The Goderich Star, 1902-10-17, Page 27-7 o'th" 0*104 0014, 044 44 J0 A44 0094THI X �,*= I"r(ow =Z=V*V� no x0to Wsxf 00100 , U ww R "44 I to phall flibarp" tilow 00, Row tZ w1u X0 40kilook Vy. 1,991
LfDO Chroumstanoes 1701 0ontr4dor no I Ina r 0* of*" 11 V_*40*--Wa* 4,owk, APyt- -."Aclo
Wo Oiro=st WT
i U, X�4 Illrip - heeOt'004 rotliw., ( I �� NO'Order t9f) LAWOr *90., Few .11 31dor 040 of#' V IIasPIS 44 14 404i W
isAPut x0goJo. t. w4to jo. A ilif uto A�s !"94 small 4 L to J X for Our Ca 4 jul W. vab �i ft tlts,tomoo,
I * . � it sPro *hp Would, 1,4 Im ot,04044"''o guy, wmado 1 Iff, 410, rlght'iltrlAlr� lie sgover .01 em A*- to go Ipgot c9UI.d only -bring back Nowel or tbilit. f, 4JAj 04 W W i's bppitq 4.0,� to 1#04, - winter for the purpoer, 1 rojAm, 4w right 'U.S.0, ''A04'aw 4-v- witok. 0, 'All kinds of
11 Once read latch4 po t"�Jmcituw -#Awl 44 c0g.- W-Covere ot ot . . 1, do patch MOO- 1W.120 , k 0119ek drove bla #pjl out of Ill$ hrinie� acehis over M evoul sd his tent 01)lcfkgO SAFS: The boy, on to be Able t
ow to 46,00 ba." - — Lumber, Lath and'S1111191ols ow 41" 00 0r4ak 'Do Witt Talmage prft0b- bitterriggs, pupgCol lit If 4 24 b. tioil from tit* loll a 0 0 1, _QWip __�Iisho them tqo: vain- 04 V#* qCg9m of I 9 OeV 10, 04 i, fro 4 0 it'Wii *X4 ')WrAotul ropalcl of State keptin stock. eta. A ow years later. ho, w ut. W" each O we heag dying 'Po asout brulsfog au'd' Solicitor, o Opportunity, lot up do one of 00 London 1:4 *06 001% 10 #40A At: T04VIro h4a to go, and be has good unt tho last A Dry Kiln In ConneqU0.4, 1 told the City m1salorox Wgtor dL40 Plane and SplecificatLons for 411 Cka's' iWare Into"toti Great o before lite sIV04 U11, 10,, 49illitl0l, *A P1 �of 14W, Week$, 0 all J list Jilro. Pat ou.0410'at vIn tlillair reto"adstoloa drawn be litittlo 0 Povv willing to Who 110 Was And why be wqw ifying, Ono OW94 Wool' w Ughilt t4% ;=gth, and sea of work promptly furah,40 knock At, f1he door of Qnl� tj - Then he given IOU the pfty�. nperiphi, ShQ!ft, o bou, eto : 'ia4' bNOW of, 114,4 but llko�vfsol at sent to big lyate,p4pent il*Atiio ilsof, heIsgo, strongly 1 ored few who have previously made Six timea more 4rp,Aq4 the tbrop bladep of 1314001. h in B a, �1, X.1, �f teso farewoll words "Tell father with no a gVeAt PXCIMP400119 to Meet And to ad;-, I hAt �w heMie cia, QM I could have died happy IlL 110, only trumpets �ounld, boll,140 Pr elabraco them �fxv,cfg t the Durbar add two a 'in too And helpli )4u to smotiblill
_4, Of less "'heY are got World- find been willing to forgive me, Ask kwovo tu.404, fil, All, 044 C � 0 Ak =0
oneStreet. flforgive me, even it X Am AOWXIV� AC ..,hopped boragrA01pit; StpAd, asidel to, A" OLT, lg� tire not social outcasts Who They` Tbo miSvionary, gg goo. as thIrtbolithO b" Polil. They will 0 ad ti, ti im- BROPHEY adjo �PR Th.e, X14, has Alwaya shown It ft. Neatly to Jelin a how wbereork to lay he eto PQAd to calls or 16 0111cali FAsbidde Cent to be had closed the dead boy16 round, wiliff, 49ohilixf, a few dc*.a and ili nthh- hando! 'They Are net fugitives V Command the Or. "To Notes Qf I 110 in accordance
moo 494ur 00t LEADING UNDERTAKERS, from Just1co who are fle6jug the wont to t4O ricb, f4ther'e hop 00, A t Cot'- he Prot met the prilren When voices kreitk forth beat the Iture." it is be �Wlth, 114410ii4l fegling, And there is it
or the hagmalt,a noose. ft at to IZo^ ,vo den 0 .0 Of. :0 t a victory because they I mediately after addiu#:: ANQ EMOALMER8 They aro august mrissenavre, your bo." th ii4 court and high lig PQr who father's rage know no bounds "lid obeyed HipoorvAylt, Adul
are Particular under what root they oxctai He I f* , spjairgiOtli Circles in London
horseradish. and while ey Aw "' !Sweet OUCUMber 4 Ot, foser. 'hap. a tet Und hire in India. to, f V74. . tn Anger talk to 17 All the WIVer, And gold and Plipplilage �A I RICH, 4$. Up 4gr ON ALLOW. , P1X-1WJ4 i 73Y SENTIMENT. GOD13 lodge and at what table they tilt me ab my son. I never want Vessels of brago Aximber of' India [At West Street. 11
Ir. 0 191t to 0, holl- lkbove recipe, or any 0 9004 D (Iowa And cat. Thus we find, by Sib his fac ...... . .... CIPeo for pi I CuCU or The 0 gain while he is AI4vC,, ne. PLEY8101AX AND SURG]Colf. tracing history, that though all men But when thle, missionary said, Therefore thW wore Instructed laOt sed. not n .0.000, 09749 ot ly* A U to Y, 01�ipegt than by force of arm. who have Prepared thelli.w1vcs lot will , oil ..., 1 0,414 tW alw4ys co" while ever see your boy's face again to homelves, but to a UPW hIs ck PO 04- 046 IN ot $41d, Qpcen -Victoria -Book of Commerce Building. SUCCO60 Ili it ertain line of work do 110 I alive -he is dead,11 the Put all Into tho. tronoury. ', of t t big AWOOd . take any for t Scalding vi egar, abou (it Ito 300.000, -
VP. 01W1111 for the foregoing rule,, not 40ressarily got the Opportunity lather Swee Ficki it is generally understood, Lord. while they utterly ad QUqUjAbSrp.-_rPar,b is 01.1y,li. While tile third UICk L e .1 I
paomn 96 to Achieve that success, yet in broke do n and' thoro Carl bi, no Manner of doubt. tour, and
