The Goderich Star, 1902-04-04, Page 71. -
% .
v: to: -1: 1.::: it;,
it AI F a 1 4
frm of Wood* uutil tts-0.4kop 4
pastes" qXi4t"41104 staor'. XWO-11 WAR, �Isslsalfs* Ill'"ta ot
MAN * 46411skry wtom tholls 040my4seg All'
nalfft TO
ON W "M A cow raowx�,0400' 1W
A*U I.- isso *00"
Vs!'t'llrdev. 0An.%"*
kit Ilit alittit.; U 0r- Wuxi utit, PAXVO,� VX
4 ritrap that willyteac Vith sit
yory JAW Iwa *,4
OrX" T
U" 4r 4 111111
"Ift .4 A
'I tJs4 bosterd. two Viow 040** 0- 11, 41111* s., aa*
�i6jtmte � I 1� I � I .. , Oz of 00 A41flik *A
of, -Illbout . ,
site, 40 _1111hil, tollovIltd, 100 klitilif: whiq ly
4*14 1� 4k*
)KOO 04 illur� h0s" Xuat owpwit to
V`4 tbie OtiAO ArOA00 tIlsItV4W'
APftuaw I
_V �11
g tihot, "ToroAtil, Aprilk, I It Allillet, Tho DIV 00,1196 11^04k, T444 -viii
Altr 10,+ o0q, �ot the' Aweltot 49 "t $A Onsina,'Itivor POWAY 401400 Ott
oxoq� V1414 it, 00 looifist ols,iho" )low, � Iowa lopistA
*Ad J f1fkfttI OOV toll troisorig (41ww. ils"A
bokr4 A�imo, age, othov q*4114itt WSslXI;o,, l4lalliltrZon to, qw,
.1. - '; Aolk* low 11W "Ifloill
PROt 0XPOPAIV04 Isliat'her 4034k vvC #a '000 Aft quotoo. At 7so east. *104 71 "K*44
JWW A* -
side, Y014 -sit V9, #A% llutli�g "Ot Ask 010 U"*__ oil orgy*sin As, vifolptit from uros tul.4"yogr arst 1krightoV144 yo
Allowing th%r
W" OA c1l 4d
=Poulinft' , t. -91' 1$% 1 An Iss, '"Qr4,J
A".0tillicta ox 4 Pr Ot*
toriefO4,'Let, etoo stround $or' 4 thi Vight 44 sicribilfg,tho hind, *0 6011419toot, ADA 04 FIN U gqtt;411� goikituqtj:; "(pro. ii. I,
04 toislAula, it j* two the, j*t, V isi, i* Utwao, so. 4
VIVIOW 204vVito. . X0.1 V late.
Q1 1%* uUmn4s" sit, down to, n" ro
Woo two pic 0
'0.0 ortele All bo lio 60 gr�'*Siiddsl the QlIIc4rOt'Ot,4,0r It 10 41410 that Q.000 40ttIQr# rronst
0." A, doe 9 la% 00"rolty, be tered the West, ?by way at Portal,
tile Voittod, StAtco h4vo 441re;kIly 04'.
Alt actup lit
y A
ugh,t, to this. eLr
tria hill tfjosl.�
compo"d, 9t alist compAtitod thq SA10 of a train.
Y't p &sistis that towLlsnuit;��'for"tifiq_ OUb, o4 isit tit, to$ 0% Aofle�40 Ak1wh ottt of t 041�41014f for
eAnd 41% tbo ra tin fre
d 0. our: most, 1he,4 he arrest oftsi 0110roman. at, Urtt� Cues jio 00. A
ted, all I$
- alliptswilt ti
at t
Xi�rshl 41,14d t
uso Lckliilittttosi wilt t'proh'ably be kbt
hease, lit. affecting give the Yukon rq tho
soe 3, T of, which the, of cla
Iq snSession to
olot rup, tiop lit
Or (IttiBuliptinq
We I Own.
0 4 to, allocti %be Oopturo House of oirlyncinit,
it rvIe
'Aq� Ir 10 ecruers like r4bbItill. This was, of eal"e- OreO' th
lak gy �,, *' . �,� ; tdV Nourco
OpIlly, 40 fit time$,' siVilon �bdq slatesettl slive,
tsWith dorolele w,ill bilI Jitkilgedi
it willok Alay 417. nsi� askbd the judge t
A`,* r -lo a c;
V, .0-V Ilroki, the King And appoW met,
is by -Rov. A. U. Gurvto, )af tl:pslo,
sn MAPS 4 Wh011YlamillOary 0119- OOtlintild., has licto appointed. P
roll ,
JOXtsd _1 I8rd, 1881, for esor of It
itwe'lwa Willis- J;p systematic t Colo and htgpologetic$ � in tile
t%ritto it doputy- college, Montreal.
eattem Was'luno by
per "jall rtporve,` noltister, gac tun n0,01), 00 k
Vill 11 rA 9P galluesile't -4 t , - , tOb,4;lW, 017,111, Ike, tT _wl Tritil) Con- -It lin; - arr
ceit, Father IlicFad own t1loI
so 111,
lilt I -0Wc
ralk 0 pe -or 41941 the pArleh, priet of %adoro. is "no 01,61iftsitlotV bill V
ll 4 Af� V14 I " " - '44, oil �rqgai, Ili$Vfttot 'A sVIV
lott) P -41 V 40 "'Pig it, Irq, cc te, it did
lopr 5'PrORPVCUVO w Is ter lle, VP Was co
oyarrub, the o 11 of of file Service, but W41tod untItt hof le to, she ad-
4qr ,,VW J;gLW "a :x0tr, ly AWIlt , I
r,# V ibii Wlbe to attoWil to Pal- Tioub AnIr tional three-tuIllion-bushot C.P.R.
