The Goderich Star, 1902-07-18, Page 1a �7 jr,­ �Ilsw It. L, 0 1 0" As 01 Q Fast 17 ? 'l, -`7 0 Y SRI' tor 'NOU "In Q41allitye, clou f gis Y* l- ----------- ------- Twel. AOL stiry rinA, Prett 1 4 iYA toll iJJ4C'k;'W 14%al, or W I I IJA W int1olis olitis;04 of ftw� fiovroo �hooW I W 1140 (kot� r t opo W be r4trIago th4�,�Wo*r sw* that Ail, gratu, WAA, MaKit Yet) l rich, Tho Aocealis ofill. oind Itispoot the fievor"XOw"Ot 0A rAVIrs eOft to",$ r" MUL" Ift 4004 to *14 haeitSyto. I (00tinaoill from ois Ot t to Prilitttily r6d'er fg , W.4 Isourar - kbottitt4it,, to, t'Rn friftdis vitbefet"t e r'sold sltje� bomill WQd tA the oxot'L f)tl* th 'Xswa .04 tIlre& TbaiAlti'Al tpir 0 U, ON. Wes soya; tb ris sin iWalk, 40111, AA $( r ago titl I VA ill its Itore toop Ith, far 004000 raisltst not aW J4, Ili AM Afiraut oil, lie v haty hebill brother Was ^ttlro_d Ift P�: hWtV It elooto a *110, viioltr *01*: a4()I4f1 VOW* (I", or I k' 9' til 411hif, Tne Vitt orw J)TIM, "Ota Wturneq WK4 Olml appill. hotel 404 ot 114 laughter W" tirtITI&L irtaf,ho �:,, Utdi soh"ILKEO 00s Her 9OIPK4wAV-- RQWA 'Mal 0, town to., *ddqd * thet se � 6ke theirix poe; The Times Is mistake]) - A ollagl 4144 oil t .1 p aMr" Ott 11) theg I aheW , Dostipr WOW 1ad 0, 610th, , Allor rot good from Frida tit JAilsid" P#Arotk�dlool;frotoll4to"Ldlio4aoi,*. � , tiltudeton 70 L ticket On oV, WAR a(lyertlead. This Hadw AI#4 _Wlth ed4t 110 4 With rose ellk brotber J%0L oll4itiltr T rate Nyi� It" It ot 6 tbo 4' start TsIlk ap rich. That committee, h eve 404 pliquoo, bat L - Jok", diod-frolitrit 04104 and IdInAmod, wAk was unifortut within ED mile$ Ot s,be tenly a a oar if oafitctr 00 1 MIT) (a onillon -e T orals itisice I or ro and, flowers. every offorti,to seen% t4 ITA 61) tAY10K W,lt S Of 3fulp, hi dd W4 40", 0 11 D ore tter Accommodittititt t a rA t ps: ivas: 6lil, tila .1 th aod I bin 11 atiote hir tt rfan "Oloa., teotdMixii "I local People 'Move Maine, fr9mh IV , 'r' ' 'leA k t b Is bilik" It b tilsbiptant. tO a 'who Zopt atl eyl MQUL tjl Wink ale In coin It I People toa I t tflit 9 Sta gteo QX'LI 'to tthelti, � IT AW100111AW Times $AV* that the I was hao, I YL_dlo. 'We" Is, 31 many beVitiful pi%ontOh moug Ott to : . I' 40M,, iduly k ory distinctly dialbMilt: IofjaTuoif$.;4 Ar par IPOOPIOA1441-6 Wore divided an the Mits'Het riflin': WingbetBi, Anv e silk �Tlflt IV TIJES (JA91J. 12tb4 Wiles In I beii. '40010 going to Qvirrhit, 6)07, 'Th tlet,0%se onor !repo shawl wo�a by vWch his conduct *4 riot *4� W hrAl tie a wedding yeato op. r600rt of the Ofe %table to bit; _J A a A. In Its anKe gethilou Goddrlob,_ over two hundred tickets R0 Con for till", town. , It 80,Va inall, Boteeby theptilpi weadld atforrile, me. , 0001g,, abderiloll; 41� TA aTile boardeis lit Urst. Coolidge's bord on Saturday the Signal gays.14- being sold 04% uo ""d L the tin� 'WednWRyo or �qjil ']ill fit'arn, Robt� IIJ.Vtbw� Ml$j, ()Arrie her Kly-or toll, set, 41114 "Ovible: to diffloultle4 with the managarnout "POOPIR who were At Goderich SAY debates in' the House showed' thill I$IX.p "Inetwill savo.0 Vt gant of the go donionatradou the horso difertl Tfor-tho afternoon sid riot even stood y4t1A dorlt;�DatVlb, iuid� N liver Vie Sji�jdLuwr Be 10 P We In -t two other Conservatives who to the disappointment of a good many. it, W, OWO Inure countr to'llin tit tion., Stuttlihadinad arranvanioutatollavoilixtilah PASS, homes take bart 11, tile eat to t , it I it u I a wi Ing, to r ..... H411111. 9skyle ber 'a, m9thle clock, MUT14,misiri, Colborne ford, in West 1% t1or it beividtful curly front rtririe, but whows it beolun Ovid in 41'storY. With tile - "DITORIAZ COMMENT tIs V 'Ili', With power ttr.adt, The, 0ouVili, that ae Irlo - Dufferin-were. on the tsovlr.".� got alvbro Marie "d xatori Oil I ramsi could nub be proell ad w I THIC Ott%w. Tuidtalo go eptieft at oile- those ate all Air, W Bros., Olit of the Owners were wired to hat offIbot, (tin UQ Corarnitto d ',trI, re Orte ;:o, 'a pupils, ontil� tile "111PIOM-9 Cattle, Morris ce t�d by Mr. Whitiley 4114 OR Qtbtw set V, I w U'r tie 'tif' Primpbell, big . Howliver. during tLe afternoon three six CRA11111 Ineti eshyterian tion bents wore given by Up, Whitey,$ nhw-m of the A Globe on Wednesday last said: Conservative leaders, slid their MAJOritles --Some tdjaciJiselon it -oh JohnNolan,and there wore alho two chni h0ill; it hrolt,�tlf FOrLiAbors rt Out RIIL89 l"oorb )It X C of Goderich, w4� ogt!04 AsLIAP its beti can Logan Lando- M howl. 1 11 has been ago ated b4ui�'j o _r% iulut 41 Jett to -day close inan lar. tie lat 'ad by 40s, 0 rink the absence of 'ect a tIlt the. Meet t,the jellpol, hvee1,6111t) County of uron du udge for the Another def In the ftud's logi6lis r 0, so tin the MIXT11toba tot, A, short eas John 0,4r swultill, In I I , III art WUd 111 0 -80 A. 1 r, ie Landervidn 'a after Which they will tuake Mielie he Foll 0 var. te. itnd tbeft they I am up jud&V Masson -who line been granted tile fact that the COnservaUve 0011T01110041i tunato tbat lovers 0 - out' tit this Place., Tile ritilet wedding of n Ate