all the inhabItant6. detroed and cut in thick slices, good - Sized, Case 40 We find ther Swift to no SOBBED LIKE A CHILD. Qxc t. The Rev. llk0dile lit the case of that its charter, has been retallned by oted, , Cucumbers. Weigh travelers and heir boils And tb every 7 VII., whom the Governinent Just for an weill "great opportuni- He then said that li� did 'ehold, PP040110 his Arat� se#Molck J4,a ift; D.NKTAL. ties" dwelling in the home of boy back, And when he want, -down flat, y called his 20. The Wall poundb allow four pound A!o T0414ft sUbJects learned W know tuality of this kind. one board 'the that the pect one Pint of older vinega off Sugar, "Astile o6ji, whei% he visited Hindustan twenty- CROWNING AS EMPEROR.' who has not dying message r, 12 whole fa oQt m n moral hie remortio was city, pie ent up into t4O cloves. quarter of 0.0 ounqo of.fitlek The Sermon, Vp, gugh604 a haravero, a ome people put forward the idea, every man Stralkht befol.e him, 00VOU ,yaw o. 0 0 ON. L A S. Dental Surgeon Capacity to fw6conto and entertain greater Mark he could bear. All the unit thqv took .ad two blade rmacalls 'With This engOf attachment to the MHOPP04i&O tile Palo Ordoo. Gold them. remainder of his earthly life a the. Oty. g ot Malec' amusement, was punctuated 'tho sovereign Ill, indeed, that the King would be crownzil,a$ a I its, lid d 0 d crown and bridge that Ju ie Lord find Suits so it Put the sugar, vinegar'. and siplce.9 on heart-reding I 11 i , tly P0rVOn of It is e4watial that the Olidstian father 'IctiPt brooding ad regretting to boil In A porcelain grOAA19 rom An ld 0 _ of jAir Emperor of Indin tit the Durbur of -it %IVTuYn will be vessel principal links that,,bind, DolhiL Iltit th's is, of,courso, ri- C liIndia l�,
-Par- stio4ld conscotrate Ills lite to Christ t'he 8 v r ty eatment of his for o t s, stand them rout Britain. It IN all olloulous. In the orient monarchs of hJ8 tr 4me to pass. And the cuctuaberi§'t g4d rd Ared for the great Son, but his sorrow Wes, usolo,Es. 4, P4. Xxxill. over cc very moderate tlrq, tuining dies P"tAillicid her ta�- fall opportunities �11-111rp He could not bring back Ills 8�. roff9te becomes us them carefully until Cuqh 4 I I nryk ?OrtAlli that this link should n Chrls,tlari service. dead and it tb freciluent. pt4.C,h6S of iiniciff. , , - - O� I ot are not crowu,�d, but proclaimed lu Is very important for you And me boy. He could never undo his past ever to say, "I believe God, that it thoroughly cooked, but not. soft. 1011146UNAcZ, 10'0 auther.ol bli"atreogt1kened, and in the opinion 0 S., L D. 8. Dentl - ced seems "H A y retuAin un paired but likewise and fit %law of the fact that a Car- test and approved macho" Shall be oen 2101" has a qq�.q nation is an essentially religious tor All dental operation&, I'maorvation orltq live CIOSO to Christ, to Joel the wl-009. His opportunity was an It was told moll Stand agjda until Mrning, ext 0 OWh%t 110- Of the prJnclpal English dignitaries qh 8, �Dr 3d ith"a tahq a I L Ne eat"Ity' 'oftlooUor- West I touch of Christ's anuointing hands "ad gone forever. gone- (Acts xxvil, 25)R and act according-1clay bring them n Uliae babit- Hot invariably -Uieet In function, e at again to the boil- red ink- Wit �11141a, as well as of the Go'Vern-
-itifig that, It. is diflicult, to see what could upon our hearts, totlizi, of 1119 But., I botdiink myself that, ly, 71he Verges folJoW14 tell us that ink, and stand aside. to ell wk maa,U� mu)rlt- and of tile leading statesmen be accomplished thereby, since It lips upon our cheeks, the touch of,pastor, I havo to -day an infinite ell- all the living In tile clty,.'both man'llft tile cucumbers cttrefully And plc�Co use Ink, of 6NI3 so, al. loving cool. Then scripts, and cannot be induced to of Engiftud, it would dequire an Jul- w uld be obviously out of the quills -
Any other color,, AIW6st MemlWY-WOreased force by the pro -
Ills annointing feet upon our feet portunity and boast. Wore Utterly destroyed them in jars. Dolt. the liquor it in 0 21 I , which may never 0 11. TURNBULL D.D.S, 1, D 8 Dental, before we Inc again. Come to on to expe.t the Mollammedars, 8url can 9Q forth succassfull� I have an opportunity to except, Itghub "it her hOUS01161d..until the quantity 10 just Built OW curlou 'a the (Act tliait 06417YU lilfmCel -of the King Lit the Durbar, t' Can a w"Ith Dr. it our mission of Cristian service, sent Jesus Chi'let to Some. aling Tile Now Testament lrecord of the' Clent Ib*n Will never it, dow to WrItO Oumnioned to meet at Delhi in Janu- the fire worshippers, the BraahmAhs-
&l;ffmerly allaucin pre 11,
&.1110n. of on . All branchas at the no. IS 11 Y overthrow of to cover there. ;Pont this over unless big table contains a, 'aunifter Ary 041`1011 Practiced. Including gold and porce It Jericho and the salva- hot, fasten to the jurs and tand in of hideous the Buddhists, Lind the niontbers IO11111Y fallu"09 in the Ohrf life Wan or WOUILM here who let a Purpose of proclaiming lit cool dry place to keep,. little whjclx� Ile h& rill those other fitiths that are re- Crown RD I bridge. warLiL 8pgoh ttn,io4 coin be traced directly to 'this ack Inumber of the Christian church, as "'oh �Of JJ3 annulled UP in the -eays bring him -1 e r of India. Vnv,- to at the natural tootil. of twere tile friends to when,. pilot Wrote � - . tit".. , . . .0sented In India to be Impressed Cc in few lines of Heb. xi, 80. 41,* and good PI . I
