The Goderich Star, 1903-04-24, Page 57' "TIN W-1 11 W, ;ir V.111040' cz, I -7C Itroi very. pot it fttoward the ptlimix whero the poor 01 f6 AOXIT Tat W pVbt9iKr was tied. , And its they it , f �� earer I saw 0119t, All-40VC111 %40 0.re.4--borit gepurg" In their head SHADOWS THE -INP Of, THE S-, LONG with as tlkqv p W missed the pillar 4114.0*11;Y` t mt by 0 X ** 4ilk thehIt to an, by those behind. Others. vvith all their Might and with mallgo timid &I, 400 4911 04411 W they were numberless. smotlo "MR,STRY� OF A SIBERIAN 44d, iInconc4tvablo., while others again 411111 VW P ot PAIG b6C4U*q 0hollf 19 turned and smote more fiercely than but Is afraid bs�aogo eho Ww",o XYV 0414 `tbo gap, them once, moSi Oblies and Gets TrAlo. iWhile 04 under ow,vto there was who riveted ng, ir,04,41, . 4 .1,0, the Ash- P�411 m% Of 0 this. tq attention Vy the cagernoss -with 'the boy out of cohool 4044; not A we BrOA440, and� X, Al; telk $04, it's COW0, I%AQwI$, 410p, 9 . 11, whIgh he pressed on to the Pillar. hop. skip. sold jump sl�li WiLLIWO be - do), W� _Pod After. -hpiyorinig �% -bo lai Ililwitia stoor.,Waa r0ited too lashed tile with 11 01lik , trill h� . Abot. 15 it"Ir0t quiti % to TUO to to urge a d by the revolting expression of cause he Is happy, but 11io is, AAPP�t MO p, LID$ ft because he hops. skip$, J"1441go Ansd V #$Ojj' ofo+ro I settled that 110114. I cannot express 0 $01A Mo by A Russian plitlemisti, 06% Ago forward. his countenance. Never had I seei aw reast so much malice, and hatred delivered W1111stl0s, qqwp to, A#Mpp *ilo toing t1ja w4ontg1l quffering aused 0ift wh6se house I a a 10 Wcek6k '-'The tumbril was olds,0010 �,b p400sd vo,uptol-tv at 09 that slowly escaping line. It *cc last Ingo out tof. 4 04V # with one blow as whom lie struck These theories alre adVanoco; city boon In the of us when thq mourners ton0gult'll who llava'�,Ol0PI411-04 IAV" jcocf� but to colong te a4ciny of 0 0mPIOY` of tilq� government for some a great cry of compe,vAlon those now fleshless bones. I cried POYchulOgim oy, etesta us Vol as me. and loud with 'horror at the sight arid an anatysts of the emotion0s, And, 10mg I X. 14�tbo wintj�r ot 84, '$ont Out an inspector of prisonst: and went up from all, for they know how they have been explained At 10110h of Gicueoger t n the occasion of one of his strained to burst my bands, that I � 9 o110 r hours dart�d ftpw�lll again; and thqu my 011ie it had been With Mo. and their hearts by Prot. Lange of DonmarR. pf-b lly *00, Vio, tin- AIX. � hold Iteovered. Tlra,� cord Jt wile 0 hand, Nov Fear. Ink vk4sto to 'th nalght tear film to pieces, so trifuru- oo,tik-knous (I.Onviot worm sore to see me treated thus In "Prior 4' The flogers closed in ti: final grip rQund estabilohmieut The theory hitherto holil'that Pby- Whon"Wst pulled up otir qL 9por for At"W'91MIsk that he my dead ; ajid moved ated was I by his brutality. hind -ins Otietoome'. had IsPim in the bralKlAn OR 111'a teat It was in I front the lips of an the presence of that sirical expression of emotlirtr* foll,wf heard 1he, moment both- he and the victim laut, vk't only Chance. . -It wqir�, like the emotion is reversed 4y 0644-4111m, ealrph, - gri #tartQd Ad man, by 46 columon impulse, they'lirokill Ili to, Hdotga, --we, waro, fu spent upward of dents. Still further sujr�iligas are 11-ol-cod to 4 W.Q Aing 1-ound of his malice turned and looked at er . t aker ta.kiiig bold of a pro tier, and my ranks, and. clai upon our 4he frantic me and my heart 'sunk within me. _qV0k;,4 prod, 40 10 S'batarritially 3514�, -Ago peacefully ditt bp,pi were cut frIght=y Like, the WrAg all, 1011OW4 me. bore me.. ilmAwl "In that raging bruto whom I had contained In the statements of Prot. eEverybody an Lange. 4s psivs r.i6jA' I fe 0 fln'revolved for an instant before it s1trivings a the iinkilrd, to the td to tear I be It death,tbat th Me illy year cursed and hounirdrit bQ00, Was tigood,. - Ono plAsplonato klas a im4ou.p. ratollo's 44 his 00.4440 did doppecT. The only thing, that saved 5 490--hOW 1110,07, I brit's side. The sitinotional man In the normal 113mvis, ia oo. Acot, 40 4001or way, It%orally,LVII. cannot :tell you, gir—X. �Wa AvItil on the shell that hid, my darling from hold. none other than myself, and in ordan. lie affirms. To suppress tile n I's 01 i being, cod I —tire man of sorrows�—th Wt.,- q011jt0.rei f, I ZtI9 his victite 4 the outskirts of Tno Lar vilig together, � eYo c to pie 4 'Was tlaq thick mitten I haid my eyes, one fierce cry of voligeunce emotional is to make an invalid of towill. Of vollin" muster of all. Stan Poland. In 'Attlifidan 'I '"th cam A On. I-,wvq Jork0d allead, for. it. few 4tiuj -and 1. '�Then the vision laded a ilia psychic life Is ,. parts. y taivory tile Individual. IV 40 6400 0 un MiAlAter with,"ch brush hot 48 it blacksmith 'by trade, know no more. impoverished. weeti three feet t o Araln telling fearfullY on end hem that 41 W48 or 'to floo thos* bow- t, dismalf-lying-mix It bed Ili ur MY If r-90 RtOo --tit the auglo-of- Yet -It -It 130 dorod to suppTelts- ox . - r. a_- The crossroads. about 0% mile from hospital. I had been. u I lid. a. 1protion - such us eail[nosas or enter -P7RIiWORT-9V-X T- as the schooner came 00 Ing at the bottom of tile waggon in 0"TO* line slackened, It 11 'fresh tri 0 the Ban . Center q -it. they told tile, for many m" -the moth d is isk physical one, -Stop after a. up Into the wind. t the to% Adjoining it wa& which the guards carried their food 1`1413, LATE .WTUt VER UPWATti Minutes mean dollarr then. Every .J."t then, with, a buret of"stirsto On S14tLLt,d,ay'At 'jJopA,irl Order 'to 0 ard inanitustatlons of te U *_c ttkgo, tile neatest and prettiest and equipment. The tunribril and severe had been the punt I on the outNot 'it e n of 0 met at're stitch set, Isc6 rails under, and noth.. .0 file to light' the torch flamed up, I vi0alinsf I . blmen ad Ili all tinit country- had suffered tit the hand emotion to be shunned and isulltiWaVe walag OR A.CCIdq:ii'to,,5ir OIjv4r Man� mourners. tile famillar countryqid&-- warders. . I I isticoilof his long and useful ;,AaTeer Ing taken In after It's blown away I every'detail %of the vessel and.,flueb- there werst.whp envied Oil had gono-and nought save the the manifetirtation of the emotion dim- A, T .4 i well enough I A. PrImiroso e "For the g. inyAot, and. ­Whe" I was metrically opposite. 