The Goderich Star, 1902-04-04, Page 5134", thogot thlo to"" 'A Suporlot-,
00 lakinviet to, water And
1104*tt tolud*4
Is .4 $P TONW-t'
thek, t6*4 wee, boatib to
c eson
9 1040 111101 00re, WAA I
A h So n'... #.1 mt,
doubt befully d
WS 111170OWK And 'MAt
Jim urma, a . White
ot; O -P 04
0 toptA f
t 0
TAIN A of., 0 all fila'ark94 itic4l .4 kk1lows Hit 1C, Of the, vtk$ hoot "ou'l, bar ka kku
giv Woos,* either to Its: 40%44
0 to U ph
herbs k" 144 for B.T3MA0111, 10i'M
point*4 out 0"A ak Supplying orm, teriat AL000" Thleo 0,,�,t
Wilater to; the taakew� liltuPt.0pa wwoh"bas bia4�totoar
A ratio",
`,RKA all building W(u%14`lue4n,aura," 0
to the.440100 I*n pt4 60 only lirt 'A 1,�rso'k
W, ittygrat by tbit w
to At, it _0
4wt, this hattimrly understood, p 0
.,..We 014ce. 0,0 $,Orlol solo brand.,,noW, C That, moklorivirgii. then, read, tot which A� .ah. Which PIN
nod AtIalkit two."(04 (it tlaom pro
14W lvgu,4
C40�.Ino,at prim, M."'Ph b� ryalu"4, eirk. but when it i� 11"yo waler.40. valled
Try'a Packawe
V, two to**. At
Our,0ow stook Is, near].
v reek 00 Islotlote,
wheit, we h*ve cla
lmoor, fOr sp ng',$ gf)atopt, S "Jai Do I then,
Ain nific ntiqh4l 7 by 110
0. tbaoL the town Fit&
of, ille Pr
market altoldra-'putallo
Tapeatr V MM JoADAN J 0001,10A thAt.
question bas,(*tq the
rre wiscotealkinittee to
report� #pal, iether Opoitkt ,,tbel;r oAt.9WAyS
views, LWAYS
(It _go pKt ernS, at per, AT
yard WX P400I)POOT drew
attention to
ke the fact that lie.had walted ora� th
A Pouncit -with 4 dehigaitton, apki
16SO YAO$ 0�tta heavy Tappstry,,�rpstels Carpett ofift3t Clas4i patterns 0-muri f(u%LAi1.)ApIt0tI" &n4tbat hit �'W'%g 64 called At ounganinork
ue we over had at 05�,'Qt 10
and'cqIcrJngs. T in *,few dfkyl;
he best Val C., at p(Ormed,, hut for. the que#&l The petition alloulal he completed ^n,(,
per yard, 01, or:
r14'9thet, ground hi%vin� I"re preeiented, to too 0041)d1l''f6r, fiction
rsina, 'The tiele.gation'trorn town
promised, I We* onial
'Would i", mwoUpresld 061"o,
A) (I dy Drassels uarpet. Mc0IIl*cud4v,TrV"s`t*e1r�!% Ilsovi Boll
Council givis the, land fpr A mgkrke� citor 01
AbereWould Won spot for the hospl- allierou. and Messrs. Campbell,
$oaa yards English Body Brussels Carpets, Atery fine and duratilt, regulir 141. Grant, Ball and Hajoropeck,
$1.o;a and $ i'lo,gt pe NAVOT9 OAUMWN #dataitted t part of
r yard... .................. 9
Mr. Proualfo,ql's contention, lit -said DIANOND� -DYES
he felt emr� thp Qbtma�ll did �koit. prokla.
AxiAinster Carpoisi hic to. give tbi,4,*rIcllItm-A1 roundfor
1060 Yard I s En 'All ucmplt* fit 6"o event of the Gov. For the Home in OfIring-
glish Mminsters, choice dolorings and designs, speci�fgt 401110" Put brilldifig Ali at ruory.
per yard_,.,,., .............. WK CAUPD104, though In favor of Time.
(he libratir, said It, area pber-
ui� be remel
ed that moving the inarket ancient a In thousands of homes throuabopt
AU Woo.1 Carpets. big bill 61 expense: (,beat the- old build. this 'vast Dominion. mothers and
krig woo -not worth moving; Chats daughtsis tire working merrily and
1,5 inches wide, all wool reversible Carpets, new, bright and beautiful decent'lutiltling should be erected. and happily with Diamond Dlie
colorings, at per yard ................ that the question should be beld over !Ast yvai's faded,nind el ul�y dressev.