look. Green Tomato Pickles, Sweet. - A remarkable record IN,thfti itold CURZONADVISES THE 'his Galatian letter. My brother or fall"k In God is the heart of It. � The one peck green tomatoes, by the VISIT in the least degree by tiny Christian. viderce of her Who4 At first the holding of the ceremony of the coronation. SPIRITUAL PROPATIATION, want you to come Into the c who Com D wo cannot recognize our opportunity fAith and the assur- sliced the day . before, you to .-Urbar was etc mine 0 IIfelloWfkillii 01 the Lord Jesus Christ Linea Of her Safety were- -the scarlet are ready for picklog, sprInkling A 10 to haVit'Stalot jgod,�.parrl�t. I d r of up n t w wit- it comes. An ancient sculptor so grisixter ':DuUa6qr..jt ctliclre considered that the Crown would lie that Una Ili her window 4chap�er it, 1,9. them through and through wlth�,,sjll Any persoi (pnice chiselled, the Statue of t1lo you may have a part In t,, t46* than ,ro ienented by Lord FRENCH OANS ABROAD. i living, lft4h late It
thological goddess called "Opportun- with you earnestly that you will � as born the ex- my- Mist) gospel opportunities. I plead 21). and it is to MQ very interesting not too heavily; in the mming Prince Imperial W" Citridll,' the But Lord Cur- GLEN OAMPBELL Illy," with a' veiled face. and 1Nbg0QStIv6 that the Hebrow drain OfY the liquor that will drain er AUsband unclortook we word translated ZWOmse And h Zen WAS among the earliest to ie- hreason I covered 1110 Said, 'witless Jesus Christ to -day and "line" Is the identi-Ifrom, them. Have a dozen good lz� to �tancf cQgnize that the people of Inditt re. Invested in Secur. sPODq,0Ps to overyobild Dirsatorof North Street Ity.6 itOpportun- Come Ono be �00,000
ullurall. France on;%he mine 0AY. NO ldisciples, even quired. somethillIg more, nnd th, f cat word which In Ps. IxIl. 5; lxxt, ed onions rather Coarsely sliced; born in fewer than 8,600 Children w6jo th CroWn Fr'encb Minister of Finance --hobor of Pipe Organ, Pianoforte and able to recogn . lze her when site You Of feligion for many years. you enabled to claim th,e-privil cc was b Cause, so fow are though 'to One MaY have spoken to 5; Jer. xiix, 11, and elsewhere isltake a suitable kettle and put in a Ito � , stands by theJr side." The sculptor Wera brought tip 114 a Chrratlan LI. I 2xilons, and betwe �tas published some interesting sta-
translated "OxPectation" and "hope" layer Of the sliced ton�atoes�. then' of �w -art as well as right V6xne,' bu 1, i tics of French wealth invested '-Will be Rlea"A receive Pupils St. Aga wits wrongr in p Her expectation or hope was ego Uig hlu &.1.11116 at Itniareah a music lionse, West St, adatleit Ali uran each layer P9AS9§E§Lh1lg 11-aporial.tgod7pare ti; .Of th I' to DA. or their homew it desire& bell that home wus one, id I liv onli, I sprinkle'the foI)owfAg_sPIc0S: Six list of all the" children still Ing a n e of the Prince of Wales abroad. The total reached $6,000, -
In Part. fie should have blinded r. 'w and so the bellover's expectation, is red poppers chopped coarL991n. eno of " broken up oil account of your Pur- Do hRoYal �W- 4119geqted. -But 'the Prince did Hatersowo Bicycle And the OY08 Of the onlooker rather than'ont-W death you dvifted away from- -co- sure as the til6ull OUChifist - can CUP Of 1000,000, of which $200,000,000 are
'Ili; lyr the far-sceirig ugar, one tableNpoqiiif�l of vftdow. )lot care to undertake QYe9 of the mythol - the church and from tile teachings 1111OLher tour invested in Great Britain, $1,40 make It. As all in litinab's house- groupol allspice, one tablesficionful of 0. saved by tier faith, lot grouhd cinnamon, a teaspoonful of melliber of turn from n after is re- 1000,4000 in RjUSSJIL. $600,000,000 in A AV11Y you learned lit your mother'd knea, J. CAthcArt Wiison, thio British gical gooldesq. ho chief reat, hold
Were Across the " 9.0 SOO
30,111) of s do not am the Parliament leof Orkn -his lengthy trip around Spain, $575,000,000 in Austria-
MAERTAGE MIMES sweet You have not been to a ,ch nret, - -sof,� Your faith take -hold --of -,God- for -all -.-cloves, one tablespoonful of =u&. and Shetland, the -worta--air- bOard"the Ophlr:Hungary, 8300,000,000 ftLCW Pauline messengers, which we %,Icc for Year&. It may be because Your household. lard. Turn.over three pints of -good has drawn Attention to that constit, MOI'eO'%'el', the Prince in Italy.
may call the Opportunities of Cbrist-'yoll were C(.011y treated In one of vinegar, or enoug ss of Wales is S390,000,000 in Dritish South At- an service, Is because most of us tile ILLrgv h to completely uency, call boast that ho,18 the only Unable to travel her elf, and will '*tea, rind $277,200,000 in Egypt. city churches when you cover them; boil until tender. This,man in the Rquac Who sits for neiir- not Ilear of the Prt s going alone. Most of the money is Invested In
W. ISSUER OF MARRIA(IIII ure spiritually blinded by our P".9t first came to town. i3ut last ight CItOWNED..IN A SNOWSTORM is a choice recipe. LAcOUN. Godarlah. bills, because most Of us are not when you ere alone in your rooin ly two bundired. lslamchi�-cven though SO It was resolvede to send te Government loans, but fit outh At -
M are uninhab; Con- rica it is I.rgely in mines and in- at- Coronation Care CLEANING FEATHERS'. Ited. - ThO electzris there are notori. naught. willing by prayer and close coin- atxi took down the old family omles Without a large number of thl King's blother, the Duke of munlon with God to make tbe*sPir burn. im. dustrials. ituhl preparation that Is necessary Pierhaps that Was the first The old-fashioned feather bed, once ous; for the searching. questions they ZROTHE The extent of foreign commitments AucTIONEBI& time you had looked tit the book "King's Weather.- R IvILL NOT DO.
