The Goderich Star, 1901-12-27, Page 7n Sonle-I tamers ay al Drug WM W10h In X alltiourdE.U,. and I om Compliments of - the 5eason and a E Wish Our 'MafiyCustomers Happy and Prosvi, perous New Ylpar'w and Friends fill ers Chemist NSA i X -AePPY Qpistmas "ALWAYS THE BUST AT. HIM :nd Prosperoua.fiew Year. tat~ Ht1len'e, 1111at 1K -�rlvan; Me, :ormlsos As to tir fin; I 'Ito 0 he vI'll which has broken out, In VilluzoZor2l tuere being 11VA, IcAves, 01 111,111,119 311 =4 11= 1444 other n:c "eloo"pt e bit', SKI cautions. taken by the X04=141 tor. We hopeH 00s"' IX le theepidetol.eMar soon be staved, for the sake lall �rcon. RES0"NAM)N, corned. for Ititooms rather near comfort., both t0oinr Otispom and otlaolt Oulasenoraxiso.—The services In couriection 'with the 0 V, suing of the rr GiAt%%0U,W ltev�., ft. West, now HpuicopallA n6on. Zbe 0obqvicti %tar, "s d k last :,:b:aw =d At A, , say! .5 "im."R R. J, Shaw. of **od. Titultraoxx C*x& Ii. PA!dow last, the eye of the, PAtrollat I, •. I I I ",—M. Father Wo -4, tile child- a k. Preached all eloquent and Fe4t�, or Rev. rtictical sermon 1, to the afternoon Ito '11`1140. 27" 11 address. and at 7 P., lu�, 4 FRID4T�l i0ol, ton of ft Petit's sebool tivildered sit gave Ap, Kato excellent proottam, which they hod kAY0 A fine 0`00111011 to a CrO%vd0d church. services to the Preshytetlan $Vq0XSSrV.f4 P. a, STaD4NTa. :prepared for the occasion, reflecting church Was withdrawn in the evollin.g. touch, creolton thomselVesatiol their The chair woo asploW by Misses A. Tl g acinci%- Roll Vt thf) objrlst- telichers, the Staters, of St. Josepb. and Ik Clktvk. R. Murray, W, I$ Mi: I I r the, Inole6ioncy of Croatle and, C. A., Telibutt Oo Ixon. • mas ]�Xojm Notw1thqtaudJng day evening, 6, 1 sacred concert. wastthe wbathor-the school room was `lay 'WilighAm chair furnishing 'Thi following Arm the names of the crowded vrith. Vte paponts and ft londo, Appropriate tonalm Addresses were pitplis who ' passed, the ,promotion of Cho pupils, who also desired to do delivered by Revs. A. R. XcLeoO, h ' to their pastor by oetol: present Ripley; 0,* A. Miles, H.' A., Kincar- isommino4oniii held Decemb-or. 1901, Ono, dine;:S. M. Whaler. P. A., of 0411vin" In order at on such au. occasion, The following church'and T'Halli, Bervie, all of, which itijmt, In the L �Aaa of tbo'' Senior IV' WAO.the were Pill , ch appreciated, We undei, rAOOAA%t• stand theftaneoil arp fit isitoallontotate 01*4 it Was ofmilly X test exarninittion. Oborus�1T"st;"bar Sbug�-01104- as nearly all -,if not ail --debt Is wiped' SPAID,r M-MArks - bb ­ 11 INWANY-kAt1ho ploseatthe Monday pass 2W, Heart. 42 cancer) a sump "not Wr T, Foutsil GreetlngO"-Mary OfIfflit, suppol Wall served by the ladies of the Unrion Oro ov, 817., Wiley, i0i. Inucho Knox, $84, R altation-"SAntrvOlaus' Mistake!' con of tion t 4 the -Zelyn Doyle. Co the olotgymen And the I. I* Oantelo". "I Mary pollev� chair, a I enjoying It very rivueb. M- John 'Wo ell. Progton . Song-11JOhnollo Speech And dons" 2A Stuf*o Walter FSAUnders, 235; - *S Eugene DeAut tiro Caere NAtsea. Sesee.Sloknwai sro , * MW Lorne Todd, ,-Oi 1 Recit4tionTho hash Young 6u MyrWo How It, Maladies of this type yield Instantly Xmilor IV to Senior IV. -Maude Chorug-j'The Stlirlib.Doll"-ChIld to Polsoo*io $ervilmo. And It'You stiffer Rldift.ttt 11`000, 131"ett, 10811140 Strang, rep, Ajor.XielAnna". 911sla Noble, Nor• periodically from these complaints, Weltation-40tily Dalmilisil-Mons, font keep Nervilinext. hand. Atew wan Rainb4il. Bruce Anderson, Mabel Kidd, drops in sweetened water gives Instant , I arino . Fraser,, Cath relief, And in the course of half an= k6.1a Reev", Bert curoath, hour the cure to complete. A large vonal , Ina, (lard. Vesta McDonald and Mollie Neville. 