6" thg !jo be portuittw firift hour It wets pose _Ap Aparkle Jenumerable across Mo intided, It was an, gave 04t 010 f tolling band of human misery, tile turned to lily work, and thonco-- trOW rG olOn tht, Slit day of lanuciry lqkt, --few my liftot atrhicac.- 19iin ions &I 'G� iiiiii Q Wn the was lis vlew. RULE YOUR FEELIN08. ri dIl­'-l6ggIIrK'-c-j6J 1-0-'Itubtfs i# th , a never forget how ,vm. It. hill) ler one. The .�7 -6111001- documeritt. tbe Novor* Fear, d, 6�hd'ndlia Could boApp� happier- _N t,4,. , I a one short glance of olvine fort' Ile ans however, felt con4traf*'.d 0 stiff northerly broe?�, To lbont, Pe Nov.. looked,�,toi.lue in 1, home. I will not dwel oil the drit'ils of It ou tire isaid,force. your feallairel@ WAIR walking by himself up and debar him from this privilegai'."Aup te, F ear or f the "burislift, hat brief moment. that terrible journey. Suffice it to nvso wb1ch the, nutster f I ticigned to a.,sume the lines of joy. It You .44 w 13 t India were obaking,' and "every "I hl�4,bijirn .. married two years Chad Tobolsk, after to cast on me at the plilsac( changed ,,, angry force the lines of your ownthe - -period wheir he to 1 0 lo u, shock.% rop d Over the any that we rea ok 1,44 tu rope out, AA. she when my wife Gave birth to a boy- w smile. watch bIA'gr:n4cbIi ot play, for the worse taftrall. Yodtars"611ami as� crew for oT his jusjotkiei�whq, f 1% t..o Itioltv,11- Opir months of Incredible suffering and ay whole life. and gave me Ile mouth to it The emotions I the, Lieuteriant4ove a faithful cqpy I ! rolled her: ilbok toyvard me I , could ��urd.� ell, hoavlly, nor was ilsdito clear mental feeling a little friqlky when they're sritiests privation. m my hopes of a better one hereefter 4 as thiso 9 o will follow tile manifestation. see tle tsiffis and fish III% to ivent oil, t �rdy, Prof. Lange holds that sustaining a fracture ef the neck of leadAng the Beat, ijilr�d their duck Is I than when wo loft VoIna. Death had glad reunion with those I had loved this was true when fro a rvv ruerciful to tile weak, arid left of stories lashed b6tweeik a Ilia$ ansit ".00DY04 Ii�tIO.'4cljc, eenlual should Inow how to rule, him he right thigh boil . He suffered a - into littinj illeni'landwhrd at the rate of main flggfng, ajnd�thos anchor On tbo '61 optt� liparks, 4nd afoolitigiti and should riot be deprived weakness he lapsed long slp�o lost a while. Ia mJJQ every SIX 6 'brighte I -only the strong to suffer. And ter gr4t4t deal of pain, arid discomfort, sciovisciess late on Idey n ndnAcsl shipmates pr6- Jewel bif our -For many years I have waited them. The modern psycholo- bow. I could see my' crown of happiness. I ore out- suffering" SlK I "Before dark we bad a good lead paring to do all ,they. Cotild for my What he t, rlble, indeed, W for that happy daYL of onianicipatiorlL v wall to ,11M 00 words can as examplLfied by the Dan- death .-was experitei thp.reews- we over the nearest schooner, arid when rescue. I . I during the firstL Yorl"S of imprison- arid I lopow noxv that it cannot he ils-ii professor, are not stoles. They Half a doozen were ge%tln -tell, khow only that he became spent, for a cruel rid,, governed us, far off-ritty. that- it is very near. iii0e, 4fid to support his weight received with genjllm�jr, Qt througW-`j we went down �o,,=Uekr, tlifeir rdit, dqry.oVer. I kn6w tliai I hait bjq, ild when a Ido riot agree with the Horatian ideal A v�ell ning lights wet-, ling Gore were pointed iii lid ruled us wit I a IV 0 ''nis had I f Iron. Often. of let,-, I have heard fra 84", S aullo 11- of the mail whom nothing amused night, April 12th, wiillst, he was as- seers; for Ili Vilintrit cheqkv f9r a Otut day, while we were tit work. meats of the7irmicipt bitauttful intis c be- 4 tern. The wind showed no,sigras of direction. . A la follow prisoner told me that a main, Ing undressed for bed, In the public life of O�tario t tl 0 %rid voices of oncodragi7- brief OP44 his initft-y prdittf,f, �'w 8 nit nothing grieved. and whilst seemed relu-.tant to believe tht 44 going down; on the contrary it merit were faintly, borne. to me 'lik'ly to go mad with grief and that over ravished -tile ciar of Sadness, joy. "pride, timidity, du- two of the w . ere 11% seemed to be freshening every min- e now warden had arrived ,boon remorvied, from this 'top or above the rush ol the �Vftves. - Coati] -so bitter was� t4o ttkought that at the and to -days Iny cell tons been filled ger arid pit tire not symptoms Of , P� ute. This just suited us, for We I keep afloat. In that fire, prison, and would be oil duty (oi- with its glorious melodies. Hark ! , _. 11 of action. The ftst oin I I oter q6lmj_. da, arhaps, he alsdKht, be the first time that night. I Paid diseases. Older Philosophers told act Of 9 eizing is t thigh wait liropkiiii, ta�sbprjt; tl� unn ng had the best rough weather boat on until th could - reach''mel n 8 111 , an from in that they %vore, 'rho toodurns Uz- the r4h e tak X There, again-.!- Do -you riot 11 It distance above the c4itilre bf thd 11 but little attention to what he said, -And the Banks, in -louder arid more joyous ? sort that to be without them Is to a. six, nu th - g at half-sta t on Goveome and we know that, even "Then so obody realized tu_ "One day I was at work wheat I land whon night fell and I was lock- see -the light --I The light of heav- be diseased. b if we did blive to Pt In a single di I lips, below the libu ards t ir ation.. heard a troop of cavalry approach- ed In my cell I had forgotten all on I How It thAlle anti lifts tile up It I.% impoverishing our psychic to �k. tk allU th Legislat th reef, our rivals behind would be put- log "nor' 1 Ing the forgo at full gallop. Laying about it. it was tile night warder's cub, 'in 'ouse, th new ting iXVVwO- I ... 