% Popular, has been Steadily on the' Put to candidates. There is a story As soon however, as this was offi- of French capital, however, iii less to lit Its aright for gospel work. for months. Then you bocama home- Lacking the Presence of decline for some time, as Many elf one heWer who c�ucluded a long CIaIIY an�Ounced a pronounced feel- that tilt- striking than its distribution. No
But Illore than mere equipment is Nick for the old Scones of your child- POrtall1t, guest, the sun, a coronat'011 claim that feathers are hot beds for Paris of questions 'to a woul&be Government could withstand serle necessary. Great opportunities are hood Then you opened ceremony Is robbed of much f its germs and breed.all kinds of di- ialcoloutarlan with: "What Is faction. became
op 6WRAW strelit Uodorloh e of 0 Ing Of 111suPPointment and dissatjs�- the LIZ O'd HD�L Licenort &no willing to bless, those only who are your deud mother's letters,5011TOW brilliance apparent in India. combined pressure of the small in- tIon r gout for t a Oxon 13 Agri el but many English Moll- Wage, There May be some truth in Your opinioil of Infant baptism?" . The Duke -had spent many years Ill vestor and the great financial houses cult 11 PC an Iread to sacrifice, (Ind. If '' need be, to low from age. As you read them archs have been compelled to go Princess Irene.- _ il
AdA e a. Cole ra die for tile Cause th sol opportuni- the tears to the theory, but the prejudice is, no the W116 illat country heir money is in II . I!. ChrrIage Coin yutitheir crownings when. King's wet,- of Prince . Henry, of us a Dillitary com- y a 1. ies1 doubt, greatly exaggerated. Our Gublelft to the orders of the danger. The Silecta,tor co eats ow C Phil There Ili It wide (Ill -,you al -0 , man now or it matured ther" was conspicuous by its ab- Prussia, plunder, y Or An in t oJerence between being mentally, phy wom igrandinothers, enjoy&, it is said. the unique die- governor of Bombay, that is to say, On the "investment of pain, which 9. s .- I . aA,. b t the tears came nevertbo- sauce. for the most Part tinctlofi Of having about 4,000 god- ft Were clivisiorial commander, and makes It ically and Spiritually equipped .do slept on feate'r beds several' times %athers. of absolutely certain that t last night went - One of the most unfortunate Sov- 'us large the a 9mit Opportunit and being Ito bed yyu ppayea Just as yet, ,,sell or-olgris as the ones now in use, Yet war In that relatively Subordinate ell- France will be passive when the vi- Born 4 1866, tier father, in this respect, was 9112a- I many of thout enjo, th: late Grand AhcItY had Attended the Durbar
willing to "lake the sacrifice that Is to do when Lt obj1d. That is the rea- beth, whose coronation was fixed health and lived t yed excellent Duke Lit tal Interess of Sf>aln aie concem- tile SuCcess of thn gL 0 a ripe, old * Veow- requested th Years,
T"O's cluNDRy- 1', )II you Are ift chtill�ah- this mvrniug� fOr-tbe 18th of January, 1559. Tile Feathers are u age-- -offlcdrs_&kd Mt an essential ' to' - -lite Wel, Queen Vic- ed," LiTtiStook and (fecaral Auciforiser came after the pportunity ),ag ndeniably very �11 of the Disql y nr- That is the reason your heart IN superstitious �to a com" Ments under hie conimarid to art tOria, was firot proclaimed REWess It Says- it revolution involving the
Handhou Straet� Godarich, lived. IllIat4 was mental Queen had repeatedly rt hie in,winter, and delicate of Indid. From the point of view financial ruin of that country will. and softened. That, is the reason I press urged that the day should be chang-,sons and those who suffer groper" OPOOSOrs to 'his baby girl. spiritualLy abUa to reciAlm tho na- home the gosPel to your hgglA that d on account of Its unlucky tly Christening -tOOk- place at The Of Precedence Anil rank his status is -'ot be allowed again. The $1,400,- num- froin, cold should use them. tile -enS of- Interior new I
Saloo made everywhere suc)&11 efillorts made to" of tile opportunity of )Ito Por- I rally start You forth in Jesus, her,- but as Dr. Dee, the faracm If they the War, (L the to what It was then. 000,000 lent to,.Rusela will bind Faye you shuslactlon. ition. Ile know that 8 Us -'are aired regularly and given Me of IrWe. In those dAyp Ile was the France more securely than any for- Was name to Christian service. Tile rip- trologer, foreboded good fortune for gienic care thery 1.9 no danger. by'- which mea favorite
no "Peace," was given the son of the -reigning monctreb, who is mal clauses in (I treaty of alliance, Armerl' 900 notes dixomintok- - guiltless Ile -saw clearly and tilt*- Portunity for the salvation of yet,,- it, she was overruled. The went It little princess, 40PUtAtIOUS' Of 0111- obliged to Yield the "pas" to Ills while also French investors have tinctly what lie ought to do, but gout may never come so near to as bittorl tier is commonly believed that feather coirs. non-joronlif y cold, and just as the beds should be sunned, but such is oloned Officers, and nephew and niece&, the children of $300,000,000 in 9— Pilate Was not ready to sacrifice for you again its Just at this moment. leproeesslon men from each regiment being pro- the King. EgYPt, and they
started from the Tower;,,t the case. as the heat of the
Christ big Political career as V, Brother, sister, let we improve this it violent Snowstorm set tit. will never seriously wish to destroy
VETEMARY ornor of Judaea. Th9rof ore - whicli'draws out the ou in feathers Sun sent lit order to. represent their re- 8) PF141�� opportunity by presenting you to luade' the horses restive and Well-' - And spectlye. corps- IOULD PRESME IN PE)Ri3obl. the magnificent security afforded by who Saw his opportunity, embraced the Lo gives them a rancid crolor,, Aft 13tem The British occupation.
rd Jesus. For Your Hear nigh brought about a disaster, Win the Shade he he die,. So strong did this feeling of ilia -
It not, but Shrank front it. loved ones' sake who are now among raged throughout the ceremony, and! how it does not matter moncl wedding of M. And MWi;, NICh_ content become that Lord Curzon Ill R. W. F. CLArtir, V. a. graduate of tb cold Lt is, Provided there is
Ontario veterlow allege. 'Voroblil. 1, GREAT OPPOItTUNITIrS the recleemoid will you t".0 Jesus as It was deemed unstife to return by Ida no ;of- took Place at tbe�Maddleln6-. Was imell,ed thereby to cable and to ENGLISH EYES WEA=9TNG.