r nducting It Is PoSsblo tl%A
hs�ju It 19' simply a bill Proviihoa toile free
r ablitil, 310 aligult
11N� tIliv the at A
Uses; these cheinica 'h
'Tie 41
had 'dismissed stild WAS 010y"t0l' at Fort Willittla \load will
hJ5- flOck',
f'Qh !ter ,Ot, not 134 big e utuatton. and
11.00 t 'It, I` lell4ni; this church door, rort SO- have to be used. The delliand' for
lG1VavQl`. no was sot upon and beat- StLQI, is
I no AW
4-40 Pretty Ilithi models of 46Qomo. ; 1191 ly mstail", tbait' no large that it Is With
anoil] tic'. oil to death by
to the vneaged penBan- great difflQuIty that it is Iiroqur%'
osi:- Or&-, I � Q Iles out of Wood ; and ttik-
V"40 1". 1 .. A
I',, - t, � � : .'.tq , hlft�i4 dalk " " .- r =A e -,p .9 wtra fence, n 0 0 idora�lbb thAt Unit )VAs
lar,,g try, njfd tbIS n1though' a Arcing body
Ia rely-trioo,, arr sorr t,.J,
ist-vailit. -his idUpoilictrs
autooilbift Ok1ttfOSt%;, and. fit 09. An a actions; Sol 0 Iflotablikary was Stationed ecarco
Ud *end, �f Gmerit
Pe and Maximif," lichh-06ins, and cannon mail 9
'4n sVitelletilgont emitu Who knoW tjj� jiguill AN AMBASADO11's SERVANT.
NVID)od at this practice-. One da it Ptonos throw away. The Gormokii Colon jul' o
A ni, gf
tput t courn Ing the yetrioluent to egtab-
the We but''of,, oWit , be, mot -All Basutoland In
ar. wall'ode
� I atQ0, -Y, a69*4 c ollmod him fIvq shillings' for one 0
giant of,46:toi one- i year �,,he #4s elect Aq, Of Y ret4ts ambessadora resident in "all cotton-gro�yiag ta OK�Iaod,
Do sbe th4 bat Art acr.-P, a.. ad to moving, In t�he -yeiks�gr -.aZd d,.*' his modgitt, 41id that% the. idea ku'nst Africa.
Which W44 10ft socletysarrived Ill'tho Fmt Wilt Y. PC- BrItain are privileged from arrest,
o r9alt.- re. otpgit�r. C;�,�4q gurred to Hall that lie jukht Ma., So, tuo
Years ago 2 per� ish James Willcoqka, th liever
berassils� nut merely a battle. torially,
atheadquarter camp, where she 'WAS on the",�,.gompeneatio# Are their servatits. even, 0 re
those oorc fr�m7,tha Proceeded to insital! nerrer4( Gordon wanted but a pyrotechnic display on the inilrinage his qlc�dor income thou promoted
bar"v� *Wto gh tbvY be British subjects. A 01 Kliantai, who has beitl
oresoff, " I - . lqup,
0 W --t el.,M it' bob�sy hirm- t
14 anw, acQk� ,#X#NA0u 0
I.Va 4 . - +0 Abe rank of brignetilm-ginterat. has
$Mill oly 4 bigftr and by all h things for -$Wei says ,t,
a aindesiti;VAJO,
but 'it tqr rarps ler. than anythling-ever seen at
age or tlilo itLbr facit
-AIX om-tftk, I'ad
y turned to ccouttt� sense few years gono to lndia�
He ad made Lord and Ludy Duffria itre
tea More Unless, fifty. and back, by 41 certain clover rogue, Who. CIA
, 11 a Aila CAYStOA Palace or the. Military sold moat of th 11
where she am At Plers ranging when hard pressed by his croditois Isappointed at the birth of a rd
maso. �' it. it ItN. I
but M, k JUX1111mr, Cecil' Trair-sIamselt. The cLrmor clad trina jro daughter. They had hoped lot- 11, lit-
tle, 40alba, at to $4. when lia thought Arid alihost run to earth, sonyolloN�
I d w t 0 cLtqr OIL- thb4fI0hed,,'thotr eloctric,soarclillghts,
that great x;rqe- fill buolness was she br UZeiso 'he mould maRc ft� complete train on, rn�4nagcd to obtain -A Up Lord Ava,
4114 of uotstite.-, X-,pstonishing as It Bch but lid'il *coh- and bellowed With the best, using the lines on which lie cortsiderbil An subordinate appointment At the
alk 'ft Among a band of revoltitloniAte
a wit lishoi - VLgo may soufid�iilld, it tawn on anyone sidered his greatest achieyemptijilb. illfics, Maximi dud quick -firing 1,2' tdea,k train for long distatioies ahauld Turkish Embassy In London. hich recently fought with
3 - to-Cciiro' 431 for hills that it 'food '. w
partiIi, to ask her. Being practlejEsIty the f t� be. for tors 4ssoa V, A "Ceill keeping of Meelmanalitu&6l, the polluders. So close Were the niche He spent Six months of his spare The sherials officers, however, rose
f;oW T4� hands of the the excluejoir of cattle and horses pushed tip to the 544. 04,112' troops near Monastic West it, white -Were offer of "the Boars. A 0�c"Sioll- 110 wall induced. dr Sets as it inan.
it With 'a. '-'Vffi"t li' 4do the
a ..A$ 14 statements allid all -lite savinge in to thq
change n idea of tbe;;'Vuih- ll�cdoriltrflg that more than h4lif R Scare 'Cox ing out
q ,tribd t, alid of Insportint P000 he Us ary his Idea, and when he through all intermediary, netting of% Within a month over'10,00(1 troyps
tch it o
he gun used ease to had completed his train he showed behalf of those whom lie had do -
has ng- poweh j�Xt,,Costld not -'astray' tb gathered friiiin itl&ipediis them. ttirding them back. it to a gentleman who was Interest. frauded. Africa.
has foundI,voiniat P1W,oV9r,* will be sent from England to South
T Ith pplanold peraiatence the Doors ad in �him, and who Strongly ad- partner8hip With a third persoeti. -son,
oral elemeplo, the pitt"ll C�LPR
qes r, 'a
tg, submit it to one
JDCPA 9' 10 again to'' break -vtsod.hifit, to protect his,friodel, and Then, Air soon as the deed was otgu- was fishing, when his Pole touched
in IE*, to enter into n. busiticas try andet of Gorrio.
the 11,0- Bach4analptlad frism la� tit, 6T�tivel� fo%y succeett-
has bocogie qrbitt �tw'pf 3 of tho big railway- ad and sealed, -lie, wag promptly ar. all electric wire and the iftek 11IT6d
--maod that IS84 ivi" �pyjg, 04, ggI JIla di' 'a -C&U builders a
holice &,WOrS, blikriiftero
lordly%l-oak Ir as fis an.i pany. V , And a dozoill. may- (pence to a British firm, as railways ly awure--what obviously their DrT. Addy -all of St George's
able to, glye tho-Iriteliggo" var scairi&$ an gn te mainly.thr nctrth.',,00tiveen HoilbrOn i4 thill country. were too alloft to liter w not-th t n alriblissis-
do (IS London. says he. line com-
ore i. -his creditors being apparent- hill'.
ceapp,_ In, It a- Tg Ebu�,itry' .1 antallY shot Was I Amcrlc4. in pt rested.