1. old he set, blo or: _e'fn admintatet 0 0 -,a Sw T And illy darlings ! They becklit like life," says Prot, Lange. "to makleall OrY q AT Oil The cook gave us the best he had -ybody im .1 aside my hammer I wont over tO',tha duty o sit the cells every hour, for th4 and h the apiqes por JCt voice In n outstretched arms-ot Inlet ? invalid of the mail who admires purpose Iceit" the; hgtqls, severe, et thalf-door to catch a glirripse of them t wilth ivp* "housi flyin ha a plints.,'� were ��jplled Ilia ' In, w Yinrg that night. If there was a man on Stand by to lid a COLumencing at 10 o'clock. On that At lost I" greatness, who onjoys beauty, who too(I �11te"Immedid board who failed' to do Justice to 1,4alf a doxen, plen formed "haiii a they rode by. The loading Oles -particular night I was more than Here the ficlot prisoner stopped to troubled by suffering, and to con- oeft6i "or the moit. In all the Ity churd ad March in,,Paiii was pla didn't at the tem, and T,,', criew th &� th&,v had alrerady passed when a usually rast"'84- It was tile annt' short, and, stAligering forward a sides- only tile impassive calculator Injury-iowell, an'sio silartrillng symp- that smoking lot -suppent- I .4idereing aii and, frote De Vollics. g refereneps ere ok were the watch on decR, g to P e n very marrow lit my bonor heart and I Priced my cell with oi sea. blin. The only diAsatisfied ones we 1; 0 pull I . The -filf I talus 4evalisped dlitil Tuesday night, hi, shrfek rent thoe the versary of that fatal day sit. fee1jil made o 'S re goin price or two, fell to the ground- for whom every impression is only, 1, and it Sir Oliver Mbw di*�A 1%->wof_ tood still. Oh, God. can I ever for- quickeDing steps as I recalled. one shortlo, before ilidnight,i IF wbo"began ures bus ith �lo dead. tl!o point of departure for a traln.of hiell Ilia Oliverl's death fro the pulpit .1 ith tt It ry were heart"O action began to fai afraid thtthe ldxi't b in 'her. dIs 4 Tire happy day of hit; oinancipation reasoning. , N anyth C.49 t" the fearful sight that met "try by Ono, the events of that terrible -,What a strange conception of the evident that lie could w enjoyed t ar thit ad get soon blocame r -�tII4 had dawned at last and life's long tinctJon of being he third uteOL" kept shou ho not re vdr, Since, that time he 4ipk� Poyrr�'tbq r1iinipanion, %all. ilkitaity, no mate#, P; gaze. I see It now, as plainly as Oil thnot. Tire prison clock struck.10, shadow broku'lit cloudless love relatiNse importance of the mental Its belo dnt�GOvernor of tario to R, that day -m darling, illy heart's land I paused a moment to It tell [IS n growing. gradually weaker. way for "give' them 4i allow. I awayl, and idol, iWil L his hngel mother, side by Iftir the familiar grating of the bolts forces -to inake an accident of a office. The late 'non Jo wil- " After supper those who 'had no e Vitality exhibitell by the yen- 4Z , - - -The sla6k came in r pidly,, phenomenon w1hich irk the lives of Th , loughby Crawford, �wljj. 'died wl side on the dusty road, trampled to �ut the end of the corridor as the arable 4 statesman was regarded r,, work Ott hand busli�d t7hemselves in soon the Jklae was tau . hen" most men plays a Much more do- as 80th, 1875, was ti. first. Si� Rick. writip.0 letters, Tki boats at almost bro-9 my hot death by those cruel hoofs. .-With a , warder entered to make his usual PERS6VAL POINTERS. cisi%o rolo thiuk reason and which little short of remarkable. On the Campbell's death gcpurred on"t Ma$,: or a sillock tb Dot:b terrible cry -a cry such Lim only sl�rcjuud. But everything was silent. -Vlhylh'e lganf6il. issfing the trip I- I w" piulled under welter. day he rallied- 24tb­,-1-s9z, just -term or!'�Offi-e-j lauch 111010 than the intellect rules b* Man Infuriated to the Pitch or mad- 1 wasit,od a few momewts, and then Notes of Interest About Some the destiny of individuals. of urs - had played checkers a good, deal frozu'.-the shock -and seemed bright was coming to a C1014. He w stic , arms were stretched to their atm pose, can Litt.01-1 snatched ill) 9 4 ith one of the plan named How- artraiglit . h ll MY my resurued MY walk. The quarter Lnd':,�­'OVriul- no expressed every ceeded by Sir Gecr#� Kirkp't I k w ') r n I I Prominent People. tions, of humanity. Jc th h Miller, and whirling it around Illy I struck, and atill no wurdor came. ,,tO S ILIA Johnson. A few,daya ..before hands clix.retti thl y 'r .9,Ljoge in a 43e& Ila ifir 'tliv`er 'we e h is V_ h I recalled fe"Ow- The Czar of Itussia is the I u rgest "Wo would wish to cure the dig- conald'eni3c that he would recover who in turn gave way, CURE D18EASE'S OF TKE SOUL. frc,4A�the accident, and. actuated by Sir William P. Ho 14nd is t1f4 Cal I aid arl-alliged, &,,ton t ot grip. If I et 90"Jav, I a o 14 no ead. rushed among tire soldiers, Their what illy y c4cb knot won . o, and er rise. now dismounted and gathered about prisoner had told me, and I a" individual landowner Ili tile world. OaAo or tile &Out if tire rure would ris thatqstrong sense of duty which was living ex w' now -;Va4 � to cortle tboi iru er. We it was. The man was now to -LieutenciaA-Governo of tj�o prostrate and mangled forius Of how Tile area or his possessions is gieftt- privir man of those emotions which one of the distinguishing character- this Province. "I had been injoifilped under so slid - set otir pieces, and three o tour Of denly that I had ot time to get it lily darlings. A panic seized then' his duties, and, ljk,, enough would or than thut or the Republio ut auske him sympathize with others. our hipmates gathered round us full breatb, and in It few seconds I and they struggled furiously (I get Inot come at all. But even as the Franco. share the joys and sorrows of his to watch the battle. was on tion. beyond the reach of my wild blows. ill ght passed through my mind I Ionly an auctleriesirls catillogulkic6i follows, admilre or hate them? No a Should I never 'Come to the top? One there was. however, that tossay- I h,,,OLud the bolts grating in their soc- One of the Most prominent of Thq board was equipped after do them ju oil Olittigow's citirons it; Lord Over- one, surely. stice. X strilifi.g attiski nique fashion. In the middle of -,I seemed to' be stemming the oil to close with me and wres tho' Ikets. arid, it few momenta later, 'A f thinking, is the observatory Atted up wk the IT toun. the Millionair philanthropist Man capable only o each square was a little hole to re- course of a furious rier. The con- hammer from my grasp, but I url- suniecone stuiabled up the steps that of judging, who cannot SOME VA(;AarES or TUE latest instrumIj Mr. Wriot 'a citive a short brad fixed in the hot- stant rush of cold water against the ed Ili in to the ground and struck led from the corricior to illy cell and and evangelist. For some thirty- of knowing, sorijidthing of " atjoateur ast!