country to several hundreds of thr, largest " -t -+-- - I I oW N milk in which, drunanison has re Stearn Parlif Cornpany, which list -�suit )its temper. bu't he is more ex- that I felt depressions very inuch doolp-r. how- than orflinar� milk, having the feel- ood by compar hulk of tile educated woman vote of central Australia ries the Irish invill From liolyh"Ild NAR ' 1)()Nl­-'� ' been l,,teejw,I It IR rather thicker . I ing it with the telephone. The iele- (el"c�t who can suit Ilk, temper to Ili free trade anti 1.1bervil in Its tend-' ''I am sure," he Sold, '' to North Wall the time allowed 1. eVy, The advocates of the federal- the pangs of hunger irkulclh less keen- ever. and soundizB have been made Nevoi vvI,j,Iv o p -01K., t. ill. III , ;IIK III thir, Iflouth of Jiqtjitl gulf], If phone converts sound-vibrattons any drourristance9. Izaifon of factory legislation look ly than my black tracker!; and ser- eatablishing depOis (if nior, then only three hours unit thirt� --tv ,I,],- (I( the (enal .1 0- ea, 'which are vibrations of the fruir) in- it i forward eagerly to the federal elec- vents did. I had heard they could 22,000 f*4,t near tile Island of S I minutes [Tid-N it %hit, 11111li Ill ".l. eft litaii,linir (or a time a thick, to ele tro-triagnetic impulse,, trans- f 'rhomaH, in the Atlantic. nr,-(] f .1 va0li dav It( ill(. appointool tirn'. t he No,vr po .mvill,ng III the -ir j-11 �,n(tuolj,, tiersov arises. which. when inisvible at present by wire. The to- ORIGIN OF "BUDGET." tions in 1904, when women will go for long pericnin without ood, :)I is fine. which Ili nliproved by inuloal III.. ,,,.ii,f or tooll,so- ',Ir%. ham Iho co,risilitence of wax. I vote lop the first titne. From I he but the. second day we put our- most 27,0(jo feet near Lhe ,,I&I t ew 11 is'. anvtbjm� 1.ilf it , tlii�,­ loi-I, druniv. larg(- quantillem of it, ,living­tation come.-ts them into It is difficult to realize thlit the evidence during recent State elve- relvps on short cominions they com- co"Bt comtravi, I-: 851it) tnff,th�r with t 11 . ,.%..I* -1 fill '1.4m..I.", - J gound-vi brat tons. StnLilarly, thelterol ­budrivielt," now so often In ov- ji� Great forevit,i tit neaw.-I (o%er the further 851) for visch hom th,it he 111P.1 %valin will, 11 hoth e,l It ,lity- from the tree, anil o ,np plained bitterly and appeared to be bottoin of tile ocovin, arid ivach dolay mav last The ojjl� ,-vi,o� Ili --Ill i.l,­ invited %Aith left or cocoa. witli ry one's mouth, is a term leas than poll nime-tenths of the f(linale vote. front 'teleautv-scopos will convert and trans'- , they calculate that they will mit light wa-,ep, which ate %ibratiot,s I IN F,XTREME PAIN. tho gruniest depth,, to tit,- stirs . streA4 of %,.t,tI,..r 111111 ill,, We"Illef \.-%.