a6b, WhAt they. to eve threo months leave of absence. which nominated, Mr. Mitchell ga all PeWkts ateoevet gla�,,thl to -day Is exactly Ili boon dopeivildi of a good d ernaloo go -orb UbA All 4411. accorditnee Widi, after Mr. Smith had gone to conal 6r WOt 'yes of 10 The many friends of His Hall chqolu; B)r ;egam According to the aeoleloh Of the Ii illplie two Voting people. expense In ruslikine the arrangswaillunts torle or judge an absolutely free hand on the prohlbitilits, cck tile bigilt r. JAitice,$I:roet, In chas suit of r1w No voting, cottille colild have more of mcon, especially ad tile grounds were used I MA69off, and the public generally, will 4itestion, and we aft in a position to say, 0 TI&LO, h I ti r roo to s fr no other puiposo titter tile front t.. I 4gua&, Dobdl�ti Qikail OQ4, Va. the AfIllers" tire reopt-vt,of Orange proceast.0hr sincerely hope that he may be fully that on this,' as. Ott All oilthtir moral qu"- 9 OP nees than had left. A N`4 9110111111 were otdore to be out don. This and"Alinufaittilrers' Insurance 00.6 A M r:'n, n III 11'� I , ag.01mv I I Alis� Ondlo. They start, life Too facts are Rhyl ply th4P TboTnrf restored to hefth. Meanwhile we all ti lbo' ". I r . &,JaaX"ON &Va parl Tgo; An tests Irlitra It alwarled Oai the 'adjourned. on&, Mr. Whitney allows biwfollowerow n 0110 is notin forao till the premlout together with the full enjoyment at Association bad fixed their dittes for may congratulate our townsman, to d aijoiluo the npuse, Q its been Actually, paid. ev9n th Acting the widest libeftyfif,ppluton and action. acogli biwinir surrounded by friends who huve July It and 12. and toe sonle r an judge Holt, who we are are will do It was not the temperance Liberalswit6w AWAW I the polibv had beetir issued. Thisi has every wish for their future happiness. anti Itieffect" ilIN 'EDWARD HOUSE vvening of JA91b 'Week a quiet thouh ausied ecinsidorable comment I Lite '419 best known to thetuselves-because hoilce hoises they Pounted on would honor to the position and fittingly supported Mr. Mkchell who woo pirettv wedding took pike in Knox osil praqg. -'Tb imay strike some." a he Ili the American circult-abandoned charge its duties. 04,ought napping." but those who t wit% ind. ch0rob.-Aliss controotipg paftletibehag, commQn the 11anailton Times, ,that these datea� Santa lodges, after the were If odistost ulte-Just that the company r him parts Q 40OPMT11 lixthis ArOsAlree T. rnisteoug arol NVIlliom it Is'Vot, ri induced to refrain frova voting to Sproril, both.Lof meet had been cancelled. objected $old dr, lot, in oatirts, obnronlonqu, and The�oes,emofiivwas�pertorm�d.by ffiv. ore. and which. hv its ufair still k sod'. �60 Lindsev which Wiculd-bava- bad a valid VIsdaw, come to Godprich for anything except Tian position of the Department Of by the private circulation of u ta a geuturne 19t.h of July. They were Wedorlati'To -44 �911 - alike, Jae, A. Andeirson. . The bridesmaid for the pramitti Justice and the Cabinet at Ottawa, In misleading pastoral letters *rid false &L ivill re r ;J,_- - Out 0.0, 00, One A action Ili flusiding the palliates showed iOritten to and tile honor of the com connection -with the efforts tuade to save leged affidavits, the shallowness alld un- ''hall4lo Ji'and was Miss Mary Alollwam, of Bliarit- that ik was -willing to honor the credit ties 41.1 to ford. And. tbb bast rpltp. th�;jfoomlss of the Insured, should thus esca wittee wits pledged to them that there tile life of the condemned murderer, truthfulness of which havc* bt*tl t and gutpre prwttolrogo-� a ie- repeated. Is . . sporrailbilitY. link that; appears to. a the would not he taco, On the Mondav rdd Lea Rice, whose execution was set ly demonstrated 4n the public streets previous, through the solicitation of KING JOHN last Ceremony was praprcal ly private, 'IRWI businesamen. the Agricultural groun �y tit, for this morning, has been very trying "serious thinking STON Versonal friends were HOSPITAL NOTHS.-A sperlail meet- and Court House Park were secured indeed, but it Is to,their credit that they along this line" askid for by the Signall ew since election day. The through the Afavor. which the council On Ailgle. InViOT, At the o�noluslon of tte Ing"dr 611 ' those -interested In the have not allowed mere sentiment, how. should *be done by the Went Who ck=* Arlil lit"114. little roams Aid All' modetr I mArrmqe servicill,thapat ty retorned to later endorsed. The committee abso- ivemonto no A4ch Maricets. the resistance of the belaols -parents, Bazaar to be heldtu aid of the Hospl- lilt ever backed by tire tears and prayers of a lted both written and spoken falsehoods U st `�b& IT Gbde vr� r.�,,q, ror, 01i; where a wedding supper waii partaken tal, fund Is callo!d for next Monday ely knew uothing of races until later the orrIfia'Nomir OF =UBPDAT.) when bills were- _FtpLead,trpA.dq to Ing lt�qthqlr� and Dieter, -to -set-asido Me.-Mlt&ieff of, The- bride's gown West of brown %ovening at 7,80, ill the law library dt at lath, it Protnin-efft.