1)epqq- e dharte�-'i� marif Information, 0 W THERE) IN WAST10. hieb sbfuriR his effQgiss, 188J� $onto 'there were JIDtify the expense of transforming doe'a the cure of
tliv.werel!aot l3low to act.' We South 1, : African Co directo a so gq 110"I'(1,11t engaging fit Any usi- it bad case of
A SO(?IA4,TJ0ESp,_ a 8c. eare kines, Pi ung.-Ap. hp— "d rider, the Stock, aj. Ill. Immunity. efteec" it, a �voalaa by the 'action of
The, fie has resolved the, wo'- tt'd 'Into ornl.;' d wt�jre Iled-4upon.tho bartiod-wiro
its original elements., That , which H-11 acted oil the advice. sent hi Of couree, there are inully places Y -rays upon the dificuso.
'41AI ) dq,,. - .. 1896. orands Others sought safety And as- model to Amorldil,. And went -on and cl"curnstances which cooler tem- Tehangeri, it ti)wn of 20,000
To Say that this fascinating lady. or
came from 'the soft. and that only, 4 a 0 to 6�,' L t4o"Isaftc pat" at bluir trbes. UP " and in-
jilido front 1890
F Province of V
u as "C'to. Qe. Mifilk 16"t Native Affairs from A18941 tiown-leapt the fluod-fide of battle months elapsed before he heard has boost completely de.
is contained In4ba, bag of ashes, Ww aq Q lavorlte to to We 6 1 to a the c 6. making more miniature trains. our Porary (readout front arroat Oil habitants III the Turkish
should not for Not that 85..ppr rV mildly. Morning. 'artolls irldividuals,
Members of lCuStUAlldili.
or cho14,i'7C,* to I a i to I laQ6. Me served'id--Mataboleland Wilaout4riterdilssion f06m nine p.m.
of the load Is 41inif, An'the form, �Qt ak6e was riding do tubs .... ... to 0, duribLiefO6. until two u,.m. Alsout ten p,m. 11.70 thing from' the American builders, Parliament are, Immune so far s stroyed by air earthquake.
Carbonate, 'the lJorm -most 410goly )utpubers of the Head-- §TIM[Fli -Bobtls� chairgod thle Itno Six mileg.
'dward's cutter, Britannia,
,d6 lVedii)i�esiud lopt,: Ific * to FAVORITE PA. IThen he received it letter offering civil Proctfidings tire concerned while King le,
ille invitiLtions to I . 1 - IvetI librth `� of hold by the
e qtW14a,;!_ -,Thq market W Jory'. unse.t. hint & Pok as designer to the firin PdyliV1M0ht is 11, Session, anti for find Willianot n w mcho oi.
and dinner were liter AS, late Cect Rhodeil was U. Is T for much of G." 'Sit so in a e there I�iist at $80 a week it it forty days before and after , nor will both race city the Itilt? f
a good 'Gldd to sed them' come, on e would go out -gt may
a19nd a; , horsone, and tdb'k 'a tw6 Loinoters.
V? I OWered', 1vPOft her, Things to ke ee. lie went they be arrest r, a Wight during tire Cowen regatta.
wentoA,iu.this f Out, (Ind. proved him
catch of clover Iro the a i)11 tkon ashlon until active u 63� W priCdA hourd' drive every blorning, starting. the wild lrishition rose to aleet them, self a valuable c(lulaition to the criminal charge, while Actually with- Watches have been presented by
of 'V60d "heSAiTheMme, n utralizes, propjarittignsi Its. that, camp rtold that Ydrs INI _o ' hol&: off. at. 6 Waack. He Was a deep clawl- with yqll, cheering, and is. valeitty. and 13ocond largest tain of railway clach In the precincts of the House. Prince and Princess Albert of But.
the tbo geiveral move for4rared to assault* o,c V slat P to Cal st &nt, and possessed a iftip.,coir' then. 4ashed at them with the bay- builders in the United States By This lattel, fact W48 unpleasantly glum to tire P41"unfli of all the babion
the $all, mak� with.D, separate occupying his Sparc Inomenth the 33der Poililtion was htAlarrigth'bit, accept e 04 it Tf the Of (if books, nat ilrer Boer broke and. fled In-
ifig it'-pi)SO1610,f6i tfili cloer to suc- ghissing, . Thep. one five,=orrittig, -a keti, And th4t�re Were many -sales I library of typewritten translation continently. A few whose horses only in upon a certain overzcal- born on the name day as thely Sur,
coed, whidh- It could not wall oil on a a this Way 110 raised himself front Quit London police -constable, Jere- Dr Jonathan lbitchinson. Who
Strongly Act.4 That whArt came Mro. was Missing; she had van- �eqt;erday, fit- 12c� to, 12ic. Which is executed ppecially for him. lie was' vArried them too far, were shot and d did Iniall Sullivan by Dame. who, in has been studying tine cause,, f lep-
Ished as P, mysteriously ae�ahe,had to-fty. tild-,g4ialling Prlce.' very, fond of reading #Is-tory and bayoncted.-and hall a dozen made $285 to over $4,000 a year, Lin
frofil'th6 air has returned tq inin I PO&tobb ' lisi mild wed,f*ii� h in- blograpeldeb, and know Gibbon at- ptisonere, But that Irish yell -I it in 1888, attempted to arrest Mr, "any fit South Africa. sayt, if,,, pyint.
ge as
again ith Its orlginat�elemeslts. r&, COA26, IrAking with).lar the amount ducaid heart. III lt ax UNDER TWO YEARS. Ahe`0hY fit I�LLIIICO Vard. Mr. hechy ary cause of the dineuse Is the use.
of information which the too -trust- � W 1-4-thit. - a it it miles away, and it came s
j�nalning there until it is commisqIon- , 4S� oRettop, . market Tst by avoritel book Was It hitting light of the Irish par- an toed. Of badly cured mail lisill
ed to reappear again in veigetable I� sh Ofilcers had imparted to, s easy. -track heie sere was V -esh breeze. sweeping down the For some yeari, tire Great Western
are. on the' irbile like a Is , Rat Wa. liamentary party, ing Britt ty Fal�, f tine as�prtsagb of victory. And ]at r I Y and his olleagues Twerity-il,io saloons fit (Ileventiv.