....... 50, 6S and 15c, until the Counril had funds In hand to skirt" blonses. capes. jackets. as well
latituPalloOd building. 116 Paid The as children'* and are tieing
Union Cu'pdts. statement of Mr. Ball should also be tirstnefortred into now and handsome
eonlilclere4, before final action wait garments for spring wear. This, hotite
taken. sted pointed out that money dyeing work o%ves scores of dollars
36 1 inches wide reversible heavy 'Union Carpet, in desirable colorings, at could he borrowed on debentures to annually to o.conomizin families.
per yard .................................. 2,5,,30 and 40C- build apropernimilet. Succe4s In home dye ng to only as -
The tuotlorittuitt ho library be built sured anJ guaranteed when Diamond
Linoleums, on the Present triarket.alte was then Dves ar it". The use ot crude.
carried. common red Imitation packagedyes
Scotch Lincile-uns, .2 and 090, PORTICII; ()let) moved, qecondij4 to a danger and a source ot less to all
3 4 ya:rds wide, A x patterns, at per ly Q- J, Naftel. that the niarket be who unfortunately no them.
yard .................... .................. 371-.:2 and 50C. [put on the old cemeterar ground. Ail Send a post card with your Address
soun Its the m(at,0111 WA; lead, 'Mr. it you desire to secure thli full range of
Inlaid Linoleums. Proildfailt, Asked it the #notion wits I" Diamond Dye Mat and Rug Patterns.
Order after the attatenatint he had land.. Th. Welin & Richardson Co.. Limit6d.
Best . Inlaid Linoletims, 2'yards wide, perfect goods, regular "SI.25 a tbout the hospital and the promise 200 Mountain St.. Montreal. P. Q..
made ber. the Council. The Mayor will mail these, novel designs free of
square yard, at per yard ................................. $1.10 again said Mr. Proudiont's statement Coot,
was correct in part, but that he would
Curtain Extra. pelt the motion. Carlow.
. ii;- JORDAN said he had oubwribed ' NOTIT.Ot—The many friends of Mara.
46�'�alrs Nottingham Curtains, 60 inches wide, ji yards long, in light for I he old market lot, And that It WAN Will. Contain , gham will he pleased to
floral'or scroll patterns, or with plain siJe panel effect in fine a group Injustice to move Ik and after bear she Is improving.—Rov. Mr. Me.
a desultory discussion the motion was Keay. of Goderich. preached to a barge
Brus, . sels soft nets, a regular $2.o:) Curtain, at per pair ...... $1.25 . put used declared carried. ongregallon Sabbath last, and was'
During 11,110 discussion Ooun�illor anuch Appreciated by all.—Mr. Bark
Ratterick's Patterns. McKim uatil I here were no funds W W -,II and son. Oswald. left for Yellow'
shift. the market Or build a now one. Graqs. N. W. T., on the 2.30 train
We carry complete immense stock of all thene S
- I . - — w_ prip att"n and ltwas this stat-eunp-nA-thaAga-ijoed-IMond-4y last. Me-. Bark well hub t Aker)
April-fasi-rion sheets frlee for afl. _g U . Fi --b-ff
CEO!rlis s2ogne-stiou that moriev a large!quantity of building material
could he , w debentures. . A�p with [line for the erection of it new
soon as the last motion wag carried dwelling, Also atock tend implements
nearly all present grabbed their hats for farming purX.O.Sesiae Ofalle Will be
nil coats and hurried out. a vote of - very much taisse a was a general
thanks tie His WoTship for his court-; favorite with the fair - sex,—Urg.
W.0- ACHESON & SON9 e"sy not even being proposed. Telford, of Goderich. spent Easter
their duty -in this respect. - Ther board - gaillegaugg L �jiiiii E! NOW I A 0.