1"COP"IftillY call tile afteallor, -a& florW owners -Pnegg. Many are not w 101"Fawrovedineiliodof operUngonhorsag for Christian. usefulness lay come now and become his true and loving thik lengthy route prescribed the 'fe Are that They were the first couple to be Write personally to the Wing urging disciple ? Will you n6t others may be easily and Success- Worried at the Madeleine in 1842 0 - in the st o tooth. A froxh. suosly of veterinary !ylcioev to you fit ,tit unexpected way, here and journey was considerably curtailed, fullv. was�ed, U lit r rigest s e
alwas 0 as Peg ibi
itmol. 0 erleb. preside at the Der -
21111d. fliceandetaliles- 0 ,to they Callic, to it Christian lady who people perished from the ough cleanliness and disinfection, at sixty Years afterWitrils, to the day. bar now make this slniplo,, earnest pra- So many thus insuring ther- its reconsecration as A church, find to endeavor to fughlon Nation Will Soon Be as Bes
wits. wie day riding tilling the Streets cr, which a YOU219 man, sick of SID, cold through sleeping in the opoin stated periods or after illness. In Person. and, not c6ntent with � ykpled as the Germans, M(LdO A few years ago Ili a large fields that night n en- To celebrated tholi- diamond wedding this, he dispatched his private see- Recent enquiries by ocullsts and
of llichniond. There Ili the gutter e wash it leather bed, it Is more con- there. On arriving lit the churco the reWy, Mr. Lawrence,' One of the optipans in England and on the
TonsorILL. lay it young Utah stupidly drunk. She r ligiOus meeting. "Lord take in(,, its crously gave Z200 towards tile re- ventent to divide tho, conterits, by' old-conple wore followed,by fifty-six most capable and eminent members Continent have developed the Opin-
I am and make, me what I ought to ]let of tile- relatives of such as could emptying them into two large sacs of their children, grahol-chlidrea, Ind of the civil service of India, to Bng- 'on that it few generations hence
sLoppod tier carringle aild bade tier be ?.,
coachnom lift film Ill. Now Is your oportunt be Identified. ty for made of coalree cottolf. HaVe ready great-grand-childriln. land for the Purpose Of communicat- there will scarcely be a man or we-
h"Olt univation. Now I Now I Now I Charles 'I. was crowned during There were
that Young man to tier home, She an It tub of boiling hot sJudo to Which also Present over two hundred ne. In
cured tot, hint and started him out earthquake -which shook all London !has been added twi) or three table- pliews, nieces, -aing. ,& Verbally to the King arguments inall not wearing glasses. A mem- again in Mo. D tier Christian a and teraporarfly Interrupted thepro-impoonfu,4 and firat'COM At- W Ch It was Impossible to coin- bar of one of the leading firrds - Of
Y of powdered borax. 1131, uluPlo of love she started hint to tit r -the -ceremony ther odd 111an btb�od -loutilcute by letter. opticianil in London declared re-
c!�edl ngs. it. Was it beautiful - Feb- I uiepl;* the fing in tile water and stir us god4ather to the latest of Mr to
ME -SUNDA- W1900L ruary morning when he entered the bills, - Lawrence has been staying for CentlY that they a now selling al- lit big lfreat catior. until IVIIIInin 'with it clothes stick until the torith- great-grillidailue. there then a Week at Balmoral as
Abbey. but during the anointing tile 'ers are quite clean. most double the number of pairs of
Wirt's naive became that of one of historic pile shook to such an extent Then dip In a MajOy-General Sir Herbert Charm- Lite guest of thu King, and It is glasses that they did ten years agici,
HELLOA1 tile foremost Americ INTZRNATZONAL LIMSSON, that . Archbishop second tub of water, and rinse In 81(16 dilrine the seven years -he Spent understood that title result of his This does not mean, apparently, They may come to you in an unex- OCT. 19. Laud Is sold to the same manner. In warm weather in Turkby lie Military Attache bem C-011terences, with the sovereign and that y tion
pocted way, as they came to Stepiten have paused In his work end tr"' there Is no difficulty in drying them, Came noted for the great Interest he. Of the ronaner In which he had put grow weaker.
bled from very fear. The Shook but in winter they sh6uld be hung took tn cats; in fact, even to thin ell matter before the moll- environment of modern civilization
liforritt during business hours, when, It is rather that the
by tile grace of God. lie was Ing room, or better ostlll. d#y "Cherrasi
The Old Pleliabi "' t of the Lesson Tosh. vj�� 8.20 lasted two minutes and brought to in a warm the - tire
Mental in starting Jelin G. Woswlu Golden Text, gab. mi., 30. the ground.,the steeple of Lt West- ,, do's catW� are laugh- -ell the latter will proceed to In- is inimical to healthy sight. Dust
ALL KINDS OF ar a hot tilt Pipe. or register and fhglSr referred to in Constantillople, dia in person
out on Ills career of reform. Minster church, which injured two left for some tiM% and prosIde at the I or fog plays no rmull part In the
� They The title of this lesson is the fall people in its (all. before the art His nOtOtl8tY WAS brought About 'burbAr. thus endowing it with an itroubles of - the eyes. and traveling
Iway come to you as they are daily of Jericho, and the veto" assigned A terrific gale was blowing whenillgaln used. Pillows may be treat- through his kindness In peescriting ImportAlace find with a grandeur, underground is also declared to be
It ed In the same way itnd an much solVeral of -hia friends Witt, �rdtty which it
coming. iP Unexpected WaY6, to are an above or only Virriies 12 to James 11. went to big crowning, easier to manage. would bot otherwise peg- injurious. Then there Is the hurried thousands bf lawyers find Merchants, 20. but I suggest nothing less than havin Angoilra kittelio,
COAL wit] ministers and doctors and wires the whole chapter, with a glance &t'and i set tn some days previously 'Me irupply joOn Sees, and at the an e time fulfilling reading of smail print, by which the Proved unequal to the'llbMAnd_ So that Indian tradition according to reader las up for hfRLqclf impai;;; �,Y� and mothers and servatittl and the occasioned many wrecks along A-dOOD SALVE. Ono night he donifitlegibned lit set. which each emperor of Hindustan eyesight, with Po bi in tit I cletts. Therefore. as our oPPortuni- Election with the provfdmg lessn, vAnt to obtain Some more. 8 Tile must be proolalmea ALWAYS ON HAND Preceding chapter and its con' the coast and much loss of life.. esi 0 C a in Tile boisterous wind tent the flying There are a number of xltives' In person at pression.