In another place and form. ife bar, with the result that when Gen- quoted at 60br:to 6!9c. 1#.ptatois out Carlyle and Fraud so came at, Company had Ju Its am. Waco, up fit arinni about It imme- Wye . were iclose atp- 76c. a share of his ad I ation,. Va wlifl' 6n, in it crucial moment, when 800 Ploy a ignalman, 'named
We, W oral Buller reached the banks of the Of store, sell at -70 James dintely. The noiourninent of the tnonth, because tire 11nion lIncific ,auto urge upost every Cooker, whose duty it wair to at,
s.)n ffitelibsted In the restoration 9or- liver he found that his every move 'POult&.4Tfi6 'EaSter demand Ja lexceedingl I I collecting an4' had got up to Rimington's lines, 1`101160 WAS MoVoll. and a Committee bills elliteloYt-m it) frequent oirinking
impatrad fertility the need, of I of was known to the enemy. who were Makffig itself felt. Offerings are still tiquo furniture, china, curios, etc,, �.heir leader, Irish Mike. raised a tend to the signals on a Particularly to consider the alleged breach
Ins. at every part selecte. Ilght *11der �oll, as he called upou his '1110t branch line. Cooker objected IIfill duiv
waiting for In Prittalor-the best well -fat- with it preference for anything Dutch. Privilege appollltcrl� "I'snin I to have corporal punish-
cular. ad for attack. ted, choibe frA)0kjlloA stock tire 12* Gardening, and rose culture verd, melaito hurl them back. They re -
tat nir nature In this seemed to be after taking volumitto Inplit In (hit public lichooh; at Fill.
parti to the idleness
Select a renovating crop from the forced upon him during his to Information gained some time after tb 18e fdr twke3ig and 115c. tb $1 for aritiong his pastimes. His menagerie sponded most gallantly, took up *.he Mrstied the and to,
game family, Icapablot of obtaining Lord ]Roberts had entered Pretoria chickens. Or; Table Mountain also had a great-Aheely, Which absolutely rolled along and N V , abolished felled. the
in his lonely little signal box, arIts Supply Ot 00, expensive nitrogen ish6Vb 'that Mrs. — was seen Baled Ifay-:.�Demaud. le,steady with attraction for him, the feature- � -of being naturally Industrious, he got haverely constired the unfurtunatc Board ut Lolucation declaring Itself 11
from the Atmosphere. Furnish the . I;o_F&nUr*:-. lines from Guttenberg. to work to fill In his spare time by officer.
fitir'offerhigs,' 'Prices are steady for which' was a collecf1on of,fi�lesrylld Heilitfrosil, almost to Kroonstall, pr 0 Istrong beilmer, in the elliency of ass
9011 with Phosphoric acid, in the f IN THE BQEtt,CA.MP No. I t lions, which he visited whenever �he, at any rate to Houts Kop, The ducating himself. When he know FRIVIIFORD PLACES. occasional threshing
fidelity on track here.
form of acid phosphate amcr., murlinte ronvilrgliig *1th the leaotto ihe night � Baled , battle the higfit was Ivan, of- all he thought he could teach film-
Strjawit-Theia!js 'good do- c6uld. His zebras, ostrichog, r r a to
of potvAb.' a d,nd' 1 C pg time there were in Eng. 4,000 MEN O'k PAY ROLL
-bgfi�ies�-C&dibb, an(Vbn the morning rh4sid-drid'ji sten, m;tIrka at $5.rl bucks (it all kinda were not cages laud certain
dy .4 1: though between three and four u.m.16olf. he Joined some c4reapondoric places of senctu"ry"-
of - the battle. Incidentally it has on tfack lkro, , l � . _. but allowed to run wild in huge enow' theirs -ohs it iputtarblig is, educational classen, and even Vurtiod
FARKOTES.. beefil, found, out -that she was one -at ......... 01891Yd tracts of the mount*,ain - 11 hissil attention to Latin and (Ireok Eiuch as the Alint, 13n"y, And White- Wonderful Progress of Syndicate
Ilia qiilk must be aernted d the best trusted find mcat skilled -�Mth daylight the wounded Boorlp Altar a time, however, I friars ift London. -wherein All persons at the Soo.
fietii frolb tflt� - undesirablo sit I v4rdk1`, the dead language and'o go"' up wal-0 11-ri"110goid from arrest, of, tbe
odW thdiervisiti the V A Prjsoi)or4 . were collected. A, took tip
1461� ANMA X111h Or. jammed in a French Instead. -om q
at, sb� C TONAW ad ground of their behig unclent royal A depatch if ault ,4tp Mara%
t I 1 1. omp and th ket'is steady. tree. Palaces. These privilegen are now Ont , says -At if',, II,,rd if Tryidii
the I . NZ;R
It.'vilould not, be' coo 4titin It' Is'th All hog products are In good' de
IL I�vod mand . , I doing his hold to havil lnl)Ncd, though wily it banquet un Thur4da night 11dr toffiperaturo�of the air. Milk. of `tfjo Aild member:P0, denerAl, me with blood byl Alone in his little box,
morning and evening abould'.be taken B611 It a, lArds in PartIcultr are'very firffi, b in a th ter. is ot easy Lee set.
area, stIlff, aud wormik,cp ;)Ron are ditty to his employers to file let ill tkelij_,�kjAhcy kn9W.,.9X tbqjr,.Jegd�rs' jr_ork-C!k�m On his front, several wounded, I Cooker worked hard at his studies. however,- tell I exist. Worthington,
leis lhd utIlk I'S'Sopar4te casta. Un, 'Ifeavy'niblifi, 120.50, d a "Goctuar" in 1�dlu_ Clorgue Syndicate,,, gI postolf
wall aerated the Plans- 4es iii t" -qrls A lit- I and progressed so Well that I"'
n yearo' tim h to an
't 4e
ISmoked and Dry �Zs
_5�tqh �tom, Ton�tw. arN ot0few Vurgh, near ITOIYrood enlace. where tervattlig data rea Fit bill, nl4,d
-be �hiha, 4116h is-thp story it reac S#Ited Mets� t a ." . A t. III a debtors routirt for to or off I
cheese Cannot or the a unit Ill set
Ill. trill lodgings "With kinr as. he coni anlet
496 nd a vQ1010bujilloot 'fill Ole In', hcVA*4se ThaF4, wfte sixty- BOlotol coal office, a
V , bring' . I . Y, hoie hid
flitality. Ao� we have 4nno An I hd�ge Atest excItclu) .L12 In the, priminctli." loca N fol
Dal Said, to.