-GoberkbigStar. had bad several meetings, and After Will
TZLZPHONX 0"L n mariv discussions they finally agreed
------- --------- to write to -Carnegie. they asked for
$W; Carneyie answered curtly. lie
FRIDAY. APR] L 4. 1002 did net like discussing the matter with
fe. board from a town of the population
of Gode,ich. where the Counchwould
Public Meeting POtL guarantee an annual grant of
$1000 tc support a literary. It was
therefore necestutry that a free alto be
THM CAttNEGIS GRANT DIS- fut niolied, with a guarantee that the
CUSSED AND ACCEPTED. town spend the thousand dollars
annually. Judge Doyle said- the
jib couldbeerected, properIV feet -
The New Builaing to Replace the of h;r. lend even book* bought out ot
Pre:ent Market, the $10.000, And that the board felt It
ad uty to place the matter before the
ralepsvers, its the town would never
A public meeting called by Mayor e,� ouch -811 Offer &g%in. Regarding
Cameron tie consider Mar, Carnegie's gh. an
to it had been suggested to blue
that Lh- library should be built on the
burial ground. and
in Goderich, was held in the court moved to the old a
offer of $10,000 to build a public library present market "Ite. tend th market
room on Good Friday evenir.v. There there might be a great -Improvement.
was a tair attendance considering the go at present neither were's credit 0
the town. Good as Gold
rain storm; and among those present
wet e seven or eight ladies. lxspEarcan J. 9. Tom agreed with all
said by previous speakorg., Hit said Hard as Gold
The wavoropePed the proceedings Clinton had got A grant, from another
at 8.25, the -delay being caused by a source and put up a literary. and he but not Dear as 6old.
wait for the secretary, A- J. Moore, of wag sure that It our People could swee
the Ubrary board. who had conducted that building, on the Clinton market
Ate. they would try to get such an
the correspondence with the donor, editice here. He thought the site
His Worathip inention-A the Introdue. named suitable. said that we had no
Men Of dis mAtte, to the Council, and market tat present., and that theold
*nth rotary did not appear read drill shed could be used as a market THE ELPOOrRIG UAILWAY. with her sister. Mrs. R. M. Young.—
the empollnent prepared by that gentle. for some time to come. Mr. Chas. Crystal, of Libradon, spent
man as given in last week's STAX He Sunday last at Mr. Win. McKnight s.—
said when the matter wan before the H. W. BALL drew attentinn to tile A Splendid Meeting to Inaugalir- Mr. John McPhee, of Detroit, hail a*.
Council the feeli was 11 fact that certain citizens had paid uo Stock Taking. turned to his home After spendi a
vor. andpre"I"tly -5m orthe price Of the present market
llil�Lnimous, let Its % be fired month visiting his mother. Mrs1c.
caltod the Ineeting for public disenis- 11;te. #and asked Mayor Cameron It the The first of a sea ies of meatjange fee Piles -
battle. He thought the, fact that. Mr. Council could legally move to another
Carifogle hold written it book about safe. and It the could do so legally, the purpose of interest ing the munici-
Democracy should not Interfere with would it he An Yhonorable transaction palitiesin 0ea proposed Huron. Bruce Sodom.
—th#acCbpIAfici")f4he-qrant. and- -th*A- before the M was repaid to thesub. -and Midellialgo"ImAric- Raltway� by- 6 -IOTTINds —The people nf-Sodom.
hs'theY were assured the grateri now ighly pleased 10 beat- that Eld.,
paid by the town $400, would not be His Worship anavaered that be WAS taking stock or granting a bonus to Leland has decided to becoule a
exceeded, It couid be seen that no unaware of the transaction. but the said enterfarlsee, viras held at Youngs' maneof resident of this vicinity. Wer.