*nom- - -tit a O"I fell heavily against the cloor. With -ais now he )ilia varriold oil a experience Joy, sadness, or fear, cer- 'GREAT'tROMOTER. I torn of the checkers. This prevented top of my head was turning me in in, blow, that, had It fallen four yt er. There is aim them from rolling off, and we could to a block of ice. I could see noth- his head, would have killed him Out- an oath he recovered himself. and, Bible cities at whicti soino 500 voting cord h rminJ1Iltt,,J,, tainly would be ablicirinal." f h( unlocking tile mn atterrol regularly euch Sunday. o experience art emotion, to feel tMetre, the decoration. o essel was on Ing. I could hear only tire thunder right. Happily fur him, and for imy door. flung it wide -Than I up glad, or sorrowful, or angry, to to His Mansion Cost More 1 r cost $75,000. The drop 4rtaln her beam ends, without fear that of the billows that engulfed tile. future'petice of mind, his Ira sed ol�ell As a preacher and evangelist he Ili Million and a Quarter represents an expenditure of 00,500. be conscious of modifications pro - 7 �.OAWbJics- --sylert the position of our men would be And through it all. growing more arm saved him ; and before could 'The dim light prevented me at much in demand, and frottLiently isim, Prof. Lange disturbed by the motion. dralf more painittil -cry instant. was strike again one of his colaradea first from seeing his face, but I takeA the chair at Exeter Hall meet- duelist, lit tile organ ffate'50 horses. The fittingg"A.ro of ith explains. A motcer weeps for her "At it we went in good earnest and the torribile strain on my hands and dealt me a blow that stretched me knew frours tire heavy breathing and ings, especially lit connection Here are the three Mr. Whitaker Wright. the great pwildefied guinsinetal, and cost about a series of cautious exchanges soon arms. beside him, bleeding and senseless. indistinct speech that he had been Y.M.C,A gatherings lion who is dead. ar- $17,500. A row of oak settees is isitages In the proilliKtion of the phe- company Promoter, now under ileft us only three kings apiece. Then My shipmates were hauling me in When -I recovered consciousness I drinking, When, alter a slight paurio Ex -President Kruger eponds hill nomerson of liar weeping, as Usually rest In New York for emba4zlement, arraliged behind the stalls for tbir ensued several minutes of manoeuv- like a cod on theentrickfaline, not found myself lying on the floor or a he raised tile lantern and the light days at N0IILOp0 chl"lly 'it mlooli'lig understood; is one of those men at whom a convenience of visitors who wish' to cring to gain the advantage. I steadily, hoyvever, but with a series cell on the Prison of Vellia. 13 fell on his soddened , features, I sinaking arid rending tire Bible tit, Perception or an idea of her lossl. passer-by instinctively looks twice. it and it, - onder. was just getting my opponent In a of jerks, as they loosened their holds "Olt, the misery of that aW ken- artarted back *fill a cry of surprise, gets Lit) at live ki.in , arid Lit half- An emotion over the lose. He has a personality which is com- 4 - tight place when all at once we to get fresh ones. And every Jerk Ing I How shall I describe ita to for I recognized in )ilia the soldier past eight p.m. goes to bed and The expression of the emotion In ritionly callect I'magretic." With FIERCE FIRE AT ST. JOEL*. heard the captain shout from deck: seemed to start my arms in their " 'All hands to reef the main- sockets. They esolation'that crept over me In VelntL prison, arid had Mocked cut) of coatee. At one It.- 1-4 aguin Lange says that this sequence is Inches little short of 72, with avoir- told me afterwards you, air ? liow describe the awful who. with Is. composition, had visited sleeps until eleven, when lie has a her face anti throughout the body, dupois approaching 252 pounds, he Imnsig I Tation Buildings an that it was only a matter of see- sense of d we w th the first dawning of con -'at me and insulted the memory of roused Cod eats fruit It" it' He reverses the process land 13 a Massive man, an Impressive engrossed had we been in our ends, but to me the ago Mainly dear Orion. omething in MY not allowed by Ills doctors to sleep make, it thus: he niother has d Froll6t, ny of my man, says the London Mail. yet Sheds Destroyed. t sciousness, and so laid hold of game that we had paid but little strained muscles lengthened the into that I praYled, and prayed with all look alkilruied him. and hot made an for mory than a cuirple of hours Ist learned of the death of her son; she there is nothing assertive in his ap- A despatch from St John N.' B, attention to what was going on indefinitely. might. to die ? How describe though lie would draw his sword. a tlinti. and. except fur, his clip Of is shocked; she I a add. Sadness. 'Ra abhors that glitter says: Fire started t' 8.45 'on �"rt- above, and we were hardly aware -,ft was impossible to keep pearance. my my of diamond ring end gleam of got- day morning in a freight &bed at that the stai foretopsail, bat- is uth clos d any flinger. I opened the tortures I suffered when the re- btjt I rushed upon him like a wild coffee. they perinit. 