25c, botLI6 at Wervillno I a house How* 1. 601f, 1117v4rr, Car^ UcKinno". Conctit Recitation- 1,Leb's Try To Do The Iii Boys"-Mastorm- Orclei will save doctor bills, and 56 vast Senior Ill to Junior I V.-Bd vie Tye. Dealli. QIjfkL amount of suffering every year. Hortrice Harefiton. Obarlie Tqrnboll, ht, John Page, Eddie P. Harry Kuntz. John Griffin.KI"lly, E. PAwd, 01,ire Swatts, Adelaide Nairn, Dear), A,'MoDoug,41, Job" flood, President Orr sava.—The prompects Roddy Nct1*1111d, Evola McDnnAld, Itecitation-11Tbe Oat that Came to for next year's frqlt could Put Fullo"oe blivedel. Ida TrIoMas, Jaulleo Zschool'I-Marjorle Kelly. well bli,better. There ieonabundance Vn-gglos- Gladys Whitely; E111101 OnlisChoolo Exerefiso--OhIldrom, of fruit buds, and the trees -have en. Hvgg4eh, Frank Coir, ant; Trema, The following address en tared the winter In excellent condition I n4or Tualatin. Winnio Tei a 'Wal 'b read to stand the severe weather." 4. Agnes by Master M. Riely 'and the Accom. Dunlop. Bella, Sissett. Allan Walker I Mary Wrlia, dames MOVIOar. ;Vinnie wtriving presesitAU66 y Misses Inn! I - Andrews, Myra Met. Death Webb, Lily valvit"Irband,lo1q. A Chatham man says: -111 treated rowt $01le Colborne, Alla,'Aabin-vont Lit% fox - four years with physicians for pains In my back and stomach trouble e To. Rey..Yather West, P, P" without relief. Miller's Odnipound x1dodlie Ill to SiFolov III.-Fraulk - Goderich. Iron Fills cured me." People who tire Dow. U=le Kerr, Arthur Runciroan. Rev. and Dear F - ather;We, "The debilitated and who lack energy J�s a Helen Sheplintil, Frances Dietrich, LittleOnvp"ot your flock, hall with' reauloof overwork, care and anxiely, Atobilt X6GIllivray. Gladys Platt, delight your Feast Day. will recover ?,uicklv by taking Miller's 13h i - Phoebe Beacom, With-loolingt of- lg�snutn Le plogninfiro, COV.VPO rid- ran Pills. 50 doses, 25 Met "",a - lits For said by all drurgists. me MoCu;ld, Zin Andrews, we welcome you to our school. We cc Not.1faOrsham, Carl -Worseilli Ernest welcome You as the kind father, the Hoorkem , Harry McCreAth, Urls8le zealous and molt -sacrificing pastor and Word ,was received at Exeter last; Qwts)on, May Cornell, Stanley Man. tho'faithfol guide of our settle. We week of thedeatb of Mrs. W. 3, -Car- son. Carrie Copp, Vera Elliott,. Cora tire proud to have you with us, pleased ling who died in St. Paul. Minn. Glyen. Nina fttrman* Willie Smith, to have an Opportunity of assuring Mrs' Carling was a native of Seaforth Rugl; DAVIddoll, Mason Bell. you of our love and rewweace, and o slid Mr. Cal ling a can of Mrs. Tait, of Grade T1, Junior ltr. to Xltldl'e 111. Ps omitting you our prayers, . Exeter. --ors, Iiiatia-, Martha Neelymont, We know the fatherly interest you John MAositley, Pearl Knorr, John take In ua. You have ever been a kWL4hurl.r. Viola' Pennington,. Retta fee-quentvisitor tliour schoel, encour. There are many families who use Olark, Gartle Goebel Anil Bruce Reid, agitilk us In our ot dinary studies and MJIIeVs Worm Powders for all ages in e cases. of biliousness, and claim better equal, Mabel McDonald and. Olive always Ahowing a deep Interest In the Smith and Htta VAustone, equal, Bella education intended to fit us for the results than from.any other medicine; Howrle,-Crlssie CAullibell. Grace Clark. duties of, life. one dose Is ustia3v sufficient to correct Abigail DrInkivater. Lizzie Claik ,ted We pr&Y, Rey. Father, that the trouble. Fcr gale by all druggists, Robert 04rni ay, equal. Adele