#additional burden would he imposed matter could be considered. Hall. Kintail. on Saturday afternoon tell unite In extenling him a beqrty
on the town. He would like the MtE. M& KICRNIGUAN. a member of the laxit, There was it lartre Attendance of wolcome.—Mr. Jfthez Stacy. late of
payers to give their opinions as to the library board, said he -had attended Pet,rolla. has putchaped twPletv-five
site before proceeding further. the nearket for 45 yes aral,but considered representative men. and considerable iteres north (it the lake road. and In -
the town riever had a market. Interest wait shown In I lie Proceedinfe, fAnds tuakitig it hill hoine.—Feltea
PRICRIDCNT WORSHY.T. of file Late- F. JORDAN was interested in the old The meeting Opened at 2 p. ir. w r It Whitac,e. daughter of T. Willett
rary board. was sorrV, that 8ec'v triarket, tend it Witte Placed wheie I, was Ree" Dalton FLO 411411`111411- lie PX`- is seriously III ot tenounionim. liv";
Moore wits not present to explain the thought there could he no hommesa loss plained the object of the meeting hope io bear of her Pli�edy recoyer V.—
corietipondence on the subject. He to angt part of the town. and he clearly. slid rpqtjvstoA �hoj, present to William Isaac hag purelittsed a hou&e
held that the present library was it tile)ng to preserve business Interests Aide: the apenkers elinestl
diggrace to the town, and that At 0 te West street would be A good place to point connected With the 18 on any need lot in Rateter. We wonder 'what
time they wanted toi move to the old put It now. He then moved, seconded railway. alto I posed thilit, slFeniflep, Sweet Willians?—Our
Council chamber, but now Wanted the byl,][A.Straing, that the offor in McGI licuddy exte t0ach9r, b1hue Robeltmon. has gone to
ade D. lained The Pro- Goderjoh to sperati Raster with her
niarket, site for the purpose. He held by Mr. Ca�negla be accepted. posoll rer ect, And pointed out the inothir.—We 4ro plangled to hear, that
therewstatio market, as during the Conelderable discuRaion Then took ad ntagestoboderivedhoma Mr, &Ie
E0. Box Is slightly lgoproving,
ast wintorlie had bouirtat 8 loads Of $IaLe, John W ynn- strongly protesting IM, .1 L." ty, � L"o 8 1 their door@. &Llthouwll not able to do muc work as
tav,on t
laratilton street. And thought against the area tioll. He maid he could M- G. C d,mel'On. the next opeakes, vet,—Yloll Ross penbalo III e boding &
the offer. it we did not accept not sit them-spd Allow the motion to wave the legal aspects Of the cale, and few days visiting liar onle. Mar, V. -
pass 'without We Opposition. as hP showed that in Preparations so far Box.
Juraft Doirtic could confirm what thought t is money was "blood #and obtaining the act of incorporation
President Worsell had said relative to Moller." a accrimonlous diseqssion *IX3 had bL4n spent already. a sure
tile, t60tll, It was not it fit one for a bets plKee. Judge Dovie-and Mar, Ogg that briqlnese was meamL He A Certain Rom )dy to" Ocarnis,
libraty. and it wets unfair to Invite L WM thAt_ the fine township, And one %%'war# to -fee relied upon, Is
�(ratk rotesting ,#XAI t Mr. Wynn's
-hero tbeis�nell lai" jrem Ob
Pedp1e-_(6ik`UTVw W48 W have a line east and plltn&lll-g Ninleso Corn Extractor.
not P16"Ant, and theroom wamalarmays nit AcaswN WAY4 to know it wrat� could afford to take 4150-000 Safe sure and always pAralesme. Ne^r.
Otitof ftpair. The honed wanted a 1 6 plans for the bulletin were in can- worth of btock. which he had ran, doolit 1, dfLy Imitations Provo its value.
library, oil the ground floor, " many rot of the town., and the a would it beef it aving one. an All Beware Ot 611ch. Get rotnarre's At
�Ople could not clittah stairs. 'One could be spent In futrals mIr the = such I Ire's Jn ar Ftroice at prevent druggists. or If you c4pnot get It. we
h96113110iijibsils hAd spoken aim to , a lug and nuffiving it#. Judge iiyerei. He polun Olit that Arrange' will send It to vou 6v raved upon rt
w1odomlof mccepting tile gmnt� I he Doyle thr, g t it Id. halt other ments were madme with tho 011incil celpt of W contA. ren-tt pald. to Canada
land no oblection t I fireft Is members OF he boa bought tstoks asteguarding the lutaironts of ttle, ligto. United Stated. N. C. Polson & Co..
o Viec, I
in dispose of his in I I ng ,not �. it Judge Do payers bef6re the lay-lAw was giah* regston, Ont.