11111L to drink their. Is simply the inore or less 1, e Tile den watch chain whereby the Felf- West St. John, in a small store loon jib and inaintopsail had alrecedy it, and o-ciperience the sensations of n nibranco of all that had happened bon4t loomed froin its cage. arid, nothing litit milk. consciousness in the brain of made man Is apt to, advertise his room, here it is said the lantem been taken in. But that last or�dor a drowning man, as the cold water t the forgo that day came back to, grappling with lihn, forced him h new Archbish,q) of Canter. PsYchologicui changes which have worldly , Inc w Ith redoubled force, find. flood- 'backwards down the HtpaL lie raged success. Mr. Whitaker and tackle us' veg brought us up 'all standing,' for we Y my senses bury is a skilful ujid Ili soutioli I -e- taken placo In the body. d about the whar rushed In. Graduall Ing my soul with anguish, created in and swore tit role. and struck tile a Wright dresses quietly In black, and %veto stored. The flames spread rap- knew that it would never have been slipped away. I forgot who] 0 1 In", Isk pectsi 4 wonderful (hooloolf pIdYer. BECAUSE ITE TREMBLES. is unadorned by a speck of jewellery. idly End shed No. 3 was a mass of given without need. was, why I was holding on Fro tight. fierce thirst tor reveage-but I with the heavy keys which he held Clock, when oil u %ihit 1,, Indind 110 Tnklng another instance. Langs, -the - lily t The only thing in his composition flames a few minutes afterwards. "I grabbed my reefer from Its My fingers were just relaxing Mir CELnIlOt,- I cannot. To realizo: in his hand until the blood streamed stayed w4Lh air oflitivil who lit%( Ilk' puts the matter thus: Rupposs at t;jo cattle hook and pushed my arms through misery you raust suffer as I suffered. duw-n Toy face arid nigh blinded me . intenti,ence i -f tht, Itl of it an unexpit"od moment a Mad dog next to his bulkiness which impiewes The fire then extndod to h T wits pulled I to super the calattal beholder is him American sheds and inamig-ration 'buildings, the sleeves, jammed my cap down on to the gul-filec. A rope rillp,I)ed down love as I loved-tind that I jorksy you but I clung the more t4ghtly now rallway line. uriJ lit ti- doll should rush out on it man. Accord - accent. One findis It difficult to rec- where 1,200 passengers from the ray head, plulled on my mittjrns�an round oty sboulderFl. and the F&arp never will. But let tire continue my him, arid, putting lily foot behInd 11.11111. he lijade Iting touls NNith h1s Ing to tomporansiont the man ber- oncile that nastal twang with Ilia Lake Slmcoo were landed on Thurs. made a jump for the companionway. A of story. Tile daylight had faded Ili illy him, tripped him and throw hitri hOHL over tlio now route ()It the,je cornes pole, runs, trembles, tries to appearance, until T'llings were ironcof a gall penetrated the bac cell, when two soldiers, bringing'henvilv to the ground. Ills head tire two, played defend hinistelf. his heart beats vto- one remembor;; day night. These people were hur- lively enough outside. ray Oat. I heard the sound of ;a that he spent A great deal of his rteA out, the majority going to the A living gale was blowing, and the I Iover ie. Then my head %with them food and drink, com-, truck the otorie floor with stunning chess without either boarli or men lentlY. tic feels shocked. life in America, and that he mar- Carleton City Hall, others being spiay flew over the bow, as the struck the side of the schooner as municated to me the I IT t0lilgenCO , force. and he rehistc-d nit longer All the movilis wert, made �eibally. The popular psychological theory is ried a charming American lady. placed in cars and shunted down the Never Fear heeled to her lee rail. al -e rolled down, and everything that I wris to be tried oil the pror-, With a glu,d cry r sprung to my fkwt they Ill forgot sk, move or it that the man trembles bo,icauso be is tra k towards Sand Point. Very cut through the tumbling seas. The seemed to explode in a blaze Of row for attempting to kill 0910 of - and. 'ronatching tile roword from big Point of LhO gaLlIA', arid edCh LOUld afraid. Dr. Lange says he is afraid HIS a I little aid(.. fell brick a pace that I might Ut,rlo, if any, of their baggage wait ky was perfectly clear and dark r ilia Majesty's guards. paid tars. tell lit any moment what wait t ho because he trembles, To make an - Unassuming in dress and m1nisser saved, as It was mostly in shed No. blue, and the stare shone large, "When I coame to myself I wile In heed to what they saild-so wrappedIgiv., greater force to na ' v blow exact position of the jilitig-Inary nova other illustration Lange calls atten- though he Is, Mr. Whitaker Wright 4. The firemen with difficulty man- cold and brilliant- a bunk, and we were near] * v lip to was I in the bitterness of MY , Nerving mysolfw Ith the th 0 ug"t of on the ima,ginary borsird tion to the fright which a suldden has proclaimed himself a million- aged to stop the fire at tk, immi_ rn a few seconds Boston harbor. it was F,o me dnvn thoughts -and My indifferenci� an- all I had suffered In the past, I was WIten oil tour in ill(, North or %tolient noilie will produce. Many aire In more substantial ways. Him gration buildings and the cattle ad with men. The halyards ere before I could make al loan Of my gored them. ''Ile Ili a ullen clog," about t(i strike when I felt tile light people dislike to bear is. cannon fired. racing yacht, which was lit a craft confined their efforts to slacked away, the bull -rope battled suld one of them, arid, spurning m(` 1 touch of a hand on my arm F.ing)and LL Tear years ago %into "del- not because they think there Is the hands and arms. or even feed myself: istru(Liunq that her hhed, and ear -rings passed. and we began passed it (-ru,-1 jest (;reat oil I What did I For" I be had given It" least danger in it, but because the of Its sesiagh1*66 ydisirb ago, beat the drair. c6oveyors, where the fire Out, anti my fingers klid not beat for with his foot, tl:e German 9triperor"s Meteor , tour VVILS raging floccely. The radw4� to knot the reef points. Am first weeks. But I flnish(vi that game of that kint the hat blood surging to I Ht'silding beside me, In a radiance corroviorp,ondunce ithould h�- addressed nound makes them start 'br tremble. races in succession; he ptirchased a I people tried to pull them down with barod I took my place at the end of checkers with ohnson, rind beat my head. find I not been bound I lof light that seeme In a moment to to her at the post otlice of a (ortalli This is called fear, and yet It In In stearn yacht, Ono of the triminestIthe uFe of their engines, but were the boom. which was a %*cry long him, too, although iamporip elne had would have fallen upon ITIM and 'me t the black shallows enveloping toWnL Oil calling fur tier Ietteis Lit" 'I no way connected with the idea of and daintlest that ever entered the � unsuccessful,, and an the fire wiis one, running out almost 16 feet be- 10 move my kings for me."