The Goderich Star, 1903-01-09, Page 8�s
a1111,80le Holiday Papetries
Jn, rant Boxes, containing high
grade Note Paper and EnvclOpea.
Picture Frames and Fancy
• China.
"Glengarry School Days," 11.15
net; "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cab-
bage Patch," 75c.; The Story
of Mary MacLane,'' $t.15 ;
"Castle Crany Crow." $t.15 ;
" Misa Petticoats," $1.15 ; etc.
Pocket Diaries 1903,
Canadian Almanac . nos. Publishers'
new price 35c.
' ,4,* ,bt otalP 1C .T.--Qo'rueo
s ty,otIrtstweek Rev. Mr, Tiusltar had
art agrees le intrPriett when the lneintii,
era of Sharon enure)* ppresented Niru
with s load of pats. They spent a
pJe&eanttiitenling,in ,sectio intercourse
anti rime*.
VortscN.•A4L. ----Miss Susie .j>c;heson.
entertairlvd" her friends on esday'
evenin .Mta, F. Leonard received
the aadintelligence that her nephew.
Mr. Chas. Wasting,fireman on a G.T.
exprese, was kiled at Merriton on
turday in a collision, -Mr. and Mrs.
B�rockenabear, of Crediton, visited at
thops.rsonage uneunday and Monday.
-Miss E.Tebbutt. of Goderich`�j was in
our village on Sunday.Mri'% Leon-
ard, of Ratho, called on friends here
last week.
Goderloh 9 ownship,
Make Weak Hearts Strong
Make 'Shakey Nerves Firm
They aro a Sore Coro for
Nervousness,Slee lessness, Loss
of Enemy, Brain Fag, After Ef-
fects of La Grippe, Palpitation of
the I-Ieart, Anae=mia, General De-
bility and all troubles arising from
a run down system.
They regulate the heart's action
and invigorate the nerves.
This is what they have done for
others! They will do the same
for you.
I Have tekan • Milburn'a Heart and
phis far I1►lpitstion of the heart
Q` -er rhattemdnerrer.andforbo .--;sobra
Telephone too B. Ingerwll, . nt+
BeNerve Pill. I ing weiir .5 run down,, could not
y troubled
weep aflttight andSln ki them i feel
with m6
. Sleep wellab n ghb ad mr
heart;t trouble me a � ey
has bad a Olean ewe° in the sale et PIPES, CIGARS;•' and SMOKERS 111Ia0dI311rb uie, P,F1.L
PERSONAL,- Joseph Bruce, of Mel•
vin, Mich., is visiting friends in town
and township.
nesday evening there was a splendid
meeting of the members of L. O. L.
145, when Ave candidates were exalted
to the R. A. P. degree. R. Y. Cox
reesentfromCurrie'ssLodge blantors ches-
ter and Goderich. After the work,
lunch was provided, spoeoh,making in-
dulged in, and a good and profitable
time spent.
SOIWOL FIRE. -Tho Union school
was discovered to be on fire -on Friday
evening about 5 o'clock. The sante
be -school- -was-cleaned; Pvnn to
the stove behlg carried out, and there
was no fire in it. When discovered
the fire was in the porch, which soon
extended to the inside, roof and raft-
ers. The few who gathered carried
water and snow, and after a lot of
hard work got the flames under con-
trol. The loss will be considerable,
and the school will be closed for some
time. The building was insured in
the West Wawanoah Mutual, who
will likely put It In good repair. It is
likely school will he held in the mean-
time in Wm. Sowerby's fine brink
house, as he has offered the use of it.
Coxnoreekrr,E.-Ry direction of the
with the finest in the land, and the
prices will snit all pockets.
Conte to us when you want the Best
and Cheapest
The BhunewtGk Givar Store,
the CBoberich %tar.
FRIDAY, JAN. U, 1003.
POODle We Know.