,, re
libraries, as be il h of 6 'Id"%'�eno'ndl r tig It road,the utitted, and that the money for stock
tter fro
the" Inetitutiolli n IcAt on of letter frii 11 tab mMle. and holed vras not all paid In at once, IIM In por. Mrs, Matilda Gibson of the 5tt h
.4 Coiantry's advance. e noted a eAse different v W, t ter was not tions. no the �Wbrk wa-i cumplete4, ;.c,,,n
111held ith Individual It al mseid thttt,he before the meeting to ceselon ot McKillop. W Just on ';
tile settle the MAJor Beek funds a few remarks on co taininq 2,174 plecOre and 816
,�hoindivIdttAI)wonIdaooner lose matter. owing to the oftretaty'a all. the utility of such it line to so pi -ogre*. 'd%iW' elrent n hadva. She to now let liver
ubltbFkboot than tne library, (we eerers. His Honor finally onia that sive a townshi 78th year, and be6ld&i the work
119;11 Also supported the men( ioned. bf4q done fevreral pieces of
*04'4 hi" "Id '"ge Doyle 0 give a* Mr. Strang's randing of the letter Win. Canit)
0 he notle "Ora not "'a was no doubt the ' ght one. lie L)roject. &aid detailed tile costtathe patchwork Kod newed 30pounds of
"ll PAT '�bu' 'h or
0 0 Im tin . 61 k h4t Ilbarit., meant have Imen mintaken about tacniks fartners on different haven values for at
1 1 ft it 0 said t being purchased withpar Thin lit very
6 on Ad �ctl .. It literature carpet rnRn this winter.
0 ie b tio hlve4 "at th.t 1' 0 rre'llut tot the gift. $50,000 goant. both oil a 20 464 SU vitar remar"Ide for a lady of her age.
n th th Much allocussion occurred over what debenture Idsue.
mokohisre or the Ara ay�', 6 Iv, to
the town vyould have to guarantee. Mr. J. L Graht. strongly Ifec0m ' T14 arelat, lung lhoslet Is fanklikii IP
mended the railway. And amid tha� that elluellent, med oine sold no Hialkle a
were he a resident turain he would Anti-Conituniptive Syrup. It soothen
viihingly ew double the "9680"'crat and diminishes the sensibility ol
Mr. Camp 0. 1 had mentioned for the
ta,lvdeare of I I he railway. tneinbrane of the throat and
f�=VERYONE likeg Arid we have been "Afell. and to it Fiovaielgra remedy
H. W. Nil -made a stronst recotn� for &I coughn. cold;4. hoaramess. pain
116re enjoying the friendliest kind of mendation let the electric road, And or soreness In the chest. bronclattle.
interest in our New WSII fygperg then those fargailat commenced to, fire t,, It has cleared md.nT when all ppos.
ever since we commenced showing them.' questions, which one Ot Other ol the ed to he far advanced In consumption.
previoult oposkoes Aniawt-todia rently
Another large Shipment just passed sm tisfacterfir, no Rod rr. IN 0 TnitSTAn does goad printing'
ew 11
oved. omwonded by Inlin Grifild, that
through the customs. :11eelect,616 now Present Approve of
the proposed electric. P. R. And requee
the Council to s6tamit a lay-Imew 0 the
It Is fine In Texture, Original in electors of the township for t
VA�r I grAnt
Design and bewildering in lety. SM.000. Tbo motion w" to lowed Jay kA,—QAgLA How Gurc
W. A I I Cares Hooves. Chrnnia Conath and all
it long discussion In whith the mover Chronic Affoatlon* of the tbrt gild lung&
The floor MAY be carpeted, Dr.2- and second" and Meow. (joel, Jk4V,. The onlir reledlelne In the world AM will e
eries may be abUndant and bdauti kino, 111(c](AtYlvo 13401,0y, Hayden. ino. Illevistears dindoolinalikatlosin the anlinal votu
ful. T. Vt I to 19
Eut Without I background. Jh-ei i6f(Ut is Dr. MaWs KWmu and COJO
firt And Malay ottl6re.took t)aM n ad and aseta h W"ar. Istica, 11'"
send with the e0tiAlon of Mr. Hot*
rwpe r- very poor# kins all 140k ry fikyomblie 10lew of the gow%As 1. .11 Acute Afteflo"s of 6
om fatal *hOo Out W it* tnefittaliall, ro"A" """'aych sadlietomiler,me. e
latol, a A
. . . . . . 06t a" votas, Owealliftar and `460 hKof OW616lit,thorield of
114 kill.