-I ,It,k,, ,.r 1 -it ,I lh,hl . " %thiiji it -yokbineq better than cow'Ll . Lie U ft 200 yearn old, the earliest mention Ab interesting side issue of tm, I "At that time I suffered nothing, I. thrse forpsisi there I% bill triore laust he vo-Tv hall IIlrIc(-LI ill tioskv ]hll 11111 111 -IL k"'I'V11 ill flilltl1l" ' oliLk, find I can say ill t It Is ot of ether - the Intangible and I m- of the World dating no further back portance, which is likely to he tcqt- nor did I suffier until Roe Tood ,",It ,.X'Luse 'I'he,,. h1l �, dr,sinh- 1. , I ,fit, It e-lireedingIv nustatnIng, but line ptinderouris mediurh between the par- than 1733, flays the London Chro- ed very soon titter the Federal Judi- terward, Indeed. althoi gh two tit- divers,fled than lit the print -al for -ell ll " li: 1, N. -IM . ., ,:;I:11I I ",I'll � ""1111`�, I �'l "I, "I - I ::'It tit-- -lightest doleterious quality � jo imilt-tor. Thus, just We borrowea-It front the old fiery Is established, ties been rals- throo of iny men were at It ,lead e9ts of the trojo(m Spillers aird with ll% 'Vilifier ­rtnmt� . thiri,jr 1-t the Vogi-t if II ­V it's 1� Ilkilven I (ould got this; REAP 1 always ticles of air and of all other forms joicle. wormhk� anintaiq ,if enormous HI/o, better lit, I,) titm, than in -t vi.iii.� I jilione enables un to hearrio the tiele- French Inn guafre--blouriette, meaning vd, viz., can women sit In as well as ircin lack of foorl, by 11.11"t'iln'le we for thoo -plaw, kriow ji,et .-V not ,­- ft,- hewl (If n Ilm, Ili, ,, � I holte it In preference to cow's mllk . at a dW.- a small bag, which in form.,r times %vote for the Commonwealth Parlia- reached the neareSt flettlet Infuc4orine, crahq, I,N-a to(hinu 9hellm. 'I P. -TI, 0 11-t't 111 anvLhing .,I tii,, � I I,,- ,lap is obtained either by Wound 14 ark -A. 11 04, Rtnth,th. turtle and rnfrut,- -,j dola� o%er Ihe sippo,w.- I If; liffAilice, nor the teleautoocope will en- ft worn the custom to put the csti- men t. T,a*3,t,r.9 are divided, the ally suffered vory little. "* r Ii three it,,, ,, nr,,l tIoit%--Rovrn 11,iwit­ �' "'Ilbld us to Flee at a distance. miat- ma . n"t .11". !ng she hark -of,,ii,thif truirk: or bN ", , can Bee *I, lead photograph. tes, of receipt -q and expenditures I'dends of onlimited freedom for we- I "The only unpleasant nengati mil!ions or other living thin -94 0 .I I N,-%. I I ... f oolk fat. o� ,I I., �, v ! breaking the qn3va r branches. I t onA I 'I , y the voinji-finv will he fined $7 Ili, toom'di'l, We when presented to Parliament. Helnee men clissin, Ing that qualification for , can recall were occaRional bad head- trin-fis find their il,od Ili tire P Its 11 �,it­tai­- ,it th4. --er N�r ill#- i,11.1 �-f inw,i froeli, and neverni quarts Can I I p&manent ' robor-ds will be the Chancellor of the Exchequer, In the position of electux, being the aches, slight pains In the stomach, varied plant hfv of the dool, .Y -u - + - - -- nigIntained, and It will be possibly Doelp-m-ft fish have twen hrought IIIIiI 1; CLIUOSITII,.`� ,:�";, '..""'r �", 41':::I I. -I " ",:;,",­' " ", �'i , he obtained from a single tive in th.. ­� -` * making his Annual statement, Was. name as, the qualificat Ion fOL a Par-. and now and then a L-oling of faint- I Ist,- vourn. t:jjIV.m it'll . 0 sigyi and ratit , I, , I - " W' , , an IV agperimentri at a formerly said to open his budget. 