Robinson may see the return 46f -'many Feast and Itaddlet Johnston, equal. John Me-' Days, may lona be spared to watch The sad nows of the death of Private Xv*r, Jack Proudfoot, tavid Aitken. AM rim, and to see its, go ow In it, in Tooke, of the vieffiltv of St. Helens, Albert "Kno"haw. Arthur McGillt- scantily. In learning and In usefurliess, reached here last week. He died of eaddy.'UtIgh McGuire. Donald Nichol, Such, Rev, Father, are the heartfelt enteric fever at Tbabauthu. South lout John Uclievinh.4ruest Bell,. wishes at vour beloved ablideen. the Africa. Thire 011itso-Orade 1. to Grade Xr.- Separato4chool Children of 1901. Jr. 111.•= -Morris Masson, A ties Hamll. too. Maty -Thyrupsoo., Nair Macaulay, Father West was the recipient of a, A 810 HANDICAP* beautiful gentleman's travelling Corn- A 'man with a. lame be& do" Malvilbs Anderson, Reggie Platt, C Giortle, Murintlige. Otatence Stewart, anion. the, gift of the children. and Rimer Wells•. Rsw Thompson. OrAtk e moor, feelingly and gratefully not feel intieh like Working ."a y6a Murray. equal t Willie Burley, HAral d acknowledged the kindly and generous cannot blame kjoL Jeremiah Red• token of their love and esteem. The Johnston, (*arlilll Have; MurIel COP bL den, carpenter, go. 7 Cowdy St, 41ogty, Archie Tom, Eleanor Walker. happy gathering was but another Ont., affwill 2oat -, Grace Vivian, Eddie Watson. evidence of the loving and cordial Kingston,1, . relations existinx'betweert the faithful his b yrtl* Nivins; Fla Sittlows. Allan pastor and his flock. rheumatism in Marshall, equal ; May Wilson, . Miry bago) for two yearti. Five bottles Scrimgeour, Dprothv Ta"cott" Alice It Will Prolone, Life. -De Soi,it, the of Dr. Hall's Rheum aitia Curecont- Fraw. Cleveland Richards' Magg"o Spariiard,, lost his life in the wilds cured him. This great blood McIver, Oletlabraith, Velant, Donglag, _of pletely -Glaoiks, - Iff-6onte-O --on­ Gilli'v, � the legendary Ha$Mprtfu equal; Ernest Bates, pose 0 of diocoviorifig pu or In Put up Floigtie, fivountal" of perpetual youth." sold taining ton days treatment. Pries to exist in that then unknown country 60 ants at all dru to or Dr. t' rose otiLda I. -Senior IL to Junior 11t.- While Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil wili Hall Motooliolne Co. ,�9;336 COcil Stewart, Maud f3eilk0m, tl&ttid not perpetuate youtb, it, will remove =11rjThomas Elliott, Pearl Evans,, the bodily paint which make the ohriloWn. Gr4cia Wise. equal; The beirs of the late Col. Jacob D. joung old belore their time and harass B,kee, who residetl In Philadelphia Ala"00 Young. Pend macGilliv(sy. 1164ked. into untimely graves, about 1750, and died therinleaving tin Gordo Vanstone, Grat,6 Mileflettle ; Afle Hoindetson. Alex. McRae, equal; (state -now valued at SM.000,000. are A most Important organization- again taking st=ita have the affairs =0 Uoirtin. Gotdoll Drinkwitter. the Clinton l9fla Association --has of the estate e up and th q4- IRrn Colborne, Bert Murphy, been fothied, with ablint, 0 members. ceeds divided. Many of the beh-911 PrIlvoell. -ibintno, , M,ty 310 r1 0, ,'Owning to the liberality of the Dealt. In the vielnity 44 1 herr. Nelson tray _ of Corn all. Mr. Baker 111triI MAY e 'inal . nion Goverment it gives gratis to touch at his 4st,th left it large family, and ItImil, 0 nlvtdona too Or more I'IflOR- his libirs were multiplied mnny�ttmes srl it five thounalld rouildli Of. sm. in each succeeding generation. One ru fair. Ida Opp. 11A 11 munition-eqnal to 100 tOun"14 $0 branch if the faujily nettled In and 'the p+tla(ie sohex,is bill re open On each member. And for this consider around Cornwall, and at a recent are anon they belong to the reserve force meeting at the descendants of the y i'sque+te+i to rise that the Of (Taklada. A room itbout 60 feet long branch between 70 arid 80 blood I ela. will be secured for target practice Clone wells present. Part of the pro, it. I with the Morris tube, for storage, and Potty clatined to lielong to the estate a oteeting place for general basinoss. Is= Acres of land in the city of PhIlla, A Ow*fully Prifiliared Pill.