WE swing into the Second week of our Great JanrY Sale with
a list of Specials that should keep business humming. ' Special
lines that we have bought under value for this month's selling„
and clearing lines from our regular stoi k, are marked at prices that are
positively money -saving. Just two reasons for these pride cuts.
We want to keep business brisk during a usually dull month.
Nores.-James Stacy recently met
with an e.deof a
serious naturehile mixing some
vitriol and turpentine in a bottle the
contents exploded, burning his f�
and hands very severely. --Sodom
decided to erect a new school house On
the farm of Mr. T. Spweet, who has
iece of land for
that purpose. It wiexl ll 1M completed by
midsummer. Miss Hogg. of Brussels,
has been engaged as teacher for the
present year. -Mr. Fred Green and
wife, also Mr. and Mrs. G. Ford, spent
New Year's day in visiting at Mr.
James Green's, of Hay township.
Cheater Stanlake. who has been
spending the holidays with his
parents, returned to London
on M -
day. -Mr. E. Harrison, of
who has been visiting at Mr. E.
Box'Miss s'Maudned home Ienac is nv Thursday.- tay
visiting her
brother William, of Exeter.
233EIC .L•f .teal.
We want all stocks down to the lowest point possible before we
enter stock on the 31st inst. • ,
, Mlss Mabei Fart loft on Friday for Alma
Fred Egener is again at the Stratford Busi-
ness College.
Stuart Line returned to the Toronto Law
Schoolthts Week.
Dr. and. Mrs. Calow returned from their
T rite Metspn Fa
site ridy
Trinity Medical College. lett
this ],,auger N 1 s week on his return to
Smart Murray returned to the Torentb Dual
nese college on Steadily,
jftae Marton IngUa le visiting friends in
Brinsley and Mooresville.
Miss M.0 Duniegp lett on Monday on her re-
turn to Toronto University.
Philip leisly and �t returned to Mo001
College, ileal tho
o t week.
Miss Martha Salkeld. of et Helens. spent the
holidays withtier parents In towm
Miss Mabel Johnston left Monday for Tor•
onto t0 attend St. Margaret's College.
Manager S. Mo Lloyd, of the Bank of Mon-
" trail Poria, Id Mon-
t at the old home.
Fmk 'Hick, t Toronto, was the t week
.. Meitner r relatly in town and townshlp.
Messrs, eleorrand Thoma. Salkeld spent a
Wee Miaa stud Frank Alitimm 1et&thls week
wills rid a winter.
thee. Slant tinied'to- family tweak
Frank a left yesterdayiig take
a, Naw
at the John Mitchell Cu
York. •' g� Hunt loft
me 1 m, harper and t
yer,leratty for Petroloa, whore they spend a
mb ii.
Mtge Harwood, of London,who was the guest
. et the Aliases ltougvtc, holiay week• left tor
home on Monday
Meows. 'Chu, Saunders, Clarence Rhyynoe
Hugh Polls left for the Stretford Business
collage Mendel,.
week with the grandparents near Lneknow.
far Towel, w ere they pe a kr
after a two w sisltat o y •
Township Council, Clerk Sturdy for-
warded t e following letter of condol-
.nee and sympathy to the widow of
for so many years a resident of the
the late Mr. ohn Beacom, who was
township and a member of the Coun-
Dtwn MADaat.-Thu Township Counoil Q/f
Goderieb has heard with deep sorrow and re -
have directed us 'o express to you and Your
sorrowing family their sinoore sympathy and
Born in this township, Mr. Beaoom was
known to all during his long resid ce with us
and in hla active partlo!patina in trig affairs of
public life ho was regarded as ono a our most
upright and progressive attune For years h
was a leading . member of aur Township and
County Counoits, and in both bodies his wisp
counsels and earnest consideration for the wel-
fare of bis fellow citizens won him the highest
regards of hie aeaoohttea.
But we feel that it is !able own home and fam-
ily circle that his loss will be mot deeply felt,
and ere we can only attempt to add a word o
ooltm�lort and sympathy. cotnmcnding you to
pod of hoc wthtdo Father of tho fatherless and the
Again sasuri rQ you that we will long remem-
ter with affection and esteem our departed
a .