-as eo' bbli Itho librribldonfordek, Chr L t. im- wtiek, instead of belog"Dini $10
rsell, . rat
Filirmeril ejamplaiti tha I t In a slgnnl- after
qVe Ithqt 11 i3k the good Jor bad) .:it time- trilled 8120.000. and. fly additipri to
t119 Is difficillt to'lectire. Waics are --offtcers couliltso'4arlittget'their dU rails, llc:§�llt Oi ploklli aft - mftt0d a few p2orning's, ago. J. B. istediate front, lie took that day box cArning 60.50. I)uring a period bo�ordd dtiatclin. was distst . arlied for
9h and Aelp p I . h4ir country 40 W quoted a I pighty-nine prisonorn, not counting Of' twO'Yearg, as vacancies occurred. ,car,' Certainly there -to tho-army Andt t le Iwo than smoked Ai*h*
iw ground for couiPlatut, but &tIll we habblosecrets to an stilkioW . ft V1119150F 41jard-Tierces Ilia, t alarper, 30- ys�,lttsl, OW, he moved u15 stage b gtage until I ConNoration. borria- 11muff"s t, the Inert , aj?d alittrig 40
art# 0114Kult, twdsolici ort; actual. title- Th'--cO Wattles disherse, f), -
*in the Worth road, four miles Lop "I I
ubs i1i, ,it dead or Wound6 t
think tha�.ff the fasIfters Will sed to but carte. phils life. gm 3�8al NNCb'�,ynqg3o'U2n0d ho'beramo Manager o7the office and ly engaged onourry W�
ouWt.t6 be cleared up'one wa Vilely ;.U"Otl Boorili in
Jilly the mat s- f4d 4 �Kqe_%f=tJW a. Cause, enjo� tom- inaterial front Srstio,uno to S7A(I.00,,
it that his help Is wall treated and the th� reeI of a salary amoullt4ng purary prit'llega front arrest, a fact inontlik. 1, 1. Vobiuury'n total canke
0 All, a, cared for, he 'cau'reasounbly expect r the' 'other, Wi have been able rom,1 Nfle 'v;Wre i�eil calir.
t �6N fth, 9'thcro' to 01,800 per atinum. Which. an regards if),, )letter class. to t`9010,fr(ln"
Pat' his; -help *111 1001 a sense f dej�fn,�ont iyourcciissto� confirm th b% . �J� it 4y! Tj;' W40 so. hot
. I t a
the 4P a
obligation to- him add' will tive, ,)I ott's agplite who do a big 'bualness in to their coat. ilits, tskto 0, `110 heAd of it firm of advertialing people have occasionally di8cuver,d
&J sr�ge a, nin. iolmal With their
00c, with,Goneral r
him CL r I I of 1*� ��kiysterlcasa,iitay of un- a t A r i
Or It rospectutgu Is'. of courso. Intrutine, An turinauts fit 44,0(io tong, I'llon each
IS ass _AouA J aIn aneaoad `her after, five a an., SAt- sending out compa y p
,W4VIO 0
to At _h_mS in th�, ii;lth camp It a siock fact din 1 Itbei.npal advance, bei apd circulars, Informed the writer, no mflors can poesibiy lie against ten wen are
concern h f6 death: lievtuploy�.d, �dod
a d In, Us It k.% - � f 4 successiful the is Bat thki(t 'Zpst's act Was few thtxt some of their ftiont rer;ular U'A or tiny inemlic.. of 111to f0ilritio, thoso retinlred to gers act trie
000 4tv,14r, 0 -lou d' M .
omit grass fr' 6rR0
do 6 NG, ya6r,- used It OU*
his ro I us &.1 e! it ltv4o�.
or e r0ul� Ju14 beltore-the envelope addregsort; were olgina men. fartillY o are tile
a -C Iva 'Auseed by je Ib44firlim coat st, Lo 1 10, m%ved,, forward. Thereafter, Nho were ordinary ser- ore at 0- bilnes and In I (Iwo the
ta- act KeninortPisolfaf of, 1211SIZMA(le.. aro, resistant . but houro on -duty by addresning en� chriplaill, lortin of the bedrintinber. she lit- -ZW t ill Im t hei empty. InOtn of the k-Cag or Fifteen rtgn,_t. Ve"Selm. ctr . at a DOUL two" ry four Val Il )nt we are esia�'Wod. to Va%ja�`Jf th 6p make the farth more profit II 'publish, :I , tuali, tions:- Poot's farm, '06' a fret'
however, ls-� so a rb, t&n- fletWod to turn. their loose, volopes and wrapperg at so much and other offlecen f file household Pit their Mn were of) tilt,
At an
will be really worth to.tho farmer in X.Ja not be slifilitly Passed 9W4j Isidm4st, rocky denies add Jet the pt!r thouslan4s and, although not a ThIR Privilege. however. tfoen not lefty rtoln of fit,, Inill
I, that q sint callpr At th - ar
0 P 9
the Ubtlefit'litipatted kd Ahe a fullest V 400a.and marshesr�of Rhanoffter and very remunerative tire isittend to the F;or%QhtA shiniry, per _�J4.50 $ g d q4W dri 01.4 f"00A, qu ilito S)Ilpp�rs. . Uptie out OCCupdtlon, other outitide if than thill,vei a tbg,Xr 'Aw �ft4fi) at ;'OnOe -f�li iiiside. Do., light ... ... ... ..... 4.25 4.50 ft�iraiolvs lisprulm weirk, it systematically dorlb, consort or dowager , silthough fly he company #10A. The othor-Aiight he met Mrs., me
�r, Ch'.910 Nebilst at a prayer nifieting at Ken-. 1, terially increased their earnings (�uflint btralining il the menDlug of that two blant furfewell woold is(. it.