-iiienibers of Turf As- decrees of our Canadian courts. All the cloak of zeal for temperatim dik))blntortwolneimm��4eneti.4troloth -with drati-silk, trimm- tl)eCQurt House.. A full attendance Brief Town ToDim - lllsb�� 110t6l -, 1�� lation knew nothing ithouttherace8 the consideration t'fIn; tfie- qtiol;A64 being Ings, and 4 cb%i 83411., 1`111111"K silk waist to, tit the Daughters of -the Empire, as The Itiftlicerittlir car was tit the G.T. t,I,Oct,l he bills wer aud-apportunity-lor-� 1% ADA the"amune dar Fronch.'quotatioup tout 6 0 ch� The, bridesmaid virm dressed well as all others interested In thi) PL-dspot oil Monday, not positill)TV he anv hitch with rw-Ce that-Dritfilsh law can allow has been A HUGE DEIIIII)IT-FOR 1001-02, tw kho*Odik slight decline, sad TAvonwool a fall of in it tireittv airrandbitosturnesirid. IiAh good WOkki urgently.- -re0eAtid.- Ueo. M. 14111tott, shipped cherriQU the OrAn e management. In fabt taken advantage of by the relatives and in M, top' futureir for Sopte ani bridesmal W(Ite hats to Ariy� who ftO�V Iliutlano of work every day this week. and yesterday settle hug ness men demanded than' friends of the condeinned man, and there Approximate figures for the. Minfilion Zroibira, k1i4lion, lilt 1qWv L!OY match, and cAl --biiaar wAll kindly leave the made It shipment to Sault t3rle' Marle. iiiijetiption money back Ifthe T14COR fiscalyear which closed on the --- of the YVOXIdL -fortl% 30th of 1,114 v acdonald's. Welling wore to he. as they had subscribed for boults.411 Wa-e....f.'an,maginsihile of the Ttle'llindia waisthe recipient of ma-tv game At Mrs. D room for criticism either of our ,&pply W'40UN Engineer Kelly's dwelhay on r Lignt- X110111CUT,01to mr-i Caw **ria -086ful and valuable presente f a jog, strelet, ari� time before Augatie the Reunion only. Every man who courts or the Government. house street will be flnishe this vreoki The 4essonti June last show that the net public debt 011b,,,lili4, iale), ]told up wen. but ft in ox,, [trip y couple, Are In I �rbood 5th.-ThoHospital board are waiting Iraq Increased during the year by tllrft of VT play at present. and he will commetce moving into it ""'set ibod did so for this and noLli- taught In Able most rewrkable case, fr,,, corn on Monday 11 anxiously tot- the decision of the Town on Monday. Ing else. The committee. the town. its origin In the burglary perpetrated by aud a quirter million dollars. ,,rid w4lin crousit 'ofr1rur;aJ'1! bavissi tondettoy.tot wisksm (heso grain' A, B017tiTUML -GARbICN.-Tile S�AA low; Council as to opening the street north tire cit,izemi a -ad business men were Such larthe net result of u year of al - IT coin f -t he tot donaUd-far The Hospitilor. oil granalithirghlo w--ilknwerellie t he' on" w -ho went to tile -xpense, the trio Of American crhuina�g' are sreporter visited Win. at- South street. its they w4sh toad vort se %vvie lit bound to terribly sad, and they should Ile well j,&.ntry# ,*64 shad and Lfvl. Out- -as Wic. both prices belas A25 prattv girls who most unpralleled businessandagricul- lot It"011 of "12" dThosaiLy It said Iiis low Minn 9'Ood. fruit tN4 O'n �trlo probilow" , war(- light nuninitir shoo-, and by the 941ru0d, by A ebard on.Satur4ay to view a fismver, an Top and procure tenders flit- t tie ola"'J v out th�-ir w,ogratunie and keep pondered by every wayward soli nd ever tural prosperity Ili Canada, and in the one, that hnd_ t r Iay. bve they wore toativ, Live bogs arisaffain 7 Cents and farmers Ray Orange out further de ough tile of the busiditig'with faith with ilis- They w-)rked ato A, YOUT(O.4' The prize offered by Miss Sharman long (till] liard, Rod Lila result Is Lobe Indulgent parent. woltid. Parlow P. 0. that there is riot over, much 4n them with feed wight� -bloomed to grace the 12th. LOOXATYOUR 113ILLLS.-Hoine time t Such is tile net result, althou h the I#Sl scares arid. shorts $2Z.00 per ton. Sven the owner canto not a tile pupil obtaining tile highest seen. Nit. Alt. Signal. there wan no Hatter and one are at old rates. Now STAR its proper name, so c ristened a THaRit is air agitation just now in the taxotioll of Canada was several milliou " P n 8111 a TuE $TAn directed attention to a marks Ili her anbJects on the Entrance hitch with Lila Orange management. Or. a" t iinflL 11 our ilptatotmare-wortla 80centowlsolloonits, andpiood it.furtheoccaslonthe orangeflower. series of bank bills, of a bank that examination, goes to Miss Lena Hat- The facts ai-e t lie yet y opposite, and daily press --and some of the Conserva- dollars higher than the previous year. atil .4 94 adol on, I a W" 'started. They are of file 10 a Wit, shipping chierifil is worW166iii'mo to, coo i4i WhIle'orosent with 43tbek*j We inape .. land. who Obtained 80 pe cent. there Is nnt I% doubt but a vad Jorge tive Papers urge it strongly-fitir a sub. Such is the result,althoggh Canada has. 