ties for doing Christidn service ato which We SAW the hand of the Lord flag from thd White Tower in twain, son handed down from Was dur- ID01111, the ancient CaPital of tho I "We," sold this opticis, dividing the Jordan idr isratel rounded b ti
ling In so many difibrent and un Which have b next Morning his house'
to and the canopy which the Barons of s mothers, Which "man expecte ways, we thould'alw a be tj 9, Clamorous mob. on 'empire of the Moguis.
Ite Best Scranton 11alrd 0 cross over, that all 'peoplot might the Cinciva Ports Carried met with call for various decoetions of herbs havoistigAt on It turned on facture for ourselves troubleg of the
t that the NEVER IN HOLY CITY. eyes far more than we inherit them.
on the I ok*Ut for them. ZoUld know and it- Him for their good. a plifillar fite. Again, tit 'the edro. Of various kinds, and though some- mob ratud5w Of angry natives The late Queen. Vic�oria was the It MOMS that the universal trouble
COAL lways ready to grasp hein �ftrl In chapter v We See the rite of chr- nation of William Ill. and Mary the time$ POS"SAIng real -merit are still W11090 Cats had been obtained by first ruler Of the empire of India in is the eye strain of continuousa sp�
In the hll�rket for CASIM to turn them to account at itnY cumcfsion and the orclinAMCD of the! Wind was Sufficiently violent to blovy Of little value. except 11, CUtlf and v i the ne— all W9 history who had never set
cost. even of lite Itself, Passoveri the Ono suggestive of Gary payment. Plicfttiob of the focussing powers to
Givat opportunities Always, love death to the flesh, no good thing in In one of the small upper windows of other abrsictile if� the Skin,. where EL her foolt in tile holy city of Delhi. the intolerable labor of following
I 4o Abbey just After the lRdyal party lubricant is Sir Charleh Ishara's pet hobby is There, were obvious obstacles in the Small print. The result Is certain to
All coal weighed Ott the Market �OOUIPRUY and rarel travl Alone. us. and the other of rothleraption by had #left, and tilt fiscis -flying from 4ses as these necessary. 1-11 such big r6ciltory, at Lampert Half, North�
ccarbOlIzed vasellne Is.4japtonhi way of her eonwlyicii With the In be, according to experts, that
scales where you get :!low Ills for a They are apt to be gregarious, in tile blood of th,� LAMb, Only thus neighboring churches wore, torn to Nat an good and is ap very Cho to gun about Wall national English nation will soon be as be..
i . 9tiglallid, be the
their habits. Like troubles, they Can tire reproach of of 6:1) It 40 years ago. Some Of the p1giny. tradition In the mat -
ton. n and of this Shreds. can be bought Witch cheaper thap, any fy, trees ter, These obstAcles do not exist Spectacled as the Germans.—
Gwill, in schools. They trim-pl, . in evil world be taken frota Its (v, 9). In this wonderfid rocke
W11. LEE hards. They fly Inllocks, Likel tile In V, 19. we rouild I A hallstorm, greeted George 111. se made. It, besideei, 00 ry in the 0490 Of Xing Edward, and In
that tile Manna sl' A" Over 70 years old aud Only throb these days when locomotion, is so
When he laft the Abbey at the con- ses the advantage, 91 n ------- leader of a flock of Sheep, each great ceased not until thkv heid eatou It Offleis left at Lee & �Ct Y t0f)b In height. Stri"gers, to Lam, 00 A FAMOUS RIDE.
ShePPat(I'l 1,1101clusion of the coronation ceremony, frOO firbill ADY Chamcd I irms of ill- Pert must Cot be startled On ob and cables keep those far afield
Store W* opportunity Seeing to be tllo bell- corn 01 UIO jitadA and the Urd Y
Ill rei;elv� piompt attentioll' land go large Were the Stonds that sea-, that Might got In o a hom'e- In touch with the center, there are 'rho most memo
wethor of a Whole flock of otlier op- changes 'hot. yet some cannot trust' . ilt it ad 'Stated aldno, lipoll It . rable ride in Eng� e lashed to fury nindo article, Unless some medicingl Craggy Wiloonde, S ; no longer insuperable difficul- lish history was that of Sir Arthur. In- a. lifelike tits t
V... :becarrie almost Incontrollable. ah4 g0rMI file, such As carbolic acid, is, Model In tet.r river Inin, it WomA to lit tile we ther,41 Q*Pfttn ink- prunctid among the apectiators Who used in its COMpoVition. It...10 our li,-cottc The r distant V;krtD of the empire, Indeed dynasty on the throne of Great Bel- tunitlea. Like tile key . loir JU it, Him for their datIv bread. In V, Ockory, b tripafty the govorcigh to Owen, which placed the HanoVerian and sets free a whole river- Ing command and Joshua Submisive. lined the route. Ills successor, on opinion that as a rule,thg best eint- Which 4s 90 test long, and 47 feet,:It is recognized that the time full of other opportunities. ly taking his right place Instructed by tilt, Contrary. was favored with tro- luent to keep Oft blind for a Cut or broad)'fs the Aliest tn the *oAd-,'th6j Me Whein ha; tain, The act of Settlement by Planing ]#ills, ilut there is a negativo side offtbo unshod toot that thewhole af.; Pleva weathell, and do0lis, of soldiersibrufso or Seto Is Winply One Ohl# One to tip Drittall monarths, - if which. in 1 701, parliament �Iected