To Mas. Joan A8A0O111, ILDERTON, ONT. t
Big Hose Bargain.
Hundreds of pairs of Cashmere Hose at'a
saving of to to 15 cents a pair. They are
cheap enough to make it pay you well to an-
ticipate your needs for months to come. We
bought them away under their real value, and
if' we had to buy them wholesale today, . they
would cost us more than we are asking you
for this lot.
Ladies' Ribbed Cashmere Hose, seamless feet, good quality,
made from soft, fine yarns, assorted ribs, regular 35c
and 4oc., for January Sale, your choice, per pair.. 25c
Port Albert.
BALL. -The locgt Court of the O.O.F.
will hold a ball and oyster supper in
their hall here, on Tuesday evening
onext,.. land dancing otter hr served at.mThese
hops are generally very popular and
as the brethren do things pr4Aerly a
good time and a large crowd i9 ex -
pH„n 1• -What's wrong with T.
E. Durnin P He's all right. Oongrat
ulatione, and many of theml-Mr. and
Mrs. Goo. Clark, Colborne, were Cor-
n the
netghborhood on Tuesd$ '.--A•
rell, Toronto, spent a few days with
his family the past week, and left
again on Monday for the city: -Miss
Ethel DeLong, Goderich, wan the
guest of Mise Sadie Hawkins this week.
=.William -Browny sear., is confined o.
his room at present it is reported.-
H. Lednor is visiting friends in Stanley
township at present. -Walter Hawk-
ins left for his school on Sunday. -Mr.
Bert Henderson has again assumed
his duties at our after
his holidays at home. -Miss Johnston,
Godorirh, is at present visiting Miss
Mary Dunbar. -Alf. Bennett left Sat-
urday for, Chicago, after spending bis
holidays with his parents,
resumed heeru(lsteacher inhe
a(lmp„res Morgan returned to Detroit on
Moadity, afle alewdllye - isit at the family._
rotddanoe, Wldder street.
38.,'. D. Johnston and child pleaso for home,
111e1te% On Mondt►
t two
weeks' visit at 150 1,1,1 home. •+•-
eorge Carrie, of London, end little
'Met (A William 114ve been visiting Mrs.
J. van%lt. umber. et„ the past week.
,Allan(lreen, of Cleveland Ohio and sisters,
'% Maas J0011,0 and Jean of i'ort Huron, spent
•the holidays at home, To to Dale s in town this
weekan 1 on many of hiswoakl friends. all
Pereeilsepmrdiotof whom were glad to see' him looking w wslL
W. . Tweedy and Ephraim Tweedy have
,neocttiveli aftteer spending the holiday
eases* with their parents In town.
William . J. and earnest A. Johnston, ruin•
virigh tel A. Johnston, spet
thechdAmas ko1 hei old home with
me. John [.and Mrs. Johnston, Fiction
• . Wm. Tumor* lett on Saturday to take np
an appointment In Ottawa. In the Postmaster
(leneral'a Department, He will be much
ret ceded. s had hosts of Mends, and all hope
Lha will be.beneerial.
Mr. and Mia. n. Sullivan and little diughte,*
X.thmile' tit Amend Manitoba, arrived In
aday t0 � few weeks rig
friend and colleague.
Signed on behalf of Council.
the la a meter, rs tn. McCaughan, a
• ,alar friends in town and township.
----WeteJerhirosentHanma, Manitoba, le visit-
trA been in' the .'Y�sdtrie lw'ro'vince so year's,
white n lrch, westvWAwunooslrotghtlortlaad of
Hobert $ W. Breckenridge, tat;residence aw fter Raven,
.bi.c ., is f ea paras
of "stir tbirtecy rests. Ifs win
w etld over it nr ere re -visiting bis bot.
a teepee, and visiting his maul 0
Alai 0,1 cone, vain hes
hoon spending
aLa bt>i, =W411 6114 iirc4t0 rtw►denoneo.