'in lit t,r n bialiket.. ted the driblias now blooming. noticed "State Bank of New Brubswick Now G Thomas Harrition of tile 4th con. number of outtwidern refraine frottl 14 11 0 X trait wistwitt, Standard...; ....... I o 78 to go 7, tho (hp fig tree still hearsit ripening orse derich township, last Saturday eut, coming to Godetich through the stantial increase to ths; Federal Premier's IiOw bad'sevcTal yearsof great prosperity, 46 and are of tuapy valutti, goes -ilh tion 'ILPe bills salary, At present, as a correspicudert and of great revenue (all" lia -RerAO0 IbL, Patens. i, B ri Wheat, R 78 to it It hrust, that the strawlitirries, tholigh and fives being the principal ones it measured 8 feet 10 inches long, Thnt, and Mr. 8inith'll very bad Judgment points out, Sir Wilfrid LaUriel' is in re- t-atlor urvy 225to 235 diusappearlug, ire still SLweet, and- that it this seamorl'a growth of maple which wholesale dints u Of tile I W, in Hutoisd 61, 9 Sply 2 00 to 2 (OL oircUlILtiOn. "On Wednesday Ott ............. 18 auto t nature arrilles War n- ponds to in tht 00W tot, o 1 noek!aftnee'L G�apoR show well, though For riattlim,811 i Do all. withill Mr. a fiv marine cowisideiltiblo growth, doesn't it? '61 Are lisp was presented 36t the Bank of Car Hoblig 1,998ONS, ceipt of a salary which corres 6. Blite(Ja .. ...... . 20 0 to 000 tuerce. thiv town. was of course d QnIfsp a few of our residents took In ortion ng#. per ton.. -"arich, 1100 to $6 00 at one-ttuad it was feared the fruit had Another twelfth of July has e that recelvrdby other premiers Iii the surplus for the past year, :4 ate . ..... .......... .. .... U 40 to 0 42 tected and defaced, and the presentsw Foiepaugh's eircus at Stratfor,l oil 0,LOTS "11i r, ........... .......... 0 50 to 0 dA Tuesday. which they report fig ver -T cies : $8,000 per annurn, abroad and a Cc 1. 7 ........ been badly Injured by the raina; plums losses a V unless he should rem And gone. rite day vras niarkedc,"Intli British dependeu tigress accu!eNoFirw�;4 gArA —oil the ........ 4 ....... ....... a 7o to 0 62 arse a tip., to Yield bauntifullv, apples Who paid the twill to him. The III stood. Aninmr tho., frorn Oodetich mucepse in Goderich its well as throtiph- with his sessional indemnity, gives hint a extravagance at home. Is over nitiety ObIltiriall Vii., know ft As the It 11. yo . ............ ............... 0 55 to 070 vvill"111.1 a fair crop, pears a good one, out Lila country, and tire local corn - Prom Ono, tri� Moro ttares, as Ruckwheat. tmr Istishal .......... 0 07 to 455 lie easily taken, for t he lilt] It, IJona- ea Alt.unted, sittairbati rualibelTies show signs tit it Ilia gatlier� cash Income Of $9, Soo a year, besid,, millions of dollurs. be - f wAli'll Is &lit Hity.1Titnottiv) Brunswick, N. J, And people ill 14 flox(on. Philip IT I "'IttPes; and out citizens have a 1191 Ha, Oloyar) ...... 17 6mo tt'oo '8' 0' Ing. Roota are coming -in well, ond Ill-llvv 1,11,111 M011 ie1v reason to (ofilrratulate theingevill.Z 111hich, ottier advantages attached to hit, In Canada, aIlliough the revenues for Ulldliti Tiiirras to CO hurry might tAke the itwiLtAls tor N. B.. antora dro, Buttek. Per on to 10 its (it yorew towatca-sit unit OLner tas An Is usuallir thp caso, there were position certainly make the remuneration the year reached Lite highest point which c LA trwfrowthi uni- dozen .......... 0 12 to. 13 vegetublest bid fIL11- flor a good retUrp. n Now Bt-ulls"Wick. Plpiwe look out fill. The moralists tot St. (Fpnrgn'a choir tnv di-flicull ien to W .,Par cord.. ............... 3 76 to 4 00 We ended our, voilt. by it four at the these billsand sloppluttheir ftother hold their annual Isirme lit, Bavfleld Ott " I mnequivalent to the sum of at least $i 2,00v they have ever touched in the history of Underleb. exporL ..... 043 circulation lit Goderle . SILVO your. Tijewiny, and tile sittv I,# -log fine Lllpy and 111aliv seelidtig luillossibilitisia to Cattle. Der I h. ordit 1. (1 20 henery, vithere we sa%� river 140 little Lie with. Anintiv these was the a year. Opinions may honestly differ as tile country-$s6,3o9,693-yet the Do - to 0 015 selires froto lose. had it plewaot, little. rhe drive was Lounbs, pot lb to 3 00 Plymouth Rocks that should develop lid Trunk It,tilwity Uoinpanv, who to whether this Ili all adequate return for mi Ion government is threeand a quartet Shoop, 39 ig InLIC11 eoJOV0J. Mid the Popper wl n to 3 50 Into first prize whiners If their appeal- 4. HAPPY MEBTING. - A p)panii `1 not only broke fidth with the Coin - Sheep, Ct. pat In.... A 03 to 0 31 of the fli-91, tile choir has ev the duties and responsibilitie of go hn- million dollars oil the wrong side of the V. D 8, Z6 D., Ott% Hogs, live 7 CO to 7 Oil e,ness anti thEir parents are as good as meptikvg'un-the 12Lh of July In Gode er ioitt-ve, but vointiplied then) to ire to all n, HAme. pat o t4 to n to they look. spiend otit in Bayfleld. consideruble Onnecessury expense. It PO'tllllt a position, but for one we ledger. Anil this in face of the fact that )ill)). ta 0 Toy tb a ait it Ralogra. long 41fter.. a 12 to 0 12 F ich. cini� that probably never bag ILtid Toeiviar, Aucro-t 51h. will hocivic wait it quesi ion of hold tile day 01 "op. think the Ilarnier'q ';till is correct when it not a. single public work of Importance is ion 'at -inn a t [al 5 no it) 500 AN EXPEXIMS OPI-Mox­"The Man rhaveanexnet. counterpait. ho!iihiv in WilighlLot, tin(] 1,110PIll3lit, Of and IL is only fivveselary to say thiLt It suggests that any deficiency lit the al- ad hialut In ffline. .1 ....... I ruistv neve tieing carried On. If the Dominion gov. C 1 0 o0 to to 050 on the Street." it most interesting was that of Andrew Waddell, of Lot,. Lnp day W-11 I— t 1144 itnotial tinloo the Ota"d Triwk ))lid I tit their uwn ernuient cannot pay its way by three wid IT lit and In re in. I At' a- Tallow. rondered . ......... 