11amentary candidate, the issue "st neRP. At other titneq I It exc p In tit(, deep -son (Irng net inv 'd ,A)ll'old'. "'Vqatto Wlit", 'Vill lln,i",-,,,,;,j`,e �, tt'i'v-",*4' tis.4% broken or cut. It (Ill.,, III lance, of Ivp4hall,�(for ingtance) ep- , , :j., I bo able to settle a InIllpsult it, In time the WrM passed from tionally strong. although ,I'll ad eat- -incri Aibeit of Nfor.wel", In Ill., Md le4tainent there is , I San the be In their favor. I I by fit 11 A yr­anti�cci without Waiting the 60 receptacle to the contents, and, cu- ,len harilly a ii,rap or food (or days. curious circunistance frotilo-ifed %1101 book4. 1,129 ,hapteiq. 2:i2ll ,,-I li- P'"'I ... - 1-t I not %ovin to suffer much from 1 - � ly, this now signifiention Was - deep-sea fish ill that none of those 590,439 wor,14 un(I 2,71",14111 I. -I - - -40- --- - loss of gap I rious + "If I were to judge of my own 1h., irilddl,- book iq I't,,%,,t), I.W1111 1\4i Vlltl.�s ,bo,irs or So required to"'travel thith- returned from this country to . has ever been brought up alive Ho- ters I er from London-4orty or fifty hourn France, where It was first used in TIM LoOKING (IIAS.9. feelings, I sh,ould say that the agon- Cori deep-seut exploration,i teveal It 'I'lle widdle ,hal-for I, Alit, xx,x Ili- I, ne, loolh-I "r 1,00-g III,. It". , - +- . . at ,eA, on the Attanije, ten or fif- I ics of starvation are much Picagger- frilddle ,oI-;e %%ould I'll 11 ( ill, 'o. leq I-ol it,. ill 1, - I I,,, I I I I I I a , I , uri, I ,Veen hours Onjhol rallf . ess road I;,- an offieldl manner in thot early part ROW falleb time doeq a woman I a telt [lot the sidleringn of mv tlkpn rivet that the ciefle Is still 'ont"11:1., of the nineteenth century. Spend before her looking glang, A wore terrible enough, I nAlip . (I ()tit, Innin,,�risursuble I ronwires, will, h six. 17 it thei,, i% I., a %.-, l,. I, ,,,, ,I,,,k,,,,,,.I., ­ ,00l i�. ­,ji-olle ill.,. VN(; LAND 4 1 111.,ACK Cot -\,I 1! N ween N*w York Und California I'llo word alid , o"'I" A q,l5 f"It". � r', 1 1 Ill- I, ,I,, wilf. .1 I., I's, Inic I he , III I vittral 11,'11t;lAnd t h. , , . - a I,,r,I. eq. it freritio-Afty wl ,+ . Oerman cisttme,tes; that a girl of six of them how he felt %%fien lie with ly- a%%'411l di'vel0linoont and otillviltion The �4 ... ff-I % ... ... - I Chi-mO., �­lll ,it it.,. I ... Itoo. I, I \, " ,l toil, I With 00 Wlrel(Sim ­ I --+-- -- :..o'2.',""Il:* 21�1 \".,e .,f P -,I,, '11 i 1,.g .pwes (lit it" %fix ,,III% a 1v%A t broad region noticing the jl,l.,,7 lln,' It bb. ill conr.4- �' wn te!40-- to ton spends an average of qe,v, ,n Ing on tile ground one evening, too ph,,no. 1110 t0I0AVAtd5Wp0 'Wil prac-I SCIZOOL GARDENING. Inlinuter; a day before a mirror. fro" vveako to, mo ve ill,- lotte'' - Ill- Ill.. "o -I w I 'nortnufactirring dlstricta , � ,l -11 ticall, also . linh 116'80111LI Interviews ton to fifteen a quarter of rin hour -lit ne, he replied. 