- torn him to pieces. but they had My heart was lily darling boy. with POrstrulkitress rt -fused ill giNo theist danger. The symptoms of fear occur Mediterin.nears - in short, he haslwithin 20 feet of the mialn piovatotc yOnd the stem. Right under me. as Youth's Cornpartion. chained me to a ring In the wall. 11 look of iningtled ruproach anti com- up, declining to believe that the Immediately after the sound with - had most things a man could wiFAI,a stream of water was roil up and I worked, was the log line, 011mmer- and strain Ila I wonld, I could not pritasion on )its pure young face that tibile-jily-drestled lady biifuit� hill was ut any trace of moral fear. This for, I carried out through the conveyor, Ing with phosphorescence where It reach him. My frultitl9j; struggles blotted front irly mind all further the -eletirateoll prinin durina ill nit- c, rid other cases similar present oamo- a in1; the dillic Ity in 'In it at states of a purely p1syAcal But the glory and pride of- Mr. where the tire tvas stopped from an- irldianted the surface, IlRo a cord of NEVER TO MEFT AGAIN. but served to amuse them. arid they i thought of evil. With a cry I)( shor. o eulv'Nl veil on WIdtaker Weight has'for long been tering the elevator. fire. I remember thinking how jeered at nw and takifited med,with I threw the murderous weapon front original manner tinialing her uIll natur. the beautiful house Len Park, near All the conteilts of the frelgh�t high our speed must be to make the The Frenchinaws polittinestro some- the Impotency of my rage. at) 110 illy hand anci failing ,it niv lonekin she ill(. Jenel ."ng fr It in declared that thera 1% no enko- Godalining, Surrey. Lea Park at- shods are a total loss. About 20 line turn so rapidly. times serves him in good stessid to Fronded me with the brutality of wept bitter tears of sorrov.. ont anti, I., add, the tion without a corresponding physt- most touches the unattainable, even Canatlian Pacific and Intercolonial .'I had been out on the boom point a rebuke. their jests thrit T was like t�) g, n thrinli the good (Ind who klUbMitti4i slievilliv torli cut change, however slight It may be. for a millionaire. Tt Is an Atoll- cars, all IoadK were burned. 1, The again arid again In much rougher A Frenchman who was staying ist inad When Tit longth they bed Rat- 1,iM to nao,r- ilia front the commission th" ll(l%t ]nist resio aim to, the Idoill(Ity An idea. says Lange. Induces a bO41- din'R pallk,ce -,it palace that is esti- lo.qs will be heavy, mainly falling on weather, and never given the danger a hotel asked how much his bill wall. ]site(] themselves with tho crutil sport of that hateful deed. a jllp%hj�d of t1w villfiliennt ly change. which may be trembIlin invited to have cost something like the city, whish owns all the wharves a second thought. A man will run and was astonished to find how they left me -left. me to the tortures colrll� such aa I hall never known ho- 11jornotain. the grent Norweglan tyr sonic other manifestation. ThT. $1,250.000, 1 also a certain risk nine times and es - and obada. The C. P. R. will great an amount, he had been or it sli-epleo;a night. of n r forp, fell upon my spirit. anti I rais- poet, wh,)qp oLvtntloith blithday wan change Is perceived by the emotions HAD GRANDTOI§r, IDEAS. lose heavily, as a lot of their rolling cape. The tenth time he is punish 9 oil. filled with ineinctript; of lily dear on -4 ,I mv eyes to thot bright hjr,,r� rp,tnlIv wilio asked arid becomes the emotion which wilti When Mr. Wright acquired the es- stock will be a total loons. ed for his carelessness. This vr,a Ile felt that he had been plundered (Inc] of the cruel tritired ' v that ha d alm�p ine A lieno,eniv timili- lit up bv it friend upon ,%list oli,cardon it, follow, not the idea. but the bodIIYL Only by the promptness df the my tenth time. tate some years ago, he gave It is ,,lily dluty took riart a little 16nger but he paid the bill, and then asked rolylyed me or them . all it roiji,tiollig loon angelic ag I( Ili of hiq life he had taken the grouteat change. architects and contractors orders to steamer peopl& Were the Tunisian of than the others, and by this time I to see the proprietor. times through thoqe Iong I�wjrq rhange him lin-sence had wroijght pleallure lit knovo,ing that ho wisiq a TO CONTROL THE EMOTIO". empilby 500 workmen at one time. the Allan Line; Intonits. of thc_�Don- had finished there was nobody else Pregently thu landlord came down, darkness did I set, IlIli in.- all,] he wit.,, g,,ne Ito, t It wit when a deiellpilions" It Is not less certain that the phy- and entered upon IL schemel of build- attfton Line, and Lake Manitolia of wo just in esponso to the call, all Warning side nit that dusty rood, %Iith their Itiming up it ni-w inion. Iwent into frtmii the flight callit- lit nly hours, I,, nical mamilestatfons of emotions are tking on the boons. I had tijrned toward ' I,' tely connected with them. The Ing arid beautification which would thor,.tider-Drempriter Line saved,'They tied the last knot when the Fchoon- with smilea. hillood-stained faces illy unit hisning horth it pitcher I hri.tiania,' It,, -d, tritium have required 12 years to complete. worle � towed over to the northern or gave a sudden roll to windward- Tire Frenchman rushed up to him, or(, a a I f in mute appeal to ,f wnter. bothed tit. temple" .,f tho ll the llecaoilos best way of controlling them Is to slire'6k, the slip, but not befoie ehe exclaiming their deaths. prustriste guard and inoititened Iliq wh,,t) they hell thum attacked I control the physical expreitalog of A favorite pastime of his was to I I lurched back, lost my footing csn� Lake itrilt,61le. wa� badly scoiche. htile dawning Ili the inor;ing lipt, (Iraclually lit, rpturno-d 14) coon- anti tv"ni i,tn,tong for humo again. them. take long' walks on the estate and All the undet-j!sinning of the in an instant was flung Into the wa- "Ali, let me embrace you ! ]at me Overy one knows that fright aggra- select positions for artificial takes, w ter. As I sank I gave a shout for kees you I " those visions faded rind I sank into TIC I I'll Rnosq, arid when he wkjs� Ruffl- f,.It that 011-Y 0,ight to ming hand -made hills, Initiation chasms. harves Is destroj#ed. which,,, will help, and the last sound that reach- ,But why (to you want to em- a heavy miumber, which lawted until (lentiv recovered! I handed hini hi,, II.,, thex begun to vates a pande and that despair or will realtstiC ottOCS. With It wave i necessitate a great deal of new'.work oil my ears as the waves closed over brare me, air ? 