0 Otto 004 -11116 Ili I n 0 t a at rAl 1;001: washed, per Ill ............. o 12 to a a dailV column in the MAII And Empire. don. George Hawkins, of Port AlheTt, StillwIlLY verwool itivitit- io WILV, there been rLnv lowance to the real of the country a quarter million dollars a year when 0 at to Ir I out unwashed, oar lb .......... 0 00 to -on Tuesday last contained Lli!s and Henry Hui -ton, of Goderich. T I toltv he It ... hed fill-, and gatherlor pri(h last Saturday. inight w0l bc toude up from it reolo(tion tinves are good and the public treasury is Price to a well known Goderien man: FRUM AND MiVrART.28. ]list time thege three met. tog(,t,b,, Whom [Ile 11IM-118 poll OtAllgil 470111- of the allowance to the nounitlil head overflowing with money. what is the rnges per dosoll _., ............. . 20 to 50 was in 1852 Just 60 years ago, III regard I" ileight rilivit, in tile right. olit t Pen Performed effeetivp Work. Lila it vertiOT general, who conts us it, before the country when the TAUBD mean w ;nlqi)ect 11 . ............ 1 20 to 30 Mr. S. A. MeGaw, manager of I he [.lie antipodes. Old renvilout.211 Ih will 4pp I Il'i t tile vi-itnt-li have bord"n ell on t lie lat,ter The orighiad a go flatioulas ZJ to ito Lake Down and Manitoba Milling Co., rein uilierL tile ridiflug excitement In Ovary rconiniod,1110 1 lit Ilars,or Park. ofTer wa@ ill False $W) froul Lh, 1. _: ............. 0 various items nearly $ioo,000 a Year. I i"Itable rcacti6n takes place, and the ...... ......... I 00to I hn Goderich. was a visitor on the floor' of Austntlin, when all toanv left whill, Jol'o Voyle lit thecoort vitizens all([ buillnegg men and Place Knight Williarn Mulock used tothilik returns. Sir brunt rhCtAX. ANIL VIX , t `1 r era- of hard times are diminishing revenue WrilfRd-Uppur-Cawn 0 aAnd made Xcuaw is well poster] on the Canadian da UV b I,,, Tuaday asa TtlTg tff -t" Vt ttm In "riiubo' W and IaTk -this way-, wMarn Ti'm ill-) tudii *oil Ailing the nty ralpirsayp,si but inaction tin their par threw the wheat, seek their foritutles. There were 121n the LppoaIR Of same Lw( t ow, NeW 4dverttsemants. fields, and to the "Man on I he at Julys in Lhose enyes. but I.Otjlia� like whooblecled to the pitvilig for the rpiponsibilitv onthe Orange men. and " is Illspection Tour of the IAXe& Attlandrild to. Re. Street" expressed himself as follown:- the present reunions. and thess, thwep ­Logati Drain" ;it ih- tiowith partof thV were compelled to devote days of AtU611l U61%py, barrel, as I emplo -At present it looks as it Nve were Mollfilgagillott tever. Zodking Out to site- W. c. xrfdh man met Ili a town called Bit IN lecturing its local cotem., the Mon. J. Ittatillon §90rahtswed. 1111114t. Stauley Tit#, dr,tin Is e4tio-ated to, tin weekatts thisbranchot thework. 1. Torte. Dominion Minister Isto ........ 4 going to have Immense crops. We Australia, it mining town. and enjoyed ost ifiOXXI, sold InModem thp Hovever, white the result is not finan. Clinton New Rra neenis to have forgotten (if Public Works, is now on an inspec- M"ll" and Gingham Sale -J. IL Colborne 4 are having it regular old-tilue season. each otber's friendship. The tirepi ine LICH0401,, W.NTRKET W.. ToBoTO Iron.ok Tablets .............................. 5 with just �priniirh rain in Mav and.1 I SUIlUgL"ninu itlid rlvitokiw tit part of crally natildfact nets, the Jity. the crowd. that the people have It tion tour of tire lakes In the govern - July Sale-Itaidgens Bros ................ k Saturthw titter a separ4tion of rio 1he Rivileld ri%(-,-. S prograinine, and the Inanagoinent, F, the crops Iis I I'loule Iltod-Parriolf-Dean Bakery .... to tn!xkf, row. We have 11 year�. wits it nedtin I'VoIlle Lboogl't they Wtire tot) high, coul brazenly that Major' Beek in 040 Tittit,4teaiiierIA)rdStiLnIeV. Mr-Tattes had such it slailillon for toll years. and at d riot havi- well belio awore perfect. Ittlisible Your moolity-bIcIthn's .......... 8 pres.ent till conditiono tire cood-leive ILS to IlltVP few pal-AII11118 H.Flywhere. whiln lotherl'a dido I. Ivnill thedrain sit There are oinoV lesmons to bp drawn still M' Robert McLean Ili the natne vear 19 accompanied by lite son. Mr. A. , to I tBlacksmith Witatts:11--c. Sprout, 1 e crops." Tile Western c iDie udge ite,ird lt vil--sa denl sit from it gatheiing (it llip nhoul.1 have accepted their atilt TILI tP, anti othermembers of his family "k Outinia, Statute$ Of 1897-Im Lewill .......... i INDU13TRIAL NoTne.