'me full of MAKINO SOFT %0OF) IIARD I to 4 1; 1 4 (If ill, fillihis tro"d 'o'd. . I ... I Ilkorp 111. I S,Aentific gardening IF; taught in (I. ' bolt Tho 19th 'halit'l 11". Ill], ,%lih 'sn"th- ln\..l -f Coal losa frontiniuroust:N, ,l''I", 's \ In hullre I; llltOgeth0t� for a sconver- the national schooln of Sweden and Is conflififtled daily, and from ft floNliq clawin' at me Inside Air Powell. a Liverpool inerchari oaII of Rimokin, and where to, ,trect -` w -two minuften. ._ "I gave tire poor wretch a 111,11 to Is -tit(] to have discover -I n pr )C,Rt, orml Book ,lr jlt oIjr. und Ili,. .,I-, I h ,,,,,I ........ i,nl,,,, o,,or it I leht the tariff. ont I rnixted to co, - � I I tj, ` pristion tfolst carried OlUt trill he, for; in the seminaries for the education I " ompler of Istiolh fir(- loof ti( ,ilk the fir,- - (h, -11n) %,,%% , I nil I rn I cnI riurtloftzt' as good Pia a of national dieR from twenty to twerrsjjt�-av#' or- brandy, but he declared it made him of hni-doning and toughoving soft stialne '(" wres. is burted With asi, I -Il,, 8-1' school teachers. There Copy tW6nty-flve TiAnutes: from that feet wornse. woods Ali that they can I ... .. .... � in in five ,,ow pe4tons.-to II -1,; h", ti ,1.,,,,Ik ,,, is ", "" 1, ,I " I 'If rofulfe. on whith a 1,, - , ""'. L vi, t -, ! hall riot 0413� hoir what I In 0, School gailden in noiarly every age to thirty they are at least hall -I did not find that hunger in tiny place of naturally hard w ..... I- ,rh, n r'4, 27 hoo,ko. 201, , hripfer , I I , -, I wj:,�,­ - grow.4 This In Fightfica - , ,, - 1 ,4! big fare Whole tie 14 tifiistking. tollotte. Thence way n6octed my mental powaro. On trentinent fronvifittq in onturaling tit#- verses I 8 1, 25A tv,­,� end ,.Ally our i,�te 1,,rotor 0", but a190 100'rural crtictol district in tile kingdom, oil hout at their' ,.:ik 3�'l I I (,I.,�'A (I�L the 'Black CouAtry - - -l *' .cOUNIP Molts. The gar4sell; to placed near the school there Is a decline In coquetry. Front the contrary. it seemed to Improve tinil-er With a Frolulion of loqrnr at loiters The itil, (Ill. I.00l, , . Ij I %N `1,111 I(& P I 10)III. I think th t It-% gloor)l . n. �1 lo-Illatioll house, arid the children rwive, prove- thirty to thirty-flve thin time (Veen- them T won able to take the kofen- the bill llng point Theartilonininq Tho ooililiv- " 1, , . . tit. I.Ivir I I ... flips ... I ,%fit ilea a m I ,plip Water Iq a( ,,,I , I I ""I".- ,,, t Alysically and o -wall, "Poll prilgret.,ri haill b fy there Nlv,�,to I " So rilit 11 6ett Inade, tiedi instruction In the cultivation filed florties (town to twenty-faur est intereot in my nelentific Work, lviward evaporated out, leaving the would Im Hollinnn ,oi mv i�, kromled,r'. ,1­rl­"q ill,, '&it-: Itase i'llabitatitir. list .. -t Ili --'e.1r,ld, evith ('111CIII1141h' iffirrutex, from thfrty-fivo to forty ft "Ponslibiv the fort that I hall priteis tin(] Interlifices or ti- ­o,l a chapter inor, 'I'll i now '111 foot t'a rol fill- ilru,b g njAMijuspo, 'of plantA, bettrieS, flowers, herbs and . At I IO -11101 I Ol."I " I"10 , r 0�',, ',-"I tit, 9", , ,11'!"o""" tl,I,t ­ ,hpil (,(I tilin'),V dj-"nt:O With frultv, the managebrent of hot-btda, In onlyl eighteen infirtutoo, from, forty nonlething' to occup� nrM- mind mil,iod rAlorl ulth Poild oratter, ,,V�i(si I., it a chapter lo.q VI. ,..],I'll, 1. "i I iij,"t f.."o if.,. I"11.1" 'holte 11.1%flif 'erlicill ll�, rpf%cvrJJJIT, '' - V,to. witt . the al I hIre. i -fain U610t,06 tto rim, eeTl.! greenhoumit and go forth. The pju- to fifty. t%161ve minutes; and from trip from suffering tin the otilloirs dfo. not brittle and shows Ito i­i,I.,n,-, 1, Ariq Ili it 17 'I'll, I 1, , I - - t , , I , % I ­:: I , 1, .. , ". 