fifdadit.1t; balongagt they are to contInue to rule warning In my text aft Well 4a . t. fall, Wits the Loid's And not, Ilia. fainted at their tbAt iltbel Emperor bi The a t�e the HOU80 Of Hanover to the 33ri-
Itive side of,exhortAotta. Posts, while even the has body enough to stay IA. Va_ Wbrld Wille empire, must ake , tish throne. was Passed by only one
peg John] COmPard Ex. tit, 1$� find Contrast Xing 11IMSialf. the nA, kind,,beftriciti, and to dically the
Ingalls fix tits wonderful, pbern -10911. I. 3. Now. fit chaptef VI wet OwTpweted by the. bandage or pad, that Will P1`0v*nt ble -wah, IT# $8 W, spiritualist vego. yn5d)hcats to Visit Porto vote. and this casting vote Was, gpv�,
teaches t1loame two lost heat, was found In the robing charrim the entrance itif gorrits. that Set tip in. I n by Sir Arthur Owen, the mem- ona 10 a have tile Victory lit Jericho by the b& Alto the Ceremony with all his flamInAtlen and heat __#r ch tartan, teototaLfbr. and not-smokor, Varlcm-q POrtiOlis Of that empire. 'ttl Whl 'There axe no constitutional Ob her - of parliament
temporal sone that Paul In6ulatoo N1,1110 ighty hund thkt diVicled the -efidn' (tn amateur poet. , M'Mwiselt §t 6 for Pembroke-
in'a rpiritual s0n.4el,. Ited Son. and the Jordan, nud it 4310thii off and only the crown on Cause soreness, and it , 'g, stud shire, Ile arrived at Westlni,,t
Was Ills head, MATCOV(sr Prints Wit own allusions, printing be- I�a left Alit any StAtUtc9 which reader Lt
Stay *W66t and, Ing hobby ot-this mittly" sent bird If GATIVE' WAIINI14G '111LAnIfOt to *Ill that the Lord W Will itself I f1408011ilb tot- the Xing to all- tdll,tytgand travel -worn only just In
With Joshua (VI, 21). Clean, indefinitely. Tho carboll ided Landowner, 9`0 from England or front record big Vote. having rid-
vaselftio fulfills all those conditions, �
wid Builders which Is Implied In iny toit ebosl Ib. Anil the Lord said Uuto Jo, A MAGNETIC XSL&ND. It in, used at hospit4til, which ought, Mukop"'a "lot a couple oI months and den With furious h -'to front Wales
MAnithelairers of and detifery procticalLy like thl - "As WO tbOrc- hoa, See, I 1100 given Into thine, Sall, to be Sufficient recemineadation to no btrongr is the feeling that' he for the Purpose on relays of horses
foro IUXV OPPOrtlilhity. do goo(I uhto hard Jotleho, ra have IOU; lold tales of "TIRAT AVV"L UOV JONES-" ShOUldt 90 that People do not best. tit all tile Posting hou In All kinds of Buildin MA kept
llell`14 Such at Lumber goofs, All m0n, for It we do. lilot a UtIg* Thus lie aflured him; and thelf,in.!mlighotte Islands which lure ships Its U90 10 the hottio. Any An bid lltotl,. which will bring a tftt6 to claim that If he re the son along
od U On to wreck by ilift can i walng route. TO that ride Brltaih
QPP0rtUUItY 16141 ]HAIS OP-;ntructed Ith just What to do and . i.ctitig their coin- �UPAV this Very Ch6APIY- NO Slialla to, thd faltts;of those old leh- away the 11111110hi of dollars. which owes its - Georgian or.; hence its PO4%tnfty�. Anil An opportunity for passes. An follinA, not far away mOtll*P C40 11,601rd to 116$lect M*a lugh to IfeWediber the' Are to be spent on the Durbar Queen Victoria tLnd Edward V11.
thylug E00d once gone so gone, ter. 4lowever Unli e 11 ap i, and, from ,olviliz,tilon, near thd coast of little things which Are do 'rommoh 6attgo be W40t0d oAd that -the object tv will or impre, hie In thil,mlit"b, "That Awful It, jtas� ILI ell
Afy f4thor used to , love to It, Europe, and knowo for 4*11turlo to abiting children, and fic home ynt&. expected to effect will b%Vc
Cation. 1110140 lost Opportunities an nAlock Assurance, tho geographors, ha* liteft discovered elne' Chest Of simple 1!%Wedfl�li W boy 4 ilea,9 Vito or Wore yea" beft 'lost. It being added th t if th and expec t o ttfi�llylll be IWO tile "awful boy". Was the a
of last ear's migeating QNS, which 6, All te'r-rXift ftwit go himself, t1iii. yet
the con of Ito lmve this quality, This jg the not Only eouvftlontj but Went qutelil Vfctoilla�a- life, and Dr. Humphrep.