-Unnager 1)(Itv e v,,Ivo 111CYCid P01IM11--STAX OF111CM ............... many new irurrilgrants. In fact. ITT, Do yoickdow, thlat ClAir. atilt reserved trip fit most (it world Illitt tit(- Orange bodv has ILI Tile New Rra well knowg that onginspor tit the department, accom, 41SAY said Mi., Meanw, cotild shuid eturtled Lhis week front St re intloding engineprit. kind Itg(le" t"ProvP it? tile whole rfralned from again tieing candidatei. whils. Mr. LOMA Coste, formerly entail Against C011trat Sleamabigs Line ..... ...... could riest undorstand bow the frmers where I he Godei ich Engine Co. placed W- P"c"Illf-IL 1101PPaped fill' vatived witli tile age, that, they have ajor palliel the party. Tire 4teamer left; Th 106-Crea Lost, S.Ain or 6trayed-john Newcombe.. , would gab through their fivirve%ttnig the machinery in a pleasure baitt. awild the applivanti; -, 10. L. Dit-ki",ton, GA,]I- it Pin(pro respect, for their 'Itounan Beck at tile general election In 190 was Montreal on tile 9th ri-tid passed Imt-notot ...................... .. I unless there wag an Int-unh of help I'llornbury where therfitted rich, rot. list. townfhip, toll j, NO gahPi' fairly elected, and defeated only by a through tile W 11 rid 6anal on Mon - AND out it I Ug I - t, A hury, for Lite pat ties wit() waist ing rotild have been more ordnelv. not ri q of trickn which I stay, A visit will his made to Buffalo soon. The harvest would commence The employees tit tile works on R #Let the dinin. Re e ell Us) to a cissiting CIIveland, after whicti the Detroit; A fee Cregin $oda about the 17th at August, but is, light street are sitill working on orderv.-Ai ft ni"gle "vs loop hitch oerur "a during -_ - -_ --*I- — - cong leveler, vote by tile Returning, Officer, Atilt lit; Itiver toolprovementa will be exAmIned, Xmiltit 9,yapim probablv be P& little hite Ott fliccount, of 1,110 GOder leli Orgao Works there Is a rip wil(,IP tiny. his in it siti tile heavy %tr%tv. w is very full Histlit. nd as Lhev cannot keep up Snfiimer Sports. When a. colltiervNtive eallmaLe places for the hv-clection of that year, rise itridthe dtLdging ait Point, Edward. bullish an C. P. & on account of the with theutders. they work overtime As advertised, the bicycle laepm the crowd sit iiot legs than 11000, nd CourtFidetided that %fr. Garrow had riot FrOtyl there. It finite pernints, the rite 601111041 Cate IF.,, Andrews vast oniount of land the compny has OU0,101 to makill 7 days each week. 1 12,(1111). Stanley vir ill go to ('hi=.w $suit Ste. ca , bett? Ntlen lip liv our charoplon, Alex. Me- probah V - been clected, at least by the free voice of ill,id Fort Wi Ill be next I A shipod It car load of live he He was secrittary tot the On Wednesday die Co. shipped It Cal vor, and till- hall I,Ptwpen the On previnon 1201 July reunion in a . for itial 98 to 8 Willing Compnov 'for reven load of their manufactures to Ants. ,in T) Its a 8 tlies, look place Oodorich ficianstrerN Invariably r m- visited. and the ports an ttxe Georgian r6ritO. Oil MOUdILV4 land Again P, d 7 O9IIv'0 ok nit tile people, again fully Justifying Major Oefitb.iiet- pound for tire Mole. so t Ig years, and firsaid ts know every farm tralia; and Wo enisnovees are now nit the Agricultoral Pst,k (in Thut%dav plainest! that, they were [lot properly Beck'R appeal to the electorn. But think Buy token in on the return talp. Those train Winnipeg to VancouveN. packing it car load for the Mat herland, Thealtendance' provided for, that 0joy votil I not get of tile Impudence of the mail wit(.' 'If Owen Sound ^ and 11011161trahOldinktrackfurail b gh- Ingwood etprice, The, reason assigned was It the seskrelty, risurt hiAh, Price ofshorts Saturday through ft (Jodprivirt an(i Kineardine on the writy tway - tit t.e.progiain waFi pushpAl (lv*-F '111110 ()It from Robert Mcfcan in 098 now taunt- (town Lake Huron. The trip will ke r o steamer Alf(onquin titiloaded her cal�go sup,lllet as tbcv are , A full throtiRl, in p rtsinanlike style. it, ystematic way of previoris prppvLrrt- r his flAnnon. L&xr. AND Rivnit.-The -At the Kensingto Furniture fautory wag lot la, e, It being tno nesir the enough to Pat. This difliculty retained tile seat lit Parliament stolen 311diand will likely Ile vi2it*d# st2d bab its indat salserm of tills %took have things were never as lively ill tile Mill, 1, 9 ta s4w6d larger qn4ritities at feed grain at v&gst at the GoderIch elevatol-. and staff to twiv emploVPd. sind 60 fast Are thp fil,tiev(inti. J fnilp hicyclo race. tion, and the stood work of a huge and Ing hirn with not accepting that d40)(113t, four Weeks. than usual. th1w islantof shorts will not left part during Fridaiv hight, for Lake the Or-ler8 -Piling up, that bhe am- Alex. Ale vor wag Ist, R. Bryanit 2nd thormighly 4irgitnize(i reception com- that -'lie should have gone away back -------- 1.0— M&M G01, be to'bAdl felt after harvest. Superior. -A fishing party made tip of Floyees catinct keep up with them, "in nd X, Nittlel 3rd. The racp wit" In tuittep, rtnd we arp now assured I hat let," said Mr. Shannon, "we send I I sat down. " The. recorda of Parlia- BUILD UP MICHIGAN. Wdarloh- OaPtidn DonlY, N D. RouRvie, Thos. & beat a and tile tirne wits 1. 