_1eoPebett epoletal organeiet or Ile
, :..ysaoinees.-at Ba !told, On Jan,
kyUse:IIev J. eNetl, 011ier W. ImpUNerlelttelt O. Mead, daughter nt
irealt, Zig.
iernmAL,-The I,it(dee' Aid met at
Mrs. Yone,; thtsweek:--Mr.• W.m.Xyle.
hue rented a farm near Wetaakiw n,
Alberta, and intends removing there
in the spring. , of PBRsaNAL.-Albert Berry,
gan. is spendinga few days under the
parented roof. -Jia Blair, of Centralia.
Is spending aweek with his uncle, Mr.
MoMurtrie.-Mies Alair has returned
to London, after spending a week with
friends here. --Mr. and Mra. WtUlam
Northcott, of Sexemith, visited Mrs.
Johnston this week. -Mr. Hugh Mc-
Diarmid, after spending his Christmas
holidays with his sister in Ottawaa,
has returned home. -Mrs,
Ivtson, who has been apen4ing a
month •with her daughter. Mrs. rown-
lee has returned home.
Jonx Minn:awe, NIXON STURDY
Reeve. ark.
Hera xNF 1..-A. %alit {vod thg.,taoIC
place at the home of Mrs,V uI, raw-
ford,New. Year's Day, when her daugh'
nal bonds oto Johnn McNabb, wofimme
forth. The ceremony was perform%
by Rev. Mr, Rutherford, of the vii•
lege. The bride and groom left on tut
afternoon train from Lucknow an
l w visit retin urn next week nd and orth
They . el
up a pei�Ynatsent residence liars. W.
wish Mr. and Mrs. McNabb a long ani
happy union.
Ctionon NOTES. -Annual meotinlI
in connection with St. Paul's chore
will take place on Thursdaye ppiievening
lad es nst., ot theer church. Teass of will th
served in Gay's hall at 0 p. w., n
the meeting and entertainment wi
begin at 8 p. nl. in the church. Thei
will be vocal solos, and recitations
it birth quality by ladies and genu
Men : also the Revs. Gunne, M.A.,
Ciln�o11 a Lowe, of Win WUp, a
resident --miniatera - AWL_ _ ke a
Adults, Soot juniors, 1Sc•- .13W
Q11UI1c1Y NO8.-Last Sunday thio
Rev. F. E. Melott preached' the firatof
the series of sermons on t°glbe Seven
Deadly Slim." His subject, es men'
tioned last week, was "Pride," and he
preached an eloquent serern, speak.ea.
Ing on pride of race, position,
appearance, religion told humWty,
concluding with the effect of pride.
Next Sunday he speaks on "Anger."
His sermons ' are always thoughtful
expositions of truth. -In the Preeby-
t�erien church tho Rev. Mr. Davidson,.
of 'Varna, preached a good sermon in
tin evening. In the morning Mr. Mc-
ceptance preached after hich a large h his number
partook of the SAiirirtlent•
f PFF,
Warden I EV. M. M. GoLDB>i
Rector. -A reception service will
held in the Methodist church he
Sunday morning next. --
G»RAr,NoTas.-The W.Wawano
council is the same as last year, wil
exception, J. Mallough beingg
feated at the polls and John McLe
elected. -Mr. T. E. Durnin has
elected County councillor for the
suing term, to represent Div. No. 1.
Insurance Coo.. held heirawanosh Bast meeutual ts
for the year on Tuesday of this wee
The year, company •the tar,
nultlbe RfleeeOe id. The annual met
lelegotinni w ccs tins F,�P
ler the Olht
de -
et -
year. -The annual meet ng of t
Dungannon Public Llbrayy will he
einea are to be sold at this meeting,
also the officers elected for next year.
opened here on Monday last. The
teachers are T. G. Alien, principatand
Miss Brunell, of Seaforth, assistant.