1-1 don't under-- the guards lo take file to swrirol and kneeling bef,lie hito heir so jig N. .. We ],,vp thig land of anger air* augmented by yielding to ol r Ito be done to boodie the r4kilway me si(,d forgiveness for the irjjur� I had the symptoms of these passions. Ev- e 99 otddred the rethova me was Johnnon's cry of alarm: starrol." the pInc,, of trial ourm ' 1 ht,v couldn I do drlvthing of an existin lusice. With a tiod of tracks safe. A lar9b'Unnount Of In- .1 'Man overboard! Man over- -Ah. salre, but look at z"s beel " ­11eal,sly malla(I-1, I Tons marched done hint in,] th,- still al-proter ese1h.-V load t" in,, i0l'I cry flow of tears renders morrow " t t" dim- ward freight In the sh0da wad lo9t "Vour bill ? Veil, but what Of through the qtreetq to the coiirt. wrong I had mo-ditili agodril him ttip pian %%horn thro, tied a t t , g of more Intense and induces a still oi board! cited " more violent flob'd, until at last re- appeaLrance of ti. 'hill Which he deem- �amemg which was thirty 'barrels 11 was heavily and warmly dress- it and am I port,sled tit" crowd But milh muttereill threats anti turiieq I ml who wa.q thlo,, Prince Chief (It stall on this )C_ parent exhauxtiou of thu machine. ell an obstruction to the view. "Wei whi qkey.0, oil I hail on thick 11doermen'A ­Vot of it? Vv. It mean 7at I A'all gathered around its doors many Ili- spurned trip front hit anti bid of pose comes with la'"Ituhir and ap- will have that hill there," lie said The I a Is estimated at boots. and a leather jisicket tinder nevalre, nevalrot fire you again. were the Words (or pity fnr Tile I fling rue enter my Ilocked the raniot, Or his historic tour of Ills ag one knows how a in offoct, and'a miniature mountain 000- my reefer, and so was In no condi- dear saire." heard on every anti tristriv the dolor in uw unit left trie Co lo n ie,, wrote a FichoulfP[h)w and man rises to paroxysm by repeated sq*&ng up in a more approved pos- tion for swimming. My ovitoation prayers that (1.1,1 j..i&(ht coinfort me ' lnext day I wnri taken Ilefor'l ob"jo ,,f Lord Ilosebery when both explorrionn of exprehalong. Ition. Mr. Wright Was reduloun in MOVING TO CANADA. was a dilisperato one. A man who 4V arid have me lit Tri,o keeping the go%ernor and condemned to lie wero I ... v� at. E,ton Orork of Okliolt- ea- Refusal to exprtes a Passion. it 19 his work of transforming the face of falls In the night from a mov- INILLING TO DROP IT 'I will poll 0%er rho- coino-s In krin-ited trk% Ill, pend a unaway said, and it dies. Oount ton botom nature. Ile diqmnsed with one lake The 'United States Losing 00,000 Ing me rapidly its the Never rear On a rourt-the leslin-liv (ir itic, ,,oldior:4, ' An qcion its the vijt,�rirp hti(i been totogellh,-r t Aq,ot he Persona a Year. atandA but little chance of ll�infr to A prisoner won in the docl< the hfg.qcq of It— when tit(, lininnnitced I was taken to the prl� .ikillfuliv Pomucte,d At givtbg free rottgrs fill Your wrath and arW condtructed two. I harge of stealing. find the rose ()f:(,n ourtyaril and the d the occhalon Which gave birth to It PLAPTO KEEP COOL. A despatch from NpV to the colo.t judge in., to Is. lifli V "I-ot it %Mlicle was to virait tylit appear ridiculous. , yorkl, royal tell of it. having been presented Under the 6 I urfiscoll of the target he 20,0011) Poebtfle rL yd I- I tire �`goiajg -As my I.lossid, came above water, I by the prosecutinA wlicitol', he was poi Hery lit the �A.berlan w,iitg to air Iron lioqt t Tv ' for theill ,knot the dii%er was to Remain scated all day in a lan- built a kind of Conservatory with a from Ohio, Indiana, 1111nofs and shot tin anxious glance In the diree- lerpoll to m1no,q, and Pagernf4s, to i-atch ' qtalwart "arders, with knout " I" proo,ioto- whitikeim arid mous- guishing poslfulto,, algh and repIv t' tion where I stipposed the vesel to stolid lip. . of me when I their handq, bared my an,, twhew linh,rtunatelv t he whirskers every one wAth j itadd6ed vo-le &not roof of glaM, $Ile 011i"Ir lAtininfor he Town Into the Manitoba wljekv.� 10- 111invo you a lawyer ?" cqk6d this (I n.arer pliti-Il, and I;ts gut cous it rider the glons of Canada. and their �.Ppai, be. 'She wn nowhere In Rightl For passed out oin illy way balk to 'coannii-no-mi to lool ine nd the vehi(loi did riot arrive. and, mclanclioly Will PdrilliEt In Muce- oil k u court, I suffered or; the critel n -P ,I greater lake ill* � Iff CTIppiling Churches itg thoge a few Fleconds k tasted the 1), tier pri.ion. The i,,,Ital Would boitiveary I the runislovot%q I% (I compelled to tlon there Is ino precept rep It ''Art, vou able to employ one to.) (I v Tbe�e ,si t. Of a jjjj�6 diholit Statos, accordingtto, a 0 pre- I noion of death. -Then I was lifted yoll. The ll,xt illy I ll,v long thintirg descended .,It MY flesh aw t,timl(in tit(, dt�gutjte Thev went, value titan this# rmod Comber, sind saw Cle Never Fe t111111)(NI Tirtriond my qui%prinq or skill. T e of the started to the Alliance -ight the this nterrX n through a Churches. The report w .9 feet away. At the same imirtant Nct, rir." and toilsome journey to running the miles It you with to make oil r�kilf boats, a visitor in rowed ,Ila you want a lawtor to defirrid "Wilh ITIOn.