15 and 1. 18 the visitors will be tilessed to come to an' tdrlo . car foad to Toronto oil Torisday and respectively. The sanie thyee riders (Inderich again. inent show that Robert 11olinen retained T"ropt. Telegram. T1M'tg&VPAV'-A STAR relire"tents' Nirn, Wm. R1096111. JnO. S. Platt. are trying to get 5 Inore ma v for pedalled throogh the file re We believp a successful movement stolen gorwila In face of the most positive Michigan changen its nxecutfireCovii it atilt lear6taket'litewtombe*and gin as a anti ballot erunient every two, or tit most every fout Al y6itt-4 thil! Otuctet`Y,01% Welibesday, m, Rutson. And Chas. Smith. hipments."-The Under ... IT Knitting riping the natne nd the t I Ili(- 21.M. Fill- lelb SatuWay night' in a tell days' roold lip pot on Itoot to have a real twig evidence of election r c lity CIO. It" commenced shipping quite the 5 mile handicap, XIvI vF-r 6.arrild. rponion ptoilat� '110 tiWisi, N Therotilvii HL4hingexcursioikt(stlieGeoi,glitlI Bay, lit (lodericls at least evp#,V fr I lift he ought to have efunigh _poollis "l4stant hatst, at w '�' t1advs and Bruce, Pettinlittila. Tbevgo ' freely tor the West, where they require the.lp wpre Rix coltie". flit, isigit being third, if tit,# every second yenr. Illot witchigmi never gave Air. Clergue as n Tedsteest, Patsallsor 011ilarivil'itl still ilths tre Aoulving A clean all to tile the lgoadv enrlier than they do In On - it tit ftooll J!jft 'j'IFY, [rest bass fishing VOIntli knOWn. sk,id p ag followg: R. fltyvns and It. Naftel there would have to Ile something sense of decellev to riot bollst about it h land tell cent Piece would cov. Y Thtwe appoilrafte, sua ill# gr6oristj genot tarlo. Tito companv has a foll atoff. I )Usitio X)allarst'sul they are, sivell preirated for fishing liersitch, D. (if Tnionto, ore permanent behind It financially. now. ror its it tnoncy as Would cover te*a a, AIIOW bordtiodod Isilik much itdproVO14 Thq unsightly and ll:tve a gool an epect to keep the inadhillety , 1 y itoritij- 40ded' "i six, WanIllsif ;Iiw� ardst. T. Ate- It Posts nionley. Pnergyand time to ii'lli1j" aharholfirg All the Now Year on repeat (Jillicuddy atilt F link Al' cent'll "IiTth f land. (i-v Pit) V419. snake it ouvremq (of such gatheilnon, Turt Hzeter papers report that at n va tile latent desptches credit the stpithil Ate P audsortinguills orders. ManngopLew- llhst� trAy :is" to ititrodtla �nItMrl" to roth JoyabI6 doting. -'Phe D. atilt noich stronirer iniess4ury mWting of tile Ritecutive comosittee (if Clergue sivildiente with a *i1thigness to have thl� Prtillose would u 1.6 ran intop0t dn SubdilLy. a1W left Itibstat'"thut their '1"9143111 trade Is avetibil and Nartei thi Logan have law lie brought Us beat on the Iof pend Jt2,,w;oo,,000 in the eiketlou of the idereasing rapidly. and crol Con%tervative Aslicint thesl,# 44111 Witt, And otbbf Aetftft �ftctlfied. Ud should Rtolondav ivight, for Atnenct.-Tbe ;tr. possibilitlest of the biture tire that, this Littifferriall, Snvilh'q flin.111.11-. ran tile -ailway, nol.limition Lo treat Onderich the Lib Mill in the world. t*, Allp tell by thereimucil, in anything 'Olt irinitiewie. halfinilit Ili in,- exhibit 'on largest paper te of rourqe thin Miracle of a Yam _tnill Wodarditilt to, ArbouU# A, :that reAs6d teild to bikutify Aft t1OwftWatd thf9 1#43A. having pul�b t NoTFA. day lapt, the protest recently entered ig to be rected at Sault Ste. Made Ont. A oi the strtaw loside floe upwitrd .14 r time of 52 note fairly. south Ituron, lield at 11 tisall On Mon- -Disafrich & dOn,� Of rho Star ill- rc� Atieunds. The Nige bill) inn h wits WO AUAineid AS good, pat Liculauly Ili tile ipa,q 006 AM of Pittlis good PAR6611get I t interesting u4m live oil file was din- in a province andacoutit. e 1191.6 eAth wAv.-Tho e4opprog. And the sign* tire vropid Its Program. Thp n-Pifli vtq I it fiber, M. I'. P..' which bay aft, Imulti, fiel. liqual'stps at, 'for IN continultoce.-Bucha6ittle find It, ta Try (lite grocer siold 10) quarts of ice against Henry E lands and minerals t to stevoish, a" dilaw eat monsil the obaerleh Dowling -0101-t6ok part tbilit Daft tho Pnot vleilik. I-elkilt faiplv r rite I)tikpv. who wou wM h a Retire erearl'. cussed. Representativivq from eve�v p3rt given a kingdom in and nionev to Its benefactors. h.,th,"Choilrb oatAlpi woll Ii)AtIf ?each b-twgon have nit exetadingly IARf90 tit 10 W I Por the frost Dukes F prorn to $15,1101, lq not a very of the riding were pretent, %vho I'Ina'"i Alag, nst) I The great Clergue Pa r I)MMI tv oarts he setit'lil, findi at 616 tkk hi 1ho, tdilitniblerib i0ttekii up fly the tho frnte of We stteatn'er Ili- 14 holldi"'I Rtaft of airpsolitem 'cloployou at their J. Tall, A. Rnpeatraw. A. if alonov to Ile Pprint. In Jifistondisi., Mill and thrOughout the county, 411(1 A mounly pledged thettvielves to support 3fill in it) dorn sault Ste. Marie, Mic Romavi, febow Y" Ott, Tilotdh% Therii np.