Help your, children to grow strong
and robust by counteracting anything
that causes 111 -health. One great
coupe of disease in children is worms.,
Remove them with Mother Graves'
Worm ExterminritOr. It never fobs.
PERSONAL. -R07 Little. who has
been for several weelm, is around
again and will soon leave for the Soo,
where he has been efigaged the past
aummer.-John IL Gay returned from
the North-west last week ; he reports
good croTtiend everything flourishing
in the 41 eren_t pat* of Assinibola he
visited. r, uay will move out ID the
spring and take up permanent resi-
dence in Indian Ilead.-Mr. WoOde, of
OoderIch, pakl a flying visit to friends
liere the pest week. --0. Harts, of
Teetuvater. was in the village recently.
-Ed, Bowers, Dungannon boy now
twitting in St, Thomas, spent Xmas
With friends here.-Nise E. le. Behems
it In Oentralia,.-N. P. Whyaed and
edger Ida are in Elinira and adiecent
and towns. --.1. ficAtiley is
Ina the winter in Goderich.-
lit,,Doilerson and Roberta
alielther terMieechiler f$ We*
ink* eoittles hi Stratford thisineeeVol-
siondsti-win Crawford, traveller
for a art geode firm Of Toronto, epent
Sunday \matt the parental toe?.
ttite at choke lielection left, and at the
es they are going at now it would even
emit, you to give another present to your
Another Hose Bargain. -
so pairs only, Children's Woolen Hose, odd lines and
sizes, clearing for January, per pair......... 15 etS.
Here aresome January Sale •
Bargains in Caperines. Not
half a dozen to sell, but we
want to make sure of getting
them out, so have cut the
prices this way. If you are
going to buy a Caperine, here
is your chance for a bargain.
iHN x.UT.
was demo* nitrated at. the great. GoderichTown-
ship SaWip•1 1, Matd k -o£ last treason, that
FRASI R & LOOAll $AW was the swiftest cutting Saw •
known, and, au.ade fast friends with the large crowd
of witnesses.
have these Saws in stock, besides the LEADER,
We have had such a rue on X -Crit Saws this season so far that we
have had to get a second shipment.
In AXES we carry the best makes --giving a wide
range for choice:
You can depend on getting a good tool from
l •le
'I .
The lace
bu to all Haxdware Cheap, - OODBRICH.
A/� �1�'
Jordan ly� V Ont.
Block. v A. GoderiCt
• I
Clantles For January.
Lots of Mantle weather aheod of us yet. Half
the Mantle months are still before us. We want
to make quick work of every;_Coat now in stock.
When you can get new Coats like these for such
little prices, would it not pay you well . buy one ?
Here are a few of many :
Fawn Beaver Jacket, coat collar, 36
inches long, lined throughout, stylish „
Jarment, regular eio, for $7.60 s
anuary Sale
One Only Jacket, fine quality beaver,
strapping of saute down front and
back, lined throughout, pearl but-
tons, regular $14, for $„,,,.
January Sale-
One Grey Frieze Jacket, velvet collar,
pearl buttons, trimmed with strap-
ping', 36 inches, sem,-fitting, regular
io, for January Sale $7.50
One Fawn Beaver Jacket, fly front, coat ,
collar, a very stylish coat, regular
$1z, for January Sale $9.25
One Only Black Kersey Mantle <semi -
fitting, mercerized lining, 27sinches,
pearl buttons, regular
One Only Black Frieze Jacket, semi -
fitting, mercerized lining, fly front,
regular $6.5o, for January $3.00
One only, Grey Lamb Caperine,
extra good Fur, high collar,
' long front, satin lined, 4
large tails, regular $14.50,
for January Sale. V $IO.
Less than a dozen Children's Coats left to sell.
They are suitable for Children from 5 to 10 years
of age, aTI are new this season. We won't carry
one over, so to clear them out before Feb. ist, take
exactly ONE-FIFTH OFF the Prices of each Gar-
ment. Not much trouble to figure up your saving.