-Iliftleb delphia, on 200 of which the Zoological Ujuto and attention were expended in It the children' ire physic none Gardekw ate located. The original We 09porlmontins; with the In. acts so nice Worm pb,,. Bailor also 10t a large main of money Atildlents IhAt Ontoti Into this corn- •dere. very pleasant CAC take, When deposited In' the North American poidWrii: Of Parmeloe's Vegetable Pills children are twevi4b, and restless at Bittw, which ban since double itself beraror they were broughbro the state night, they require A dose or two of several times. The Colonel was an In wb$oh tney were first offered to the Millers Worm Powders. For "to by uncle to the fate John Wise. of the poiliffe, WhoLtever otherFilla tarty lie, all dt,*rist*. Hilton road. Tackerstialth, father of rarme4oteeVolgetAble Pill areth6re. the Wise brothers. who At* well suk of ratieft export study, and all per -Thera are Im mAny cough Inedlelfies known. tolk* MAMAring froth d mpepsia, or dio• in the market, that It to sometimesan"Y's May CO"' difficult totall which to buyt but if Co them 44 What boing We had acough, & Cold be Any offlietton ld Darnp Weather iIboy am represented to be. ofth" throat or lungs, *0 Would try brings in Its train Grippe, COW, Con 1. Bicitle's AntiiConsumptive Syrup- Catarrh, etc., which an often the Coughs, Presbyterians of 114yflelti have Those who have used it think It It tar tonetooft'he&"ddisessecousmptkm- 0006hAAWA, lot frinti Mt. Gardner., on ahead Of &It Other PtePRI'AtIOUS tinictIni, Olt" Uroligat Square. paying $M for it, mendpol for such complaints, The arip.Quinine Tablets ad whielt killy pwpo" budding their little talks like It as It is pleasant as syrup. prevent and cute all tame of throat and Ititig ilffectifts, and ftimtktAct the effect *C 0it exposurer ofr all Winds, Glip-Odhint Tablets will Prevent 7011 11 taking cold Xffl, 8 Go Tho Bell Telephone Co LAGIUSIVO a 009". j�j , 4 .1 , 7 '. I I . . 1, . ", A tablet 116 -nig _ht will walkeft yAll witiothiii 4 plo'"Ilte AlwAys the Best, often the chespeat. light. All 40allits 00 th"16 X& 04114 WVt4 am .04te"Wilog Desk not I# Towr 001j e. hx0liport ltrimked many times about, out I*t -gold' by 8. L, ItiditGodetlex It brings , busind", Wo are- to full swing displaying our stelm *03 neco 9WAIGOWn,ittid ottare, Invited.to come Thera ate not Many country V -440h tittle. litAnd pee ureal. Mill not'lia "arr thosixoptj places T" 041 TolwAtilio 4to. -40desboro that 02Ao twitat of W flutT1006 Oltbet, but It You Wish. Wei Will h4viogib0ir, church' rovertv Prattle - Om partae* put aside Allythbig you JMAY *elect until ^111 free of debt, Rim, Presbyterians Uml&Xiloo, or, Otildiodeb, you do tequirs. own Agaud manse and church there, 01'r Art ClklftlAtt, YOU *111 gli Into. wb0t, we behaves is pottl for', And the. rtpturom 0*4w. Nothing to- #""fm thent Methodists h^VA Oneot the bestchurell tri OA**d4*- at this storm only. � properties to lie found in `tile 4611hay ALa for thh, year. Boy*' OWP. Oft]%' Own.141onday atllome, jAlAnte, -wiiiiijitink PffItir"Option church and MIX, untima, B"s of the Umpire, Ohlwt Comr*o1lita, Prater dti*mrt shed, tin