ieputiseilonbf every Bug It 4 as th, "servyInt," It 19 hides to np- here, ley the 11rot of Aug
91 -ass crop Ow the il0111toar,'who *iil 10th �100tler cliiir, -ara, to good. 8.50 4 0 11 Pair were attentive. titflk' Wafi'� 110,W' to' beat them 81trietly speaking, Signalman are I. a term
06 P
.pv -0 an
ptepareatioll, of the ollp.ghoul liye,�hrs Its. thq Pritf. camp lie# ander ' a Butcher; lujibrior ... ...... 8.00 efs 5 tjMch oth P 4i, 11�wlth hb* toe �oglr;ch the ground- not ftllowed to take tip any occupa- ply partially to it,() lilng-ft
X. their tired men and Jgid- fitfeetaftegt. alone Stockers, per cwt... .... 9.oO )4s- wifq, 6� tion during their duty hourn, but none of whom (wililp fIcLually ser- 1241.0im p,,. Inor,th HP 8.70 If a brebdor,,?f staial; cannot segyre, the, t bo,ol"Or s*thor- ter ' tfib I inj of _hj hen a 6an in In charge of a box ving with the colorti) close bre arretete I hat
M."d&A panned by very little traffic. and he (In a cllll atilt
.a UgS6 bill Shbbol &hit Lainbs. 6 fit aa* 4brWo,, There were placeill w w w-ok oil the oQw,
6T-%5UlhIslJe-0 hey ilbould� tit ' %ad, k or Choir &,fail fort gg to r Itfiti'v q cWrii, �per cwt... � ozo .0.75 olth Pi $it weye. moot Inadequate
ly I be Plate would be tinder wilts 6er,
the suppoteltriantlo &sting -a 9rp4` were
Unity �*I Obt jad4itlslift Is that t, 1pf YO&IIngs, Ppr cwt ... ... 5,00 And beaten. Boers proven himself to be a reliable ser- Arl"Ing out of tillfi latter verloup sliortiv
"($In varit, no one says much If he turns cunt0lu IS tho Otill more curloru
fariners site 'd 0 pPod on -the. 09to from Yoder. the rocks and judgment, ililt thoreVirdh Spring lambs, 'each ...... .50 o �lf 0� lie was Ste Difelca" ppr owt wa by his -bok4 bear -holes. hin known as 'crying floAll flip credit
391lictit, &114 ()alvOs MOBINNTS To I I
b the best. Each individual; however, the Headquarter , stao. of, the or Fvanj"- One man had SITUATION IN RUSSIA.
ine for the puikseyrfty. a�tn slld.ue WhCutieblb slackiless aniiing 2.150 aeoo� 61 ifarmprit, I hurriedly -or- _goA Abitpra, hollow treat artd will; SPARIC should select his mldat�priontablo foa. army hag 11 n1l; been,"dwry, Ciistils, ea ganited t Pont, *,It 4OV44�^Wsy by his laisky kneem and
11111111I IrAft'llierfilch tb fshpkciy�; air chide. 4 .60 a' Indeed, when a mail lindo lie vers t0r& Ploves front garrison Gravity of the Crisis Is Under-
o,'40r lattly cOMJuOtf Calves, eachy liathiervatched, trousers, Andther Estimated.
need dn,,IAO� mo make nearly an much inow-y fly if'*- olls,o tire iIn dif
4 : 2.00 tow" to atn'th"r, tile (Irlinsk (if tito
to 1114*6 04,1*11 SaVillrel"UnPleasant atovo was r a�nded to jdfl. It la.gell.. 'netun.111 youtur" to 110 dawn In the ing instend of wasting his lersure, fe t 1IFitricto of tI,Q o14 A despit(h ftorn lonsfull says
V,6111cers idling away their Ch 0 it h
h- I per cWt_ 4.75 0.12V erairV believed Clint lie il insane. Ile fe'SIC191flSh PO ), III I g Ills his temptations to risk contie(luenelea tied Lhe ritizong fire w,,,,Dpd In ix loud Privets, advire" frore lius
ao been at! obstacle to Itatilio had ofors, -threatened to break up life tile nurture, anti are not trilling %oic, fly the pro,041-1; the 'Arlmeq. it, o editorial atsirle'r., , I gle a,
t Va. tillio 4&-arinking and e&rd play.1fig e� h bad ment, but farmW 06, 6.50 0175 Itfifth
-VY hbkb, Pei, cwt.�.. 6.80 oesslit tint so
0 tan, acerimplisfiaill when the situation demarlided,,thiset. He& .15 frforldahjIf" between his wife And the bre J4,Vi 'through a reed. Ile WAS It wan by running Such rinks that give) to 'he Friday. indictitt, that the ncreent of
in prcfcudn�pufi�b�,ed males. - *. -per cwt.., mlntisstor,� The fetet that ]in Chose to ac
that may be deelred by co-oprating they - should be In the field h-ji Sows.
a I .... 8.50 4.00 discovered anif hatiled a Aigmalman on the Caledonian 1111il- ueflll�N a,.,apd we fear, that in Settle Stage, Pee I. .... 0.460 2,00 kill h0 Nile by letting he but I Out biltrualles, a, man -grown. way followed an occupation vthicb Peers of tile Int itri-, oeEnillire appeared
starters walhave Incurred �xrfmb I I *0 -;es 13
ease upon her is explained b m oer. And so,on w1th brought about it of course, (ifficial Xle,gisentlor the t
on tho'grd0lid that It poittxr picture many V*-ri"ta or* five,, And the provement. in file eal*rllrtgq Ile hall feloriv charge on P�trahnnrq official journal) collil,jer_
OAjAbjEt hiolint Of , d* r by ratumnir, to B�VFALO bjiliji4 MARX�ETS. iralamle front
Ona itit bxl�r be, �publlsh_lth front ',Quo, VeAis" on life harn half huM _,A�Inhcd, and 800 119ors for it, tried thin pri it
a i Ifulthlo; April' I.-Viour-Quict ',ad a Canto for Inventing intlito%einvirta 0 ably unde,riftated the graVILV df Jh,�
to Things are altogether, difterobt In debply impressed him. eertaiii- WOVO.bagg with to P
jta_ V 'JIM itt ad. together eerf".144"s by I
1, a It easy. Wbeat-Sporing dUlll No. I i on anything which FIcempsi I (I hint to a is rtV events
ground *4rms, Is ity- thiVtirdsent case, however. ere the -porthokii spot, 171c, asked; winter, er 0,'040.cattle. and 1,800 horses. all for Improvement, and dio-Ing 111) crPotion, or marriage, in well as to I The active Runstan press iq stagge,l
Ithir-hrflotmation mat DhLr, PATEMTrC TRAIGEDY. V�
I drf N6. !s IIOA441`00ty of the firlsonera were I title hours of dut.v he inged to num a Hcotch "I'd pcere Anti p,,orcsspp.