Less than a dozen to sell. Early buyers get best
One only, Black Oppossum
and Astrachan Caperine, high
collar, 4 bushy tails, a servi-
ceable and stylish garmept,
regular $9.00, for Januar) $6.75
Sale. ,
DETERMINATION to clear out all mid -winter goods
before stock -taking brings out some remarkable prices.
Compare our prices on first-class goods with what you
will be asked for theca in other places or' with our regular
prices. All we ask is the evidence of your owneyes and
judgment to convince you that this is where the real bar-
gains are.
One only Caperine. Electric
Seal and Columbia Sable,
high collar, extra long front.
circular back, regular 4)11.50$16.50, for January Sale..
One only Caperine, good
quality Astra an and Elec-
tric Seal, long front, regular
$16.00, for January Sale....
One only, Black Opossum
Caperine. high collar, cir-
cular shape, regular $8.50,,e4
One only Caperine, Electric
Seal and No. 1 Columbia
Sable, high collar, lenge.
front, a very stylish gar-
ment, regular $33.50, for $25.00
January Sale
Heavy Pink Flannel-
ette, regular ro cts
quality,, moo yards
to sell during our
great January Sale,
at per yard 6Ihc.
To the recipient, will be ycmr Christmas remembrance
Violins, Accordions„
See our "Dominion" Pidnoe
See our Goderich Organs. Guitars, Harmonicas,
and Orgens.
See our "Wormwith" Planes. •
Mar stove and Wine seen.
Mesta is stock t.t obtained on Mandolins Gramoptolles
Alt the staudant arid router
Dress Goods.
English Cheviot, pure wool, ab-,
solutely pure, the 75c line for S5c,
the $1.10 line for 8oc. Double fold
Melton for 15c, 54 in. Homespun
for 48c.
nave a fair assortment yet at less
than half price. See the hat we
can give you at CINE DOL.LAR.
Not many left, can't last long at
SEwl No
We sell the "WHiTE,“
" STANDARD " and
All supplied wrOt latest attach.
inenterind guaranteed for to years.
Men's Ulsters for $3.5O.
Men's $8 to Po for $foOO$[.
Boy's Short Coats, $3 90.
$4.5o Reefers or Short Coats_ for
$2.90. .
A few left at any old price.
All Winter .Goods
Children's warm Gloves 5c.
Torso! Toques up to 5oc for 15c.
5oc Hoods for a5c.
$i Men's Scarf Mufflers for 75c,
big reductions in cheaper ones.
Another lot of Berlin Wool at 2 oz.
for 5i.
Spring Skates, were 9oc., for 35c.
Hockey Skates, were $1.00, for 8oc.
The secret is we are going out of Skates.
LAMPS for Library and Hall
are here in abundance,
and the prices will not ruin your pocket
MUSIC AND inevctat mamas,
iitati CLASS
011613-SHOes and Rillb6138.
0,4s steadily
filodiat its way
.toto ail Hones
Wholesome Brea
111/It Wel* our steck front
v v reliable dealers, end our
- :',OzotalaAt ali tilos win be found
qaalitY. Wi" Mike fl; specialty
of keeptgig: on Una the eholtelit
AMP 0004 **OW Olt PO.
AdYiltitit vote are needing in Mem lima
diapes;witli one, two -or
three -blades.
and Grades.
sttelt demand. It 'is teononty to buy these goocis
they,ato so durable.
whether yott want theta tor:house otit titatifir Wear.
We 00.,fit you at the.light
you have say gentiles to he IPA* Wok theft
hero mat be *owed of a leirst,Ctiso 40*
Is Economical,
and the delight
of all who want
to save fuel.
Ask to see MeSt 'anion* Oil Slovm
is just as good as, gold.
These superior Stoves
lead the market, and are
money4nakers as well as
fuel savers. They have
,_:1?een long tried and tested,
and have never failed to
prove the coojedx.he,d-
Visit our Stoll- if satisfied, buy here,
'We Want You,r Trade,