which t to debt is lost 4w rwooe lwk.ft as an irwhers In Canilda, than IM, This shows that, the Wple d TIP IN OP" 111,00 tollitIO114 for C111`141011131149i And at. AtOlOyet to theft CharCh#% Fr betwooA Yolanift to jwlectfrom. W horm, In CAnsaK egg, yet, get lir-ave ? Oh,'yo% thili it a tog Book 6torim and not s6 bogus one svior Boviltot and Hymn Books for all oharthft:i 10 0 tba N*w 11faith plook for ft (loomMil Chureb, ranging In 611fli, AAlk to 111" Client, I 04k *kVA 1-0 TiEWS BOOK 8TvN tr mother' should so t iter from It to IS wtioirt Atitwca%lonal ratio" of 4"ItA Iran pjlllv> Man -who wero ollwood, to (IREAT REMOVAL 4%'*)ALF.% 0 UR13tisiness has grown to such diatensions that we have d0jod to move to larger pretaises, *nkl will in coasipkjuenco offior o -3r whole sto-Of of Pianos, Organs, violists, Quitr4m an4 all other Ines, &C', at 7 018NUINIS"BAR IN Pi ICES until the ist of January, x902. This glad season should remind STAR readers, of, gift giving, and, we would Ll,cil pleased to have you make your selection dere. AlbrRemember, this Is a Genttine Removal Salo, and the, chance Is one, you may never meet ugain. Roo. Wo THOMSON a0d SONI Ausic, and 810clo Dettlers, GodeMb. S itWS Pildfure and Ari j)eports .M1 -Hand fainted Souvenir Calendars and, Christmas Cards, entirely new, sold here only. ,20 per cent. off all 'Fine China, Leather, Silver and Celluloid Goods. 50 Per cent, off all Toys, Games, Dolls and Picture Books; 'going out of that line. Try us for Elegant and Suitable Presents, It will save you money. ip Picture r t d e 3 It will Wilmer Smith, 1.I1Xr TOWN-RALL;­ if I CRISTMASa NEW YEAR FRUITS;, V^11 A n -- tin we are better than ever prepared to supply your wants DoWt fail to call on *Ju. extended A Received "THE GLAD HAND I" a"t always Time. STURDY & C-0 0 Telephone 91 a large assortment of Todhy, in all his areas requiramentn' won demands P, trinity of com• flirt, utility and ,tyle—elso the boat invention goes to Cho wan. STILL LEADING Xmas Perfumes Men's Trousers and Fancy Vests, for instance. Boots, The CHEAPEST and BEST ever W E HAVE THE GOODS brought lite Godarich. Shoes, Rubbers 000000 and, they comprise the very latest Trouserings and the N,weG6 Am we hAv9 just opened the largest stock of Boots, Shoes It bb and Novelties iv Fancy Vestings. Nothing can be more suitable for goods ever shown In Goderich, comprising goods of the following well k.'.',. PURE WOOD ALCOHOL. Christmas Present to rather, Brother, Cousin, or Gand— makers - X. ift Ti Bell, Walker, Parkes Co., 'Empresa; The Victoria Shoe Co., Gentleman pr, and a Bachelor cannot feel more comfortable or app wear more up -to. The Slattr Shoe Co., The Williams Shoe Co.. and E. T. Wright & Cc,. 04 Roc- IN BOTTLES, date than when wearing these Gooaa. and. Mass. In Rubbers e carry the following makes.- The Canadian. � Granby, Berlin, and the Glove Goodyear Rubber of Now Yet lo. We feel liat• for but Ping in Spirit Lampe, Etc., Etc. Mfled that win mi e are better position than ever to please our many patrons In M PIT, and PRIOU. Agent for the THF PRICES OF T HESE G OODS Wm. SHARMAN, Jr. Good Solid Goods at Fair Prices is our Motto. CELEBRATED "HONEST JOHN" are reasonable, and co masonablo that the ladies and gentlemen RUPTURE TRUSSES- who are looking for Presents obould call early. Medical Hall, Out Stock of Snifings and Overcoatinga was never better asadrted, ~ -N A&91911 and our largo ataff of work-peoplo are equal to ovory emergency. That Touches the I Spot 0 -ma F. JORDAN —FOR -- That Touches ethe Chemlatand Druggist.aced'S W,,.k & Impure BloodPRIDHAM, The Tailor. ystm Liver & Kidney.Diseases