&*_ta, rid.� i and. corn- dletT, rAggen, their hale slid beards hirritenif Ile Yu the TiM08. and official gher halt no lillyorfi; No. '4. yellow, is
d6biir'stnd by making modelt; of 11 But it"t e�vn tio Proude4t Poor 01 In exerted in order to gag the retire-
grow(fijg 6 aYoung lf&n Shot Etis. Fiancee, m4t0d.,.Without, undue harshness fit vent lryns� We (to Ibis he npcp,;- tho resettle in no entirely cho%o, and Rentatiies of Independent foreign let,
eilid; alsi�r, t� 11ttion, a -jdf09fr6 ratIVo '14 con, thqy V4uld he classed in met, of Chi, sarily had a quantity let tools In his heyood this Inev aq in 1, Rol- pers
. loats. 4od I Then 331indelf. lowest lotdor of Intelligence, With bass. and Ono, (toy he was (I(tectpd
t# Rion.
, i� I k� to; -lier whoo oil ftentry Ninny intelligent BuAsiallA grl,,
dill *ith-
L,' ' ' flat a. .49c, No. 8 do, 4,,, doillpiAtch train Ldindon, Eng,, faces, % daftylur You fittest to
tl# toi 'Vf)t only can shoes the ('stnr fees not losiRt n rQ
ftbIl"pilal, that it P*do 6f T, b White,
-1, 481C 0. tile by an official who told little fill I fy he Ton"ot." while shoot ()"cePterf. not form, In regard to funny fivited Jai b4-the`i Way, i0g, Atic; -90. "9'11o, gays :-A Anent paQvitid tragedy typft: Find Ruggillys'would lose film pince-il the ,a fte-te0ed for any onen(t. or nIn
r nail
n even
nil Va-
-to Co
1 6 a. stAll,0104-'hair boon re4leealed at the patched With As"n't, but eL 16W hild hours were not irconilnued �roryn a trustworthy It, lIl,afu iiource
of their lyOurors were of con0triuctirsir morsels dering titit legal,
4&. Barle —Spot, 661 to 09p.. Rye caured an unhapp misunder- flerfs.,hMant lornytics fill husen nbuNeq Art- stud -
loth Y Is,, I,, ,
� 111ol-elf nrr,atwif lousily hidden (tun, bit, floner's court at C01wVw Day. -OM contrivdif-,to innit,. intither Itarmentu ond &-tainingr 111 1,14 seotry hole t,rlv I,
It d free' fr,4�. the $"do of'weada. the ngTea of 1hestaff oftleers HUROPEAN GRAIN MARKETS. Monday A. young man nem 50- 1) �� out Of SOldforg' Ill likots 11 . PrOM that iiiiia tororn ho wan � the Tinten adds. it learris thnt At the.
moPe*crat in big llhe oil"- "' Inatt er %the Is,. Ina - v le, till,,
to'lliwo It in'thb dbftlpah� Of this altar Pondon, Arl pa on
119 Itil; I time Of the Moscow riot two hill,..
A�,on CA 1) 14) confln6ed turning out. tlupAt torits we " LICIllpti, In (illy way to ol"le't 111111
ketti fh6t, plan "sage $1 let,'-
11blielgh then deactfilica flow Do IMOrovamenta Oil 111074-ris- r differont
it th Itath thes flidib 1110 money belonging to the shop of Mr Atkii,,, fred qtudentR bufri,a,le(I Which he was *Oko Orough the tifockhow;a articlas for Itto real lo%e (,I w,,rh "lit
Wet, . I., let fact, for she still., nea -at tilt, On C Lillian Ketty, Who 141160.4111-1119 the drive.: After working secretly IfI,r noinv J119 619 tile (I,Fpct r"ptQ4ur,tati%, ('their' intention (it n% rt hrow trig the.