-I nlhf�r wtlleq I Won 110 words cur, PTI'lleg" I shrieltm down across the billows came the M Illied lmtl�t "IthOUt AtOPPIng' Oil the hot- master of utt,iltaftiable ecoct, t,,l and chlaWi. ftgd� aveptuckily-arrivep in , tv iiie, Rev. Dr. WdIldCP In.'Cerwiderliti arched Through rho, town find out with the rigonv awl , in their) 3ricle'" lagg ass shout, the raqo I,, tile riled that in mercy to kill me witrighl Illit I "' t f,f Joint, attvrnoong After note- tendoi Iduol,4'% 1"' "top imiry-like, czlll�erri, Steps hewn out 116nno hirfasl6pa. Into the count ry thev had to scamper the exterior manitestisi , thorn Of the livink rock frad to hidden 11 1 12 ­ -Light 06 torch?' Not partickler, air led past ply rorfrp 1,wig liefore we thev Its,oh,-of nie the and I was Ing one race galleries, wvose wealth of Oriental DIED Or H9R JNJ1UR=S. "A few minutorn before I had been ­WPII, what do ,�ou propame to do capho it, right of ii� I wan straining lit tha point ,or sorconitir when I felt back. cond innnagod to reach trineir and cultivate the manif,,,otat Of wari and comfortable in the cabin about, the care ". if My YQEI to a glimptle (if the the liaht twuli oil my nrin throl had rooniq witholit hVIng fo-Ind Out the Opposite oblotions ecoration and rare 6alfultry ilipirold, Who gall I)ctwh t, la. over my game of clicirl(eirs. NOW 11 a yawn, nq little florinrist"ol I loved So Well : Alr,�Tsdy qpnred nw It Laody llijtler'q ionic as nit artist j1pon the view with pi6astural)ld Mir- Lftdofi 4itl won fighting (or my life in the fresjz-,,,�rfeirl of the thir*--4'I'm willin' to morini rind,-IrookIng (it), beho,ld lily of most Titrencoun api,lication. DIPMAtNT IN pri so vater Shaft. Ing refts. A great wave overwhelm- drop the Cose, far'n I'm concertiml but when at It-t,w1f, it (Aft"' It, �Icvv As a child slip was alwa�- drawing Mr. hitalcter Wright bus. cc Projedl- another might niv attrit. hoV file A writer. describing thv ""Pitalpme & dmpatch from London, Ont., oil me, blottling the Glehoonerio from ­Aq hi., tender ronrions.sionale arid painting, and her father himself native lady lictiall for fflat"616 foubtafirls. Les, 1'. ity 8 I Alice Roberts, a 17 -year-old my %loolloo, once more. When I Waril tJon and stilled in a mornoW the pol if rho 11odeTtOOk her e railways... gols he,, eager throbbing f no% heart Ali ! even In --t Mine Ow "lue'at'lon, entert a rallWay earring" qhe slips TI.rk is 9ytt9d6d li#tCh thorn. One r0- girl employed tit D. S4. Perrin's bio- lifted aloft on the crest of the next I OVE-MAKINO IN MEXICO, Whist a might, ,i iliat I Coming rottin,ed, nri-I I felt wit tile that it might not interferro with her bar feet Wild her lifiv sa*g1gairitic, dolphin. Tt in cult factory, wan jobtlell by some of edrabbe tile v0srel was 2rj feet far- I 11111111r. blown thoy rallied .,n mv arti"le purpults Ills itiolsonn were upon the. *,t, a., I '�n .,tq denturoo- c0filftniGhl'i st ttior nw&y. alincilt ont iroly by reeding h 'arved Out of 11% ainglor 1 % ill with her feet % Am' In Northwest 111'exico tile courtinfr toward tin, round it iond to,, arid *61#11s over A titsba, NO Anaff of, thijurnday. atit, lialltrik iftt'0 111orre wrat almost doad within in all dome fiv the lady. Tire young Wrin; a tonsibril. road with -edinif ishoulderso Ing hiq hand 9 I Vol beneath railway alitelt a linatalliVir tile shaft, filldt UDWU 20 feet. 110th pic, when suddenly I saw the log FAople meet at tile fenstsi, and therp black, and, following it. it Iong pro- he directed lily attention to) it Pilot 010tid- 'he P"I'll at 'lit' game ti -110 lift. A moment later he -rid ft, -*aft hatill, firmil, with her brimh or pencil. Cigarette. All piece of ot;cqlptors, a Were bilitilien at the wrist, the damrel as f of men and litany Rome few ardn attend nrid ther( I working lavarvesill people ell t 0 U44 trItiction elx� libb, like a ray of light, cutting the "rIN A mint' behold a qtrangre sight 1 -h -en when travelling the little girl with, tbtlr feet ,,,,,n the I'Vat. When $Otfiawllat unexpertoldl,� tile ubtOr- WfLtVa near by. That line rotprel,�irjtjt- member of the oppoAter nox ^whorn of them weeping ))lit I fi,,d tile' ''Tiomid to an Iron pillai, moth Ilia won always nketching what she SaW. th# e fri r On. toinate girl died at the boapital Ow led life to me. I made a grab at It. F" winholl'A to beconie her h0oband b1l,"ittl in viAlon a,, irrobrif .1 vIZOM V,iTtlAu rAT.,ACV,- PrIdet morning,. ,Not Inquest is�t trilfrisled it altogether" my hartita trien to rittraet his 6%ttorition by to ill I ", my ienr-dinimerl eye I face t"I'llied from on wan arlothor leaning out of railway carria4ifies &lid to, he Another WMIM *09, Ub hiiii. , ' � I before bint, portmIatently It 90emed at; a great cloud Prisoner, him two Rhouldorq beireld dillapoill Ili Order to obtain O_ VIOW eja�o, t,_. hoot"t POIROIY� TIC Ctutchod told water arid nothing daming ng hIch tied struck her rivoillits the b -w an l", o4lig each pas, round by Xt. Wtl#ht lit Aft AnOlitht 166W' r tor&f a mcotalt tinito, and kc*ljfng her 1410c turned towards that, Wrapped, tire whole collatl'yPitin and livid front the blowa that had of nornothl Italian Palaf*�, goo hAdfiritt. bid for Our ditifIllf fabin jorit touched It with tho tips,of my him. Sventuaft Ah glay sit down in Its notrolivr,j] fold- on me tt olroady brien Phow,pred upon thorn fancy Mr Thompsion taught hit stut for hf, ticket "aholl, he t Carpet I$ I'alfroki visitor- '96th8l" mijaiji. fica'11 lilyk and piM his blanket and cast It itLar cat shadow Fillidant An I alsovied on the cruel night the daughter for twelve Yeats, and thon it, which *W9,Vtd'W' 1710 it prison wallo mol-Ited before mv -voriq So irlib Great lv,,ql C. -n ;,as 2,661 yfidlen "Vtd �*Offlo to nloyo, Jr at it def.1, sing to blon n a flientlo, low V,tlliib.� cjf�a to, th6 arda to kill thir nington, Minn F.Tiftbolith Thoth*06vi 700 mile, ora tiqh line ly, litthis tfiti6 I Iffhiln sthe entrol t6 Wing fritil,ters. lay Inc beside my dopr onrA for I anti I boliplill an In n 101'. fil, let, ally pill -rid seihron_ IusW t it I th t the COJ;4 fistly in MY ands, to fovilia she b4,gtns to thro, peh­ there was In On fait' earth I whole World siprend otit hefort, tile married ir Wiklialfir BUtl d "The noll Cal To lad. Ifil igeotland the North British colliltIll litltlht 18 6, *b hills) AAA *iI,.T f0ftlft tilts atATIO 421108,16h 01116, It 116 throottof end more deg ate than I Illit they And I saw myralds 0f poopin, man. ears aftet _U : 4 Iwo lit�, 04 t Vat tholit: t tould not utai'lifllow b1o6k at her hey At# inotbod, only cursed It for a madman and women and childrab aft all gorts and naddly her fiflatbus *Ith 1,302 allies II