v or RenoN Ready -Made Clothing Renovator Female Complaints, &C. It rol gial r , Ask Druggist, or write direct to J. M. MaeLEOD, Goderich, Ont. 8 now a Science In Tailor cm 91=1 I Ing, and to keep tip with USEFUL NEW YEAR FRESENTE -ms., Residence and 1Aborat4orr—XowRa . Lts Street, tbo Old Stand, In rear of Knox Church. the demand I have just put In a fine stock of goods It has become the custom to make New Year Presents of made tip ov the best menu- a Useful character. facturers In -the Dominion. In BtVle. Pit and Work- J. Brophey & Son ARE ANY tuanship these goods are not, sur- pasoed. If equalled, anywhere, and Have just placed ill stock a splendid lot of Plain all([ YOU ,.% HEAD I Make. Fancy Dining and Parlor Chairs, Rattan and Cuslijoll THE PRICE FIGHT Rockers, &C., ranging ill price $2 tip. There is no mortz DEAF NOISES . You only have to onamme these to oce l suitable remembrance for the liouseliold. ALL CASES OF tue Big Bargains, are. We also have full lines, of Furniture and Furnisliings, DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING 6MV otock of piece goolln (fall clasoP. front the eves kneick- S11Ch as are suited to every watit in a well regulated household, about to full drpvja bulto In collitillite and it will P?y you to make your purchases front tis. ARE NOW CURABLE for Pall and Winter or lar. by our new Invention. Only those born deaf are Incurable. InApection requeq,,ed. Call aR4 see the Goods—inspection costs nothing and it HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY- HUGH DUNLOP w"I be a pleasure to show yott through. F. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORK, SAY191% DAT"fluonic, M., trarelljo. t- beta entirely -cured of dtafnem tanks to yoor trvitment, I will t1ow give you a fall auto of iny ease. to be used at ),our discirction. About ve'lears age gv right tar beglin Losing, and this. kept an Setting woral. until 11021 CANTELON'S •J. Brophey & Son, tuy bearing in I car int re n V.- Eo"'led a num- e r 0 4" lot "o"" "`0"""" noy 20 1" head no 0 "n that the 11 others he he m " ' ear speciallxt of !"'a only e g M "`4 even 'y rem ni b 00der no r 3' it me thn Undertakers, Embalmers, and Furniture Dealers. I most , A only ab 0 could e fiat lCes soul Padry, Oyater Patties, Tarts. ment ff"" �d ld b 1--t - �d . lk and """ed hely me, t - her 0' ii"y 'c" 1" de., I. e - ill. dl lly t� bill the "d, your itent. Bbort Broad and Cream Rolle. ild used i f.- d went. Ah" d -.1 aved, and Minco Pies and Le Fingers. to-0ar. afar rI lt,­Q 1;the 1- -d ear I... been entirety rentorrd. r thaul: Yom beariiiq and b.t I. remain V. trlil Kismem, Macaroons. 14at arigues. yours. IV An. a riallhuore, ]rd. Brandy Snaps, ate. '10" 0 faro W 1, V, lot" Are as good as the best made In any I tin On jul 13 11011310all Olt in Canada, dt'ke free. rose. Yantalon leads the trade in VITERNATICNAL AURAL CLIMIC, 596 1A GALLE AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. WEDDING CAKES. Skates Skates Skates,.P in tansy deftning, and ornamenling Sere is a Pointer. Another t1urnn pioneer hag gone to and almond Icing. Give him an order Because you litwon'tused Catartho_ rest, In tile perann (if Wesley Pittriern and your catiofaction will be anoured. zone Is the Wool; reason why you should Deceased wsta bdrn In the county Of 2% ape It rl L away. It wilt cure the 11albon 111 11323. and moved toinweal us PGANTFELO�1111 N-. 6 Acino Bprino Shaten, all aizen ...... 40C catarrh Lft!at makom.