I le,1,11,11,e -Vlri)uM*. ete.. ana do"
belie rkord *NAlinit th# thaloe" A is !;4'
fit on totho0ountil one X willostm. Nicolas
nn e -lb own of it have wakam� Itloo faroAlly
E;R mignied. b I the t#60 OWN* *0 a
:FORTERIBOK, I ILLIF111r, b"I., TM Or. MGGaMQ thdk* Go.,
tat-titto W.66 signed UY frala*461d- KOM& OK
')"4 Wake
At of posed
tat pe
bill Idlial v
' ,And
i", re is mI
C t
rn a
nit It,
re dholm ad
t I I —X 0 rn
is s
OrA f 61,110 A d thill A"WF1114- tot 000 at JMW VnWOVS VM $We,
. . . . . . . . . . L -A
A"l, 911AIST114L
L&T p -A XT Y IL X
OL Ivi I V it
1�e L_ cading''Hadwaft and Stove Men. Honest I QoQ4s at Honest prlcts�,
We furnish the
Opportunity I
It's, your fault if you.
How to get the full value of your
money is a _very difficult matter in
soine stores, but when you consider
BOOTS such as these
d Know that Ithey will fit you
perfectly, you are sure that you have
your it noney's worth. I.
Right Footwear for all at
Coderich, Ont.
Our Stock was navor more complete, or prices so
close out, as you will find at this stort.
RN a
will luaJol4nd replete with now, fresh. up to -date
Goods, A call from old or now customers will I,* a
pleasure to b 6year and sailer.
rr- (:3r- r_V3::PX_J11Tc3-,
Hotel Bedford Block. The.Sauiarksa. Goderlob
We have just received a large lihipment of
tpt Ing Goods which we offer at vei y low rates a
Buttons' Wire Plyers, 9 inch ...................................... Boa
44 1. .6 10 inch ..... ................... ) 850
Galvanized Wire, 9 guage ...... ............... ............ So per Ill.
Black Wire, 11 and 12 guage ............................ Bic
Wirestaples ................................................. so
Malleable Iron Rakes, 12 tooth ......................... . 25a each.
6. .1 4d 14 11 ......... �.. I Me 'd
Steel Rakes, curved tooth, 12 tooth ..................... 45o
11 .1 14 11 ..................... 600
18terel How,, 7 in. blade, socket necks ........ .......... 85o
. . .1 " solid neck ............ ......... 800
D. Handle Steel Spades ...... ............................. goo
Long handled round mouth Shovels ........... ... I ......... .... 000
Pare White Lead, rany standard make .................. 6jo per )b.
A carload of Barb Wire, to arrive April let ........... 80 -, �
"0 am
9�wleia ,
or 0 a A
a , 5 tal
ow It
New-., st
so eeko
Sold by McKenzie A Howell, Godel.10h
The National Pearl,
ome Treasure
are the best Coa$
Ranfes. They have all'
tb 'St improvements
including Steel Oven and
Medium Fire Pints. Ro.
quiring only half the coal
some ranges do.
Come and examine
H. Worsell's.
I B 1089
I Hag
Hamilton Street, Goderich.
The Canada Marriage Codes Goods
— &Zff M_
The Tudhope C arniade Codes Goods
and can, If desired, - give you Solid Rubber or Pueumatic Tl`�*s.
"Always the RONVestdo-Often the (.31heapest."
U04 cost you any Moro money. at this store to pt What is correct.
Goods, Make, Style, and Price atte akivpyap guaranteed correct at
PRIDDHAN, The Tailor
WE have settled with the Insurance Company the loas'stistained by
BMOKH. R very' Instrument lies been thoroughly overhauled
and renovated.
I he Goods aral an good as Now to you, but you lign't have to
iay &anything like regular prices. Come quick and share in the big
monsylaviull profits we are giving purchasers.
We are Pow in our big, nevat store, two doors from the old stand
W. Thflmon & 80n
N.B large number of Music Books anaSheet M96
lightly 'smok:dw,i1&'t"1s"xe'thau cost.
Mca�t housekeepers want the very best in Groceries.
)ur Stock could licit well be more fresh, select, oil in keeping
rith the season., Everything is of the very choicest, and citif
,rices will be found in touch with all pockets. Drop in and
erify our statement.
!'iTURDY& CO. Telephone 9t
Now that the gift -giving season is over, you may want
)mething fer your own home.
ecause we do not�-want to carry the Goods over to another
!ason. If cut prices will sell them they will go quick
ome while we have what you want; you will pay a higher
rice later.
J. Brophey & Son,
Undertakers, Embalmers, and Furniture Dealers