�irlY TOMPIPUXI. rind a few Avovka ht#y (43y thel�P Inip. 0. I'llack. It. M( Lood, L. Alerip, by twljt�iders its one day. 40 lituritUN afA lit 11tariv tbiltitt flit) R8,06 skipslooth' 3 1 - ore 419(1- lliA the build an defend NIT. Hilber against tile nialic- ..a qtate which has nothing to the AsitlissVoMilissiby MI 16%v t" fill' Wo w) fle�qf9ft.-Thp 1119 L1440 will conLitille to Ile firlhk For W. Ilarnost anu 0. 11 iggionon to,.It I he is .00 "pit litte nn arrival (if the . ate, gni' ouOntarics is to be motisewill Iftnit 640, ila U O'Connitill, Fred DAyWAINd %V11114=1 Xing 91WArd WastiblAOIdtick twice 1101A.Mildthth filowrtie,,' resins wil.14 an ()Ill litiVq. I and g /undlem charges i-notained in "erg"` qvn,lie hmAtiots kirs Eftillit Week. With prAttV full, paoseng6r 01,10 thnu to coure.-The Gothirich p, I(Iplv. '1.* 1 P ' of At. V. MeLe.an against rr U- tiv. and other IffistiniNts Wore 8 on Smorday, their, OV III tire withdrwal ofherr&w 1W-01#4 ifuriiii vkowfe ill . eltn1picn. I.. its firs!"iftwitit #4011t1ty MrAhkV6W Hatbat, Mill %,,rid LumbrCo. 11MVP IlPea (' wort, Ito ointiv old veAdento present. tile 111111titir to feef] a Yankee paper Will. Ritirtioldis. p4wt Mauer Got* A01 ittid cAtaoi-Tira tile 6#14,lon ahtpp Ing oil .1 Wlying, . V"rl- Ill (if 1110 I'Moll hotel. RtAfo 11fill Mr. Either was thereripient of Michigan gxtq eventhing from the t- 1), Alligoo, (ileo. A an anti Ditlisdo, settoofiev 04tarapt waif In otit't ell HAt. tie mill Jh;Vq Ilpen Idla reetiottv .1 Sopfl. that thPVqerVPd l?'01"Pallf M11dWilibl"d many cotigrattilationq upon higisucce-q ClOr tie and' pives, nothingto, urdiq" u*J4 imilk4l, twah art suildity hand upOn tllo fair, honet and detent itutl M Wo "itif HMO tnorning--Tho qtr. Pittsburg of logo fit Qlano H-tt 1)(01'. ble I W. tbiliz to M: Clergue, and, according to rink 'WA* 111 ttvivo t 614 wook On, livp It, kilar #dy istrin rth and campaign plonecuted by hitir. T)ie sl-oen- thc ,.xtvqt A stolle utiltz"ed Wtotirhar wll oiae gittillix ther taft Ifue alvalton tion of entertaining ll'110, crosq ilptitims an it %ood and a drawer of I tit, Of ill#, ft, Wit itrid- Nlithil:ftu indtLI FOrreAttisir tInktof Clinton, "014,ving la-tv by vetllvnlll�; lilt" hlot, rhili"M le Orti to tbtu Anil if an lorg will coml:y!v tvith tile Poo,lo Anit hoola, will and boothp. waq alqn considered. when ablintlance Of witet ots 041 i" th-1 voner­ i, in Knos v, by he Dgivis thov. Will, tilways Ito tro.,-Tho ac%fflor L: 11111'ril next, %allint, It .-V, ltz. flood (I'vy'n evidence of thO gronnent Wegularitten and tili-Int; it delftv, an all tho tonwilatloh Ott AV#,,dt milthwait Queett arrived in 1, ot.w every Autweript long bp (if many corturt and Illegal practice,3 on upoti �lr Clotgue, are ootttraste(t Y'* 11P6401V thOthillZ woh XA*, aW then. T`964%, rn toll lepart of Mr. LIlherls oppoilition, wala willi the Ito ricei"A It $no takxa tit 1111111916% fmat lilip witipt, Sundirwyott 7AQ a. in. an.1 14) a. nA vefortl sore* A#A xowr*� h -4t t'llitills; ana tu U00 rink cifitilift0i of gy.artn` lt-out "Porb W-01 IV, er are (lite and muct tie ptid me a decided whuW., tot, ruilsolatton wtv to Ott; atefirloo" tuitgo W46 rhoAq Isly of 15.(W 1100109 of A1111till Ili 8av TAko 1%litione V111 p. IV,. 14 All fl- W,e hod, Wheat ittliI thi) 1'�, aud, )AS"WAYA millfig flit 1,1C.11 ;ft, 4�VQI`y 11,44111 (Illd a Ver0efa Ct it' Ontario W30 ill 400t. (0, Ilkto oil Wildn*siwifav� Tkt* flok lislittiAl 11hrilta lb �Iyx) 1. fitly lo pormible. and it. was 11. v Ntrv&tv. The town looked InQ0IV Ott, HaturdStv ligetition lie entered gyaitmt McLean Inhe &ht till 44A. wu"th"till, A, t-, who -At forli*441 vollgolul toll, Ow beoT 40' Z 004C by a 100 Of 000111K `ialtmliatt Atilt 'Ifiv, V49,1$14 I Ito 0? fhe Nalst lat chilrell "d tho" ot,30V figpd, Idtvnwr and atirpet, aird bia affelli.4, dMI Other pettonq acting ulgill by a of Is rithka, Wt. Wk" AtomM 60"W two put" on ThinmAy. to litirplit, tifl, of thAll, ('11016 tip olp !Mill, ""Ad"dri Alt Our vleit"#- r4WP*,*&W,, 1111"I hw`lV0L,d0(.ltf4NJfOJJOJd tile Itoeognittion otisIlia behalf. fifterc-AtItig diovelopilient bodied, ifittstAttli, Tholskilw*ot t IN ttAY40 mt the 410trittif, 4W Will W T, otwit docir. silirwo itu tlw� older, N411411 TI)o Pnunt'll, tylti, rpopt in t Ito aftefilooh Tito (rotirt, Itativo 8(loar-4 eat All),vis, OtAk,t MitiOn 11Iq siact 11110storth to 'A Oats Of $0416 Aro chenrit-AlAvOtAs 'Atil �UK* Uve d*dl�" Of dietir.-Tht, dre3se, Is inow W01 i lifid 0t. vice in tv-,A, Iliad to, MoA all lusioput h h@ll) bin) been filed With Registrar M000flatd. mr. Tho its lik-isidtifaart ttIOWA, hoil it , 11 () I � X V r g I'y 11"v* M twl(sk- tho lSt6nday, 1: Ift'Uh I, t I$ r nua t Ine P itid CAI t1ho 11401 -of JJr (.*t -11W, lit Antl� Alild It I'lotil 10011ifit 40 nit 13 evor. be A* 1 Nitnd,%f. tit($ Ilt'irt, 101 1 1`4 for W14 tho'rsr�jt dilsiv J0136; mod- avia0is, , # I 11 J�(Vto tkad tknow 14 ppin hal�3�vt Will I## *,ZnVit, Vour ittip Is 1.110y potsved yriklit lit, 4W twoo '41nd Olt Was its, w