-i your breath to Wmwnnoqli about 44) years ago BY heavy and year hearing tie prior. for b1trivolf. fie was aconingtent e $1.25 induptry ba inalle. a comfortable home WItSTi.AT­G"v;,k10H, • No. 10 nickel plated, OAt'LPrbo7Aue 1# A se'lint"le ente for tier of tile Methoollitt church for inpill -- -- - -- - ­­ Royal 110clivy ....... .............. .... I ... ... . 1.00 atArth. bronchitli And Asthma. reentry. fifty01 mendexl bil, doetors anti dragglato a4 a. are. He was kind hunharri 11 Porfection 11*00key. ....... ... ... I ........ ............ 1.25 7)ntod IAIP'4r jjQ1, lovIvirs - Mr. Hentir-A. .62.0m w16, two tons #%oil ono da curer L11 " Zvfatryti the oldest druggist In Halifax. ii-tym daughter to r.aaiee' Daioy Hochoy ........... .......... 1.50 ,10marrhozone $lives m:1110ftictlols maul" Ilia less. Perfoct Ilachoy. . .. .......... . ........ L'SO wherever it woes. It Is simple and -Zc b"S g�.4. 1. A..M. tont...` .1. .8 ...... ...... . tz:ct,ol =,70 & OUS100-6 Vla'att--n, ftortha=d, convenient to 000"JAnd enjoys fidly-1 PLEAS13, NOT2 THIS PACT. tint or Ivorntrob I Tbo�tl� 117P binjostic floctioy . .......... .............. .............. 2.25 three times the sate Of any othpr iiim of Actalit Basinio". .25 tatarth ramedy told in We city." :W -A Catoirrhotond Is scuarsnteed to cure. That we aro' fully prepared to suppli, Dominion Hockey .......... ....................... . . .. 2.5 and it it falls you can have your Vitro druga Lightning lloiclmy .... .. .. . ......................... .3..50 I"661i'll'Pidtlitned, Prise711,00for two And medicines are conarned. Ctttelul thentl0s treatment, Small nIzO 250, and accura&� family dispensing IN our Mill Wood DtuggistitorPoiltoilik Co., Xingstau. flr.t4,. Ivo havo a frill line of Hockey Pucka, AnNo Supporto. Shin put Wie continualiv aim to plead(, For Sale 6UV patrOng In two great Guarda, lhelipy Bticlg. S!Iato Straps, 1140- NV6*6 might have irtoolted Iti a sari• quality and lotv prices. Tho above Is cut into atovo wood out tiottittit h-tppened at, the 4epot at Otly stock of Tollob preparatfoull 1000th and will ho dolivMd to BUY Rx6tor4 It appears % lir. Creery, will Interest you, pprt of the town the sama day as 1:2j'A Handsome 0alondoir givon with ovory pnrehaso. PAINdf; Oftmv (joItrq) '4 6. 0. 0,110red. shunting earn. And while On top Of Ono vitil)&P 001"ll 0691111oUnd it the * Ordors roceivod by folophouo or slipped and fell to the ground, a 4w Wtht-InoYou should use b�rk In, Nt tonc6ofAboatfifteen feet. Anumlice It W Lt left %& 129 Cambria t3g. will recono WIT lack ptrvo onovgvl wiltu tho lwdv ." Of cars. to which the ellgind wao flaorly nbutished, wben. volt 6 . prompt altontion randown. Josprit��l it aro 1,410 hh - RX 06 ROUGVIEI. 026DER10H. xitoboof. Wet& being sbantod hack to t r ev", ipaq' 'Phone 08. tbo ease from which ba haa fallen, Mot 11"A"netwokny 41 , I V Itiekily happened to- 61pp whora withiov Iletvol, Vie Cash "arch Store., alwitt * wan WO feet of wller8 Ito Illy, or ac'm and it-16128va Ii) Peter MEN 4 J-1 otbor"1100 he would hire been crallied W, C, (100jo-o' f" i0l, Goderich, Godol Eel]. Nov. Mt., X8 M- 11:4* T ..... . . . . . 1 DEC 27, 1901 Z� "sell-kates a+ tes We have the very, Beit . on the Market, at prices to suit everybWj. We sell them at prices ranging from '409. to $3.60. "+e.,. ALL AND SEE THEMI.-A' 9 7,1 H'OCKEiV STICKS I HOCKEY STICKS I 1 THE FA11,0US 66M1C,*MAC` STICK 1s ole of the Best Stloks on the market, 'We have them At 45c. The Spaulding Stick at .5oc., the Club Stick at :2ft., and A LEADER FOR, THE BOYS A genuine Rock Elm, Stick of good quality at 15c. SKATE STRAPS roc., i.5c., and 20C. per pair. --teaveyoJui-ri­ Skates With us to -6e - Sharpened. ALLAN & 11cIV I2, The Leading Hardware Firm. 'Phone 57, Honest Goods at Honest Prices. I