Ishood of boenholm. Which belongs LAWSO Whom goitto cannot be brotWI%t back. ull, Mile lifte r, 8 find said Ull- lilb short cafteer lit Publia contain thartl0oll4tol. heir, it would be ter- well how lie Cott Stood to thoul, )6nniatkI and litis in tile Italt bW*t#r* Wbi& Would try tb , 6 a AbIt, for ?., other Member ?re
to till mettle oIdn tile
all itbo airL of tile near 'the thwit of ptusma. The `U$&X010 lrftft of 18hatIdii 11oltriols. 31 Y to attend. th covenant. h,40 no, *as, a bar- 0 ince fif..q After 'fifty yam Dr. fttcinpllfq�§ .ortinticle, who Iii PrInOnOd Would only Contribute
with it Youd "Ico to tile lost opporfl Tile Lord Wants a willin lict"ll' Of 91,011,40tioll, Wilth toffiel) your irftPa Jell.V botaIrle the pldirioCwo dtaeovered of, dint w 10ster and the prestige of -0 OU167 the giSatent Ulse
Iworet' '4001)IO client POOPIO On *41090 be alt' offid stongteetably grapos are tuad ripe, I the vicortly. still, largolit age In ill ly
0 ye, lingt *1 And obe tho refloling of Jbilfliag*4 on 14,11, Stak to OP06AL
cipportullitloo I *ith *121ch, sit hlstul�n dtfis to
"'Pule b4vk I (? fthrbIlgh t0h0fill Ito 'Zan the* ills, Is too,tlpo tile jelly �*111 ptit luttlasidt"rit. They evire #Ali fft6IL
,wine bacl, ill 111)ion poivrs ot
i'r (1ft. Itot. Xvi, 1)). It Ing b1p4. It I& ill ea,6t a Vatt tiny cry9talt of ftil tNotiflitka. �Vhon ,ho �4"" LW -MV to ot)p Ile, letrefo 0111,� *111in# to be Co tils.giftei. those mirtopti. has stol.04 found treilptissing, It 6 *h9 cvft�
1011% 11111 U111od bill top 0, dift 4 While. The , Jelly $.q kontly If-wr4 ZdWard goo_% it ex. *XMCL
I At tAblacely Probabl -#464rk, 00'seefia". hdwonsa
d Ysoltwa ToWili propillpty said "I hear hil tutter of all y tbD t
W110OUL Of 06 *Orld. i*116n made 401to, tilt gtk *01bohlithed, and boht , itime. vvll)lfg- 'I kit Illy '(010 IVAS Obt et%r� th0l, tho Wisdont it I to , r If *% to that the qtle" will 2-wovale.voinilt I fit tl poft fo 860ft idor �ha, valli. V - Alit "'I"r. W -u Will Tor, I pa I.. I hf,goi I Unit. woultl be keen fil no. fully toluft4 and faklolyiiit not I qulrt.6 WCOMPally hint. 11011kti the PrIncegi V*10#. ot Vro, d0AAW ,u 0,0 ripe enough to W4 it is ro the 01414&� , 116 .. would, got toll Iexporty folload, up to tont for dolng 'good L46 the afrk ti owd how & obtlidnod tteCa imilot qS ot the Lord q6m. lncg that Ilit (N WUPPij.' It the Juice dt, ftillt tXtr'ittted- for A#afrk be 0a,litgUlirpof
1904 $1048,075-O& will never. never come buck." 1J1'h;9PaSqNl tile elty. 943169 About it oll�e. eA fie* port 01141411116 lis Ottromoly ankloon to see T-'eastillb 0444 Vb"llits ......... IttQ.*Or,pMt told fil!i 4., Onto, �Ms taimbo sofil4itt foll, i " tauch. , , -o— nt, c;o onlv Aworlao ilour,, oghli iii the olvati. I# 0 0809, Old 11(PA411is to b0f i~, that OP- 411ti th0V (IAWO Into the cilrap and The il failliou InhAbitants Of Alam, the priteoft the i1olly *111 toloi ho"10 "o"Othe"o kv , 6K*
Witt "lit hoW# .Ind"'# About Wh 06 has heard so JA 11. Ualk"'. . vir"er Portubity w4s M Mow '01P Wbo had lodg6d % the cittalt, it lit stift eadacm v,
VuOvit".; J., omioll$t 0. Dide, ul: 1p 00wiflit 11(lih 440a. afid 'hit 01 prjostg r� Yacht probably would _-V""0a6,lAdWVA t�jq�jj 000d, vifitgart Ur d0orlilit thid do$ 11140illiblk tn th-d'VOY41 be ernp(aybd � t 840*0*30
0. prollidlooko J. w4tit, J. J-�VAftm J ori"lWail xknd b he an, and tile poopl�Perl&tfy Owd) All the Maltoom 46 not IIV6 I tot- is, tortifigbi. 11,6. 1wa lalil, 0 CtnVeY the royal t to It ontiK 0. I)e0owels, 1JIreC(orS:, fload *40 bild. Tbc-,V IXAJAOVO�l It* Okjj�)Lg Captain, ol the WeLdd.Vft 0AWY, Oil# hlklli� nfikO tO M#ht ((Kd *All- littlAii, hlfd'-.PrOb'&bIY� the briftt, MW4 UtCkh- TWO *ra 4.4ft Ift aerMk". we tilt,
4h jkfid dritlit (hlo T itififfmftto ond; "&[tit# Abilrbliholls, ir"Itt'V itatfiftt'ci d"red #kO*j'Jr*Jom '� to otIML helping that she If" *11194 - UP61t 114 ftkAt - JXO$tt ' 1111PIlth Will 04 of 1§P%rJ thoft in, 0 "attNt, And Ui011t Ptriectly ttitilpipeil is t, ultyli, woom, tholiftloWh# OWdle, t lifft Ailud ut 16 , hwt tali& bd left over. 6ml ofroyal yaolitAL -in lesigleflee llTh(ly t�11at,cil that dollj$htfil jn� No Vole t ain 6 At* * Little, SIAW va, himself to t
lw* _"a
i3te. 1.0 V* Nood Opportfillity Was llot graliqldit ily th'Ifillillft *410 heard� Wt Id J� %, too, Ifoinksvili ilt- thei., sclaud. rout tqq' b6troll the roVelAo.'ill' 'She' Vollffif lot t th" t0allwNti Me*, It. WkIllano again. bmifto lier, volfigs Could thik fiftt tilde aribithil the 01tV �46*011 W#� dtAllth, *Iiy,4 bit M Nokuttl4m, k, t1141, OAlt on. which th6 Xiiiiii(A6 and, ....... *� J" 0ft ;6l`1-%61 firomplti, 08 hAy Is A, pollittv tot you, inint ii,alfc% for n#,gt *Ititler 1. 9?61$kt
114,6XIt PVMol ovth 010 flig 04, ter *alli toOldortri so isorlaifs� ithlilt ieenit Of, tow WMI Probabl, 'VO4A blostiollilill. lt* Mk& tit Of Vt ftteolk. V otbil upoil in *bbtkp 16y thtt% $Ottt Miter, IovtN rflo,?** Uttlo, t4*4W the tr* ev6K fibib 'trip a*Q. 6f� S 1X 064 01101" ftho_% fi% tho tifyi 1*116 lip" hitt#, *heiii I l*f4 tho K604 to Awtioust, i0l6hiot, 0 W6611ifilko.. '00 afijbof lit , lM-11% lud WhIO)i Ito ho "-rt oAt'. Mo r4fteolol to V, #ktovht 0 bit liww U. past opportuldlito tol" d0ing -good Atts.1196 tight. Witsit; *,A* tx*.Y OMW kavlif U% V �Wh4t t6 *"c oh tile tkowt 10)R4*41, $441bitly 140thilit, too-," It Tikit A fib* to *Xlth it beloililli.: Iftdoled, sy� , *hit It -it was IOCI t lk� tit *fill Attw Up is Wley,
ij Wr A