11 is % I, forcislitu. '11r. IV, 'Achl. �, I, ,'�'oopllvar I PC I ns And. The m,0,1:, ,11 if - I .. r "e", tJ'Ink, that tury lbal PObdelloisallsbell aro required to furnish the I*- fifty to Aixty. only nix minutes. A They. poor wretchort, hrid nothingto to uplit or crack The proeo,fo nl,I,, Ili -John III 35 ;,::., '"')"I ''"':-A 1� % ltill people Inhabit. ll,othorlty oin ff� - , ity" clil of book-ke6pinit Ab sJ6* prVic-iteassary ground for the gardolliss, and Woman of aleventy hato thus ispent do but to think of food I believe prevervell wood and rpridern it to of the entire Bible lit al- It,, 4� I . .lv *.i(1--iPnt. partv �r T.'Airope (41litp the platit C0111(l I .. ,,, ,arried Out , ,it, Q I %, I I he abO14111h6d', WO 1011*11lififteg and 4hrUbg 11tre annusilly livert 6.802 holfre before the gl&"; in oth.- that was why they suffered so keen- norarkably Itntlervinum to water f- %on ,-slt--thfo 117th Poarin. T),, -,Iddlo I I j ­r t "t the popullitl ,III of that I)OA&S the ".."'dod psithotif rolellfriting fY1*#iAtot8 *hich'to the difiditen . to be plisint6d. lot months, counting ty'.1 hard woods are said I* be benefitied xerGm lip the AgIvIttv ,)' ',, ­H11i 1,4i� .I, I Z Sordinin ,I(I not exceed offselett*gdod (Inant-0 ,,turn, would I kft%A t J lot wbirdki -bight 11 i I #ill print in a book #Ad i4troirm. their hog*#. jftik'h� A�d def Rudyard Kipillug has experienced Ill; it, POILLM I to �bfsr 1`6talutd fro , I., I I . . ,�. I �­ ..) �inohas) 10 hVight. no ,,,,, ,qlq of tissilsbar . , �. . 1. � . 1, I .1 I . I I . . � . - I . . I , t, . J---, � . � � I I I I I I � � , . I it � ­ ­�,,�, I . . r, . � ,,� . I I . I , --,�___,ifli , ( I � - ,.�% , I ­, I . I L, I I I .1 I , 't to I", I I I- I . . I- --�- ,, ­ I I . , 114 T '. , I � , - .� ,,4 . 0 1 1 11 " . . I . �.. I - . I � . , , , I . -1 �. I ; - �, . I I . .1. I I I . fa I � I-, �, I .1 I � . I I I . I I I I I 11 1. ,� � � � , � I 11 � . . I I . � , . J � 11 L�1111 , I , � iii " - 4 A , � .,­,�A ,, 1� I I �f 11 .... . . I ; . - 0 I . - - , ­ I I I � ,� 1�. I ,, � I r , � f I I ," . - 11 � I . &' � o I � ,,, . 11 �, I I 11) . . I ; �,.,,� I ." . I ,.� &"­ J � L I - I I . ,` . I I I ) , ,� . I I , AI.A. I � I .1 I I ) '. " - . 4, ,� I - . "I I ,, . �4 . �, I AdAkl ­ - " , *44141, 1 - r I 9W&AIij ,,4L..11i,,.fNiiiii,.I . .. I '0111, p��'Tumoltpw I I I -111 I "I � .,&,�M �11 , 00,�� �k� I � I - 0�1,4 � I I �,�L� I M* - I -1 .... " 1. , I �11 I 1. .- . I , � I . ­ - I, "I I I - � - , 41 . I 0 q - I A4600 " ' � I 7 � I . . ... � ­ .. *" I WZ. ", - I lid" , , ,r ., �: �� - I '. 14;, '' I I ... . I I 11'.. " . " , I if . If ; I ,A - � , . ", , . ��L j -.&AAL� 0 A , ­ A&-.. - "-- ,-