an the only and %,hO A1aW.-jbjih`IPof; -00 Wot Who had hastened South Months' without tieing lits Simereign, a it bQhiod hire to, i (lovernment. and setting lip r-pul,_
�'Fnon6y a - lurghei A 0- lolght 11,
t�" I th 4W -9, or they cabouts. ferried nut III ImproNed back 11 111 1111, 11 lie
Conduetorls,,, Se.0
It. nig she find taken it. 8 0
.1 ." � � t mak Ihe ninj(Rty oil the notion Ilritish
i I , I . h a week place at %Vern- lip bellovea wouid teases. reenriv no
denied any knowledge .,a$ fkrinY Thin In time ARCH joi
40640hill.11111 Cljillt4o,'Of TWO, Y*Aft A0*,,',Aftd Proveiiii that it w",Pare"anient, Ito thereupon Shot hor'dti 9 h(!'- Xorp. near l(roonstad, 11pproachedimuCh bent all on orairsoiry ko,ttla of pe -are In CORONATION
the title Oil blockbotiocia, (Irl%lng cAIL-,Wnat0a. And hot] the Water it con a thella Will Be Emblem. -
I [Ole war his Iq
errii Word a 9f prals fAbr, Dr.,' 0halikes Kidirlby-LivorP1114, turned the revolver upon himself And tic, and hor'spili. Amongst the madly talned in Rborter thyto feel I"i- istic of Dorainion's
ki'llod' blmslklf too. Resources
harried atilmillift, lying not lore hati it. occarred to him to try ...... that he would felt
During thert In(luest on the two Wick, tode Isol, Wet and his anti (ligpogo of,any. of hi in oA despat;h 1,011(1011 of this lisfift4 Ats R lrl�elltfilnf, r**— 'at St. Staphon,X. 13. In a letter reeolivW Islust weelc the sionductor a but he t t tells his head to lint -
*111 tainefther tha tuft .461' P- il, PdlIddCt6k bAdida flicharrin' employer rughod The wire wait brunbod nalde whon tho k , .$ii tates 4 116 IS real -W111111, Intoo'ttle court, holding up tjld Minn' Mail no tiny t "111"T"Wfleth"r ""It ')'IQ of it)" lo9t (IfTectt%e tree,
hat Milt duri; filfter test"years of suffering Wills Uld III diseatio, lot fidt himitig had 4 touch of In struck It, anti gaily through ent hill kettle, and app1l, the principle onot—u - 11rPnun),-fI it, svi'l he is Canadian arch
6. ;g box, which hail been t110 call- and away rodo the Briero, wiletuining of it to Naucepit"s Ill. then tried 10 'Fit "Ith )))in Wek. f grain. or tile agricul
its014 troullslai for,two, years. the tragerly Tt had (von toutid but it logs $tell tire Patent. It Went, thrit, ly tural r-�q .... i q the, Onminion and
Wo te"A' *AS site] y write to aalkliftst near the place where the pufIAPPY Workhouse fire war; evithor hittorlislittir time. innfil at fix,, --tfr if I imilar If., t1w it, ut� lRerryt4h ti'se%A�ra oue, 4'nd his 61re Isci, that man of three killed, for the
*�Oft It, R6 fl?04 6f,iecoffiftiefiding Dr,. Chgiv6fit Kfdnby�Liver Pills. but, on the contrary, 1111, 11011rd Of to marderfer And suicide hall Said he , 4
how he Wells cared. nor deadly. It, bliwever, ndd(41 a a rateni-agent he RTj strorst to M ithat Dr. mi dut-mg, tho it of tire Prince if
put It, low Cttttlil to the blochhouge larder. Many find olle4poiled a' v "a'$ Ofistmentfts cartalp Stintheona Inti at
in_4 4 'Lbaolutqp Cliffs erg fill ed fro ' 60Y 0 bf k1dreis, dfisteottilitfid TRE SPITIMAD Art It f,,r rl , L I h oY"t6jisdirlig for .28 yearssie and far ten, Y4 i ri le T
U -1" dw Of AXII u. 1900 111 tirlildh III# 04d, Conductor Berry att wrote:—
s6r in A, .0 = The enemy tried to Pam through, $40n. After thal, he (I,qg ... or (if bling.
IV=W. botWeeh Itawlinnon (slid 11, a r"Quoilt floni the
X t�otsbla t to railrood men. It. 04#4 late IIIIX '4p, to Walk, drij'al I '4lisralticluo "Op, �111 Vwdaid vng ('ern- Many of ilia other IF coidinsta t, lit 110% 1% Council to clobeilt A (Ij,�
offisisiots; a lvinviiactutvm etIt.
moillateri n Weibel IF fir last,
to- gof� tellef, in back *As, flat bad.' mandant Van Caller, who nuceceded witN tile lbledg, thus, l,QA1 ,le,l I.oe get An Go yourreaffsh 171111at'le, (or the r,11 HP
uft tb Ile 46wa y tk? *Ose"fikh "It th And- then, AIYOUt IISO W4raftir111 Will PilIttitt; to Vilift Stoonklimp's coannintiflo (]its, hinirelf up if, We Ironinoo , " 1, , ro what thay C�
Olda�lj Wft to ot Inity post, pate In the E�Vnt. nInk off You "cc It Ould A1111 (InNnA1116 P—Neint the propocal of
fl; ourmone okit Curves. to tile Cerell.
'ft�*titsed when it
hate 0*4 mat *6ftsf of kill% istalerst or Minter A nitoter
ae nto.
X despatch from London gavqf tIO n0dr Iftellbron. attackoil tile __+ ____ I The nito will be
Ing �Ilo night drivirig a hig berd Of fieofs in Aborepe
diclum and Wag -bity wl�#, di 1he"d,bt
Af4w tglfi, two 1:16*010 Of thlff: troft6heAt 1:16und it was, hillpin tft#' asid AVII boxessy h&ye haeselle a
C*IlIL r 00*# At find IslittP ewbili my r L IN; sittfti, aa4 thoi 06U1514 It" #fitirciji, idialtio. �ead ;101I.Mbilt fistri The runith wag pre- Align pfutun- [,ut nt ant Aft bmk Aftid iNrixtubutit off Clio at elded bL
Vast P"to to issehorm I hiliva rddomb�01sdetil pilied. 0 Y much uAlping And the lefgh, would rou Inie tit. when I lq thclf the 1019 and Qut,,� castsill
'Ot"Jilti gliIg VdV#rd`& corrylatioln lidill IlMil daPhifilt folrWard fil't'sio durtiteng of grow old and ugiv", day (yeril new pportu tile
I)atdilalgroppo ol'butighorn'trying to find aA 19411114110Y11-1 'Volt Iniv aloTty (older, tim for the unan who Allatte to I, of *thorough eurb.Itor'lliftei at 4t.1 kid,dey f6 pro Pailiffle 11ave not been ar- outlet. JVftlis the ybill) at Ilriern and Iny dvaye Allan flintup t,ti vou cAn firos,-, le 9%0 1 R I IT fl�ee erelonation It
if a 11, r I
odtock WhIP0 and ,Jdnbok-q, n4ve grew giiar " And its fit- Went life hrioues how it) it
01* bat sib( -it 190 d1lipi of -eted that definite, InfevUlatioll
Is, the B'Irldlih bit 1ftd hli Vxllt
20 *441406 01'06 tAttIC Were. drIV9n up to our home Ito Wondered Ivhy Wei- had Pis- tit) ing to prenent it In (lie "tit rise to w1let her (lid Idea drin be carried
"tIftsisal lines. Thai), fit Q roar cf eteltoincet, jerted him
Other 144;Will be VfIeWn�,
nc-r limillb'd to thm Plablic eye Out will be fortilcoming next week.